isolation and characterization of two yucca flavin monooxygenase genes from cultivated strawberry...

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Isolation and characterization of two YUCCA flavinmonooxygenase genes from cultivated strawberry(Fragaria 3 ananassa Duch.)

Hong Liu • Yang-Yang Ying • Ling Zhang •

Qing-Hua Gao • Jing Li • Zhen Zhang •

Jing-Gui Fang • Ke Duan

Received: 19 February 2012 / Accepted: 23 March 2012 / Published online: 11 April 2012

� Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract In strawberry (Fragaria 9 ananassa Duch.),

auxin has been recognized as the main signal molecule

coordinating the growth and initiation of ripening of fruits.

The molecular mechanism regulating auxin biosynthesis in

strawberry remains unknown. This project reports two

YUCCA flavin monooxygenase genes FaYUC1-2 isolated

from cultivated strawberry. FaYUC1 and FaYUC2 are most

homologous to AtYUC6 and AtYUC4, respectively. Sig-

nificant expression of FaYUC1-2 is found in vegetative

meristems and reproductive organs, with overlapping but

distinct patterns. During fruit development, both transcripts

of FaYUC1 and FaYUC2 in achenes reach a peak around

large green fruit (G2) stage, but the sudden rise in FaYUC2

transcript level is much steeper and begins earlier than that

in FaYUC1. FaYUC2 is also obviously expressed in the

receptacles from green fruits, hinting another auxin source

for receptacle development, other than achenes. FaYUC1

over-expression Arabidopsis exhibits typical auxin hyper-

accumulation phenotype in many aspects, such as the

narrow and downward curled leaves, strong apical domi-

nance, short and hairy root. It is also severely sterile, due to

the disruption of floral meristems initiation and floral

organs development. Transgenic analysis indicates that

strawberry YUC gene may hold conserved role in auxin

biosynthesis like their homologs in other plants. Integrated

with the spatiotemporal expression features, these results

led us to propose that FaYUC1-2 may involve in many

developmental processes including flower and fruit devel-

opment in strawberry.

Key message This paper is the first report of isolation and

characterization of strawberry auxin biosynthesis genes.

And their conserved functions in auxin biosynthesis were

confirmed after ectopic expression.

Keywords Fragaria 9 ananassa Duch. �YUCCA flavin monooxygenase � Auxin biosynthesis �Auxin hyper-accumulation


FMO Flavin monooxygenase

ORF Open reading frame

RACE Rapid amplification of cDNA ends

RT-PCR Reverse transcription-PCR

SAM Shoot apical meristem


Auxin is involved either directly or indirectly in every

aspect of plant development, virtually playing the inte-

grative role in coordinating plant growth and development

Communicated by H. Judelson.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of thisarticle (doi:10.1007/s00299-012-1258-4) contains supplementarymaterial, which is available to authorized users.

H. Liu � Z. Zhang � J.-G. Fang (&)

College of Horticultural Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural

University, Nanjing 210095, China


H. Liu � Y.-Y. Ying � L. Zhang � K. Duan (&)

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and

Breeding, Institute of Biotechnology, Shanghai Academy

of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS), Beidi Road 2901,

Minhang District, Shanghai 201106, China


Q.-H. Gao � J. Li

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Protected Horticultural

Technology, Forestry and Fruit Tree Research Institute,

SAAS, Shanghai 201403, China


Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435

DOI 10.1007/s00299-012-1258-4

(Delker et al. 2008; Leyser 2010, 2011). It is required for

initiation and polar growth of all organ primordia: for leaf

and lateral root during vegetative development, and for

floral meristems and floral organs during reproductive

development (Davies 2004; Teale et al. 2006). Particularly,

auxin plays a key role in fruit initiation, seed development,

and fruit ripening (Pandolfini et al. 2007; Sundberg and

Østergaard 2009). Auxin exerts its effects both locally

and distally. Recent findings show that localized auxin

biosynthesis, in particular, plays essential roles in many

developmental processes including gamogenesis, embryo-

genesis, seedling growth, vascular patterning, and flower

development (Zhao 2010).

