is marijuana haram

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23-05-06, 04:27 AM

Is marijuana Haram?



the occasional cigar?


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23-05-06, 04:34 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

They're all haraam. Cigarettes and cigars fall under the catagory of things which damage your health, and chronic falls under both that catagory and the catagory of intoxicants.


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Mu'tazilah Originally Posted by nicegrrl



the occasional cigar?

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23-05-06, 04:42 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?




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Absolutely haraam...




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23-05-06, 06:22 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

I am more suprised at who was asking, then what was being asked.

Anything that takes a person out of his/her sense is Haram.

Anything that causes harm to a person is Haram.

Anything that is a waste is Haram.

Marijuana, dobe, coc, speed, hash, ice etc are all haram, for all the above three reasons.

Cigars, Cigarretes, Chilam, Pipe etc are Haram because the are a waste of your money, and they harm your body.


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Brother Wisdom Originally Posted by nicegrrl



the occasional cigar?

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24-05-06, 02:50 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

if it gives u a buzz and makes u loose ur right state of mind and judgement it is haram.


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24-05-06, 06:48 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

u want some?


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umm maryam Originally Posted by nicegrrl



the occasional cigar?

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24-05-06, 06:54 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Hanefi fıgh says that cigaretes is tahrimen mekruh... But now it is haram because of the big damages of it found to health according to a lot of scholars...


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24-05-06, 08:25 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

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Odan Originally Posted by nicegrrl



the occasional cigar?

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24-05-06, 08:25 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

So ciggarettes are defentely haram?


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24-05-06, 08:29 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?




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Smoking Is Makruh-why?

The declaration that "There is no God Worthy of being worshipped except Allah & that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah", demands that the Muslim accepts the Decrees set by Allah and by His Messenger-Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)

Islam is a Revelation from Allah with a complete code of life. It tells what is good and what is evil: Allah says in the Holy Quran: And We have shown him (man) the two ways (good and evil). (Quran 90/10)

He allows them all that is good and lawful, and prohibits them as unlawful all that is evil (things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, drinks, etc.). (Quran 7/157)

So, is smoking (cigarettes, pipes, etc.) evil or not? Let us examine its effects:

* Smoking is a killer: causes lung-cancer, lung-tuberculosis and heart diseases.

Allah says: And do not kill yourselves. (Quran 4/29)

He also says: And do not throw yourselves into destruction. (Quran 2/195)

These verses are sufficient to make smoking Haram.

* Smoking is a wasting of wealth. Allah says: ...But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift, Verily, spendthrifts are brothers of the

devils, and the Devil (Satan) is ever ungrateful to his Lord. (Quran 17/26-27)

* The smoker is unjust to himself as well as his family by burning away his money and his chest!

* The smoker not only causes harm to himself, he/she also inflicts harms upon others around him/her.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said: "There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm." (Saheeh Al-Jami 7517)

* The smokers cause the spread of evil; they smoke openly and thus encourage others to do the same.

* The smokers dislike fasting and praying because they become impatient. They want to go for the next "round". The smoker becomes like an edict.

* The smoker smells bad! His car, home, clothes etc. carry the bad smell too.

From the above, it is clear that smoking is evil and thus it is Haram (unlawful).

If you are under any kind of stress, then turn to Allah, read the Holy Quran, and be with non-smokers. Seek Allah's help and don’t be enslaved to something that burns you and your money.


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24-05-06, 08:31 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?


I have the following audio: Khutbah (The evils of smoking) - Abu Saifillah.mp3 the file size is 11mb if anyone wished to download it please send me a pm with their email address and make sure you have the privileges to download large files- alternatively listen online:


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24-05-06, 08:38 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

i am not talking about Marijuana here but what about Hashish?

what if those bogus scintific researches are true and Hashish is good for the heart.....senses....etc?

also it is a fact that hashish is not addictive....also you can't tell if a person is stoned because of smoking hashish or not because it make you act just boost your senses (make food taste better..better apprecation of beauty....etc)........also it boost creativity.....and lower physical pain.......

i am asking because smoking hashish here is very widespread.....actually the hashish quality here is a dream for any western stoner......and stats show that one in every 7 Egyptians smoke hashish his Fatwa about hashish Imam Ibn Taimmyah named it and even described its no space is left for whoever want to claim that Imam Ibn Taimmyah was speaking about "another hashish"


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24-05-06, 09:07 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Are you talking about a sheesha/hubbly bubbly/bong?

Because I mean, if we are going to go with bogus scientific research..then that means Gays are born with a gay

gene...which is absolute crap...


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24-05-06, 10:49 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

wishful thinking


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pray 4 peace Originally Posted by Al-Nasser

i am not talking about Marijuana here but what about Hashish?

what if those bogus scintific researches are true and Hashish is good for the heart.....senses....etc?

also it is a fact that hashish is not addictive....also you can't tell if a person is stoned because of smoking hashish or not because it make you act just boost your senses (make food taste better..better apprecation of beauty....etc)........also it boost creativity.....and lower physical pain.......

i am asking because smoking hashish here is very widespread.....actually the hashish quality here is a dream for any western stoner......and stats show that one in every 7 Egyptians smoke hashish his Fatwa about hashish Imam Ibn Taimmyah named it and even described its no space is left for whoever want to claim that Imam Ibn Taimmyah was speaking about "another hashish"

"The world "shams" (sun) is feminine, and "qamar" (moon) is masculine. The sun burns itself out to give light and life to everything

around, and the moon is muneer, meaning it reflects the light. Within itself it has no light; it radiates the brilliance of the sun. So

when we shine as men, the implication is that we are reflecting the glorious light of our women. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala be

pleased with them." - Shaykh Abdullah Adhami

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25-05-06, 11:46 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Do we need to make a thing haram to stop us from doing it

1) Bad for your health : THat alone should stop you from doing it. You dont need Islam to tell you that. So if someon asks you why you dont smoke you dont have to say ISlam dosent allow it tell them its bad for the health.

