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Post on 18-Apr-2018






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din oi.i)ent iiahv .tton.M. papkiiin m:w vouk city

Extipt tb Jsorsil of ti lbs

Clllkiri.Vr DAILY MRWSrArKtt El, Till: WOULD.I tue .r:w vi ri: ft n p..,,.... ,.,rr ,.r-.i-ir

J rrtb-ali.ia- ' it,. ,, ,,,,,, tlrflrn amy partfil.ti,d txr It A Ila - I l.;,t dtirhen Ila ' n.d a tiai a ILL viiiol.r. ia aJ -lf iM, IT USE HALF IIIUri;Il.K.n..iT fdi r .

11.1: rt N ti nti.fTfrj esr, rv a eairtarft Hi i . ilJ tLi kee,a, (,t a anaabaainii.Lf lit mutt uutiaia al MuaitiKlmiif l ilia rnalr i Ulrjii.THE MICE af Ik. taper, tl It. paMlctle-- .

Kill ST In Ll.bau by t... taudeis, TWO CENTSfLLCOIYllad Is ii im.4 by aam.rt l It.I TflotM, tt n,, ,1 ,mr .he iIm t. K ifffWIXVB CISTS I'EB Will at M.I by Mil .1

CI.Wk.rR01ITWENTYTOrlnYCESTi1UI rlei FOR ADrxtTHINO vary, iwil.

;j.'iu line, i.t ..a it.,1,10.,110 MI,M,M.fn laauig ld.aiWl-u.a- ti of eou..l la id.ltml dip.llmtat .HUB sun L, undertit ttkire ef Joatra .niAca,is k.BMn.,i.Ul lhavi ibou.d U eddi eerd. .

All Mini talk till t4adv.rlltfir,re'i,nbJ"1' fcn.rll.flhl pabbsaUe builaaaa khcurf UfJ4'eie.d'atbereilatr,

MOeES " '8. DEAtll.Caieel ( Sauta ul ralln ttnatl.

j . N- l- Veik Civ.

S.oolal AdverttiofliBnti- -


y Ha k.tcbea Hlil, u a ini. I i.m.mU.?:.,'.:,,1 uj1- -

AS UPRIGHT TUUUUK IIUII.KK IMIi T. "". 4 rf ( ! llb l"'" Call ar eddraaa (Ibd..a. ...t llll.b,lntb.,bmii. h.J. "YJJUI'llA MKHICAJN ami FOREIGN PATiWT

K. Alk ICIL, leal lo.. to ail as A- -

ru 1 til faiaaa cvom .atMl h LO, L.i. bU htiiiini !

" "--,c l"" ' .nj t. uui mm.n :orr lbl U,Ufaliill.eniMm tb. f.wui lhi ad .' " l"1lJ. Itil.iiuluwi tad Ulrica ftta. tllim

Viblssrr.'.iS" YMk " ":' tij

. A tx yut BtniscRinEKs or tiu MKIUCAK MOWER. THE O.SLt ShLF

1 "If,""?,!"'"'" (aMlaataaimMHCaKIMiH o? Tun AMr.UICAS' MIIWM.T.?1, ; H" 1 "- - uic- -

wiari o uiu,t i l,u," ",h"j o.brM.a .

aJn"J"?V,'V "I " mniaUolI,1,!' 1 raula taa lun. ab a..tir.' tLi'"u" ,a 'Jbl,f,tar-ra- ruia.i.o'iu- - Ii.lj latai. ibau"illiWi;MUi ttarblra..a!ftl.". '''" Ki.rlnj n' CIUU tlUtt aJf

J " fTr"?c' fr.'r central ertrl'iaFliirar!?.'.. bl h-- 01 Mt""T 1U"I"' u. tt.utr. .url.iciIi uiiiu aaiiriuia Ulrlilro. wliKil 1. ...a(l H.t mimt lltarAT .alurt. id a ii:fclIJIucr .bi.l araaia. tba Crl'a. u.r, luuivaJ.aUj o. Ibt wte.. auu u Uiullw, allbar .', urjiiri. iti li-j- i lu i.p.d I),t U nam iba l.vui a( Iba fiama whichGapo!" atarUwa iL..,.. Uaul

Ii u.iiAi aAiTarnan .i.TronTiic nilria,Itlaia.wutof r..u.4 ran ba Ih.u. a lu aiU onC ar l.ui iu n.alina,l ll bija-odui- , lUf. and can la lobl! allbaifdU

ll Ul l.lulli UUAtT.aod bu Mrucmiutl431 a i a r.ll U mi a alsipla aad ta.ll la I'i r.nni.Tctlon.I biA 1U 1 altli'adtb, a lib uabUaMCuUibLua. ILaiiia

. IlrAuualupbO.I i:r wnl.anttloo In ike aVcra. aad larlla lhaall Lo.la1pai. itra. m allalbarumiu- Itiltirai aaiAiuina ibi. Uonai,Uuii al llit'f pp o.abuu ar t l.i .uiv ird lih hira loroaa buraa

iViuuam van ii it'ieat,tl l'Jiibl.;lc, N. V.


"TO CI ICE ON.C.rrio ibi mill.aibtt ihaiwia lt La' 'id riovlb. Iiv.l .Ld itcrab uiu.' fl laIWpitpirn ta a.p.t'la c at.. fa ,r rbfilah'ca, ir ibau y.lic a.i. .Ml t.

aud fwd kt - i mid., 'amI

' aCUENi k'. M .S- -IUAi;c TII.I.J c.a. ta ttt .uuitD if llb.lla...

! Luc., m. oaiu'iil.ri tr ul.i a lin la. apvailia i. rule ai.Mbt ik. I almon cariwa.. iam miui a a I manl.b. u.qc batniva iaiu,dl.a. 41 ro

(rail l. aia .ipa'.l.d f. la lb. .t.i m. an a uia b.aud aia a, . aich 1 iap.i all ilea a.t ra will tika ibi.a u.dlila.. .icard n Utfliiat.oaa CaL.paitdlaa, . an liaaaa-l- la II. la I.tia. alu ria.a iadilr ui tba .ail.o. Tb lb3J. loca.iuaiba Um .a. BtLaej.

Ul do. Lat faM Ibai lav.twa lb. bowt 'a at. u tI I na .ti.r.l. aatrainlrrd. fji aaaiauuai is 41. fJ I Jin.bir..BMiii , T; a .urn b uuu la I l

1 b, and .a .ppe.lla i.a..4 w alu tka I'al- -l ta.aic H.iufUati im iba imp. i.ia.7 ait. it p o--f tlrtr, aad a ai inr IrtlUll.l. Tk.a all Ida Ii !

.Jinlrrd to par oia a fufa la tap rraataald. Kl.ialM abaal ba larmt a. wocu a.

a.i tvbtia il.ha. food, r.l a. ina.fut, ...ibiri tat tp,auu aiar,, bat bjand iaa.1 it- u a I.

taa.ack -- I I U p a art eaa3r ll Ml raora'. MN.a Ya k. frau A. . ii I r. 4, a.t e.In far ibaraufb aiauln.t ai .libiba a pi

lb. a 1. 1. a mil ioilr if toalcl.aaaia.1 ilmM tilh. Da a rvtuni.

rlrrap, dt Ml Ka c, ) t, ord.iau ir al.frjj auadiau I'i .t. i& par



NSOU8 IIAIK HYI.tTANllAJtll lira. O Tll WORLD.rmioa aLi ll iimta rta oi.Pra .! tuaar.'aiad br all ba a.ra tr!a 1

alANDAIUt IiVn OV TllK VuRLil IIin iba abada an iba uld in baeiaialla una Natutalaitd U niiat. ib" IMII HIJACK oim.ianttcmilr. aaiiitiautti ibjaiylalba

11 p.cinu a. Iba iiavil iui.aad af tailrorluclatua.a laallif in lit rna'a. It lllal

tba aldluli!an4 4jaa.ll lamii urtpia--lHi t aclauUnt tt.

a Air.t--u" pTthl tTCSTUM. M Hli.bakuni a.i araaraabauld la addtatie. lubaUki ila at all Dtaltlua, lit

. I TO ANI1IAIA-N01I- CE Tjlaitnltia --Iba toe at 10.- - 1L0 ,r

H Crarlt. 10 Anuualt i.tia ta cb'aln tn.oiui.l ou cuannrji 11 a tpprtrad oikflaiilbad

' arltuuii'in(diira,e Pialaj tb.Knforial ma nitH itiil l.b uiltaaailt) to taa Arri.H Iba at lb. kuclclr, bVa U.aadaar.forVaraAttb .'. tj,


E MTKOLfl CXIllhC Oa0m i. rulo t. rr 1 a.i t EuMl.oo alL'ab.allla(jjlK,t,tl.bldll n lttiii.ila, I.UUitik,lMil,t , ,1,rttlilrrlr oa paia aar dtnaa '.'iti ijiur '

K-- lili.ttitti n. Ica.apa4 Ij. and , lua

M4 pVi:KY "T'RKSOH TUU1'!ILID""WITI!l'j.VV . I d.l la,L.,t 01 An ill a. fiu.a. L, tn to 1 f tb n 1 b .L miM 117 a ba..lUat O

lll.l'KfalA AN:.lllIi.tTulllilt ly fr tb.iatt aai pa l.ra irre.df far4la araradaaata jat t;vufbt lia a amailm'b

ffttag put c. l.arrad aa.. ut aal .i4U.iBiboaMil tl, W.Un.'.uitb. I III al pal Ivit-a- , r,p

VT 9IH. sTl'll ALL THE M.v"yOI;Si-- bb.i. UulHllli.T AIUES. OE.NTH, MISsrS, HOYS A Nil

.Ld tin, a all bli.dt atII lll-.- K , Lval and bba. la.x.riiKt tS U.llr,yr liana u al. tU .


