israel street festival the annual jason schenker memorial ...€¦ · schenker walkathon and the...

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4 RAYMOND ST. NASHUA, N.H. 03064-2317

May 2017 – Vol. 43, No. 08 • telephone: 603-883-8184 • e-mail: •


PAIDNashua, N. H.Permit No.788

Israel Street Festival&

The Annual Jason Schenker Memorial WalkathonJoin the Temple Beth Abraham Community in Celebration

Presenting The Zimria & The Temple Beth Abraham Religious School Singers

Sunday, May 21 — 25 IyarWalkathon 10:00 A.M.

Festival 10:45 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.


Temple Beth Abraham May 2017 Vol. 43 No. 08Iyyar / Sivan 5777

Rabbi Spira-Savett

This year is a year of milestones for the Jewish People and the Land of Israel. One hundred years ago, during World War I, the British Government issued the Balfour Decla-ration, supporting officially the idea of a “Jewish National Home in Palestine.” Seventy years ago, the United Nations General Assembly approved the parti-tion plan calling for an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state to be established in the land.Fifty years ago, in June 1967, the

Six-Day War took place. In response to mortal threats from Egypt and threatening moves from Syria and Jordan, Israel took control of the half of Jerusalem that had been under Jor-danian rule, as well as the West Bank,

Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and Sinai Peninsula.This month, on Sunday, May 21,

we celebrate Yom Yerushalayim. “Je-rusalem Day” celebrates the day that the Israeli paratroopers arrived at the Kotel, the Western Wall surrounding the Har Habayit, the mountain where the First and Second Temples once stood. We celebrate with songs sung by our students and Zimria chorus, as well as a carnival with all kinds of activities and food.We have been preparing for this

celebration all year. I don’t know, in fact, of any other community in the United States that has led up to this anniversary so deliberately. We started back in November with a performance by Shuly Nathan, who as a teenager debuted the song Yerushalayim Shel Zahav, “Jerusalem of Gold,” which

became a kind of second Israeli anthem after the Six-Day War.We’ve had programs about the ge-

ography and history of Old and New Jerusalem, the political and strategic backdrop to the Six-Day War, and on April 30 author Adina Hoffman spoke about her book on architects who shaped 20th-century Jerusalem. We have sought out ways to explore the complicated backdrop to a city claimed as holy by Judaism, Christian-ity, and Islam, and as a political capital by Israelis and Palestinians.We did all of this so we could un-

derstand, and so that we would be able on May 21 to have an unalloyed celebration.In 1987-88 I was a college student

studying for the year in Jerusalem. During that year, the reality of Jerusa-

Celebrating Anniversaries for Israel and Jerusalem

(Continued on the following page …)

(Continued on the following page …)

The approach of the end of the syna-gogue’s organiza-tional year, the end of June, provides an opportunity to look back over the past year and to reflect on both our successes and our challenges.As you know, many of the activi-

ties that we have in the congregation are the result of the efforts of or the oversight of our various committees. This year we have begun to see the results of the most recent activities of the Interior Committee, which is currently overseeing two projects intended to further beautify the inte-rior spaces of the synagogue. You can

President Michael Harris

The State of the Synagoguealready see the first two new stained glass windows of the Twelve Tribes series (Asher and Levi). The glass for the next four windows (Gad, Re’uven, Shimon, Zevulon) is all cut and being leaded. Yehudah, which will be next, is in the final stages of design. If you are interested in sponsoring one of the Twelve Tribes windows, now is the time to select one of the few remaining windows before they are sold out.

Soon we will also see new Torah mantles to replace ones that are wearing out and a colorful new quilt tapestry to adorn the social hall. As you can see, the Interior Committee is hard at work! The Lifelong Learning Committee

has also been very active with a focus

this year on the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, which was kicked off by a wonderful concert by Shuli Natan, the iconic singer of Yerush-alim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold). In the next month, Adina Hoffman will give a talk on the architecture of Jerusalem on Sunday, April 30. On Sunday, May 21, the annual Jason Schenker Walkathon and the Shalom Israel Festival will take place.A group of congregants has initiated

a wonderful choral group, the Zimria, which has participated in a number of synagogue and community events and will be having a fundraising concert on Sunday, May 7 in the synagogue. Please come to enjoy the music and support the Zimria!


Celebrating Anniversaries continued…

lem was transformed by the intifada, the first organized ongoing resistance by local Palestinians against Israel. On Rosh Hashanah that year, I had walked clear across Jerusalem, through Jewish and Arab neighborhoods, all by myself to visit friends at the Hebrew Univer-sity. By midyear, it was no longer safe to do so.Throughout the year, my professors at

the Jewish Theological Seminary were being called up for milu’im (army re-serve duty), bringing back stories about patrolling in the West Bank. One by one they were joining Oz V’Shalom, the religious Zionist movement for peace with the Palestinians.Yet I remember our Yom Yerusha-

layim celebration that year at the Semi-nary’s Jerusalem campus. I remember clear as day the words from Rabbi Re-uven Hammer, who has since become one of the leaders of the Conservative rabbinate in Israel and internationally. Rabbi Hammer too had been in the

Palestinian territories during the first months of the intifada and joined the peace movement. That night he said: In 1967, we were not wrong.