2) Makes you smell: You smoke which means you stink. YOu may not be able to smell it but others do and they go away with a bad impression of you. They wont say it to you but they detest your smell. And as a muslim you are a model of Islam and sent down to leave a good impression on muslims.

3) Waste of Money: A lot of peoples income is spent on cigarreettes when it could be spent on their parents and their wives and kids. Which causees a lot of social problems

4) Breaks Relationships: Smoking is a marriage breaker. You want to have a good relationship and smoke then marry someone who smokes the same amount as you and die 20 years early together. WHat a sick life

Its common sense. Use your head and dont smoke! Dont wait for a fatwa to be released that smoking is not allowed in Islam. Stop Smoking because YOU think its not right NOT BECAUSE someone else tells you its not right. Be a thinker not a brainwashed bunny.


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27-02-08, 03:44 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Hashish is just another prepared form of cannabis, like marijuana. Neither hashish nor marijuana are addictive. They don't adversely affect your health. They don't produce a chemical addiction as other drugs do, only a psychological addiction, if you enjoy it too much. It can actually help you. The Sufis used to use hashish a lot and advocated it as part of Islam, that smoking it was a form of worship. That said, I'd still shy away from it anyway. Remember, stay above drugs because you don't need them.




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27-02-08, 04:12 AM #17

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Re: Is marijuana Haram?

The deviant sufis also danced around circles and called it worship, so let's be real.

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Not the best Muslim Originally Posted by tux08902

Hashish is just another prepared form of cannabis, like marijuana. Neither hashish nor marijuana are addictive. They don't adversely affect your health. They don't produce a chemical addiction as other drugs do, only a psychological addiction, if you enjoy it too much. It can actually help you. The Sufis used to use hashish a lot and advocated it as part of Islam, that smoking it was a form of worship. That said, I'd still shy away from it anyway. Remember, stay above drugs because you don't need them.

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27-02-08, 04:36 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

What if it doesnt.


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Straggler In Distress Originally Posted by Humble1

if it gives u a buzz and makes u loose ur right state of mind and judgement it is haram.

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27-02-08, 07:55 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

ok heres wat i dont get. since the 1100's the islamic world was known for hash. there are quotes, "china has opium, islam has hash, the west has women", made in the time of alexander dumas. (not his quote, but whoever said the quote used to go to the same type of cafe type place as him and drink hash coffee and write.)

there are records of muslim physicians in the mughal empire using cannibis as treatments for various things. (i.e baldness, as it lowers testosterone, and high levels of testosterone cause baldness, obesity, as it not only makes you have an appetite liek the munchies, but it will surpress your hunger once off of it, sometimes asthma, as it can both cure it in some poeple and cause it in others.)

however, i went to a popular islamic forum and got this response.

"Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opium, etc are all unlawful (haram) due to the various harms connected with them.

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug made from the leaves of the cannabis plant. It is usually smoked but can also be eaten. It is the most commonly used and considered to be a soft drug.

Marijuana intoxicates a person the same way alcohol does. It weakens one’s senses and the capability to reflect. Scientific research has proven that, marijuana has much harm, and could lead one in becoming an addict to other hard drugs.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Every intoxicant is prohibited.” Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 4088)

And he (Allah bless him & give him peace) also said:

“That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities.” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators)

So here there is no need to doubt the illicit nature of such modern narcotics like cocaine, heroine, etc. or such soft drugs that are available in the club scenes, places, unfortunately, visited frequently by Muslim youth in the West.

Therefore, explain to you friend that, all drugs are Haram due to the fact that they intoxicate a person in one way or another. One looses the ability to think and reflect in a proper manner, and that is intoxication. If you have a local scholar, seek his advice and take your friend to him.

And Allah knows best "

here is what i dont see right with this response. they seem to have lumped all drugs in together, not taking into account man MAKES cocaine, ciggs, heroin, lsd, shrooms, meth and alcohol through a system or a process which eventually becomes beer, liqour, crack, etc.

but marijuana is literally picked from the earth hung to dry then injested. there is no middle man made process to make the qualities that it has.

also, this article states that marijuana intoxicates the same way alcohol does. this is simply not not not true. i will not lie i have tried and enjoyed marijuana. i have never ever in my life drank the **** juice known as alcohol but from what my non muslim friends tell me it is nothing at all alike. alcohol actually dulls your senses while marijuana makes them


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acute. hearing is better as is thinking processes and visualization. this aritcle says it prohibits a person from being able to reflect, while the truth is it catalyzes it. there is even modern day research stating that marijuana in small doses (which means enough to get you stoned but not enough to put you to sleep) increases seritonin and dopamine in the brain.

people even say it is haram becuase it leads ot harder drugs. but this is a lie cleverly thought up by the us govt or media. (ha same thing). known as the gateway theory. but- # "The gateway hypothesis holds that abusable drugs occupy distinct ranks in a hierarchy as well as definite positions in a temporal sequence. Accordingly, substance use is theorized to progress through a sequence of stages, beginning with legal, socially acceptable compounds that are low in the hierarchy, followed by use of illegal 'soft' and later 'hard' drugs ranked higher in the hierarchy. One of the main findings of this study is that there is a high rate of nonconformance with this temporal order. In a neighborhood where there is high drug availability, youths who have low parental supervision are likely to regularly consume marijuana before alcohol and/or tobacco. Consumption of marijuana prior to use of licit drugs thus appears to be related to contextual factors rather than to any unique characteristics of the individual. Moreover, this reverse pattern is not rare; it was observed in over 20% of our sample."