WffcSclk'd BOOT AND kUOZ EMfOBIUaf,.81 Uoaa.-i- ,

rarn.r of noot'in at.Ti-- ondaiti;'D4 eo!a u ly call tba allaa

flea If Ur public ta 0 Im.. a.-- ul bou'a auj, lo l.a.a.' lani." mm' 11 11' .ua Clt I

yfii riar, ab. u bia b'au ia..ctat aj.u b. s.iatttta. a Irvli lla tail rutiui ru a

UT.Hl nUIM AI.Lbli (iOI'liJ ACAMI n ILL 0 VK L .fluaI--



1 barpcar.a'.tntki u ritw a . Udt ai ' t,a Kindflt.tlW iki .by! t hm Kid tut bit. a Jt.a til;Mii a baa a.ock ol .uuu-- alt tnl aaoat,

Ilai a ca a J iktpai: w tvt tt ar. pur bulaci'iiabaia.Laiivn,

u 1U11 u t.a iiaa.ati Ciuiiuiiir al tl.a

I b. 1 ti'iaaUlat a lionaera Iltad dlwad lltlma.Al, au.cvb I .arraat. lai an al.

ua.tiul.ic ini aiu H an. IW.V..eCllESCK. Jr

tttl Hj..,),I tor. ll liiu.'aa ll, S. Y.

p.UI-rs-PA-Tl JTT.Cl'ATr.Nr.S. MI!NN

a! Cri, ctictmna W aol c.l 1'.. eti a and ol t .

'Mimiuft vw.acuouiu uea lurauiwUi, 1 tui--V id.f'tica, a. r s n.raipjiat. cf Imarin. rt f.ia. Ill,V,,"-- 'HBWlib KWOULnTMlTir

Mr to..b! hm i(.u tiicn ii. ru' (altKl. b

Thlrtv-FovthYca- rr NEW YOKK. PATrj.DAY, SEl'TKMHKIi 22, iT Video Two OniTfcURGPE.



No Alarm ro'.t,


Brand Triumphal raride.Itrjolclnift ii ml V.n iliimlnam.


HU Son to Sacooed Him,

Arrival Out of Steamers.

Vc, A.v., tc.Tba llrlaaaa llutbrraJi.

KLOftr.xCb, Sept. 21. Tlio ilot rtmong lieIrieaucU, uoar l'alcrmo, la not 10 aoiloua aa

mi nt Ural appralteiiilaiL Ko eUiirin U

felt.Tb rraaalan Array.

Dr.nLtrr. Sept. UL Tli rrusalao trrnj rrtuniliie from tlie war, mail grauil trlum-plan- l

rntrj of llir) N4tlol1.ll CaulUl to iliajr,

nilj tba gtcalftt rtithuaiaam.I The Trrnly.

rAitii, rVpt. 21. Li I'iuxch annonncf.lliat It ha cuili'a of tLo 8.11011 Treaty, hj nne of Ita provision., Kinj: John Itto abillcala Uia throne In fttior of hlatoo.

ArrltaJaOaULtTrnroot, Seiit. '11. The trnmhlp Iowa,

from Kow York, Sept lit, arrhid In theCljrle on the 19th Init.

LlTKliliKiI, Mnjtt. Thetraiiiahlu Carroll, from Ualllmore, ha ar


Latost Cablo DIspatohoxCandla.

TmritTr, Tho IWllth Legationat Atlwu haa authoriLttltnly ilcuii'il thatOri-a- t llrllnlii Im urnl upon the (toTcni-met- it

of Turkaj the ceailon of tlia lilnml ofUanilla.

Trie lllel Xear ralrrrao.FltnBKM'K, Stjit. 'JO It It untr knnwu

that a piirtj fmor.iblo to the KrpiililiKituiiuv

tlon of ll.ily win ut thehcuJ of the irrc.itrlotnear I'lilumo.

Cilia.Mtlir.lii, Srtpt. 20. Tim Ilojul Commla.

alon, to draw up f.innn for the EOTtrtunentof Cuba, will nimi tm rt.

Trraairo for AnirrrnlUxncao, Sipt. 20. 'Ilm atoaiuthlp S.110-ol-

which aallwl fur Sew York ti Ul.naout A,'?0.0ir0 aLrrlms on Amrrlciui aoenunt.

FINANCIAL AND COM.MRKCIAItUiMmi, M,pt. 21', etrnliir. Tlia nmney

uiittki't la wllhiiiit vluunu. Coumila ilun.l ut11 lur iiiiniiy.

Tin 1'nlliiniii lire the rloalns nrlrra nfAmi'rii 11. M'liiulloa . Kria. I' I I. r I .'i f S. Fn rwiMitl..., Ja l l.

L.iMKii, S- it. '.'I, nun. Tin imiii. v nkt I .ini't. C. ii.uU M.r I 1. Ilm I. .'ll, living

Hti'tlifiipfiiiiiiiiui-aii- 11ifrlr1111 a millLrn, 17 I I. III1111111 tvutrjl, ;h !.', L. r.


LlVLKIIalU Slil. -- . eti'iilnr; Thn Cliltnllniiitlift la 'I'bo 111.1rl.1t

It Urm. 'I allow uiiilliiiii'a llnu.I'ullou I'lli-r- lotto utlr.lliriil l litliliv,MulillltiK L'plumla today at I J if H

pnmi' Tim llinkiia' 1'iirulur gliet thewutk'a lulia at IIH.OJO lab't.

Tin: rii.vHiu.T at tii wfat.DDITIO.S.U. l'.lTFicVLMtS.

Tcaacla Drlten A abort).


Ilaary I.otatra nf Cropa aud Lire rttock.

tlr, Ac, tlr.CiNnnNATi, 8 iptoniltfi- 21 No r.iln full

hero iiiht. Thla wo.uln: tho weatherIt cloudy and cold.

Coli'miii'v Ohio, Roptamher21. The rnlnlure lint tilit wui very illht. Thowtather ll clear and plenum thtauioru-lag- .

Cini.Mi-OTiin-, Ohio, rVptpnilier 21. It

raided lure nil Ixit night. Tl.n IVIoto riverU four lurhes lilhi-- than atcr beforeknown; and la "till rUIng,

l'lTisiii'i.u, I'a., ScptfmlirrSI It ralnrdhere all laat nlghl, and the atorm atill con.t nur-a- . r.iinniiiiilcntliiu la aonio-wha- t

linprovini'. All the trulm nn tin- Ut.tie Miami tame In 011 time thla tiioinlnr;.Tlie IndUn.tpolla and Cincinnati ronl laclear. Tnilna went nn tlin thlainiirnliitT. 'Ilm Marlrtta und C'liiiiunatl rri.nlla ul.o lu rilllliliiK otdi-r- . Tin' I'lni iliuull,lluiiillmn. and llujlim. and the All tulle und(Iri'ut louda nto In opuullnn to

in n uhly.e-lcr.i- l hundrrd led of thorinli.inkim'iit liilni; wuthi'd uvnv at thutpintu. 'lliu Ohio ritcr licie u about twriity.ttiXiit lent ili'fp. and la alill rlaiii. A

limit llaton aun lluit ut flvi' n'cliu-l-

on NYcdlifiitliir 1I10 I1.111U Inokc nt tin'liiiililh of .Vml liiviT. the w.iii r amrplni;away friiii.o hniMt-a- , ahop. .;rt:it plica mliniiiiir itinl iiiKity. 'lha itulirru.lird tlironli hi t'l.iii, JrHt-ru- iimll.nilkiw airi'iia, 'i" iuli jji.iur part of tho111 liu liualnraa poitnti of :bo Inn 11, rt'.ii'li-iu-

tho lit at. rluiiia of mnuv ilwellhiL'i niidatiiii'l. Ilm li.ti'k wulir iMirni.ulii il iiiuiiIlm aouthcrn pail ol' tl.n my. ami tit 12o'clock nn WidiicaJ.iy tnlit 1L0 nrr.Uciportion w. i uiitlur untcr, whb ti in anionttlitcfn uua four l ilat'ii, 'Iho vihiilit i'imli.try iu tit nclxhborliiNiiI hui ilutuatuted. Fi ho loaa of amiutiiii; com, IViilcm andItock 14 oiioiiniuu. 1 hi m la no iiiilrnudfiiiiii'illnii uiivuhi-i- t'ltiiii Pai'toit fkii'jiiby the l.llllu .M1111111 roulo by ij ol .Xi'ia.i

KiLiavii 1.1 , 1.1, --xpittniKr vi 1 1.1

DcMociiAT of yi'.ii-rdii- that the ruinon TiH'4'lay nli;tit iiMUti-- ilu'vn lu pcilVtttoluiiioa, und Hid whole city uui thoroulily Mibihi r,-- . d, unmix KM at duiuauu to tin'city Tcli'r;i.iphii' coin.iiiinli'ntiuti h 1 In ci.coiiitbli'iably iiili'i'iiiiiti'd by the uni 111, butco.iiioitiriiii, itcti iilit-li'.i- art. tuaiiiimncuwttlt tin piiucip-.- pni ila of tbotom.tiy

IlllrcH 01 tlio loria In lllluola.Ciltuvi. . Ill ,S pt ',1. -- Dating tho sain

l.iat nulll Ul ,'). 1111.T C Ilcil'a.tWdrivcu atburi' ii milca uotlh of lU.i cityIKr cupi.tlu iruw ulluiiiptcd to nuibtbn 4hore m "mall bout ; but it cupalif d,and of tho rrnw nro rupotlid to b.iwbeen ill ow bid. Tkrcu oiler Tcaielt wontiikboie, but 14111 off without damage On

otio or two iui!ri.idj running Into Chlcuguxoiutof ilie biblnfk hate been eilhur nl.oll.ior piulill ili.iiojrd by tho fimbcti I InnI In- - in. in. vii I. In ing iiip'nlly 11'pulrfd. I'i"patt hia It nil v. 11 10.1t puiiita in Norlboru unitt oi.tiul I'lI'Min. riji'tl u Imai; tro.t lati bt, ' ii 4. it t4 1 urcd. uouio dauae ti

I tl.O t.w. u OJI.