Auxin biosynthesis occurs via several interconnecting

pathways. So far, no single complete pathway for de novo

auxin biosynthesis in plants has been firmly established.

However, recent studies have led to the discoveries of

several genes in tryptophan-dependent pathways. Of these,

YUCCA (YUC) genes are key auxin biosynthesis genes,

which encode flavin monooxygenases (FMO) catalyzing a

rate-limiting step in a tryptophan-dependent auxin biosyn-

thesis pathway (Zhao et al. 2001). The YUC genes appear to

have a broad existence and be highly conserved throughout

the plant kingdom. Functional characterization of some

YUC genes in Arabidopsis (Cheng et al. 2006; Kim et al.

2007, 2011; Zhao et al. 2001), petunia (Tobena-Santamaria

et al. 2002), rice (Woo et al. 2007; Yamamoto et al. 2007),

maize (Gallavotti et al. 2008), and tomato (Exposito-Rod-

rıguez et al. 2007, 2011) indicates that they play similar

roles in auxin biosynthesis during plant development.

The strawberry genus, Fragaria, belongs to the Rosa-

ceae family, an economically important plant family

including many fruit tree crops (apple, pear, peach, plum,

apricot, cherry), herbaceous fruit plants (strawberry,

brambles), and ornamental plants (rose, Photinia serrulata,

Chinese flowering crab apple). Cultivated strawberry

(Fragaria 9 ananassa Duch.) is a highly valued fruit crop

species. Genomically, F. 9 ananassa is among the most

complex of crop plants, harboring eight sets of chromo-

somes (2n = 8x = 56) derived from as many as four dif-

ferent diploid ancestors (Folta and Davis 2006). However,

genomes of octoploid and diploid Fragaria species share a

high level of macrosynteny and colinearity (Rousseau-

Gueutin et al. 2008). In addition, both the octoploid and

diploid strawberry are amenable to genetic transformation,

small in size, with rapid growth and generous seed set

(Folta and Davis 2006; Shulaev et al. 2008). Furthermore,

the genome of the diploid woodland strawberry is available

recently (Shulaev et al. 2011). These properties render

strawberry an attractive surrogate for testing gene function

for many plants in the Rosaceae family.

Botanically, the strawberry fruit is actually a ‘false

fruit’, a modified receptacle with one-seeded fruits

(achenes) located on the surface in spirally arranged rows.

Nitsch (1950) first demonstrated that achenes control the

growth of strawberry fruit. This control is exerted through

auxin, and the concentration of auxin in the achenes varies

greatly with the stage of development (Nitsch 1950, 1955).

It was revealed that the decline in auxin concentration in

the achenes as fruits mature modulates the rate of straw-

berry fruit ripening (Given et al. 1988). Later, auxin has

been recognized as the main signal molecule coordinating

the growth and initiation of ripening in strawberry fruit

(Perkins-Veazie 1995). Fruit ripening processes that appear

to be auxin dependent include pathways related to pig-

mentation, stress/defense, cell wall metabolism, cell

structure, fatty acid metabolism, and flavor/aroma synthe-

sis (Aharoni et al. 2002). For example, expression of the

flavor compound biosynthesis-related gene FaQR1 corre-

lates inversely with auxin levels (Raab et al. 2006). It has

been reported that transgenic modification of the DefH9-

iaaM auxin-synthesizing gene greatly improved fruit yield

in both wild and cultivated strawberry plants (Mezzetti

et al. 2004). However, the knowledge about molecular

mechanism of auxin biosynthesis is entirely elusive in


To bridge this gap, we had sought to isolate and char-

acterize the genes related to auxin biosynthesis in straw-

berry long before the genome of woodland strawberry

being available. Here, we report that two YUC genes

FaYUC1-2 were isolated from cultivated strawberry and

characterized in terms of their structural, phylogenic, and

transcriptional features. The conserved function of straw-

berry YUC gene in auxin biosynthesis was further exem-

plified via ectopic expression of FaYUC1 in Arabidopsis.

