issue 19 minister · trades such as shoe repairing, needlework etc. all ... owls, and many other...

Post on 29-Aug-2018






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Minister: David Crowther, 3 Meadowsweet Close, Thatcham, RG18 4DS. Tel: 01635 866471 Issue 19


Dear Friends

September is the month when we celebrate harvest; our Harvest

Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sunday 16th. Many crops have

been disappointing because of the wet weather earlier in the year.

However, I did hear one farmer say that the temperature has

risen just enough over the last few weeks for the harvest to break

even. All this reminds us how dependent we are on the weather. As Christians, we

believe that God is in ultimate control of weather conditions and so it is right to give

Him thanks for seed-time and harvest. In Genesis 8:22 God says 'As long as the

earth endures, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and

night will never cease.' He continues 'I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will

be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.' (Genesis 9:13)

Having spoken to the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus

links the thought of the coming harvest to the blessing of

a spiritual harvest, telling His disciples 'Do you not say,

'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you,

open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe (or

white) for harvest.' (John 4:35) In the UK we speak of a

golden harvest, but in the hotter countries of the Middle East the sun bleaches the

corn, so it is a ‘white’ harvest. However, it could be that as Jesus spoke He saw the

townsfolk coming to Him as a result of what the woman had said to them. The people

of Samaria wore light coloured garments, so He may have been thinking of their

spiritual need and the harvest of precious souls waiting to be reaped. Sowing and

ploughing were hard work; joy came only at harvest time, meaning the sower had to

wait four months for his reward. Jesus continued 'Even now the reaper draws his

wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the

reaper may be glad together.’ (John 4:36) During my time here, I have been very

conscious of the fact that others have sown seed before me and I think particularly

of Roy Herrington’s ministry. As we have seen some come to the Lord and others

growing in Christ, so we may all

rejoice together. Let us

continue to pray for an

ongoing spiritual harvest in


Yours in Jesus


David’s Despatches


This month our 5th Sunday missionary offering (30th September) will be for the work of the Messianic Testimony. The original ministry, Mildmay Mission to the Jews, was begun by John Wilkinson in 1876. Wilkinson had become a believer during the Wesleyan revival at the end of the 18th century and initially he worked for the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Among the Jews, now known as CWI (see page 6). However, he realised that he was spending more time telling Christians about the work, rather than actually witnessing to Jewish people. His studies of the Scriptures led him to believe that it would not be long before the Jews would be restored to their own land and this gave added impetus to his desire to tell Jewish people about their Messiah. After much prayer and deliberation he left the British Society on 31st May 1876 and on 1st June started a new ministry — the Mildmay Mission to the Jews. Based in the East End of London and operating as a faith mission, MMJ was blessed by God and, in due course, what had begun as a small work became the largest mission in the British Isles at that time.

Although primarily an evangelistic body, MMJ was also concerned about the physical needs of the Jewish population. In 1892 a new headquarters was opened, which included a medical mission with a resident doctor. One writer described it as ‘the most complete Jewish mission building in the world’. More people worked there than in any other mission of the era. As the work expanded a convalescent home was added, together with an orphanage and school. There were also facilities for teaching Polish and Russian immigrants various trades such as shoe repairing, needlework etc. All these different strands of the work gave opportunities to bring the gospel to the Jewish people.

One of those who passed through John Wilkinson’s care and spent much time debating with him was David Baron, an orthodox Jew from Russian Poland. Eventually David Baron accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as his Messiah and worked

alongside Wilkinson and MMJ for 12 years. However as Baron felt Jewish people should evangelise other Jews, he formed his own organisation in 1893 — The Hebrew Christian Testimony to Israel.

Over the years, thes0e two organisations worked closely together until, in 1973, they merged to become The Messianic Testimony. Now a much smaller concern, with headquarters outside London (today the East End is predominantly Muslim), TMT still continues to take the gospel to Jewish people. As well as workers in the UK, there are missionaries reaching out to the Jewish communities in Toulouse, St Petersburg, Cape Town, Cologne and, of course, various towns in Israel.

John Wilkinson was a contemporary of other great worthies of the faith, many of whom he knew personally. Hudson Taylor of the China Inland Mission, for instance, used to send his first tithe each year to MMJ, accompanied by a note ‘To the Jew first’. John Wilkinson would respond by sending his gift to CIM ‘to the Gentile second’. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher, said of John Wilkinson ‘if any man is called to work among the Jewish people it is John Wilkinson and we wish him God-speed’.

