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Müdür- Editor

Ord. Prof. Dr. ZEKI VEL1Dt TOGAN



Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi İSTANBUL


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'The Earliest Tran slatio n of the Qur'an into Turkish

... ·· · .. ·· A d.dıiy-d cnntrlbutloıı. ,to "A Loeuat'a .Loı:", preseıı.l"cd to my old frlend S. R. Taqlzade~ _


, An old turkish translation of the last 1/7lh of the Q~r·an,

-discovered by me in 1914, ,Preserved now in the Oriental Institute oJ Leriingrad (= cA•) was made later, a,n object ·of studies · by _W: :Barthold, A. Borovkov and Abdulkadir Inan 1• A. Inan established an ·jmportant fa ct that the M s·. of an interlinear East-Turkish tra!lslation -of the Qur'an in the Islam-Türk Museum at Istanbul N. 73 (==iB)), <:opj,ed in Shiraz in 734 H./1338 in the reign of the Ilkhanid Abu Sa'Id ·is · .lh.e same translation as cA1, but fortunately it is a .complete ,transİation of the .whole 0\.lr' an, and also an · older copy. There is ariother Ms. of . Eastern Turkish Qur'an translation in. Istanbul under N. 951 in the Hakimoğlu Ali Pasha Library (= eCl), copied 30 years Jater than iB_., i. e. in the year 764 H/ 1362. Judging by the paper and the scri_pt 2 we .may say with certainty that it was written in

1 My first report on the ~Tafsir" in Zapt. Vost.' Otd. russk .. Archeol. Obsc. XXlll !1916, P. 249: W. Barthold. Ein Denkmal aus eler Zeit eler Verbreitang c/es l slams .in .Mittel!fsien, Asia Major, II, 1925, p. 125-.129; A. K. Borovkov' Ocerki istorii u:bekskago _.gazıka, II, Sov. Vostoko · Vedenya, V~. 1949. p. 24·51; III.- Uçenyya · zapiski lnstituta "V ostokovedenya 1 XVI, 1958, p. 138·219, Tsenniyya lstoçniki dlia lzuçenya uzbekskago :yazyka, lzvestiya Akad. Nauk .. Otd.' litert. i yazyka, VIII, 1049, p. 67· 76; Abdülkadir ::Inan. Eski türkçe Kuran tercüme/eri, Türk Dili, 1952 ti, 7, 9; ]. Eckmann, Eine ostmit· :teltürkische interlineare Köranübersetzıing, ·ural Alfaische Jahrbücher,! XXXI. 1959.

·~· 72-89. --:ı Comp. «Saray·Collection of seri pts» gathered by Yaqub İbn Ahmad-Şayx al-Sa··

·-ra yi, in 681, Hüseyin Çelebi N. 4.68, Bursa: Manuscripts of Qunytit al-manya o'f Muxtar .ıil-Zihidi, Ayasofya 1349 cop. by. Abdurrahman b. Ahmad. Şayx al-Şarayi, Ayasofya -1351, c~pied in Saray 760; · Menuseripts of Muqadğimat al adap .of Zamakbsbari, 1Ytuseum-of Archeologyin Istanbul, ~opiedby Hibat Allah al-,Sarayi'in «Saray a't-Qadima'•

':in 741; ms: of the Li~rary of t~e University of İstanbul, Edebiyat ~6Ş5, c9piec!- !~ i}l!r~ <çinligkent iı:ı . 715/1315 ·

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;'. ·:...

2 . . Z. V. TOGAN

Golden Horde {including Khorezm), thus we cim design the -<B2 as <Qur'an of IİI.<hanids, and the (C) as that of the Golden Horde. ·:

The fourth ôld Eastern Turkish Qur'an translation. is to be founre in the john Ryland's Library, Manchester, .(=«M.l) a. According to the: pa per and · · script~ it w as cç:ıpied in the same tim~, also iri' the J 1 th..

century in Central ~sia.

· ın · addition to thes.e we have some copie~ of an old bguz trans­lation öf the Qura'an in two versions: The first is the Ms. Or 9515 in: the British Museum (= tÜh). G. Meredith ·Owen has deseribed it and tliought- that it was an cold Osmanlb translation 4, whereas it~ can~ot

· 'be later 'than 13-141h · century. The nasal N is written sometimes, like:

some old Azeri-Turk Mss with ..:ı ( Vf, ..:ı,;J·j)), sometimes with:.