Source: Tarter, Ralph E., PhD, Vanyukov, Michael, PhD, Kirisci, Levent, PhD, Reynolds, Maureen, PhD, Clark, Duncan B., MD, PhD,


"There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs."

Source: Janet E. Joy, Stanley J. Watson, Jr., and John A Benson, Jr., "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base," Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, Institute of Medicine.

these reports r from 2000 and from 2006.

it also says that science has shown it is bad for your health while the only harm research has shown that it increases asthma in asthma prone people, and that when smoking it, you inhale carcinogens, but this is unavailable as your are burning vegitable matter. apart form that the newest statement out from the US Govt released 2 months ago states that one joint is as harmful as 5 ciggs. this is pure bull****. in this months issue of hightimes magazine, they used the SAME SOURCES as the govt and proved that this is literally, made up. almost every fact the u.s goverment has made about marijuana sine post prohibition era has been completely 100% false. one of harry anslinger's(americas father of the drug war) used nothing but lies he made up off the top of his head to criminilize marijuana, including calling it marijuana to sound spanish at a time the u.s was incredibly racist and anti spanish, and get this, saying the persian assasins used it to intoxicate themselves into committing atrocious acts and over killing the "innocent" crusaders. virtually every single anti drug commercial, anti drug statement, anti drug anythin claimed by any major western power has been 100% pure bullsiht, and were never at any point in history based on facts.

i mean, there is so much bull**** surrounding weed now days, from the extreme hate to it to the extreme love for it. how can one tell whats what? intoxication by definition does not apply to marijuana as it does to like, virtually every other drug in existense. weed is not a club drug. it does not lead to haram situations. it doesnt make you horny or violent. it hardly changes your mood at all except makes your happier and makes your muscles relaxed. and supercharges the brain.if anythin it makes you hearing ambient, making anything sound better.

i am not saying marijuana is halal. i am looking for the answer myself. it just seems that whoever so answers my quesitons about marijuana in islam knows nothing not a dman thing about weed but would still like to tell me its haram for reasons even they dont understand at all.

i understand it is an "intoxicant", but in truth in small doses it heightens your senses. there is no over dosing of marijuana, i mean i f you smoke a crazy amount, you will go to sleep. and then you will wake up. there will be no headache, no nothing. even further, research has found the cannabis plant has qualities that no other plant on earth possesses. im not sure how many plants on earth are fomr heaven, but i do know grapes are one of them, olives are another, and i have a sneaking suspicion that cannabis is another. this doesnt mean a thing in terms of it being halal, or makroo or wat cuz grapes make wine and wine is very much haram. see wat im saying?

there is hunders of years of study on marijuana form the muslim and chinese empires, but those are lost to history, and now all we have is 100+ years of lies to try to base our facts on. isnt it strange that the actual hemp plant is not mentioned anywhere in the quran nor he hadith by name? (to my knowledge, may god have mercy on me if i am wrong) even though it grew specifically to that area until the 1300's?

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27-02-08, 11:20 AM

Re: Is marijuana Haram? u smoke hash?If u feel hash is fine would u feel ok about praying while stoned?


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27-02-08, 01:25 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

nice girls dont smoke




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27-02-08, 01:25 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

in the old days...sufi scholars used to smoke weed


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27-02-08, 03:38 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?


i can't this is even a discussion. just ask yourself would the prophet Muhammed smoke weed? weed is something that makes you outta of your mind.


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27-02-08, 04:21 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

i dont smoke hash. i did once. some garda from pakistan. if someone has ever smoked hash, the high is as follows, you get so high you can't stand. your legs begin to buckle and you cant do anythign at all.

thats because you hafto know how hash is made. the marijuana plant has thc, the chemical that gets you high, in it, but at a fairly low percentage. crappy weed (gives you headaches, makes you fall asleep and makes you lazy) has about 2-5 % thc. good weed, that will get you alert and all- has about 10-15% thc, while the crazier stuff you'l only find in amsterdam. but hash, however, is taking the thc from a potent cannabis plant and compressing it repeatedly, so much so that hash can be form 80% thc to 100% thc. you wont be able to do anythign for about 10-15 minutes followed by a relaxed sinking feeling.

as for praying while stoned- astagfurullah.

i dont pray while im stoned. in fact the last time i did smoke it was a small amount after isha. you do not feel it when u get up for fajr. is ti wrong for me to smoke this after isha? i have no more salah to do and the day is done.


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27-02-08, 04:25 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

of course thats true, this should be proof enough. the prophet, to my knowledge, ever smoked weed. but at the same time why woudl he when he has a huge frikin mission to undertake. he had to save the world!!

" smoke weed? weed is something that makes you outta of your mind. "

this is the kind of ignorance i am always confronted with when i ask someone this question. u have no proof that it makes u out of ur mind becuase i have the proof that it does not. im not talking about websites, my friend is a doctor and i asked him to give me medical reports on marijuana. nothing bad is said about it, - except asthma related issues.

what r u wathcing reefer madness??


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New Member Originally Posted by sis_niqabi


i can't this is even a discussion. just ask yourself would the prophet Muhammed smoke weed? weed is something that makes you outta of your mind.

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27-02-08, 04:28 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

i never said hash is fine. u also soiund liek u know nothing about the subject. you just hear weed or hash u think drugs = bad.

no i dont smoke hash. hash and weed are very very different. hash ****s you up.

no i would not pray stoned. what kind of question is that? what the hell kind of person do u think i am? that offends me.