Our results suggest that FaYUC1-2 may involve in many

developmental processes including flower and fruit devel-

opment in strawberry.

Materials and methods

Plant materials and growth conditions

The elite strawberry cultivar ‘Jiuxiang’ (Fragaria 9

ananassa Duch. cv. Jiuxiang), used in this study was the

crossing progeny of ‘Kunouwase’ and ‘Toyonoka’, bred by

the Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute (FFRI) of

Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS)

(Chinese New Variety Right No. CNA004064E). ‘Jiuxi-

ang’ strawberry was grown in a plastic-mulched cultivation

system located at the trial station of SAAS in Zhuanghang

Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai. In this system, ‘Jiuxi-

ang’ strawberry produces fruits from first December to late

May the next year. For expression analysis in different

organs, sampling of young roots (about 1 cm in length, root

1426 Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435


apical tips from mature fruiting plants), young stolons

(about 1 cm in length, the young apical stolon tips), shoot

apical meristems (SAM, about 0.5 cm in length), fully

expanded functional leaves, full-blown flowers (including

sepals), and ripe fruits (completely red ripe fruits, recep-

tacles with achenes) was independently conducted three

times in January 2012. In particular, flowers and fruits were

selected and dissected at eight consecutive developmental

stages: F1, young flowers before pollination (floral buds);

F2, mature flowers with partially withered petals

(about 4–7 days after pollination); G1, small green fruits

(about 1–2 cm in diameter); G2, large green fruits (about

2.5–3.5 cm in diameter); W1, white receptacles with green

achenes; W2, white receptacles with some rosy and brown

achenes; T, turning fruits being half white and half red;

R, completely ripe fruits (Fig. 1). The flowers and fruits of

eight stages were concurrently sampled on February 18th,

which was independently repeated on April 2, 2011.

Cloning of FaYUC1-2 genes

Twelve pairs of degenerate primers (Table 1) composed of

three sense primers in FAD-binding site and four antisense

primers in NADP binding site of YUCCA FMOs were used

to amplify the conserved regions of strawberry YUCCA

genes with mixed cDNAs templates from SAMs and green

fruits. Based on the partial cDNA clones for strawberry

YUC, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) was

performed to isolate the full-length cDNAs. The 30 cDNA

ends were isolated following the CLONTECH SMARTTM

RACE protocol (Clontech, USA, PT3269-1), and the 50

cDNA ends were isolated using the Takara 50-FULL RACE

Kit (Takara, Dalian, China, CAT#D315). Accordingly,

primersets (Table 1) spanning full open reading frames

(ORFs) were designed to directly amplify full-length

clones from cDNA and DNA templates, respectively. All

amplicons were cloned into the pUCm-T vector (Sangon,

Shanghai, China, SK2212) for sequencing.

RNA extraction and reverse-transcription PCR


Total RNA was isolated from strawberry tissues with a

CTAB extraction buffer following a previously reported

method (Chang et al. 1993). The quality and quantity of

RNA extracts were evaluated using the Nanodrop ND-1000

Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, USA)

and visualized by 1 % agarose gel electrophoresis under

denaturing conditions.

Total RNA samples were treated with DNaseI (Fer-

mentas, Burlington, CA, Cat.EN0521) at 37 �C for 30 min

to remove genomic DNA contamination, and then were

utilized to synthesize the first-strand cDNAs using M-MLV

reverse transcriptase (Promega, Madison, USA, Cat.


For expression analysis of FaYUC genes in different

organs and during fruit development, quantitative RT-PCR

was conducted in an ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR System

(Applied Biosystems, Forster City, USA) using a SYBR

Premix Ex TaqTM (Perfect Real Time) Kit (Takara, Dalian,

Fig. 1 The fruit development process of ‘Jiuxiang’ (Fragar-ia 9 ananassa Duch. cv. Jiuxiang). This process is divided into

eight consecutive stages: F1 floral bud stage, F2 mature flower stage

(about 4–7 days after pollination), G1 small green fruit stage,

G2 large green fruit stage, W1 white receptacle with green achenes

stage, W2 white receptacle with some rosy and brown achenes stage,

T turning stage, R ripe stage. Scale bars 1 cm

Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435 1427


China, DRR041A). Fluorescence data collected during the

72 �C step were analyzed using ABI 7500 analysis software.