6::; ( ı.S:r'.:-: , ._ı_,_C:S) but generally the palatal N w ith .!1 ( .!lj~:-' , .!.'..ır}

the guttı.ira_l_ n with J ( J;l , J.Y. , _;_,;_,..u;). This orthographical pecu­li~rity is .the. same a·s used for 'Turkish by Al-Şiruni ( ı.Sj~:.-·.;;.· in his Tah-

.. ·d[ d, Fatih Ms. 3386, p. 27) and one can affirm that this is an eastern Oguz. ·, text with the influences of the Khorezmian-Turkish. The second old

1 Oguz. version· (= 02) has been establüılied . in three ·Mss scrutinized by me· in Istanbul :. The oldest is the Mss eN. 247 Koğuşlan in Top­kapisaray Museum, ·designed in the handlist ::ıs ~ Tefsir'in Çagatay~,.

undated .but, according to the paper and script not.Iater than 14 th.

century. The script and the use of dia,critical marks for vocals is the-·same ·as in the -Khilafiyat translation of Ihrahim Malfiduni (Brit.. :Museum, Or. 6850) . from 731 H/1331. 5 This Ms (= ~02a }) presents. doutbless the western Oguz dialects. Another 02 Ms is to be­found under N. 267 in the same Koğuslar of Topkapisaray, designed.,. in the handlist as <Tafsir · in Azerb incomplete 'interlinear translation. (= <02 b)),-likewise undated but- going back to the 15 th./perh'aps even

· to the' 141h century, and had some signs of ·having been written by .· an Azeri-Turk The third Ms is to be found in Islam-Tur k Art Museum under N. 74 .(=_<02·c.l) copied by Hafiz Yar .Muhammad 'al-Khtıttalani,.

. 8 A: Mingana, Catalogue oj the .Arabic Marıuscripts in the johrı R.11lr.nds Liberarg· Manchester, 19~4, p. ?J-30.

4 Meredith' Owens, Notes on an old Ottoman translation of Qurari' Oriens X .. ·1957. p. 258·276. . .

. -5 .On Xiliifigat trıınslation of Ihrahim al-Malqidüni comp. V. D. Smirnov, in Zap­

'Vost. Otd, Russk. Archeol. Obşç. XXII, p. 107-128. and my article in Islam AraŞtırma­. a~ı Enstitüsü Dergisi, lll, 1961, p. 151.

·. · ..

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· ' an inh~bitant of Khutt~l, now the province · Kuİab, where a part of . Oguzs · (Hi-su or Hu;.su) was visited in the 7th century by the Buddhist .

pilgdm Hiuen-:-Tsiang. In the 11 th· · ·century they tiad rebelled, together w ith other Oguzs against the Seljuks. They are nowada ys living as the (Turkmens of jildi-Köb in the region of Kulab. The mainiscript is writteiı in 990 H/1582 at the time of Özbek rule in Kh~talan. The

· Khuttalan-Turkmen co pist di d not understand . so me West-Oguz Words, · .· ~· g. ·~ qce'rtainly~ , .;:verily~ ·he had wiitteri al~ays without points

. .. . ... . .

. ~s "!:. or ._r:. W e know. some already studied early Persian translations of the

Qur'an. There is one by Surabadi, recently been edited by Yahya .Mahdewi ~md . Mahdi Bayani in · Teheran. Another translation is an :anonymous · Ta~ağim al-acağim (different from the book of Baqqali, · Storey, Pl. v.ol. I, 35, 1215), of which the vol. VI (from chap. 34 to 4Ş) copied in 483 H/1090 has been preserved to us In a · very . good Ms of the Zeytinoğlu-Library in Tavshanli. The · above mentioned Turkish translatioiıs have nothing to do with both of these . . , . . .... . . '

In two of my articles 6 I ascertained that the East-Turkish Qur'an : of A and B Ms . . depende on the Persian Ta.beri . interlinear translation (=PT) · prepaı::ed by a committee ~nder the Samanid sovereign · Mansur ibn Nuh (961-977) on the basis of . the Ara~ic commentary of al-Ta bari. This is to be ass ur ed by the comparison of interlinear Persian tran~lations (=~:PTOb) in «Oh British Museum Or 9515 and the same (=~PTMı>) in the Manchester Ms (M:ı-. In both of Mss is the Persian intenrlinear translation given together with the Turkish trans­lation. These PT01 cınd PTM have to be · compared with other PT Mss. The olçlest copy o( PT, written by Omar ibn Abi 'al-Qasim al-

. Khattat in the year 588 H/1192 in Isfahan is :preserved under No. 108 in the I.slam-Tur k Art Museum (= ePT a> ). The other copy written in the sam·e century js preserved under N. 13ı' in · the Haraçcıoğlu­Library in . Bursa (only chap. 1-1_8 = ·PTh). The third (= «PTb,) ·undated, perhaps from · 15ıiı century is to be foı.ınd in Ayasofya N. 87. The fourth (=fPT.d») ·was written in Shirvan perhaps in the 14 ttı

.. century · in. N. · 567 · of · Emanet H.azinesi T.opkapı sar~yı Habib . Yagma is . publishing-'PT after the M~ of the Kutupkhana-i Saltanatİ

in Teher~n (= ~PT S l ) . written . in . 606 H/1209 in seven volums; . but ·hitherto ·ap peared onl_y the· first volume. · ·.

