is there an impact of household computer ownership on ·...

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CEP Discussion Paper No 625

March 2004

Is There an Impact of Household Computer

Ownership on Children’s Educational Attainment

in Britain?

John Schmitt and Jonathan Wadsworth

Abstract If personal computers (PCs) are used to enhance learning and information gathering across a variety of subjects, then a home computer might reasonably be considered an input in an educational production function. Using data on British youths from the British Household Panel Survey between 1991 and 2001, this paper attempts to explore the link between ownership of a home computer at ages 15 and 17 and subsequent educational attainment in the principal British school examinations taken at ages 16 (GCSEs) and 18 (A levels). The data show a significant positive association between PC ownership and both the number of GCSEs obtained and the probability of passing five or more GCSEs. These results survive a set of individual, household, and area controls, including using other household durables and \"future\" PC ownership as proxies for household wealth and other unobservable household level effects. Home computer ownership is also associated with a significant increase in the probability of passing at least one A level conditional on having passed five and increase in the probability of successfully completing three or more A levels, conditional on having passed at least one A level. JEL Classifications: I2, J2, J13, J24 Keywords: Human capital, Economic Impact, Personal Computers This paper was produced as part of the Centre’s Education and Skills Programme. The Centre for Economic Performance is financed by the Economic and Social Research Council. Acknowledgements BHPS data used by permission of ONS, made available through the ESRC Data Archive at the University of Essex. The 1st draft of this paper was given at the NIESR conference on IT, London, October 2001. John Schmitt is a Senior Research Associate with the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Jonathan Wadsworth is a lecturer at Royal Holloway College London and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. Published by Centre for Economic Performance London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher nor be issued to the public or circulated in any form other than that in which it is published. Requests for permission to reproduce any article or part of the Working Paper should be sent to the editor at the above address. John Schmitt and Jonathan Wadsworth, submitted 2004 ISBN 0 7530 1750 4

Executive Summary

If personal computers (PCs) are used to enhance learning and information gathering across a

variety of subjects, then a home computer might reasonably be considered as a potential

means to enhance educational attainment. Using data on British youths from the British

Household Panel Survey between 1991 and 2001, this paper attempts to explore the link

between ownership of a home computer at ages 15 and 17 and subsequent educational

attainment in the principal British school examinations taken at ages 16 (GCSEs) and 18 (A

levels). Our results show a significant positive association between PC ownership and both

the number of GCSEs obtained and the probability of passing five or more GCSEs and, more

weakly, that the frequency of PC use appears to be positively correlated with these

educational outcomes. Home computer ownership is also associated with a significant

increase in the probability of passing at least one A level conditional on having passed five

and increase in the probability of successfully completing three or more A levels, conditional

on having passed at least one A level. These results are robust to a set of controls for

individual, household and area characteristics, including household wealth proxies and, (for

A levels), prior educational attainment of the student. When we use the panel nature of the

data set to control, additionally, for future ownership of a PC as a proxy for unobservable

household characteristics, the PC effects on remain (but reduced in statistical significance for

the A level results’ sample) and the future PC variables are statistically insignificant. These

findings suggest that the PC effects we observe may reflect a direct role for PCs in the

educational "production function" for teenagers, though we would welcome more controlled

experimental evidence on this issue. If confirmed, PC ownership could have economically

and economically important effects on educational and, by extension, subsequent economic

outcomes. If so, then policy makers may need to consider the implications of these effects for

economic and social inequality.


1. Introduction

A large body of research has documented the emergence and persistence of a "digital divide"

in household ownership of personal computers (PC) in the United States, Britain and

elsewhere.1 PC ownership is concentrated in richer households, with the ownership gap

between rich and poor widening over the last decade. Research attempting to link PC

ownership directly to other economic or social outcomes, has tended to focus on the effect of

computers on the earnings of adults (see, Krueger (1993), DiNardo and Pischke (1997),

Entorf, Gallac and Kramarz (1999), Anger and Schwarze, (2002)). This paper attempts to

explore the link between PC ownership and a different but important social and economic

outcome, children's educational attainment.

If PC’s are used for information gathering and learning across a variety of subjects, or

if PCs help to increase individual experience of general computer skills, then a home

computer might be reasonably considered an input in an educational production function.

This could then, theoretically, enhance children's demand for education and their future

productivity. Increased familiarity with a computer, increased frequency of internet use, and

computer-based learning programs could all help boost educational attainment and

examination performance. A simple search of the World Wide Web, for example, shows that

many commercial study guides specific to the British high-school- level examinations we

study here are available in CD format in shops or can be downloaded directly from the

internet. Access to the many online exam-preparation sites, which provide details and

interactive tests, could also have a positive effect on examination performance. Many

examinations now require coursework, which can be completed in a student’s own time and

are therefore open to influence of all the resources provided by ownership of a computer.2 In

this way, home computers may complement any effects of PCs used in schools (see Angrist

and Lavy (2002) for a recent study of the impact of computers in schools on educational

attainment, which finds little effect of computer-aided instruction on test scores in Israeli

middle and elementary schools).

In what follows, we use data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) to

compare the educational achievement of 16- and 18-year-olds living in households with and

1 See, among others, Kominski and Newburger (1999) and U.S. Department of Commerce (2000, 2002); see Office of National Statistics (2002) and Office of the e-Envoy (2002), Schmitt and Wadsworth (2002) for Britain and an explicit comparison of ownership patterns in Britain and the United States; see Haisken-DeNew and Schmitt, (2001) for Germany. 2 For example, the BBC has an on-line revision site aimed at schools


without a PC. The British data are particularly well-suited to this research because they are

one of the few nationally representative data sets, of which we are aware, that contain

information on: home computer ownership and its year of acquisition alongside educational

outcomes.3 Relative to the United States, the British educational system provides more

potential observation points on educational outcomes. With British data, we can measure

success in reaching a minimum level of achievement in nationally administered examinations

generally taken at age 16 – the General Certificate of Secondary Education, (GCSEs), a

higher level of achievement in the same examinations at 16 (related to the number of GCSE

exams passed), and the level of achievement in national tests generally administered at age 18

for those who remain in school, the General Certificate of Education: Advanced, (A-levels).

The same data also allow for a large range of household and individual controls that are

necessary to attempt to separate out any true "PC effects" from those simply correlated with

PC ownership, such as household income or parental background, which could also influence

educational outcomes of children in the household.

To summarize our main results, once we control for a variety of household

characteristics correlated with PC ownership and educational outcomes, we find mixed

support for the view that PC ownership is associated with improved educational achievement.

PC ownership does not appear to affect the probability that children "get" any GCSEs, but

does appear to have an important positive association with the number of GCSEs levels

successfully completed. We also find that PC ownership is associated with successfully

completing at least one and at least three A levels. These effects appear to be robust to a

series of tests that we use to try to control for other influences on educational outcomes that

may be correlated with PC ownership. Since completing five or more GCSEs is an important

marker for acceptance on to A levels and completion of three or more A levels is a standard

prerequisite for university admission, our results suggest that PC ownership may have

potentially important social and economic benefits for children.

