it was a rare thing for the gang to party like this. but was a rare thing for the gang to...

Post on 25-Feb-2021






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It was a rare thing for the gang to party like this. But for once, the raids had gone off without a hitch, and with the score that the crew had nabbed, they all felt that some celebrating was in order. The boss, of course, wasn't big on parties or celebrations, but he WAS quite fond of stuffng his scaly face, and ifany nonsensical celebrations from his underlings gave him an opportunity to do so, he wasn't going to object.

Said underlings were laughing, cheering and mingling among one another within the compound. The grunts were mostly drinking and boasting over the goods they'd all nabbed, talking about what they'd all do with their cuts, or slurring them, depending on how drunk any given thug was in that moment.

Among them, were the two primary enforcers of the fendish outft; a big young tiger shark dressed like an extra from a post apocalypse flm named Mako, and a raggedy, semi-armored mutant carnivore who went by Mauler. The two stood together apart from the others celebrating, with Mako helping himself to a sizable mug of alcohol, and Mauler helping himself to a sizable slab of meat, greedily chomping into it with his metal mask-concealed fangs.

“Bro, ya really gotta hand it t'the boss, he had that place on freakin' lockdown. No secret alarms, no one lookin' t'play hero, and look 'ere! Freakin' PAY. DAY!” Mako declared excitedly, grinning a big, fang-flled grin as he thought about what he was going to do with his cut of the loot. “Y'have any idea what I can do with that kinda scratch!” Mako asked excitedly...then went silent before adding, “, seriously, dude. Y'have any ideas? I'm kinda stumped there...”

“...Meat,” Mauler growled in that inhuman way, chomping down hard enoughto rip his meat slab in half with his fangs alone.

Mako just snorted and waved his hand dismissively, saying, “Tch, that's yer answer fer everythin', dude! C'mon, ya gotta want somethin' else besides thatfer yer cut, right?”

“...Didn't need cut,” Mauler replied between chomps, swallowing down an immensely hefty amount of meat all at once, causing a very sizable bulge to travel down his slender throat. He licked his fangs clean with an inhumanly longer and thicker tongue and went right back to eating. But in between bites, he added, “...Boss gave meat...lots of meat...all I need...”

“He should'a gotten you some speakin' lessons,” Mako joked, before pausing and thinking for a moment. “...Actually, naw, you'd probably try'n eat yer tutor, wouldn'tcha...”

Mauler just shrugged and continued ravaging his meal.

Mako rolled his eyes, but nonetheless grinned and whistled loudly to get the attention of all the other thugs mingling in the compound. Then, he raised up his mug and shouted, “Here's t'the boss, dudes! Was this a freakin' score or what??”

“To the boss!” The others all cheered in semi-unison (they WERE getting pretty drunk).

Seeing everyone raise their mugs, Mauler looked around, meat dangling from his fangs comically. Not to be left out, he raised what was left of the slab in his metal claws, as if in cheers, then went back to downing more of it. Mako snickered then started to drink from his mug when one of the thugs stumbled drunkenly and shouted, “Ahhhhh, Koloss didn't do shit!”

Mako froze in place upon hearing that, as did a number of other thugs.

Just then, a lanky thug stumbled towards him, spilling his drink everywhere as he held up a fnger pointedly towards Mako and drunkenly slurred out, “We-we're-WE'RE the onessssher...who duh-did alluvda work! Whaddudid that big fatass do, huh??? He juh-jist STOOD there'n threatened tuh eat thosesaps! An' he gets t'hog the while we get the scrarps?! Howzat fair?!?”

Mako just stood there, stunned that anyone of Koloss' underlings would DARE talk about him their boss like that, drunk or not. Even Mauler went a little wide-eyed as the drunken thug started raving and ranting about how their boss wasn't so great. He turned to Mako and gave him a look that seemed to say 'can I eat him?' But, stunned or not, Mako shook his head dismissively at the thought.

Then, in unison, both of them had horrifed looks on their faces when a sizableshadow loomed down over the drunken thug.

“An' uh'nudder thing! He keeps threatenin' t'eat e'rybody if we dun play ball, right? Right?!”

Mako nervously held up a fnger and whispered, “...Uh, Andy? Dude...?”

But the thug; Andy (apparently), just kept on going. “Nuh, nuh! Garduntee you guyrls! Fat as fatty McFatbutt may be? Betya he can barely eat even ONE ovus! Let alorne a bunch of us! Hah, yeah, amirite??” Andy laughed drunkenly and tried to lean on whoever was behind him, planting his hand on what he thought was someone else's shoulder, only for his palm to sink a gooddeal into a fat, scaly belly instead.

Andy blinked drunkenly in confusion. He continued feeling up the scaly belly his hand was rested against, squishing his palm into it with an audible slorshing noise. Steadily, the drunken thug began to realize he was feeling up a fat stomach and not someone's shoulder. And then slowly, he looked up to see Koloss, the sizable bandit leader and humanoid crocodile, glaring down daggers at the man.

The big, burly crocodile looked down at Andy, whose hand was still frmly planted into Koloss' thick, scaly paunch which, on its own, stuck out from his muscular body by nearly two feet. That scaly beer belly of his proceeded to letout a very audible grumbling, which made Koloss grin as icily as his ferce gaze. The entire area practically went silent, which made it even worse when Koloss broke the silence with that deep, growling voice of his.

