is 9001 annex sl-company+epc-contractingfacilities+buildingsconstruction

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Annex SL ISO 9001-2015 QMS Company+EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction IntPE(India) Suraj Singh

IS 9001-2015Annex SL (Company + EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction Template)

Quality System (Company + EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction)

1 An organisation adopts a management system to take care of comfortably achieving its set objectives, which being in this case winning from certain plant promoting Company an EPC Contracting for Facilities + related Buildings Construction

2 Management system comprises various sets of procedures for charting out & implementing various operations or activities, so as to successfully reach its intended objectives, which lead to enhanced use of resources, improvement on risk management & increased customer / company satisfaction by meeting product or services expectations.

3 In this case, product is EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction for certain plant facility, which facility being promoted for implementing patented technology through defined chemical process on plants producing required products

4 Organizations do work on various management systems, Say Quality Management, Environment Management, Safety Management, Security Management etc. All such systems apply in this case directly as well as indirectly.

5 These various systems in line to ISO 9001-2008 used to work on varying management structures, causing inconvenience to interface with each other, but now all these issues shall be dealt with, as framed in a common template

6 Annex SL being a high level Management System structure has produced a common platform, so as all systems that organization adopts can be drawn, based on Annex SL designs or format.

7 EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction can be easily defined within Annex SL format

8 In this case, intentionally, both Promoting Company & EPC Contractor managements have been tried to be included on one Annex SL format only for purpose of clarity to understand real working on such projects, though practically, both Promoting Company & EPC Contractor adopt their respective system separately

9 Such arrangement provides many commonalities in designing system, implementation, monitoring, evaluation & improvement, by trying to eliminate conflicts that existed within ISO 9001-2008 system.

10 Various stages related EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction can be covered within this Annex SL Template successfully

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11 All management systems shall have single high level identical core text, with common terms & definitions, which can be defined within Annex SL.

12 High level structure cannot be changed, but discipline specific sub clauses can be both added or changed, as such additions may be made where required, related to EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings Construction

13 Annex SL applies to all Management System standards, publically available specifications & technical specifications as well as, customised requirements.

14 Revised ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001 etc. shall all be based on Annex SL high level structure, where related to in this case, though not included herein

15 This Annex SL template shown below is only for indicative guidance to apprise an engineer, how new system adopted by ISO effective September 2015, work to produce organizational prime Quality document, which shall govern whole organization quality process, required by business adding accountability sharable by business & technocrats leaders

16 Wherever & Whatever requirements demand, items can be added as sub clauses, but no deletions can be made

17 Purpose of this template is just to project quality track demanded by ISO 9001-2015 system, which is a mandate published by ISO & without which applications, all existing ISO 9001-2008 registered certifications shall stand invalid after 3 years of September 2015

18 Therefore, this Annex SL adoption is a must for new quality system operating globally

Annex SL Company + EPC Contracting Facilities + Buildings ConstructionClause Format title Description & intended actions, related to PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) followed by

description of scope

Clause 1 Scope IncludesIntended outcome of management system, which are industry specific & should be aligned with Clause 4 Context of Organisation

To be included in Annex SL template

Scope related Introduction 1 Fortunately, I had an opportunity to work for

many years on some petroleum related projects, during my job career in GCC countries, which attained experiences, supported me to contemplate few points, drawn from such projects.

2 Prior to including Scope content, it is preferred to reflect certain basic description about industrial Green projects, so that it may be supportive to understand for those readers, who

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are not conversant with plant facilities projects components & requirements.

3 But, these descriptions have been drawn from those projects, whihc do not have any relation to other projects.

4 Therefore, while dealing with writing context of specific projects, only involved processing trains, related to plant facilities engineering technologies should be included, based on Company design right / product patent.

5 Such Quality objective / scope is required to be written by Company only.

6 Company herein means an organization, which is responsible for this patent product entirely, in all respects, produce FEED, designs, detailing, execute, supervise, approve works & finally commission plant based on performance results.

7 On such major project, Company is designated as a prime representative of state or generally, such organizations are state owned or could be in status of PPP, but rarely PPP

8 Company awards design & execution works to certain prime contracting organization on scope status EPC

9 Prime contractor further sublets civil works, electromechanical, security, CCTV, SCADA & various other disciplines to approved subcontractors, who execute respective discipline in conformance to Company & Prime contractor’s requirements.

10 Company head acts as ‘Engineer’ to be contractually responsible in all respects, example for such companies being Qatar Petroleum, Abu Dhabi National Oil Corporation, ARAMCO etc.

Scope BackingAn Industrial development-Processing Facility formation

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1 It is necessary in interest of economical development that an industrial project should be efficiently promoted for Industry being backbone of a nation, which keeps nation moving forward, improving quality of life of its subjects.

2 Sooner is industry created, better would be prospects for economy / nation.

3 Therefore, value engineering should efficiently be applied to products / goods proposed to be facilitated to enable consumer be delivered with / avail most economic & quality products.

4 When we talk of industrial development, we target to achieve potential industries for long term production of intended products that may cost in billions of dollars.

5 Its concept, front end design, design, execution would certainly quantify to considerable quality, cost & time in every respect.

6 All types of major industries require development in line to meet public or economy requirement of nation / of inter nations.

7 What class of industries should be promoted for modernization, depends on various relevant criteria as well as, development value engineering.

8 Oil & Gas, Power, Steel, Aluminum, Water Resources, Nuclear Energy & many other infrastructures, do require promotion, not only for an exclusive sake of commercial business, but also, for sake of social, economical development & sustainability.

9 It has been tried to include various procedures or steps in common that are required to promote onshore downstream petrochemical facilities, which is meant for meeting national & international requirements bye products extracted out of natural products.

10 It should be kept in view that promotion of certain potential industrial unit is a national

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planning job, which must be based on thorough feasibility studies & research / operational research, relevant to long many years consideration.

11 Since, promotion of such development effects to some extent, utilization of natural resources available within earth store that should not be blindly explored, but a balance must be maintained for future generation to come.

12 Therefore, adopted decision must be based on certain criteria that available resources may not be exhausted at fast pace by current generation to affirmatively maintain sustainability.

13 Explorations must not be solely destined to just making money out of natural resources.

Policy decision- Authorization-Technology Promotion

1 Involved Government should promptly workout relevant policy in a positive manner for time is extremely important factor that should be used properly to get optimum use of project, provided adequate funds are available within allocation of budget or institutional financial borrowing should be made.

2 Value engineering should be properly studied by experts to reach a conclusion that proposed product a shall be processed, imparting no adverse

impact to existing environment, b shall be most economical in production cost,c shall be easy to be transported to consumer

market or end user facility, d shall be most beneficial to national society

from every aspect / view of cost & economy uplift as well as,

e shall promote use of green technology & provide benefits to all people located globally in long run.

3 A right & reliable Charter must be constituted

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at very initial stage of conception for a permanent reference, including various information, such as, aim, target, policy, political impacts on area & nation, rehabilitation & other bad effects, requirement of additional infrastructures, generation of employment opportunities in both stages of promotion of project as well as, its operation & maintenance, technology, stakeholders, current value, earned value, long run value, continuous benefits, expected risks of all sorts, whether or not, other alternative products could be promoted to achieve better value engineering.

4 Sustainable development means state of an art technology that has been developed for application on projects, which technology does not go against existing requirements & neither, impacts adversely on availability of natural resources, when future generation may / for sure require all such sources.

5 This means that both, current & future generations should enjoy availability of all natural resources as well as, friendship with green technologies, without compromising with positive effects of nature.

6 Value engineering plays a significant role to many extents, when use of technologies promotions is concerned.

7 There could be options as far as, technologies are concerned, which options based on considerable factors & various aspects would decide, which technological application shall deliver better results on proceeds of product in long term as well as, in short term.

8 Short term facts could be consideration of land cost, design considerations, construction cost, product environment friendly impacts, transportation cost, availability of experts & artisans etc. while, long term considerations would be maintenance cost, life of projects or

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facility, safety risks involved, public risks involved, future availability of alternate easy & economical technologies that be currently under research stage.

Facility requirement 1 Value Engineering based effective application,

Effective Technology, Product End User Requirement / Necessity, Approval & Financing, International competition, Cost effectiveness, Safety Health & Environment Tenability, Sustainability.

2 Should these points be met by proposal, project may be given a ‘go ahead’ subject to meeting other engineering criteria.

3 Once Value Engineering factor has been included into plan consideration with full integrity & incorporation of provisions in line with national & international policy for such evolutionary developments, there remains no meaning to delay projects, but project’s initiation by Charter authorization by respective stakeholders should be done.

4 Finances have to be allocated to statutory requirements to give a ‘go ahead’ to various phases or stages of project development, so that delivery be made in defined time for follow up operations for consumers or end users.

5 Since facilities demand incorporation of inputs from various disciplines, personnel, materials & equipment with licensed technology, every criterion must be kept in consideration for a final start up.

Facility Justification & Feasibility 1 Environmental sustainability - Cost viability in

long term- Nationally beneficial to add to economic growth - Multipurpose approach & Creation of employment, casual as well as, regular.

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2 Export potential of product.3 Processing Technology & availability of raw or

natural resource materials.4 Adequacy of availability of terrain & routes.5 Selection of planning & execution mode. 6 Availability of expertise & experts along with

all other inter related professionals.7 Availability of all human & all other resources,

their original sources, international agreements for bilateral trades with producing nation, finalization of design rights, copyright, process technology license, agreement on various contract forms adoption, agreements on international workforce migration for projects.

8 Public Private Participation or government responsibility or international joint ventures.

9 Availability of relevant trade zones, based on subsidy for industrial promotion in general public interest for long term construction & operations.

10 Certainty of return by reliable proceeds, after a defined set of years or, an assessed duration, after which, investment is made an asset for remaining life of plant facility.

Components Elements of Certain Processing Facility - inclusions in general

1 Availability of natural gas or oil fields, from where, natural resources are being tapped out from offshore locations of various seabed/s founded rigging platforms, allowing risers leading pipes to upstream onshore slug tanks.

2 Availability of all well equipped facilities of shipment, platforms, injections & risers for raw oil delivery from seabed.

3 Availability of land for required downstream processing area onshore with acceptable terrain that may be used for operating complete chemical process engineering applications, used on well designed trains as well as,

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transportation of processed products & bye products to specifically, located outlets, leading to consumers’ locations.

4 Plant / processing scheme & Technology both for green filed & brown field, supported with authorization by legal license, valid for defined period.

5 Liquified Natural Gas LNG tanks made of cryogenic steel, RCC / PSC containments with spillage & other components etc. for storage purpose at considerable minus temperature.

6 Plant processing trains elements, complete with detailed descriptions of heavy & light industrial equipment

7 Utilities areas element for integration with plant equipment.

8 Off sites element for sub assistance to aforesaid.

9 Intake piping system arrangement for circulation & delivery into plant equipment for cooling process or application.

10 Seawater basin for storage of seawater to be used for cooling purpose, during various processes, delivery of cooling water to plant & then, recirculation for further cycle of processes cooling.