6 .Articles in Handbook for Oricntalistic, V. 1963 p. 230; P. 2; İslam Araştırmala-rı 'Enstitiisü [)ergisi Ili. 1961 p. 134·140 .

.·· /

~- -- ·. -

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The •PT . caın'e to us in many c.opies~ some of theın like PT b, PT c,. PT h arid PT s in ari interlinear tnirislatioin and corrimeiıtary.. But the greater p'art Ôf them (e. g. P.TOl, PTM, PT a, also lhe excellent Ms of Tdpkapisa·ray Hazine N 2490 written ·in 700 Hi130Ö. th c Ms of Ayasofya <Hususi Hayrat Kısmı> N. 2 from the year 817 H/~414 (= cPT o}, Mss of Topkapı'saray ~Emanet Hazinesh 65, 136; ' 146, 193, cKciguşiar) N: 33, 153, 16.0, 204 273, Revari Köşkü N. 60, 64) contain ·oniy the interlincar translation without commeutary. The Turkish-Tabari caıne to .us in the same w ay: The Leningral Ms A represents, apart of a Turkish paraHel to the large version <;>f PT, also interlinear translation together wi~h commentary ; B, C, M, Qİ, 02 a, 02 b and 02c contain only the interlinear translation. W. Barthol~

. quoted (A~ia Major II, i27) from commentary in, A, f. 9 a a passage which -actording to him- . may give us some . know_ledge about the

· author of this Eastern Tu.rkish Qur'an,, .:.._,! I.)J_,..1.t ı-f,;)t!.:_t t.Lı:l ;'1\ck

·J·.:..,I L.\ ·?i / l..; ~1 i.Jl. L.\ . ..:..j,; 1.)1·\;..,. lı..ı.:i..- ft_l .ı.' l L:,~-,.· ~ • .J ., .. _, ..1 J.J _, .. ., • - .., 1-