The next section of the paper gives a brief summary of the relevant features of the

British educational system. The third section describes the BHPS data that we use here. The

fourth section presents the results of the various estimation procedures. The final section


3 The GSOEP used by Anger and Schwarze (2002) contains a question on home computer ownership and year acquired for 1997, which could in principle be used to carry out a similar study.


2. The British Examination System

All children living in England and Wales must complete eleven years of education, which

begin at age five and end at age sixteen. The school year begins in September and ends in

July. Children can leave school in the July following their 16th birthday.4 The British system

has no compulsory examination at the end of the eleventh year of schooling, but the vast

majority of students sit a series of GCSE examinations in June of their final compulsory

year.5 Each academic subject – History, for example– has its own examination. Students

typically sit about nine exams, which are graded from A* (highest) to G (lowest). Around

10% of students get the highest grades of A* or A and another 10% get the lowest grades of

F or G6. In 1997, the UK government set a target aimed at ensuring that at least 50% of 16

year olds obtained five or more GCSEs at grade C or above. This target was first met in


After 16, around 70% of individuals remain in full- time education until the age of 18,

either in the same secondary schools or in Further Education colleges. At 16, individuals

decide to pursue eithe r a series of vocational qualifications (National Vocational

Qualifications, NVQs), or the more academic-orientated two-year Advanced (A) level

courses, which end in exams, typically at age 18. A-level examination results are the primary

means of determining entry into university. Students typically require five or more GCSE

passes (at grade C or higher) to be considered for A-level entry. Once accepted, individuals

usually choose three subjects to study for the corresponding A-level examinations. Three A

level passes will normally guarantee entry to university, though the particular university and

course of study depend on the grade achieved in each A level examination.

We compare students' educational achievement at two points along this educational

path (GCSEs and A levels). Within each of these two points, we consider a basic level of

achievement (any pass with a grade of C or higher), as well as, more difficult standards based

on the number of passes.

4 Since the school year begins in September and ends in July, pupils can, in principle, leave at age 15, if their birthday falls between the end of one school year and the beginning of the next. 5 About 5% of students leave school without sitting GCSE examinations or after failing all those exams for which they entered. 6 There are also different “tiers” within GCSE’s. The range of possible grades awarded is partly dependent on which tier the child takes. There is also the possibility of achieving a “U” grade if the paper is failed. Around 2% of pupils receive grade U, on average, in any one subject. 7 See, for example, the website, which provides many summary statistics on attainment at age 16 and 18.


3. Data

We draw our data from the BHPS, which is a longitudinal survey of all the occupants living

in a sample of some 5,000 randomly selected, nationally representative British households.

The BHPS is conducted in the fall of each year, beginning in 1991 and ending, currently, in

the year 2001. The BHPS was designed originally as an annual survey of each adult member

(aged 16 and over) of a household, yielding a total of approximately 10,000 individual

interviews in each wave. If individuals split-off from their original households, all adult

members of the new households are followed and interviewed. Thus the sample should

remain broadly representative of the population of Britain as it changes. Detailed information

on each occupant aged 16 and over, including past and subsequent examination performance

is collected in each wave. In addition, the age and gender of any children in the household

under the age of 16 is also monitored. There are around 150 individuals who turn 16 in each

wave of the survey. We therefore pool all 16 and 18 year olds across the last 10 waves of the

survey to create our sample data sets. Sixteen and 18 year olds in the first wave are omitted

since there is no information for these individuals on their circumstances one year earlier.

The data set contains information on whether the individual obtained any GCSEs at

grades C or above, the number of GCSE passes at grade C and above, (but not the actual

grade obtained), whether the individual obtained any A levels and if so, the number, but not

the grade, of A level passes. Since the level of educational attainment is asked in each year of

the survey, we can identify those who took the exam at 16 in the BHPS survey that

corresponds to either their sixteenth or seventeenth birthday, depending on when their

birthday falls in relation to the BHPS interview date. We can also identify those pupils who

took GCSEs when they were 15, (we will capture them in the BHPS survey that corresponds

to their sixteenth birthday). If the individual gets a GCSE grade lower than C, it is not

uncommon for the student to repeat the examination, particularly in the key subjects of

Mathematics and English, the following year. These additional measures of examination

success, while recorded in subsequent waves of the data, do not appear in our dependent

variables. For most individuals in the data, we therefore essentially observe a “one-off”


We use a similar method to define the sample of “18 year olds” and their possession

of A levels. The longitudinal nature of the data means that the same individual can appear in

both our "16 year old" and our "18 year old" samples and about 70% of individuals in the


data do appear in both samples. The data set contains no other information on children’s

ability (such as the nationally administered aptitude tests taken by all 14 year olds in Britain).

Month of birth also determines which third of the school year the child begins school. This

then influences the total amount of time spent in school and, potentially, earnings as

suggested by Angrist and Krueger (1991). We therefore include relevant controls for season

of birth in what follows.8

For our purposes, the main advantage of the BHPS is that it is one of the few data sets

that also provides information that enables us to determine if and when the household

acquired a PC. The BHPS asks households, not individuals, about their ownership of various

consumer durables, including PC’s, in each wave of the survey. Specifically, the BHPS asks

whether “the household owns or rents a personal computer, even if used only for games, but

only if it has a keyboard.” The BHPS includes in this definition computers used for business

purposes by the self-employed, but excludes those provided by employers for work at home.

We can therefore determine whether the household owned a personal computer in the year(s)

before the child sat GCSE or A-level examinations. This feature is the basis for the

construction of the main explanatory variables of interest here, “PC15” and “PC17” (a

dummy variable taking the value one if the household owned a computer the year before the

relevant examination took place and zero otherwise).9 Since the BHPS establishes PC

ownership in each wave, recall bias should not be a problem (though any measurement error

at the time of survey – for example, when a respondent claims ownership of a PC when, in

fact, the household does not have one – will still bias the results toward zero in the usual

way).10 Since ownership questions are asked in each wave, we can also identify the age of the

youth when the household fir st took ownership of the PC and hence derive a "years of PC

ownership" variable, which could help measure any effect of cumulative PC experience on

subsequent performance.

Beginning with the fourth wave (1995), the BHPS also contains a separate set of

questions asked to all 11 to 15 year old household members. Beginning in 1997, this

additional survey includes a categorical question on the frequency of home computer use

among 11 to 15 year olds, excluding time spent on computer games. We can match the

answers to these questions at age 15 to around one third of our 16-year old sample. For this

8 Since the school year runs from September to August, children born between September and December begin school in September, six months earlier than those born between May and August of the following year. 9 The BHPS contains no information on whether any parent uses a computer at work. 10 See Entorf, Gallac and Kramarz (1999) for a discussion of these issues in their study of computers in the workplace.


sub-sample we construct five dummy variables, splitting 16-year olds according to whether

the individual: (a) made no use of a PC in a household that had one; (b) used a PC 1-2 days a

week; (c) 3-4 days a week; (d) most days; or (e) did not have a computer at age 15. We can

then test whether frequency of use, as well as ownership, is associated with educational

attainment. For this sub-sample, we also have information on the individual’s attitude to

school work, and whether they were bullied at school at age 15, which we include as

additional controls, to try to account for some aspects of individual heterogeneity.

