islam - · meaning of islam •islam comes from the word...

Post on 05-Aug-2020






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What it means to be a MUSLIM.

Meaning of Islam•Islam comes from the word SALAAM (peace), so it’s literal meaning is PEACE.

•The people who practice Islam are called MUSLIMS. There is an estimate of 1.2 billion Muslims in the world!

This is the Muslim Holy Symbol.

Muhammad (pbuh)

Muhammad (pbuh) was a man who was born in the year 570 in the city of Mecca. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet. They believe he was given the message of God from Angel Gabriel. He was a strong leader and he united the people or Arabia into one tribe. He wrote the 5 Pillars of Islam which are rules that all Muslims must follow.

Muhammad (pbuh) is so respected that it is usual for Muslims to say 'peace be upon him' whenever they mention his name. Muhammad (pbuh) is believed by Muslims to be the last prophet sent by God (Allah). They believe God sent prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law

The Mosque

Muslims go to Mosque to pray and learn about Allah. The first mosque was built by Muhammad (pbuh). The Muslim’s Holy day is a Friday. While praying, Muslims must face Mecca, for this reason all of their prayer rooms face in that direction. A typical mosque also includes a minaret, a dome and a place to wash before prayers. Before entering the mosque, Muslims take off their shoes out of respect to Allah and most ask you to wear a head covering.

The 5 Pillars of Islam

• Shahadah (Creed) To testify that Allah alone is worthy of worship and Muhammad (peace be upon Him) is His final Messenger

• Salaah (Prayer) Muslims pray 5 times a day daily

• Sawm (Fasting) Muslims fast for 29/30 days and have nothing to eat between sunrise & sunset

• Zakaah (Alms giving) Muslims are supposed to give a fixed proportion of their savings (2.5%) towards helping the poor. In

this way, their wealth is “made pure”. • Hajj (Pilgrimage) Muslims shouldmake a visit to the House of

Allah in Makkah, once in a life time if one can afford in doing so

Believing in the Holy Books - The Qur’an

•Muslims believe in the FOUR Holy and Sacred books which were revealed to the Prophets from the Lord brought down by the arch angel, Jibraa’il (Gabriel). •They are:

1) The PSALMS (Biblical name) / ZABUR (Qur’anic name) revealed to Prophet David (Dawood – P.B.U.H)

2) The TORAH (Biblical name) / TAURAAT (Qur’anic name) revealed to Prophet Moses (Musa – P.B.U.H)

3) The BIBLE (Biblical name) / INJEEL (Qur’anic name) revealed to Prophet Jesus (‘Esa – P.B.U.H)

4) The KORAN (Biblical name) / QUR’AN (Qur’anic name) revealed to Prophet Mohamet (Muhammad – P.B.U.H)

Prophets in Islam

Muslims believe that there were about 124,000 prophets who came to earth to spread the message of the Lord.

They included, prophet:


Idris (PBUH) Enoch Yusuf (PBUH) Joseph

Ya’qub (PBUH) Jacob

Ibrahim (PBUH) Abraham

Musa (PBUH) Moses

Eisaa (PBUH) Jesus

Muhammad (PBUH) Mohammed

Note: PBUH = Peace Be Upon Him

The slides have been designed by Mullah H Din who is an Islamic cleric.

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