The amount of cDNA templates in each sample was nor-

malized using the amplification of FaActin. Annealing

temperature for all RT-PCR primersets (Table 1) was 58 �C.

In each biological test, three repeats were used for expres-

sion analysis of certain gene in one sample (PCR template).

Two or three biological replicates were performed.

Construction of 35S-FaYUC1 plasmid

A 1,315-bp fragment spanning FaYUC1 ORF was ampli-

fied from ‘Jiuxiang’ strawberry cDNAs with the primer


AGG-30, underlined: the start code) and Fyu1-S (50-CA

CTATGGCGACGACGATAGAG-30, underlined: the ter-

minal code) using Ex-Taq DNA polymerase (Takara,

Dalian, DRR100C). The product was cloned into the

pUCm-T vector and sequenced for confirmation. After the

T-vector with proper insertion orientation was selected via

the release of a 1,087-bp fragment by EcoRI digestion,

FaYUC1 cDNA was transferred from pUCm-T to the

pCambia1300-mod vector (Duan et al. 2008) between the

KpnI and BamHI sites downstream of the 35S cauliflower

mosaic virus promoter. Gene-specific PCR combined with

restriction digestion analysis was used to confirm the

pCambia1300-mod vector harboring 35S:FaYUC1. Agro-

bacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 was used as host for

the resultant construct.

Arabidopsis thaliana transformation and phenotypic


The above construct harboring 35S:FaYUC1 was trans-

formed into wild type Col-0 Arabidopsis plants using a

floral-dip method (Clough and Bent 1998). The seeds of

transgenic plants were selected on solid half MS medium

containing 20 mg L-1 hygromycin (Hyg). Plates were

sealed with parafilm and placed vertically in a growth

chamber (SANYO, Japan, MLR-351H), with a 16-h light/8-h

Table 1 Primers used in this


a The following codes were

used for degenerated primers:

N = A or T or G or C, V = A

or G or C, R = A or G, K = T

or G, I = inosine

Name Primer sequences Application

dp-u1 GGNKCNGGNCCITCIGG Degenerated primers for amplification

of the conserved regionadp-u2 GGNKCNGGNCCIGCIGG




























1428 Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435


dark cycle, 120 lmol m-2 s-1 photo flux density, at 22 ±

2 �C for 10 days before transplanting to soil. Ectopic

expression of strawberry YUCCA gene was confirmed via

RT-PCR using gene-specific primers (see Supplementary

Fig. S1). Whole plants were photographed with a digital

camera (Fujifilm, FinePix S602 Zoom, Japan). Young

seedlings of wild type and transgenic plants were viewed

with a dissecting microscope (Shanghai Optical Instrument

Factory, XTL3400), and image data were collected with

a digital camera (Panasonic, DMC-LX3, Japan) under



Isolation of the full-length cDNA and DNA clones

for FaYUC1-2

Two cDNA fragments (527 and 506 bp, respectively)

spanning the conserved region of YUCCA-type genes were

isolated from the mixed cDNAs from green fruits and

SAMs. Based on these partial cDNA clones, RACE

experiments were performed and led to the isolation of the

corresponding full-length cDNA (1,315 and 1,235 bp) and

DNA (2,552 and 2,442 bp) clones. The 1,315 bp cDNA

fragment harboring a 1,308 bp ORF encoding a 435-aa

peptide was named FaYUC1, while the 1,235 bp cDNA

with an 1,224 bp ORF encoding a 407-aa peptide named

FaYUC2. These two genes were deposited into GenBank

under the accession number JF898837 (FaYUC1) and

JF898838 (FaYUC2), respectively.