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New Member Originally Posted by Al-Nasser u smoke hash?If u feel hash is fine would u feel ok about praying while stoned?

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27-02-08, 06:56 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Marijuana stinks, one of my housemates used to waste so much money on it, but alhamdulilah he stopped, took nearly 2 years.


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27-02-08, 08:05 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

you can't imagine how wrong you are about this.....i smoked hash for long time and in one phase in my life i smoked one spliff daily (at least) for like 8 months....believe me i know very much about this subject.....Egypt for hashish is like Brazil for football

i am sorry about the was just that this was a question i asked myself when i became so charmed by hash and started to question if it is haram or not......i asked myself this question and the honest answer was "NO!".....that settle it up for me.....if can't pray stoned then hash got to be haram and that was it.....and now i am THC free for many years......THC free while it takes from me to get the best quality hash delivered to my doorstep is a one minute phone call....this is quiet an achievement


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Yunis Originally Posted by ammarhaq

u also soiund liek u know nothing about the subject. you just hear weed or hash u think drugs = bad.

no i would not pray stoned. what kind of question is that? what the hell kind of person do u think i am? that offends me.

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27-02-08, 08:06 PM #29

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Re: Is marijuana Haram?

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Positivity!!! Originally Posted by nicegrrl



the occasional cigar?

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27-02-08, 08:08 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

The young Muslims of today are facing an ever-increasing number of dilemmas. One of these is drugs. What does Islam have to say about it? How should Muslims regard drugs? To understand this we have to see what the Qur’aan and Ahaadith say regarding intoxicants i.e. narcotics.

Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’aan: -

O You who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones and (divination by) arrows are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. Avoid (such abominations) that you may prosper. (5:90)

Allah Ta’ala has described intoxicants amongst other things as being appalling, despicable and hateful acts of Satan and he has commanded us to abstain from them, Allah thereafter states in the next verse: -

Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity amongst you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hamper you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not give up? (5:91)

This Aayah tells us how it is a detestable act of Satan, because intoxicants apart from sowing the seeds of enmity also stop you from the sole purpose of having been sent to the world, namely the remembrance of Allah.

Bear in mind that when the term intoxicant is used it also encompasses narcotics, because they to among other things result in the loss of self-control.

There are also many Ahaadith stated by the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) in regards to intoxicants.

1) Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whosoever drinks wine, whip him. If he repeats it for the fourth time, kill him." He (Jabir) says, A man was later brought to the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) who had drunk wine for the fourth time. He beat him, but did not kill him. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood)

The following Hadith clearly states that the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) prohibited intoxicants.

2) Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Every intoxicant is khamr (wine) and every intoxicant is haraam (unlawful). Whosoever drinks wine in this world and dies whilst consumed in it and does not repent will not drink it in the next world. (Muslim)

3) Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that a man came from Yemen and asked the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) about a wine made from corn called ‘Mizr’, which they drank, in their land. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) asked, "Is it intoxicating?" He replied, "Yes" The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Every intoxicant is unlawful. Verily there is covenant upon Allah for one who drinks intoxicating drinks, that he will make him drink from ‘Teenatul Khabal,’ they asked, "O messenger of Allah, what is Teenatul Khabal?" He said, "The sweat of the inmates of hell or the pus (of impurities) of the inmates of hell." (Muslim)

4) Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whosoever drinks wine, Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will forgive him. And if he repeats it Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will forgive him. And if he repeats it again Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will forgive him. If he repeats it for the fourth time Allah will not accept his prayer for 40 days. If he seeks repentance Allah will not accept it and he will be made to drink from the river of impurities (of the inmates of hell).


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Positivity!!! Originally Posted by ammarhaq

i dont smoke hash. i did once. some garda from pakistan. if someone has ever smoked hash, the high is as follows, you get so high you can't stand. your legs begin to buckle and you cant do anythign at all.

thats because you hafto know how hash is made. the marijuana plant has thc, the chemical that gets you high, in it, but at a fairly low percentage. crappy weed (gives you headaches, makes you fall asleep and makes you lazy) has about 2-5 % thc. good weed, that will get you alert and all- has about 10-15% thc, while the crazier stuff you'l only find in amsterdam. but hash, however, is taking the thc from a potent cannabis plant and compressing it repeatedly, so much so that hash can be form 80% thc to 100% thc. you wont be able to do anythign for about 10-15 minutes followed by a relaxed sinking feeling.

as for praying while stoned- astagfurullah.

i dont pray while im stoned. in fact the last time i did smoke it was a small amount after isha. you do not feel it when u get up for fajr. is ti wrong for me to smoke this after isha? i have no more salah to do and the day is done.

Página 10 de 17Is marijuana Haram?


(Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Majah and Daarami from Ibn Amr)5) Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said; "Whatever intoxicates in a greater quantity is also unlawful in its smaller quantity." (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah)

6) Umme Salmah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) prohibited every intoxicant and Mufattir (anything which excites and irritates the mind, body and heart). (Abu Dawood)

7) Abdullah Ibn Amr t reports from the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him), who said, "One who is disobedient to parents, gambles, harsh after charity and a is a habitual drunkard shall not enter paradise." (Daarami)

8) Abu Umaamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Verily Almighty Allah sent me as a mercy for all the worlds; and my Almighty and Glorious Lord ordered me to abolish drums, musical instruments, idols, the cross and the affairs of the days of Ignorance. My Almighty and Glorious Lord has sworn, "By my honour, no servant among my servants shall drink a mouthful of wine but I will make him drink like it from the scorching water (of hell); and none abstains from it out of fear of me but I will give him drink from the Holy fountain." (Ahmad)

9) Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "There are three for whom Allah has forbidden paradise, a habitual drunkard, one disobedient to parents, and a careless husband who establishes impurity in his family." (Ahmad and Nasai)

10) Abu Musa Al-Asharee (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "There are three who will not enter paradise, a habitual drunkard, one who cuts of blood ties and one who believes in sorcery. (Ahmad)

11) Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said’ "If a habitual drunkard dies, he will meet Allah like the one who worships idols." (Ahmad, Ibn majah from Abu Hurrairah)

12) Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he used to say, "I do not differentiate whether I drink wine or worship these idols besides Allah. (Nasai )

From the above Ahaadith, we can clearly see the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the Islamic view regarding intoxicants. In another Hadith the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) has described intoxicants as: -

1. The key to all evils.

2. The head of all errors and lapses.

3. The most terrible of major sins.

4. The mother of all atrocities.

5. The mother of all evils.

Why are drugs, intoxicants so abhorrent, awful, foul and vile in Islam? Let us look at what the scholars have said regarding the effects of drugs from a worldly and religious point:

Ibn Hajar Al-Makki rahmatullahi alaihe narrates from some scholars that they are 120 worldly and religious detriments in consuming hashish (Cannabis).

Not 10, not 20, but 120 harmful things occur by the consumption of drugs.

The great Ibn-e-Seena says that large amounts of it dries up semen (The fluid that carries sperm thus rendering him incapable of passion in sexual intercourse).

Ibn-ul-Bitaar says: A group of people used it (drugs) and they became mentally deranged (insane).

Imaam Zarakhshee narrates in his book upon the prohibition of Hashish (Cocaine) from Zakariyah Razee, a famous doctor, that consuming hashish causes headaches, desiccates semen, brings about confusion, Neurosis, dries up all body fluids which could cause sudden death. Also it defects the mind, induces hectic fever, tuberculosis and oedema (dropsy).

Ibn-e-Taymiyyah (a renowned scholar) says: All the faults, blemishes, bad things in khamr (wine) are present in hashish and more. Because the majority of faults in khamr effect religion, but hashish effects to a great extent both religion and body.

Thereafter Sheikh Taymiyyah describes its faults: -

1) From a religious point of view it is as intoxicating as wine, it destroys the mind, causes forgetfulness, causes to reveal secrets, destroys shame, incubates dissimation, quells self respects, obliterates intelligence, prevents salaah and instigates towards Haraam, forbidden things.

2) From a physical aspect it deteriorates the mind, cuts off the means for offspring, brings about leprosy, sickness, feverish shivers, bad breath, loss of eyebrows and teeth, warming of blood, tuberculosis, damages intestines, destroys body organs, punctures the liver, burns the stomach and weakens eyesight amongst other things.The point all botanists have unanimously agreed upon is that hashish (cannabis) is an intoxicant, one of these botanists is Ibn-e-Baitaar.

Ibn-e-Baitaar states that it is intoxicant.

All the scholars including Abu Ishaaq Sheeraazee rahmatullahi alaihe and Allahma Nawawee have stressed that it is intoxicating. Allahma Zarakhshee further writes that we have not seen anyone differ in opinion regarding this.

Ibn-e-Taymiyyah says that the fact is that it is an intoxicant like Wine. And Allahma Keerafe says that according to my research hashish is the cause of corruption and evil.

Shariah and rational thinking both point towards the prohibition of drugs.

As Imaam Zarakshee has mentioned in his book: -

All verses (of the Qur’aan) and Ahaadith which testify that intoxicants are haraam also include hashish (i.e. drugs)

The verses and Ahaadith regarding this have already been stated.

Another verse, which proves drugs to be prohibited, is: They as you concerning khamr (intoxicant) and gambling. Say " In them there is great sin and some gain for mankind, but sin is greater then the gain.

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This verse, apart from informing us of how grave a sin it is to consume intoxicants, is also imparting a principle: Everything in which the evil and harm outweighs the gain is not allowed. Therefore, if we consider drugs, they deflect the sensory perceptions as well as producing hallucinations and illusions. They cause body lassitude, neurosis, decline in health, moral insensitivity etc. etc. the list is endless. Furthermore, there are no benefits whatsoever of taking drugs for recreational purposes. The perception (from Shaitan) that Class B drugs such as cannabis (dope, draw) is all right is utterly wrong. This verse clearly shows that although it seems like they may contain a few benefits, overall its evil is far greater.

It is narrated that in Sahih Muslim: Every intoxicant is khamr (wine) and all Khamr is haraam.

Imam Ibn-e-Taymiyyah states: It should be enough harm for a person just to know that it prevents you from the remembrance of Allah and salaah.

In short, everything, which obstructs a person from Zikr-ullah and salaah, is haraam like wine.

Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’aan:

And Allah has forbidden on to you the ‘khabaith’ i.e. repulsive, wicked and evil things.

What could be more evil then the thing which impairs the faculties of thought and perception in the mind?

Dailamah Al-Humairee states: I asked the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), ‘O Messenger of Allah ( (Peace and blessings be upon him) ), Verily we are in a cold land, and we have to work hard therein, and we prepare wine from this wheat which gives as strength in our works and in the chill of our cities.’ He asked, ‘Does it intoxicate?’ ‘yes’ he replied. He said, ‘Give it up.’ I said, ‘Verily the people can not give it up.’ He said, ‘If they do not give it up, fight with them.’ (Abu Dawood)

This Hadith explains to us the principle cause of what is haraam. Chiefly, if it intoxicates it is haraam. The very same reason and cause is to be found in drugs.