Sadly, today many do not see the need to witness to Jewish people and Israel is seen at best as irrelevant, with no place in God’s plans. Yet, in Romans 1:16 Paul tells us ‘I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile’. The Bible is timeless and these words are as important today as when they were written. May we too play our part in sharing the gospel with Jewish people and defending Israel and the promises God made to her specifically, which are separate from those made to the Church, which comprises both Jew and Gentile.

Copies of the TMT magazine, Selah, are available from Elizabeth.


I really enjoy watching the birds that live near

and visit our garden. One little bird is often dismissed by many people as not interesting, rather tawdry, not exotic or colourful, in fact boring. From watching these birds, I can only say they are so wrong! The bird in question is the

sparrow. Both the common or house sparrow and the tree, hedge or country sparrow are, in my eyes, intelligent, interesting,

entertaining and beautiful birds. There are about 25 different species of sparrows and they can be found in most parts of the world. In the UK sparrows are mostly seen in lively, bustling groups, chattering incessantly from bushes, branches or hedgerows. In London when I was young, the house sparrow was very common and even considered a pest.

The house sparrow is slightly larger than its country cousins, while the tree sparrow is slimmer and nimbler. In terms of plumage, the tree sparrow has pure white cheeks with a prominent black patch, thin white neck band, a chocolate-brown crown and a small neat black bib that does not expand onto the breast. The house sparrow has a grey crown with chestnut on the sides and nape, lighter grey cheeks, a black bib and a black band from the base of the black bill to around the eye, a rich brownish back with bold

black streaks and a greyish body. Their females are considered duller and appear quite featureless at a distance, while closer views reveal a greyish-brown crown and a pale chest. Both species have a stout conical bill. Tree and house sparrows often roam together in winter looking for food, in small mixed flocks with finches and buntings. They typically avoid extensive woodlands and grasslands away from human development.

Seeds, grain and insects form their primary diet, but they will eat food

scraps too. Both types are prolific breeders and can raise three broods per year if left undisturbed. Their predators include domestic cats, hawks, owls, and many other predatory birds and mammals.

From Mike’s Box in the Loft

A female House Sparrow is flanked by the male House Sparrow and Tree

Sparrow. Can you tell which is which?


I came across this lovely little poem called Only a Sparrow which says a lot about the little sparrow:-

I’m only a little sparrow, a bird of low degree,

My life is of little value, but there’s ONE who cares for me. HE gave me a coat of feathers, it is very plain I know, With never a speck of crimson, for it was not made for show.

But it keeps me warm in winter, and it me shields from the rain Were it bordered with gold or purple, perhaps it would make me vain. And when the spring-time comes, I will build myself a little nest.

With many a chirp of pleasure, in the spot I like the best. I have no barn or storehouse, I neither sow nor reap. GOD gives me a sparrow’s portion, but never seed to keep. If my meal is sometimes scanty, close picking makes it sweet.

I have always enough to feed me, and life is more than meat.

I know there are many sparrows, all over the world we are found. But the FATHER in heaven knows when one of us falls to the ground. Though small we are not forgotten, through weak we are never afraid. For the FATHER in heaven keeps the life of the creatures that HE made.

I fly through the thickest forest, I alight on many a spray, I have no chart or compass, but I never lose my way. And I fold my wings at twilight, wherever I happen to be. For the FATHER in heaven watches and no harm can come to me.

Anon We can learn so much from all God’s creation. Jesus says ‘Are not five

sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows’ Luke12:6-7 (NIV).


During the second

week of the Olympics, I joined the Christian Witness to Israel evangelistic team. This included some of their full time

staff such as Rosa Blandford who leads Bible study groups for Jewish

people in Bournemouth and Andrea, a Romanian girl working in Muswell Hill with Feri and Bogi from Hungary, who told us of increasing hostility to

Jewish people there. The volunteers included a Brazilian couple working as missionaries in Edinburgh, the husband being the son of a

converted ex-Nazi and a Jewess; Jason an ex-Roman Catholic from Glasgow; Rachel a pastor’s daughter

from Israel who had just finished her army service and Darra from a former Hindu family in Birmingham. We stayed at the London Theological Seminary in Finchley, a place with

an excellent Italian chef and comfortable rooms, provided you

didn’t lose the automatic key! Our day began with worship, prayer and Bible study. We then went out, always working in groups or pairs. Wearing special t-shirts we joined

the All Souls Church outreach in Oxford Street, talking to the numerous tourists, giving out free bottles of water and Christian literature. We also invited people to the church café, where the Games were shown on big screens. Twice

we went to Covent Garden to the

area around the London City Mission café Eterno. We engaged the crowds by doing open air events using sketch board, music and

testimony. A highlight for us all was

the door-to-door evangelism in Finchley, mainly to Jewish homes, and then joining the book table outreach in Stamford Hill, an area packed with very orthodox Jewish people, mainly dressed in black.