Structural and homologous characterization

of FaYUC1-2

Gene structural analysis shows that both FaYUC1 and

FaYUC2 consist of four exons and three introns. The

position and size of the four exons are fairly well conserved

(Fig. 2a). This pattern of exon–intron organization is quite

similar to that in Arabidopsis YUC1, YUC2, YUC4, YUC6,

and YUC10. The obvious divergence between the struc-

tures of FaYUC1 and FaYUC2 is the relative lengths of

their first and third introns. The general structure of

FaYUC1 is most similar to that of AtYUC6, with the first

intron being the largest. By contrast, the structure of

FaYUC2 is most similar to that of AtYUC4, with the third

intron being the largest.

Pairwise comparison of the deduced protein sequences

revealed that FaYUC1 and FaYUC2 share 61.1 % identity

to each other. In addition, FaYUC1 shares 75.4 and 61.5 %

identity to AtYUC6 and AtYUC2, respectively. FaYUC2

shows 74.1 and 68.8 % identity to AtYUC4 and AtYUC1,

respectively. Sequence alignment identified the highly

conserved motifs of plant YUCCA-type FMOs (Hou et al.

2011; Schlaich 2007) in FaYUC1-2 (Fig. 2b). The FAD-

binding motif near the N terminus and the NADPH-binding

motif in the middle are completely identical among

FaYUC1-2 and their Arabidopsis homologs. The GC motif

near the FAD-binding site, which has been suggested

to further stabilize FAD binding, is nearly identical in

FaYUC1 and AtYUC6. The ATG-containing motif 2 at the

C-terminal region, which may link the NADPH site to the

active site, is the same in FaYUC2 and AtYUC4.

The consensus residues in ATG-containing motif 1 (the

putative linker between the FAD site and NADPH site)

and in the FMO-identifying sequence motif near the

NADPH motif (which is suggested to contribute to

NADPH binding) are conserved in all present YUC FMOs

(Fig. 2b).

To determine the evolutionary relationships among

FaYUC1-2 and their homologs from grape, rice and Ara-

bidopsis, we performed phylogenic analysis using a

neighbor-joining method (Fig. 2c). FaYUC1 is revealed to

be most homologous to AtYUC6. This protein together

with AtYUC6 and AtYUC2 from Arabidopsis, OsYUC2-4

from rice, and two grape putative YUC proteins, constitute

one group. By contrast, FaYUC2, most homologous to

AtYUC4, is included in another group which contains

AtYUC1, AtYUC4, OsYUC1 and OsYUC5 (Fig. 2c). The

phylogenic relationships between FaYUC and Arabidopsis

YUC proteins are coincident with the conservation in their

exon–intron organization.

The spatiotemporal expression patterns of FaYUC1

and FaYUC2 in Fragaria 9 ananassa Duch. cv.


The expression features of FaYUC1-2 in different organs

were investigated by quantitative RT-PCR (Fig. 3). The

results show that FaYUC1 is relatively preferentially

expressed in the apical meristems from both roots and

shoots (SAM), moderately expressed in young stolon tips

and full-blown flowers. Transcripts of FaYUC1 were not

detected in mature leaves and ripe fruits. By contrast,

FaYUC2 was found to be expressed in all tissues examined.

The transcript level of FaYUC2 is moderate in mature

leaves and flowers, higher in SAMs, and highest in young

stolon tips. This gene is also weakly expressed in root

meristem tips and ripe fruits.

During fruit development (Fig. 1), dynamic expression

of FaYUC1-2 in the receptacles and the achenes was

investigated via quantitative real-time PCR (Fig. 4). It

should be noted that the results are expressed in the tran-

scription levels relative to that in whole floral buds before

pollination (F1 stage) for each gene. In achenes, accumu-

lation of two FaYUC genes is dynamically changed and

Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435 1429


reaches a peak around G2 stage (large green fruits).

However, obvious divergences exist in their expression

profiles during fruit development. In achenes, the sudden

rise in their transcript levels occurs at different stage and is

not as steep. The FaYUC1 transcript level is lower in

mature flowers (F2 stage) and small green fruits (G1 stage),

in comparison to that in floral buds (F1 stage) (Fig. 4a).

FaYUC1 transcript level is moderately increased to the

peak at G2 stage, approaching 2.3-fold of that at F1 stage.