11 Piping, pipe supports, pipe sleepers & pipe racks for product transportation & relevant handling operational activities.

12 Service air & Instrument air circulation piping 13 Chlorination plant with complete systems

package for purpose of chlorinating water for supplies to plant use.

14 Storage & Warehousing for physical handlings of subsidiaries

15 Drainage infrastructure from plant to receiving basin & then, to outfall structure through discharge channels, duly provided with metal lugs & channels

16 Ditches completely lined, to convey out to final

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discharge, storm water from various catchments areas of plant.

17 Complete Package drainage system for, oily water, acid water, dusty water, sewage etc. that comprises of hundreds of RCC manholes, many kilometers of pipelines connection, with such manholes & chambers, leading & disposing to sewage treatment plants STPs.

18 Water line for whole site, for various purposes including loss prevention i.e. fire suppression, fire fighting with fresh water as well as, with back up seawater supply from seawater reservoir or elsewhere.

19 Cooling water line provision throughout whole industrial area zone, taking in water from intake at sea, supplying to industries & then, through return headers, discharging to sea directly, after being supplied once as well as, employing cooling water system technology to re-circulate used water, while only, make up water to be supplied.

20 Pipe supports, pipe anchors, general anchors, big anchors / thrust blocks, placed at various defined spacings.

21 Pipes supports to be connected to sleepers & direct supports, using structural steel connections for both, direct clamping as well as, achieving sliding action to make up for expansion, which supports are often, considerably heavy units for considerable size pipe.

22 Electrical heat tracing provision for piping system, carrying minus temperature liquid or gas to keep / maintain pipe on required temperature, so as not allowing freezing of material for example, Sulphur gas can freeze within pipe line.

23 Heat tracing works dedicatedly encompassing pipes, transferring thermal energy to pipe & then to internal available gas at minus

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temperature, so that gas does not freeze in pipe, but keeps on flowing at specified temperature & velocity.

24 Non blast buildings such as Administration as well as, Amenities buildings elements for facilitating operation & maintenance as well as, consumer supply / receipt station that should contain various offices with access control.

25 Electrical main station, substations, switchgears, package substations, pump houses, guard houses, visitor’s areas, ring main units, transformers, heavy duty armoured cables, centralised control to all such supporting, on site or off site buildings for electrical distribution system & security system.

26 Blast building such as Central controlled as well as, Operations building to control whole plants operations from one single location monitoring all engineering disciplines plant surveillance 24 hours 7 days a week.

27 Consumer receipt stations to be used by consumer delivery control located @ gate house.

28 Intake pump houses & other processing Pump houses at various locations, duly integrated for controls all over plant facility.

29 Water retaining structures, such as below ground sumps, receiving basins, drainage channel, out fall discharge to sea.

30 Site security arrangements, fencing, surveillance, by installation of CCTV with state of art technology.

31 Site telecommunications of all sorts for efficient use by operating personal available in all security zones, spread over entire facility.

32 All loss prevention arrangements, including internal & external fire fighting.

33 All arrangements to cater for fire emergency, blast emergency or seismic emergency.

34 Fire tender station is significant to cater for this

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facility.35 Adequacy of plant & non plant area of roads &

paving, maintenance tracks, road crossings, utility crossings, road culverts, pipe culverts, transit manholes, controlled defensive traffic movement & circulation etc.

36 Soil erosion protection for all machines & equipment, so that all these equipment should not get damaged, due to possible negative impact by heavy dust laden storms.

37 Facility bye product plants as extensions & all required elements for that.

38 All related civil engineering disciplinary structures for buildings, sheds, equipment vessels as well as, other processing & non processing equipment.

39 Vessels such as cracking furnace, wash water structures, cracked gas compressor, propane compressor, ethane compressor, boilers, auxiliary boilers, various types of spheres, steel tanks, fuel towers, rotary equipment, reciprocating equipment etc. shall be made part of plant with necessary foundations, for these elements or components to be constructed inline / according to defined requirement.

40 Massive concrete blocks shall be required for many such major foundations to found for heavy vessels.

41 Civil engineering foundations structural requirement shall vary from a simple machine plinth to independent footings, to combined footings, to strip footings, to raft & piles as well as, massive block foundations.

42 Concrete shall generally, be low heat producing cement based manufactured by using micro silica or GGBS ground granulated blast furnace slag, replacement cement up to 70% extent and also, pulverized fly ash PFA cement replacement.

43 Supporting bases of pipe racks may be allowed

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either by steel structure or RCC construction. 44 Foundations of pipe racks shall generally be of

RCC bases / independent footings.45 Overhead crossing shall be required at many

locations for various en route piping to jump over existing plant circulation roads.

46 Such overhead crossings could be constructed using structural steel.

47 Cathodic protection, both critical & non critical requirement for centralised corrosion control of plant reinforcement, from a central control sacrificial anode station shall also, be provided for long term corrosion monitoring & controls respecting reinforcing bars.

48 Earthing provision for all individual structures, equipment as well as, network.

49 Coloured (Green, Red etc.) Covered Cable trenches RCC walled, buried directly to ground or cable ducts shall also, be included in design forming a major part of certain facility.

50 These ducts shall be coordinated to various interface crossing, requiring site resolutions to protect plant supporting services interface clashes.

51 Heavy duty Concrete pavement shall be provided in all plant areas for required purpose of its maintenance respecting machines as well as, movement of heavy vehicles.

52 On other areas, where no pavement is included, stone aggregate shall be spread & compacted to avoid soil adverse impact effect on all vessels or equipment.

53 In addition, all important administration areas shall be allowed an attractive soft & hard landscape architectural provision.

54 Access security arrangement shall also, be made with automatic controls, using card readers or finger prints scanning etc. & installation of CCTV for continuous control & records.

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55 Inclusion of flare towers & radio masts is also, contemplated.

56 Process areas means areas, within which chemical trains work to run defined technology to work over adopted process

57 Non process areas are those, which are outside limits of process areas & support process areas

58 Administration area is that where are accommodated buildings & required facilities to meet plants demands for administrative & maintenance support

59 Administration area may comprise of administration building, amenities building, warehouse, stores, fire station etc.

60 All structures of whatever materials are designated blast resistant buildings, which are located within process areas

61 All structures of whatever materials are designated blast resilient buildings, which are located in 200 m range from process area

62 All other structures of whatever materials are located away from 200 m process area to within 600 m range are designated non blast structures

Components briefLNG tanks

1 These components are meant to store Liquefied Natural Gas Say 80000cum capacity each within Cryogenic steel tank.

2 A RCC with pre-stress arrangement for cables structure of about say 80 m dia. Say 800 mm thick wall as well as, provided with a height of say 50 m was included for LNG spillage prevention.

3 Each tank base was allowed soil improvement below ground by many meters, including many meters depth of granular engineered fill in layers, thickness of fill not exceeding / more than 200 mm each.

4 RCC raft foundation was laid on improved fill

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pre engineered formation, after ensuring achievement of required design safe bearing capacity.

5 Top of tank was covered with a permanent formed Cupola structure, raised to its level by using compressed air pressure lifting.

6 Cryogenic steel was included for construction of LNG tank to maintain about (–) 60 degrees C temperature of condensed gas.

7 Concrete of circular walls was poured using kwickform proprietary custom designed formwork in 5 m lifts each.

8 A cantilever operational platform was constructed on Cupola edge, as protrusion horizontally.

9 An onsite designed plumbing system was erected temporarily for conducting / carrying out concrete curing activity throughout on full height of tank to cover all vertical areas for curing.

10 Each LNG tank was provided with a RCC spillage below ground tank externally.

Compressors foundations1 Compressors are to be installed as a part of

various processing trains for Ethylene production unit.

2 Being heavy reciprocating machines to be installed on massive foundations at elevated levels, tabletops would be constructed resting on massive concrete foundation.

3 Foundation concrete for one Cracking Gas compressor being say 400 cum about say 25m long, say 12 m wide as well as, say2 m deep well designed machine foundation for a reciprocating vibratory equipment.

4 This foundation carries thick columns (thick member means sectional size > 0.8M & Quantity > 8 cum) above to support tabletop.

5 Steel plate built inserted, between equipment &

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epoxy grout. 6 Tabletops are constructed of thick framed slabs

resting on thick columns. 7 Planned arrangements of tabletop slabs are

complicated in all respects, regarding civil as well as, mechanical inserts.

8 Such types of thick & massive elements require special type of cement, probably with high GGBS cement replacement, which could also, be pulverized fly ash or Microsilica or Silica Fumes.

9 Particular arrangements are worked out for curing solutions for such low heat generating cements to effect thermal curing methods utilizing no direct contact with curing water, but thermal curing methods.

10 It should be made clear that foundation block is massive concrete & may not be misunderstood as mass concrete

11 Massive block is higher in status than Thick element

12 Massive block requires special method for pouring concrete as well as, post concrete pour thermal curing, which means that water should not be used in direct contact with concrete, such as flooding, but evaporation volumes released by concrete should not be allowed to leave concrete, but cure concrete by use of thermal energy

13 Pouring of such massive block should be conducted by steps formation, during pouring operation, without formation of cold joint

14 Not allowing evaporation & using this evaporation do curing is named thermal method

Cracking gas furnaces1 This meant for purpose of cracking gas

received from refinery as bye product for transmission to compressors for production of ethane as well as, propane.

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2 These are tall heavy structures, vertically oriented in group of vessels & founded on a common base.

Other structures 1 Included wash water structures, auxiliary

boilers, within processing trains. 2 Also, included various vessels, such as spheres

to contain gases as well as, tanks for storage3 Foundations for tanks are generally constructed

of RCC ring beams. 4 Other structures are generally, provided with

independent footings / stripped using grade beams.

Seawater basin (for cooling water storage & circulation)

1 A RCC open reservoir meant to continuously collect water from sea through say 2 # 84” pipes, store in this reservoir, supply to plant various trains requirement & after cooling installed system, used water to be disposed off from various industrial locations to this receiving basin & then, further to outfall chamber, should this water may not be reused for process unit system cooling.

2 It is a huge voluminous open structure constructed of RCC base slabs, provided various contraction & construction joints, during its executive on site construction, peripheral retaining walls up to 12 m high, not more than 9 m length of panels, as well as, covered pump house unit area & baffles.

3 Such structures must be water tight effectively from all locations of water storage portions, duly tested for water tightness conforming to BS 8007 criteria or applicable EURO Code (ensure euro code water retaining structures reference since, BS structure related codes have been stopped, being referred to since year

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2010). 4 Concrete protection is applied for both below

ground as well as, above ground RCC surfaces. 5 Testing would be little cumbersome for many

days & factor to be used for computing evaporations losses was complicated since, no pertinent standard data being available.

6 A parallel arrangement as a device has to be arranged to observe real evaporation loss model, result of which could be applied to reservoir evaporation observations.

7 Many days are involved from start of water filling, autonomous healing of surfaces & then, performing stage wise applicable water tightness testing.