The war that led to the reunification of Jerusalem was a war of self-defense. The Israeli government immediately after the war made arrangements to respect the Muslim holy sites on the mountain of the ancient Jewish Temples. Author-ity over that area was restored to the waqf, the Muslim religious authorities, as it has continued to be to this day. Unlike from 1948-1967, when the Old City was under Jordanian rule, Israel protects the rights and access of all religions to their holy sites. (Indeed, it is arguably Jews who live under the tightest restrictions – Jews are not al-lowed to pray on the top of the Temple Mount.) Nothing that has happened since alters the justification for that war.Jerusalem is a beautiful city. It is a

place where you can walk through more than 3000 years of history. It is still the unfinished city as well. A mi-

drash says that the sounds in the word Yerushalayim also mean Ir Shalom, “City of Peace.” There is much work still to be done, both among Jews and between Jews and Arabs.And there are so many people in

Jerusalem who are inspired by that work. Activists and artists, political leaders and thinkers. Doing the work of building bridges. The work of creat-ing a Jewish culture rooted in history and Talmud that speaks to secular Jews. The work of creating a city that is a model of peacemaking for other diverse and divided cities in the world.So come and be part of our historic

celebration on May 21. Bring friends who are interested for whatever rea-son, or who are simply looking for a fun way to spend a morning. And continue, as the psalms say, to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” L’shalom, Rabbi Jon

Less visible but very important, the Ritual Committee and the Rabbi have invested an enormous amount of time to collaborate on a review and revision of synagogue policies related to ritual matters. This review is largely complete and the policies will be prepared for publication soon.These, as well as a number of

other committees, have been going strong and doing the work of the synagogue. Yeshar Ko’ach. We owe them our gratitude.We have also had some challenges,

which is common in an organization of our size and maturity. While we have many wonderful

dedicated committee and board volunteers, we have several available positions that have been open for some

time. Having open positions taxes our dedicated board and committee mem-bers and limits our ability to offer new programs to engage our membership better. We welcome more assistance to help engage our membership and grow our congregation. If you are in-terested in volunteering, please contact Bill Barry or the office.Another challenge relates to syna-

gogue finances. While we are fortunate to have many generous donors who support projects such as the Twelve Tribes windows, we also have more mundane expenses such as roof and HVAC system repairs that require funding in order to sustain us. Our wonderful building has come to an age when these requirements have become more routine. Due to maintenance items like this, we have run a deficit

for the previous two fiscal years and appear to be headed for a deficit again this year. This is not sustainable over the long run. We propose balanced budgets, but a shortfall in dues col-lections and unanticipated expenses have resulted in a deficit. Our annual fundraising appeal helps ameliorate this situation but it is not enough. Anything you can do to help would be appreciated.So, while we have had a very good

year, with super programs and more yet to come, we also have areas that require our further attention. We are thankful for the hard work of all our volunteers and our committees, but additional energetic congregants will go a long way in sustaining us.

שלום וברכה Michael Harris

The State of the Synagogue continued…





(603) 883-8184 FAX (603) 594-8983

Religious School 883-9844website:

Rabbi ...............................Jonathan Spira-Savett President .........................Michael Harris Secretary ...........................Alan GreenTreasurer ..........................Barry SackOffice Manager/ Bookkeeper & Editor. ......Judy GoldsteinAssistant Secretary & Associate Ed .....................Diane TothDirector of Education & Family Engagement.....Noreen LeibsonSchool Secretary ...............Janice Lariviere

BOARD OF DIRECTORSYami Baker .......................Jeff Masors Lisa Bonneau .....................David SacksLeon Goldstein.................Sharon WeissWendy Kolopsky ..............Gabrielle Zeira

Rebecca Green - Sisterhood Representative

Affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

May Service Schedule

Services are held every Friday evening at 8:00 PM (unless otherwise

noted), Saturday at 9:30 AM and Monday –Thursday at 7:30 PM.


Avi & Noah Goldman B’nai Mitzvah

May 13Jr. Congregation & Tot Shabbat

Lunch & LearnMay 19

Gimel / Dalet Class Service 7:00 PMMay 20

Jr. Congregation & Tot ShabbatMay 26 & 27

Jonah Sacks Bar MitzvahMay 30

BBQ at 5:30 PM followed by Erev Shavuot Service

Including School AwardsMay 31

Shavuot Services9:30 AM & Mincha 7:30 PM

June 19:30 am & 7:30 PM Yizkor will

be recited at both servicesOneg, Kiddush and Flower

SponsorsMay 5 & 6

Miriam & Sam Goldman in honor of their sons’, Avi & Noah’s

B’nai MitzvahMay 26 & 27

Vera & David Sacks in honor of their son, Jonah’s Bar Mitzvah

Services and Community

Community NewsCondolences to:

• The Pastor Family on the loss of their beloved mother, Selma Pastor

• Lisa Bonneau & family on the loss of her beloved mother, Rita Barron

Best Wishes to:• The Vig family on Elsa’s Bat

Mitzvah• The Rezaoui family on Talya’s

Bat Mitavah• The Ebersman family on Ethan’s

Bar Mitzvah

To all those people in our community who are ill we wish you a complete & speedy recovery.