“...Care to repeat yerself, MEAT?” Koloss practically hissed through his clenched fangs.

Mako tugged at his vest collar nervously.

Mauler watched with an equally uneasy look on his face...and slowly took another bite from his meat as the scene played out.

The drunk blinked groggily a few times, but then looked off confused. “Huh, whaddud I say?” He looked back at Mako and Mauler and genuinely asked them, “Whawwus I say-OH! Right! Yeah, that big scaly fatass can probably just barely stomach ONE of us, y'know?”

Mako gulped and simply said, “...Nice knowin' ya, bro...”

Sure enough, the large crocodile-man proceeded to grab the thug by the collar and yank him right off the ground with one hand. He grinned viciously at the man and said, “Y'think so, huh? Well, how 'bout'cha help me test that lil theory, hm?”

“Uhhh...'kay? How?” Andy asked, too drunk to really comprehend what Koloss was threatening.

But, drunk or not, when Koloss opened his maw nice and wide and proceeded to shove him head frst into his jaws, he got the message...

“......Seriously though, how?”

...Or not.

Before he could say anything else, Koloss greedily shoved more of the man's body into his jaws. Mako, Mauler, and every other underling watched as the sizable reptile scarfed their drunk cohort down his greedy gullet.

Koloss slurped and scarfed, not taking the time to really savor his 'meal' like usual, but more just rapidly swallowing him down to prove a point. NO one talked to him like that, let alone his goons. His thick, scaly throat expanded exponentially as Andy's head and shoulders began to push down his gullet.

*GLOOOOOOLLLK!!*Koloss gulped heartily, causing that already beachball-sized lump in his throat to expand exponentially as Andy's body descended further and further down his gullet. Mako grimaced with a mildly disgusted look when he heard Koloss' throat squelch sloppily around his prey. Mauler just watched and took anotherbite of his meat, a bit jealous that he didn't get to eat Andy instead.

Steadily, that thick paunch of Koloss' began to round out more and more as the man's body started slowly sinking downwards. The greedy reptile had worked down more and more of Andy's body, so only his feet remained kickinghelplessly from Koloss' jaws. But then, Koloss' thick, slimy tongue slurped Andy's feet up, allowing Koloss to clench his jaws shut and with one last especially thick gulp...

*GLUUUUULLLL-CUUOOLP!!!*Andy had fnally descended into the belly of the beast.

As Koloss' stomach bounced heavily with the inclusion of its meal, it immediately bulged out even more, expanding to nearly fve feet which, relative to his monstrous frame, gave him a kind of 'balloon belly', but was still considerable. Andy plummeted with a thick glorsh sound made from Koloss' blubbery gut welcoming its meal. As Andy slowly and drunkenly squirmed around inside, Koloss' considerable belly moved slightly along with him.

Koloss gasped heartily, before gripping his enormous gut frmly with his clawed hands and unleashing a massive belch...

“BEEEEEELLLLUURRRRAH-HOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRPH!!!!!!”That monstrous and near-fve second long eruption caused his hefty belly to jiggle with the evacuation of stomach gasses as well as a few droplets of slimy saliva. When it ended, Koloss smacked his lips and gave his belly a few domineering pats, which made his gut slosh heavily with each hefty slap.

“Erm...g-good one, boss...” Mako said nervously before turning to the other gang members and adding, “...r-right, guys?”

They all started nodding and tentatively cheering nervously for their leader.

Koloss simply slurped that slimy tongue across his fangs and scaly lips then looked over his goons as he rubbed his hands contently all across his prominent belly. “Y'see this, boys?” Koloss asked, jiggling his fat gut in his hands for emphasis before adding, “This is what bein' top'uh the foodchain looks like. Mess with me'n yer gonna fnd out real quick what mouthin' off gets ya...”

“Baaaah, still dudint prove me wrong!” The drunken thug declared; his voice muffed by a thick layer of scale-crested blubber and the gurgling of Koloss' stomach. Andy kicked at the stomach lining somewhat, causing Koloss' gut tobounce and dislodging a deep belch from the crocodile leader. “ can eat ONE'UH me, sure...but'cha can't eat MORE of me...and by me, I mean NOT me...but...other Irv!”

The other thugs immediately turned to this 'Irv' goon who nervously held up his hands and said, “H-Hey, don't drag ME into this, man!”

Koloss snarled and gripped his bellyfat domineeringly. “Ohhh, yer just ASKIN'to turn into croc-fat, ain'tcha...”

Both Mako and Mauler watched the scene continue even after Koloss had 'dealt' with his insubordinate underling.

“Poor dude's so drunk, he probably don't even realize what he's sayin',” Mako muttered almost sympathetically.

Mauler simply grunted and chomped into his meat some more and said, “...Stupid meat...gonna get cramped in there soon...”

At that, Mako blinked then turned to his partner, adding, “Well, hol' up, bro. Yeah. The boss can pack it away like nobodies business, but TWO dudes? Nah, even he can't eat THAT much...”

Mauler glared back up at Mako, more meal dangling from his maw. And after slurping it up and gulping heartily, he said, “...Can to...saw him do it once...”

“TWO dudes? Uh-uh, I'll believe that when I see it,” Mako dismissed skeptically.