The potential control variables are measured in the year before the relevant

examination took place and are then mapped onto the individual. We match information

relating to household characteristics, and local area circumstances to each child in the data set

using the household and local authority identifiers in the data. If a child subsequently leaves

the parental home, we follow the individual to the new household, which by the BHPS design

is incorporated into the survey. Since Scotland has its own examination system that differs in

important ways to the system in England and Wales, we drop all Scottish observations from

the sample. From 1999 onward, in an effort to improve the accuracy of information on Wales,

the BHPS supplemented the Welsh sample, boosting it relative to the first eight years of the

survey. We incorporate the Welsh supplement in our analysis, but include a set of year

dummy variables, one for each wave of the data, and 18 area dummy variables, including one

for Wales, in all regressions. When indicated, the regressions also contain a set of control

variables for household and parental background as well as the characteristics of the 16 and

18 year olds in the sample. In all, we have around 1,450 observations with a full set of control

variables on 16 year olds, of which 78% come from different households.11 We have about

1,500 complete observations on 18 year olds.

4. Estimation

In this section, we use our sample of youths from the BHPS to estimate the impact of PC

ownership on six educational outcomes: (1) successful completion of any GCSE at grade C

or higher; (2) the total number of GCSE passes; (3) successful completion of five or more

11 This means that including household fixed effects will almost saturate any estimates, since the effect of PCs is identified only by the population of households who have a change in computer ownership between siblings becoming 16.


GCSEs at grade C or higher; (4) successful completion of one or more A levels; (5) the

number of A levels; and (6) successful completion of three or more A levels.

The basic equation we consider is : Pr[Edij = 1 ] = a + ßComputeri+ XiB + ui

where Edi is a variable measuring individual i’s attainment of education level j; "Computer"

is a dummy variable taking the value one if the individual lived in a household with a

computer prior to taking the relevant examination and zero otherwise; X is a vector of

individual, household and area controls. To allow for the potential effect of increased

experience of computer use on educational attainment, we also include years of computer

ownership and (for a sub-sample only) frequency of use in the year before the examination

was taken, alongside or instead of the PC ownership dummy variable:

Pr[Edij = 1 ] = a + ßComputeri+ ?Experiencei + XiB + ui

Since each individual takes the relevant examination only once, there is no within-group

variation in the dependent variable over time. This precludes the use of difference- in-

difference or other panel data estimation techniques to account for any unobservable effects

that may be correlated with PC ownership and examination performance. Any PC effect is

therefore identified by conditioning on observables and we therefore include in the X vector

many individual, household, and local area controls assuming, then, that any remaining,

unobservable characteristics enter into a well-behaved disturbance term (we perform several

tests of this assumption below). Since the PC is measured at household rather than individual

level, we adjust the standard errors in the estimation to take account of this household-level

clustering. The full set of explanatory control variables, measured in the year before the

relevant examination took place unless otherwise specified, is outlined in Table A1 of the



We begin, in Table 1, with a summary of the overall trends in educational attainment and PC

ownership in our data set. Over the sample period, PC ownership rates for the population as a

whole doubled, from about 29% of all individuals in 1991 to about 57% in 2001. In

households containing 16 year olds, the incidence of PC ownership is always higher than in

the rest of the population, and ownership rates for this group of households rose steadily,

from just over half (52%) in 1991 to almost three fourths (73%) of households with a 16-


year-old present in 2001. PC ownership is slightly less common among households with an

18-year-old, but these households showed the same strong upward trend in ownership

between 1991 and 2001. Over the same period, the overall level of GCSE and A-level

attainment also rose. By 2001, around 75% of the sample of 16-year-olds had at least one

GCSE at grade C or higher and about 55% had managed five or more GCSEs passes and

about 48% of the 18-year-olds had at least one A level.


Panel (a) of Table 2 presents our first set of results on the impact of PC ownership on

obtaining any GCSEs at grade C or higher. The first column reports marginal effects from a

probit equation of GCSE attainment at age 16 conditional on PC ownership at age 15, with

controls only for the wave of the BHPS in which the individual was observed at age 16. In

this simple equation, PC ownership at 15 raises the likelihood of receiving GCSEs at 16 by

15.1 percentage points (statistically significant at the 1% level using robust standard errors).

Adding a quadratic for real household income, equivalised by the square root of the number

of individuals in the household, (column two), cuts the estimated PC effect to 9.9 percentage

points. Column three adds other housing level controls, including additional possible

household wealth proxies - number of rooms and housing tenure - and other controls for

mother and father’s education, mother and father’s age, marital statues of parents, number of

dependent children living in household, whether household had moved in past 12 months,

parental involvement in school parent-teacher association, and the religious outlook of

parents. These variables reduce the size of the estimated PC effect considerably and the effect

is no longer statistically significant. Column four adds individual- level controls for trimester

of year in which child began school, gender, ethnicity, sibling order of the child, and health

status of the child. Column five adds area level variables for region, school type (the default

category is the modal form or British school, the comprehensive), and parental perception

about whether the neighbourhood is “bad.” These additional controls have little further effect

on the economic magnitude or statistical significance of PC ownership. Table A2 in the

Appendix gives the full set of estimates from this regression and shows that age of mother,

sibling order and school type are some of the main driving factors underlying the probability

of having any GCSEs.


Number of GCSEs

We next count the number of GCSE passes at grades A*, A, B, or C and use this as an

alternative dependent variable. We also define a binary dependent variable taking the value

one if the individua l obtained five or more GCSEs at grade A* to C and zero otherwise. Five

or more GCSEs at grade C or higher is the usual cut-off point for entry into A levels and the

further two years of non-compulsory school education that this entails. A levels generally put

children on a track to attend university rather than some other form of after-secondary

education or no after-secondary education at all. Successful completion of five or more

GCSEs is also an official government target for national educational attainment. We estimate

both these alternative regressions on the subset of individuals who obtained at least one

GCSE at grade C or above, to net out any effect of reaching this first threshold. In so doing,

Table 1 indicates that we are testing for PC effects in the top 70% of the educational

attainment distribution at age 16.

Panel (b) of Table 2 repeats the exercise in panel (a), now using the number of GCSEs

as the dependent variable conditional on obtaining at least one GCSE, (and using ordinary

least squares, rather than probit, given the change in the nature of the dependent variable).

Even after including the full set of individual, household, and area controls (column five), PC

ownership is associated with a positive, statistically significant increase in the number of

GCSEs, equivalent to about half an additional GCSE. 12 Adding variables to control for

educational conditions in local authorities (column six), which lowers the sample somewhat,

has no impact on the size or significance of the estimate.