~-;)1.·1 ._;;.Cl! ':"~ \ .JY.-Jı !l~ ;~.!ı J~_j..!l ~-_,ı ; '1LI,t. _r.-b ,; '1LI.J:..JJr..l

~~~'1-~ ..;-;~ Jl.i' ıS.}:.:.: ı.>\S:;JI .:._ıl ~A\<l:.iJI J,l ~. ljJI i;\( ıS;~ [.:ı~] W:;.)~ ~· rf.->~.>; ':"l:.J sq.!ll§ ce4·) J·.;)l:.._ı,.. ıs.:l .:.ı_ ı ._ı,ı J)l:.ı:_l

<>~: ~- rf';'1~ ..;U.I .:t_.J..}-f' c:,:Q'J But the same passage we read::

ali o in the Persian edition . of the book. In the PT d f. 350 a w e re ad:-

~· .t(~· ·.o ı · J~.r \(,... S .c._~*:- , ~ ,.: ~ ci...§ iv t: i ı ·~ t:.~ J

;~1_, .l:.-ı.i JS.l( ~J~J . ........._eı,ı ":"~\ ..J,I iL· 1,;~. ~ _:,.,:ll i..;J~ 0:--j.J ~1:;1 .rA-' 0:-J. . ·ı ı/ . 1 • b. 1 1 - - (; -

.:..,.rJJJ .JJ.. J!..r ~~ ı..J_ J ·~. '-'· J/ <.S .~ .)ı..j.ı • ..;i ı jl ..ı..:.:... · ı ,_;.i 1

. •~J'. .,J...T ·~ ~ jl ~J .~,r.: ':"l:J ~.f_l ( ~ _;.ı.'\ :Bursa Orhan 967)

In thePTB: .. lf."~· .i:;\ ~: ._;il .r ~Y. }' c:t_l J~.r- ,_ J...T. ~· _;-Iii ._.l:.) jj.j

·ı.rU._,; ~;b_~\ ~1&::'1 i~· c:t_IJ .:,l ..::.,~~·_, 1)~, _,..,:ll i;,l· t:.':!-"jJ · .. .r"! ~~ 0CJJ , ~.r.-· ':"l:.) ;..ı:~ cl.t..i_l rV J . • ~J~ ı>.l~ .:,~_;.. -4-!--•. J-ii ;J.."I J ~,.:

• J...l ~ )j.•J ':"l:..) Ü'_.J.: ('.)J'. ~..Li.:. l,.fc. jl


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I here som11 ~xamples from above mentio~~d Mss, namely the .

vers~s· H4.·127 o·qhe Çh. _XX. · cr~-na) for . ~\~~~~ng up ·the relations between the Persian and Turkish Tabeı+ translati"ons: .

• : • ~ • • ;o • :· • • •• • ' - : - • : j •. ·, : ~ :

~-~ 4_, ı tc?f .)~.-' ..,.:;_)·.\..d t- '-' -·

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•• Mahm Kalhgarı P 107. · -.~ _ _,AJ\_,~1 ~.)i , .,.,.. the eopiat· in Kipçhalc-land did not understand

word ograıi'• ,. .,;~ \Vroog for J\.) Jl · ··· .

the old Eastern Turkish

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The <A•>. is the youngest (copied perhaps-at th time of the Temu­.ricls) and simultaneously the most · archaistic ~mong the mentioned Turkish Mss. W. Barthold and C. Salemann established in it words and forms of the Orkhun inscriptions and accepted it for "an· ea;ly monu­ment of the Muslim Türkish liter.atur·e - language from the time of spreaçling of -. tslam 7• Later on Barthold determined the time of the

-composition of the book more exactly aş <earlier than the xı th cen- · 'i:ur:y) 8, accepting it ··for. a . monumet of the time . of the Saİnanids. But he said no.thing about' the "Mansuri ·papen meritioned .in ;·A":· In my above meritfoned articles I ·had expressed the suspicion that this 'iransiation was prepared perhaps also by th_e same committee · of Mansur ·ibn -Nuh, . because among the members of · it is me~tioneğ ono scholar from the. Turkish speaking town Isbiğab (in the Argu la-ngua­ge: Urung --kenb, now Sayram). 1 tried to expliıin tbe Oguzforms in <A,, sB) and ( CJ _by existence of Oguz elements in the Argü dialect

-(_,~;r i,;J of Mahmud Kashgari, «Argu- Talas the heart of the Turks, .. and - · . <Altın Argm_in Turkish Manich~ica 9, the language of Organuro used

· by Nestorians to perform their services and to write books in those letters) of William of Rubruck ıoa • In the country Argu there' lived together with settled' Chigils, Turgish and Tukhs·i, in villages and towns designed by İbn Khürdadbeh plainly as <Turks~ ·also Qarluqs, . .Khalaj.'s and other Turkıiıens. The. Khalajs the oldest ~'frontiermen of-) the Turks) agaiiıst the Iran on Oxus lived besides the Indiah fronti­ers and Quhistan (according to Persian version of lstakhri) also in a large from Kasr~bash near Evliya -. ata (Jambulf and V.:estern ranges

... of Tala~- - Alatau as wintering and the regio.iı of Temirtau (in lbn

• T W. Bart~old; in Asia Major II, 1-2; also C. Salemann had ıriveıı areport about tho

«Central Asiatic Tafsir~ in the •Radloff Krujok» in winter 1915.

·· 8 W. Barthold: lstoriya kalturnoy ]iz:ni Tarkestana, 1928 p: 72. D 'A. Le~COq: ·Turkish Manichaica I, 26· :,

· ıoa Traflells of William of Rllbruk, •.d. by Rockhill, p. 140- H .

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14 Z. ' V• TOGAY

Khurdadbeh Demirtakh) as· sur'nın er- places in the ·north ıoıı . The Qarluqs · Jived besides · the Vetisu (Semirechye) Pamir, Tukharistan 'and Indian and Kashmir frontiers, in Northern and eastern Tibet also very nume­ro~sly in the regi~ns of Bukhara and ·sa~arkand 11• İbn al - Faqlh mentioned them as ethe nobels ·of. the Turks (' itaq al - ·tur k) in the time of the San;3nids •:around Samarkand) 11b in the period- of Ka­rakhanids they lived even there and mostly in the region of Bukhara: In the · year 532 I;I/1138 during the reb.ellion against the KaraK.h­anids 30 or 40 thousand riders of them lived - the country for Kash- , gar ·· to be adjoined with their allies the Karakhitays 12. In our time

lOb An ·addition tho the notes in ii>n Khurdatbehs epito~ e(comp. Minorsky in BSOS, x; 428) about the Khalaj winteriogs nea; Kasrabashi (near AqChulaq, 40 kil. north of Bvliya·ata (new Jambul) aıid Kül·shub (near Maldıbayeva of Russian maps), brings Şha­rif İdrisi (from the large edition ofthe same İbn Khıırdadbeh) the note -about the camps of tb~ Kbalaj near Demirtskb (Nuzhat al-Mus~taq. elim. VI, division 8). i. e. Teın'ir·tav oear Qaragandı , NW of the Balkhash Sea .