“...Calling me a liar...?” Mauler snarled, or as best as he could with his mouthfull of meat and some bones.

“Relax, I ain't sayin' yer a liar, bro. Just sayin' there ain't no way the boss' gutcould ft two people in there.”

“...Wanna bet...?”

Upon hearing Mauler ask that, suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Mako's head. The tiger shark grinned wickedly. Mako turned to Koloss who was still growling threats at the prey festering in his belly and said, “Yo, Boss! Got an idea!” Koloss and the others all turned to Mako, Mauler included while the bigdoofus went on. “How 'bout'cha prove that punk wrong?”

Koloss cocked a brow at his underling and said, “Hell're ya talkin' about? Ya want me t'actually eat Irv?”

Again, poor Irv's face went white while a few patted him on the shoulder, as ifto bid him farewell. Fortunately, Mako shook his head and said, “Nah, but, like, we still got LOADS'UH food, right? Why not eat, like, a WHOOOOOLE lotta food so that'cha show Andy in there that'cha COULD eat another dude if ya wanted to. That'll show him, right?”

“The hell do I care what some meat thinks? He'll be fat on my ass in like a dayanyway,” Koloss said with a sadistic grin as he ran his hands over his fatty gutand gave it a hearty slap to taunt his prey. But while the slap did cause Andy to take a tumble, the drunk was hardly impressed or intimidated.

“He's jussayin' that 'cuz he's a big fat scaly CHICKEN! Mooing all the way home'er somethin'!” Andy mumbled, pushing at the thick stomach lining, which caused a smaller bulge to protrude out from the surface of Koloss' belly.

The beast snarled and pushed that bulge back in place, dislodging a belch in

the process. “BLLUUUUUURRRRPH!!! Mph, y'think so, huh? Well, Deadman, boy does this 'scaly chicken' have a surprise fer you...”

So saying, Koloss marched over to the plastic table they had set up with all thefood, causing his big belly to bounce and slosh with each lumbering step he took. The others all watched as the giant crocodile-man grabbed an entire pizza that they'd picked up, an extra large meat lovers combo, and shoved the entire thing right into his mouth all at once like one would a slice of bread if they were showing off. He swallows the entire thing, making his thick throat ripple as the cheesy meat lathered pie splats down into Koloss' gut, directly atop of the man trapped inside. And before Andy could even process that half a slime-covered pizza was squelching atop his head, a barrage of various meats spilled down from the esophagus shortly after.

“Ah, it's raining men...!” Andy drunkenly grumbled, kicking the stomach lining and causing the outside of Koloss' gut to lurch and slosh. The big scaly beast grunted mildly, but it didn't stop him from ravenously stuffng his face with every last scrap of meat he could get his claws on. The big brute wasn't one to cater to the whims of his underlings, after all, he was top croc.

...But a bruised ego? Whoooole over conversation...

As everyone watched their scaly leader stuffng himself into a stupor, Mauler nudged Mako with confusion, asking, “...Confused...why goad...?”

At that, Mako grinned at his partner and said, “'Cuz, you said the boss can pack it away'n I'm sayin' he'll reach his limit LONG before he eats an entire persons bodyweight in food.”

Mauler tilted his head slightly until it clicked. Then, he said, “...Boss CAN eatthat'll lose...”

“Wanna bet?” Mako insisted, throwing Mauler's earlier comment back at him.

The young mutant glared but nonetheless nodded, ever confdent in his boss' gluttonous capabilities. “...Stakes...?”

“Easy!” Mako chirped a little too eagerly. “If the boss gets too full t'fnish eatin', you hafta go vegetarian fer twenty four hours!”

For once, the mutant went completely white, as if the very suggestion of NOT eating meat made his soul evacuate his body.

Mako snickered. He knew the reaction from his partner would be priceless, but at times like that, he wished he remembered that his phone also doubled as a camera and could've captured that moment. Nevertheless, the cocky young shark then asked in between his cocky snickering, “Aww, stakes too high fer ya, lil fella?”

After coming to, Mauler's shaken expression turned to a stern, feral glare...but only feral because, well, Mauler was Mauler...

“...I win...? You deal with spiders...”

Mako froze mid-snicker.

“..................I deal with who-what-now...?” Mako asked, face still frozen.

Mauler's metallic jaws shifted into a wicked grin of his own. “...Spiiiidersss...” he practically hissed, adding, “...Boss eats clear out spiders...”

Mako was a tiger shark. Not a mature tiger shark. Not even a remotely intelligent tiger shark either, but a tiger shark nonetheless. But the mere thought of creepy crawly arachnids anywhere near him was enough to make the shark quiver with oddly childish fear.

“...Scared...?” Mauler asked in a tone of voice that was as close to teasing as the near-feral mutant was capable of.

“...M-M-M-Me...? S-S-Scared'uh some lil ol' terrifyin', evil, creepy, gross'n hairy s-spiiii...aherm...s-spiders...? Naaaaaaaah...”

If there was an Oscar for 'Least Convincing Actor In The World', Mako would be the winner for life. “...Deal...?” Mauler asked, extending the metal, clawed hand that WASN'T currently holding a slab of meat on a bone.

Mako did his best not to whimper, but nodded shakily and managed what he hoped was a cocky grin as he shook Mauler's hand. “...H-Heh, hope ya like tofu, dude...”