Soldiers' .Bounties.l.lirOHTANr IMll i.lUTItlN.

First Btop Towardfl Paymont.ItULF-- AND ltLlTtjLATlO.NR

bat Ta 11 and M hen Ta Do It.



oaartblaa Abo.t I bblas Dnatlea).


dbe-- a .1 .. cVe n &e" VAiilNr)Tt)N, Sept. SI.

Tha Postmaiter General haj, ilnce yeiterday, made aUmt IM changes of poetmaatei-- s and !il of routo agnuta, the latter prin-cipally In the YtL Tho President has ulmappoluted tho followin-nnme- potruaater,aud rcuiDTud their Initnodlate prodccoi-aora-

. - ,John Tt nut, Qiilner, taa j Carlton tt

IJatK Milton, lVi biivU II. Mrawtiier.lotlktowii, IV I Ucury Ouillman, Norria-to-n, Pa. . Ilenfanilu A. Ortiliih, Jloumouth,

li',ttIltt!'tVV,'V' Lof'I'O't.llL) l.ioKeno.ha, Wl. ; Crulff ll. liehee, leaver Dan, Wl, ; Edwin IL furtlelti.Hamilton, N. X s Lf wla M.H.t...Conn. William II YVoodiow, HillaborotUihOhio. f,

Ilia Trca.nry Doparlment hat Ua'ued acircular In accordance with the Acl ef Julylaat repenlinjc tho flshlnr, bomitlos, containIng rfulatlonaotcrulng tho ullowance olIruwlwcki nu iiuivoitiHl .alt for ciiriun llah.Iho liiiporti r or owner of the aalt taken oilboanl the Tfacl llirti-Hi- l lu annuel. In thefl.herle., Ui tlln mi cniry, oalhaud bond. At to tho facta proof (,

In order to cuncel lha loud for atiltwltlitlruwu Irotn warchoute lor the beuvutof tho warehouse.

A heavy rain Im. been fiilllnu throughoutthla aflernooti, tniutlnu a chuui-- e In the ternperaturn to the eitent of about 20 drgrcea,

Tho fnllowlii rules and regulations fortjie p.iluii utuf bounllra under the Act to

juallio llountlea, appruvrtl July SSlh, IMC;hate Just bceulaaued by the War Depart-ment.

Jnl All applleatlotu shall be tiled with-in the period ut all nioulha from the 1st dayor October, IH1.0 and, heliiro auy pariiieiiufile made, ahull ln claniined by retilinniiia,liatt.illout nr other aetiarale orsatiiiallnfia,und 110 ap.lieulioii filed after periodjbilll be aetlloU UUtil Iho loluier ahall hatbeen paid.

.Wn.l-N- o applleullon shall le enter-taliii- tl

luilcatainoiiipimied by the orlultmldlaihuilie of tho mldlir, aud the allidavitretpiiri d by th.t Hlb Soctlou of tho Act, andtin further nHnl.kt It that he baa not te.eeiml, nor i ho cinitled to reieivt. limn thoLulled Malta, under any Uwa or rt cnbi-lioti-

ptior 111 the. Act of July VjHIi, Iw-i'- i,

mine tluiu one IiuiiiIimI dollura bounty, forliny anil all uillituty aortieti rrudniu'd byh liiriiiK tho liito robrlliiiu, otor andaboie the inn. unit Unrein i All uppliiktlniia fur the additionallummy ntillioliu-i- l b) thbiAcl In nil atlttlvliiK aobllfrit. ahull U. iu form herriuultrrlilotldid, und tho cideno of identity ahallbo the ruluti Ilk la uuw roillllrnd.alid uppliiu-tlnu-

Irotn the In Ila of dottiuttd atililii'ldaluill lie In tin form now reuuirod by theI'lc.iaiiiy llepattiiitU.

riurii-A- a aouii ,ia the eiamliiiilluu oftlio eluinia of any inifiit ur other it

oiganirulioii ahall hum been plop.erly 111 led iitoti, tho Payniaatrr-tleiieiu- lahall t11l.11 the ncceasaiy steps for theirproiupt putiiieiit.

( A tvjilaler ahull be kept In nil's oibir. and also In Hienlti.t- nl Iho Snoiiil Alulitoi, of all rlaliuapirMlittil miller tlm luw, In which Iliat'l.U Mis will bo I lulll. i byA. It tho . iiinna bo ulluned, tlie miioiuitol litiuiit) p.iul to raih will be noltil andif njtiteil tho causo ul will bodlatiiiell.v stated.

Hiiil, In the application for bounty nailby Ihu lb ol' Ib.'.o rules, the uppll

Hint ahall stiitH .Mil Ii and mvir tturual ofs.tivleo iniidi ted by tho i'laluiuiit, and ul.othat ho timer aertcd othorwUo than usthelclii

.ViiiifA III. .inlrntlnna lrretuhirly In thesertiLoul the t'liitotl Muius, or cillt-t- outfor aiieeinl piirpoM-a- . Main militia, Lomeeluinia, if., und hoi (ueluilid iu tho KCuelulbounty tawa, atti not included wltluu theuieiiiiuiit of I In. ait.

A'fiAl, Soldlrra enlUtt d for three treuraor dutiiiK tl o war, w ho welo illachai e'd brte.n.011 ut Ihu Iciiulibillou of tbn war, ahulllie inuslileiid ai hatiiiif act ted out Iho iwrlod ol their enlistment, uud ato eullllud tobounty under this net.

.Vinia- - The tuluoiity of heir, clalmantafor boiitil) under Ihlauct, tuuat bo proton tohum nil. led ul the dale of ltd puasago. IVriuta shall reecito jointly tlio bounty towhich limy m.iy bn eulillrii aa holra, unleaatho father haa iihaudoniiil tho aupport of hlafamily, In wluili ciiau It will bo paid lo theiiiolhir. Noii italdauco in the Uiilted Slateahall not h. u bar to tho okilruaof heita who would otherwise lexullyinherit. Tito jinitlaioua of the act ciiluduftiitu Its beiielits the lollowlnj; clnsart . 1st.'I hose who after aertiuo; lha full period oftheir enlistment wero dlahouoinbly

nt IU eiplrntion. 2d. Thooilurini; enlistment by wuy of furor

or punishment, :bl. 'Iliosu dlachaiKcd onaienimt of ilinuhllity contracted u tue aertl-- o, but not oeeiislotied by woiinda reeclted iu the linn of duty, who ahall nut hat 0previously aerved twoor three years lespec-titcl-

at the lime of illaeharije. 4th, Tnuaediacburced on uiaMiuut oi' iliuhlllly uxlallugnt the time or their enllatinont. 'th. Thebtlra of those who hare died alhre their dlaclmtittt uf woiinda 01 ilisenso not coiitr.ietidlu tho aervlco Jid iu tho lino of duty.'lb Tlio uriltin;; sol, Hers und s of do

ce.iaod aoliliera who, tiiuler pretloua laws,hiito reeened or are eullth-t- t tnreettteabounty ul iiioin tliuu $US fi om lb,. Unitedbtntca. 7 Ih. Tho survivini iHiblieia us wellaa bcitt ut 1I1 aobtiers, when sin hM'ldiera hate bartered, aobl, assigned,humcd, tratisl'eni d, 0x1 uannetl or t;iteunwuy tin 11 I111.1l pupett or tiny lu-

ll lest in the bounty pliiWilt-i- t b llii.ol Uliiitbei-ai- t of liilireas bth. 'll.euetof till

i.l Jul,!, Im.,, vieuica nought ul inbertin, ico beouiid tliii-.- tiKled by tholaw under wbbli tin lo Iiliih iucimi!nr wele In leu-it- the ijiiiiuIbounly, and llub.tla I llalll hlutlm.-- .and Ki.letail wtri tnutlnl to

bi.iuiiy, lioiu unt rluiinfor additiohul bounty piuvliled b) H114 Act.

Thu el'iitc hat lux '"en tel'i-iir- by tinSecruluiy of War In tho Attorney (Juirruifor hit opinion on the uiiit whiihei- Hierules, und ti";iilaUous, uh uill.111 umeudeil.iitn in cniil'iiiiiiily with liio lite, ilm I.UU'.bus ivoa au udi. 111 t.ivo rt. poi,d.

Ciliicrnfa.A Itinitiiry Mo cntent -- A rrnnceeienta fur

tlie tiuoujllou ill ikuecu i.u.11.1, I tc.riN 1'l.lN' I, ti, Mi pi. M At it l

tho California mil 1, u w.iailo-lr- to ru t 11 tnoiiMtin nl, ihai-iib- I

itb tbe 11 tint) ol evei 11 u ol Cilitoi i.iubun in tl.usiri eo ul U,u I. uioii duuu Un-

it beltoiu.Mueh diss itlt'ii'!lu,i It eri sed nbo"'

ilia- III. 1. all.. I. a' o Ms In I'.i Hi I .1!. !,'!.)..Hill AllUIII. To t 1.IUIIIOI1. ',1.4

l.lulyl.t, ihin;ea tbn i.i.tit ;o the oklrcn,,norihom pan ul Atitonn. leutiii the emtml und southern piiiliuu ol' tb.u mall Im IIU11 s.