Honoring Our Veterans


Temple Beth Abraham and the Lifelong Learning Committee are honored to celebrate the members of our congregation who have served our country, Israel, or any other country, in uniform.If you have served or are currently

serving in the military, or if members of your family have served in the past, please contact Laura Horowitz (459-3636; email: or Judy Goldstein at the synagogue. We will send you a form to fill out with details of your (their service).We hope the congregation will join

us as we honor our veterans during Shabbat services on Saturday, No-vember 11, as well as at a luncheon following services. Thank you to all our veterans and their families for their service.

Names of High School & College

Graduates WantedWe will be listing the names of all

our high school and college gradu-ates (including advanced degrees) in the June bulletin. If your child (or grandchild) will be graduating this year, please notify the Temple office by May 16. For high school graduates, we would like to know your child’s name, the school they are graduating from and the college they will be attending. For college graduates, please let us know the college they are graduating from and the degree he/she will be receiving.


Education and Services

Noah and Avi Goldman

B’Nai Mitzvah

Noah and Avi Goldman, twin sons of Mimi and Sam Goldman, will be cel-ebrating their B’nai Mitzvah on May 6, Parashat Achrei-Mot-Kedoshim. They currently attend Ross A. Lur-gio Middle School in Bedford, NH. In their spare time, the boys enjoy skiing, participating on the school’s cross country running team and read-ing. Avi is a member of the student council and Noah enjoys playing the saxophone. They have attended Camp Ramah in Palmer, MA for the past 4 years. And they are looking forward to another great summer. Only 77 more days until camp!

Jonah Sacks Bar Mitzvah

Hi, My Name is Jonah Nathan Sacks and my Bar Mitzvah is on May 27 at Temple Beth Abraham. The To-rah portion I will read is Numbers, which is the be-ginning parsha of the fourth of five books of Moses that form the Torah that we read each week on Shabbat. In my D’var Torah, I will touch upon the role of people as individuals and the community as a whole.In my free time I enjoy playing soccer,

flag football and any backyard games. I am an avid sports fan too and am passionate about all the Boston sports teams, especially the Patriots and the English soccer club, Liverpool.

I also play the saxophone and have played the violin as well. My favorite subjects in school are Science, Social Studies, Math and English. But most of all, I enjoy Physical Education. One of my favorite hobbies is to collect coins from different tourist attractions from around the world.I originally lived in Bedford, New

Hampshire but for the past six years, I have lived and attended school in Hollis, New Hampshire. Currently I am in seventh grade. I look forward to celebrating with the community, friends, extended family, especially those traveling from near and far, my parents, David and Vera Sacks, and my brother Jacob.

Join Us OnErev Shavuot, Tuesday, May 30, at 5:30 PM

As we commemorate the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and honor our students for their dedication to Jewish learning with

a barbecue dinnerFollowed by a short Shavuot service and the presentation of awards

Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance. Agriculturally, it commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple and is known as Hag ha-Bikkurim (the Festival of the First

Fruits). Historically, it celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and is also known as Hag Matan Torateinu (the Festival of the Giving of Our Torah).

Shavuot is the perfect time to celebrate the “fruits” of our program, our students, for their learning over the past year. Their learning is a part of the continuous receiving of Torah. Adonai passed the Torah to Moses who in turn passed it on to the Israelites. We stand in a long line of

descents that continue to study the Torah to unlock its teachings. On this night we will honor our students who have devoted themselves to being the next generation to take hold of Torah.Please RSVP to the school office, for the dinner. Even

though there is no charge for the program, we need to how many to prepare for.


Education and Programming

Where Does Time Go?

Director of Education and Family Engagement

Noreen Leibson

I am sure you are familiar with the question we often ask ourselves: Where does the time go? Well, this is something I am asking my-self right at this very moment. It seems like it was only yester-day that I re-en-tered the doors of the Religious School to take on the position of Director of Education and Family Engagement. But it wasn’t yesterday. In fact, it has been more than 9 months: 20 Sundays, 68 weekdays, 13 Junior congregations (plus High Holidays), 7 Yedidim programs, 3 class services, 1 Purim carnival, 1 Matzah Bakery, 6 School commit-tee meetings, 4 faculty professional development days, 1 totally fabulous Bible Raps happening, weekly meet-ings with Jessie Mocle to work on our Yedidim programming and more than I can count meetings with Rabbi Jon to support, challenge and reflect on our work regarding the education of our children and their families.I will save my first year-end reflec-

tion for the next bulletin but for now I want you to know that I am deep in planning for next year. I have a writ-ten proposal that I am sharing with colleagues and committee members. I am actively seeking feedback from the faculty, the school committee and the synagogue board. I am working on a feedback survey for our school parents. If you have any thoughts you would like to share with me, please be in touch with me by sending me an email ( or calling me at 603.883.9844. My door is always open to you.