“...Spider near your head-”

“GYEEAAAAAAHHH!!!! WHERE?!?!?!” Mako shrieked like a scared child, then froze again as all eyes, including Koloss' were rested squarely on him.

Even from inside of Koloss' slightly more swollen belly, there was another internal kick that made the whole thing jiggle. “Hey, keepit down, Cat Shark!Summufus're tryin' to sleep!”

Mako smiled sheepishly and waved to everyone before stepping back with embarrassment. Mauler snickered with amusement while Koloss just growled and went back to chomping voraciously into the piles of burgers meant for everyone else. The greedy green monster shoved one juicy, greasy burger after another right into those mighty jaws of his and pulverized them. He gulped some of them down whole even, all without showing any signs of slowing down.

Inside of Koloss' belly, the contents consumed all began to steadily stew around Andy, flling the slimy, damp and feshy confnes around him with chewed up muck. All around him, Koloss' stomach gurgled and churned more intensely, causing the insides of the crocodiles gut to grow warmer while the feshy lining pulsated and rippled ever so slightly in response. But Andy, drunk out of his mind, was far from impressed. He just kicked the front of thestomach lining and slurred out, “See? You're taking forevermore!”

“HUUUURRRROOOOPH!!!”Koloss belched heavily in response to the kick, which caused his gut to yet again lurch and bounce out. The croc grunted and thumped his gut with a fst,causing it to sink somewhat into the surface as it rippled from the hit and made Andy tumble backwards into the muck with a disgustingly wet squelch.

“Zip it, Meat,” Koloss growled, but, almost unconsciously, began to eat at a more ravenous rate in response to Andy's goading.

“...Eat...! ...Do it, Boss...!” Mauler attempted to cheer, in between bites of his own.

“...Yeaaaah, you totally got this, boss-man...” Mako 'cheered' in a far less enthusiastic fashion, before leaning down and adding, “...He's totally gettin' full. No spiders fer me...and no meat fer you, veggie-boy...”

Mauler just looked back at the cockily grinning shark and looked back at the crocodile stuffng himself. But as he watched, he simply said, “...Left shoulder-pad...”

It was almost sad how predictably Mako squealed when he frantically began patting at his makeshift armor to swipe any potential spiders that may have been on his spiked shoulder-pad. Mako almost looked like he wanted to pout when he said, “Dude, yer such a DICK...”

Mauler just shrugged and took another chomp.

Meanwhile, Koloss continued chomping down his meal. All the while, the goons continued watching on. Burgers, steaks, pizza, everything they had been enjoying up til that point was vanishing down Koloss' gullet all at once. All the while, Koloss' already sizable stomach continued expanding little by little with every few mouthfuls the monster greedily and heartily gulped down. His massive, scaly belly continued to swell up, breaking the belt of his cargo pants and long since popping off his pants button. That scaly ball of blubber hung lower and lower from the beasts' torso, swaying with the slightest of motions from inside of his gut.

After downing a considerable pile of food, Koloss huffed lazily, and let out a HUGE burp, one that rumbled throughout the entire warehouse, once again earning nervous cheers from all of his underlings, Mako included. Mauler gave a genuine thumbs up though. It was, to him, a good sign that, at the ratethat their boss was stuffng his face, Mako was looking like he was gonna be in trouble.

Inside, the drunken, slop-covered man thrashed as best he could, causing all that messy, digesting slop around him to thickly slosh about as he hit the frontof Koloss' stomach, dislodging another deafening belch from the beast. One so massive that the confnes all around Andy rattled aggressively. But when itended, Andy scoffed and said, “That all ye-you got, blubber butt?! I know there's more food up there! Duntell us you're getting full already!!”

If Koloss could eat that annoying drunk a second time, he probably would've used his fangs this time...

“...Should'a eaten the food frst...would'a been easier t'shut yer ass up,” Koloss growled, thumping his gut in annoyance.

But when he smacked his gut, it didn't have its usual, pudgy and soft jiggle to it. The giant scaly dome had stretched out by an additional two feet, hanging halfway down his thick thighs. But while Koloss' stomach was fat and pudgy in its normal state, he was getting so bloated that it the surface of his belly barely rippled from his thump. Dozens upon dozens of pounds worth of food was now festering in Koloss' belly, along with one drunken pain in his ass.

In truth, Koloss was NOT used to tolerating this kind of insubordination from anyone. Most had at least enough self preservation to know when to keep their mouths shut.

But it was another matter entirely when the threat of being eaten was already delivered...and did nothing to quell the rebellious drunkard in the crocodiles' gut. Needless to say, this was a learning exercise the brutish bandit leader was NOT expecting to learn today...

Nevertheless, he kept at it, stuffng as much into his craw as he could manage at any given moment. All the while, as his stomach flled up with more and more food, Andy's squirming subsided, simply due to just how much it was flling up. Unfortunately for Koloss, that didn't stop him from running his mouth.

“Getting-*HIC!*-mph, full there, Santa Koloss?” Andy slurred, trying to kick but managing to barely move at all through the digesting muck around him.

Mako blinked dully upon hearing that. “...Isn't it, like, January...?”

Koloss simply growled again but mostly just ignored him. Or at least, tried hisbest to on the surface. Inside, however...?

...Am I seriously gettin' punked by this drunken meatsack...?