Aiiaiienieiiis 1110 inu'.lni to rjive (JueeiI'llUlill, ol llhtvalia. n siiitu'ilti leoepuu.l loiilriilloii tu the ot t .it v . ut jiiiuI'm 10 Knit Pnmi, ilm lb vi'ii ic I i.m-- i hi ,.lilt1 Will plui'l I d "llt.-l.i- 'l to i I llilati.ll

ir .S,i, i.niii nto, l"..!nt tl.a- H. I,vi'itnr, Hud Die 'i . t ..1 al t .ilt.'.- 1. t .tho Kill, stl Matul. til 111.,- p.'lll., ,1 . .,Jie .im 1,1 r ii'to tin- - li ii'.up l.i- ,

MS hi , 11 , t 111,1! .

1, .1 Ii, I - itI Spilaol 01 ti.CLi' liul-i- , u: . . .,.ouv Oi in.; hut' iivlno.

THU PIIILAIIIILI'IIII. TIIAtlllllV.vnitKsr OF tiii: alT.uilo III I.


Hair He Wat tapturei".11 is to it r" or iti's liie

A ct Ac, AcTlie Philadelphia Ilfl.trTn of !af eren

Ing pay at Throne,.! the Invtttljallobi of thrdte.ctlrct yratridiiy, It wn retdercd prett;certain thai the murderer ef Mrs. Jlllliiwm Qottlelb Wllliann. He It a btitohcr bttrade. He will be thirty elgkl years olilthlt day. He never married, Hit ftthctused to own the hotisd in which Mrs. .Millerresided. The court, containing w,l,.hotutf., running from iluttoiiwood stieit Inthe rear of tho hou.o Wl llultonwoedstreet, was formerly called Wllllantt'court. On the ntulng prcvlout lohe inutile r ha came to the

home. He was a Ire.ptent visitor there.wSliot. .1 0'r",1",n, '", " for ''""Itfast.SrantlV

a t.".". h,t"1, J'." UtX' "flir "'"Itback door, mid br way olthe court, entered Pleasant street "lie .tup.pfd to speak to a Sire. Cri.alcy, living In II etoiirt, aa he went by lie kw her well,atiil remarked upon the kindness of Mrs!Jltllr r. lie s tld (hat he loved htr us dearlyas ho did his mother Williams lost hi.rather soino years ngo. ItowasUfl with aCuiutiaratlve competence. So were hlabrothers, (inn .if tl,,,... n...t . 1...- - i .1p null 111 mi

, reniletiihiry. oiio of them have auv pro-perty left, tlnttlleb has been several' timeslu the Alinajioiisti j the list register of hisname thetols Jnlj loth, IstfA lie has beentlur a sort i and goer. Tlie wholefamily were butchers, doing business luSpring Harden .Market.

It was ii.certalurd that at n qiurter bofore seven oilock on Wednesday, the mornliigofthe mnnler, Wlllhims mis at the hotelof Mr. fleorgo Yi Fisher, nt Ninth or Noble,or IliitlonwiiiHl alrcet. lie cat lit the habitnfstiipping there, bnt grnerally not at soearly an hour. Following up tf,o track ofthr ' allegr, felon the detectives traced htmto the Itoblti Hood tnvrrn, near Ijtttrel IHU,

w here ha had relatives and acquaintancesresiding In that vicinity. This was at four

'lock on Wedni nlay afternoon. He look-ed wild ami dieconcerled, and betrayedsymptoms of alarm, He went to a tueot-curin-

establishment nearly opposite theRobin Hood Hotel, and sealed hlinielfotiaiwrch. A cantetiii, witli a kiilfonlougslde ofIt, attracted hit nttrnlloti, and ho asked ayoung tnau tu whom the catiteliip helnngtd.

Tbo jrouug man replied, " Vourt, If youHe picked nn tha knife, and It was notlong before he had eaten up (he melon.The young mail, on being ipiestlouid, said

he rememlMiri'd that ho observed blood onthe pantaloons of Williams, but ho did notIhluk much about It, na such a scene waaiiultii loihinon about tbe ahmghter lioiun,He llietiforo thought nuthlng particularlyabout it.

Willlama Anally romnieueed to sharpenthe knife on 11 whetstone.

'I ho young mail subl, "What are youdoing that fort''

"I am golug to kill myself," replied WlbIiiima.

" You are a fool," responded thayouuiiman.

" Well, I'm going to do It, anyhow," wasihe if ply. " I will be thltty eight years oldoil I rlday, and I tlutli't livo In are that ihty.1 bought a bottle ol laudanum this morningto ufleut hit purprtsu, but thu d d corkcuiiiii out of the bottle, aud the laudanumrun out and was loat,"

A cotk, amiillliig uf laudanum, was foundnear tho spot whi te bo bad aut.J

Thla Intereallng Lonversatiou ended, thoyoung man te.nuio,! bis wotk ofoiitilngaoiuii grass, mid Willlama dlauppeaind, andlire knifu wna now koto to bo eteu. 801110tiiiic lor thla the young man went Into theshiughter house and Ulacovrred WUIIuuisly lug on the lloor in uu upper story uuniiiga lol of bullies.. One or two other persouaaseeiiilerl. and Willi,una tbraw lha knile atIheiu. They went down atulra 111 u Innry.fioiiie Hum uller this the ainiugelyni tingman waa taken tu the Rohiu lloo,1 ir,where .ohio one gavo hliu u dulhir, and, lucompany with an aiiUiiliilaiiee, Im got intoa puveiigei cur Ibis was nt VU minutespast o'i lin k 011 Wedueaday evening.

I.ut evening tint eutlro police lone wasllotiLitd nt the uf tin, it..., iivhaa liruwn hair, brown goatee, and had ondirty gi ay pantitbauia and lace boota, lettside palsied; Wiilkswllh a hickory calm withcuived handle.

Williams was tracetl to Klcvrnllt andIliiinu alrceta by Detective Taggurt, up tosi veil u'cliM'k yesteiday morning. 'Ine letlow'a pautaliaitu wero aoakltig wot, and allttaiet of blood bad bei-- washed out.Valuly did the ottlcott endeavor to aseertu 11 yesterday wheru WillUmi pavsoil

tilgbt. The Person in whtisn companyho atiiiteilfor the Robin Hood Hotel, ua ul.readv staled, liaa not beeu heard froiu.

What makes thla tragedy the mure allock-ing said llotiillah ii that lira. Miller uuraedthu fellow when ho wna a llllln Child. Silt)was thu tliianeial oflh-e- of thu l.idbV

llenilteial Hoclcty, and It is supposedthat Williams thought alio tuuat havu sumouf the funds about the, hoiiim,

Williams' record as a desperato characterIs well knnwu. On the Will or Feb., Ititt.when a lad of about sixtet-u-, hu slabbed atiilkilled 11 boy named Peter Does! her. At thottuio Williams woa attending hia father'sbutcher stall Lu Market strett, ueur Mecoud,and getting Into a iiuaircl with Dusiher,be picked up 11 knlfa and stabbed his nata- -

unlit, causing bis death lu a ahott lime,fle was Immediately arretted aud commitled for trial. The ciuo wiu called on tba27th of M.ireb, IHU, when Judgo llartonand Henry M Phillips appeared us counsel

Tho trial occupied a iuy, uud rcsulttd Ina verdict of gnllty of uuukluughtnr. On lh Hh of April Yi illiaiuawas aotitoneeil tu lour years lu tho Inu.iirPllson, and the sieno is thus ilnli-iibi- :

'Upon the annoiitieemctit uf thla .enlomithe rugged liuttiiea ut the I my 'a lulhor, v 1,1

all the tiuin had been raganllng tin- Judgewith the hunt luti-na- untulv, fell, nmlleaning his head upuu his ehibl's aluiilucf,he biii.t lulu tuir. The boy 11U0 t

and thu ob nf thu two an t Milthe spot tllfori thut the eves of 111,111,

tu tin tr 1111 fittlo sitipt-- .1 ntiilriiiougll the iliti lie ut

thu U.brr, Wllll.iuii is miii pnul I ,mdw cut In t iilifm ittn lit y iim l'.ii sii.p.-it- edol hiving kiili-- .liilni Tontu nt a lan r(1 no. 1, iloiiog u li'.i.i in inn th only olcialll and Lnliib.ilil sttetla holwieii thi).MotitiiM'ii.ii.a Hose hihI I 1111111

I't'ii p 11). iluiiug wl.nh Tiii., r hnil Ibe I.. I'l Willi 11 spal'tiel, tlolo the tl li.tol yhhii bn 1. nil A I111111 nan. il Hliillt.t-i-

waa urn toil I i tliu erbui', but vp iitiputled Ilm Couti nt tl.tiii't. id 'leriuuu'rAlu-- ll,e lap-- o ut time, eellath tilth;. ak,-'- l nut wtin-i- i to

mil WiIiuiiis as Uu pi ,i' mir ntUiu deiil lur wan b ti e nun r b ul tiled.

I ho l!i-c- o.

.vrul ,1 1.1 ii, .tloda., S. ii miter .0 luut iffii iinio wlierry r.i.-- , l.i

wlllt ll tloabU-- Yt'illd, ol N w noil '.,1

fel Ittituii. of f'1.1 1I11111I. tr,,i-- uuiiuttliiivWuid wot ilm wiuner. I

Tbn Trial or Jeff. Wa-l-

I'nlteil M.1I1 iL.tilet Al im in .V Chanter,of Norfnll., bad a h ijth.v c ,i.r-- i i.itiuu onlYi'iii.i wl.,y Willi Uiu Auo- iu y llein'iat p

tu tho ul . li.iils. V it'iln;luliuito iraa a ji'i'i d upon, and Sir Chdtil,

. pn p.ii , ., loiu r ui Mr. St tun miy, urg:nit tb io.i.iiniico ul bringing Davis tu u,,

ttlal, uud ns.iug thu o.lia lluvi tin .1 1 tu eecitie that end. Mr.