May is our concluding month for school this year, and the month is filled with many events. First though, let me wish each of you a happy Spring (in Hebrew aviv). Pesach is the first spring holiday – Hag ha’Aviv. This reminds me of the blessing on fruit trees. It is recorded in the Talmud and may be translated as: “Blessed are You, Our God, King of the Universe whose world lacks nothing and who made wondrous creations and beautiful trees for hu-man beings to enjoy.” We say this blessing only once a year when we see the first flowering of fruit trees of the Hebrew month of Nissan. I hope you and your family will notice the first buds on the trees and share this blessing together.

The students have enjoyed learning about Pesach and we have enjoyed engaging them with serious learn-ing coupled with hands-on learn-ing. Our students made their own matzah and mounds of different types of charoset. They tried fresh horseradish root (maror), made deli-cious chocolate-covered matzah and created ritual items for their own Seder tables. Our Zayin students are more than

halfway through a unit about the Shoah with Jeannie Lorrey while our Hai students are finishing up their Hero Project. Kitah Vav will be doing a short unit of study on kashrut. Kitah Dalet and Gimel are preparing for their class service to happen on Friday May 19. I hope you will join us for this memorable event in their Jewish journey. There will be an Open House on

Sunday May 7 at 9:30 AM. Families, including their children are invited to learn more about our Sunday

school program and sit in on the classes. If your child will be 4 years old in September, come learn more about our Pre-Gan - Gan program, especially designed for the young learner. If your child is going into first or second grade, this Open House is for you as well. If you have questions about our weekday program, please be in touch with me. Finally, look for all the events that are happening in this bulletin on the Yedidim page and the calendar. “Let every heart rejoice in the

heritage that warmly binds us to each other.” Shalom


MAY ‘17S M T W Th F S

1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 JC14 15 16 17 18 19 JC21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 31

13 & 20 - Jr. Congregation19 - Gimel/Dalet Class Service21 - Last day of Sunday school25 - Last day of Religious school30 - School Shavuot Service & Awards

School Calendar


Fundraising and Organizations


Club has a lot of exciting things going on recently, including the past breakfast where the club had a recap of all of the breakfasts/events this past year, a treasurers report and our annual elections. To stay up to date on all of the great things the SNHJMC is doing, please check out our website at . The SNHJMC is proud to present

the recently elected Board for the 2017-2018 year:

2017-2018 Board:President – David Fox

Vice-President – Adam Wolff Treasurer – Sam Fain Secretary – Don Gorelick Immediate Past President – Mark Dickens Robert Pill Matthew Lee Mike Lipkind David Hunt Jonathan Greenblatt

Our Fundraising Drive ContinuesSince our fundraising letter went

out in early March many significant events have been held at Temple Beth Abraham:• Consistent weekday evening

minyanim• 4 Pesach morning and evening

services• Shabbat services including a bat

mitzvah• Yedidim and Sunday School

Kabbalat Shabbat• USY Shabbat• Two lunch-and-learns• Matzah baking demonstration

by Chabad for Religious School students

• Hai Class service and dinner

• Two Avodah Shebalev medita-tion sessions

• A community seder and a mat-zah brei brunch

• 5 Torah study sessions, 2 discus-sions in Rabbi Jon’s Ethical Life series

• 3 JTS livestream events, and a BABKA book club meeting

• TBA offered our facility to greater Nashua community meetings 6 times and provided Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter with 4 volun-teer days

• There were four Zimria rehearsals to prepare for three upcoming per-formances, a Southern NH Jewish Men’s Club breakfast, and four continuing sessions of Sisterhood’s

Upcoming Breakfast- Sunday May 7- 930 AM

The Southern New Hampshire Jewish Men’s Club is pleased to announce that Udi Goren, will be presenting A Walk of the Land – The Israel National Trail, at our upcoming May 7 breakfast. A world renowned journalist and photog-rapher, Udi will be sharing stories and photographs of the the 700 mile Na-tional Trail in Israel, which is regarded as one of the worlds best, toughest and most beautiful long-distance hikes. His breath taking photographs depict Israel’s people, national monuments, mountains, creeks and landscapes. This will be a breakfast that you will NOT want to miss! The breakfast will start at 9:30

AM at Temple Beth Abraham. Our famous Bagels, lox, whitefish, veggies, eggs, potatoes and more breakfast will be served! Cost is $8 for members and $12 for non-members and membership can be

Tallit Making Workshop• And numerous committee meet-

ings to conduct synagogue busi-ness and prepare for upcoming events

Not bad for a relatively small con-gregation in Southern NH! You can help support all these activities by contributing to our annual fundrais-ing campaign. Towards the end of our first month, we have reached about half of our goal. Toda rabah to those who have already donated and if you have not donated, please help us to achieve our goal. You can send a check to the office, or pay on the website.

paid at the door (membership paid at the May breakfast will also cover you for next year!). You can’t get a top quality breakfast for this price anywhere in town! While RSVP’s are not required, due to this event expected to have more attendee’s than normal, they are very strongly suggested and are appreciated. Please let us know if you can make it at

Affiliation with TBA: After a lively and sometimes heated

discussion affiliation with Temple Beth Abraham was approved. A formal letter requesting affiliation has been sent to Mike Harris, TBA Presi-dent. In addition to being Immediate Past President, Mark Dickens will serve as the SNHJMC Representative on the TBA Board. This will become effective on July 1, 2017, pending approval by the TBA Board.