What was worse was that the big bloated reptile was, indeed, starting to feel really, really full. As he ate, he grimaced and massaged his aching belly. Normally, when he rubbed it, his clawed fngers sank into its pudgy surface, but at this moment, there was next to no give whatsoever. It churned loudly, causing Koloss' face to sour, before a deep, rumbling belch erupted from his jaws.

“HUUUUUUURRRLOOOO-OOOOOOORRRRUUURRRRK!!!!!”He grunted and gave his gut a few more frmer pats, burping again lowly, and working out another, sloppier belch. His belly usually jiggled whenever he patit, but it was so stuffed to the brim that it barely even moved. It almost felt like patting a massive watermelon lodged in his gut. Even burping was getting diffcult with how much food was clogging his system.

Koloss continued stuffng his craw, but it was becoming more and more apparent that the beastly gang leader was well past his limit at this point. Some of the bandits murmured to themselves. Mako grinned optimistically.

“Ha! Told'ja the boss had his limits!” Mako whisper-cheered in Mauler's face. But Mauler just growled dismissively. He had confdence that his boss would pull through for him. He'd sooner force-feed the beast and suffer the consequences than ever give up meat...

The others all watched with anxious uncertainty, inching away as Koloss groggily tried to fnish his meal. His belly had grown so massive that it was hanging just around his kneepads and left him slumping forward due to the sheer weight his gut now carried. He groaned miserably and tried to swallow down more meat, doing his best not to look as nauseated as he felt, but he couldn't mask the fact that his face was greener than usual. Nor could he silence the LOUD, sickly churning that was erupting from his giant belly.

Koloss grimaced and grabbed his belly with one hand. He opened his mouth toburp, but nothing came out. Cursing under his breath, he tried again but littlemore than a small grunt exited his mouth. The beast tried to gulp down some air which DID eventually work itself up as a sickly sounding...

“BRRAAAAAAACK!!!!”But the instant that slimy-sounding burp erupted from Koloss' jaws, he lurched and promptly covered his mouth, even going wide-eyed. The simple act of trying to work up some air in his stomach almost made the stupendouslybloated reptile throw up on the spot. He was so damn full that he couldn't even burp anymore without risk of puking up the contents weighing his fat stomach down. It was times like these that Koloss wished he just shot insubordinate underlings like any self-respecting ganglord would...

From within that especially overstuffed and turbulent gut, Andy was practically up to his waist in the sickly-looking slop that Koloss had wolfed down. He looked around glassy-eyed and drunkenly. Then, he held up a fnger and simply said, “...It really stinks in here...”

That was enough incentive for him to try and push his way upwards, by punching through the sphincter that connected from Koloss' stomach to his gullet. Again, that made the beast lurch in a sickly manner which caused all of his underlings to inch away nervously. Clamping his jaws shut, Koloss' facegrew greener and greener.

“...Urrgh...too much...f-food...” the beastly criminal grumbled weakly, looking like he was utterly spent.

Mako breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could gloat a moment onward, Mauler marched up to his boss and grabbed a slab of beef.

Koloss was about to ask what the hell he was doing, but simply lurched again when from inside, Andy punched at the entrance to Koloss' stomach to try andwork his way back up. But Mauler then placed his hand against Koloss' giant belly and without any prompting, started rubbing his boss' belly in frm, wide circles. His metal claws squeezed into the rock-hard surface of that massively overstuffed, scaly sphere. It ran up and down while Koloss' belly churned unpleasantly. The beast huffed breathlessly, but it seemed to be easing his overworked stomach muscles somewhat.

Even a deranged mutant like Mauler was a bit surprised by how stiff Koloss' belly felt. He had no give whatsoever. It was THAT jam-packed with food. But upon seeing Koloss sigh a little, enough so that his tongue started hangingfrom his maw, the mutant grew bolder and held up the beef towards Koloss' mouth.

“ meatbag who's boss...” Mauler growled.

Mako look appalled as he petulantly shouted, “Wha-h-HEY! THAT'S CHEATIN'!!”

Mauler simply glanced back at the young tiger shark and said, “...Never made any rules...”

Mako opened his mouth to retort, but quickly realized that the feral cannibal wasn't wrong. So instead, he said, “W-Well, FINE! But there's no way the boss can eat anymore! L-Lookit how stuffed the poor dude is!”

But Mauler just held up the beef and more assertively said, “...Eat...apex”

Groggy and dazed though the reptile was, Koloss snarled and said, “...D'ya even need t'ask, kid?” And without another word, the beast snatched the beef from Mauler's grasp with his jaws. He almost aggressively chewed it up, grimacing while the man inside of his belly continued battering away, but thateased up when Mauler continued rubbing his enormous gut, even reaching up to massage that thick, scaly throat when Koloss gulped his mouthful of meat down. Normally, Mauler would be way too short to reach, but since Koloss was slumped over due to his giant stomach weighing him down, Mauler managed just as that thick bulge traversed down that even thicker neck.

Satisfed, Mauler brought the last remnants of the meal left up to Koloss' mouth. The other bandits were actually getting more into it, cheering for their boss to fnish up since, hey, it WAS a sight to see him eat so much in so short an amount of time. But while everyone else was cheering him on, Mako's once victorious grin soon turned to a look of dread. Koloss was full beyond belief. He couldn't eat another bite. But Mauler continued rubbing hisbelly vigorously.