1 uuulei- - unit Judgo L'mlur w nod buro nlaoilinl nu Interview wilti Jiidga Ch io ou tin,111111 an j- -, 1. N,iihui can bs d, rinpi the trial nf Mr. lluvi--il- .

oine ml, niiie.s he sbbll ho dlsehnrgeil,r pi,.,eii by u,,- Iweciitivtj. It mat eiunim ut , a 1, .! 11 Ii tin. '1 bit will no110 iu Ui tn'ii-r- to wliii b time tbn one wuilloi.rn. 1. li Diiiiii-- Jitilgi aul Alt.iriiit

l.i it ii.op.i ol the Act 01 Can.i,..i ,., h, ini, iiiituiulilltlHtts, sub

. it.,' ii.nut, likes tbn leguliiuer, uud fiat tbe hohllug o

! . , Vulvboj- vtuulil (UjufuaS to LU9

.i' Ti.e,,i. ,, ,,, . ,,, ,;:;.h-;."p-


jatab!.. I,,.., ,. , ,, , . fi ",'if '"'di'tV:.".;:-!- " '"'"v

, . ', l." " ''' 'i' r to ':!' -- i,

uk fur""

Ji:vrniMN HAvw.I'aro'e.

1'oit.irss MiiNnor, IVpt.irrenelilt this morning for North Cnmll

and will wlstlt the various Episcopal dlooes Uforo returning home, llsforoienv'nj he paid visit to Mrs. I(ivh, who etnrrsie .1 .r f,,ts for her husband's health'ajlng aheilid uol bellova that ha could Itvimailt tnoatha longer If kept In confinementlllshop lln-- tie nud the Iter M, Keely, It Iunderstood, havo given up their Idea 0,proceeding to Washington to confer withtbe President In relation to releasing MrDavis, the President having through thicouniel of Mr expressed his ttuihllilvto asinine the responsibility nf parollnrhim. under the charges contained In the bill!. ",lV."l"',,t ''mnght against blm bv thitlrand Jurr of Vlrclnla for treason, ami thievidence adduced by the Congressional Comtuiltee. yf his complicity with tbn asaasslnnlion or President IJncolu, which rouderenMill amenable for trial Lot, by Uis civ 11 audmilitary authorities.


rtul.! i.., M.i , tt - ..... (,IMSiHAi csk, rit. 'JO,

After the address reported from the Comtnittse on (hut subject bad been n-a- (.Ian.Il.vrnuni read (lie following resolutions

JlnolrrJ, That we earnestly leok forwardto and hope for (he lime whn the uJopthuior the pending Constitutional Amendmerit shall result In giving to thenegro tho equal rights lu wldnh hiiiju.tly entlllcl and tbero shall be uit dlsllncllon of civil or political rights on acctiuut of racu or color, and thitrwethat the question, which gat 0 Iso to ill latewar will neter bn thoroiigblv settled untilIho grand ptinnplo of Ilm fit elsraliou ulIndeiienileiun that "All men ara createdoqual " shall ba. ome a vital and practicalpttuflple or ourtlovertimcnt.

HtmilrrJ, ITuit we endorsa be arllly,and proudly, the nomination or

Uurrrnor Iteiihen K. Ponton for (lovenmr:Oeneral blew art I Woodrnrd tor Lieut,auvrriiort Hon, Ktephiin L Halt for CanalCommit. loner Oeneral John llatn-mon-

lor btula ITisou ltispeetort andye pledge lu theui such 11 supportfrom tho "Hoys In lllun" as slmllrriu h over the Moittli like our old war ctlrsIn battle, slftillyliig thnlr devotion, patriot-ism, nml if Main victory.

VWrr., That wo deeply sytnpathltwith all atmggllng Nntloiiallllea and peopleTor free government nml the rights nf man.

H'eurlArr Ittmlrt, What wua declared byIhe Convention id tho Soldiers' ami Sailor."Union of Ilm State, held In Hilarity- yrelerday.That with patriotic pride atiileoiiinirlidatloii the taithlul aervtrea of thatclass of our comrades who, though notblessed with a akin llkn our own, ntteateiltheir devotion 111 our common country byvolunteering tu the number of '.Di'.lHM ablemen. nml whu rslabliahed thilr claims tolaitriollsui and bravery by leaving mutethan mi.tHS) hero, s In bloody graves.

At half-pas- t seven o'clock Ilm Conventionwaa again railed to order, aud tho addressand resolutions wero severully adopted utiiblgreat enthusiasm,

Delegates al largo to the Pittsburgwere then eleeled, ami uftar tho

delivery ur several speeches the Couvoutlonadjourned.

Ilurrain, Kept Sl.-II- on. Philip Dor-sli- tImnr has been removed us Cnl lei toe of

Internal Hoienun or Una district, aud Kel-son K. Hopkins appointed iu hla pluie.

II la iho DuuiiH-iat- will lioiuInuluMr Humpbte.vs, the pir.eht inciubcrrur Cougrc- - lioiu Hie :u)b District.

Ursuocrsillo ( eniral M. Hm DemiH-iull- Slate

Central Committee met Hi Ibis ellyaud iiigumi-- by ai lectlng Kiuiuol j. Tildeii.or New Y'otk, as Chiilriuau, uud Color Cug-aj.-- t

e ..ibw e .. .florist I aro lns.

lUtrinii, N (;,, ,vi,i. .11. At a State meetlug oT Uiiconitllhiuui Union Men of Nurthluiolliia, In It In Itulilglt today, lion A I

(red Duikery was iiomiuutedThe ('oiialttut tonal Aluuudiiient waa

iiiidoised. Ills the only Issuethe two parties ut the it.tte. l'v

(luvoriiiu- lliihlru, who was Prcsldent, di llvered all ableaddreiu., heurtlly eudurslugtho vaudldate uud tho pln'iorui.

I'CBEaylyan'a.Illtlr, P., Sept. CO. A portion or the

Southern Iiyullst party anited beta thismorning uuil addresseil a largo meetingllrnwuliiw wua very ill, and laluteil lu anatb nipt lu apeak ut thu deHit. lie wua soweak us to rrqiilro asslvlatico tu stuud, andhe ttssaed dlrecllyon lu Clevehmd, Thu re-

mainder ut thr party III tiled thiaafteruiHiu,and nil puasi d ou under Uiu charga ol a receptlon committeo from Cleveland, headedby Mayor Cbatilu. At Couiicuiit, and Palnt-avill- Inrge cruwds grealed thoparty with cbiers and boutirus.

ftllaaaurl.ST. It:is, .Vpl lbe Itadledls of the

Second Cnngri aibinal District, lii cuuttiillouat Frunkliu, yrslenluy, tioiuiiiati-- JudgaNewoomb, of JcSusou County, lor CongressItottolutluiia were nduiited 4Ustalulng Congieas, 'und ravorliig the tiiutmcnt uf theseceded States na Teriliorfea until re adiiih-le- d

lu the L'bion by Congnvaa. Tho Itatlu-ul-

ol thu Ligbtli Coiigieasluinil Dlatrlct, iu 1011veufioit nr Macun City, ycstenlnvi uuiiilu'ilui J. F Cungr".by acclamation.

Colorada.ST. Uhis, Mil, Npt. 21. The Denver

News aats that iiiteu.o Imligiiiii.oii luisbeeii iiruutcd among tho peoplu u Coloradotil lb iu 11,01 of (lov. Cumiiiliigs, in glllllgllictillli ' uf election to Mr. Hunt, the. DeiuI'Ciutic cu .'lid.iiu lor ileb'gatc towhuii Mi I'li'llleutii, the liiiilicul eatullilaie,

i iiM.l I.O'W itijjuiity, ui.ionlliig to tinuinoiul iLltiitia.

.tlonlunn.Sin I'luffisr,,, Sept. I '.The election iu

Moi.tiii..,, 1,11 tin- ,in in ut. ii iej.ori,-- tu e

in ,1 Diinoi riilto via buy by u lu.ijurily ul v,. "J

cynlln.A Vlrg 1. ih pitch anva:

ei. .lion tv,ut i .t'ieiibi, uuw liu-i- ijepeiliis tlui 11b ctioli ul Sefialiir. ll

111 lavoi 1,1 C'iiriiut V Di'loug Mittyu' Ihu hi. bud uu tultrt.

Ohio.Ct.fVM in, Out 1, 21.-- Th, Rorilhs'ii

Isi.iliSls iiotuiii luhlliatCil a lalX'lot ill ig 111 to,. tblH miirt.lng, uiiilirti.itent iihti-- . nil Irioii lloattm t'ur IPa Sibliertmil hailoru' t'lillM-lillo- liext Vteik (iovli.11 uliou nl T. uia spoil-a- t b ugtli on ll

1,0. t ittiu-- beiwcen Piftliietit .iobilsiuHid Col'kietS. Mr- - Sbel wiuhI of Texas lolluweil, n, voi'.itli'g ncitl'u sulttago In Uulullett liiiv. lli'iiwnUiw .poke al

i,ibiu lenlii, Tlie pitrtv ilihiu-i'si- it

to l.ljbl 1,1 lu.jl uiigugcmcula lu dlllcii.nlp.uU uf Ohio.

