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Annals of Medicine

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Cannabinoids: Medical implications

Richard J. Schrot & John R. Hubbard

To cite this article: Richard J. Schrot & John R. Hubbard (2016) Cannabinoids: Medicalimplications, Annals of Medicine, 48:3, 128-141, DOI: 10.3109/07853890.2016.1145794

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Published online: 25 Feb 2016.

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Cannabinoids: Medical implications

Richard J. Schrota,b and John R. Hubbardc,d

aVeterans’ Administration Medical Center, Outpatient Clinic, Tampa, FL, USA; bDepartment of Family Medicine, University of SouthFlorida, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA; cPsychiatry South, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA; dIndian Rivers Mental Health Clinic,Tuscaloosa, AL, USA

ABSTRACTHerbal cannabis has been used for thousands of years for medical purposes. With elucidation ofthe chemical structures of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) and with discoveryof the human endocannabinoid system, the medical usefulness of cannabinoids has been moreintensively explored. While more randomized clinical trials are needed for some medical condi-tions, other medical disorders, like chronic cancer and neuropathic pain and certain symptoms ofmultiple sclerosis, have substantial evidence supporting cannabinoid efficacy. While herbal canna-bis has not met rigorous FDA standards for medical approval, specific well-characterized cannabi-noids have met those standards. Where medical cannabis is legal, patients typically see aphysician who ‘‘certifies’’ that a benefit may result. Physicians must consider important patientselection criteria such as failure of standard medical treatment for a debilitating medical disorder.Medical cannabis patients must be informed about potential adverse effects, such as acuteimpairment of memory, coordination and judgment, and possible chronic effects, such as canna-bis use disorder, cognitive impairment, and chronic bronchitis. In addition, social dysfunction mayresult at work/school, and there is increased possibility of motor vehicle accidents. Novel ways tomanipulate the endocannbinoid system are being explored to maximize benefits of cannabinoidtherapy and lessen possible harmful effects.


� The medical disorders with the current best evidence that supports a benefit for cannabinoiduse are the following: multiple sclerosis patient-reported symptoms of spasticity (nabiximols,nabilone, dronabinol, and oral cannabis extract), multiple sclerosis central pain or painfulspasms (nabiximols, nabilone, dronabinol, and oral cannabis extract), multiple sclerosis blad-der frequency (nabiximols), and chronic cancer pain/neuropathic pain (nabiximols andsmoked THC).

� Herbal cannabis has not met rigorous US FDA standards for medical approval, while specificwell-characterized cannabinoids have met those standards, and more are being studied.However, herbal cannabis is legal for medical use in certain US states/countries, and patientsmust usually see a physician who ‘‘certifies’’ that a benefit may result. Participating physiciansshould be knowledgeable about cannabinoids, closely look at the risk/benefit ratio, and con-sider certain important criteria in selecting a patient, such as: age, severity, and nature of themedical disorder, prior or current serious psychiatric or substance use disorder, failure ofstandard medical therapy as well as failure of an approved cannabinoid, serious underlyingcardiac/pulmonary disease, agreement to follow-up visits, and acceptance of the detailedexplanation of potential adverse risks.

� The limitations of use of medical cannabis include the following potential adverse effectsthat are discussed with potential patients: acute central nervous system effects such as deficitsin memory, judgment, attention, coordination, and perception (such as time and color), anx-iety, dysphoria, and psychosis; chronic central nervous system effects such as cannabis use dis-order, cognitive and memory deficits, and increased risk of psychosis; pulmonary effects suchas chronic bronchitis; social dysfunction, such as work/school; increased risk of accidents, suchas motor vehicle accidents; and preliminary data suggest possible risk for acute cardiovascu-lar event, especially with underlying heart disease.

� The normal human endocannabinoid system is important in the understanding of suchissues as normal physiology, cannabis use disorder, and the development of medicationsthat may act as agonists or antagonists to CB1 and CB2. By understanding the endocannabi-noid system, it may be possible to enhance the beneficial effects of cannabinoid-relatedmedication, while reducing the harmful effects.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 26 July 2015Revised 28 December 2015Accepted 19 January 2016Published online 24 February2016

KEYWORDSCannabinoids; cannabinoidtreatment; medicalmarijuana

CONTACT Richard J. Schrot, MD Veterans’ Administration Medical Center, Outpatient Clinic, 14020 North 46th Street, Tampa,FL 33613, USA� 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

ANNALS OF MEDICINE, 2016VOL. 48, NO. 3, 128–141


Medical history

In his book entitled Marijuana: The First TwelveThousand Years, Dr. Ernest Abel reports that ancientChinese emperors more than 4000 years ago were sug-gesting that marijuana be used for medical treatmentpurposes (1). In the US, marijuana was listed as a medi-cation in the US Pharmacopeia from 1851 until 1942(2). This has traditionally meant that a drug has metstandards for safe use (3). In the 1800s, well before theexistence of regulatory agencies such as the US Foodand Drug Administration, the so-called ‘‘patent medica-tions’’ were popular elixirs and cure-alls, frequentlycontaining marijuana, along with opium and alcohol (4).