Education and Programming

Coming Events and ProgrammingBrought to You by the Lifelong Learning Committee

BABKA Book Club, Wednesday, May 3, 8:00 pm“Visible City” by Tovah Mirvis.

Mighty Be Our Powers: Standing Together to Confront TyrannyJTS Livestream event, Wednesday, May 10, 7:30 PM

A talk by Leymah Gbowee, winner of the Nobel Prize for her work leading a women’s peace movement in Liberia.The annual John Paul II Lecture on Interfaith Understanding. Livestream:

Shabbat Lunch and Learn, Saturday, May 13Join us for lunch following morning services. Meet members of the Zimria chorus and learn new melodies

to sing in our Shabbat morning services.

Shalom Israel-Yom Yerushalayim Festival, Sunday, May 21, 10:00 AMCome join us for the annual Jason Schenker Walkathon followed by the Festival.

Free entrance, Israeli flags, balloons, and popcorn. Food, games, music, and more! See details elsewhere in bulletin.

OngoingTorah Study with Rabbi Jon & Noreen

Thursdays from 10:30 AM to Noon. Come once or many times. Guest teacher, Professor Jeffrey Cooley, Professor of Bible, Boston College, May 25

Author of Names and Knowledge in Ancient Near Eastern Narrative: A Study in Etymology and Epistemology and @TBARavTeachings on the weekly Torah reading and current events through a Jewish lens, podcasts, and music.

Rabbi Jon’s high holy day sermons are posted.

Save the Date!BABKA meeting, Wednesday, June 7, 8:00 pm

“Outwitting History: The Amazing Adventures of a Man Who Rescued a Million Yiddish Books” by Aaron Lansky.

Have Ideas? Want to Help? Join Our Committee! Contact Jeff Masors at or Rabbi Jon at

Contribute to the Elizabeth Fischer Memorial Fund to support TBA’s ongoing scholarly and cultural special programming.

Consider sponsoring a specific speaker/event or the food for an event. Contact the office or Rabbi Jon.

Musical May in the SanctuaryEach week learn and pick up some new melodies. Recordings will be posted on our website

before Shabbat, and some members of our Zimria will be sitting together in the pews as a sing-ing center. On May 13, our Lunch and Learn will be a singing session, where we learn a few of these melodies and a bit about their origins and the prayers they are connected to.


Education and Programming

Join Us For Our Annual

Walkathon for the Jason Schenker Memorial LibrarySunday, May 21

10:00 AM

All students, their families and fellow congregants are encouraged to participate in this year’s walkathon. This is a moment to gather all of our families together as a full

community. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, an esteemed teacher, scholar and civil rights activist said: “When I marched in Selma, I felt my feet were praying.” On May 21, when we gather to march, we will be celebrating not only our Jewish community in general but our school specifically. Walk to honor your teachers, walk to support the beautiful

library in our school, walk to strengthen our bounds to each other.

Donations in any amount are appreciated and will be collected the day of the walkathon. The funds raised at our walkathon help to support the Jason Schenker Memorial Library

in our school as well as special music programs for our synagogue community.

Library Book Wish List

Another way to support the school’s library is to donate a book. A list of books can be found attached to this flyer and on the synagogue website. Find the book you would like to donate, and let the school know you want to have this book purchased. The cost of the book is listed next it’s title. Please send in your payment, along with the name of the book, and we will order the book. A special nameplate will be attached in the book with your

family’s name.

Sunday School Families:

Parents are encouraged to join their children on the walkathon.

Students and their participating parents should report to their classroom before the walk to check in with their teacher.

(Students must be accompanied by a parent to stay for the Israel festival)

After the walkathon, join the Temple Beth Abraham community in its “Shalom, Israel” celebration when our children will sing with the Zimria chorus as we mark 50 years of Israeli sovereignty in historic Jerusalem!




לשלום ישראIsrael Street Festival

& The Annual Jason Schenker Memorial Walkathon

Join the Temple Beth Abraham community in celebrationPresenting The Zimria & The Temple Beth Abraham Religious School Singers

Sunday, May 21, 2017/25 Iyar, 57774 Raymond St., Nashua, NH

Walkathon 10:00 A.M. Festival 10:45 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Visit the many famous sites in Jerusalem Eat Falafel at Sarah & Sam’s King David Café

Kikar Zion open mic coffee house Kol Yerushalaim Radio

Search for ancient artifacts in the archeological dig. Shop & stroll Ben Yehudah Midrehov (pedestrian mall). Visit the Kotel (Western Wall) to send your prayers.

Israeli dancing in the Sultan Pool Make Israeli crafts @ the Israel Museum Youth Wing with our USY instructors.