.Ifiisviti l.uirtta.lliMroN, Hept j . (ii u. N D Ciiinhlui

n wppou.i, d tu the t Collecfoisiii,,f .o uio, nu hilecoaaut uf Mr llallilin u:l

rgu II Km tbitty, postni-o- r tr 1an,1 Mr. Poll, ii fi fuiiltu .l.i J tnui Mrnautili r, tu it t I'uit, d Ktul - Ttt .ittn,--


in, i.l ...iilj ;ivt plana in WillMui A ,

A ltlVl.ll 1 i:it.."lulula t of tbe steamer .1. It. ,

Sept. .'1 Tho etoduier Jbound from Clucinnatl to iLi

Arkuusus Uiver, with a vuluable car.o mis.uiicd InorJi.iuiHue, struck thu wieikul!l,u steamer Cuarlcr. two iilc4 belowHound City, 111., on Weduesday night, unaink almost innneilluttly. Tho pas.dngei

a nl crew eeeaped with their bng;igo. Theiiliuuro waa Miluud ut -- J,oOu ul unuii"1ur tll.OJO. Her Cdlgii wua valhud at ovu)iM,M, aud WSJ ptLu.ivuuy Lnuuvd,


Onr Floftt Abroad,



An I'titf vtinl Crreniany



at.Y Ol't'KSCK K.X TED.

Farther Movementa t War Tesseta.

et e . A A c.

WismneiTorr, Sept. 21 Illspntetiei ftonthe U, 8. steamer Monocaey, CotntnandeiCarter, reporta her arrival at St. Thomas,West Indies, on Iho th Instant. This Is thollrst tntalllgence of the vessel tine shetfeft fortress Montius a month ago."Tha Navy ltepatttuent tecelved dis-patches from Acting Rear Admiral (Inrdon,dated Ilahla, Aug, 2Jih, lu which ho rointnU'nlcatcathe fact of th arrival of tha flag,ship llrooklyn at tint (tort, aftsr long pas.sago under sail. On reaching Iliililu tho Ad-miral found Ihe Nlpsle, IJettt. (VmmanderDisks, awaiting his arrival. Hint ollleerhad properly carried out the Depjrtment'sinstructions to salute thu llratlllatt ling un-der the order of July IVtfa. The Inrldentalolrcitmstances attendant on the ceremonieswere all or tba pleasantest character, andwill not full to ba agreeably remeiulieredThe Admiral enrlnees certain documentsebb-- show that the ll: ef a salute oftwenty-on- guns to the tlaq uf llrarll win tumake tha nmcnrfa AaneniMd fur an nllr neoCommitted by United Stntna ollleer whichwas ut once) disavowed by the United Slates(loverumelit, namely t tha forcible selinreby Iho Waehusett, of the Confetlerale yesaelFlorida, In Uie pof t of Ilahla, and Ilia bringlug of ber lo Iho United Statea waters.whereshe wot lost. Commander lllake. In bisiiMo to the President of tha Pruvinca ofIlahla, says

"Tho uuderelgnsd. In executing thli dutybeg leave to express tu your L'trrlleucy thosincere hope that, with the djlng edua-- orthe last gun, will al.n ax pirn any unkindfeeling that may exlit III ltriuil from thocauso which has glvcu rise tu this

The Pretldnnl of tho Province, In reply,rejoiced that thu (loverntnent of the UultuJStates, appreciating In Its wisdom Ihe Injus-tice, which (lists In this Empire, should nothavo hcsttitul In giving pnbllo satlsfacttuufor an offeueo eotniultteu ngaiust it duringtha tranquility or a profound peace, andoonlbllng lu the sentiments whlili are man-ifested, It nlao bueaiuo blm to assure

lllako that tho honor of tho nationbeing thus sutlshVd, nut theallghtest resent-uiei- it

will remain agalnat a lluveruiiuintwhich thus solo 111 uly shows beforo thu civil-Ixe-

world thut she doea not uvall hersell orthe force at ber disposal against an injuredpower, and that, uu the contrary, will holdin tho highest appreciation the justice of anation which continues to muko iiioro dearthe relatioua of liloiidibip aud ronsidaralion which until now have united, aud willcontinue to unite the two Puwura which In-

habit tbo same continent.Tho salute was given on the annlrersary

uf the Coronation of tha Emneror. aud wasreturned gun for gun.

Admiral Gordon says lie ahall probablysend the Nlpslo to Pemamhuru and sailhimself for Itlo ou the Ith or Atb or Sep-tember. Tbe crewe or both vessels are Ingood health. Heroin he left, for Ulo, Ocn.Webb, our Minister to llraill, had arrived,mid a change ur Mlnlslry had taken phico.tbo present Incuiiiheuia uie pledged tua tuoiH iiellvn prosecution or the war.

Ou tho .list ' JuPy, (,,t Admiral (untslnicllona tu Cuiumiiiiiler Croabr, ur theMiauiokln, Ui hold him-iri- reu.iini . toprowi U to Corrlriitea, In case It sbuulil he... .......i. u.r nun 111 go to t'liragtlilV, llliilertbe fiiiitiiigancy mciiliuuiHl In DopafUuentalOniera of April btlh.'1 UO rtk. ami. iTtTv.rT ... H. ... ..

irout lyrua VV. HalJ.Tint following despatchea announce tha

lajlugnf tha cable across the (Julf of St.LuwieiicH I

, Bopt.20, lr.on- .-r arrived herethis altertioou. The across the (lullul St. lotwrviica waa cohiplalndthla evening. I leave tu morrow tu leeuvera few tulles of the i iihln lost lu thu Oidfduring lbs gal of Monday, aud then pro-ceed (u the Jtldvfay to Picloti for oual, andaftetwaids I'll tu lay tho cable acru.s theStraits uf ISoiihiiniberlsiid. Thn alDHUierrerrlble Is to aominpany ua. All well. Iaeml you by tolegiapha duiillialn or a h

sent tu the tllti clora of tbe New York,Nenlouuillaml and Iioiidou Telegraph Com-pany, as rollows Crnis W. Fikiii.

" P11HT AU llASQUK, Sept, 18, IHl'di, TlieSale whlih has been blow-lu- (ut auveral

ut Port uu llutqiiu abalcd un Suiiduyaltcruuou, aud th wind chunged tu oilaliure. Tlie aen was smooth hy night, and utleu o'clock, by tho light of the moon, the endof tbo cablo waa successfully spliced, and byelvveu o'clock tlio cubic was belug paid outfrom tbe Mcdwey, On Monday moniing thewind changed to tha southwest and blow aheavy gulo from noon ly four P M. Thegain was so severe thut tlie sleumer madobut Utile progress on her court", "lie at thotime beUig twenty-fou- r tulles from her, andlu uno buudrod tnthoms of water. Mr. '.'am-ple., the engineer forthn contractors, drclilcdto ut aud buoy (ho cublo and wait forfaviirahla wautber, which was dune, ami woreliinild to pink Wo shall leutii tor Ihebuoy and conipleto the line us aooti as Ihnvvciuhcr permits. Our cable across Ilm Oulf,which wna laid la Iruf, and wua repaired hyMr Muekity Inst uioiitli, norka us spiuiiilbllyas It did the day It waa laid '11 e nea herthis iiiunilne looks tnme ' uud Ihope wo ahull leave hero during tbo day foiwhom tho cublo U bimjcd.

The Weet Troy llutrn te -- Kscnpe of thoItlndirndrr.

Tlie eiiimlniitioii of thu parties ilutgtdwi'h thnAasault and rape upon Ml-- - K jm,

lepotteil In t,t. Si eollillli Ju.tien lli.iliiin, i,r it 'li.t. .

tnrday, Thu cvuili incut irus inten.e iiioiuidJuslicc (Iriillau'e ulloe, mi l u l.n,;e it.wd , tilling the o'ln u ol ihetri nt in tiiiiit. In iriu.itiicurv ul this und

by lequust of tho Pii klilent of tbe Mlia-te- ,

?,l"'u',1''1l"" wi iidjiaiincil tu the I um-il- lHall. The lillleets 1,1 onlinglv st..rti-i- l

iviilt the th l.iii.i ri lor lb ,1 phi. e I'.mr ofihe lullcr wiiB shaekleil tugtthrr trio hifi, nml tho nib. r, 1 iiiuiran tlie nttf:. tiler

or tbo ernv , w.11 uloue In ebal,a . Dei,-ii- tSheiltf Dutrv Aftet leiu hlu-- ' Uie strn t,

l laiiiiig.m niiildciilv ilurted nwuy thnuigliUm ciuwd, und iliii.uii ing all ol hi. pi.i.u.irs, wasnnui nut ul right. Tbo utb-- t louroiiaii-r- weiu tiiken Into Hie C .ill

I bum ur, but tho 101, mil lur Ilm pro., enlion tk'Cllm-,- to go mi with thu eii.o until"PpOrtlllllt l WHS llllen- -l I if (hit .1(1111111 tifIhf iacapi.l liiiMiinr. Tlio C11111I a.senudtti tlus, uud iho cuMi alauds iidinurii d utprt und a q,, d of puliie was lii.p 111 biidtu Hioiii th' vnluge aud ui.'.lii. the uacuped acoumlii I.

A I bll.l tiuiut Allir,Mrs. Katu W.I1..1111S, a wimiw l.ulv, ami

lierrhild. ji ,,rs ul.l, ,1, .1, a,i ,,uat (.ill t Hotel, i Chit t '11, ei.ily i'i omI.ivnuiidug, In, tlio tuating uud hissing uf thu..lines Hint eui.auniui tbo building,veiling the . hibl, Mra. Willi mis attemptedto gain tint window Mill it throitJh tlmilciiaii siiiokn. Ju-- , alio ifiuhtdit, hertrength being neatly, shuiliop-,-

d ber child. At tin same uiuimn'i Ibetuwd lu tho strtet shouted In ber lo jump...'id, torrlUial, she sprung In be win-

dow. Alaadir was tiiucurfd. with the .

niton of rosculug ibe ihlhl. but It wai'ttcueil iinsaft) tu attempt II Tho child

at tha wliiduw. Its fruntio , icaAero heard by thoia IhiIovt Tbe 111 qhei ahiiurtieiidlug ucT!.ta uru d tbiuo uroiodhirtueu. hor bov but it a si tui.lali.-l- ivovtbihgdiutbottdUict. '

iiHtrj I'.iaiJy rit.-rs--i It ta lis) rr --s

fir 'HR it. anltrd it Denver on.0 I .1 1. 11) ,1'n! I 'I I pill, lie te, e;, lion.It Mil id ' ile a'l l.i rtslty u g'it in

11 trvlaiiil, ntnl toiiflnued yeslenhiy,A.viiniKM woolen fattnry, wiib water for

.notllo Miei. Iltobs esUbllshed iu Cul.t-var-

Comity, California. .Tnr. lata lira at lha Mission Woolen Mills,

California, la said lo hate consumed 70,000pounds ofwooL t .