History of marijuana research

Despite a lengthy history of medical use, herbal mari-juana became regarded more than 50 years ago as aseverely dangerous drug with no significant medicalusefulness by the United Nations Single Convention onNarcotic Drugs of 1961 (5). It was additionally labeledby the US Substance Abuse Act of 1970 as a Schedule Idrug, like heroin, with the highest abuse potential.These laws not only restricted personal use, but alsohad the effect of significantly curtailing procurement ofmarijuana for research purposes in many countries.Despite these admonitions about marijuana’s danger,and despite the lack of strong supportive evidence-based randomized clinical trials for certain medical con-ditions, many governments (including 23 US states andseveral countries) have now legalized the use of med-ical herbal marijuana. Thus, governmental agencies areparadoxically authorizing medical use of herbal mari-juana, despite a dearth of comprehensive supportiveresearch for some, but not all, of these disorders. This isa unique situation in the contemporary use of medica-tion, and is referred to in a recent JAMA editorial as theproverbial cart pulling the horse (medical use beforerigorous supporting research) (6). In 2015, the US gov-ernment eliminated the US Public Health Service over-sight for obtaining marijuana for research purposes (7).

Discovery of the cannabinoids

Despite the difficulty in obtaining marijuana for research,Dr Raphael Mechoulam procured a supply of hashishfrom the Israeli national police in the early 1960s, and ori-ginated modern-day cannabinoid research (8). The chem-ical structure of the marijuana cannabinoid calledcannabidiol (CBD) was first demonstrated in 1963 (9) byhis research group, and then in 1964, the chemistry of

marijuana’s psychoactive cannabinoid delta-9-tertrahydro-cannabinol (THC) was described (10). Cannabinoid is theterm Dr Mechoulam’s group coined to characterize thisfamily of related compounds (11). The marijuana plant,also known by its botanical genus name of cannabis, pro-duces more than 60 of these unique terpenophenoliccannabinoid compounds in sticky resinous stalks calledtrichomes, found mainly on the herb’s flowers/leaves (12).


General medical practitioners are often the first tohave patients inquiring about cannabinoid use, or theydiscover their patients are already using it. The pur-pose of this systematic review is to answer the bot-tom-line question that most clinical medicalpractitioners want to know: what is the best evidenceof cannabinoid usefulness in medical practice, andwhat are the associated risks? Current medical cannabi-noids with demonstrated medical efficacy are matchedwith current recommended medical disorders by focus-ing on systematic reviews of randomized clinical trials.A basic and non-technical overview of the endocanna-binoid system provides a medical practitioner with ageneral understanding of how cannabinoids may beuseful. Guidance is provided to physicians in selection/certification of patients for cannabinoid use, and in thetopics of discussion for adverse effects.

Literature review

A specific Pub-Med search of systematic reviewsreported 147 results using ‘‘therapeutic use of canna-bis,’’ 160 results with ‘‘cannabinoids,’’ and 20 resultsusing ‘‘cannabinoid guidelines.’’ Due to the rapidchange in cannabinoid scientific knowledge, evidencefrom the most recent systematic reviews is the focus,including the 2015 JAMA meta-analysis (13) looking at10 medical conditions, Cochrane Reviews in 2013–2014looking at four medical disorders (14–17), and a 2014neurologic systematic review evaluating three neuro-logic disorders (18,19). This systematic review repre-sents a more comprehensive compilation of disordersthat match to specific cannabinoids. Recommendedphysician guidelines for certification highlight sugges-tions from several countries (45,46).

Basic primer on the human endogenouscannabinoid system


An understanding of the action of cannabinoid medi-cations starts with an understanding of the normal


human endocannabinoid system itself. In the early1990s, a previously unknown normal body system wasdiscovered, consisting of cannabinoid natural neuro-transmitters and endocannabinoid target receptors inmultiple organs, such as the brain. The discovery wasmade that the psychoactive THC cannabinoid in themarijuana plant, discovered 25 years earlier, binds to aspecific cannabinoid brain receptor. Knowing that anatural cannabinoid receptor existed, the natural can-nabinoid ligands for these receptors were searched forand later discovered (11). This new normal body sys-tem was thusly named the endocannabinoid system.

Normal receptors

This first-discovered normal brain receptor with anaffinity for the herb’s psychoactive THC was appropri-ately named cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) (20).CB1 receptors are located not only mainly in the cen-tral and peripheral nervous systems, but also in otherbody systems such as the cardiovascular, visual, andgastrointestinal systems. Later, cannabinoid receptortype 2 (CB2) was discovered in tissues of the immunesystem, such as lymphatic tissue, spleen, and macro-phages (21,22). Compared to CB1 receptors, CB2 recep-tors have significantly lower affinity for THC.

Normal neurotransmitters

While several endogenous ligands for the endocanna-binoid receptors are known, two major ligands havebeen identified: N-arachidonoyl-ethanolamine (knownas anadamide or AEA) (23) and 2-arachidonyl-glycerol(known as 2-AG) (24,25). These normal endocannabi-noid neurotransmitters are unusual in several ways:location in the post-synaptic neuron, not the pre-syn-aptic; retrograde travel with binding to target receptors

in the pre-synaptic neuron; activated pre-synapticcannabinoid receptors will inhibit release of normalneurotransmitters from pre-synaptic neurons.

Regulation of normal body systems

When normal cannabinoid neurotransmitters attach tonormal cannabinoid target organ receptors, theyappear to help to regulate numerous normal bodyfunctions such as cognition, coordination, memory,appetite, pain perception, heart rate, gastrointestinalmotility, intraocular pressure, and immune function(26–30) (Table 1). Few cannabinoid receptors are pre-sent in the brainstem, which may explain why mari-juana by itself is not associated with acute mortality.