“...One more” Mauler spoke up.

Despite his unbearable fullness and despite being the boss, Koloss obeyed, opening his jaws and letting Mauler shove that fnal slab of beef into his jaws. The crocodile spent several moments chewing, looking utterly miserable as he did so, and more than a little green. Mako saw a shimmer of hope, seeing howoverstuffed he was and hoping he'd spit that last bit back up.

...Instead, Koloss dipped his head back and sloppily swallowed hard...

*GLLUUUUUUPH!!!*In that moment, Mako's heart practically sank into his own stomach when he watched Koloss swallow that last sliver of food. Slowly, it sinked down Koloss' bulging throat with a rich, wet-sounding squelch from his throat muscles. Until fnally, it vanished past his chest, leaving Koloss huffng, but opening his maw nice and wide and sticking out his drooling tongue to reveal it was gone.

This last act was met with thunderous applause.

Koloss would've normally punctuated the completion of such a meal with a wall-rattling belch. But because he was so stuffed and dazed, he simply held up a fst in victory...then promptly rattled the walls and shook the ground fopping onto his back in a near-drunken daze with a resounding

THUD!!!!!“...S-So...f-full...” Koloss groaned breathlessly, with his mountain of a belly jutting outwards and his thick, slimy tongue hanging out from the side of his maw.

Mauler simply climbed on top of it, making Koloss hiccup wetly while he rubbed his boss' belly all over with his gauntlet-clad, clawed hands. As he rubbed away, pleased that he'd won the bet, the mutant glanced back at the defated tiger shark and said, “...Vaccuum's in back...”

...Mako whimpered like a broken puppy...

The next day, Mauler was right back to chomping viciously into a rack of ribs, smearing his masked face with BBQ sauce. He grinned to himself as he ate upon hearing Mako cry out...

“GYYAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! GET 'IM OFF!!!! GET 'IM OFF!!!!!! GET 'IM OOOOFF!!!!!!!!!!” The poor arachnophobic tiger shark was honoring his side of the bet and already regretting life as a mere Daddy Longlegs dropped down onto the shark's arm. He was crying out helplessly and failing around to try and swat the spider away, not realizing it had long since been fung off of his arm and was already scurrying away. Mako stormed up to Mauler and angrily shouted, “YOU ARE THE BIGGEST DICK ON THE PLANET!!!!”

Mauler looked Mako right in the eyes for a moment, and CHOMPED into his ribs, still staring the furious and frightened shark in the eyes as he chewed. “...Winning...tasty...”

The shark was about to say something VERY colorful at Mauler when the two were interrupted...

“BWAAAAUUURRRUUUUUPH!!!!”A big, gassy belch erupted from the warehouse, catching the attention of both enforcers who quickly turned to the source. Having properly digested his massive meal from last night, Koloss emerged with a rather sizable and chunky-looking beer belly. His usually pudgy gut normally pressed out by around two feet even on an empty stomach. But after digesting so much food,Koloss' fat, scaly belly was looking even fabbier, hanging out by an extra foot or so and sinking into itself with some notable fat rolls around his sides. So much so that his belly sloshed and jiggled like a plate of gelatin with every lumbering step he took.

“, what the hell...” Koloss growled, rubbing his plumpen, fabby gut frmly. It sank into his pudge even more than usual.

“You, uh, feelin' okay there, Boss?” Mako asked, eyeing up Koloss' considerably fatter stomach.

Koloss grimaced, holding a fnger up to Mako as he felt another burp coming along. He then thumped his chest and expelled another large belch, grunting when it ended. Mako subtly fanned the air around his nostrils.

Mauler just kept on eating, indifferent to the stench of Koloss' stomach gasseswafting in the air.

Koloss huffed and said, “...Nah, kid, I ain't alright. I feel like shit...what the hell even haaaAAAUUURRRPH!!! Guh...happened last night...?”

“...Don't remember...?” Mauler asked.

Huffng again, Koloss grumbled to himself like he'd just woken up from a deep sleep or hangover and shook his head. “...Urf...feels like my head got smashed by a dozen crates...I dun even remember drinkin' last night...”

Koloss' belly once again gurgled intensely, so much so that it actually started jiggling from the aggressiveness of the bubbling inside of him. The crocodile slapped his fat belly, once again making its surface ripple beneath his meaty palm, before letting out another HUGE burp.

“OOOOOOOOUUUURRRRR-HUUUUUUUUUURRPH!!!!!”The belch rumbled out of Koloss for a few seconds straight, stopping mid-way before pushing out more aggressively in the end. Yet again, Mako fanned the air around his nostrils and stepped back a bit.

Koloss grunted again and palmed his fatty stomach, rubbing it up and down. “Urgh, my head's killin'' what'd I even eat??” Koloss growled, gripping his fabby belly and sinking his claws into that immense pudge.

There was an audible glorping sound when he dug into his belly fat, feeling around inside. “...Somethin' feels solid in there, what the...rgh, did I binge-eat after drinkin' again? I swear, when I fnd out who roped me into drinkin' so much, I'mma bite their damn arms off...”

Both Mako and Mauler shared a nervous glance.