Since the W1 stage, FaYUC1 transcription is significantly

reduced, even reaching 10 % at T stage. By contrast, the

prominent feature for FaYUC2 transcript accumulation is

the very steep increase occurring at the G1 stage (small

green fruits) (Fig. 4c). This expression soon reaches a peak

at G2 stage, when the achenes of the strawberry fruits

contain 110 times more FaYUC2 transcripts than does the

floral buds before pollination (F1 stage). Later, accumula-

tion of FaYUC2 transcripts is decreased and fluctuated, but

still obviously present in achenes of ripe fruits (R stage).

Expression levels of both two FaYUC genes are very

low in receptacles (Fig. 4b, d). FaYUC1 was only exam-

ined in receptacles from mature flowers (F2 stage), but

FaYUC2 was obviously detected in receptacles from fruits

at F2, G1 and G2 stages.



bName FAD-binding motif GC motif ATG-containing motif 1ConsensusFaYUC1AtYUC6FaYUC2AtYUC4AtYUC1

FMO-identifying sequence NADPH-binding motif ATG-containing motif 2



Fig. 2 Structural and

phylogenic analysis of

FaYUC1-2. a Intron (white box)

and exon (black box)

organization of FaYUC1-2. The

numbers indicate the length in

base pairs (bp) of the

corresponding exons or introns.

b Distribution and alignment of

various motifs in FaYUC1-2,

AtYUC1, AtYUC4, and

AtYUC6 proteins. The exact

amino acid numbering and the

consensus are shown in the

parentheses and on the top of

the alignment, respectively.

Conserved residues identical to

the consensus are shaded in

black (conserved in all FMOs)

or in gray (additional residues

conserved among ArabidopsisYUC proteins). c Phylogenic

tree of FaYUC1-2 and

homologous proteins from other

plants. Multiple sequence

alignment was first performed

using the MUSCLE program at

msa/muscle/ (Chenna et al.

2003). Based on the alignment

result, phylogenic tree was

generated with MEGA ver. 5.02

software (Tamura et al. 2011).

In addition to FaYUC1-2, other

YUCCA proteins shown are

YUC1-11 (AT4G32540,

AT4G13260, AT1G04610,

AT5G11320, AT5G43890,

AT5G25620, AT2G33230,

AT4G28720, AT1G04610,

AT1G48910 and AT1G21430)

from Arabidopsis, OsYUC1-7

(BAD68007, AAU43964,

BAD87432, BAD 32703,

ABA99096, BAC80117,

CAE76085) from rice, and two

putative VvYUCs (XP

002281015 and XP 002281597)

from grape

1430 Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435


FaYUC1 over-expression plants share phenotypes

typical of auxin hyper-accumulation

All FaYUC1 over-expression plants display long and nar-

row rosette leaves with elongated petioles (Fig. 5a). The

cauline leaves in most transgenic plants are also long and

narrow with downward curled edges (Fig. 5b). Although

FaYUC1 over-expression does not uniformly increase plant

height, all transgenic plants show strong apical dominance

(Fig. 5c). Notably, the strong apical dominance is accom-

panied by severe disruption of reproductive development in

most conditions (Fig. 5d, e). Indeed, total seven lines of

independent transgenic plants over-expressing FaYUC1 are

obtained, but only one of these plants is partially fertile,

while the remaining six lines are completely sterile.

The progeny of the unique fertile transgenic plant is

further studied along with wild type control. Under normal

light conditions, 7-day-old transgenic seedlings display

epinastic cotyledons as well as short and hairy roots

Fig. 4 Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of FaYUC1-2 transcript

level in achenes and receptacles during strawberry fruit development.