Marijuana interaction

Since marijuana contains more than 60 cannabinoids,normal body systems may be activated and disruptedas the cannabinoids in marijuana compete with andmimic the normal neurotransmitters to bind to recep-tors (31) (Table 1). For example, clinical effects such asimpaired judgment, alertness, cognition, and coordin-ation can result, making vehicle operation unsafe. Onthe other hand, marijuana’s effect to increase appetitemay have medical use, as in weight loss associatedwith human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and its abil-ity to reduce pain perception has a wide potential forclinical application. Since more than 60 raw cannabi-noids have such a broad effect on so many body sys-tems, both harmful and helpful, research efforts focuson reducing the ‘‘shotgun’’ approach of herbal mari-juana in favor of identifying well-characterized specificcannabinoids used for a specific purpose, in order toimprove the risk/benefit ratio by maximizing goodeffects and lessening harmful effects.

Table 1. Examples of the association between endocannabinoid receptor location, probable physiologic function, and the potentialeffects of marijuana.

Normal Endocannabinoid Receptor LocationEndocannabinoid regulation of normalphysiologic function Potential effects of marijuana

Cerebral cortex, hippocampus, limbic system Judgment, cognition, memory, alertness, moodand behavior, perception of time/color/sound

Impaired judgment, cognition, memory, alertness,changes in mood and behavior, altered or dis-torted perception of time/color/sound

Basal ganglia, cerebellum Coordination, movement IncoordinationHypothalamus Appetite Increase in appetiteMedulla Nausea and vomiting Reduction in nausea/vomitingDorsal afferent spinal cord and peripheralnociceptors

Pain perception Reduction in pain perception

Visual system Intraocular pressure Intraocular pressure reductionCardiovascular system Heart rate, blood pressure Acute increase in heart rate and supine or sitting

blood pressureGastrointestinal system Motility Reduction in motilityImmune system Immunity Variable stimulation and/or suppression


Cannabinoids now approved for medical useby regulatory agencies like the US Food andDrug Administration

Variety of cannabinoid categories

The medical usefulness of the cannabis plant isregarded as arising from its cannabinoid compounds.The four most common cannabinoid categories thathave potential use for medical treatment purposes are:phytocannabinoids (the raw marijuana plant), syntheticcannabinoids (dronabinol, nabilone), purified cannabi-noids (nabiximols, CBD), and endogenous cannabinoids(32). While not being directly used in studies, endogen-ous cannabinoids (such as anandamide and 2-AG) aretargeted for augmentation by the inhibition of theirdegradation enzymes (See future uses). All of thesepotential medical treatments are often broadly referredto as ‘‘cannabinoid treatment.’’ Synthetic cannabinoidsthat are being used as illegal recreational drugs willnot be discussed in this review.

Medications approved

Three cannabinoid drugs are currently approved, twoby the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), andone by other countries (Canada, Europe):

� Dronabinol is synthesized THC that is FDA-approvedspecifically for treatment of anorexia in humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients with weightloss, as well as cancer chemotherapy-associatednausea and vomiting which has failed standardtherapies (33).

� Nabilone is a synthetic THC analog that is FDA-approved for cancer chemotherapy-associated nau-sea and vomiting which has failed standard therapy(34).

� Nabiximols is about a 1:1 mixture of the purifiedmarijuana plant constituents THC and cannabidiol(CBD) delivered in spray formulation. It is approvedin several countries (Canada, Europe) but not in theUS, as adjunctive therapy for pain management andspasticity in certain types of patients (35).

Explanation for herbal marijuana disapprovalby regulatory agencies

Regulatory requirements not attained

For drug approval, rigorous regulatory agencies likethe US FDA require the demonstration of a consistent,pure, and well-defined chemical formulation of a drug

along with its pharmacokinetics (36). The safety andeffectiveness of the drug must be shown for the treat-ment of a specific medical disorder by the traditionalgold standard of a randomized clinical trial that is dou-ble-blinded and placebo controlled. Regulatory agen-cies require warnings about all potential side effects.

The major reason behind denial for marijuana as atraditional prescriptive medication is that it is a natural,unprocessed plant containing more than 450 variouschemical compounds (12), including more than 60unique cannabinoids. In addition, these compoundsmay not be consistent from plant to plant, causing dif-ferent effects (37). The plant material may have poten-tial impurities such as pesticide residue or fungalcontaminants (38,39). Traditional medication dosingcannot be well-regulated by the inhalation of mari-juana smoke. Also, countries world-wide must considertheir treaty obligations under the 1961 United NationsSingle Convention on Narcotic Drugs.

The future

According to the well-respected US Institute ofMedicine evaluation of marijuana as medication, thefuture of herbal cannabis lies in the isolation of its indi-vidual cannabinoid components and their syntheticderivatives, since the effects will be more predictablethan the raw marijuana plant (40). Likewise, in a 2014publication, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abusesuggests the future of medical marijuana is the devel-opment of ‘‘a new generation of cannabinoid medica-tions’’ that focus on a narrow and specific treatmentgoal, as well as safety (41).