Panel (c) of Table 2 suggests that PC ownership may also have an economically

important and statistically significant, positive impact on the probability of attaining five or

more GCSEs grade C or higher, a national educational goal and important milestone for

further education. Adding successive levels of controls (columns two through five) reduces

the economic impact to about nine percentage points, but the effect remains statistically

significant at the 5% level. Again, adding controls for local education authority

characteristics (column six) does not alter the conclusions.

12 Table A2 in the Appendix shows that gender, mother and father’s level of education, and school type have larger overall effects on the number of GCSEs obtained.


Robustness Tests

Even though the regressions in column five of Table 2 control for a broad list of individual,

household, and local-area characteristics, PC ownership may still simply be acting as a proxy

for unobserved characteristics, such as household wealth, which may be positively correlated

with both PC ownership and higher educational attainment 13. As a first test, Table 3 reports

the results from a new set of equations. These equations are modelled on those in Table 2,

but, here, we have substituted dishwasher, tumble drier and car ownership for the PC

ownership variable in Table 3. These alternative household durables may also proxy

unobservable household effects, especially wealth effects, that are not picked up in the

comprehensive list of controls. At the same time, we might not expect these other consumer

durables, in and of themselves, to be important inputs into an educational production

function. 14

With only basic controls, dishwasher or car ownership do indeed appear to have as

large an impact on number of GCSEs obtained as owning a PC (see columns one and five);

while tumble driers appear to have an insignificant negative impact (column three). After we

include the full set of controls (columns two, four and six), the apparent educational effects of

dishwashers, driers and cars fall substantially and are no longer statistically significant. In the

last column of Table 3, we report the results from a regression that includes a full set of

individual, household, and area controls, together with all three of these other household

assets and the original PC-ownership variable. Even after we include the other household

assets, which should act as proxies for unobserved wealth effects, PC ownership still raises

the number of GCSE passes by an amount that is very close to the impact reported earlier in

Table 2, column five, (about half a GCSE, significant at the 1% level). Meanwhile, none of

the other household durables is statistically significant.

The pattern of results for five or more GCSE passes is similar. The inclusion of cars

and the other household durables does not eliminate the large, well-defined effect of PC

ownership at 15 on attainment of five or more GCSEs. In the last column of Table 3, which

includes the full set of individual, household, and area controls, PC ownership is associated

with about a 9 percentage-point increase in the probability of obtaining five or more GCSEs, 13 Including household fixed effects in addition to the full set of controls, the coefficients and standard errors on the PC ownership variable at 15 for the 3 different dependent variables are, respectively -0.115 (0.150); 0.332 (0.535); 0.035 (0.082). 14 DiNardo and Pischke (1997) employ a similar strategy in their analysis of the returns to computers in the workplace. They compare use of low-tech pencils and use of high-tech computers on the job in otherwise standard wage equations.


very close to the estimated effect in the last column of Table 2, which does not have controls

for other household durables.

Taken together, the results in Table 3 suggest that the PC effect may not simply be

acting as a proxy for unobserved household wealth. Nevertheless, other unobserved

individual and household level influences may still be at work. As an additional test, we also

examine the impact "future" PC ownership on educational attainment. Bell (1996) and Anger

and Schwarze (2002) exploit the longitudinal nature of their data sets to introduce future PC

use into their studies of the impact of PC use at work on wages. In the present context, if the

observed effect of PCs on GCSE attainment reflects unobserved characteristics of households

that buy PCs – rather than real educational returns to PC ownership– children in households

that purchased a PC shortly after the child took GCSEs should have similar educational

outcomes to those children that actually had a PC before taking GCSEs.

Table 4 tests the impact of "future" PC use on "present" GCSE results. The first

column of the table simply reproduces the coefficient estimates from a regression with the

full set of controls, including other household durables, which originally appeared in the last

column of Table 3. The second column of the table uses instead a binary variable that takes

the value one if the household of the child had a PC at the ages of 16 to 18 – that is, after he

or she took the exam.15 The effect is always statistically insignificant from zero. If we include

both the PC at 15 and future PC variable the PC at 15 effect remains significant and close to

the original estimate in column one 16, while the future PC variable remains insignificant.

However the confidence interval around the PC at 15 estimates do include the point estimates

on the future PC variable.

In the fourth column of Table 4, we examine earlier PC ownership. If PC ownership is

simply a marker for certain types of families, rather than a true input in the child's educational

production function, earlier PC ownership might also have an effect on subsequent GCSE

results.17 Earlier PC ownership, however, has no impact on the number of GCSE passes, and,

once again, the effect of PC ownership at 15 is statistically significant with a magnitude close

to earlier estimates. Including all three of the age-acquired PC variables, leaves only the

effect of PC ownership at 15 positive and significantly different from zero, though the

15 All those aged 16 & with a computer at the time they took GCSEs will be coded with a value 1 for the PC15 variable and a value 0 for the future PC variable. 16 These results differ markedly from those of Anger and Schwartz (2002), who find a strong effect of "future" PC use on current wages. Our findings that PCs appear to have an impact on educational outcomes do not imply that PCs should have any impact on productivity in a different setting. 17 Though, households that gain and then lose a computer (through lack of interest, financial hard times, theft, etc.) could arguably be qualitatively different from households who obtain a computer later and hold on to it.


confidence interval around this estimate incorporates the point estimates on the other

(insignificant) PC variables.18

In the bottom panel of Table 4, as with the number of GCSE passes, PC ownership at

16 to 18 (column two) or 16 (column three) has no effect on the probability of obtaining five

or more GCSEs and little impact on the size or statistical significance of PC ownership at age

15. The inclusion of earlier PC ownership, however, while not statistically significant itself,

reduces the statistical significance of the PC at 15 variable to the point where PC ownership

at 15 is only statistically significant at the 10% level in columns four and five. It would seem

then that the performance of children who never had a PC may be different from those who

acquired a PC at some time.

Frequency of Use

We perform one final test to try to distinguish between a true PC effect on educational

outcomes and a spurious effect based on PC ownership acting as a proxy for unobserved

household characteristics. Implicit in the analysis so far is the assumption the PC ownership

is a good proxy for actual use of computers, which is presumably the channel through which

computer ownership improves educational outcomes. Since 1997, the BHPS has asked all 15-

year-olds about how many days each week they used a home computer if one is present in the

household. Children could respond : no days, 1-2, 3-4, or most days. This gives us one way to

test the effect of computer use at the intensive margin. Another way is to count the number of

years of PC ownership using the information in the data set. Columns 1 4 and 7 in Table 5

add years of experience to the PC at 15 variable for the three dependent variables. While

positive, the years of experience variable is never significant.