Tiierta were very htary rnlnt In Virginiarhorsday night and yesterday afternoon,Kcoinpnnlad by a high vrlnd.

A VlCTnniA dispatch of yastenlay ys avessel supposed to have been lb shipModonla was run Into and annk In thestraits of Fuca, by th English ship Utht,Wednesday afternoon. ' '

Tun Kxcelalor ltaa Hall Club, of rirrvk-ly-ptayaita tnalib game ycaterday.ln Ph.nlelphla, with th Keystone Club of thM

city, w hlch resulted in a tie, the acore itandlug, I8to IH. TJ,. Exctlsiors will play thanwith tlie Olympic Club - da..

Am Malm dispatch aaya .Major MarshalhadallgLtwilltluiManaalThrt Fuiks 011thoOwjhce, about the 1st ol Reptetuber,and captured tldrty-tl- of their number,whom be biuift. . .. . ,

l.i consequene of th damvgn eanied byUi riota!, and unpaaaahl conilitlon of thrailmads leatllug to Dayton, Ik Ohio Butelloanl of Agriculture bar ordered th pottponeiuciit of th Stat Fair until OctoberIClli.

A titrrtCft.TT haa arlaan bat waa u th Philadelphta City Couucila and tha Hoard ofHealth. Tl.a former refused ts grant tbeappropriation of S),no) ,kl lot by tholatter, and the Hoard of Health gives noticethat It will no longer remove uulaancea, io.,and has ordered Ilm Health, Otllcsr to sus-pend all orders for wotk la hla hand.

General Intelllgonoe.(Bp-- AYafl ta IA5ta Yni Sun.

nATABiiTAViAinlaathla oaoutrr aaat InClieater Co., Pa., iruiialating " Faimu''

Tita young men uf llalubrldge, Oav., arcaid to amuke In eburvh.

A mtoii of Frnlun rnnviett war tentrrum Dublin to i'outonvllle uu the ItrnFukbca Is said to bav advlaed Austria loyield now nml wait lor laveugn hetaatlar.Uatt. HiirRviA.i left Denver, Colorado, on

the llth uf September, to vUit Southernpsta.lttrts OntriMAn and several other solidmen i.r thicagu ara mater arrest for trying

lo bribe u en. torn huuen oiliccr.Fil l: jmndrcd of tha operative dyera In

Lug., ar on atrik lur ait udvanc fWllgl-4- .

Ir Is pnipoaed to supply Iindon withWI'T Ir th river Severn, 1SJ u,l,t a.taut, at a coat uf t I.I.OOO.tM),

WlNTtll haa coiiiilieliivtd early downSouth. Snow fell lu WeaUirn Virginia laatlueaduy evening.

La lit tin nu tbn teal ring of A. T.StowurU nays t " Keep busy and wind vourchauiaa."

lur ninslc-hnll- s of Iunlon have beatenthe ufler large ptlcea furoimraaand (Uiu a lur slugura.

Dick TcRini, ur Lihhy Prison notoriety,has tiiriutl up lu a street shootlug aiur Iullii hinuud. ' two binlj get tngether, and yonmiss Imlh, left and right, whalo tbo dog. Ithaa good nltect.

.V VAiTtTIMJ demoiselle of North having from her yuiuigcavalier a leller thiily-iw- feel long.IrU rumored lu llleiary clrclea Hint the

LmiN-rn- ....... . INuiio u. 1.. i.iiluiie.l bis "0.i .ur," will uudoiUka th lifeul t.hiiilemugtiit.

Tnm-ro- ,if Indian corn fur the UnitedMules lur the your leotiluia estimatedaL..tlib.

Tiikt propose to organlie a ndlllla com-pany nt Hi lima, Ark, with olllieis aquallydlvideil lieivvenn tho rHprnsoutatlves of theUnion and iho rebel aruncs.

lnai.AMi claims Ihe Invnutlon of th ne.L. Ciiptuiii James Whttliiy Is named

aa Ihe Inventor, lulling had a braech-luudiu-

iieetlle-gu- iiiadH In i.Sl. in Dublin. D14"oouiaged by ihe llulllleivuce shown nt Wool-wit- h

tu Captain Nurtiin's luugateJ thut,t.nptiilu Whitley did not entry out th d.slgn of patenting his InmiiUuii,

Oitawa Whltarord, Monro cnn-ty-,Mich., la about furty foot deep, wbert

lull, lu th deciu-s-t part-- II discharge abilge amniint of water lu the aprlug throughltd outlet, which rutins th North Tiranchafthe Ottawa Crrek at Kylvauia. This laks

."""' JrJ' "' "f four timetwithin the Inst thirty years. At such tinieaa whlrltool la eeen in (ha centre, Into whichcukes ul Ica aud other floating artWrfl aradrawn In and dlanppvari and, If yuu aranear the wblllpool, you will bear lha ruar ufthe walorfsll. Iu ha winter or IsW-'a- j thIco over wherw th whirlpool la wbtn thawater la low was brokou. and oakea of Itthruwuiin tho other Ice by air a.i apbig frontbelow, and thn luko tettlad about By la-ches In twelve hours.

Fir al raughkrepste.PnrnitKKCi eie, Sept. VI Auothtr des--l

tnictive tiro occurred In this olty this oven-iiiS- -

It resulted In the deitruollou of Sleighti Paulding's aud Town's cookingestablishment. Tho former's loss Is $.V,000,Insured for $l,M0. The lattor'a loss tsalso .ft,000, Insured for $10,000. Th origluof tho firn Is unknown,

rtrun Altulr at Creeutiolnt-- A MartluJtr naplclona

On Wodneaday nrternoon a party of three'""it and a boy aturtvd from (IrecujBiltit upthe Last River on 11 tithing excursion, nnd011 their return lu thn ovouluj one of thoparly tins mlosing. It la said that the (artyhinilnd ut Astoria and indulged pretty t'reo-l-

in whiskey, mid ou tlu-l-i return to (lrceu-poin- t

one of them fell overboard, amiwa barely iccucil riimiWviilug bv bitcompanions. Filled Willi wlilakey mi',1

taekliwa, thej got uu a ratehelwtm tin- - two boata which they Iimlon Ihe excurilou. John Mitrkliufl, or Circii-puiii- t

win the untamuu uf out) of tbe bo its,and hia sou Otto, u bur agi d II vears, pull-- .lHie oilier. Iu Uu boat vttlh Uiu was a man nuii.eii Ouatuie Sunlit.

MarUhotf, his sun, was aecuiiMi.tnlrdIOltoSnitlh'4 , llenrv Willy. In ihe

Otto beat his about hall uuuoiir. vv lien uu reiietti-i- tnu ifreeiipuitiishine, hu waited t'ol Ilm boat coillaliiliij Liilather mut South, ui.d, wlii-1- it laiidtd,hi. I'.lll.l I wua llliaaillg. He asked Sudlliwl.eru hit father was, when ha wastot, I that hu was uU right mid bailgulp' lo New Ymi. Thu boy knewtlat llis waa Lilac, aud tuadu filtlkur

". ivhe". hi foi. ml lb it Lis father hadIn en tiro tu ,1 Soul h t ,1,1 euiitlii-lin- siorit--uboill Mu.U'ii.i.r-- i iliiMiiiiug, Miviug to uiup.ity that ho y ,,.,1 uu rboatil and

siiu'lili Olli ol'tb. hi v. of fua buntivat hllti-lu.- ; 'I lit. liny, Otlvk illfoiliii-t- l Cap-tuli- i

M, uru of the ulitivu liu tt, uud nt 3ii'i Im k 'I ly nioi'iiiiix, Reed nudIhu l.ingbam, ul Hu bth l'ie, miuel--Sitiilh and Witty .it U.u Amciiiuu Hotel, 111

tbn Luiiciy, New Yulk, oil siupaluu uf mur-der, , '


Y'estcnlay rt'oflu tho body of Marklum watround, iiiul s ivrrat coutiLslona were founduu Ma bond, 1'ut.brinuliiry of tho tujpiciuu affoul play Coronnr Smith therefore dnin.

o.iltrd .Smith and WtMy to tho Cour.rrJaflto aw.ut tint result of a jutl mori.m evunibnarlou dud ui'juo.t nhlvh will, bd held

'' '


AtUltlaaal ranleilara. I 1

ICTMM AMtn me si.rr.snot. j j'' f B

at, Aim or nn: veovlk. IAe Ae. I ii

The Canadlvn malls bring full,1,' the ritrnt failure of tlw Honk or Upjv If.'aivtda, at Tomntii, or which tins Sc ra j I Ment.'y gave a felerr-i;-bl- arniit-tr- .r. A sort s Af no, 'ul iry rtisl- - appears to a. .nt t!i- - Cav'i. , Wjt

nli.nn ii" n"it'. as n I, , , y ntav I

.his ibd af wiiio '. mo Tliilki .Vnft oVafi ff C 11 1 tie- ou.e.t (ir ti,.