8 It could amount to 2 to 3 weeks for testing performance & if, results being satisfactory, removal of water from reservoir or otherwise, after removal of water, making repairs of water leakage as recorded, by an application of resin injections to epoxy repairs, followed by another water tightness testing for final observation of leakage or formal verification of produced watertight concrete.

Many other stationary as well as vibratory equipments are included for processing plants for which foundations would be constructed accordingly, either as footings bases or combined footings.

1 These horizontal or vertical vessels are erected on these bases, connected using anchor bolts & grouting done, between sitting steel plate & top of concrete.

2 For vibratory equipment, epoxy grouting is applied, while, for stationary equipment, cement based grout is suitable.

Sump chambers 1 These covered chambers are used for collection

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of water from various catchment areas & constructed of RCC underground structures duly tested for water tightness using BS 8007 criteria (refer to note as given earlier for seawater basin for purpose of its water tightness testing).

2 Concrete protection is applied for both below ground as well as, above ground surfaces.

3 Manholes, catch basins, rainwater ditches, etc. are constructed using RCC material.

4 Manholes are meant for sewerage line, oily manholes for oily discharge, catch basins for rainwater.

5 Generally, these units would be provided in large numbers for certain plant area, making it preferable to produce by pre casting on site, for which, all working details for proposed yard are required to be issued to site.

6 Working details for each manhole to be precast is coordinated & sketches prepared showing plan, all internal side elevations, locations of cut outs for incoming & outgoing pipes, & shown real dimensions, with details, related to its cover & cover framing along with location of embedded steps in wall, if so required, depending on internal depth of manhole

Open ditches are constructed for discharge of storm water.

1 These ditches can also, be used for purpose to give way to fire water disposal, during whatever fire break out on installation.

2 Ditches may also, be used for demanded purpose of intended water line maintenance discharge received from some single loop.

3 At commencement, ditch section is considered shallow, but as it reaches moving, within various catchment areas, ditch section is gradually & considerably, deepened like / resembling a big city drain.

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Piping 1 Carbon steel or Ductile iron or Fiber reinforced

plastics family GRP, ERP, GRE etc. are included, depending on requirement & structural adequacy to sustain various imposable stresses.

2 Stress analysis is carried out for various loops, giving location of various supports as well as, anchoring requirement.

3 Various types of supports are designed for varying diameter of pipes for on ground or underground or aboveground use.

FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) Pipes1 RTRP stands for ‘reinforced thermosetting

resin pipe’, a composite material consisting of a thermosetting polymer, a type of Polyster reinforced with glass or other fibers that provide strength & stiffness to a composite material.

2 Different types of resins used for manufacturing GRP, GRV & GRE pipes are ‘Isophthalic resin’, ‘Vinylester resin’ & ‘Epoxy resin’ respectively, that are selected according to required properties, such as chemical resistance, temperature resistance & other mechanical properties.

3 Resins provide thermal & chemical properties, such as glass transition temperature, resistance to heat, chemical resistance etc. required for finished product.

4 Properties of GRP pipes can be varied by changing ratio of raw materials as well as, winding angle.

5 These pipes consist of three layers adherent to each having different characteristics in relation to functional requirement.

Particular information Layers for reference only

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1 Inner Liner-Veil (Glass), Resin: CSM (Glass), Resin

2 Structural wall-Roving (Glass), Resin 3 External liner-Veil (Glass), Resin

Composition1 Inner Liner-Veil (Glass), Resin: CSM (Glass),

Resina Inner Liner layer is chemical resistant, due to

remaining in direct contact with fluid & therefore, responsible to resist chemical corrosion as well as, permeability.

b Internal surface is particularly, smooth to reduce fluid head losses & also, opposes growth of minerals & algae.

c This Liner has two monolithic sub layers. d Inner one in contact with fluid is reinforced

with glass veil with resin content 90 % while, outer one reinforced with CSM glass with resin content 70 % by weight.

e Standard liner thickness is about 0.5 to 1.5 mm.

1 Structural wall a Roving (Glass), Resinb Glass Reinforced layers guarantee mechanical

resistance of whole pipe against stresses, due to internal & external pressure, external loads as well as, thermal loads.

c For GRP / GRV pipes, this layer is obtained by applying on previous, partly cured inner liner continuous roving of glass, wetted with resin under controlled tension.

d For GRE pipes, structural wall is wound directly on a wet liner.

e This layer can contain aggregates like silica sand, if allowed by specifications, while thickness depends on design conditions.

1 External liner- Veil (Glass), Resina Topcoat or external liner is an outer layer of

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pipe consisting of pure resin. b UV protectors may be added if so required, to

protect pipe from effects of solar exposure. c In case of meeting severe exposure condition

such as aggressive soils or very corrosive environment, this external liner can be reinforced with a surfing veil or added with filters or pigments.

d Fiberglass composites consist of glass fiber reinforcements, thermosetting resins & additives, designed & processed to meet specific functional performance criteria.

General1 Amount, type & orientation of glass fibers in

pipe provide mechanical strength. 2 C Glass, E glass & ECR / Advantex glass, are

used commonly, depending on pipe application. 3 Various forms of glass reinforcements are

named as surface veil, chopped strand mat (CSM), chopped roving, filament roving & woven roving (WR).

4 Raw materials like catalyst, accelerators, inhibitors, aggregates & pigments are used together with resin & glass reinforcements to achieve desired properties of fiber glass product.

5 Catalyst is an organic compound, which when added to resin in presence of an accelerator, determines polymerization reaction at ambient temperature.

6 Accelerator is a chemical compound used together with a catalyst to shorten polymerization time.

7 Inhibitor is added to resin to reduce reactivity at ambient temperature.

8 There are two manufacturing processes one being Dual helical filament winding process & another being Continuous winding process (Drostholm)

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Pipe racks 1 Are used for required purpose of running

piping from one point to other over ground levels.

2 These are generally constructed of steel structures, founding on RCC footings, but RCC frames structures are also, used or included.

3 Several km of pipes are run over these racks supported & anchored to rack structures.

4 These are fully accessible structures for maintenance purpose.

5 Open steel or plastic flooring is provided on decking.

Heat tracing1 Is applied on piping carrying minus degree gas

in liquid state, which may freeze during its flow & block flow within pipes, for protection of which, heat is continuously, maintained on piping to keep borne / carried gas in condensed form.

2 Various loops are provided on piping routes for various purposes.

Pipe supports / sleepers1 Are used for purpose of carrying pipes at near

ground levels. 2 These are RCC units located at defined spacing. 3 For direct support of pipes, steel structural

supports are employed, remaining either connected or touching pipe by shoes over lengths at various spacing, meant for purpose of sliding also.

4 For deciding locations of such supports & their anchorages, stress analysis is conducted, which dictates required design spacing, dimensions & pipe structural base design.

5 For a pipe of dia. not more than 4 m, not more than 12 m spacing is generally adopted.

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6 For other smaller dia. pipes, spacing depends on standard length of pipes.

7 Pipes that need sliding movement at joints are provided with such a base that allows movement of pipe in direction of its run.

8 For that purpose, PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluro Ethylene) bearings, fixed on steel plates, duly designed to withstand imposed forces, are provided.

9 Below pipe support shoe steel portion, a stainless steel plate is provided, so that this plate slides over PTFE pads.

Pipe supporting sleepers1 Anchor sleepers, big sleepers, thrust blocks

etc. are employed at various points / locations, depending on stress analysis requirement on en route pipeline.

2 These are thick & voluminous structures, requiring thousand cum RCC for an individual sleeper, connecting a group of pipes.

3 On pipe loops, various kinds of stresses from all directions are imposed upon during operations or flows, which are resisted by these sleepers.

4 At change in directions of pipe routes as well as, at T locations etc. big sleepers or thrust blocks are provided to resist resultant forces.

5 These sleepers are constructed as RCC massive blocks.

Access platforms1 Access platforms are constructed to access to

an area above pipe level for maintenance purpose.

2 EOT cranes are installed for such maintenance as well as, lifting & placing pipes & other operating items in shops.

3 These also, meet crossing over pipes requirements.

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4 Proper ladders, handrails & open floorings are provided for safe access.

RCC box culverts1 Are included for various crossing pipes below

roads (road crossing). 2 Pipes culverts are also, included wherever

required. 3 For accommodation of spillage tanks,

embankment is constructed around to hold / contain oil during spillage.

4 Pipes are connected to culvert’s base slab, using steel connecting arrangements.

5 Enough space is allowed for maintenance purpose for free movement as well as, for circulation.

Receiving basin1 Is meant for collection of used water from

processing units for intended purpose to further discharge into provided outfall at sea.

2 This basin is also, given a considerable structure size for collecting water from various returning piping headers discharge, letting it accumulate & then dispose into outfall channel for further permanent discharge into sea.

3 Various types of steel stop logs are installed to control flow according to provided capacity of channel & receiving basin keeping abreast also, relevant maintenance function of provided piping.

4 Structure consists of RCC retaining walls in flow direction & RCC base slab.

Flare towers 1 Are required to establish a system to be

disposed safely into environment, released gases that cannot be used any further, keeping in view that composition effect of such disposable gas, does not deteriorate existing

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environment. 2 Height of such towers is kept considerable, so

that gases are burnt away into environment safely.

3 Proper arrangements are designed for founding as well as, checking stability of such tall structure.

Pump houses 1 Are installed as large size & highly elevated

steel buildings, housing a train of various pumps, electrical equipment, chlorination plant, rotary drums, intake equipment etc.

2 Piping is routed on ground, vertically as well as, horizontally on various types of supports having complex design.

3 Various types of structural steel access platforms are built for operational & maintenance purpose.

4 Water is pumped into supply manifolds located just outside, where chlorination is applied & pipes are run to main route on ground up to various industrial users.

5 Hundreds of thousand cum RCC structures are built for supporting bases as well as, for anchoring arrangements, depending on pipe route, dictating supporting requirements

General components for other facilities1 ‘Train’ indicates separate process trains. 2 ‘String’ indicates parallel process lineups of

equipment within a train 3 ‘Common’ to be used for equipment that

does not exclusively belong to one train, but serves total complex.