As a point of reference, columns 2, 5 and 8 in Table 5 give the PC at 15 effect

controlling for the all individual, household, and area variables as above, including household

assets, for the sub-sample of households asked about computer use frequency at age 15. We

also include additional controls for the child’s attitude to schoolwork and whether they were

being bullied at school, available in the same youth supplement as the extra PC frequency

information. The coefficient estimates on PC at age 15 in these basic specifications are close

to those in the full sample, though, because of the smaller sample size, the standard errors in

18 The slightly higher coefficient is not surprising given that the excluded group in the last column are children in households that never owned a PC; in the base regression in column one, the excluded group includes households that owned a PC at at least some point in time during the sample period.


the sub-sample are much larger. The following columns in the table give the estimated impact

on educational outcomes of different intensities of computer use. For successful completion

of any GCSEs (columns one and two), a case where PC at 15 appeared to have no impact on

educational outcome, the intensity of computer use appears to track educational outcomes

closely. Children who live in houses with computers, but who never use those computers, are

actually less likely (by about 20 percentage points) to complete at least one GCSE than

children in houses that don't have computers; those who use computers once or twice a week

have about the same probability as those in houses without computers; children who report

using a computer 3-4 times a week have a 10 percentage point advantage; and those who say

they use computers "most days" each week, a 13 percentage point advantage. The results are

not quite as clear cut for the second two educational outcomes using the smaller sample of

those with both the frequency variable and who had at least one GCSE, but nevertheless still

suggest that more frequent PC use is associated with better educational outcomes. Taken

together, the results in all three cases provide some support for the view that, within

households that have computers, children who use computers more fare better. To the extent

that this is true, these results, therefore, reinforce the findings in tests based on other

household assets and "future" PC use that PC ownership is simply acting as a proxy for

unobserved household characteristics.19

To summarize the results for GCSEs, the data show a robust, economically and

statistically significant, impact of PC ownership on the number of GCSEs (about half a

GCSE) and on the probability of passing five or more GCSEs (about 10 percentage points).

These results survive a full set of individual, household, and area controls, including using

other household durables as proxies for household wealth. "Future" PC ownership does not

predict earlier educational outcomes, which is consistent with the view that the PC ownership

effect is not simply capturing some other unobserved characteristics of households. That

more frequent use of PCs appears to be also associated, at least weakly, with better GCSE

results provides some further support for the view that PCs may have a direct, causal effect

on children's educational attainment at some points in the distribution of attainment.

19 Of course, the tentative results in Table 5 are also consistent with the hypothesis that frequent PC use is a marker for students who are likely to perform well in GCSEs, and that actual PC use has no causal impact on examination results. Since the natural "experiment" studied here is undertaken only once for each child, it is difficult to account for any residual, unobserved individual heterogeneity and our results should always be interpreted with this in mind.



The BHPS data also allow us to look separately at the impact of PC ownership at age 17 on

the attainment of "A-levels," typically at age 18. Table 6 reports results for the probability of

A level receipt, the number of A levels obtained, and the probability of gaining 3 or more A

levels, (a usual but not sufficient condition for attending university), all conditional on PC

ownership at age 17. The set of controls are the same as those used for the 16-year-old

sample in Table 3, column 8, including household ownership of cars, VCRs, and

dishwashers, now measured when the individual was 17 rather than 15. The first column

shows a strong, statistically significant, impact of PC ownership at age 17 on subsequent

attainment of A-levels. PC ownership at age 17 raises the likelihood of attaining A-levels

among all 18-year-olds by about 12 percentage points. If we condition on the subset of

youths who are, in principle, eligible to take A-levels, that is those with five or more GCSEs

(column 2), then the PC effect falls to around 11 points, but remains significant. Among the

third of 18 year olds with at least one A level pass, household PC ownership at age 17 seems

to be associated with around one quarter of an extra A level (column 3). Using three or more

A levels as dependent variable, (column 4), the PC effect is estimated to be about 15

percentage points.

One could argue that household computer ownership might be a proxy for ability of or

interest in education of the student. To net out some of these effects we include an additional

control for prior level of educational attainment in these regressions, namely the number of

GCSEs at grades A*-C, for the sub-set of individuals who can be matched20. These estimates

are given in Panel B of Table 6. Including GCSE score does reduce the effect of PC on

obtaining any A levels and the estimated effect of this control variable, (not shown), is

positive and highly significant. However significant PC effects remain for the estimates of the

number of A levels obtained, (of around one quarter of an A level) and the probability of

getting three or more A levels, (of around 16 percentage points).

In Table 7, we test whether "future" PC ownership has an effect on A level results.

The table shows four separate regressions (with controls analogous to those in the last column

of Table 4 for GCSEs), one for each of the dependent variables in Table 6. We again combine

future PC owners at ages 18 to 20 into a single dummy variable. The PC effect remains

20 We are unable to do this for the GCSE sample because there is no information on any tests taken before age 16 in the data set. Some of the A level sample have no GCSE information because they enter the data set after the age of 16.


positive and significant in the presence of the future PC variable. The future PC variable itself

is positive and significant only in column 1, for the probability of gaining any A levels21. We

cannot discount the possibility then that unobserved heterogeneity may influence the

probability of A level receipt.

The dependent variable here includes both the decision to stay on and A level success,

allied to the fact that the future PC variable is not significant in the other columns which

condition on A level entry. It seems then that unobserved heterogeneity is more likely to

affect the decision to stay on and take A levels. The point estimates suggest ownership of a

PC at 17 is associated with a quarter point increase in the number of A level passes and a 16

point increase in the probability of passing 3 or more A levels. Panel B conditions

additionally on prior educational attainment. The point estimates of the PC effect are similar

to those in Panel B, but estimated with less precision. If we add prior ownership of a PC, the

PC at 17 effect is much less precisely estimated relative to the (much smaller) default

category of those who never owned a PC.22


Ownership of home computers is highly unequal across income, education, racial and other

groups in both the United States and the United Kingdom. To date, most of the discussion of

the digital divide has taken PC inequality to be problematic at face value, (a view that we

generally share). The analysis here, however, attempts to begin to assess the social and

economic cost of PC inequality by measuring the impact of PC ownership on educational

outcomes of teenagers. Gauging the impact of PC ownership on educational attainment,

however, is not straightforward because of difficulties inherent in separating out any "real"

educational effects of PCs from hard-to-observe factors that may lead both to PC ownership

and positive educational outcomes.

In our tests of PC ownership on six types of educational outcomes, we find evidence

of a positive, statistically significant, association between ownership of a PC and the number

of GSCE grade A*-C and also the number of A level passes, conditional on a variety of

individual, household and area characteristics. More weakly, the frequency of PC use appears

21 If we use the future PC variable on its own, it is not significant. 22 The BHPS does not ask 17-year-old children about the frequency of their use of PCs, so we cannot perform an exercise for A levels that would be analogous to the one for GCSEs in Table 5.


to be correlated with positive educational outcomes at age 16. We also find that ownership of

other household assets that could proxy household wealth, such as cars, dryers, and

dishwashers generally does not have the same effects on educational attainment as PCs.

