issue 3

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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GForce Magazine Issue 3


Issue 2 VOL. I

Hot off the PREZ


Hot off the PREZ


On Family and Business. I treat my home like I take care of this business, in the sense that I run my household using the same

care and sensibility I place in GlobalFusion. The way I raise my

children and treat my wife would be considered in the same platform as I nurture our network and partner with my management team.

Prioritizing priorities. With the load on my plate, I find great significance to set aside, a ‘Quiet Time’- time to myself when i wake up or in the morning, a time alone. It is during this essential period that I am in touch with my duties, my knowledge, and my devotion. I also embrace a very simple priciple of prioritizing, a system of placing all my items in a jar... rocks first, then stones then pebbles then the sand. Lastly the water is filled to seal off spaces. Just as with GFI and its people, this means that I will and must always remain answering the call at the ‘big picture’ level.

Paying forward is a way of life. In Network Marketing, there are only two things one does, and these are, to expand the group or develop existing groups. When you expand, you attract who you are- when you develop, you can only effectively teach what you are. In both attraction, cascading or duplication, who you are plays a crucial role, and the same principle works in keeping your organizations.

Command Responsibility. As the proverbial father of Global Fusion and to almost 20,000 distributors, I constantly remind myself that

everything rises and falls on the leadership. My driving force has and should always be to become the best that I can be in any situation, as a person, professionally and personally and embrace change for the better.

It had been very assuring, seing many lives literally change, financially, relationally and professionally on the skill level and experiences areas. I see so much change around, changes that catapulted individuals to different levels of leadership. Changes in terms of strength of influence, in where that they start to attract more and more people who are like them, just as the role genetics play. The genealogy or the downlines in the network appreciate the kind of leaderhsip the leaders assume and exhibit. I look back and realize that there must be something right that is being done.

The metaphor of running a Network Marketing business and nurturing the family is and must become a way of life. And if there is one thing that I would wish to change in this world, it starts with me; it does not begin anywhere else. If I can change myself, influence change in the people around me, the chain goes on. And we all pay it forward, one day, and one life at a time, eventually we would all be changing the world. We should relentlessly we seek out truths because in truth we will surely walk the light.

In the end, it is all about speaking the truth, embracing that truth and applying it everyday. Truth, (and if I may in this contect place) the value of family and integrity, doing what you say, everytime, is very important because these three values will take us to our rightful place.

Fatherhood took me to a whole new level of responsibility, in fact a very high plane. I found myself with less and less rights and increased responsibilities. And so it is with the business, where, as we climb up the leaderhsip ladder, we also find ourselves with more and more responsibilities than privileges. Ultimately we all learn the essence of sacrifice for the love we have for the family and the children. In the same way that the network grows when they feel love and care from the leadership. Children fly when they see their parents together and so does the network—they fly when they see their leaders are solid.


You have recently joined a network marketing business. Now what?


The next step is getting out there, selling, recruiting and training. A successful network marketing presentation is one in which you will present your product to the people you know or meet in order to sell it to them. Sounds simple enough.

Remember the old adage, “Try and try until you succeed?”

In the network marketing world, there are countless success stories that become inspirations as well as aspirations for others. Along with these are also some not-so-happy tales of failures and lost interests that make others just give up right away.

How do you guarantee someone that success in the network marketing business is not just pure luck? Are there other factors to consider and/or practice?

There is no particular formula for succeeding in this business. There are only some very practical work strategies that you must follow from start-up, follow-up, all the way to maintaining a successful business.

• WorkHarderPut in more hours than your usual 7-10 hours a week. You will need to clock in at least 15 hours a week.

• WorkSmarterBeing a “follower” is something you can do away with. You don’t have to do things by the book. Be creative in order to be more effective and efficient in every aspect of your network marketing business.

• LearntoBecomeaGoodMarketerMarketing is a learned skill. The longer you practice this skill, the better you become at marketing. Good marketing spells success for you.

• InvestMoneyIntoYourBusinessNetwork marketing is a real business. Just like any other business, you will need to invest some amount of money for you to make good money. Makes sense, right?

• NeverQuitObstacles and problems will come and go. That’s just the way life is, the

network marketing business included. Quitting is not an option if you want to succeed. Find solutions; be committed and persistent because that is the only way to achieve success.

And speaking of achieving success, GlobalFusion is here to work with you and for you, providing you with a network marketing business that can now be your successful business venture.

Committed to engineering a vehicle for upliftment, GlobalFusion designed an opportunity that would bring about progress, allowing every individual to move forward and evolve from their current situation. This vehicle would lead to the realization of true freedom by giving each person a chance to determine and define their own future.

