is recruiting a sales job… is recruitment still a sales business? #rechangout highlights

Post on 14-Jul-2015



Recruiting & HR



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The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

Is recruiting a sales job… is recruitment

still a sales business?

21st January 2015

#RecHangout is supported by:

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

Hangout Participants

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

Louise Triance

Community Owner

UK Recruiter

Louis Welcomme

CRM Comms Manager

Colleague Software

Brad Shackleton

Recruiting Excellence

Coaching Academy

Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

Mitch Sullivan

Agency Founder

Fast Track Recruiting

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Relationships aren’t built by email… initially,

if you want to win someone’s business, you

need to connect with that individual and I

don’t see why technology should take over

when we have traditional methods of face-

to-face contact. ”

Brad Shackleton

Recruiting Excellence

Coaching Academy

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“We need to embrace technology to further

engage with people. It’s helped to speed up

communication… but I don’t think it will ever

replace engaging with clients and

candidates face-to-face and on telephones.”

Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“…conversion ratios from not picking up the

phone are far lower than if someone actually

has the confidence, the know-how and the

competency to pick up the phone and

connect with that individual.”

Brad Shackleton

Recruiting Excellence

Coaching Academy

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The sales element in recruitment is the ability

to influence. At each stage in the lifecycle of a

recruitment campaign for both candidate and

client, the recruiter is the conduit who

influences outcomes”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“We have two audiences that we sell to. We

have to sell to clients, then we have to sell our

clients to our candidates. Those sales have

different techniques and I don’t believe we’re

going to get a huge amount of traction with our

customers if all we do is use new media.”

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“It’s not about selling pens, it’s about using

the tools that we have to engage with an

audience that we never could before. Now I

can do these Google Hangouts and engage

with people globally.”

Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I see a lack of formal approach and

methodology as to how we execute client and

candidate conversations. Without training

people tend to go off in very different directions

in terms of how they wish to sell to clients and

candidates and that can become dangerous.”

Brad Shackleton

Recruiting Excellence

Coaching Academy

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Use social media and content marketing to

position yourself as the trusted advisor... If

you talk and engage in social media and

you’re seen as a positive contributor to those

media those clients and candidates will find


Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“We’re influencing people. We’re persuading

people with our opinion whether this candidate

is someone you’d consider. Challenging the

candidate or client by dealing with the objection

they present to us are fundamentally sales


Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Recruiters definition of a sale is to get a job,

and to get a job they have to pitch a

candidate, and if they pitch badly or aren’t

able to fill a job, and that happens 80% of

the time, then that company or client are

less likely to reengage.”

Mitch Sullivan

Agency Founder

Fast Track Recruiting

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I find a lot of recruiters lack focus in who

they’re selling to, who their target market is,

their target companies and opportunities. It’s

a scattergun approach, as a consequence

the profitability and conversion rate people

have can be unsuccessful.”

Brad Shackleton

Recruiting Excellence

Coaching Academy

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“When engaged with clients and candidates,

to win brand new business you need to do

something other than wait for the phone to

ring, email to ping, and that’s where the

smart recruitment consultants come into

their own.”

Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“We’ve talked about recruiters being facilitators

and hosts in the process, the bottom line is that

people find it difficult to make decisions, both

candidate and clients, and… our role is to have

an influence and get the outcome that both

parties want.”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Bad sales is where you promise something

and nothing, or nothing like it gets delivered.

That’s bad salesmanship. Unfortunately, the

current model that most recruitment agencies

work with facilitates that ad-hoc delivery.”

Mitch Sullivan

Agency Founder

Fast Track Recruiting

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Quality will always surface… ask the right

questions to the candidate and they’ll tell

you how to place them. Ask the right

questions to the client and they’ll tell you

how to make placements.”

Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The reality is that clients can’t… have that

level of conversation with every recruiter... I’ve

been sucked into 20 min conversations with

recruiters telling them what I’m trying to achieve

in terms of filling jobs, I’ve been open to them

helping, and they don’t.”

Mitch Sullivan

Agency Founder

Fast Track Recruiting

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“If we take every job order a client throws at

us then we’re inadequate at filling those

jobs. We need to be honest. Don’t take

every job… be honest with them, say ‘let’s

get real’.”

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“There’s nothing worse than taking on a job

you’re not confident in filling. You take on a

job, you commit to filling it and you sell that

certainty to the client. In exchange that client

will give more of themselves than they

currently do if you can offer that certainty.”

Mitch Sullivan

Agency Founder

Fast Track Recruiting

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Traditional methods of recruitment will

never go away, but doing it with targeted

contacts is crucial… you’ve got to have a

marketing plan, your window so you can

position yourself as an expert in your field…

where your targeted audience are.”

Roy Ripper

Ripper Recruiter Training

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Identify who your best clients are… sell them

a real service where you’re confident of filling

vacancies, deliver on it and keep on getting

business from those companies: you’re

probably hitting more of your targets by getting

more business from your existing base.”

Mitch Sullivan

Agency Founder

Fast Track Recruiting

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters


Best of the #rechangout and Q+A Buzz

Some interesting points discussed at

#RecHangout , thanks for organising

@RoyRipper @BradShackleton

@alanwhitford #Selling has its place!

"Have you got any jobs?", the sales

call no one wants to receive and no

one should be making. #RecHangout

Plenty of recruiters believe that

approach, done enough times will get

results @BespokeJobs #RecHangout


The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

@SW6 Associates

Best of the #rechangout and Q+A Buzz

We are fans of the notion Recruitment

Consultants should use technology to

enhance the recruitment process not

hide behind #rechangout

"People don't like being sold to badly"

@RoyRipper - Great point.


The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

Next #RechangoutHow to build a strong and credible recruitment brand

5th March, 1pm GMT

Russell Amerasekera – Personal Branding Expert, Epiphany

Paul Sharpe – Marketing and Sales Director, InterQuest Group Plc

Clair Bush – Marketing Director, Broadbean

Felix Wetzel – Marketing Executive, formerly at Jobrapido, Evenbase and JobSite



The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

The Recruiters Hangout is a monthly, free discussion show, where special guests, business owners and

industry experts join our regular panel to share their top tips, insights and advice with a live online

audience. Viewers are able to send their questions and comments directly to the panel via our open chat

stream and take part on Twitter using our hashtag #RecHangout. Our aim is to ensure that our audience

comes away inspired, with new ideas, strategies and resources they can use in their own business.

The #RecHangout is supported by four hosts, including Abtech Partnership and RCEuro founder, Alan

Whitford, who makes sure viewers get the most from the show, asking the right questions and ensuring

the discussion stays on track; Mark Stephens, founder of The Recruitment Alliance and the F10 Group

and director at Smart Recruit Online; Louis Welcomme, Communications Manager at Colleague Software,

and Louise Triance from the UK Recruiter community, who looks out for your online comments on our

twitter hashtag #RecHangout during the broadcast.

Want to take part? Call Louis on:

01603 735 932 -

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