4 Process / Unit: Slug Catcher

1 Slug Catcher-2 Condensate Stabilisation (Column)-3 Flash Gas Compression-

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4 Acid Gas Removal-5 Dehydration, Mercaptan and- 6 Mercury Removal Unit (Operating+

Regeneration) Sulphur Recovery Unit

1 Sulphur Recovery Unit; 2 Sulphur Degassing- 3 Claus Offgas Treating-4 OffGas Thermal Oxidation-5 NGL Extraction and Fractionation (Overall)-

Refrigeration Unit-LPG and Ethane Treating Unit (LETU)-Field Condensate Treating-

6 Plant Condensate Treating- 7 LIN & LOX Storage & Vapourisation-8 Air Separation Units (ASU’s)-9 SGP Reactors-Syngas Treatment-10 Steam Methane Reformer SMR Unit-11 One SMR plus one Pre-reformer 1x 50% One

SMR plus one Pre-reformer Hydrogen Manufacturing

1 Hydrogen Manufacturing-2 One High Temperature Shift (HTS) and PSA

unit with compression 1 x 50% One High Temperature Shift (HTS) and PSA unit with compression-

3 Heavy Paraffin Synthesis-4 Water Distillation Unit-5 Catalyst Activation and Regeneration- 6 Light Ends Stripper-7 Light Detergent Feedstock

Heavy Paraffin Conversion 1 Heavy Paraffin Conversion-Synthetic Crude

Distiller-High Vacuum Unit Catalytic Dewaxing

1 Catalytic Dewaxing-2 Base Oils Re-Distillation

Reliability and availability, 1 Particularly, system uptime, are key project


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2 A ‘systems effectiveness model’ shall be developed for complex, comprising base case configuration of offshore facilities and GTL (Gas to liquid) plant configuration FEED for project units, so that required overall system effectiveness of 335 stream days, per annum is reached in a cost effective manner.

3 Offshore development concept is based on direct transportation of produced fluids and gas from wells on platforms to shore, without any offshore process or treatment.

4 From each platform, shall be multiphase carbon steel trunk line to common slug catcher.

5 Chemical injection and regular pigging shall be applied for corrosion as well as, hydrate formation inhibition to provided carbon steel lines.

6 Produced fluids are received into slug catcher in upstream onshore facilities.

7 Onshore upstream-comprises Slug Catcher- Condensate Stabilisation-Acid Gas Removal- Sulphur Recovery (Claus Unit) and Storage- SRU Offgas Treating or SCOT Unit- Dehydration and Mercaptan Removal-NGL Extraction and Fractionation-Final treating for finished NGL products: LPG and Ethane Treating Unit-Field and Plant Condensate Treating

8 On Onshore Upstream facilities, Condensate and water / kinetic hydrate inhibitor (KHI) & corrosion inhibitor ex slug catcher are separated.

9 Water is sent to a dedicated effluent treatment, which caters for KHI and possible saline components.

10 Condensate is stabilised and treated (for sulphur removal / conversion) for export sales.

11 Wet feed gas ex slug catcher is routed to gas treatment followed by NGL extraction and fraction.

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12 Gas treating facilities remove sulphur components, water, CO2 and mercury from feed gas.

13 Treating of ethane (ethane recovery and treating facilities shall be installed later) and LPG products to further remove residual traces of sulphur, water and CO2.

14 Sulphur components, so removed shall be converted to elemental sulphur for export as liquid sulphur.

Onshore downstream: Synthesis Onshore downstream synthesis comprises

1 Gasification Process-Air Separation Units- Heavy Paraffin Synthesis-Catalyst Activation & Regeneration-Water Distillation-Steam Methane Reformer-Hydrogen Manufacturing- ASU’s main purpose shall be to produce oxygen for use in SGP as well as, also, produce HP Nitrogen for CAR unit, LP Nitrogen and compressed air for use as site utilities.

2 In SGP, Syngas shall be produced from natural gas (NG) and oxygen by partial oxidation.

3 SGP produces majority of Syngas for subsequent conversion to a synthetic heavy paraffin stream in HPS.

4 SGP Syngas requires treatment to remove soot and undesirable byproducts.

5 In SMR, hydrogen rich Syngas shall be produced from NG and steam by a catalytic reforming process.

6 SMR Syngas has a higher H2 content than SGP Syngas and is used to supplement Syngas feed going to second stage of HPS reactors.

7 Reaction in HPS follows Fischer-Tropsch chemistry and produces significant quantities of process water as a byproduct.

8 WDU shall be used to strip hydrocarbons from process water, which be subsequently, sent to effluent treatment plant for recovery.

9 CAR Unit shall be used to regenerate HPS

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reactor catalyst. 10 HMU uses a High Temperature Shift (on a part

of SMR Syngas) and a PSA Unit to produce an ultra pure H2 stream mainly for use as a reactant in SMR and Liquids Processing Unit.

Onshore downstream: Liquids processing 1 Onshore downstream liquids processing scope

comprises 2 Light Ends Stripper-Heavy Paraffin Conversion

-Synthetic Crude Distillation & Stabilisation- Light Detergent Feedstock Units

Base Oil Units:1 High Vacuum Unit-Catalytic De-Waxing Unit-

Base Oils Re-distillation Unit 2 LES, LDF, HPC, SCD & Base Oil (HVU,

CDW and RDU) Units shall be also, collectively referred to as Liquids Processing Unit or LPU.

3 In LES Unit water, CO and CO2 to be removed.

4 In LDF Unit, components shall be recovered and after hydrogenation, rundown to storage for sale as a product.

5 Remainder of HPS product shall be routed to HPC, where paraffinic molecules are cracked and isomerised into middle distillate range components, which are subsequently, distilled by SCD into LPG, Naphtha, Kerosene, Gas Oil and an SCD bottom product stream.

6 In “Base Oil” mode of operation, SCD bottom product stream is routed to HVU for further separation into Vacuum Gas Oil, a Waxy Raffinate fraction and a residual fraction, that is recycled to HPC.

7 Waxy Raffinate fraction shall be catalytically isomerised in CDW and then separated into products, according to boiling range and viscosity in RDU.

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8 In “No Base Oil” mode, SCD bottom product stream shall be recycled to extinction back to HPC.

9 For no Base Oil case, throughput of complex is limited by capacity in HPC (one single maximum size reactor per train).

Supporting facilities: Utilities 1 Utility systems comprise-Boiler Feed Water,

Steam & Condensate Systems-Raw, Demineralised, Potable & Service Water Systems-Power Generation and Distribution- Cooling Water Systems: Cooling Water System, Chilled Water and Closed-Cooling Water System-Instrument and Tool Air System -Nitrogen System-Heat Transfer Fluid System- Aqueous Ammonia System

2 Utility systems shall be designed to allow standalone operation of GTL complex.

3 Steam and gas turbines shall be provided for shaft power and generation of electrical power.

4 Steam shall be generated in synthesis section thereby, effectively utilising exothermic heat of process reactions.

5 Auxiliary boilers and gas turbines with Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) shall be included to facilitate black start capability to enhance reliability of steam and power system.

6 Cooling shall be done principally, by air, but cooling water may also, be used where appropriate.

7 Steam is principal heating medium but, fired heaters and a heat transfer fluid system shall be provided for specific applications.

Supporting facilities: 1 Storage & off-sites-Storage and Offsite

Systems comprise Relief & Blow down System, including flares-Drainage, Collection and Primary Treatment-Effluent Water

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Treatment-Sour Water Stripper-Flushing Oil System-Storage and Loading Facilities including onsite product storage-Slops & Intermediate Storage.

2 In general, plant condensate (blended with naphtha) and GTL products shall be stored on site and transported to RLC harbour for shipping.

3 Field condensate shall be stored in an onsite as well as, an offsite shipping tank, prior to export via RLC harbour.

4 LPG shall be transported directly to RLC facilities for refrigeration, storage and export.

5 Liquid sulphur shall be piped to common RLC facilities.

Scope in Feasibility Check, Design & Build / EPC related contracts is always very different for Company

1 On oil projects, promoting Company as defined earlier is involved at top level as owner or promoter

2 Scope of Company related acts are entirely different, since, it takes policy decision on its Charter of Facilities promotion project, immediately after requirements are ensured & funds would be made available, either by government or by other funding institutions or from public equities whatsoever

3 As a promoting Company, it has a top responsibility to manage all sources that would be required, during prior to commencement of project, during currency of designs, during currency of execution & thereafter, during defined or considered period of 30 years design life of plant facilities

4 A 30 years long period is considered adequate for purpose of targeting durable life of plants, keeping in view services rendered by structures, changes in technologies & other

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logistical & strategy factors etc.5 Company Charters facility project considering

all points with brainstorming among all state & non state stakeholders including banks & policy makers

6 Once it is decided that plant project is justified & should be put in working in a defined years period, start up sign is entered on Charter is made defining initial budget & continuous schedule funding flow declared in form of financing methodical charter

7 A project team is constituted by promoting Company to head project from its initiation to its performance, testing & commissioning

8 A Land acquisition team is constituted by head team to conduct land requirement surveys, bathometric surveys to delimit battery & chart out all obstructions, appearing on way within proposed lands

9 This team reports to head committee / team about its progress of surveys & all relevant details, allowing government administration process formal land acquisition & allot to project title ownership

10 Once land is acquired, whole land parcel shall be required to be secured by fencing around, with due legal notifications & sign boards declaring it Plant owned land

11 A survey team for land geography & geotechnical details collection is constituted, who would submit its report to project team, within a couple of either weeks or months, depending on size of land parcel

12 A design team shall be charted out by appointment for its objective to study processing technology & work out pre FEED & FEED details & documents all contents, in line to area geography, climate conditions & habitation around project

13 If habitation within land parcel & around is of

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such a nature that all occupants may be rehabilitated, without causing any obstruction or objections from its residents, there would be imported no serious legal issue, which means process for rehabilitation should start

14 Within a defined limit around facility areas, habitation is not permitted, due to risks related available possible chemical adverse effects on residents’ health, which precaution must be applied & in case, there appears to be some non political or political hindrance, project may be prorogued till obstruction is cleared

15 FEED document shall be submitted to project team & planners for appraisal / approval & after its being authorized, FEED shall be used for purpose of inviting design bids from consultants at national & at international levels, who after having been awarded would work in collaboration with EPC Contractor, as an integrated team

16 FEED should contain all requirements, related to each & every discipline/s, including design & specifications, pertinent all equipments & vessels, whether stationary or vibrating that would be included within each train permanently on conducting chemical process activities

17 On certain items, which may be designated Long lead, could be initially, placed in order by project team, but initial agreement would certainly be ‘novated’ (original contract between Company & vessels manufacturer is transferred in all respects to a non contract third party, which in this case being EPC contractor) to vessels procurements, related contracting party in each & every respect of its design, production & performance

18 Once FEED is approved, design contracts are awarded, designer/s immediately commence/s works on designs & if so required, FEED may

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be modified or further research be carried out to meet FEED requirements

19 Designers are required to work out designs related to respective disciplines & issue drawings with complete schematic details, so that concept about proposed works be known

20 Designs could in many cases be an integral part within EPC contract in absolute terms, in which case, complete plant design is required to be effected by prime EPC contractor, while in all cases, design & execution organizations constitute alliances to carry out respective designs & executions on prime contract/s parts respectively

21 And, for prime contractor accountability & obligations, it gives in prime contractor’s scope complete executive works (design, approvals, prosecution, procurement, installation of vessels & equipment, construction of all buildings & all structures, all external & internal works, all services installations, all internal road network etc. & all other works required to be completed from initiation to performance, testing & commissioning & handover to Company entire scope as delivery

Clause 2 Normative references

IncludesDetails of reference standards or publications, relevant to particular standard

To be included in Annex SL template

1 Disciplines involved may be Civil, RCC structural, Steel structural, PSC, Security system, SCADA, Fire fighting system, Fire suppression system, FM 200 & Inergen gas, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, HVAC, Pumps,