ı.i. · The Qarluqs were· divided in three groups: eaeh eonsist pf three tribes: 1) th& northeriı group compose: Yabaqu-Qarluqs, Yuxsi Qarl!lqs, and the · setteld Qarluqs on

the Ç~u-~_alley (Kümberkit, .;;..-:f~•J( Marvazi: Kükerkin vf'.}}" near Urdu PJJI the

resid; nee .of the «King of 'Türkmen»), 2) three tribes of «Cigil-Qarluqs» (the Qarluqs of icrefsbanvalley, 3) theree trilıes of Haftal-Qarluqs of Toklıaris_tan (Marvazi in the

Minorsky-edition: .._t;::...;.i but in A ufi's quotations from the same Marvazi givenl.$~ .or$-"' .

·doptless, to ' read h>· Gawhari' . s and Khwarezmi's notes to Kharlukh and Kanji­ne ·as remaniders of the Ephtalites in Tokbaristaiı s. my comparison of various MSS of both sources in my ~Türk tarihi 1927-iB dersleri, İstaobul, 1928 p. 100-101. İbo Haw· qal's not about the «lands of al Khlkh» in the region of Kabul and Wakhan (Pamır)

in .the Topkapısaray Ms. 3346, f. 118b (Kramers edition, P. 426) to be explaioed by İbn Rus ta•· 92 «balad al·turk ·al-kharlikhiya» abut the Shıqni (Sbugnao) and ··fdirisi'a quota· tion (perhaps from Gayhani) about invasions of <<Kharlukh Turks" in Kashmir

(/mlia and the neighbouring terriator{es as deseribed bg /dir.isi, edited by S.Maqbul Abma~, ,Aligarh, 1954. P ~ 68). and about «Kbarlukh Turks on the sources of Yellow River (Nahr Kalbi. M2 Köprülü. N. 955, 133 a). Al·Biruni and Cabir İbni Hayyan men­tion for the uppet Jarkend Durya the name . ••Kharlukh-River». The Qar.luq groups in Tokharistan and in the Zer:afshan·valley were at the time of the Samanid~ already Mus­Jims (Oriens lll. 200) T~e «Türkmen» i~ the neighbourhood of Blağ and Bruke~ on middle _...­Sırderya wer~ at the time 'of the Samaoids likewise Musfims (Muqaddasi; 274)· . Al-Biruni desi_gn~s the provinees Balxan aod Diand as «laods of Oguz», Sütkend and Sabran on Sırderya as «lands of Türkmen« these were also Muslims» (Z. V. Togan, Biruni's Picture of the lVf?rld, 48, 51). .

12 'İmad lsfabanf, Nusrat af-Nusrat in the qotation of Munagğ'im bııshi Ms Esad Efend. N. 2103 f. 341 b: and ]avandi• Riihat al·sudiir. ed. of Iqbal p. 172.

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in the ·Russian «Two versb military map there are registered 32 villa- ­·ges in the region of ~ukha~a under the name of «Khalhib (Qarlıq) .

. ·Together with_ Qarluq there lived in the region of Samarkand other· Turks, like Chigil (mentioned by Hüan Chang as Chie- kie; (in the .Mss. pf Ibn Nadim this name is written often ~~ ins~ead of LS~I) and. Turkish (~_ı<!\ _of the Arabs). Among the Chigil and Turkish of Sa~ ·markand arise some scholars of Islamic tradition (HadHh). Thus the­<early Mu!)li~ Turks} ·in the Zarafshan bassin of the Samanid time were: a bl en d of East em Tur k s . and Turkmens, not only in Arguland, büt also in the valley of Zarafshaiı. Gayhani's words about the Turks · in. the army of the Samanids in ~ Persian excarpt from his Geography (re­cently discovered 'by Prof. Sa' id' Nafisi in J(abul) in the . «Ch-apter on the Turks:l, 'about 40000 nobles of Transoxanian~ at the time of Nasr· ibn Ahmed ıs . are to . be connec.ted w1th info;mations of the Qadi . Rashid ibn Al - Zubayr (of tl'ıe 5 th Hpo · cent.)' in his _in · Afyon Ka' rahisar newly d.iscovered and in 1959 in -Kuwait published · work on... _

' dreasiıres - and-' Gifts, ·of the Muslim rulers c\bout the ceremonies- orga­·nized by. N~sr · ibn Ahmed in Bukh1ara on the occasio~ of the . ar-riva! _ of a delegation of. the· emperor-of China in the year 327H/93~. He says. 'that in· the · parades in Bukhara there __ were filed forty regiments .or forty chamberlains of NC;isr, e<;lch of them consistiı\g .of thousand o.f Turks in their uniforms in qa-ftans and ot ter · or sa b le he ad dres ses .. (xafatin di bağ wa 'qalanis 'sammür) u. .

. -, All these no tes about nlimerousness of Turkish guard of Samani ds .

. agree with the data about the influence· of this guard on the daily li-. fe and ev en on the religious life of the empire. W e know · from s ome . sources 15 that Nasr ibn Ahmad . was sympathizing with İsmailits and. Qarmap;. Nizarn al · - Mulk relates about the heresy activities more, explaining the abdication of Nasr in the year 942 i ı;ı favour .çıf his son. Nuh as res u lt .of a plot of the Turks . under the guidance of their chief- . ta in Tu lun · Üga provoked by the· acceptance of the Qarmati he resy

_by Nasr and his men. ,Being orthodox Sqnnits they proclaimed openly·

- - . 13 On AşkCil al-aqiilim of Gayhani, Said Nafisi in' Rah rıiima-i kitiib, II, Tahran.,

lS59, p. 377. 14 . Kitiib al:_dhakhiiir t?a. al-tuhaf by al-Qadi al Rashid b. al-Zubayr edited by M .•

Hamidullah, Kuwait 1959,· p." 145-6. · · _ 15 Abd-al-qiidir al·Bagdiidi Al-Farq Bayrı'~l-Firaq, Cairo edition p. 267.276. Rasbid

al·dio, Gami al-tavarikh.- Qısmat-i i.<ma ıliyyan, ed. Muhammad Taqi, Danish Pujub Teberan, . p. 12,18, 97 - . . ' . -