Cannabinoids showing evidence-based medicalbenefits

Landmark meta-analysis study

Suggested to be the first of its kind, a 2015 landmarkmeta-analysis looks at almost 40 years of world-widerandomized clinical trials for medical use of cannabisand cannabinoids from 1975–2014 (13) (Tables 2, 3).The meta-analysis analyzes the evidence presented inthe best 79 clinical trials for 10 medical disorders anddiseases as follows: (1) chronic pain, (2) chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, (3) spasticity due tomultiple sclerosis or paraplegia, (4) appetite stimulationin HIV/AIDS, (5) sleep disorder, (6) Tourette syndrome,(7) psychosis, (8) anxiety disorder, (9) intraocular pres-sure in glaucoma, and (10) depression. The quality ofevidence and strength of recommendations is eval-uated using the GRADE rating system (Grading of


Recommendations, Assessment, Development, andEvaluation) of high, moderate, low, very low, or insuffi-cient evidence (42).

As shown in Table 2, a wide variety of cannabinoidmedications were used in these clinical trials, but themajority of the studied cannabinoids are currently pro-duced by pharmaceutical companies: nabilone capsules(20 studies), nabiximols oro-mucosal spray (19 studies),and dronabinol capsules (13 studies) (13) (Table 2).Additional cannabinoids evaluated in this meta-analysisinclude THC, CBD, and THC/CBD. Interestingly, thisreport included only two studies using herbal cannabis(smoked and vaporized).

The conclusions of this meta-analysis are summar-ized as follows (Table 3):

� Moderate quality evidence supports a benefit in usingnabiximols (not approved in the US), nabilone,

dronabinol, or THC/CBD tablets (not FDA approved)for spasticity in multiple sclerosis and for nabiximolsor smoked THC (neither is FDA-approved) forchronic cancer pain or neuropathic pain.

� Low quality evidence supports a benefit for use ofdronabinol or nabiximols in treatment of chemo-therapy-induced nausea and vomiting, for dronabi-nol for weight gain in HIV/AIDS, for nabilone andnabiximols to treat sleep disorders, and for THCcapsules to treat Tourette syndrome.

� Low quality evidence shows no benefit for use of can-nabidiol in treating psychosis.

� Very low quality evidence demonstrates no benefit forusing nabiximols in treating depression.

� Insufficient evidence is available to make a meaning-ful comment about treatment for glaucoma, sinceonly one study of six participants was evaluated(13) (Table 3).

Table 3. Summary of results for medical use of cannabinoids in 10 medical disorders: 2015 meta-analysis results (13).

Medical disorder Cannabinoid usedNumber of studies/totalparticipants

Results: comparisonto placebo

Quality of evidence(GRADE rating)

Spasticity in multiple sclerosis Nabiximols, Nabilone,Dronabinol, THC/CBD capsules

4/2280 Benefit Moderate quality

Chronic cancer pain or chronicneuropathic pain

Smoked THC, Nabiximols 28/2454 Benefit Moderate quality

Weight gain in HIV Dronabinol 4/255 Benefit Low qualityChemotherapy-related nausea

and vomitingDronabinol, Nabiximols 28/1772 Benefit Low quality

Tourette syndrome THC capsules 2/36 Benefit Low qualitySleep disorders Nabilone, Nabiximols 2/54 Benefit Low qualityAnxiety in public speaking Cannabidiol 1/24 Benefit Very low qualityPsychosis Cannabidiol 2/71 No benefit Low qualityDepression Nabiximols No direct study; five other

studies documented depres-sion as a treatment result

No benefit Very low quality

Intraocular pressure inglaucoma

THC capsules, and Cannabidiolcapsules and spray

1/6 Insufficient evidence Not stated, but patientnumber was small (6)

The quality of evidence and strength of recommendations is evaluated by using the GRADE rating system (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,Development, and Evaluation) of high, moderate, low, very low, or insufficient evidence (42).

Table 2. Types of cannabinoids evaluated with the supporting number of studies for specific medical disorders: results of 2015meta-analysis (13).

Cannabinoid usedNumber of studies for specific cannabinoids with some of the assessed med-ical disorders

Nabilone capsules 20 - Spasticity, pain, sleep disorder, and chemotherapy-inducednausea and vomiting

Nabiximols oro-mucosal spray 19 - Spasticity, pain and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomitingDronabinol capsules 13 - Spasticity, pain, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,

appetite stimulation in HIV/AIDS, and sleep disordersDelta-9 tetrahydocannabinol (THC) (various types of formulations) 10 - Capsules – Pain, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,

Tourette syndrome5 - Smoked – Pain and spasticity4 - Oro-mucosal spray – Pain and intraocular pressure in glaucoma

Cannabidiol (CBD) (various types of formulations) 3 - Capsules – Psychosis1 - Oro-mucosal spray – Intraocular pressure in glaucoma

THC/CBD capsules 4 – SpasticityHerbal Marijuana (various types of formulations) 1 - Vaporized – Pain

1 - Smoked – Appetite stimulation in HIV/AIDSLevonantradol (Analog of dronabinol; not available for use;

various types of formulations)1 - Capsules – Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting3 - Intra-muscular injection – as above

Ajulemic Acid capsules (Not available for use) 1 – PainECPOO2A tablets (Natural THC; not available for use) 1 – Spasticity


American Academy of Neurology/CochraneReviews

In 2014, a systematic review by the American Academyof Neurology looked at 65 years of publications(1948–2013) to assess the medical efficacy for use ofcannabinoids in treatment of the following three neuro-logic conditions: multiple sclerosis, movement disor-ders, and epilepsy (Table 4) (18). Evidence-basedrecommendations have been made from the 33 beststudies. The clinical study quality is rated according tothe method of the American Academy of Neurology asfollows: A (established with strong evidence as effect-ive, ineffective, or harmful, supported by two Class Istudies), B (established with moderate evidence asprobably effective, ineffective or harmful, supported byone Class I study), C (established with weak evidence aspossibly effective, ineffective, or harmful, supported byone Class II study), and U (insufficient, inadequate, orconflicting data to make a determination) (43).