2 All disciplines international / national codes (if applies) with national & international annexes

3 All descriptions, related to international institutions about project engineering

4 All descriptions, related to process technology5 All applicable formulas & technological

specifications in line to process & included

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within FEED6 All process flow diagrams7 Vessels structures, related technologies8 All testing procedures9 All inspection procedures10 All assumptions to be made & degree of

freedom, allowable to design process Clause 3 Terms &

definitionsIncludesDetailed terms & definitions applicable to particular / specific standard in addition to format related terms & conditions

To be included in Annex SL template

Control references1 Authorities / State / Ministry / Plans2 Statutes & laws national & international3 Project description, its leadership & its

management4 Project requirements technical & managerial5 Project capacity in long & sort run in terms of

production & performance6 Project management at different stages from

inception to its operations & maintenance7 Contracts management applicable for designs

& for execution8 Prime contractor & its relation with Company9 Design contractor & its relation with Company

& Prime contractor10 Nominated contractors11 Execution contractors12 Vessels manufacturing vendors13 Site protection & security14 Maintaining site tidiness15 Maintaining site traffic controls16 Maintaining site all other controls17 Contract between Company & Prime contractor

on specifically designed contract conditions 18 Degree of extension of FIDIC Red book or

other books to contracts19 Whether or not, New Engineering Contract

(NEC) as case be or National standard contract applicable

20 Contract documents, related to prime contract 21 Levies of contract liquidated damages, due to

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delayed deliveries or due to defective works & defective performance

22 Levies of penalties, during failure in life cycle of plant’s facility performance, which could lead to shut down of project process partly or fully

23 Legal liabilities, between Company & Prime contractor in case of plant’s fire leading to fatalities & heavy losses

24 International arbitration for disputes resolution for all disputes, raised in short terms as well as, on long term basis

25 Company / Owner’s personnel26 Engineer’s personnel27 Contractor’s personnel (all contracts including

subcontracts)28 Workforce requirements29 Daily progress report or status30 Memos to prime contractor31 Technical clarification32 Engineering clarification33 Contractual clarification34 Subcontractors35 Nominated contractor36 Site Instruction37 Engineer’s Instruction38 Request For Inspection General Items39 Request For Inspection Concrete Pours 40 Non compliance report41 Material approval request42 Drawing approval request43 Subcontractor’s approval request44 Temporary works45 Preparatory works 46 Permanent works47 Construction method statements48 Standard working designs or details49 Quality management statements including

check lists & ITPs50 Safety management documents including safety

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induction, training, upkeep & surveillance51 Fire prevention & suppression52 Administration matters, related to project

camping, where all management staff, working personnel would stay, during project construction lifecycle

Supporting executive references1 Surveys land & bathometric2 Battery limits demarcations3 Excavations all types4 Soil testing / exploration on site all ranges5 Soil improvements, all ranges6 Blinding concrete7 Concrete protection Water proofing below

ground & above ground8 Cast in Situ concrete9 Form work all types10 Reinforcement fabrication11 Reinforcement placement12 Precast/Pre-stressed concrete if included13 Concrete Class14 Reinforcement grade15 Structural steel16 Soil backfill17 Piping all types18 Concrete block walls19 Roofing all involved types20 Plastering / rendering 21 Flooring all types including raised one22 Blast doors23 Doors / windows / ironmongery 24 Kitchens including messes25 Wet areas26 Finishes all types27 Special items depending on requirements28 Performance, Testing & commissioning29 Design Estimated quantities30 Issued for Information drawings / design


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31 Issued for building permit drawings, if relevant (generally on plant’s areas buildings, permit would not be required)

32 Issued for construction drawings33 Revised designs, when equipment is finally

decided, giving complete technical details34 National annexes35 Nationally determined parameters36 Published documents37 And all other necessary definitions

Clause 4 Context of organization

Includes1 Understanding organization & its context2 Understanding needs & expectation of parties3 Determining scope of Management System4 Management System

Points for Considerations1 Why organization is here?2 Identify internal & external issue that impact intended outcome3 Interested parties & their requirements4 Define scope & set boundaries of management system5 Raise employees awareness & involvement

To be included in Annex SL template

Project Charter 1 Scope has already covered major part, which

project Charter would contain2 This Charter is a Leadership & Management

document to decide policy, legislate ways to chart out project execution & delivery to public or state

3 Project head placed in Company management is Engineer for this facility in all contractual respects

4 This project Charter acts as a Master Professional Management document for prosecution & execution of project, during post award & thereafter, since it contains complete details including provided budget for implementation

5 Points raised by each member, during brainstorming session & all other analytical sessions, are duly recorded as minute on Charter for future reference

Organization1 This organization is an existing government or

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state registered grade …. Promoting organization in state or nation of ………………..

2 Or this organization is a statutory constituted body by state or by nation

3 Or This organization is commercially registered under statute & authority of national chamber of commerce or under company’s registration Act

4 We are leading organization in plants & facilities promotions in general & having adequate experience in relevant disciplines, including all allied management services expertise

5 List of our quality oriented & value added delivered projects has been enclosed as annex….. with credentials / capacity

6 We have consistent & competent team of competent professionals from all required engineering disciplines, with a strength … international Professional Engineers, Professional Engineers ….Chartered Engineers, ……..other degrees with a supporting engineering strength…….engineers, providing & supporting dedicated teams for plants & buildings related site works design engineering, engineering designs, surveillance, supervision, execution & prosecution for getting best possible product / works deliveries, related to Plants & buildings & allied structures & infrastructures, including landscape architecture

7 Intend to build nation with our support in our petrochemicals sphere & with our innovations & attained knowhow

Scope considered by Company organisation1 We build from scratch piece of land & deliver

performing plants facilities that add to progress of this nation

2 We also, export our professional potential to

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help our overseas clients avail our expertise3 Our main function is to produce Green Field

projects in petrochemical industries & we support for improvements on Brown field projects

4 Green Field indicates a land, without any existing facility & just a piece of land at on shore line, which we develop & make plant live on it

5 Brown Field means on an existing plant facility, additions or improvements may be added for upgrading production or modifying processing to enhance performance to achieve defined new goals

6 Our priorities are significantly making policy & defining projects, based on newer technologies & then charting out land acquisition for further project activities

7 We chart out budgetary estimates to apprise government or funding institutions, pertinent funds pursuit

8 We chart out FEED & pass it in form of design & build bid documents to short listed leading international bidders of EPC high standings

9 We operate complete bid inviting to bid award procedures entirely on transparent basis

10 No partisan attitude can be given to any party11 Bids are received in defined time & on

appointed day12 Bids are opened on further appointed days13 Bids scrutiny are then conducted thoroughly14 Queries & clarifications are sought from

bidders15 Then negotiations are made & final pricing

effected followed intention to award16 After having entire professional satisfaction

with bid & FEED etc. award could be communicated to approved bid

17 A date is appointed to commence with whole EPC project with designation & Coordinates of

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our designated Contractual Engineer, with whom bidder / now designate contractor would report to for further activities on awarded project

Clause 5 Leadership Includes1 Leadership & commitment2 Policy3 Organisational roles, responsibilities & authorities

Points for Considerations1 Emphasis on leadership, Not just top management, but leadership is responsible &

accountable2 Top management has greater accountability & involvement in organizational

management system3 Integrate requirement of management system into organizations core business

process4 Ensure that management system allocates necessary resources5 Ensure management system achieves business intended outcome6 Top management responsible to communicate importance of management system

& ensure employees awareness & involvement

To be included in Annex SL template

1 Leader means a visionary professional person, who can understand very well, present, immediate & long lead state of affairs & impacts on projects.

2 Leader must know methodology of every activity & if that is missed or delayed about, what adverse results mistake shall bring to project.

3 Leader does not necessarily require running project details, but has to keep surveillance on whole project to know about, how to achieve more & more progress to expedite all operations for reaching all milestones.

4 Leader should arrange all resources to working management, prior to its defined or appointed date on schedule to arrive on site, so that work could be fast tracked.

5 Leader is required to induct enthusiasm into all staff levels & workforce to enable all working on project think that they belong to this project, irrespective of status of their employment with whatever organization

6 Once leader is successful in convincing that project belongs to all & that all should take pride in working on project & use it as a credential on respective career enrichment, all staff & workforce could contribute their best

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efforts to project, which state would benefit all parties involved.

7 Leader belonging to both Company & Prime contractor are required & expected to work very closely, as integrated to project organization, which cooperation would bring project execution & prosecution of all activities in all disciplines to a successful completion or conclusions

8 Leaders must enjoy trust of top management & organization

9 ISO 9001-2015 has extended greater responsibility & accountability to leaders, who have in fact been virtually elevated to share quality system in all respects, since leaders cannot locate themselves to footboard of senior manager only, leaving entire responsibility to quality agent or quality representative of organization

10 In fact quality representative term has been eliminated from purview of quality system ISO 9001-2015

11 Now leaders are virtually designated owners to effectively manage quality system in all organizations, which means that every senior manager or system designated leader has to work in collaboration with all middle & lower management personnel for accountability towards quality system performance

12 This means leaders must apply additional efforts by stretching working hours, if processes are not carried out, during formal / normal working hours

13 Quality divisions are now required for defined purpose, as all other divisions only do & they would carryout respective work allocations in routine briefing / apprising leaders of whatever achievement or work status

14 This means that status & responsibilities described on leaders & quality personnel have

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drastically been altered under ISO 9001-2015 to an extent that leaders cannot escape lead accountability, when some account or noncompliance is reported

15 All divisions’ partners in all organisations involved on project are heads & leaders to their respective sections, such as pre designs, designs, estimation, contracting, planning, purchasing, execution, safety, quality, site controls, engineering, services, contract, valuation & approvals etc.

16 Policy devised by top management & leaders is that design work should be done right first time, every time, keeping in considerations all design & engineering factors in all respects, as directed by FEED, while site work as well should be done right first time every time, avoiding reworks to a maximum extent possible, though it has been experienced that many reworks are carried out on various facilities construction sites, due to various reasons involved.

17 Site Work should be allotted to right competent person only & if right person is not available for certain specific job, either training should be given to personnel involved or work should be outsourced officially in form of subcontract

18 Work should be effected error free or defect free in schedule time, with required degree of competency & acceptable compliance

19 Required Attempt has to be made to do all works error free or defect free to a maximum extent feasible

20 Organization has devised various levels of positions, such as top management, middle level seniors & detailed managing levels

21 Top management contributors are leaders in themselves to direct self & guide all others located on site & off site

22 They require to provide vision to site

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organization23 They require to keep all personnel all times

motivated, so that continuity of personnel & good practice work is maintained on site with smooth motion of operations to achieve all milestones

24 Leaders need ensure that policy of organisation is always effective & consistently, its objectives are achieved in all cases

25 They need not involve directly with details, but involve with by surveillance of all works of execution / prosecution & wherever & whenever, they should extend support to required personnel, as & when lack on promptness / progress is visible

26 They need make sure that human and other resources, required to meet site working operations are available all times, as & when necessary, either directly or through subcontractor, as case may be

27 They need make sure that prime contractor mobilized all resources requirements in line to contact & project schedule

28 They need ensure that all contractor’s personnel at all levels know about respective job description activities, which must be presented / produced in descriptive writing & be updated from time to time, depending on newer projects or due to added responsibilities

29 Leaders have to in all cases, all time ensure that devised management system is well monitored, reviewed, evaluated & necessary improvement is inducted, as & when required

30 They need ensure that all necessary information regarding system management is communicated to all personnel, as & when necessary, such communication making is essential.

