it lives in alaskan dog food it a mamma it has a bush tall

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Alaskan malamute chloe

Alaskan malamuteby chloe it lives in Alaskan Dog foodIt a mammaIt has a bush tall

Tasmanian tigerby mattit has light brown fur with black strips along its backgrasslands Australia tasmainia dinsoes it eats wallabes rabbits sheep goats 65 pounds its not realeated to the tiger

DACHSHUND BY BRADON BUCHANANIt has wide droopy ears, a long body, a long neck a long tail wide feet black or brown coat with short or long firDog foodIt is a mammal

Tasmanian devilby Chris chamberlain It has brown color around each eyeLarge teethPowerful jawBlack bodyLives in eucalyptus forests and brush in Africa TasmaniaIt eats just about anything prefers carrionFemales lay 3 to 4 blind young

Walking stickhunter sjoden

It is Brown or green It lives in trees It eats plants, roses, and blackberriesIt looks like gray and white and weighs 10 to30 Pounds.It lives in Australia.Eucalyptus trees.Patches on the chest. Koala by Hannah pipers

It lives on ice flows and the sea.Mostly fish and crustaceans.It is black and white and weigh up to 285.Harp Seals are hunted by killer wales and polar bears and people.Harp Sealsby Emilee Stewart

Dolphinby megan silisDark bule-grayIt lives the ocean in warm water.It eats it prey.It can live for 25 years.

Tasmanian devilby nick osborneIt has a black body and a pale ears. It lives in Tasmania like ether animals. The Tasmanian devil eats just about anything.The Tasmanian devils ears turn red when angrey.Yorkshine terrierby aymia stillwagonit lives in yorkshire england.It is tanDog foodIt has round feet. Dark eyes. Flat topped skull. Short horizontal. It has long hair. Straight legs. Medium muzzle with very long hair.

Canada gooseby hannah tallbacka Black eyesBrown billWebbed feet Lives in waterEats plantsDark head

Howler monkeyby Alana LenhartIt has black to brown fur, black eyes and face.They live in south and central America, and in trees.They eat leaves, fruit, seeds, and nuts. Can weigh up to 100 pounds.

Leafcutter males, are about 5 inches long. Leafcutter ants range from orange to red to brown to black.It lives in tropical forests, Semi Tropical rain forests of Central and south America, and in parts of Southern North America.It eats fungus.A leafcutter ant can carry almost ten times its weight. Soldiers are workers who defend the lines of ants that are collecting leaves. Leafcutter Ant by Levi Corlew

Zebra bullhead shark by Robert hagstrom it lives by Australia in the Pacific Oceanit eats small invertebratesNamed by Gray in 1831It looks black and white stripes 4feet long 6 fins

DOLPHIN By Lillian ferry It is dark blue-grayIt lives In the ocean warm waterIt eats fish and squidTheir tail moves left and right

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