Free entrance, free Israeli flags, free balloons, free popcorn

For more information call 603-883-8184


Fundraising and Community

It’s time for “Spring Cleaning!”Temple Beth Abraham Sisterhood’s

Spring Rummage Sale!

New day this year: Sunday, June 11!Drop off Thursday, June 8!

Set aside that “beautiful” wine and cheese platter you never use, your clothes you haven’t worn since 2015, and almost everything else that sits in your

basement! - (no computers).

Proceeds support our Sisterhood and area charitable organizations.Leftovers benefit The Epilepsy Foundation’s Children’s Summer Camp!

Looking for volunteers on drop-off day and the day of the sale!It’s a fun, interactive way to share in community. Interested?

Please email Stacy Garnick at

Rooibos, Roasters, Rocks, Rappin’, RabbiAsk me anything, challenge me!

Coffee, tea, etc. on me. 10:30 – 11:30 AM

If you don’t have something on your mind, we can talk about what I’m reading – Judaism’s Ten Best Ideas by Rabbi Arthur Green, the Slonimer Rebbe’s essays on the week’s Torah portion, or Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 67b on what is tzedakah (giving)

trying to accomplish?

• Wednesday, May 3 – Bedford, The Inside Scoop - 260 Wallace Road • Tuesday, May 9 – Windham, The Village Bean - 33 Indian Rock Road (Route 111) • Tuesday, May 16 – Merrimack, Buckley’s Bakery and Cafe

- 438 Daniel Webster Highway (US 3) • Monday, May 22 – Nashua, Bonhoeffer’s Cafe and Espresso - 8 Franklin Street • Friday, May 26 – Chelmsford, Einstein Bros., - 40 Drum Hill Road



Temple Beth Abraham Religious School - 5 Raymond Street, Nashua, NH 03064

Saturday, May 13, 2017 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Yedidim is the name of a network of Southern New Hampshire Jewish and interfaith families with children who are between newborn and five years old. We regularly gather to form community, learn together, provide support to one another and have fun.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Jessie Mocle:

Tot Shabbat & Music Together with Hebrew

Tot Shabbat is a magical experience for young children between the ages of 0-4. You will enjoy singing,

dancing, child-friendly crafts and a snack. Join us with your little ones!

May 7- benson’s family picnicMay 7 - open houseJune 4 - Odiorne state park Seacost science centerWalkathon

Sunday, May 7 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM TBA Religious School

We welcome parents with children who will be aged 4 and up in September to join us at this informative event!

Are you looking for a nurturing environment where your children can learn and grow in their love of Judaism? Visit us to:★ Meet Director Noreen Leibson and Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett★ Learn about our teaching philosophy★ Get a taste of school with a special program in the Gan classroom

Please RSVP to so we can plan accordingly!

SAVE THE DATE! June 4 - Odiorne state park

Mom and Dad’s Group

This month, join us for a nosh and a laugh on:

Monday, May 8, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:30 PMMonday, May 22, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

We will meet near the gazebo onSunday, May 7, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Benson Park: 21 Kimball Hill Rd

Hudson, NH 03051

Join Sunday School and Yedidim families for a picnic with games, toddler-friendly hiking, and family fun!

Please bring your own:★ Dairy or Pareve lunch★ Blanket/chairs to sit on★ Balls, frisbees, kites, or anything else we can play


Please RSVP to



Library NewsThe Temple Beth Abraham Library

is now online! Find the link to the Synagogue Library, powered by Li-braryThing, under Lifelong Learn-ing in the Education section of the Temple Beth Abraham website. The latest additions to the collection are books about Jerusalem, in honor of our year-long programming in com-memoration of the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. The titles are as follows:Jerusalem: a Cookbook by Yotam

OttolenghiLike Dreamers: The Story of the

Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation by Yossi Klein HaleviJerusalem: Chronicles from the Holy

City by Guy DelisleJerusalem: A Family Portrait by

Boaz YakinJerusalem 1913: The Origins of

the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Amy Dockser MarcusTill We Have Built Jerusalem: Ar-

chitects of a New City by Adina HoffmanThe books are on display in the

library. These books are in memory of my father William Schwartz, who treasured books, especially those about the history of Israel and the Jewish people. Books are available to sign out. Just write your name in the signout book, which is on the top slanted shelf of the cabinet which you will see on the left when you walk into the library. Ellie Schwartz

May 17 Induction of NASA Astronauts Into the

Jewish-American Hall of FameYou are invited to the induction of Dr.

Jeffrey Hoffman and Dr. Judith Resnik into the Jewish-American Hall of Fame. Dr. Hoffman will talk about his experiences in the NASA Space Program and Dr. Charles Resnik will give a talk about the life of his sister, Judith, who was a NASA Astronaut and who died in the January 28, 1986 Challenger explosion. Help us celebrate and honor the lives of these two extraordinary Americans who have contributed another chapter to the history of Jews in America.Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman has

been a professor in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics since August 2001. He received a BA in Astronomy (summa cum laude) from Amherst College (1966); a PhD in Astrophysics from Harvard University (1971); and an MSc in Materials Science from Rice University (1988). As a NASA astronaut (1978-1997) he made five space flights, becoming the first astronaut to log 1000 hours of flight time aboard the Space Shuttle. Following his astronaut career, Dr. Hoffman spent four years as NASA’s European Representative, working at the US Embassy in Paris. In 2007, Dr. Hoffman was elected to the US Astronaut Hall of Fame.