31 Leaders need ensure that all clients or respective owners are well aware that

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organization has been complying with newer requirements & duly updated, so that it be easier to participate in newer bids to manage buildings works

32 Construction management requires to conduct schedule audit on contract progress to an extent contractor’s site organization is concerned

33 Construction management ensure that monthly or schedule payment is raised in form of valuation statement by contractor in process, when due & after its evaluation & scrutiny by Engineer, approved payment certificates are received from Company/Owner / Engineer

34 Construction management make sure to submit all reports to its leaders in its corporate or head office, whenever due, so that real achievement & status of contract remains known to them & information circulated to designated key personnel

35 All such significant project status reporting requires to be moved further upwards to all stakeholders included on project charter

36 Leaders has to make sure that safety mock drills are conducted regularly for all personnel working on site & in offices on site, so that during, whatever emergency say fire break out, all occupants would leave their locations at once at buzz of siren & collect at respective head count locations

37 Leader has to make sure that all personnel are imparted safety related training regularly

38 Leader has to make sure that all personnel are imparted with job training about work personnel carry out at some point of time, so that newer technologies are understood for prosecution

39 Leadership has to ensure that welfare of project personnel is being conducted by project administration throughout currency of project execution

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40 Leadership has to ensure that all workers & staff are paid their respective salaries in time when due.

Clause 6 Planning Includes1 Actions to address risks & opportunities2 Management system objectives & planning to achieve these objectives

Points for Considerations1 Being risk based thinking to front2 Ones organization pin points risks & opportunities, it has to work out how to

resolve / address through planning3 What, who, how & when these risks be addressed4 This approach replaces preventive action5 Reduces risk for corrective action later6 Objectives of management system should be measurable, communicated, aligned to

management system policy & updated as & when required

To be included in Annex SL template

1 Planning work in fact starts with, when project Charter is opened for certain bid

2 Much has been stated about Project Charter & Company considerations in scope frame

3 Company / Organisation starts thinking on project requirement, project aspects & all risks involved & all other restraints that may come in way of project from whatever source, due to facts that billions of dollars are spent on whatever plants facilities are designed & erected, which no Company may spend, without a thorough consideration by its think tank

4 Company Organisation has a basic right, whether to go or not to go for certain project, depending in its financial credit limits or budgetary provisions, sanctioned by state or other available current business expenditures, which may not allow additional plant facility business currently for a specific period of few months or years, depending on Company organization funding potential

5 Once Company organization decides on its Charter to go for project, formal planning commences with immediately, with naming Team Head Project Manager or Leader, so that top key lead personnel would share all ins & outs of that project

6 Charter writes all details relevant to project, its funding sources & all stakeholders involved

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7 All risks should have been considered in all respects, prior to agreeing on Charter for doing project, irrespective of whether or not, it is effected

8 What points can be considered risks in Facility Construction facility management? Not Easy to list out in one go.

9 ISO 9001-2015 requires to think in terms of risk management virtually & not just risk prevention

10 Every risk & restraint should be studied in details to sort out relevant adverse imposing factors & to work out to eliminate those factor or to overcome them, prior to risk starts entering into project life & also, such state of risk analysis can lead to get opportunity to expand business

11 Leaders must by virtue of their valuable experience post academic qualification understand, what risk would be encountered on such project & what are possible resolutions to remove these risks, prior to, these position in on project progress

12 Risks can occur on various profiles, which can be forecast, analysed & understood, easily by experienced & pragmatic professionals & once such risks are evaluated, an alternative solution or risk solution based on its elimination can be charted out, so that no obstacle comes on to project progress

13 Business process based risks are considered & resolved by top leaders, while site based risks are dealt with site representatives, depending on each risk item evolving in, during works or prior to works commence with

14 Scheduling-Planners should not without thought back up just chart out schedules, without thoroughly understanding & including all impacts on relative activities bars & allowing adequate time to resolve risks as

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pointed out 15 Schedules should be so clear to be understood

by all relevant professionals, working on project & not just be certain documents exhibiting many colourful schedules, without having any practical meaning, as sometimes it happens that planners just to impress management do so

16 Planners must enter into thorough contemplations & discussions with responsible personnel & leaders who would carry out operations, so that facts & problems are exposed, since planners cannot impose upon work front leads planner’s own imaginations on to practical works, which require team cooperation at all times

17 Examples for certain risks could be as mentioned hereinafter, which project & contracting planners should think in same language, so that these are covered within schedules at all levels

18 Risk be that Plot is not in state of acquisition due to legal obstructions, Site is not clearly located, due to coordinates not explicitly defined, which requires immediate resolution by coordinating with relevant authorities to locate design or plant coordinates

19 Risk be that Site is located but, some issues exist for giving its clearance, so that it may not be taken over by Company successfully, either in part or in full, which require attention by Company team & Engineer to operate relevant law to coordinate with statutory or other bodies for a resolution, in case it relates to those bodies, whereas risk relates to other factors, Engineer & state should work jointly in collaboration, how to come out of risk impact

20 Risk be that Site is running underneath with many live services, which require detailed investigation & later either relocation or

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diversion, which detailed survey must be done either by Company self or by certain competent agency or otherwise, consult situation from record drawings obtaining from statutory bodies, which assistance should be extended by statutory bodies to Engineer & thereafter, application should be made to relevant involved authority to either remove that service if no more required to serve vicinity or to divert that service, depending upon what authority decides, but whatever decision requires to be taken should be taken without any loss of time

21 Risk be that Information required from Company is not available in time, which can contribute waste potential work hours, to avoid which time wastage due to, Contractor should in writing & by conducting meetings in person should obtain required missing information or clarification

22 Risk be that Site surveys are not conducted in time, due to non availability of site exploration agency / vendor, which must be conducted by appointing surveying agency duly approved by Company Engineer so that a professional reporting, related to geographical & geotechnical be made for review & approval by Company Engineer

23 Risk be that Site soil exploration is not carried out in time per schedule, due to non availability of site exploration agent / vendor, which should be expedited if prime contract constitutes this requirement, so that its adverse impact to delay foundations & thereby, works on substructure

24 Risk be that Design division delays issues of required drawings, to avoid which delays, close coordination between Engineer & designers be conducted by efforts of Company & Contractor if possible in addition to formally writing to Engineer & Designers

25 Risk be that Subcontractors proposals are not

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submitted by prime contractor in schedule time, which must be submitted in time in case, relevant vendors have been finalized by Contractor or else, this issue being extremely significant, all attempts should be made in person by leader Project Manager to chart out complete strategy, so that all submission of subcontractors could be made in time as earliest as possible or else, all works shall delay automatically

26 Risk be that Curriculum Vitae related to key personnel are not proposed by contractor for approval per schedule, which must be presented by submission to Company Engineer at beginning of contract if feasible or else, should be submitted at an earliest opportunity, so that Company Engineer may conduct respective interviews of key personnel to ensure their fitness for deployment on project job

27 Risk be that Construction Services engineers delay issues, related to allied drawings, which must be corrected with by adopting foregoing paragraph mentioned resolutions, so that after approvals of subcontractors, all impending submissions could be made expeditiously

28 Risk be that Construction Work contract payment are not released in schedule time from Company, which must be followed up once valuation statement is made & approved by Company Engineer, since approved payment certificate may assist contractor to source bank for further release of funds for project activities

29 Risk be that Material submissions are delayed by contractor, which is not a pleasing state, yet it happens, because contractor’s purchase section keeps trying various vendors for equivalent specifications & discounted delivery price, but such delays should be avoided, so that accumulative delays to whole project be prevented

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30 Risk be that Shop & working drawings submissions are delayed by contractor, which too is a normal state on projects, but should be prevented by personal involvement by leader of project

31 Risk be that Contractor delays on submission of method statements, required to be approved by Company supervising management team, but this is not acceptable, since statements can be prepared in time should qualified & experienced professional are available on project staffing strength

32 Risk be that Site safety operations are not conducted adequately, which adequate care must be taken by safety divisions complying with safety plan & OSHA related rules & regulations

33 Risk be that Vessels are delivered in time, but cannot be erected / installed due to non availability of foundations

34 Risk be that Site accidents are caused due to crane access is allowed on to soft un-compacted ground, resulting in soil subsistence & delay on activities / operations, which scenario also, results in claims & counterclaims between various contracting parties

35 Engineering Coordination- All foregoing risks related issues can be checked by intensive engineering coordination from very inception of award of contract to practical or mechanical completion of contract

36 Every leader responsible for task should follow progress by all interactive persons all times & status updated & communicated to all responsible key personnel

37 Issues should be raised in internal as well as in external meetings with all others whosoever involved

38 All minutes of meetings should be recorded & communicated to whosoever involved

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personnel formally, later on giving reminders & further follow up of related activity update

39 In fact, an excellently, performing coordinating engineer or manager each shall be required to be appointed by both Company, prime contractor & supervising agency, so that regular review of contract requirements & follow up for resolutions may be made whenever be necessary

40 It has been observed that deliveries related to bulk materials which are imported from overseas, cause delays due to various factors, such as delay on appointment of vendors, due to rates & supply related terms & conditions, LC opening, delay on material approvals, delays on customs etc. which points must be taken care of in due time

41 Disputes- There would be many more causes that mar site potential to achieve targets early, but it has to be made sure that due to such carelessness as not to resolve all such issues in as short time as possible, disputes may arise during contract currency & thereafter as well, leading various parties to request for disputes resolution & in case of dissatisfaction, refer such disputes to arbitration

42 It is therefore, in interest of all contracting parties to induct DAB above Company Engineer, so that current disputes could be referred on project to DAB, which term in its full form as Disputes Adjudication Board is defined within ambit of FIDIC 2005 standard conditions of contract Red Book or Yellow Book or other Book of FIDIC, which is world wise acceptable

43 DAB keeps a watch on all activities / operations, project progress & achievements, while all disputes can be referred by whatever party to contract to DAB during project execution currency & when parties are

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dissatisfied by decision of DAB, later, reference can be made to arbitration

44 Arbitration-It is fortunate that Bharat / India has specific Arbitration Act 1996 with Ordinance 2015, which is very powerful as such forcing arbitrators to adjudicate reference dispute within a period of 12 moths & if requested on additional fee to be fast tracked, within a period of 6 months

45 Maximum allowed period is 18 months with court support or else, arbitrators are accountable to court

46 Arbitration tribunal is empowered to status of a court for purpose of arbitration award recognized being considered by law as court decree

47 Even during appeal, no stay is granted to award execution, until other party applies for sty to award execution

48 It has also, been included on mandate that trade practice shall be duly regarded by tribunal

49 Contracting parties should make use of new provisions, which empower arbitration, for many new provisions

50 It should also, be kept in view that arbitration can be managed successfully, when complete communication documents are on records, related to whatever issue in arbitration brought into

51 To comply with arbitration requirements, contracting parties need services by experienced engineers, who understand all loops & holes within loops that can support arbitration claims, or else party would loose during arbitration proceedings.