In this systematic review, only the ‘‘oral cannabisextract’’ (a combination of the cannabinoids THC/CBDor CBD alone) is given an A-effective rating for treatingmultiple sclerosis patient-reported spasticity and for

treating central pain or painful spasms. Other specificcannabinoids included in this systematic review areTHC (dronabinol/nabilone), nabiximols, and smokedmarijuana.

For use of cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis-relatedsigns and symptoms, the conclusions of this systematicreview are summarized as follows:

� A – effective rating for oral cannabis extract (CBD/THC or CBD) in treating patient-reported symptomsof spasticity and for treatment of central pain orpainful spasms;

� B – probably effective for THC (dronabinol/nabilone)and nabiximols for treating patient-reported symp-toms of spasticity, for THC and nabiximols in treat-ing central pain or painful spasms, and fornabiximols for bladder frequency of urination;

� B – probably ineffective rating for oral cannabisextract and THC for treating bladder complaintsand for THC and oral cannabis extract for treatmentof tremors;

� C – possibly ineffective rating for nabiximols fortreatment of tremors;

Table 5. Medical cannabinoid evidence-based guidelines: Cochrane reviews (14–17).Clinical medical disorder Cannabinoid used Result Quality of evidence Rating organization

Cannabis use disorder THC May be of Potential Value Limited/Inconclusive Cochrane Drugs and AlcoholGroup, 2014 (14)

Schizophrenia Cannabis, Cannabidiol Insufficient evidence Insufficient/inconclusive Cochrane Schizophrenia Group,2014 (17)

Epilepsy Various Cannabinoids Lack of evidence Insufficient Cochrane Epilepsy Group, 2014(15)

AIDS-related Anorexia andMedical Use for HIV/AIDS

Various Cannabinoids Lack of evidence Insufficient Cochrane HIV/AIDS Group,2013 (16)

Table 4. Medical use of cannabinoids in three neurologic disorders (multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and movement disorders): a sys-tematic review of 65 years by the American Academy of Neurology (18,19).

Medical disorderCannabinoid recommendation and the quality of evidence (Rating byAmerican Academy of Neurology)

Multiple sclerosis patient-reported symptoms of spasticity Oral cannabis extract (THC/CBD or CBD) rated A¼ effectiveTHC (dronabinol or nabilone) rated B¼ probably effectiveNabiximols rated B¼ probably effectiveSmoked cannabis rated U

Multiple sclerosis central pain or painful spasms Oral cannabis extract rated A¼ effectiveTHC and nabiximols rated B¼ probably effectiveSmoked cannabis rated U

Multiple sclerosis bladder complaints Oral cannabis extract and THC rated B¼ probably ineffectiveNabiximols rated as B¼ probably effective for frequency of urination

Multiple sclerosis related tremors Oral cannabis extract and THC rated B¼ probably ineffectiveNabiximols rated C¼ possibly ineffective

Huntington disease Nabilone and CBD capsules rated as UParkinson disease Levodopa-induced dyskinesia Oral cannabis extract rated B¼ probably ineffectiveTourette syndrome THC rated UCervical dystonia Dronabinol rated UEpilepsy Cannabinoids rated as U

Evidence is rated according to the method of the American Academy of Neurology: A (established with strong evidence as effective, ineffective or harmful,supported by 2 Class I studies), B (established with moderate evidence as probably effective, ineffective or harmful, supported by 1 Class I study), C (estab-lished with weak evidence as possibly effective, ineffective or harmful, supported by 1 Class II study), and U (insufficient, inadequate or conflicting data tomake a determination) (43).


� U – insufficient evidence rating for smoked marijuanato treat patient-reported symptoms of spasticityand for treatment of central pain or painful spasm(18) (Table 4).

For the movement disorders of Huntington disease,Tourette syndrome, cervical dystonia, all cannabinoidevidence is rated as U-insufficient, and for Parkinsonlevodopa-induced dyskinesia, oral cannabis extract israted as B-probably ineffective. For treatment of epi-lepsy, the studies are rated as U-insufficient evidence(18) (Table 4).

Cochrane Reviews in 2013–2014 (Table 5) concludethat evidence is limited, inconclusive, or insufficient torecommend cannabinoids for use in treatment of can-nabis use disorder (14), seizures/epilepsy (15), HIV/AIDS(16), and schizophrenia (17).

The complementary and alternative medicinedilemma

Loosely defined as ‘‘not presently considered a part ofconventional medicine,’’ complementary and alternativemedicines show a dichotomy between the high usagesby the US adults (about 40%) while a low physician/pharmacist confidence, education, and ability to guidepatients in becoming involved with such treatments(44). Raw plant-based products such as marijuana oftenfall under the classification of complementary and alter-native medication, partly due to the imprecise estimatesof the potentially useful substances. That does notmean that complementary and alternative medicinesare not helpful. However, traditional medical schoolpharmacology is focused on a prescriptive pill contain-ing one precisely quantitated chemical element or pos-sibly two, with well-studied efficacy and risks.

