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Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451

ISB News Friday, April 18, 2008

The Letter of the Week This Week: Paul Roméo, Maternelle Director

Table of Contents The Letter of the Week All School Maternelle Lower School Middle & Upper School Parents’ Association

p. 1-4 p. 4-6 p. 7 p. 7-9 p. 10-11 p. 11

Dear Members of the ISB Community, This week the first page of ISB News will be without translation! You have read a lot of documents about the school, its history, bilin-gualism, protection of the planet and even the green door! It is no longer really green; it is now a work of art produced by Keith, the mother of a little boy in Mid-K. Come and see! Speaking of Earth Week, which we just celebrated, did you have a chance to walk barefoot in the mud? (Reread the previous edi-tion of ISB News). This week, with the coop-eration of good-willing col-leagues who had their stu-dents write or wrote down what the younger students said, you will find in the pages that follow the an-swers of children to these questions:

• Do you like school? Why?

• You don’t like school?

Why not? The texts that you will read are rewritten without any corrections. The only indi-cation that you can read for some will be the age and sex of the person who wrote it. Other responses, are completely anonymous. The answers that are part of the first page were se-lected at random! Follow the link below to read the other responses. THE STUDENTS HAVE THE FINAL WORD! The next time it will be the adult’s turn. Who knows! Many thanks to all those who helped me without knowing the reason for my request. Paul Roméo


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


Age Remark

F2 4 I like the school because I’m going to the garderie. F 7 J’aime l’école parce que on fait des choses d’Egypte et j’aime

Egypte. F 11 J’aime l’école parce que, il y a toujours des surpizes et des défis.

J’aime l’école aussi pour que je me sente fiere de mes bonnes notes.

M 7.5 J’aime l’ecole par ce que j’ai deux gentits maitresse et aussi des amies.

F 11 J’aime l’école parce que: c’est un endroit où l’on fait des décou-vertes, où l’on apprend et où l’on se fait des amis. C’est un en-droit où l’on apprend à devenir un adult en raisonnant et en se cultivant.

F 5-6 I love school because I like work, all the work. 13-

14 J’aime l’école car je sais que c’est important pour le futur, même

si il y a quelques matières moins intéressante que d’autres. C’est aussi toutes ces différentes matières qui rendent l’ensei-gnement très diversifié que j’aime à l’école. L’école est aussi un lieu de rencontres, où il est possible de se faire des amis, la plupart du temps, c’est l’endroit où je rencontre le plus de monde. L’école et les jours de travail, c’est aussi ce qui me fait apprécier les jours de repos malgré certaines matières intéres-santes ou certains professeurs peu appréciés, l’école est un lieu que j’affectionne car cela nous prépare à la vie futur et nous permet de faire des rencontres.

M 7 Je naime pas l’écoule parceque tou ler jour son tro lon. M 5-6 I like school because I like to work and I like to help. F 8 J’aime l’école parce que on apprend des nouvelle chose, et que

c’est amusant. M 11 J’aime l’ecole parce que….j’aime apprendres des nouvelles cho-

ses, j’aime faire des amis avec des gens qui je conais pus avant, j’aime connaître les proffesseurs, j’aime avoir des bon-nes notes, (aussi des mauvaises, car on apprends des fautes.) c’est pour ça que j’aime l’ecole.

F 7 J’aime pas l’école parceque j’aime pas les devoir. 13 I like school because it enables me to thrive and explore different

learning opportunities. Yes school can be hard, stressful, and agrivating, but without school where would I be? Many of my friends I met through school, and many of my most memorable memories wouldn’t have happen’t without school. The things I have learned enable me to think and express myself in a vari-ety of ways. School had opened so many doors for the future and it has also helped me discover who I am, and who I want to be. I hope to continue to discover, learn, and appreciate with the help of my academic learnings. I have made so many strides over my past thirteen years, and fail to imagine how hard life would be without school.


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451

M 11 J’aime l’école parce que j’aime voir mes amis. J’aime aussi l’école car j’apprend des choses même si tous les professeurs ne me plaisent pas. L’école ou plutot les professeur font quelques fais des jeux pour apprendre. Evidement, j’aime l’école mais je n’aime pas certains cours ou certain proffesseurs.

F 8 Jaim l’école parceque on fais des chaus rigaulote. F 5-6 I don’t like school because sometimes I feel lonely at school and I

want my mommy. At home I can do lots of different things like play Candy Land, make pictures, or make some houses with popsicle sticks.

F 12 J’aime l’école parce que on a du contact social, et qu’on apprend beaucoup de choses intéressante.

F 11 Je n’aime pas l’école parce que elle est vraiment petite et il ya presque pas de gens au lycée. J’aimerais venir ici au lycée s’il y avait plus de gens.