a Dynamic expression of FaYUC1 in achenes relative to that in floral

buds. b Dynamic expression of FaYUC1 in receptacles relative to that

in floral buds. c Dynamic expression of FaYUC2 in achenes relative to

that in floral buds. d Dynamic expression of FaYUC2 in receptacles

relative to that in floral buds. The amount of cDNA templates in each

sample was normalized by the amplification of FaActin. Y axis in all

panels indicates gene expression levels relative to that in floral buds

before pollination (F1 stage). X axis in all panels shows developmental

stages (as indicated in Fig. 1). The achenes and receptacles of 5–10

fruits at certain developmental stages were dissected for RNA

extraction and expression analysis. The experiment was independently

conducted twice. Errors bars represent the standard deviations within

the repeats. Note that different scales are used for different Y axes

Fig. 3 Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of FaYUC1 and FaYUC2transcripts in different tissues from strawberry (Fragaria 9 ananassaDuch. cv. Jiuxiang). Amplification of FaActin transcripts was used for

internal control. Root young roots (about 1 cm apical tip) from mature

fruiting plants, leaf fully expanded functional leaves, SAM shoot

apical meristems (about 0.5 cm upper part of the primary shoot),

stolon young part (about 1 cm apical part) of the stolons, without

leaves, flower full-blown flowers (including sepals), fruit completely

ripe fruits (receptacles with achenes)

Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435 1431


a b


e d

Fig. 5 FaYUC1 over-

expression plants display severe

abnormality in both vegetative

and reproductive organs.

a Rosette leaves from wild type

(Col) and FaYUC1 over-

expression (FaYUC1-OX)

plants. b Cauline leaves from

wild type and FaYUC1-OX

plants. c 1.5-month-old wild

type and FaYUC1-OX plants

(two independent transgenic

lines). d The upper parts of

main shoots from wild type and

FaYUC1-OX plants. e The

mature siliques from wild type

or similar structures from

FaYUC1-OX plants. T1

progeny of 35S:FaYUC1transgenic plants is shown

1432 Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435


(Fig. 6a). Short, hookless, etiolated hypocotyls are found in

3-day-old transgenic seedlings under dark conditions

(Fig. 6b). The differences between wild type and FaYUC1

over-expression seedlings could be phenocopied by exog-

enous 2,4-D (a synthetic auxin) treatment on wild type (see

Supplementary Fig. S2).


A new insight into plant auxin biosynthesis emerged when

two dominant Arabidopsis mutants, yucca, were isolated by

activation tagging screen, and an auxin biosynthesis path-

way was proposed, in which the YUC gene is a rate-lim-

iting step (Zhao et al. 2001). Using a homologous cloning

strategy, two YUCCA-like genes FaYUC1-2 were isolated

from cultivated strawberry in this study. It was revealed

that the strawberry YUC genes are highly conserved.

FaYUC1 is most homologous to AtYUC6, while FaYUC2

most homologous to AtYUC4, both in gene organization

and protein module. By the way, our isolation of YUC

genes from diploid strawberry was facilitated by the release

of genomic information in January 2011. It was revealed

that the woodland strawberry genome harbors nine loci for

YUC genes and eight of them encode functional protein

(unpublished work of our lab).

Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed the overlapping

but distinct expression patterns for FaYUC1-2. FaYUC1 is

preferentially expressed in the apical meristems from both

roots and shoots, while FaYUC2 is expressed in all the tissues

examined, with the highest level in stolon apical meristem

tips. However, previous studies showed that plant YUCCA

family is expressed in nearly all organs including flowers,

leaves and roots in Arabidopsis, but the expression of most

members in certain organ is restricted to a small group of

discrete cells (Cheng et al. 2006). Similarly, OsYUCCA1

transcription is also found to be limited to small groups of

discrete cells, including the tips of leaves and roots, and

parenchyma cells surrounding large vascular stem tissues

(Yamamoto et al. 2007). Promoter-driven GUS analysis and

in situ hybridization study may provide an integrated

understanding for FaYUC1-2 expression sites in the future.

Recently, it was found that the expression levels of early

auxin-responsive genes, FaIAA1 and FaIAA2, are very high

at early stage during fruit development, and decreased

sharply at ripening stage in strawberry (Liu et al. 2011).