“...Gruuuh, whatever,” Koloss grumbled, patting his fat belly again and causing it to slosh in his palm. He continued frmly rubbing his blubbery gut, kneading into it and groaning a bit to himself. The gurgling was unpleasant but he'd be lying if he said the added heft was unpleasant. “I'mma be restin' this thing off fer a bit. Anyone wakes me'n they're losin' a it?”

His two main underlings nodded furiously. Koloss nodded back and was on hisway out, much to the relief of both enforcers. He continued fondling his own belly, digging his fnger deep into his bellybutton, which sank much more thanit used to whenever he wigged his claw around in there. Must've been anotherperk to the added belly fat. Unfortunately, as he was just about to walk off out of sight, leaving both Mako and Mauler in the clear for roping him into their bet...

*GWUUUUUURRRRBLE!!!*A loud, gaseous churning erupted from the reptile's fat-riddled stomach, which shook around and sloshed from the sheer force of its grumblings. Koloss stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed his fatty gut with both hands before lurching his head out and unleashing a deep, throaty belch...

“OOOOOOOOUUUUURRRRPH!!!!”After letting that sterile gas out from his gut, said gut grumbled deeply in response, causing Koloss' face to sour as another gassy burp rolled out of him, followed by another right after that. He grunted and patted his jiggling belly frmly a few times with a dissatisfed, discomforted look on his face.

“Urgh, why am I so gassy all'uh the suuuuUUUUUUUHHOORRP...den...?” Koloss mumbled as another guttural belch interrupted his speech.

“Oooh! Uh, lemme help ya out there, Boss!” Mako said eagerly, adding, “Dickhead's got sauce all over himself, so, y'know, don't want none'uh THAT all over yer gut unless, like, y'know, yer makin' a weird porn or somethin'-”

“-If ya don't stop talkin', I'mma mount you on the wall like a Swordfsh...” Koloss growled a bit groggily as he muffed another deep burp.

Taking the hint, Mako rushed over to his boss' side as Koloss leaned back against a wall and unzipped his pants, letting his sagging gut hang out a little more. The young tiger shark thug placed his hands against Koloss' thick, immensely doughy middle, a bit in awe of how much his hands sank into that sizable paunch. “...Man, Andy must'uh been hella calorically dense...”

“Huh?” Koloss asked.

“N-Nothin'!” Mako yelped and began massaging Koloss' thick, blubber-laden gut. As his silky hands ran upwards across that soft, golden-scaled surface, Mako found himself surprised by how much fat was pushing up along with him. It was kneading his palms into a really thick and scaly glob of dough.

Koloss sighed contently as Mako continued rubbing the gang boss' heavy stomach all over. He eventually kneaded a rather tense portion of that belly, and Koloss burped loudly in response.

“BLLOOOORRRUUUUPH!!!!”It was short but it was rather impressively loud, as per usual from the big-bellied crocodile. After all, Koloss wasn't exactly renown for having the best of table manners. Once again, Mako fanned the air around his snout but nonetheless grinned and said, “Heh, good one, Boss!”

Not as good as the BEASTLY burp Koloss let out immediately after when Mako pressed down into that fabby belly even harder with a thick, audible 'glorshing' sound...

“BRRREEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRR-HUUUUUUUUUURRRP!!!!”Despite the stench of Koloss' meal and, what SMELLED like a lot of alcohol, strangely enough, Mako couldn't help but snicker at the feeling of Koloss' bellyfab jiggling around in his palms as the enormous brute belched. When the burp ended, Mako pushed down against Koloss' belly again and, like clockwork, another roaring belch erupted from Koloss' jaws along with severaldrips of slimy saliva.

Mauler simply watched, gnawing on his ribs indifferently while Mako, being the big, homicidal child that he was, continued pressing and squishing Koloss' largely plumped stomach. And with each push, one ear-piercingly loud belch after another would rocket up his throat and expel loudly, aggressively and disgustingly into the airwaves. Koloss just kept on burping, again and again, still feeling a sizable amount of pressure festering in his gut. Until fnally, Mako grabbed his thick, scaly spare tire of a gut, and pushed down into it as hard as he possibly could.

Koloss' eyes widened, and his jaws snapped open...


AAAAAAAAHH-HAAAAAAAAAAAPH!!!!!!!!”...And out from the belly of the beast expelled a COLOSSAL belch, louder, longer and far more aggressively forceful than any Koloss had let out between now and last night. It exploded from his jaws for nearly ten seconds straight, causing several strands of slimy saliva to splatter out of his mouth as the stench of his innards wafted all around the area. Mako could actually Koloss' rippling belly defate ever so slightly from that giant gas bubble fnally evacuating his innards.

He continued pressing down on the crocodiles stomach, to get as much of that pressure out in a TRULY deafening eructation.

As Koloss belched, however, something else few out of his mouth and splattered onto the ground in a heap of slimy, sticky drool. The others hadn't noticed it of course, because by the time that record-shattering burp had ended, Koloss was left panting breathlessly as his fabby stomach rose and fellwith a humorous bounce and jiggle. Mako burst out into a ft of laughter and said, “BAHAHAHAHA!!!! Hoooooly crap, Boss! Dude, that was epic to the MAX!!” He gave Koloss' belly a few hefty, congratulatory pats, causing Koloss' gut to ripple and slosh with each pat, and dislodging a deep afterburp from the beast while he caught his breath and sighed with relief.