To help resolve this dichotomy of use, the 2014publication of the American Academy of Neurology’sevidence-based guideline on Complementary andAlternative Medications for Treatment of MultipleSclerosis serves as a good example of a helpful guidefor medical practitioners (19).

Suggested practices for physicians consideringmedical herbal cannabis certification


In states/countries where medical marijuana is legal, theusual process mandates a physician sign a ‘‘certifica-tion,’’ but not a traditional prescription, certifying that abenefit may result. Some states expect physician partici-pants to demonstrate cannabinoid knowledge, such as

attendance at continuing education classes. For phys-ician involvement in medical cannabinoid certification,Kahan (2014) discusses preliminary medical cannabisrecommendations in Canada (45), and Hill (2015) dis-cusses some helpful guiding principles (46). Whendeciding whether to certify a patient, a physician shouldconsider the following important patient criteria:

� Has a ‘‘debilitating medical disorder’’ – a term usedby almost all the US state-based medical cannabisguidelines – that is shown by strong randomizedclinical trials to potentially benefit from medicalmarijuana/cannabinoids.

� Lives in a state/country that authorizes medicalmarijuana.

� Is not an adolescent/child (studies show that theadolescent brain may be more vulnerable to thechronic adverse effects of marijuana) (47).

� Has no prior or active serious psychiatric disorder orsubstance use disorder; does not have a strongfamily history of psychosis or cannabis use disorder.

� No underlying serious cardiovascular or pulmonarydisorder.

� Failed multiple trials of standard medical therapyfor their debilitating medical disorder.

� Failed in the use of an FDA-approved cannabinoidsuch as dronabinol or nabilone, and additionally,outside of the US, the approved nabiximols.

� Understands that the raw marijuana herb is a USSchedule I drug, and that purified CDB and oralcannabis extract such as THC/CBD are not FDA-approved, and agrees to accept the potentialadverse risks, after a detailed explanation.

� Agrees to regular follow-up assessments.

Reasons for physician reluctance

As with all medication use, physicians should not cer-tify use of medical marijuana unless they conclude thata patient may derive benefits compared to potentialrisks (the risk/benefit ratio), and the physician is com-fortable using cannabinoids (46,48). Legitimate phys-ician concerns with certifying medical marijuana as theraw cannabis herb or its constituent purified cannabi-noids are the illegal US federal designation of canna-bis, the potential route of administration (such assmoking), the potential need for a distributing dispens-ary to make decisions (such as a specific plant strain),concerns about potential potency, dosage, and how anindividual patient may initially respond. Patient adverserisk concerns include cognitive, social, and coordin-ation impairment (effecting school/work performance


and motor vehicle use), development of cannabisdependency/addiction (cannabis use disorder), and theunknown and possibly harmful effects of more than450 other chemical compounds in herbal cannabis.

Topics for discussion with potentialcannabinoid patients: evidence-based benefitsversus possible adverse side effects

Approved cannabinoids

FDA-approved medications such as dronabinol willhave a complete listing of possible side effects avail-able from pharmaceutical companies (33–35). All of theapproved medications contain the potentially addictivecannabinoid THC, and nabilone (cesamet) is listed asUS Schedule II (high potential for abuse), while drona-binol (marinol) is Schedule III (potential abuse less thanI and II) (49). However, a study with dronabinolreported a ‘‘low abuse potential,’’ (50) a study withnabilone concluded that ‘‘abuse of nabilone isextremely rare,’’ (51) and a randomized clinical trialshowed nabiximols had some abuse potential at veryhigh doses, but possibly less potential than dronabinol(52). It is suggested that the reported lower abusepotential of dronabinol and nabiximols, compared tosmoked cannabis, may be related to the earlier andhigher elevation of plasma THC concentration associ-ated with smoking (52).

Unapproved cannabinoids

The difficulty arises in certification of a non-FDAapproved cannabinoid such as raw cannabis or THC/CBD extracts. This is a situation in which significanttime is allotted for patient discussions, questions, andanswers regarding the following topics.

Addiction with marijuana

Patients considering medical cannabis therapy shouldbe fully informed that medical marijuana has thepotential for causing addiction with chronic use.According to epidemiological studies, about 9% ofadult marijuana users will develop an addiction (53),but this percentage of addiction increases to about17% when use starts as a teenager (54).

Addiction is a disease

In the past, addiction was often regarded as badbehavior, a failure in morality, and lack of self-discip-line, but now is defined as a disease – a ‘‘chronic, often

relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drugseeking and use’’ (55). The chronic brain disease ofaddiction usually develops slowly, and involves alter-ation in normal chemical neurotransmitters, neuro-chemical circuits, and anatomic brain structures whichtransforms a simple choice whether to use a substanceor not into a powerful and biologically driven compul-sive desire to use it (56).