Dr. Judith Resnik was an American engineer and a NASA astronaut who died when the Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed during the launch of mission STS-51-L. Dr. Resnik was the second American female astronaut in space, logging 145 hours in orbit. She was also the first Jewish American in space, and the first Jewish woman of any nationality in space. She received

a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University (1970) and a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland (1977). She was posthumously awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. The IEEE Judith Resnik Award for space engineering is named in her honor.

Place: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 99 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Date: 05/17/2017 6:00 PM to 8:00 PMType: LectureRSVP: Free registration


jly icEdid xywdYour Jewish (Internet) Connection!Your Jewish Connection

Brought to you by the Lifelong Learning Committee – Written by Linda S Trapasso


JAHM Time Is Here Again!Here we are – another year has passed and we’ve come to Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) in May.Jewish American Heritage Month is a month to celebrate the contributions Jewish Americans have made to

America since they first arrived in New Amsterdam in 1654. JAHM had its origins in 1980 when Congress passed Pub. L. 96-237, which authorized and requested the President to issue a proc-lamation designating a week in April or May as Jewish Heritage Week. President Carter issued this first proclamation, Presidential Proclamation 4752, in April 1980. For more details of the proclamations over time and how JAHM was designated for the month of May, go to Jewish American Heritage Month and Celebrating Jewish Contributions. To see this year’s proclamation, watch the Proclamations page.

For 2017, the theme is Jewish Americans in Medical Research. Go to the Jewish Inventors page and see how many you can find involved in medical research. For Jews involved in changing how and what we hear, see 5 Sound Facts in Jewish American History.For a short lesson on Jewish American History, look at Jews and the Founding of America.Want to know what Early American Jews looked like? Check out the Loeb Jewish Portrait

Database. The gentleman in the portrait is Benjamin S. Judah, c. 1794.How were American Jews involved in the Civil War? The Jewish-American History Founda-

tion has a small database of Union and Confederate veterans.Some American Jews were brave enough to travel to the Wild West, including Texas, California, and Alaska. Go

to the Wild West page for some details.Have fun learning about Jewish Americans in the month

of May! NOTE: Celebrate Jewish Americans at the May 17 Induc-

tion of Jewish NASA Astronauts into the Jewish-American Hall of Fame, taking place in Boston, MA (details elsewhere in bulletin).

Early appointments available for Bar/Bat-Mitzvah’s or Weddings.

Offering Color, Cutting, Styling, Keritan Smoothing Treatments, Facials,

Face & Body Waxing and Eye Brow Threading.

Bring this ad to receive 10% off any service.

Going to Israel This Year?

Please contact me if you are travel-ing to Israel and are able to deliver toiletries we have collected for Israeli Defense Forces solders. Delivery is easy; the organizers of the A Package From Home organization in Israel are willing to pick up items at a location convenient to you. Ellie Schwartz


During Friday evening and Saturday morning services, Memorial prayers will be recited for the following:


May 5 & 6

Israel Smith, grandfather of Noreen LeibsonLisa Pollack, daughter of Stanley PollackPinhas Solomon, uncle of Zahava SalomonLouis Brownfield, grandfather of Larry GolubJoseph Freedman, husband of Henrietta Freedman

and father of Benjamin FreedmanSam Borer, father of Lynda LevineJerry Rich, father of Sheryl Rich-KernMax Greenspan, father-in-law of Marilyn GreenspanHenry Gilbert, father of Joy MonfriedDr. Richard J. Kern, husband of Sheryl Rich-KernWilliam Barry, father of Bill BarryMark Green, brother of David GreenMichelle Fagin, mother of Robert GoldsteinFaith Spena, step-sister of Cindy BurrowsEdith K. Silber, mother-in-law of Dorothy SilberHerman Zimmerman, father of Amy ManheimEva Bruckman Mack Helfman Ida Kaufman Hyman J. Sharpe Esther Finkel Hannah Rebecca Resnick Yechiel Landesman Bessie Blume Ezekiel Simon Morris Liffman Jacob J. Rothenberg

May 12 & 13

Jack Furman, father of Robin GolubNaomi Shpindler, mother of Moshe ShpindlerRosalind Lipson, mother of Debbie GrassJacques Sznycer, father of Liliane SznycerRobert Arnold, father of Tamra DevineIrving Schwartz, grandfather of Donald GorelickSamuel M. Poskanzer, father of Elaine BrodyEsther Grollman, mother of Ira GrollmanBernard Yellin, father of Michael YellinHyman Farber, father of Sandra GaffneyDavid Dickerman Joan Soifert Max Blakenberg Ida V. Weisman Beverly Smith Sophie Gordon Abraham H. Rudman Samuel Blume Claire R. Garden