Some might say that all drugs do not intoxicate, that drugs like heroin and hashish are only depressants which slackens and weakens the mind. The answer to this is in the following Hadith:

It has been narrated by Umme-Salmah, she states: The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) prohibited every intoxicant and muftir (every substance which slackens the mine).

Imam Zarakshee notes in his kitab: The scholars have stated that muftir is everything that causes slackness.

He then states: The Hadith (which has been mentioned above) particularly proves the prohibition of hashish because if it is not regarded as an intoxicant if definitely comes under the definition of ‘muftir’ (substance which causes drowsiness and the weakening of the mind etc.).

Moving on, the unanimity of the ummah on the prohibition of narcotics is also narrated from many scholars. Imaam Zarakshee states:

The consensus of the Ummah is narrated from several scholars in the prohibition of hashish; scholars include Qiraafi and ibn-e-Taymiyyah.

And if that was not enough, Ibn-e-Taymiyyah has further said: Whosoever regards it lawful has become kafir (Irreligious; ‘God forbid’).

The scholars of all four madhab’s unanimously agree that consuming anything intoxicating is haraam, certain plants have also been included as Imam Rafee’ clearly says that, ‘The scholars have included intoxicating plants etc. within the prohibition.’

So far the prohibition of drugs has been proven by means of the Qur’aan, Sunnah and Ijmah (consensus of the ulama). Its can further be proved by ‘Qiyaas’ (deduction by analogy) i.e. logical reasoning. When a person is intoxicated (or ‘stoned’ in street language) he does not know what he is doing. He could easily kill someone or fornicate etc. In the same manner, to feed his habit, he will most probably have to steal. These are, without a shadow of a doubt, unlawful. And there is a general rule that whatever leads to something haraam (unlawful) is in itself haraam. Thus drugs have been proven as haraam by all four sources of jurisprudence (Qur’aan, Sunnah, Ijmah and Qiyaas).

What is the legal punishment for consuming drugs?

Imam Mawardee has stressed that by consuming plants, which cause over-excitement (intoxication) ‘hadd’ (legal punishment i.e. 80 lashes) will become necessary.

Imam Qiraafi states that all the ulama of this period have agreed that its consumption is haraam. However, there is a difference of opinion as to what (punishment) becomes incumbent by drugs; either hadd because it intoxicates or tazir (reprimand) because it corrupts the mind.

In addition, in his book Az-Zakheera he states hadd or tazir will be imposed.

According to three prominent Imaams (Imam Shafee’, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad) consuming anything intoxicating however small the amount will bring the legal punishment of 80 lashes to the person.

However, in the Hanafi madhab in Fatawa ‘Al-Khulasa lil-Hanafiyyah’ it is stated:

If an intoxicating amount has been taken then according to Imam Muhammad hadd will be necessary and according to Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Abu Yusuf he will be reprimanded severely, but the hadd will not be imposed.

Tazir (reprimand) is such a punishment that holds no specific amount and it is for the Judge to decide.

Bear in mind that according to some scholars, in certain cases, tazir could prove to be more severe than the hadd itself e.g. When the person persistently commits the crime.


Drugs are Haraam. It is necessary to abstain from them. They ruin people’s lives physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. If anyone is involved with drugs they should stop immediately and seek help.

May Allah help and protect us all. Ameen.

i hope this answers your question.

Página 12 de 17Is marijuana Haram?


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bring back PAGAL LADOOOO

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27-02-08, 08:10 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

lets not get started on the wrongs of the sufis.


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Positivity!!! Originally Posted by Mo_123

in the old days...sufi scholars used to smoke weed

avatar from deviant art

bring back PAGAL LADOOOO

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27-02-08, 08:23 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

This isn't complete ignorance. What your doctor friend says is irrelevant - there are countless peer-reviewed scientific papers detailing studies that show a link between cannabis use and

psychosisschizophreniaProblems with memory and learningLoss of co-ordinationImpairment of the immune systemDepressionPersonality changesreproductive disabilities

So I suggest you look up those papers for the evidence you need, unless your doctor can come with evidence or research disproving all those papers, there's no point listening to him.

Most of the evidence the legalisation lobby use is based on flawed science.


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a-drift.. Originally Posted by ammarhaq

of course thats true, this should be proof enough. the prophet, to my knowledge, ever smoked weed. but at the same time why woudl he when he has a huge frikin mission to undertake. he had to save the world!!

" smoke weed? weed is something that makes you outta of your mind. "

this is the kind of ignorance i am always confronted with when i ask someone this question. u have no proof that it makes u out of ur mind becuase i have the proof that it does not. im not talking about websites, my friend is a doctor and i asked him to give me medical reports on marijuana. nothing bad is said about it, - except asthma related issues.

what r u wathcing reefer madness??

...sermons from this minbar come with tongue planted quite firmly in cheek.

"Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need -

a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends,

worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you,

a cat, a dog, and a pipe or two, enough to eat and enough to wear,

and a little more than enough to drink; for thirst is a dangerous thing."

-- Jerome K. Jerome

(Three Men in a Boat)

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27-02-08, 08:42 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

The idea that anyone would try to ut forward the idea that 'hash' is ok and not haraam is amazing - absolutely amazing subhanullah, the audacity to suggest that "Muhammed SAW didnt do so because he had a frikin mission he had to



What's an odan?

Página 13 de 17Is marijuana Haram?


save the world!" in a hope that somehow it implies "he would if he could" (Naudhibillah) is unbelievable and you should make serious tawbah for your comments.

Regardless of thinking of it as a drug, and regardles sof trying to defend cigarettes or cigars - one has to think of what these things do not only to health and mind - but the social effects of it as well.