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"16 z. V. TOGAN

"that they were not willing .to have ·an infidel as tbeir king, out wanted :to change the dynas.ty, proclaiming the <great sepahsalan (i.e.probably .Aytash, the ·great\,Hağib) as king; only .the in(er~enience of the crowıi · prince/Nuh, whoın they liked, saved the dynasty, for he compelled his ~ather to abdicate 115• The title 'Üga} shows tha,t the Turks in Bı,ıkharıı. have had the same z.:ı.ngs of the nobility of birth that they had at this· ti:. .me at the Uygurs at ·Tien-shan and Kan su. The Sa~anids must have ' had means of propaganda for the Islam among the so greaLmilitary power of their· country. These were the-"' boqks in Turkish. The Qur'a_n .translation was written perhaps ı:ıot only in Arabic script but also in Uy­:gÜrian and in Kök-Turkish script. In any case the Turkish Qur'ari was 'translcited not directly from Arabic but from the Persian TabarL Some of · the Persian iiıfluenced translation~ in A, B, and M M ss. · are correc­ted, i. · e. - t~rkizised in _C. The word ";;)" ..i:':iı translated in PT: ı.>.)b..c.. . .~C.

_:B and M:_ 6'1...~~-':..~G in C corrected as Jl:-;J.ı..GI. The sentence ~ ':'b

, is tr~nslated -in PT: _;..)ı.) .... :- in M: ljJI c!.C~:I ı.S.lJ. ".i• in 02a: ı.S.l;J ..._;, in .c corrected _a_s: ı.S-\.l:i J _,~ ~ ~_,-. Tne W3 rd .;;-ı in the same chapter .

Taha is t~ans:late~, in PT::;•-':?.:>• in C and M: J l; ~-JJ'· The Mss -_of the Persian and Turkish T~b.ari · reflect in their lexicographicai and orthographical peculiarities the histarical evolution of Persian and 'Turkish of various times and countries. Thus these texts offer one of :the most im portant sourc~s for the ~tudy ·of the ·history of various Persian and Turkish dialects in the early Islam periods. In C the ver­bal suffixes of MİZ, MİZ and YUR changed acccordiiig tci the Qıpshaq dialect to DIQ, DİK ~nd G' AN. In <Al there ar~ . made, especially after the chapt. LV (al - Ra~man), additions to the commentaries of PT; although the interlinear translation remains the same, i. e. the common -of ,other Mss. ·the lapguage of these additions to the Tabari coııi-mentaries is ~ew, and there are mentic:med also some Iate authors. The .Oguz version are made nol from the Persian, but from the East - Turkish ·versions. 02a and 02b reflect the Western Oguz dialects, th~ 02c Eas­·tern Oguz of Khuttelan, the Ol reflects in my opinion the Oguz dialects neighbouring Khwarezm and Sırderya bassin. These Oguz versions may

. have been prepafed not . much later than the Eastern Turkish· one. The :Eastern Tur~ish literature language had perhaps not satisfled the Oguzs in Kho.rasan _eyen in the time of the outbreak of the Muslim Turkish

16 Nizarn al-mulk, Siya&at nameh, edited by lqbal, Teberan, ·P· 266-273. B~rtbold: :Turkestan down to the "'f.ongollmmsion, P. 243·4 did not mention the name of Tulun Üza.

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.:~ ::;:.-· literaturO _in the epoch of th; last Samanids. -.-Tan,;, is .• always in Oguı rf· · versions too, wri.ttt:n w ith. c.\; seldam with :ı; In the original East Turkic

: ~ · ... . . . · ·-.. :- .

-~ .~ · ·. ;tr~iısl.ation .next to trepplc dot.ted J a~ j for· W (.s;~. suwsadt), _w as

~- ·. -- •u~_ed for __ guttural n the . tr~pple dotted t_. as t_In t~e E~ster.n·- Tiırkic j,_ .~-.~ .... Mss this guttur~l n is very . seldam preserved.~)~· ,-~ B:t f. 45oa, . 455b:the ·

~ :t~arisJationÖf the word .J.~ı'J written-~:!:'·J~f. Jil -f.or ~-~,Y. ;itanin·bü._,. ~ ·, . . . . .. . t- .

~ · . . düı:ıina ; in ~_M_. ~ the translation of · the __ word ,.C~:ı.:~ written 'J~ _ii lS"'j Jl · _ ·.~ . - 1 • -

?'L : . . ~ ··öfka filz biria, with trepple dotted ~ . . like the Ol. After al-Birünı we ~ : - . . ~ ..

- ~ . :see the usage of :.. for guttural fi alsa i.n some Mss of llfqqadimat a[.:.

K.. .~d ab ~f Zamakhshari w~itte~iı ·· in Khw.~rizm and in Golden Horde. ·th~ f .·'north Cau~aslan Turks retained the Khwarizm - Golden Horde traditi-~- '.- ·ons in writing in Ara bi<> and· the Turkish with Arabic script. Also the * - . . : . ' ... . .. .. · .. . . . ,_, . . . ~ -~ .. . ·:-:· · ·usa:g.·e ·ot ~ .. :·for pa_ıataı ~ana E tar guttural n: ho ı ds . __ on ~n · that . co- .

j · .. :. .untry .. - up · t~ ou~ days 17. , Perhaps the if!t~oductiqn of tw.o different --1.- .. :. detters for · n ·at t.he/ time of early translation of Quran - !_n to Turkish

· ~~-- .· -· · · ~a~. ~orınectea _-\vith·. th: ug~se ôf_ the 'Yeni~sey ~nd Talas Kö~turks to

~ . . - . - write ' n .w ith two ~i ffererit signs ~ and 0 18• -: . ' .. ...

d . . ,Jil \ •

~ . .- t ., .. · !he 'form .j~ or _;),\"': _for sizla'r;' .. and .. l3 _,....~ J~ for · çi:qwmas'inlar . ~ . :- · ]n B and .M -are chara~teristic for the dialects of Çhigil ~rid Yagma . . ~.' . .. . Fo~ the r~construction of the original la~guage of the 'E_astern Turkic ;~ ... _~- - · · bransl~tion of Qur'an all texts, comman for A; B, C and M, must b.e ., _ · _ · ·composed to_geth_er. ' . · . . . ·