May 19 & 20

Ewald Kimmel, father of Beth WattersonDorothy Osner Snapper, mother of Lewis SnapperWilliam Marcoux, father of Nancy FermanHarold Mosher, father of Lisa PorterJames Allen Klain, brother of Matthew KlainIrma Badillo, mother of Mark LieblingWilliam Cohen, father of Myra KrulikRaynard Braverman, father of Marlene GroskySamuel Goldman, grandfather of Barry SackDr. Jean Rothenberg, grandmother of Daniel GrossmanEleanor Savett, grandmother of Rabbi Jonathan Spira-SavettMarion Ruth Cohen Samuel Berzets Mendel Partner Max Kohn Gertrude Movshovitz Alvin Marshall Freda Gordon Sidney I. Kessler Jennie Wigrizer

May 26 & 27

Maurice Baker, grandfather of Lauren DonovanFred Sznicer, uncle of Liliane SznycerSuzanne Freedman, mother of Marcia FeldmannDina Schwartz, grandmother of Cheryl LieblingLotte Elkeles Treitel, mother of Robert Treitel and

Nancy MooreMichael Schenker, father of Karl SchenkerDr. Robert Rothenberg, grandfather of Daniel GrossmanEileen Cohen, mother of Stewart CohenEileen B. Isgor, mother of Lisa ClaireMurray Rubin, father of Lawrence RubinJack Zeckel, father of Sandy DickensRosalyn Berkowitz, mother of Howard BerkeRoberta Grass, mother of Steven GrassMelvin H. Steinberg, father of Carole ShyavitzMuriel Racenstein, mother of Steven HaimeAnne R. Holt, mother of David HoltRonni Karlsberg, mother of Lauren DonovanFreida Shanok, great aunt of Jeffrey SchenkmanClara Rosenzweig, mother of Samuel RosenzweigYoung-Soon Kang, brother of Chong-Cha K. TreitelLillian Stearns, mother of Marsha GeyerSamuel Danis Rebecca Edelstein Boris Zukerfein Isaac D. Winograd Barnett Kligerman Ruebin Kaufman Max S. Newman Isadore Movshovitz Dora R. Rudman Francis Sudhalter



We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Contributions


DONORS IN HONOR OFShirley Lelchuk Fred KleinIda & Les Mildenberg Mike HarrisHarriet & Herb Shanzer Swartz granddaughterHarriet & Herb Shanzer Sellers’ granddaughter, Sofie FayeR & G Shershnevsky Shirley LelchukDiane Toth Bev & Chuck GersonLeon Goldstein in appreciationIda Stanger Mildenberg In appreciation of Matzah- Brei crew

DONORS IN MEMORY OFMarsha & Sandy Geyer Lillian GinsburgJudy & Steven Goldstein Rita BarronJudy & Steven Goldstein Lillian EhrlichCarol Kaplan Selma PastorEsther & David Kosofsky Selma PastorJan & Sy Mahfuz Selma PastorStephanie & Mike Rosenblum Rita BarronRich Shapiro Lillian EhrlichDiane Toth Rita BarronPeggy Weisman Harold WeismanChristina DeMeza & Mike Solon Selma PastorAnn & Marty Fabian Selma Pastor

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDMarva Easley in appreciation Bruce Ebersman in appreciation Ellen Webster in honor of Marty Fabian

TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM LIBRARYEllie Schwartz donated several books on Jerusalem in memory of her father, William Schwartz

Yahrzeit DonationsBob Feldmann for father, Edward FeldmannDiane Toth for husband, Bernard Toth & friend,

Ann SunsteinLiana Slavgorodska for mother, Minyona DubrovinskiHarriet Lifshutz for mother, Selma SteinAlvin Kates for mother, Rebecca B. KatesSteven Goldstein for parents, Betty & Morris GoldsteinMarilyn Greenspan for mother-in-law,

Florence GreenspanBette Lasky for mother, Jeanette RappaportElliot Lasky for parents, Beatrice & Jerome LaskyRichard Osofsky for father, Joseph OsofskyBarbara Garnick for mother, Beatrice TubinRochelle Goren for mother, Ruth ParisWendy Kolopsky for father, Charles KovlerDavid Fox for father, Leonard FoxElliot Eisenberg for mother, Luba EisenbergLes Mildenberg for father, Walter MildenbergBob Treitel for sister, Joan Treitel & grandmother,

Margaret TreitelPearl Kern for son, Richard KernJeff Adams for father, Allen Jerome AdamsPhyllis Adams for brother, Joel RovickDavid Deifik for brother, Joel DeifikRandy Cohen for grandmother, Ida CohenHelen Feder for father, William KadushinLeila Kupper for husband, Alan KupperSteven Haime for uncle, Daniel Sherman Robert Weisman for sister, Lena WeismanCarol Gelman for father, Sidney BrotherMike Rosenblum for father, Sidney RosenblumNancy Moore for sister, Joan Treitel & grandmother,

Margaret TreitelTammy Devine for father, Robert ArnoldDotty Silber for mother-in-law, Edie SilberHenrietta Freedman for mother, Regina Little,

mother-in-law, Mary Freedman, brother & sister-in-law, Rachel & Samuel Freedman


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