Expression of these auxin-responsive genes may be the

indicators of auxin contents. More than half a century ago, it

was reported that the free auxin content in the achenes of the

‘Marshall’ strawberry fruits reached a steep peak 12 days

after pollination (Nitsch 1950, 1955). Later, the dissection

analysis showed that peaks of free auxin both in the recep-

tacles and in the achenes appeared just before the white stage

(Archbold and Dennis 1984). During ‘Jiuxiang’ strawberry

fruit development, both FaYUC1-2 were abundantly

expressed in achenes at G2 stage, although the sudden rise in

the transcript level of FaYUC2 occurs earlier and steeper

than that of FaYUC1. Dynamic expression of FaYUC1-2 in

achenes is somewhat coincident with previous studies on

auxin contents in strawberry fruit, suggesting that these two

genes may play some roles in auxin biosynthesis for fruit

development. As strawberry ripens, transcript level of

FaYUC1-2 both declined gradually. This observation rein-

forced the previous hypothesis that the decline in the content

of auxin in achenes as the fruits mature may modulate the

rate of fruit ripening (Dreher and Poovaiah 1982; Given et al.

1988; Perkins-Veazie 1995). It is unknown why FaYUC2 is

still significantly expressed in achenes from the ripe fruits

when the growth and development has already been

accomplished. Can it be related with stress responses for

maintaining post-harvest quality? Besides, it is intriguing to

find the expression of FaYUC1-2 in the strawberry recep-

tacles at earlier development stages (Fig. 4b, d). In particu-

lar, FaYUC2 transcripts were detected in receptacles from

mature flower to large green fruit stage. Thus, auxin syn-

thesized through the YUC pathway in strawberry receptacles

at earlier stages could be the second IAA source supporting

fruit development. The previous opinion that the receptacles

did not yield any free auxin (Nitsch 1950), henceforth should

be reevaluated carefully. It may be metabolized, or the auxin

content may be too low to be detected.

FaYUC1 over-expression in Arabidopsis results in

severe defects in many aspects. Obviously, both the proper

level and the proper distribution of auxin are crucial for

a b

Fig. 6 Over-expression of FaYUC1 results in stocky and hairy

phenotype in seedlings under both light and dark conditions. a Wild

type (Col) and FaYUC1-OX seedlings grown on half MS medium

for 7 days under normal light conditions. b Wild type (Col) and

FaYUC1-OX seedlings grown on half MS medium for 3 days under

dark conditions. T1 progeny of 35S:FaYUC1 transgenic plants is


Plant Cell Rep (2012) 31:1425–1435 1433


plant development. For example, seedlings are unable to

establish an apical hook, when the normal auxin balance in

cells is disrupted (Lehman et al. 1996). Floral organ

boundaries have been suggested to require low auxin lev-

els, allowing for organ boundary gene activity and growth

repression (Heisler et al. 2005). The abnormal phenotypes

in FaYUC1 over-expression plants could also result from

regulation of undesirable auxin through crosstalk with

other hormones. Redundant auxin arrests bud outgrowth

and enhances apical dominance by modifying local levels

of cytokinin (Swarup et al. 2002). Narrow and curled

leaves and strong apical dominance are well-known indi-

cators of auxin hyper-accumulation (Kim et al. 2011). It is

therefore reasonable that the phenotype of FaYUC1 over-

expression plants can be attributed wholly or partly to

altered growth and development due to their higher auxin

contents. To conclude, the diverse high-auxin phenotypes

in leaves, flowers, seedlings, and in plant stature indicate

that strawberry YUC gene holds conserved function in

auxin biosynthesis as its homologs do in Arabidopsis.

Several lines of evidences in this study suggest that

auxin biosynthesized by YUC FMOs actively roles in the

development of strawberry flowers and fruits. Is the

YUCCA-involved auxin biosynthesis pathway crucial for

strawberry fruit development? This notion, however,

remains to be explored via reverse genetics study in

strawberry. Such work is on the way in our lab. The

accumulation of knowledge about auxin biosynthesis in

strawberry will allow us to develop powerful tools for

controlling auxin to improve certain agronomic traits (e.g.

fruit yield and homogeneity).

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank anonymous

referees for comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by

funds from the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai

Municipality (Shanghai Rising-Star Program, 09QA1405300) and the

Agricultural Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Key Program,



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