~~~-·- · ·. · Makalenin Özeti: ---· ~- ·-- ' · · -~~ . ' . ·ır_. . Türkçe· kur'an : tercümelerinin en eskisi .1914 te auharanın Karşi · ~ •(eski . N~sef) şehrinde · tarafıından· bulunan ve bugün · Leningrad Şark

i·f;t' . · Erıştit~sü kütüphanesinde mahfu2; ıHeftiyeb {Sul;>'i Qur'an) ·. t~rcümesi

.· . •(=A) dır. Bu tercümenin İlhaniler zamanında 73.4/1333 Şirazda . yazılan ·-·--~ -, ,

·· : ~-_'_ - ... ·: ir C_oni~- . the . autbogrph. of Qukiq-Nogay poet Qaz·a~ -~:~~~~ufyan ai~Gazansbi) ·i ·.,: · .. -M ağniu ·: al·-~sar · alf-agamiga; lithographied · 1903 in Simfiropol' pages 19, 18 _a. s. o,

:.~. j·. :. . •. _ :c: ı) r" 'C J~~ , -e.G) ~- j_ .AC':;L_l . , ~ 1 , )\ô.:.: Also Abul-gbazı kb an diff~rs gutturd . ;~. • • "!' a,ııa" as · ~ 1 from k palata I «sene» as K:.... • '~· • l8 W, Tomsen·· Turcica, Helsinki,1916' p. 49 f· 'and about tbe Kalansay ioscriptioıı:

~:: · ' . da ":~''"' T"''"'"· Hö••Y• Nomok, E~~~-~ü,k ""'"""· III, 203, 205. ·. , . ·


-·~· : j~~f.~:-.~~~- ~:·~: ~-- .. . - .

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18 z. V. TOGAN

tam bir nü_shasi (=B) Türk-:-: Islam. Müzesinde N. 73 te; 764/1362 de -Altın o ·r:da .taraflarında yazıldığı anlaşılan diğ'er bir nüshası (= C) He­kimoğlu Ali Paşa Kütüphanesi'nde 9Sl · Qumarada; aynı asırda Doğu

. Türkistancia yazıldığı anlaşılan ve yanında farsçası da bulunan bir · eksik: fak~t güzel nüsh~ (= M) Manchester Üniversite kütüphanesinde bu-· .. lunmaktadır. Bu terc4meler Samanilerdell Mansur ibn Nuh zamanında.