Inspired by the dreams of people all over and guided by an intricate and innovative training system. GlobalFusion is determined to contribute to others by working towards one common goal of leading others to achieving and living their most meaningful life.


“Love is as a light because it illuminates. It means understanding. Light could be as source of inspiration, a source of wisdom or a source of direction. When you’re in love with someone, there’s a feeling of being inspired. You see the world in a very different and optimistic manner. You wake up every single morning with a big smile. When you talk about love being a light, you’re talking about being inspired, you’re talking about being understanding, being selfless.

“Love is as a flame like a passion. This flame acts as s heater, an igniter, as a source of enthusiasm, as a source of excitement or as a source of courage. It urges you to continuously move forward despite whatever hurdles or obstacles you encounter along the way.”

Emotion plays a very big role in our business. We are aware that people buy (for the most part) because of emotion; decisions are made because of it because we are emotional creatures by nature and very rare that we make decisions purely based on logic.

Television commercials mostly contain some form of drama. Most of the time, these bits of advertising involves the family. They may feature a mother and her daughter or a mother and her baby. Advertisers do this precisely because one of the most effective marketing strategies is making contact with the consumer’s emotion.

It is a pity that I seldom mingle with the distributors anymore due to the load on my plate and I get to only mingle with the top leaders. Sometimes I know that some of you may find me a bit snobbish and unapproachable. But those who know me are aware that I am someone who actually cares a lot. I express my love by helping you see things you miss out and I make you hear the things that you need hear; because I want you to be successful and to reach your full potential. I am very passionate about these things because I know the sincerity of my intention. That’s the reason I am not afraid to take the risk of being misunderstood. This important principle is very simple yet very powerful. It certainly does equate to love and could be summed up in one statement: Genuine care for people.

When people join, part of their decision is in sincerely believing that they can actually have an amazing life in the future. Imagine the extraordinary amount of courage brought out at that point. You all knew in your hearts that at that deciding moment, you were willing to pay the price because you believed you can bring yourself to that place; where LOVE becomes the PURPOSE.

Even success can be acquired by how much love you give your work and the people around you. Initially a person powered by negative emotion like anger or envy may experience a certain amount of success. But then how can you

hide what’s truly in your heart? Whatever your driving force is, whether you’re conscious of it or not, it will come out of your mouth. Your constant feelings shape your thoughts. That which resides in your mind will eventually become words. You can never conceal your true purpose. One way or another, it is certain to be revealed.

So while I go through my daily routine of thinking and reflecting, I usually ask myself several questions before I make any important decision. I check my intentions and of course I ask myself the ultimate question: What is my purpose? Why is my purpose important? It is because when your actions and thoughts are driven from a place of noble intentions, the reason becomes clear and virtually invariable.

Here with us, distributors work so hard because they want to help out their families. So when you ask them: Why do you want to help your family? They say they don’t want them to experience hardship for the rest of their lives. And you ask again, “but why?” The bottom line is love.

Not many of you know that my true first love is my Mom. And in my trainings, I


always encourage our Distributors to express the love that they have for their parents before it’s too late. And not so long ago, my family had to also send my mom on her further way, to be with my father to meet the Maker. And like you, it has always been my dream to be able to give back to my parents, the kind of life that they can only imagine. I also wanted them to be able to experience the great things this life can offer, more importantly, the peace of mind that having these things give.

I badly needed her to know that in her old age, she can retire comfortably, be assured that her loved ones are safe and be secure emotionally and financially. So while I beat myself hard thinking if I were able to deliver on the promises I made, the time came, and in my heart I knew and felt that I have.

Love means being selfless and being understanding. It means being compassionate and being able to share what you have genuinely. It’s all about the passion, the fire, the desire; the intensity that you have. It also means to be able to be the best provider you are able to be and be that guiding light.

In the long run, a person fuelled by love’s light will see and feel the path that had been set before them.

— Coach B


GlobalFusion, Inc. is basically created with blessings amassed and used in good spirit and intention. It is a company blessed with top quality people, first class products and abundance of life changing rewards.

In line with GFI’s vision to touch a billion lives, the company launches BIG HEART Foundation. The Management believes that with the continuing prosperity and growth that the Company and its network leaders and distributors are enjoying, there is time for everyone to pause and thank The Creator, and share the blessings received.

BIG HEART intends to promote the synergy of giving and receiving blessings in the unique work environment that GFI cultivates—a workplace promoting sincerity, generosity and essentially human kindness among the GFI family in the midst of the overflowing affluence and opulence. It is the only positive elements that the Management instigates in each leader, inviting and encouraging the entire GFI family to evaluate and realize his/her purpose in life.