Drugs themselves are one of the biggest contributions to the breakdown of someone's life - the addiction one builds up to consume such things gets bigger and bigger - and whats even worse is that they'll fool themselves into thinking they'll eventually stop, and subhanullah they (almost) never do, in fact they do even more and open that gateway to thinking it may be ok to do other such haraam things.

Medical studies (which I will eventually find Insha'allah and post) have proven that marijuana, or 'hash' or 'weed' or cannabis or whatever drug that is green and is smoked with a rizla and stinks unbelievable - will result in mental illness by the time that person reaches his or her late 30s.

Nevertheless, ask yourself, where on earth would you have to be and who would you have to hang out with to be inflicted with such an influence to consume such filth? Rappers talk about this stuff as if its their medicine and they cant do without it. Drugdealers make thousands from the stuff for selling it to the loser who needs to get his or her kick after a hard day of work or to teenagers that think it will help them in their philosophy exams.

Subhanullah - this causes change in the mind, just like alcohol does by making someone drunk and fueling emotions, so does this - don't defend it by saying "yeh but i can stil walk fine, i can still drive fine, i can still read fine" when I'm high, because that is absolutely irrelevant - the fact of the matter is is that it causes a dramatic change in one's feelings towards their surroundings, whether it relaxes them a lot or makes them extremely paranoid, both fall under the same defintion of involuntary mind change.

Heed this warning whoever you are, and make serious tawbah - do not ever continue your days consuming such filth, unless you feel you have the power as the pathetic human being you are to outsmart or argue against The Almighty, The Wahaab, The Rahman Au Raheem, Allah SWT. Close your ears from the Shaytaan who is taking you for a fool like he always does with every other sinner.

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Last edited by muhammed_1428; 27-02-08 at 08:44 PM.

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27-02-08, 11:33 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

I never said that I agreed with them. I was only stating the facts. I don't think anyone should be smoking marijuana or using any drugs.



Guests Originally Posted by extempers

The deviant sufis also danced around circles and called it worship, so let's be real.

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03-07-08, 12:20 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

I have a question for everyone here and everyone who did it, know yourself:

1) The word used in Islam is Khamr. Khamr is not "intoxicant". Khamr means wine/alcohol. The word "intoxicant" is a poor and misleading translation. I am not saying this makes Cannabis ok, but just that the translation is poor and that there is NO Qura'anic reference to Cannabis directly.

2) You say it is a waste of money/time, but this is the equivalent of playing playstation. I wouldn't call it 7araam. Taking an excessively long shower is a waste of time and water. I wouldn't call it 7araam because sometimes you need to release tension in this way. Yes, there are other ways and better ways. But if you have done your duties and you have time, then whatever you do is a waste. Even oversleeping. Whoever has done even one of these things has wasted time.

3) You say that there are medical conditions, but this is from abuse of cannabis. An occasional smoker will not have ANY medical condition from it EVER. If a lot of it is 7araam, then a little of it is 7araam. If that is the case, what about water? Should I show you how drinking too much water kills? Therefore it is 7araam to drink too much water, so shoujld drinking a little water be 7araam? You must exercise this brain that Allah provided you with.

4) You say it intoxicates the mind, but this is an uneducated view. If it intoxicates the mind then tell me when was the last time that someone resorted to violence due to the effects of marijuana or hashish? The only violence that comes from it is from the poor and uneducated people who are led to sell drugs by force and end up getting killed. It is without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that marijuana is not more 7araam than cigarettes but Alcohol is WAY more 7araam than marijuana.

Have you ever wondered why so many countries have legalized alcohol but criminalized marijuana? Although alcohol is addictive and causes death and violence, but marijuana does no such thing?

I am not stating here that marijuana is perfectly fine, but please don't be blinded by the Western society that has blinded us to think that marijuana is a drug, while alcohol is less of an intoxicant. I tell you right now the reason why marijuana is the viewed the way it is viewed is because the lobbyists in the United States are invested in major alcohol companies, while if marijuana became popular, alcohol sales would suffer and their profit would go down. Through this influence they have changed the world's views and the perception about marijuana.

Have you never wondered why all drugs are chemical in nature but marijuana is a plant? Yet we call them all drugs? That God created cannabis from the soil of this earth but a scientist created crystal meth and panadol in his laboratory? Have you ever heard of someone dying from marijuana? the answer is NEVER a direct relation. But there are so many people who die from panadol and sleeping pills all the time - drugs that can be purchased from the pharmacy.

Marijuana is 7araam. However, it is NOT a drug. It does NOT create violence or death. It does NOT create addiction. More importantly, it is NOT filled with chemicals and such.

The only problem of Marijuana is that when abused, it makes you lazy. Same as drinking too much water. Same as eating too much food. You should know how to control it.


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Página 14 de 17Is marijuana Haram?


The other problem is that it is illegal. If it is legal and sold to adults who are LICENSED and the market is regulated strictly by the government and it is confined OUTSIDE family areas... It can be much better quality (no medical concerns) and the people who regulate it can EDUCATE people about it and the profit from marijuana will not be in the hands of criminals, it can go to more useful places. Right now, criminals are making something like 100-200% profit on drugs. In a regulated market, that profit can be taken out of the hands of criminals and they will be gone.

But till this day, people prefer that alcohol is legal and 7araam, but marijuana is soooo illegal and soooo 7araam. We have been blinded by those people who are interested in the profit of alcohol. Now we are suffering from the problems of alcohol. Night clubs. Indecent and loose women. Traffic accidents, violence, black money.

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03-07-08, 12:39 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?