l tlio kin, 1' In tho l'torlnri a. if 1. bs.' J ?lo Canada what tha Hunk ol 1. 1,, .t 1. t Vthe lltuiah I'dnplre, and has Wen .,( nv.ta. "rial hI,1 In npc ning up tha rcjtoar. ra of thai, j,eonntry. The , ii'dlc at large, It Is said, wis . JIimo iiuthltig, bL t that reuiaiaa u tt aatw 1 IIriie llabilitira ai etUmsUd at !,r.W,tnJ(., II'

and the aseota a $ .'J7t),f' X), Waving a silt 'plus according ti this statement of I

three ailllkm ifolbi T The ouuaa of failare ila said to 11 In a sh ""k which the Hank r 'calved during lis lor tier lVerTttcU ef whkh It bat Bot bu abl to (ad) I noyer, r . .!. 1 1

TXtv Torerrrto OixaTTa tha Ktbsaya, H. t IIregard to tha dlaaitar t

' M

Y'estonlay afternoon, thi J Dn of OppsjawV kiCanada- In th ely of Mi ntral failed taj.l Manuare np Its tiiltiucet wl " n" m M

Moatreal, eoatrajnently orde fa wr t U

thatlirJarant arescten Ihroug sout In pry"tnca thlt tnornlnsr to- - rtfuta V dUI ' I 'mor, howrver. wlttl htr many I.tongwe. kagan to no'si the ahmti 1 old city, atvt ,aboat 8 o'clock thly rnondng tt x tun f 1 '

U)per CanU blllr vrrr. reflate shy ! Jthe tteatnbTat compantat. liusui Uataly oth bank dear betns cpenail th t isb aa ttneirced, and th paying teller waa I 'ajulVsjaitUengneed paylugout sprcfc' At th IVkrJ ,llaiitraal the usual C'srons lloua deitasaacitnthlnlngUp.CanaiUNIIwrtrrefat a 1

whan this became known In .Ik oily, T"f 5strx-t- t swanntfil with ortewtU f pVpl , tC ,and yonng, in tie-- baak wsth 1 1

In tbrlr handjt TTio tnaca lo Trout f .paying tellcrVfoitntdr war rather farUr V Jing. Men, wiauu and yontUa, vrrU a

aVtad ,

iniaaratherlnpMsentlngthXlrMllt. 0 1a, J 'seeined atal fur tUtnoxnont psotile begun to think that It wast ueeLea V a

fright. Hut aeon the couatlaurVa of Qai '. I

pcopl tkgnn to leok grum, and IBit viaaasl 1orth bodik'taller Became tUrkvr at 4 tuts. fler till aftTTtbovit art hour' rvni, tMteroVal Jwaa Inro-vbr- d that serla laiytiMatti tri Ususpended, wad stx th noiao ol U a lra -

diwr ttrat'lig tebl. the hundred ctata?- - 'that the lltsik of IJpper CAnada haj 4 loas' , ' IIU portals. Tha bkiik tueaneuger auoej I kftats 1

wards Issuttl forth front th aid emtA saaeaj ! Iand tmsteil th follewlng duenhiant, la tahaniiwrllloL-o-f the otujiier. ou ' H

"The pnbllo are riailfulIrlurorrnef Vat) llId eonaeqitenea of th refusal of tbelr DO) i Iby otbet baukt thla. uwruivg. th Uaada. aiUpper Canada hat t ml sped M 1t .'meots. ' - KouitHi CAtaau, CaaliUtr x ;

Dy thbi tlroeot '

had coiiKregated-uubai- Ja th barJa, taltgroup atcuM. ditcustlng the txsial ' ,billtle of tha dlaaattr. Ona poor m aaT I tErin, with a couple at X'a eudeavcuW 3- -.-li .gut In by tha back entrance, bnt lha maaatlst I 'f"3u. !'utrJ ntatti all egress. YTasaar. , ',

burrtad to ami fro with tlwlr hard baarta- -eurnlugs In their baaila, and one of lbaa tat ' Iraiu went lo tb CunmiertUl Dank auai ad.- - "neatly be.ought tha teller lo chauirn thai BaV-f-

hills, fiut tha toller didn't ace it. Out 'wutuati. who had rirtrteea dollars in rats) .and bllla, waa heaping thanks on on ailM 1 treporters of this Journal tor asalallug Itsnbtk --

getting her "foutUcu dollar ebaugeO." Tks -I-niuk b.u eertululy cloard lu donrs, awl taapeudeil ijiecla pavmcutai bat there 1 taf -- .

donht that every depttsltor and bill holds) . t Iwill be paid lu full, aa the aaseta are ualat tsutlicleut to ruvi-- r all UuUlltl.s. Th UaJJ.


dlreetnta aeetn to have beeu aa ranch la tika) ".. .1dark abuut matters a Uia public, and etaiad) ' j-- 'or tlieut wtnt nut vou aware this uuirtkUaaJ- - -when th bank opened, that ailalrs luMtualrather tbaky. . F '

LArxs nr TEimaAro.ToaotTO, C. W., Sept. 21 It la anntnxaavatV ,'

Uut lb,i llauk of UriU.h North America wtli 'prvleal letter ofcrodlt from Eugtith baoOt).re on the Dank of Upper Canada. Tba tV

rector of th llaukof Upper Canada haasf .

not deslded what course to pursue, bnt U .Umught that tha Institution will ba worai wap by awlgueea. Th bills of tho siuriendadihank ara telling at thirty to furty par atajsV 1dlacouot. 1

A HTUAMIK HTOItr. IA Babel rtralaoTtb Itij Tanas Baa 1

.Uauld Waatulad.tuga waa recently tired uiKiulifaarr.j "

craft beating tba Coufetlarut flag, aad 'who Is conrtusd there, was aerloeaata- .wounded by the explosion of a shelL Taa'. 'veaaol wua a achoouer-rigge- iteamer. aasd! 1

palntort lead color, with fuur gunaon. '.brvaulaldo, which were all discharged at tta2.dittauca of two mllaa from tha Island, wktslth boat put Ui tea. Th United Stataa rwstt

nu cutter waa lying In tb harbor aattsjj. ' .tlm, bat not having on steam waa unaalal- a-

. 1

Lord DrjirnRRART haa eiprested blrauwlla i mfavurable to marriage with a deceaaed wiiaOA. I a 1sister, on this gruuudl "It la a Mbecaiu when a lelluw married bl deraaptst; awile's slatsr h ha only on miithirhflaw. 1 1 I

LOUAjNEW'a JirxTy Totn; ami tum TicinrrT, :i

Tim "Tct Csurr" Qutmorc Doxaa, , 'wheels, drawn by rnbwrble, old. .t..TTttw .. j,gaited specimens of tha equina rc,aaflL. '

rattla np and down Ilnmdwny. They aisfhonored by tlio name of" stag." Abtatsttwoytaraago tba charge fur shaking a pat ,seeger up or down town in one of the ai . .veyaurea was six cents, exccpUng UiduKuickarbockcr liae, which obarged ftytj.cent. Abuut that tlm, horse fcetl aa (Vty s

eouipaules said rut to a very high flgaray iand they wera nevetdltutcd to chnrg Uaa.puU"j sovsn cents .oiumuutlou prW- - - '

tight cents single ticket, Tha public, rjiik. v

bled, and fur sums tnno the stages oarrisi.very few paasougerd; aa few thai. thtt.

companies rcAluced. tbo faro tu ttt orljlntaf,,flgui-- six cctiU. (llurad-fccJ- . still rvmaiiied Iho rnme.) This lastul abottV. 1

thriu weeks, when up went the furs agaix tto eight Tho tmvcling commaaJl. f t

grumbled, hut few paid tho enhanced ralts.1

In a Abort tlino (liure-feei- l remalnlno; al Uu? ,

aumc flgutc) up tiiuit tin) f.ltp tu oaaiaJlTho horn a did uol get uny latter, Uio Ja.aaJ 'did not get any inoro wugea , It it tupixtatastj . 'tbo stockhuldi'ta' divblciid-- aJi.orboii a,--fetd luittcail uf thu uruuidR A t tiiu ctaitf '

sUm of tho war, when tbo groat deruauii. J t,

burse pruveiiuer by the Cuvurnueut, W

shied, tha price iiuiuriilly fell. In. Jl aiyIrtdl, lh higLuaA dgun at which, ooio r tttTsold (a j hiithel wiid.i-i.i- i Jc. i corn, jar makfl 53; hay, per bale, 1 it. Ever na ;,perlcj. thoao utllilea of huiaa iv j 1,, ,

' j

graiViiJIy been tmliuul lu j o4"the but tn.irkcl ' puulutW '

ut tha Sun al... ir , H,- t-iite tUuti attlc'.i w u. ai' jirs,t o.ia THTid uud IJ1U.p1. liia'.iil; Cof j, --Ut uJ llay. ft.

1 bciii 14 a riJ.i 'I'ti ef nejry om'hiiudie l cent, ut gra.r ia, ti..y t,eeut. In buy ; bow ui.u V oai ibe coiuuaalat. ,

rtdaii-i- l tho faie ( Nut a cent. It' tbe pa.lie have ta pay, HUIU,

goea up, tlu-- uugbt tu havo tho beuyJt tj '

Hit) rettui'tiu:! whi'ir it k.wailonu. It would jfbo interesting tu I nUr uu what grounds taa Htug couipaulcd demand tiii praioat tugl. ajfl

rate of faro. 'BFavtMls 11 i!fK. The extra vjganca olia, . m

Crcut mojoiiry of tlio clllicm of I'i. uva, Ilivpolls, and their reckless crpendllur . , Imoney In Jntil an J luxuriaa, 1. tary Oi,

Cvuiiiititni an 'vurUt i'ihliUS Iy

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