Then, out of nowhere...

“Oh, THAT'S where I left my phone,” called out a very familiar, more sober-sounding voice.

Mako and Mauler both blinked in unison and turned to the source of that voice, only to fnd Andy rubbing his head with sunken eyelids from an extremehangover as he stumbled towards the drool puddle and pulled his cellphone out from the heap. He squinted with disgust but waved his phone around to get as much saliva off of it as possible. “Wow, can't believe it still works. These phone cases really ARE lifesavers...”

“...Wait, you're still ALIVE...?” Mako thought to ask.

Koloss just cocked a brow and asked, “Hell're ya talkin' about? An' why was yer phone in my gut?”

“Oh, 'cuz you ate me. But after you passed out, it was easy to kinda climb my way out of your throat when you were lying down. And once I was out, I just started pouring a bunch of beer down your throat when you were sleeping. Think I was still drunk when I did that...thought I needed to keep your stomach heavy or something...that or I just didn't want you to remember anything from last night. Dunno, Drunk Andy's a weird lil schemer...”

Koloss blinked, then looked down at his much fatter stomach, gripping at a thick fat-roll near his hips. “...Guess that explains this'n not rememberin'


A deep, bassy belch erupted from the corner of Koloss' maw to punctuate the end of his sentence. Mako just coughed and fanned the air around his nostrils, adding, “Probably explains why yer burpin' so much too, Boss...”

Koloss just grunted and thumped his chest to clear his windpipes.

But then, upon processing what Andy had just told him, a question occurred tothe brute. “...Didn't want me rememberin' what, meatbag?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, think I said some things when I was drunk that you didn't like,and these two got you to stuff your face to prove me wrong about how much you could eat or whatever...”

Mako immediately sputtered, and since his hands were still on Koloss' gut, he made the croc's belly jiggle around in the process. “Wha-pah! Th-That's SLANDER, ya alcoholic jerk! Lies'n slander!” Mako nervously yet assertively shouted.

“...Yeah...gonna eat liar!” Mauler growled, taking an assertive chomp from his ribs for emphasis, bones and all.

Andy just shrugged and rubbed his head, muttering, “Yeah, honestly, the details are real blurry...but think I butt-recorded everything when I was in your stomach.”

Immediately, both Mako and Mauler froze in place. Andy just staggered over to Koloss and held up his slime-covered phone, playing a video from inside of Koloss' stomach. The croc raised his brows at the sight of his feshy stomach lining and the sounds of it gurgling intensely. “Huh, so THAT'S what my gut looks like inside, huh? Kinda weird seein'-”

“How 'bout'cha prove that punk wrong?”

Despite the distracting gurgles erupting from the stomach lining itself, the phone clearly picked up the sound of Mako's voice calling out to the crocodile. Slowly, Koloss looked back at Mako, who was like a deer in headlights. Then, the recording continued...

“We still got LOADS'UH food, right? Why not eat, like, a WHOOOOOLE lotta food so that'cha show Andy in there that'cha COULD eat another dude if ya wanted to. That'll show him, right?”

“Why the hell would'ja get me t'eat even more, ya stupid hammerhead?!” Koloss snarled.

Mako inched away nervously and smiled sheepishly, saying, “Buh...b-because,uhh...'cuz yer the man-er...croc, dude! We wanted ya t'show that drunken jerk an' everyone else why they should NEVER talk crap 'bout'chu! An' it worked, right?! Everyone else saw you were the dude after that!”

Despite still glaring at Mako, Koloss' look of annoyance shifted as he considered what Mako said.

The young tiger shark, upon seeing that, grinned a little bit and puffed out his broad chest. “Y'ask me, someone deserves a raise fer bein' such a, y' thinkin' shark-bro! That's gotta be worth somethin', right?”

...Theeeeen the recording continued...

“If the boss gets too full t'fnish eatin', you hafta go vegetarian fer twenty fourhours!”

Once again, Mako was frozen stiff as the phone picked up on the sound of Mako and Mauler placing their bet.

“.........It caught that...?” Mako asked, still smiling that confdent smile in aalmost petrifed, 'I am so dead' sort of manner.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, these phones have really, really good audio,” Andy remarked, not at all catching Koloss' snarling down at both Mako and Mauler and looming over them.

“...You idiots got me hungover'n fabbier...'cuz of a BET...?” Koloss snarled.

The two nervously inched away, even if that included Mauler still nervously munching on his ribs. Mako smiled nervously and said, “...If, uhh...if it's anyconsolation...y-ya rock that fabby gut pretty good, Boss...someone out there's gonna be all over ya...”

Koloss grinned wickedly and said, “Ya think so, huh? Well 'bout'cha help me add a few more pounds while yer bein' so helpful...”

Mauler blinked and held up the ribs towards Koloss.

“...Not what he meant, bro...” Mako insisted.

“...Meant to run...?” Mauler asked.


And in unison, both underlings bolted, running desperately as fast as they could in the opposite direction. Koloss roared angrily and chased after them, his fabby gut bouncing and sloshing with his charging, causing him to belch a few times as he sprinted after them, shouting, “URRP!! THAT'S RIGHT,


Andy just watched the scene play out and shrugged indifferently. “Meh, bet that fatass couldn't even eat those two if he tried...”

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