13 I like school because: It is a good place to socialise and it is a good place to make friends. There are also some classes that are really fund and interesting. I also like it because I know that it will help me learn things and prepare me for adulthood. I also like school because I get to learn multiple languages, in-cluding English, French, Spanish, and those will help me in the future, and hopefully help further my career. I don’t like school because: There are some classes that I don’t like. Or are really boring. I also don’t like school because we get homework, and I really don’t like homework, but it is just a given thing in school. Another thing I don’t like about school is that it is way too long. If the school day was shortened a bit, then I would be happy. I also don’t like some other things.

14 I like school because it allows me to have friends who don’t nec-essarily live anywhere near where I live. Also, even though I may not like all of my classes, I still like or get along with al-most all of my teachers.

F 11 J’aime l’école parce que chaque jour j’apprends quelque chose. J’adore apprendre, écrire, lire, écouter. Je l’aime parce que je sais que il y a au moins quatorze proffesseurs que pour nous! Qui veulent nous aider apprendre. Mais pas que apprendre des matières, ils nous apprennent à être mature, organizés et plein d’autres choses. Aussi je sais que pas tout le monde peut aller à l’école, est c’est un cadeau qu’on doit tous admirer.

M 7.5 J’aime boucou l’école apar les devoire. 13-

14 Why I like school. Even though it’s a bit hard and sometimes

challenging I have a bunch of fun. It’s a place where you learn new things every day and you can hang out with friends. If its going to be such a huge part of your life you might as well like school. In general I find school very fund and very important.

M 5-6 I like school because there’s a lot of toys in here. F 11 Je n’aime pas l’école parce que les profs sont injuste. Ils ont tous

des préférés et des détestrés et quand ont est un détesté - il mette tous sur cette personne.

M 5 J’aime bien aller à l’école pour faire du foot.


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451

All School

Reminder : Board of Trustees recruitment A reminder that the Board of Trustees of ISB is always looking for good people to be recruited to its committees and eventually for membership of the Board itself. If you or someone you know would make a good committee or board member, and you or the person you know has an interest in the long-term development of the school, please contact either Rob Schiller (Board Chair), Kristina Dakos (Chair of the Committee on Trustees), or John Larner (Head of School) to introduce the person’s name for consideration.

13 I like the feeling I get when I learn and understand something. At the beginning it’s frustrating, but once it’s explained and I understand it, it’s a lot of fun. One of my favorite subjects is math because it’s an exact science, so once you’ve learned it once, you’ve learned it for good. Another subject I really like is SVT. Although it isn’t an exact science, you can always keep learning, there is no limit. You can learn in detail or just out-lined, but you never have to stop.

M 11.5 J’aime aller à l’école parce que nous apprenons toutes sortes de choses et il ya des chose plus intéréssante que d’autre, pareille pour les professeur. J’aime bien apprendre c’est la raison la plus importante pour laquel j’aime l’ecole.

F 5-6 I like school because I like the English time. M 11 Je n’aime pas l’école car on paie beaucoup trop cher et il y a des

proffesseurs horribles. M 7.5 J’aim l’écol parce que les profes et profeseures son gentille!

F 11.5 J’aime l’école car: j’apprends des choses très amusantes là bas. J’aime aussi l’école parce que là bas je me fais des ami(e)s, et je rencontres des adultes tous différents les uns des autres.

F 5-6 I don’t like school because I miss my mom sometimes. M 11 Je n’aime pas l’école parce que en gym, on a passé un trimestre

entier à faire du cirque et on passe maintenant au ping-pong. Ça serait mieu si on pourrait faire plus de sport active.

F 5-6 I like school for lots of different reasons, school is fun, because I like school and also I like doing work.

M 11 Je n’aime pas l’école parce que il n’y a pas asser de personnes donc nous n’avons pas un grand choix d’amis et ont est toujour avec les mêmes personnes.

M 5-6 I don’t like school because I’m not the first assistant.

Follow this link to read the other replies:


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


All School

INVITATION WMOS (West Medford Open Studios), May 10 and 11, 2008, noon-5pm Sylvie Gori, stained glass creator and teacher at ISB (Kindergarten), and Dominique Lecomte, printmaker, photographer, and teacher at ISB (upper grades), invite you to come, see and buy their work on Saturday, May 10 and Sunday, May 11, 2008, from noon to 5pm, during the 9th Annual West Medford Open Studios. They will be at the Brook School, 388 High Street (Sylvie Gori) and at 151 Sharon Street, Medford (Dominique Lecomte) For more info, a map, and a list of exhibiting artists:

The Green Scene Congratulations to all the students, teachers, and par-ents for their enthusiastic participation in all the ISB Earth Week events this past week and in the school’s pilot composting program at lunch! Have a great vaca-tion and try to do something earthy!


If you have any environmental tips, new ideas, or questions, please write to us at We write back!