Cannabis addiction is most closely associated withthe THC cannabinoid, and evidence shows the potencyof THC in cannabis has been increasing over manyyears (57). THC acts on the dopaminergic system toincrease dopamine production, like other drugs ofabuse (58). Chronic THC-stimulated dopamine eleva-tions cause a down-regulation of innate dopamineproduction as well as target dopamine receptors, andan up-regulation of CB1 receptors, such that additionalTHC intake is needed just to maintain the same effect,or the chronic use of the same THC dose producesless effect over time. This process is referred to asdrug tolerance (55–58). The risk factors for addictioninclude academic problems in school, peer usage, andco-morbid psychiatric disorders (56), but genetic inher-itance appears to account for at least 50% of risk(59–61).

The American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5defines cannabis use disorder as a ‘‘problematic pat-tern of use’’ within a 12-month period by identificationof at least two out of 11 clinical behavioral impair-ments, with 2–3 defined as mild, 4–5 is moderate, and6 or more is severe (62). DSM-5 recognizes that ‘‘canna-bis use disorder’’ is not necessarily a static life-long dis-order, but can exacerbate and quiesce, and thisdynamic is recognized by the diagnostic categories of‘‘early remission’’ and ‘‘sustained remission’’ (62,63).

Comparison of ‘‘misused/abused’’ drugs

While the harmfulness of an addictive drug is difficultto measure, a British study published in The Lancetdocuments the comparison of 20 drugs of ‘‘misuse/abuse,’’ using a nine category rating system. A drug’sharmfulness was determined by an expert panelincluding psychiatrists, medical specialists, pharmacol-ogists, and law enforcement (64). Based on a rankingorder of 1–20, with 1 (heroin) being the most harm-ful, these experts ranked marijuana’s ‘‘mean harmscore’’ 11 out of 20 in overall comparative harmful-ness, based on three categories of harm: physical,social, and tendency for dependence. Comparing thelegal drugs to cannabis, alcohol was ranked number5 in this study, while tobacco/nicotine was rankednumber 9.


No use in children/adolescents

The maturing adolescent brain, which may notachieve complete anatomic development until theearly 20’s (65), appears to be more vulnerable to thelong-term effects of marijuana use (47). Studies showthat memory and other cognitive deficits, such as areduction in IQ test scores, can be associated withprolonged use of cannabis, especially with use start-ing in adolescence (47). An increased prevalence ofschizophrenia/psychosis appears associated with mari-juana use as a teenager, particularly with a geneticpre-disposition (66).

Acute central nervous system effects

Patients should know that immediate reaction to first-time cannabis usage is variable, depending on suchfactors as the amount THC in the ingested cannabisand genetic pre-disposition. The typical acute psycho-logical response to cannabis is euphoria and relax-ation, and studies to determine why cannabis is usedhave found, not surprisingly, that the major reasonfor use is relaxation and controlling stress (67,68).Occasionally, however, the acute effect may be anx-iety, dysphoria, and psychosis/hallucinations (69).Other potential acute reactions may include percep-tual changes in colors, sounds, and time, cognitivechanges such as impairment of judgment, reductionin memory, inattentiveness, and impairment ofcoordination.

Acute physiologic effects

Tachycardia, redness of the conjunctiva, stimulationof appetite, and dryness of the mouth are frequentacute physiologic effects of marijuana. Two ormore of these physical findings/symptoms are partof the diagnostic criteria for acute cannabis intoxi-cation (62).

Acute cardiovascular effects

Potentially acute adverse cardiovascular effects havebeen reported, such as tachycardia, increase in cardiacoutput, and elevation of blood pressure, usually occur-ring within 1 h of THC inhalation (70). This may resultin increased myocardial oxygen demand, and studieshave suggested a possible association with precipita-tion of angina and myocardial infarction (71–73). Thus,marijuana may have a cardiovascular risk, especially inindividuals with known underlying cardiovasculardisease.

Chronic central nervous system effects

Most affected by prolonged cannabis use, the brainmay potentially have chronic adverse consequencessuch as cannabis use disorder, along with memory lossand other cognitive deficits, especially when usebegins in adolescence (47,74,75). A recent systematicreview found that chronic adult cannabis usage is arisk for the development of psychosis, and this riskincreases with higher consumption of cannabis (76).Starting cannabis use in adolescence, compared tostarting in adulthood, further increases the risk ofpsychosis development.

Chronic pulmonary effects

Evidence suggests that cannabis smoking is associatedwith respiratory immunological impairment andincreased risk for respiratory infection (77). Similar tochronic cigarette smoke inhalation, studies suggestthat chronic marijuana smoking is associated with air-way inflammation and chronic bronchitis (78,79), butunlike the linear dose response decline in pulmonaryfunction testing associated with tobacco smoking, alow level of marijuana smoking over many years didnot show declines in pulmonary function testing (80).Cigarette smoke and cannabis smoke both contain car-cinogenic chemicals, but a recent large internationalstudy did not show significant increased risk of lungcancer in chronic marijuana smokers (81).

Social problems

Studies show chronic marijuana use has an associationwith social dysfunction, especially when use begins ata young age. Problems include difficulty in school,higher unemployment, lower job income, and less sat-isfaction with life (82,83). Marijuana use may impactemployment by potentially worsening job performanceor by resulting in a positive urine drug screen, despitestopping marijuana weeks before the test.Interestingly, a recent systematic review of medicalmarijuana use and its risk to public safety and publichealth did not find strong evidence to support a detri-mental risk (84).