As one family, GFI believes that all its leaders and distributors have a great responsibility to the society, most especially to the younger population. The youth, as Dr. Jose Rizal once said, holds the future.

With the rising number of young leaders in the network, it is but only timely and worthy that the needy children in the country be given more attention and care. Education, nutrition and shelter are basic needs. Unfortunately, more than 50% of our country’s younger population does not even enjoy such.

This is what BIG HEART intends to contribute—to raise the quality of life of the Filipino children. All network leaders and distributors are expected to participate in this give back campaign. For the fortune received is nothing of comfort if not shared and thanked for.


GlobalFusion, Inc. enhances a networker’s leadership skills through constant business meets and leadership training programs. The company, since its launch in 2008, has propagated more than a hundred principled leaders through its annual Leadership Camp (LC).

The Leadership Camp is held every year exclusively for its registered networkers. It does not dictate nor judge a person by his/her age, gender, physical looks or economic state.

It aims to build, improve and sustain excellent individual performance through enhanced leadership skills. It incorporates programs that will empower the network to act through GFI’s vision and purpose for the leaders to foster effective and productive leadership abilities.

LC targets to craft a winning, harmonious culture that promotes solutions and advantages in lieu of conflicts and competition. It is created using proven methodologies, enlightening theories and effective approaches applying immersive and experiential activities. Only certified coaches and facilitators edify the LC programs, which have been customized to meet the participant’s transformation objectives—allowing him/her to open and reunite with his/her heart, mind, body and soul as one.







The 2011 GFI Asian and European Tour Extravaganza






But this has saved thousands upon thousands, even millions of lives worldwide! Not known to all is, what originated from

South America was discovered by a Japanese scientist in the 1960’s who emigrated there. He discovered the locals of a

small village would age up to a hundred and even more without the degenerative diseases which

accompany old age.

**include Bioperine awards and patents, HALAL, KOSHER

Seal etc.**

Added to the Mushroom of Life is Resveratrol

Lab studies show that cellular life span is increased by 70% with the long-term use of resveratrol. What can prolong life may play a substantial function to prevent or slow down diseases.


On top of this AgariLife also gives you the following benefits:

Softens wrinkles - Aids in Weight Loss - Improves Nutrient Intake - Help Remove Built-Up Toxins - Increases Overall Energy Throughout the Day - Helps the Liver Metabolize Fat - Aids in Breaking Down Stored Fat - Increases Immune System Function - Boosts Cardiovascular Health - Anti-inflammatory Properties Help Eye and Bone Health - Protects the Pancreas - Strengthens the Liver

Pharmacological effect tested with mice through Tokyo University (medicine faculty), Japan’s National Cancer Research Center, Mie University (medicine faculty) and Tokyo Yakka (Pharmacy) University.

During this test 10mg Agaricus Blazei concentrate was injected to mice for 10 days. This test shows that ABM mushroom reaches 90% of healing ratio and 99% of prevention ratio against cancer.

AgariLife comes in 30 vegetable caps per bottle and contains neither fillers nor additives. It contains all natural breakthrough ingredients.

From the time I was a young girl I had experienced heavy bleeding and severe cramps during my periods. I was diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition where I experienced abnormal tissue growths in my ovaries. When I was 21 years old, I had to have an ovary removed because my symptoms had become very severe.

I was almost losing hope of ever being free of the pains caused by my condition, not mention the cost of medication I had to maintain monthly. Then two months ago I started taking AgariLife. After one month my latest ultrasound revealed that the ailment I suffered from for 19 years was GONE.

Year 2009, my ultrasound findings showed that I have a 2cm myoma in my uterus and a 9x7x7 cm cyst in my left ovary. Year 2010, due to a lifestyle change which included diet and various supplements for over a year, my cyst shrank by 50% but after sometime went back to 6cm and the 2cm myoma is still there.

Today, Feb. 2, 2011, after taking AgariLife for just over a month, findings showed that my myoma is gone (Thank God!) and my cyst shrank to 5cm. Right now, I only take GFI products (no other brands) and I’m really amazed with the big improvement! All these only after a month. I look forward to my next doctor’s visit and see the cyst vanish as well!

Judith Emily Tiamsim

40 yrs. old

Fritz Marie Pascua-Umali 41 yrs. old

Events Coordinator

Pharmacological Effect Analysis of variable mushrooms:

kinds of mushroom Dose per day healing successful ratio prevention ratio against cancer

Agaricus Blazei Murill (ABM) 10mg 90% 99%

Matsutake mushroom 30mg 56% 91%

Shiitake mushroom 30mg 55% 81%

Kofukisarunokoshikake mushroom 30mg 46% 65%

Nameko mushroom 30mg 30% 87%

Enoki mushroom 30mg 30% 81%


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