When we control for future ownership of a PC as a proxy for unobserveable household

characteristics, the PC effects remain and the future PC variables are insignificant. All of

these findings are consistent with the view that the PC effects we identify may reflect a direct

role for PCs in the educational "production function" for teenagers.

Data from household surveys, where unobservables at the household and possibly

even at the individual level may cause potential problems, are not the ideal way to measure

the impact of PCs on educational attainment. Random assignment of individuals to control

and treatment groups, could help control for unobserved effects explicitly, though this is

unlikely ever to happen in the nationally important examinations we study here. Moreover,

the “one-off” nature of the examinations we study, means that even an experiment would

struggle to control for individual unobservable effects. So, until we are confronted with

experimental evidence to the contrary, we can only conclude that the results here suggest that

PC ownership may have economically and economically important effects on educational

and, by extension, subsequent economic outcomes. If so, then policy makers may need to

consider the implications of these effects for economic and social inequality.


Table 1: Sample Means of key variables, pooled sample


Sample of 16 year old individuals

Sample of 18-year-old



% with


% with


% with








% with




% with


% with

A Level


no. A



1991 29.4
















1994 34.4
















1997 37.4
















2001 57.1
















Source: Authors’ calculations using BHPS, 1991-2001. Individual PC count is percentage of individuals living

in a household with a home computer present. Note mean number of passes include those coded as zero who did

not take A level examination. Age cohort refer to first sample observation taken after examination. Standard

deviations in brackets.


Table 2: Effect of PC ownership at Age 15 on Educational Attainment at Age 16

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(a) Any GCSE grade A*-C

PC at 15














Panel wave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Income No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Household No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Individual No No No Yes Yes Yes

Area No No No No Yes Yes

Area 2 No No No No No Yes

Pseudo R2 0.032 0.069 0.139 0.172 0.237 0.252

N 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1305

(b) Number of GCSEs grade A*-C

PC at 15














Panel wave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Income No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Household No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Individual No No No Yes Yes Yes

Area No No No No Yes Yes

Area 2 No No No No No Yes

Adjusted R2 0.035 0.054 0.154 0.191 0.205 0.192

N 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 887

(c) 5 + GCSE grade A*-C

PC at 15















Panel wave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Income No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Household No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Individual No No No Yes Yes Yes

Area No No No No Yes Yes

Area 2 No No No No No Yes

Pseudo R2 0.025 0.033 0.099 0.136 0.167 0.172

N 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 887

Notes: Analysis of BHPS 1991-2001. Robust standard errors in brackets; *, significant at 5%; **, at 1%.

Coefficients in panels a and c are marginal probabilities from p robit equations. Coefficients in panel b are OLS

estimates. Area 2 effects in column 6 includes local authority level data and applies to England only. Standard

errors adjusted for clustering at household level.


Table 3: Effect of household assets at age 15 on Number of GCSEs at age 16 and on

likelihood of 5+ GCSEs

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

(a) Number GCSEs A*-C






-- -- -- -- 0.658**





-- -- -0.439




-- -- -0.766*




Car -- -- -- --









PC at 15 -- -- -- -- -- --






Panel wave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Income Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Household No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Individual No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Area No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Adj. R2 0.049 0.200 0.049 0.201 0.043 0.202 0.070 0.206

N 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005

(b) 5 + GCSEs A*-C

Dishwasher 0.104**




-- -- -- -- 0.086*




Drier -- -- -0.053




-- -- -0.099*




Car -- -- -- -- 0.162**








PC at 15 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.115**






Panel wave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Income No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Household No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Individual No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Area No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Pseudo R2 0.030 0.160 0.023 0.164 0.029 0.163 0.048 0.172

N 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005

Notes: Analysis of BHPS 1991-2001. Sample size in all regressions is 1005 (observations with zero GCSEs

excluded in base category). In all cases, household asset ownership determined at time child was 15 years old.

Robust standard errors adjusted for clustering at household level in parentheses; *, significant at 5%; **, at 1%.


Table 4: Future PC Ownership and Educational Attainment at 16

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(a) Number GCSEs A*-C

PC at 15 0.576**


-- 0.682**






No PC at 15

but PC at 16-18

-- 0.076




-- 0.715


No PC at 15 but had owned at

some time before

-- -- 0.085




Adjusted R2 0.206 .200 0.206 0.205 0.206

N 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005

(b) 5 + GCSEs A*-C

PC at 15 0.090*


-- 0.098*






No PC at 15

but PC at 16-18

-- -0.031




-- 0.034


No PC at 15 but had owned at

some time before

-- -- -0.011




Pseudo R2 0.172 0.167 0.172 0.172 0.172

N 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005

Notes: see Table 2. Regressions contain full set of controls as in column 8 of Table 3.

Standard errors in brackets * significant at 5%; ** at 1%.


Table 5: Frequency of PC use at 15 and Educational Attainment at 16

Any GCSE’s Number GCSE A*-C 5+ GCSE’s at A*-C

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

PC at 15 0.021




-- 0.504




-- 0.060





Years of








Frequency of use

at 15:

No days a week









1-2 days a week -- -0.017




-- -0.009


3-4 days a week -- 0.097#




-- 0.178*


Most days each


-- 0.125*




-- 0.118#


Pseudo R2 0.238 0.296 0.329 0.203 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.233 0.233

N 1453 492 492 1005 343 343 1005 343 343

Notes: see Table 2. Estimates based on same specifications that in Appendix Table A2. Frequency regressions contain full set of controls as in column 8 of Table 3 along

with additional variables for individual’s attitude to school and whether bullied or not. * significant at 5% level; # significant at 10% level.


Table 6: Effect of PC ownership at Age 17 on Educational Attainment at Age 18

Any A Levels Any A levels /

5+ GCSEs

Number of A


/ Has A level

3+ A Levels

/ Has A level

Panel A

PC at 17 0.123** 0.109* 0.278* 0.149**

(0.031) (0.055) (0.111) (0.056)

Pseudo R2 / Adj. R2 0.189 0.221 0.154 0.233

N 1512 513 471 471

Panel B

PC at 17 0.083* 0.081 0.229* 0.161**

(0.035) (0.059) (0.114) (0.062)

Pseudo R2 / Adj. R2 0.302 0.253 0.328 0.233

N 1364 497 428 428

Notes: Analysis of BHPS 1991-2001. Robust standard errors in parentheses adjusted for household level

clustering. * significant at 5%; ** at 1%. See Table A3 for set of control variables. Estimates in columns 1, 2

and 4 are marginal probabilities from probit equations. Estimates in column 3 are OLS regression coefficients.

Sample size in columns 3 and 4 less than that in column 2 because of missing values on dependent variable.

Panel B is sub-set of panel with information on number of GCSE qualifications which is included as an extra

conditioning variable.