52 Parties must comply with provisions within contract & each included condition should be examined very closely in relation to project & analysed accordingly to find material out of it

53 Contract conditions- All conditions must be

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operated, whenever it is so required during project currency, whether on low profiles or on high priority profiles & should not be left to be looked into later, since later means nothing in contracting commercial world

Clause 7 Support Includes1 Resources2 Competence3 Awareness4 Communication5 Documented information

Points for Considerations1 Material, equipment & human resources2 Capacity potential of organization & individual3 Qualification of personnel 4 Awareness among all pertinent system & its functioning5 Written job description, work procedures, safety procedures, quality control

procedures, administration methods etc.6 Documented information is different than documentations7 Whatever information about management & procedures or process in whatever

form, such as written text, maps, charts, designs, successful implementation, evidence of compliance of requirements etc.

8 No system of documents but evidentiary available documents for reference & future use (documented information)

To be included in Annex SL template

1 Support for a Company promoting facility project is drawn from state or nation or from public

2 State has to decide about project plan & provide continuous funding on an yearly basis, so that project is delivered to state in defined time

3 Internationally, support is required from Company’s overseas partners & associates, who are equal stakeholders within Company’s management board

4 Company requires in depth engineering support from various competent & authentic sources

5 Company requires supports for land acquisition & its immediate development

6 Company requires paid support from its contractors in all dedicated & devoted commitment for successful delivery of built & performing project

7 Support for a prime contracting organisation means many types of project activities conducted both from its corporate or head office as well as, from site office & also, from its other infrastructural facilities, such as its

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maintenance yard, which be a centralized location to serve all buildings & other projects from it

8 Support is classified into human resources, mechanical resources, professional management resources, knowledge dissemination resource, communication, procurement management, safety management, quality management, infrastructure financing resources etc.

9 Support / Resources required by construction organizations depend on type & working nature of organizations, which in current case is energy services contracting organisation

10 In this case, organization is a EPC energy services & buildings specialist contractor, who would require support resources, related to its different ingredients & total requirements, which commences from initial designs to delivery of project as a whole or as a part as contract agreement demands

11 Contracting Organisation may be a prime general contracting or may be only a small or medium level contractor, who would require support / resources accordingly

12 Degree of competence is very significant for required support resources, which would be required depending upon type of support resource

13 Degree of competence means, educational qualification plus professional experience & consistency of experience with updated knowledge

14 Degree of competence also, means trade qualification plus professional experience & consistency of experience with continued development of practical knowledge

15 Degree of competence also, means experience & knowledge based on maturity & work advancement to be conducted independently

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16 Degree of competency also, means, complete understanding of work applications with all kinds of technical & equipment support with decades of field experience

17 Degree of competence vary from person to person, since professional engineer is supposed to have engineering discipline competency in designs or in execution of projects construction, while a trades person would be required to have competency, related to trade operations only

18 A general foreman shall be required to have specialist knowledge, related to his area of work responsibility, while a foreman associated with general foreman would be required to work on lower areas, but with full command on related operations independently

19 A division leader would be expected to have engineering professional degree with long years of experience, with multidiscipline knowledge for working & application purpose based on interface & inter coordination

20 A quality division leader would be required to have engineering professional degree with complete back up of Code provisions, specifications, working procedures, testing & inspection in depth knowledge, so that all ITPs, Check list & method statements can be produced meeting trade & project requirements

21 An estimation division leader would be required to have a professional engineering degree with many years of estimation & valuation experience, with complete back up of item rates, procurement prices, required technicalities of various types of materials & equipment with high degree of quantity surveying practice & power of negotiations

22 A complete understanding of construction contracts such FIDIC or NEC based formats must be known to such leaders, who must have detailed knowledge of contracts & arbitration

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23 A procurement division leader must be thorough in materials engineering for purpose of screening & charting out quotation analysis & operational research over that

24 A planning & scheduling division leader must be a professional engineer with thorough knowledge of engineering & prosecution methods, with sequence of operations & application of required time for each operations

25 A planning engineer must have attained status to understand risks & risks resolution or else, such engineer would not be able to respond to risks leading to keep area of concern unforeseen

26 Similarly, site leader must have all engineering requirements with decades of experience & skills to check, review & chart out site issues efficiently, due to fact that site leader represents organization on front of project, who therefore must be extended all demanded support from other corporate leaders

27 It is a major requirement that all leaders must be fully aware about project requirements & about system applications, while in turn, must train juniors to keep complete required understanding to an extent job responsibility demands

28 All leaders & associates must keep update on system requirement as well as whatever changes are brought into system management structure from time to time throughout currency of project

29 If so required, related training to all personnel should be imparted to keep them refreshed, just as training regarding safety discipline is imparted regularly

30 Suggestions should be invited from all personnel without any hesitation, so that what works in minds of personnel be exposed & if good, should be included within system

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31 Every organization is owner of many resources such as heavy equipment, batching plants, concrete pumps, concrete transporting trucks, electrical equipment, middle level equipment, as well as various others

32 All major size organisations do own many equipment for their projects, drawing benefits on their investments, due to fact that they do not need hire all such machines, while they are free to rent them to other organizations

33 Organisations owning various heavy equipment are generally, considered having better work potential & favoured during bids consistency & comparison stages

34 All supporting items must be supported by documentary evidences & formally, a list of such supporting resources should be ready & attached with bid strength

35 All such supporting resources lists should be updated all times & presented for examination & inspection if so required by owner & engineer to ensure that provided information is authentic & that contractor’s assurance that such resources would be available during schedule construction period

36 On similar pattern, list of human resources & subcontracting details must be provided & demonstrated if so demanded by engineer for verification

37 Major equipment that could be presented on list being tower cranes, mobile cranes, shovels, excavators, rock breakers, concrete pumps, trucks & dumpers, winches, concrete mixers, etc.

Clause 8 Operation IncludesOperational planning & controlPoints for Considerations

1 In-house processes2 Outsourced processes3 Overall process management includes adequate criteria to control these processes4 Manage planned & unintended changes

To be included in

Company1 Company preparation of Bid documents to be

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Annex SL template

issued to bidder2 Company is responsible to prepare all bid

related documents that are required to be based on EPC bids

3 These documents comprises Pre FEED, FEED, Schematic Designs, Drawings, All disciplines requirements & specifications & list of all codes that apply to project

4 Contract form is also, designed in its proposed format, which comprises of lump sum price for whole project or part of a project, various forms for bonds, such as tender bond, performance security bond, description of project time, damages for delays, damages for performance failure

5 Formats for key personnel to be proposed by prime contractor from Leader to Key personnel related to all divisions involved on project

6 Formats for equipment schedule, bidder/contractor intends to use on project

7 Formats for execution statement, bidder/contractor charts its strategy of project prosecution, provided with all required supports, such as human resources, workforce, equipment, material procurements, S curve, cash flow through project execution currency & various other similar details

8 Bill of quantities (BOQ) duly filled in all respects by bidder/contractor for purpose of guidance only, which lump sum indicated on BOQ to be binding on bidder/contractor

9 Bill of quantities are prepared for each & every structure or foundations of equipment individually, so that certain deletions or additions could be managed without any issues

10 Formats for list of materials, bidder/contractor proposes to procure from

11 Formats for list of equipment & vessels, bidder/contractor proposes to procure from

12 List of all rates of materials & workers per day

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chargeable if so required to be deployed for Company by bidder/contractor

EPC Bidder/Contractor1 Bidder receives all bid documents & analyses

each & every aspect contained within bid2 Charter is opened & all details are entered for

detailed discussion & brain storming3 Scope involved on project is studied & assessed

with capacity of Bidder4 Assessment of approximate bid cost is made

based on major quantities of materials involved & type & number of vessels & equipment involved

5 Assessment is made or suitability of bid & project execution period keeping in view current projects ongoing in organization

6 Bidder reaches a decision, whether or not to do bid submission or to return bid documents with regrets, due to being overloaded

7 In general, experience confirms that major bids are accepted by bidder for submission, so that reputation of orgnisation is made up

8 Charter is confirmed by board with required declarations

9 Works on bids working out for pricing commences with

10 Complying with due processes, bids ae worked out in details by estimation division, supported in all respects, by all other divisions

11 Bid is processed in two volumes, one being Technical bid & other commercial bid with both having different formats & sequence orders

12 Technical bid contains all details related to engineering & technical activities, while pricing related parts are included within commercial bid package

13 Bid work is also, supported by external vendors, from whom, bid pricing related to

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their discipline is invited14 Whenever, necessary clarifications are obtained

from Company regarding whatever unclear issues

15 Once all details have been collected from market as well as from in house working, all details & data/s are conferred in bid meeting internally, so that a final work on bid starts

16 Final price is decided by leader of bid organization, keeping abreast expected profits or lower profits, so that a competition is made with other bidders

17 Final price is entered in required bid page18 An alternative bid is also, presented if so

demanded by Company19 All bid documents prepared by estimation team

is finally complied in a professional orderly manner & estimation leader closes tender for submission to Company on or before an bid closure/appointment hour & day

Company receives bids1 Then Company opens & scrutinizes received

bids & commences with negotiations with lowest pricing bidders

2 Company opens Technical bid & goes through all details, whether or not complying with bid requirements

3 Report is prepared by Company to ensure degree of conformity with bid requirements

4 Then after being satisfied by Technical bid, Commercial bid is opened & ensured its conformance to bid conditions

5 Bidder is called for bid negotiations

Company / Prime contractor negotiations1 Upon scrutiny of bids, Company calls bidder

for various clarifications & confirmation that bidder complied with bid provisions, while no deviations from contract & specification would

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be acceptable to Company2 Bidder submits all clarifications, pertinent

availability of material & equipment, with confirmation that all materials involved have been based on current & valid quotations received from vendors

3 Company may require demonstration about bidder’s execution programme & may like to ensure that all risks have been considered by bidder during computing bid price

4 Company may satisfy its doubts by clarifications obtained & conduct meetings in series with bidder for clearly understanding capacity & consistency that bidder has submitted for considerations

5 Company may also, intend to deliberate with bidder about alternate bid submitted by bidder & try to extract from that degree of value engineering applied on original bid to work out alternative

6 In case, Company evaluates that alternative bid is certainly better than original bid, it may approve alternative bid for execution