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Member Originally Posted by muhammed_1428

The idea that anyone would try to ut forward the idea that 'hash' is ok and not haraam is amazing - absolutely amazing subhanullah, the audacity to suggest that "Muhammed SAW didnt do so because he had a frikin mission he had to save the world!" in a hope that somehow it implies "he would if he could" (Naudhibillah) is unbelievable and you should make serious tawbah for your comments.

Regardless of thinking of it as a drug, and regardles sof trying to defend cigarettes or cigars - one has to think of what these things do not only to health and mind - but the social effects of it as well.

Drugs themselves are one of the biggest contributions to the breakdown of someone's life - the addiction one builds up to consume such things gets bigger and bigger - and whats even worse is that they'll fool themselves into thinking they'll eventually stop, and subhanullah they (almost) never do, in fact they do even more and open that gateway to thinking it may be ok to do other such haraam things.

It is not a drug and it is PROVEN not to be addictive. You have been led to beleive this by Kuffaar. If you are unable to control yourself then speak of yourself. Don't generalize everyone into your weakness. If it is not a drug and it is not addictive, then stopping it is easy and this has been proven.

Medical studies (which I will eventually find Insha'allah and post) have proven that marijuana, or 'hash' or 'weed' or cannabis or whatever drug that is green and is smoked with a rizla and stinks unbelievable - will result in mental illness by the time that person reaches his or her late 30s.

Please post these because I do not believe that they exist. I do not smoke myself, but I know many people who have been smoking since 15, and few of them keep smoking till they are 30 and those who do are FAR from mentally ill. Please provide some sort of unbiased proof of your claim. I will suggest to you that if out of 100 researches, 1 agrees with you then it is negligible. However, also note that you can't use research where it suits you then say that research is wrong where it doesn't suit you.

Nevertheless, ask yourself, where on earth would you have to be and who would you have to hang out with to be inflicted with such an influence to consume such filth? Rappers talk about this stuff as if its their medicine and they cant do without it. Drugdealers make thousands from the stuff for selling it to the loser who needs to get his or her kick after a hard day of work or to teenagers that think it will help them in their philosophy exams.

You are absolutely wrong here. You must admit that you are far from the truth. For example, you can be in the mountains in Belgium to do this. You can be in a forrest. You can be doing anything. The problem is that, when it is made illegal, you have to buy it from bad sources.

Subhanullah - this causes change in the mind, just like alcohol does by making someone drunk and fueling emotions, so does this - don't defend it by saying "yeh but i can stil walk fine, i can still drive fine, i can still read fine" when I'm high, because that is absolutely irrelevant - the fact of the matter is is that it causes a dramatic change in one's feelings towards their surroundings, whether it relaxes them a lot or makes them extremely paranoid, both fall under the same defintion of involuntary mind change.

Do not generalize. In itself, high people can drive but drunk people can't. There is a clear difference here. You can not deny the implications of this fact. The smell of a rose intoxicates a female and relaxes her mind. Is it the same? You must establish some degree of difference.

Heed this warning whoever you are, and make serious tawbah - do not ever continue your days consuming such filth, unless you feel you have the power as the pathetic human being you are to outsmart or argue against The Almighty, The Wahaab, The Rahman Au Raheem, Allah SWT. Close your ears from the Shaytaan who is taking you for a fool like he always does with every other sinner.

I ask that you come down from your high throne. If you are offering advice, then dress it as advice. If you are showing disgust then state your purpose. Your tone is superior in nature and you are not someone to make these judgements. The problem is that you see yourself as the decider of who is arguing for and who is arguing against Allah. Make tawbah on your judgemental ways and if you seek to provide your opinion/advice, then do so in a way so that the younger members of the board are open to accepting it. They will not accept your advice if you are speaking down to them - or have you forgotten that they are brothers and sisters side by side with you?

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03-07-08, 01:03 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Anecdotal evidence, and my anecdotal evidence is the opposite.The effects vary user to user.Sure, I know a bunch of stoners who are fine (some of them 40+, and smoking every day since they were teenagers).I also know several people who have experienced mental illness from smoking marijuana. With all of them it started off as a social phobia and mild paranoia and deteriorated from there (with the ones that continued smoking).

How is it not a drug? It's clearly an intoxicant. If you are heavily stoned you just can't perform the same complex tasks and the effects on memory and learning are obvious. Why do you smoke it, if not for the effect? for being a plant, so is opium, peyote, datura, ahayuasca, hawaian baby wood rose, jimson weed, mushrooms (psilocybin, mescaline) etc


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Yeah Nah Please post these because I do not believe that they exist. I do not smoke myself, but I know many people who have been smoking since 15, and few of them keep smoking till they are 30 and those who do are FAR from mentally ill. Please provide some sort of unbiased proof of your claim. I will suggest to you that if out of 100 researches, 1 agrees with you then it is negligible. However, also note that you can't use research where it suits you then say that research is wrong where it doesn't suit you.

It is not a drug...

"I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference." ~ Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

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03-07-08, 01:42 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?


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Account Disabled, mm'kay? Originally Posted by Al-Nasser u smoke hash?If u feel hash is fine would u feel ok about praying while stoned?

I am Bangladeshi and I recognize Palestine as the #194 country

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03-07-08, 01:44 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Nice boys shouldn't smoke either.

I used to be a chain smoker. Now I'm a non-smoker, therefore I'm far nice!


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Account Disabled, mm'kay? Originally Posted by GuCcI

nice girls dont smoke

I am Bangladeshi and I recognize Palestine as the #194 country

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03-07-08, 01:50 PM

Re: Is marijuana Haram?

Of course it is. A substance that changes the away your body works is a drug.


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Account DisabledHowever, it is NOT a drug.

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