Among those who showed a serious

interest in the gospel were ‘J’, who said “she lost touch with her Jewishness”; ‘C’, an office worker at the BBC “is Jesus the only way?” she

asked; ‘R’ from New York; ‘B’ from Iraq asking “can you tell me the difference between Christianity and Islam?”; an elderly Jewish lady who,

despite mobility problems, came down from a top flat to talk and many more who took literature and

CDs. More contacts were made as we travelled on the underground, including a young Jewish mother who asked for a New Testament.

It was a week of opportunity to share the Gospel, a great time of

fellowship and fun with the team and a time of learning about Jewish evangelism from CWI.

Sally Crowther


There are no birthdays this month - or are

there? Do let us know if we’ve missed you out!

Praise God for those who heard the

gospel from Sally Crowther and

others on the CWI team. Pray for

‘J’, ‘C’, ‘R’ and ‘B’ and for the elderly

Jewish lady and many others who

received literature.

As David Crowther retires from the

ministry at TFC pray for the Church

Council as they take on extra

responsibilities. As we consider the

future of the church, may we all

know the Lord’s leading and guidance.

Pray that David & Sally Crowther

will find the right house in the

right location and that their home

will sell at just the right time.

Open Doors reports that a

Christian girl with learning

disabilities has been arrested on

charges of ‘blasphemy’ in

Islamabad. Rimsha Masih (11) was

accused of burning pages of the

Quran. Pakistan’s blasphemy laws

frequently cause controversy, but

this case has attracted widespread

attention and the President has said

he disapproves of any misuse of the

blasphemy laws. Other groups have

also made statements condemning

the arrest. Pray for protection for

Rimsha, her family, and other

Christians in the area and that

justice would prevail. Pray too that

Rimsha would be released and all

charges against her dropped.

Pray for Jean Francisco (10) who

was knocked over by a sarety (ox-

cart) and broke his femur. He will

be in traction at Mandritsara for 6

weeks - so, plenty of time to hear

the gospel. He has one of the

special books that the hospital has

for such patients, with 42 Bible

stories and 42 pictures to colour -

one for each of the days in traction.

Please pray for the Yeldall Manor

staff team; that each one will

continue to demonstrate ‘tough love’

– maintaining clear boundaries

alongside unconditional love and

acceptance for each man.

D & T of Messianic Testimony

ask prayer for ‘A’, ‘S’, & ‘M’ that the

seed sown may bear fruit for

eternity. Pray for D and T, and

their family, in their outreach to

the Jewish community in the

Midlands area.

So far, COINS has not received any

applications for a new schools’

worker. Pray that when the job is

re-advertised God will bring it to

the attention of the person of His

choice. Alternatively, may the

leadership team be open to His

leading in new directions.


Sunday 2nd September 10.45 Morning Worship & Communion David Crowther Moses Part 1 - The Choice of Moses Tuesday 4th September 14.15 Ladies’ Fellowship Autumn Outing

A Visit to Julia Greenfield Thursday 6th September 19.30 Prayer & Bible Study - On Your Marks Mark Part 9; A Hand is Healed Sunday 9th September 10.45 Morning Worship David Crowther

Moses 2 - The Call of Moses

Thursday 13th September 19.30 Prayer & Bible Study - On Your Marks Mark Part 10; The Crowd & the Choice Sunday 16th September 10.45 Morning Worship Harvest Thanksgiving

Ron Timms & Mike Harmsworth

Thursday 20th September 19.30 Prayer & Bible Study - On Your Marks Mark Part 11; Three Views of Jesus Sunday 23rd September 10.45 Morning Worship

David Crowther Moses 3 - The Commissioning of Moses

Monday 24th September 14.00 Church Members Meeting We would urge all members to attend!! Thursday 27th September 19.30 Prayer & Bible Study - On Your Marks

Mark Part 12; The Seed, Soil & Sower Sunday 30th September 10.45 Morning Worship David Crowther - Moses 4

The Character of God Revealed to Moses Thursday 4th October 19.30 Prayer & Bible Study - On Your Marks

Journey into Life: Mark Part 13 Sunday 7th October 10.45 Morning Worship & Communion David Crowther Moses - Part 5

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