it takes a shtetl to raise a child

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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MJGDS The Twenty-First Century Shtetl

It takes a shtetl to raise a child.

So, what’s a shtetl?

In Yiddish, it translates to a small town with a large Jewish population which was located in Eastern Europe. Learning and education were the ultimate

measures of worth in the eyes of the community. The shtetl had a consistent work ethic which valued hard work and frowned upon laziness. Studying of

course was the hardest work of all.

I view our school as a modern day

version of a shtetl .

We need each other to successfully raise a child.

Most educational institutions tend to emphasize academics. We have the opportunity to teach our children the importance of tzedakah and acts of kindness, which were also essential values in 19th century Europe.

One of the most well known people who represents the shtetls of yesterday was

Tevya, the milkman from Fiddler on the Roof. Everyone knew each other in the tiny

village of Anatevka.

The same is true here at our school, where generations of families all know

each other.

Part of the strength of the shtetl was the collaboration to make sure that everyone’s

needs were met. In our modern day shtetl, we work together toward a common goal.

By collaborating we share ideas, resources, and solutions to problems.

Student to student sharing knowledge

Teacher to TeacherCollaborating our efforts with co-teachers to

enhance lessons and teach values to help raise each child to be a mensch.

Student to TeacherStudents taking an active role in teaching twenty first

century learning skills to their teachers who were not taught these new skills as students themselves.

And let’s not forget parents!Collaborating with parents as part of the solution to

raise our students are essential to ensure a nurturing environment.

Communication is vital for success of the community.

The shtetls of Europe kept to themselves to the point that they isolated themselves

from the surrounding communities.

In our twenty first century shtetl, we use email, blogging, twitter, skype , facebook, and you tube, just to name a few ways to communicate.

Our students will be more adaptable to society, as they gain knowledge from blogging, skyping, and communicating from far corners of the earth.

It does take a “shtetl to raise a child”. No one , not a teacher, school staff , nor a parent can do this by themselves.

After 50 years, our shtetl continues to thrive because of the foundation that was set by previous generations. L’dor v’dor.

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