Table 7: Effect of Future PC Ownership on A-level Attainment

Any A


Any A

levels / 5+


Number of

A levels

/ Has A


3+ A Levels

/ Has A


Panel A

PC at 17 0.144** 0.129** 0.286** 0.168**

(0.032) (0.059) (0.128) (0.067)

No PC at 17 but PC at 18-20 0.102** 0.084 0.025 0.049

(0.051) (0.076) (0.207) (0.070)

Pseudo R2 / Adj. R2 0.190 0.222 0.153 0.234

N 1512 513 471 471

PC at 17 0.189** 0.129 0.150 0.151#

(0.042) (0.091) (0.191) (0.098)

No PC at 17 but PC at 18-20 0.139** 0.084 -0.105 0.037

(0.055) (0.087) (0.245) (0.090)

No PC at 17 but had before 0.091# 0.001 -0.195 -0.024

(0.055) (0.095) (0.228) (0.103)

Pseudo R2 / Adj. R2 0.191 0.222 0.153 0.234

N 1512 513 471 471

Panel B

PC at 17 0.105** 0.098 0.254# 0.181**

(0.037) (0.063) (0.131) (0.072)

No PC at 17 but PC at 18-20 0.102** 0.081 0.077 0.043

(0.057) (0.081) (0.214) (0.075)

Pseudo R2 / Adj. R2 0.304 0.254 0.336 0.287

N 1364 497 428 428


PC at 17 0.143** 0.073 0.181 0.132#

(0.048) (0.093) (0.188) (0.102)

No PC at 17 but PC at 18-20 0.134** 0.066 -0.074 0.008

(0.063) (0.096) (0.243) (0.103)

No PC at 17 but had before 0.079 -0.036 -0.162 -0.072

(0.062) (0.106) (0.226) (0.119)

Pseudo R2 / Adj. R2 0.304 0.254 0.336 0.294

N 1364 497 428 428

Notes: See Table 6. Analysis of BHPS 1991-2001. Panel B is sub-set of panel with information on number of

GCSE qualifications which is included as an extra conditioning variable.

Mean of dependent variable is 2.9 in column 3 (panel B); 0.72 in column 4 (panel B).


Table A1: Sample Means of Control Variables

16 year olds 18 year olds

Individual Characteristics Mean s.error Mean s.error

Female 0.491 0.013 0.437 0.012

Enter 2nd third of school year 0.352 0.013 0.344 0.012

Enter 3rd third of school year 0.371 0.013 0.331 0.012

White 0.884 0.008 0.888 0.008

Sibling order – is 1st child 0.569 0.013 0.636 0.013

Sibling order – is 2nd child 0.341 0.012 0.292 0.012

Sibling order – is 3rd child 0.077 0.007 0.061 0.006

Sibling order – is 4th + child 0.013 0.003 0.011 0.003

Good Health 0.239 0.011 0.247 0.011

Parental Characteristics

Father Graduate 0.192 0.010 0.131 0.010

Father A levels 0.313 0.012 0.325 0.012

Father Technical 0.134 0.009 0.148 0.010

Father GCSE 0.140 0.009 0.198 0.011

Father none 0.221 0.011 0.198 0.011

Mother Graduate 0.153 0.010 0.153 0.010

Mother A levels 0.366 0.012 0.369 0.012

Mother Technical 0.234 0.011 0.245 0.011

Mother GCSE 0.197 0.010 0.186 0.010

Mother none 0.050 0.006 0.047 0.005

Father’s Age 45.8 7.9 47.5 6.3

Mother’s Age 43.0 4.3 44.4 5.6

Parent-Teacher association member 0.099 0.008 0.054 0.006

Father religious 0.046 0.006 0.032 0.006

Parent’s perceive “bad” neighbourhood 0.081 0.007 0.062 0.006

No Father info. 0.302 0.012 0.303 0.012

No mother info. 0.076 0.007 0.119 0.008

Household Characteristics

Real equivalized household income 14,741 11,775 15,548 10,751

Number of rooms 5.3 1.6 4.6 2.2


Number dependent children 0.877 1.042 0.576 0.869

Local authority housing 0.200 0.011 0.191 0.010

Private rental housing 0.051 0.006 0.134 0.010

Moved in last 12 months 0.049 0.006 0.079 0.007

PC 0.659 0.012 0.600 0.013

Dishwasher 0.426 0.013 0.423 0.013

Tumble Drier 0.792 0.011 0.781 0.010

Car 0.895 0.008 0.890 0.008

Area Characteristics

% free-school meals 11.7 7.6 11.7 7.3

Pupil-Teacher ratio 18.1 1.2 18.0 1.2

Average pupil funding (£ 2002) 2945 436 2939 414

Grammar school 0.054 0.006 0.051 0.006

Private school 0.050 0.006 0.059 0.006

Secondary modern 0.134 0.009 0.145 0.010

Other non-comprehensive school 0.042 0.005 0.046 0.005

Note: sample proportion standard errors used for dummy variables. Income variables in 2002 prices.


Table A2: Full Specifications : Educational Attainment at 16

Any GCSEs Number of GCSEs Five + GCSEs

PC at 15 0.032 0.576* 0.090*

(0.027) (0.237) (0.039)

Dishwasher at 15 0.008 -0.053 0.002

(0.030) (0.238) (0.037)

Car at 15 -0.005 0.485 0.128#

(0.042) (0.405) (0.070)

Washer/Dryer at 15 -0.016 -0.350 -0.050

(0.032) (0.259) (0.041)

4.39e-6 0.244e-4 0.132e-5 Real Household

Income (2.35e-6) (0.946e-5) (0.278e-6)

Income2 -1.89e-11 0.226e-9 0.211e-10

(1.90e-11) (0.913e-10) (0.223e-10)

Income missing 0.202** 1.789 0.126

(0.027) (2.156) (0.210)

Father’s age (yrs) 0.001 0.009 0.002

(0.001) (0.010) (0.002)

Mother’s age (yrs) 0.003* 0.039** 0.005**

(0.001) (0.013) (0.002)

Father’s education:

Higher Intermediate




Intermediate (0.048) (0.326) (0.060)

-0.100 -0.780* -0.052

Lower intermediate (0.061) (0.386) (0.070)

-0.094 -1.780** -0.237**

None/missing (0.057) (0.405) (0.078)

-0.014 -1.390** -0.213**

Mother’s education (0.059) (0.396) (0.075)

Higher Intermediate -0.073 -0.722* -0.120*

(0.048) (0.293) (0.053)

Intermediate -0.040 -0.688* -0.145*


(0.051) (0.326) (0.060)

Lower intermediate -0.182** -0.865* -0.160*

(0.060) (0.388) (0.071)

None/missing -0.010 -0.556 -0.039

(0.086) (0.687) (0.109)

0.086* 0.886** 0.138** Parent member of

school association (0.039) (0.288) (0.044)

Father religious 0.084# 0.394 0.096

(0.050) (0.380) (0.066)

No father -0.007 1.083* 0.167*

(0.054) (0.490) (0.065)

No mother -0.033 1.032 0.071

(0.071) (0.696) (0.088)