Special warnings for patients

Acute cannabis usage is associated with increased riskof motor vehicle accidents, especially involving a death(85). While the blood level of THC to define intoxica-tion has not been well established, the 2013 State ofColorado Legislature defined 5 ng of THC per milliliter


of blood or greater to signify an intoxication level (86),but blood levels often do not reflect the clinical picturedue to tolerance as discussed earlier. Due to thepharmacokinetics of THC absorption, one recommen-dation is no driving for at least 3–4 h after smokingand at least 6 h after oral cannabinoid consumption(45). Acute toxicity of marijuana is usually greatest withsmoking, since peak plasma concentration of THC willbe higher, occurring in about 15 min, compared to oralingestion, having a peak concentration at about 2–4 h(87). Failure to recognize the delayed effects of intoxi-cation from oral ingestion can result in dangerous con-sequences later, such as motor vehicle accidents, falls,and other accidents.

Discussion about the cannabinoid known ascannabidiol

The well-known non-addictive and non-psychoactiveproperties of cannabidiol (CBD) make this cannabinoida topic of much interest for treatment purposes, eventhough not FDA-approved. With its low affinity for theCB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD shows possible thera-peutic use by its action in multiple other pathways,producing helpful effects such as anti-inflammation,anti-oxidation, and neuro-protection (11) Suggestingthat CBD may ameliorate THC’s propensity for psych-osis, a 2015 systematic review, looking at plant-derivedCBD in humans as a treatment for psychosis, con-cluded that CBD has potential as an antipsychoticagent, but large randomized clinical trials are neededto support regular clinical use (88). A systematic reviewof evidence suggests CBD has potential in the treat-ment of addiction to tobacco and opioids, pendingadditional studies (89). Recently, a parent survey of 117children with intractable seizures supported the use ofCBD, by reporting an 85% perceived reduction in seiz-ures with use of plant-derived, enriched CBD (90).

Future potential cannabinoids/drugs thattarget the endocannabinoid system

Pharmacologic therapeutic strategies for manipulationof the endocannabinoid system focus primarily on thecannabinoid/drugs that either directly or indirectly actsas agonists or antagonists to the endocannabinoidreceptors (91).

The CB1 receptor antagonist/blocker rimonabantwhich decreases appetite (92) was approved by theEuropean Union to treat obesity, but was then discon-tinued about 2009 due to side effects (93). The similar,but not identical, cannabinoid blockers known as

surinabant and taranabant are now being tested forthe treatment of nicotine addiction (94).

Ajulemic acid is a synthetic cannabinoid analog of ametabolite of THC, and is non-psychoactive, anti-inflammatory, and described as an agonist to immunesystem CB2 endocannabinoid receptors. This cannabin-oid is now being tested for treatment of systemic scler-osis (scleroderma) (95,96).

A plant extract mixture of the cannabinoids tetrahy-drocannabivarin and CBD is being tested for treatmentof diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (94). A recentsystematic review suggests tetrahydrocannabivarinmay have potential properties useful in the treatmentof type 2 diabetes mellitus (97). An epidemiologicstudy supports potential use in diabetes and the meta-bolic syndrome by concluding that marijuana use isassociated with smaller waist circumference, lower fast-ing insulin levels, and lower insulin resistance (98).

The major endocannabinoid ligands AEA and 2-AGare produced on demand and are quickly degraded.The major enzymes responsible for degradation ofthese endogenous receptor agonists are free fatty acidamide hydrolase (for AEA) and monoacylgylcerol lipase(for 2-AG) (94). Finding a drug that inhibits the enzymeresponsible for degradation of AEA or 2-AG will resultin enhanced levels of these endogenous receptor ago-nists, and thus a potential therapeutic benefit. At thistime, a free fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor is beingtested for treatment of pain (94). This inhibitor appearsnot to be associated with addictive potential.


By looking at multiple randomized clinical trials of thebest quality, some evidence-based recommendationscan be made regarding medical cannabinoid therapyfor certain medical disorders. At this time, the FDA-approved cannabinoids are not considered first-line,but should be considered when multiple standardmedical therapies have failed for a debilitating medicaldisorder. If the FDA-approved cannabinoids (or nabixi-mols in other countries) are ineffective, a patient canbe physician-certified for possible benefit with raw can-nabis or purified cannabinoids in the US states/coun-tries that have legalized medical cannabis. A clinicaltrial of the purified cannabinoids or the natural canna-bis herb can be considered, only after closely review-ing the risk/benefit ratio, the selection criteria forany given patient, and having a detailed discussion ofpossible adverse effects.

At this time, the medical disorders with best sup-porting evidence for cannabinoid use are as follows(Table 6): multiple sclerosis patient-reported symptoms


of spasticity (nabiximols, synthetic THC such as drona-binol and nabilone, and oral cannabis extract), multiplesclerosis central pain or painful spasms (nabiximols,synthetic THC such as dronabinol and nabilone, oralcannabis extract), multiple sclerosis bladder frequency(nabiximols), and chronic cancer pain/neuropathic pain(nabiximols, smoked THC).

As governments relax the regulatory restraints onmarijuana use in the general public, more informationabout the risks and benefits of cannabinoids isneeded.

New discoveries of ways to manipulate the endo-cannabinoid system may prove increasingly beneficialto the practice of medicine.

Disclosure statement

No financial support, sponsorship, honoraria, or fund-ing, either direct or indirect, has been provided forpublication of this manuscript.


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