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


All School Tho Vu takes two gold medals at the World Championship organized

by the North American Grappling Association New performance from our physical educator who won the April 5th 2008 the World Championships organized by the North American Grappling Association. With two gold medals, Tho once again took the champion-ship medal in the under 140 lbs division. He was unde-feated in his division for more than one year and 3 months and he competed in the division above his. He won the 140–150 lb category and went to the semifinal in the 150–160 lb category. Next step for our champion : the International Asia Cup at Abu Dhabi, United Arabia Emirates in May, the mos timportant tournament in Asia. He will fin-ish his season with the World Championships organized by the International Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Federation in June. For more information, you can contact him at

Bottle and Can Drive I am once again conducting a Bottle and Can Drive to raise money for orphans in Vietnam. Each soda can or bot-tle we collect will bring in 5 cents (In Vietnam, 5 cents will buy 4 or 5 notebooks; $100 can pay a teacher’s salary for a month). The purpose of this project is to collect as many cans or bottles as possible so that the orphans receive the benefits of a better education. This long-term project is in its begin-ning stages, and will only grow with your continued sup-port. You can drop the cans and bottles off at school during the week throughout the year to Tho in the gym. I will very soon provide you with more information. Thank you for your support. I am counting on you. Tho VU Physical Education Teacher and Sports Coordinator


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


Registration for SUMMER CAMP ends May 2, 2008 The sign-up forms for the Summer Camp are available on the website:


TOGETHER, LET’S PROTECT THE PLANET Please come Saturday, May 10 for our exhibition on the protection of the planet from 11:00 – 3:00. The children are counting on your presence.

Auction Our auction and raffle with picnic will be held Thursday, June 19. We are counting on you to offer a bid for the many prizes made by the children.

Enrichment Program We had the pleasure of hearing the French singer Gérard DELAHAYE this week. He enchanted the small children of the Maternelle and the 1st and 2nd graders of Cambridge. A comment made by a little boy: "It was good!"

TIC We are continuing our community work on Saturday, April 19 from 9 a.m. to noon. Construc-tion of wooden walls. Who can come?

Lower School

Lost and Found All the lost and found will be donated to a charity Friday, April 18. Please come check the box for lost items.


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


Lower School Viva la Musica !  

 The first and second graders were treated to French singer Gérard Delhaye on April 15th. Gérard rocked the house with his guitar and interactive music. He is visiting other French schools in North America. Visit his website where you can purchase CD’s!


Green and Blue Day  On April 16th, Lower School students and staff, along with the entire ISB community, wore green and blue to show support for our planet!


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


Lower School

Farm School  The 4th grade had a wonderful time at the annual trip to Farm School, a real working farm where the students participate in all acts of farm life---animal care, wood cut-ting, fence repairs, cooking, cleaning, and getting a good night’s sleep before…beginning again. There was a certain stench to us when we returned, but we wore it with pride as it was well earned!

Mad Science Productions visits ISB Mad scientist, “Jupiter “J” of Mad Science Productions visited ISB last week and gave a thoroughly entertaining and educational sci-ence presentation to ISB 1st and 2nd graders. The lively and en-gaging show included the very basics on the Bernouli principle, ex-citing science experiments with dry ice, and how to get “Eggbert” into a narrow laboratory bottle.

Enjoy !   Wishing you all a safe and relaxing vacation. Enjoy time with your children and kick back and relax as best you can. Hopefully, when we are all back on April 28th, spring will not be teasing us anymore…she will be here!


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


Middle/Upper School Visits from College Representatives

On Monday, April 28th 11 to 1pm visit of Admissions officer from Reed College, Oregon On Wednesday, May 7th 9:00 am visit of Admissions officer from St. Andrews, Scotland

Brevet Diplomas

On Thursday, April 17, the 10th grade students received their diplomas for the Brevet exami-nations they took in June 2007. Congratulations to all for their excellent results : not only did they all pass but they all passed with Honors ! Congratulations !

Report Cards Report cards were mailed to you on Tuesday, April 15. If you have not received your child(ren)’s report card by Friday, please contact Yalem Ayalew at who will provide another copy.

Freedom from Chemical Dependency All Middle and Upper School students attended a two-hour presentation by a member of the FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency) Association on the prevention of chemical abuse on Friday, April 11 and Monday, April 14. Faculty and parents were given the opportunity to meet our guest speaker.

Student Council Dance The Middle and Upper School Student Council has organized a dance for Friday, April 18 from 6:30pm to 10 pm in the cafeteria. The evening will be chaperoned by Mr. Brindel and several teachers.

Examinations The official examinations are coming. As every year, the first students to sit through their exam session will be the seniors of International Baccalaureate program. Their first exam will be on May 5 and their session will last through most of the month of May according to the offi-cial calendar. Each student has received his/her personal schedule. We encourage them very sincerely and wish them the best success.


Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451


Middle/Upper School

Shakespeare in 8th grade "That book in many's eyes doth share the glory/ That in gold clasps locks in the golden story..." of Romeo and Juliet. (Act 1, Sc. 3). The 8th grade is putting on a Shakespeare-inspired lunch and a reading of Romeo and Juliet on Wednesday, April 30th from 12:50pm to 3:15pm. All 8th grade parents are welcome for lunch and the reading. For more information, please contact their teacher Ms. Stirling at Happy Vacation The entire administrative and teaching staff of Middle and Upper School wishes you and your family an excellent vacation.

Parents’ Association

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