-0.011 -0.033 0.006 Number of children in

household (0.013) (0.117) (0.020)

Sibling order: 2nd -0.063* -0.542** -0.093**

(0.028) (0.205) (0.035)

Sibling order: 3rd -0.216** -0.667 -0.129#

(0.058) (0.409) (0.073)

Sibling order: 4th+ -0.059 -1.133 -0.220

(0.131) (0.802) (0.158)

0.011 -0.247 -0.024 Household moved last

12 months (0.051) (0.419) (0.078)

Female 0.093** 1.154** 0.164**

(0.024) (0.190) (0.031)

White 0.024 -0.883# -0.151*

(0.061) (0.457) (0.061)

Ethnicity missing -0.434** -0.671 -0.105

(0.092) (0.799) (0.175)

Born 2nd trimester 0.006 0.291 0.006

(0.031) (0.250) (0.040)

Born 3rd trimester 0.010 -0.018 -0.028

(0.032) (0.249) (0.040)


Good Health 0.063* 0.396# 0.080*

(0.026) (0.213) (0.034)

-0.061 0.420 0.062 Parental attitude to

area is “bad” (0.044) (0.360) (0.053)

No. rooms in house 0.009 0.226** 0.019#

(0.008) (0.062) (0.011)

Council housing -0.163** -0.428 -0.013

(0.042) (0.346) (0.056)

Private rental -0.002 0.189 0.065

(0.059) (0.432) (0.067)

Grammar school 0.061 1.058** 0.111#

(0.057) (0.381) (0.057)

Private school -0.056 -0.156 0.013

(0.072) (0.399) (0.073)

Secondary modern -0.163** -0.819* -0.118*

(0.043) (0.325) (0.055)

-0.349** -0.709 -0.147 Other non-

comprehensive (0.074) (0.690) (0.116)

Observations 1453 1005 1005

R-squared 0.24 0.24 0.16

Note: coefficients in columns 2 and 4 are marginal effects. Pseudo R2 is measure of goodness of fit used in

these columns. All regressions also include 8 wave and 19 regional dummy variables.


Table A3: Full Specifications : Educational Attainment at 18

Any A Levels Any A levels /

5+ GCSEs

Number of A


3+ A Levels

PC at 17 0.124** 0.109* 0.278* 0.149**

(0.031) (0.053) (0.108) (0.056)

Dishwasher at 17 -0.004 -0.041 -0.065 -0.080

(0.033) (0.052) (0.104) (0.046)

Dryer at 17 0.053 0.090 0.198 0.149*

(0.038) (0.064) (0.126) (0.064)

Car at 17 -0.034 -0.104 -0.136 -0.073

(0.053) (0.076) (0.216) (0.092)

VCR at 17 -0.084 0.071 -0.048 0.038

(0.081) (0.130) (0.278) (0.146)

Real Income 0.588e-5* -0.322e-5 -0.301e-5 -0.869e-6

(0.252e-5) (0.696e-5) (0.123e-4) (0.584e-5)

Income2 -0.602e-10* 0.123e-9 0.127e-10 0.617e-10

(0.242e-10) (0.127e-9) (0.200e-10) (0.980e-10)

Income missing 0.422** 0.265** 0.189 0.105

(0.056) (0.037) (0.185) (0.065)

Father’s age (yrs) 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 0.000

(0.001) (0.002) (0.004) (0.002)

Mother’s age (yrs) 0.000 -0.001 0.004 -0.001

(0.001) (0.002) (0.005) (0.002)

Father’s education:

Higher Intermediate





(0.048) (0.069) (0.120) (0.071)

Intermediate -0.169** -0.044 -0.316* -0.261*

(0.051) (0.088) (0.157) (0.104)

Lower intermediate -0.150** -0.040 -0.267 -0.261*

(0.053) (0.097) (0.183) (0.112)

None/missing -0.092 -0.001 -0.488** -0.392**

(0.058) (0.090) (0.165) (0.111)

Mother’s education:


Higher Intermediate









Intermediate -0.092 -0.135 -0.133 -0.030

(0.047) (0.079) (0.152) (0.069)

Lower intermediate -0.137** -0.070 -0.323 -0.116

(0.050) (0.093) (0.184) (0.093)

None/missing -0.018 -0.062 -0.446 -0.349*

(0.084) (0.141) (0.266) (0.161)

0.016 -0.086 0.111 0.089 Parent member of

school association (0.063) (0.101) (0.170) (0.066)

Father religious 0.042 0.159* 0.268 0.072

(0.083) (0.070) (0.174) (0.078)

No father -0.064 -0.099 0.065 0.042

(0.053) (0.094) (0.184) (0.086)

No mother -0.116 -0.115 0.026 -0.015

(0.060) (0.126) (0.263) (0.116)

-0.057** -0.053 -0.075 -0.083* Number of children

in household (0.019) (0.029) (0.073) (0.033)

Sibling order: 2nd -0.088** -0.166** -0.047 -0.003

(0.032) (0.053) (0.104) (0.048)

Sibling order: 3rd -0.203** -0.291* 0.094 0.054

(0.053) (0.113) (0.193) (0.097)

Sibling order: 4th+ -0.140 -0.159 -1.201** ---

(0.136) (0.239) (0.367)

-0.041 0.066 -0.210 -0.097 Household moved

last 12 months (0.059) (0.085) (0.232) (0.121)

Female 0.096** 0.065 -0.031 0.046

(0.029) (0.047) (0.093) (0.044)

White 0.026 0.081 0.377* 0.031

(0.069) (0.110) (0.176) (0.096)

Ethnicity missing -0.134 0.254** 0.087 0.070

(0.084) (0.037) (0.247) (0.115)

Born 2nd trimester 0.010 -0.022 -0.137 -0.032


(0.035) (0.051) (0.101) (0.053)

Born 3rd trimester 0.047 0.090 -0.175 -0.054

(0.035) (0.051) (0.112) (0.053)

Good Health 0.084* 0.102* -0.031 0.065

(0.033) (0.043) (0.098) (0.043)

-0.040 0.056 -0.344 -0.224 Parental attitude to

area is “bad” (0.054) (0.091) (0.222) (0.128)

No. rooms in house 0.041** 0.054** 0.003 0.014

(0.008) (0.012) (0.020) (0.011)

Council housing -0.149** -0.231* 0.003 0.150**

(0.041) (0.100) (0.211) (0.058)

Private rental 0.118* -0.020 0.153 -0.013

(0.056) (0.093) (0.180) (0.099)

Grammar school 0.128 0.105 0.500** 0.156**

(0.067) (0.072) (0.166) (0.046)

Private school 0.122 0.160* 0.370** 0.209**

(0.063) (0.073) (0.130) (0.033)

Secondary modern -0.030 0.053 -0.179 -0.083

(0.041) (0.058) (0.162) (0.076)

Observations 1512 513 471 471

R-squared 0.189 0.221 0.27 0.233

Robust standard errors in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%



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