·-~(9()1- - 977) de · kurulan ve Taberinin büy~k tefsir.iv· esas olmak üzere: bir komjsyon . tarafindan yapılan ve (farsça Taberi Tefsirh ismiyle ta­nılan farsça ten~ümeye dayanmahadırlar. Bu komisyona Türk şehirle­rinden· lspicaplı bir alifn de iştirak etmiş olduğundan türkçe . tercüme-' nin -daha o zaman, yani 10 ncu aşrın ikinci yarısında yapılmış olduğu. · ileri sürülebilir. Bu tercümelerin asıl nüshasf ilk İslamiyeti kabul eden-. ·Argu ve · Karlı k Türkleri·nin, ,l~~çesinde, Çu ve Sırderya niıntakası 0-­ğ'uzlan· şiv-esinin de tesiri ile yazılmış olduğu nüshaların karşılaştırll~ ·· masından görülüyor. ·

B_ritanya Müzesinde Or. 9515 nurnarada bulunan ~e çagatayca· zan- · ··nolunaiı ~eski tercüme, farsçası ile birlikte yazıla:O nü.,ha (=Ol)" bir arka yi le Oğuzca .ile ·yazılm~ş~ Bunda H9rezm türkçesinin de tesiri görüldüğün­deri Horezm ve_ Sirderya tarafları oğuzcası sayılabilir. Topkapı Sara-

'yında )<oğuşlar kısmında N. 247 de yine eski oğuzca, ihti!llal __ batı o­ğuz~ası ile, yazılmış, fakat yine <çagatayca tefsin telakki olupmuş es-

.. ki Kur'an tercümesi vardır (= 02a), en geç 14 .ncü asırda ya~ılmış ola­cak. Ayni Koğuşlarda . N. 267 de diğer .bir eski oğuzca tercüme. ( · 02b);: . Türk -: Isiarn Müzesinde N. 74 te daha muahhar .za.manda 990/1582 de:.

' Bulıaranın şarkında HutteHin (şimdiki Külap) vilayeti Türkmenlerin­den birisi tarafındçın yazılmış diğer bir oğ~zca tercüme (= 02c} vardır._ Bütün bu oğuzca tercümelerin <A<, <B,, <C), nüshalarının aslı olan do.-

-·~u Türkçe tercümeden nakledilmiş olmaları muhtemeldir, mamafih tOh . nüshasi oğuzcanın daha Samaniler. zamanındaki te;cümeler . sırasında. yazılmış olması ihtimalini de belirtmektedir.

Samaniler devrinde yapılan ilk tercüme zernan ve mekan, yan.i i muhtelif lehç -~uhtelif devirlerinin tesirini arzetmekte olduğundan-. bunlar Türk dil tarihi : ·araştırmaları bakırnindan fevkalade ehemmiyeti.1 paizdir.

Türkçe terc_ümelerin ekserisi sat!r ·arası tercümeden ibardtir; yal­nız •A; nüshasında satır arası tercümeden başka sürelerde anlatılan

tarihi vakıaların ve peygamberlere ait kıss'alcmn türkçe izahları vardır: Bu da farsça Taberi'den geçmiştir. Farsça Taberi tercümesinden türk­çe ile karşılaştırmak ve birinin. di~erine bağlılığı~ı tesbit etmek bakımın ....

·- .-

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.. . dan tO b in lü~kçesi ile beraber .. yazılan . farsçası ( PTOl) ; · keza <M> iıüshasında türkçe ile muvazi bulunan farsça tercüme (_:PTM) çok ınühimdir. Bu bakımda!l bir de farsça Taberi nüshalarından Türk -İslam Müzesinde 108 n~marada bulunan ve 588/1192 de yazılmıs nüsha ( PTa) mühimdir. Bütün bu nüshalar. ancak satır ara~ı · tercümeleri i.htiva etmektedir. Fakat Ay~sofya N. 87 nüshası (=PTb) ve Tahranda Saltanat Kütüph~nesinde bulunan ve 606/1209 da yazılan nüshast. (=PTs); Bursada Haraççıoğlu 131-numarada bulunan eski nüsha ( PTh)

o satır arası tercüme ile birlikte ayrı mevzulann ve kıssalann şerh ve izal-i­larını da ihtiva etmektedir. Bu şerh ve izahlar Samani devri türkçe ter­cümesi.nhL!.A~ nüs~asıridakilerle · tam _ birdir. B~ makaled.e, ... remizlerle . işaret ediler) ve türkçe farsça tercümelerin karıştınlma işin!n tarafıından nasıl yapıldığını ve nasıl · yapılm<} sı gerektiğini göstermek üzere tT aha> süresinden bir· kaç· nümune verilmiştir. · ·

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