is the redd+ window of opportunity closing

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Luca Perez

European CommissionDirectorate General for Research & InnovationUnit I.4 Climate Change and Natural hazards

Is the window of opportunity for REDD+ closing?

COP18 side event: Doha, EU Pavilion, 29 November 2012

The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007-2013): What it is

• Multi-annual regional programme for funding research in Europe and beyond – in principle all parts are open to international cooperation

• Managed by the European Union

• Contributions: 27 EU Member States + 14 Associated Countries*

• FP7 Budget: > € 50 bn over 7 years

• Grants to co-finance research activities (in priority areas)

• Structured around 4 Specific Programmes:• 1. Cooperation – collaborative research• 2. Capacities – capacity building for research (network, research

infrastructure, etc.)• 3. People – individual fellowships • 4. Ideas – frontier research (European Research Council)

* 14 Associated Countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey

The Framework Programme: How it works

• Implemented through annual calls for proposals

• Grants awarded on competitive basis

• Participation open to research actors anywhere in the world

• Funding possibilities for developing countries and transition economies similar to those of EU/Associated countries

FP7 Budget Breakdown by Specific Programme 2007-2013 (in million)

Cooperation€32 413

Ideas€7 510

Capacities€4 097

Euratom€2 751

JRC€1 751

Collaborative research

10 Thematic Areas:Frontier research

Fellowships, Grants

Capacity building for


Total: €53 272

Environment (including CC)

+ 9 others

People€4 750

Contributions to Non-Annex I participants in collaborative projects (Climate Change Activities

2007-2012, FP7 Cooperation programme)

FP7 Cooperation Programme

• The “Cooperation” Specific Programme supports collaborative research through projects carried out by transnational consortia comprising min. 3 different countries

• 10 thematic areas, of which 6 are Climate Change related• Bulk of Climate Change collaborative research falls under the

Environment Theme• But…other themes also support climate–relevant research

(e.g. 'Energy', 'Transport', 'Food & Agriculture', 'Space')• Budget for Environment Theme (2007-2013): € 1.89 bn

• Priorities for Climate Change collaborative research: • Understanding the past, present and future of the climate

system and its processes• Quantifying climate change impacts on humans and nature• Identifying and assessing mitigation and adaptation options

Example: Carbon and nitrogen cycles

CARBO-EUROPE: quantified the C sources & sinks from terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. forest, soils, agriculture, peatlands) in Europe and decreased the uncertainty associated with each value through novel methodologies, new measurements and state-of-the art modelling.

CARBO-OCEAN: quantified the marine C sources and sinks in the North Atlantic and assessed their strength over the past 15 years. This was achieved through prototype observing systems and model development.


- Established a comprehensive new European Nitrogen budget

- Assessed its impact on climate - Measured costs and benefits of Nitrogen

impacts on climate, ecosystems and health- Provided policy recommendations to reduce

negative Nitrogen impacts on earth

Findings of NITROEUROPE have been alreadytransferred to relevant UN processes/conventions

PAGE21 ►Understand and quantify the vulnerability of permafrost environments to a changing global climate► Investigate the feedback mechanisms associated with increasing greenhouse gas emissions from permafrost zones


► Attribution of GHG emissions from terrestrial ecosystems to anthropogenic and natural drivers► Assess the mitigation potential of European agriculture and forests

CARBOCHANGE► Predict changes in ocean C uptake under changing climate conditions► Close collaboration with (and contributing to) international research programs (IMBER,SOLASand the Global Carbon Project)

REDD-ALERT & IREDD+► Quantifying GHG emissions and removals in tropical forests and peatlands ► Developing and testing a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems.► Assessing the benefits and costs of REDD+ policies for livelihoods at local communities.

REDDiness: Building EO capacity in Africa

• Transfer robust Earth Observation (EO) methods in monitoring deforestation and forest degradation

• Enhance estimations of carbon values of Africa’s forests

• Strengthen national forest monitoring centers in Gabon and Republic of Congo and improve the regional network

• 3 European and African partners

• FP7 Action ─ 2011-2013

Support EO-driven forest and carbon monitoring in Central Africa for REDD

REDDAF: Objective

• REDDAF supports African Congo Basin countries in monitoring deforestation and forest degradation

• R&D to develop pre-operational EO based Forest Monitoring services

• REDDAF is embedded in national REDD programmes in Cameroon and Central African Republic

REDD for AFrica: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Africa

Further new large initiatives

• WP2013:• Topic 6.1-4 "Land cover and land-use change and

climate change mitigation" (under evaluation 1st stage)

Quantification of the net climate effects of land cover and land use changes (both direct and indirect)

Improved representation of land cover and land use change in global climate models

Interplay with adaptation and drivers such as energy security, water availability and food production

integrated assessment approach for exploring risks, opportunities, trade-offs

Improved methodologies for MRV

Further information

•• EU’s Research Portal• General information on FP7• Specific information on FP7

programmes, projects and calls

• for updates of particular collaborative opportunities in 2012 for third countries and regions.


Contact for DG RTD:Luca Perez, DG RTD I.4

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