7 Or else, Company would exclusively consider only original bid for purpose of concluding bid to status of EPC contract

8 After conducting many meetings for complete negotiations, with all responsible discipline leaders & all resolution of contract matters, an award by Company to bidder may be tracked in

9 Company communicates to bidder about finalization of bids, subject to certain conditions, based on technical corrections that should be fulfilled by bidder in a defined duration

10 Contractor works out & submits responsive details or revises bid price or content or BOQ item rates, depending upon query raised by Company

11 Contractor also, works out what is specially

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required for clarity by Company12 Relevant documents are submitted for further

review by Company13 Company may demand performance bond of

requisite sum from contractor per bid conditions

14 Once Company is fully satisfied with bid & capability exhibited by bidder, Company would issue an appointment letter to bidder designating it as a EPC Prime contractor with given scope of work

15 A date would be fixed on this intent letter for EPC contractor designate to enter into a contract agreement with company in a Company for bid project & date of commencement of project execution is fixed immediately

16 Company instructs to contact given coordinates for coordinates with Company appointed Engineer for EPC contract administration / management & deal with such authority accordingly for further execution of EPC contract

17 EPC contractor is instructed to propose mobilization plan for approval & mobilize site temporary infrastructure & camp infrastructure per contract conditions & plans included within contract

18 Later a Kick off meeting is conducted between Company & all its leaders & EPC contractor & all its leaders for further follow up project by both parties to EPC Contract

Post award of EPC ContractCompany

1 Company prime responsibility & obligations are to push, surveillance & control all operations conducted by EPC Contractor

2 Company has to press contractor to submit its master schedule or level 1 schedule within 14

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days of contract commencement day3 Further level schedules up to level 5 to be

submitted to Company in stages as defined or agreed

4 Company has to press contractor to submit 21days to 90 days look ahead schedule on a weekly basis, so that progress monitoring maybe effected

5 Company has to press contractor to make all submissions in schedule times

6 Company has to insist contractor to award soil investigation & geographical investigation activities / operations vendor services subcontracts without wasting any single day, since these investigations would support all foundation activities adversely or progressively

7 Company has to fix various meetings such as weekly, monthly quarterly etc depending on works progress on site & also, progress on design engineering in design office

EPC ContractorDesigns

1 It is a parallel activity that should be conducted by contractor wither using its in house design division or using its alliance for designs

2 All feedback is provided to alliance partner engineers with complete necessary contract documents

3 In general, designers in alliance are considered lead partner on EPC contracts

4 All designs & post design clarifications are obtained from them as work technical or engineering clarifications & instructions

5 Designers carry out complete designs related to all engineering activity on contract project

6 Designers submit to Company engineer, all designs for approvals & then distribute accordingly to all related offices such as execution office & Company engineer’s office

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& elsewhere, if so required7 All revisions on designs are made by alliance

design engineers throughout currency of contracts

8 All site queries are responded by designers 9 Continuous interaction is effected between

designers located wherever on globe & site design engineers through contract currency & even for submission drawings at closure of project

10 All changes made on site are conducted under approval from designers & accordingly, red lines are marked on such changes, which are incorporated into As Built drawings for purpose of future reference, during plant maintenance

11 Designers all days keep in touch with Company engineer for various purpose of designs & also, for various purposes to select vessels & equipments related to project process trains & related foundations

12 Such professional interaction between EPC designers & Company engineer is very significant for progress on contract project

13 What happens in certain cases that designs are altered at 11th hour of pouring concrete, due to alteration on designs related to vessels &equipment

14 Even though pouring state was prepared & ready for pour, work is stopped temporarily to make changes on site works & then pouring is done on modified works in line meeting new design requirements, even though, there would be certain delays on certain operations

Life camping preparation1 A suitable camp layout is prepared for required

number of residents including staff & workers2 Permission to be obtained from authorities &

Company to commence with camp construction3 Camp may be located within a municipality or

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statutory authority demarcation limits4 Preparation for this camp to be conducted in a

professional manner5 Camp must be provided healthy & suitable

porta cabins types set of rooms provided with toilets & electricity along with air conditioners

6 Access to all rooms should be impeccable & circulation be free

7 No water from rain should stagnate in camping areas

8 Reception gate guard room should be located at entry gate

9 Messing facilities should be provided depending on nationalities

10 Washing & laundry should be provided for all personnel

11 Common toilets & common bathing areas should be provided for workforce, with continuous water supply

12 Water tankers should deliver water to camp overhead tanks & reservoirs at ground if so provided

13 Recreation centre/s/ common rooms with TV facilities should be provided for all workers & working staff

14 Adequate ground should be left open for games play purpose such as football, tennis etc.

15 Area should be left for buses parking, cars parking & equipment & machine parking

16 Fire prevention & suppression measures should be provided all along

17 A modern technology based STP (sewage treatment plant) should be provided for full time / dedicated operation

18 Arrangements should be made for waste disposal meeting environmental requirements & statutory regulations

19 All arrangement should be prepared for dust hazard prevention, so that dust does not lift & fly into air

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20 All precautions should be resorted to prevent all other hazards mishap due to toxic materials

21 Areas should be demarked for assembly when emergency alarm is blown or buzzed

22 Messes should be provided with full level fire prevention & fire suppression equipment

23 Accommodations should be provided with fire extinguishing equipment

24 No accommodation should be allowed cooking facility

25 All persons have to depend on messing for purpose of food & breakfast all days during contract & till, workforce is demobilized to other sites

Site preparationEPC Contractor

1 A lot of commencement operations are required to be effected by EPC contractor in very short span of time

2 Applying to obtain commencement work permit from operating authority in case it is a requirement by law

3 Conducting site surveys & security fencing work

4 Conducting approval of soil investigating & geographical laboratory & award it to commence with its work

5 Applying to Company engineer to select locations for drilling bore holes for investigation purpose

6 Submitting existing survey level profiles of all areas within project battery limits

7 Removal of all soft & clayey soils from all area8 Obtaining approval of soil samples for soil to

be imported from burrow pits or else here9 Obtaining soil samples for full range testing by

laboratory10 Submission of test results including all

Atterberg’s limits, water content, void etc.

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11 Carrying out granular graded fill to defined ground levels in layers & compaction by heavy earth moving machines

12 Once all area which would accommodate structures is filled & compacted to define profiles, site is ready to be termed as site preparation fill

13 Access road from camp to site must be made good & pliable with slow speed

14 Access road from main road to site should also be made surfaced with bitmac for smooth flow of traffic with heavy duty requirements with axle load up to 10 to 20 tonne/s

15 Access road to site from camp, if not surface should be kept watered weekly to prevent dust hazard

Site offices installations1 Company offices for its engineer & supporting

staff be provided with complete furnishing & sanitary & water supply facilities

2 Adequate conference area & rest area should be allowed in these offices

3 These should have reception counters, document control area, supporting engineer’s offices, engineer’s officer, kitchen etc.

4 Adequate car parking shed should be provided for desired number of cars

5 All required other furniture & special services should be provided in designated rooms

6 Administrative support staff should be regularly provided if it is a condition within contract

7 Beverages & refreshment should be allowed to these offices if its requirement is constituted within contract scope

Components on such plant facility project1 Process area2 Non process area

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3 Control area4 Electrical substations in all areas5 Administration area6 Warehousing7 Road network in all areas8 Utilities & Underground services9 External interconnections

Plant site comprises various components as listed below

1 Vessels foundations duly housed in2 Equipment foundations duly protected3 Control building4 Operation buildings5 Electric substations6 Cathodic protections critical & non critical

centrally controlled remotely7 Pipe racks for overhead run of process piping8 Administration building9 Amenities building10 Warehouse building11 Fire fighting building12 Consumer receipt station13 Gate houses with control entry14 Underground Piping & utilities piping15 Electrical Duct banks 16 Seawater basin with pump house integrated 17 Cooling water pipeline sourced from shore18 Fire fighting pipe network all over plant area19 Underground pipes crossings20 Overhead pipes crossings21 Storm water disposal system all over with catch

basins & swale22 Oily water collection & disposal system23 Acid water collection & disposal system24 Electric cable network underground & external

interconnections25 Hot work & cold work26 CCTV network27 SCADA installation

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28 Instruments 29 Pumping yard at sea30 Security fencing of various designs & classes

depending on location31 Roads on entire plant32 Street lights all over 33 Concrete paving34 Landscape both soft & hard wherever required35 Direction signs all over in plant area36 Direction signs in buildings

Specific details related to componentsBuildings

1 Buildings located in process areas are designed as Blast Resistant structures with all RCC elements from foundation to roof slabs including structural walls

2 Blast doors are provided to all such buildings3 Control building is provided with complete

RCC envelope with just entries & exits4 At least 2 hours fire resistance is provided to all

such structures5 Buildings located in non process areas are

designated as Blast Resilience structures with structures in RCC elements from foundation to roof slab

6 Walls are provided in concrete blocks duly reinforced in & cavities filled in

7 Buildings located in all other areas not directly affected by explosion direct or indirect effects are designed with normal parameters

8 Remind that from process area to more than 600 m locations are blast free, while between 200 to 600 m are blast resilient & up to 200 m are blast resistant structures

9 Even fire vapour formation is always prone in blast areas, which can lead to plant fire, depending on air pressure build up & temperature impacts

10 All electric substations are provided with fire

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walls11 Utilities & piping12 Ductile iron pipes, concrete pipes, FRP/GRP

pipes are required for main networks for water supplies for cooling plant equipment purposes, using seawater basin at intermediate location from where water is supplied to plant areas & to which water is supplied from sea shore

13 A drinking water network is also, provided in many plants that draw water from a specific source & distribute to all areas on plant

14 Electrical duct bank embedding cable ducts within concrete are provided all over cabling areas around plant, which carry all cables required on plant use & duly interconnected to main power cables feeder

15 Plant is given a network of all underground services in various orders, which is complicated one, but clashes are avoided at all levels

16 It has been seen that many hundred manholes are installed on entire plant for underground services use

17 Swale is provided on entire site running at roads berms catching rain water from all over plant area & thereafter, conveying to a open reservoir called lagoon & also, transported to outfall chamber if so designed

Designs specific1 Excavated trenches are prepared for blinding2 Blinding receives RCC foundations such as

independent footings, combined footings, strip footings, rafts, massive concrete blocks for various types of structures

3 All foundations are provided with concrete protection horizontally & vertically below ground

4 All portions above ground portions are provided with above ground concrete surface protection

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5 Protection board is provided to membranes below ground levels

6 Various types of soil fill are provided such as engineered fill, structural fill, general fill, sand fill etc.

7 Graded slabs are provided to buildings ground level, without cellar or basements

8 Buildings are provided with structural framing covering all levels

9 In some buildings, structural steel steels structure is provided such as stores / garage etc. with sometimes, floor in RCC & other structural steel framing, but all foundations in RCC

10 Vessels foundations are provided with heavy foundations, keeping minimum size of member more than 800mm

11 Rotating compressors are provided on table top foundations, which is a heavy structure, with massive substructure block, thick columns with steel inserts & thick tabletop

12 Substructure massive foundation is poured in one go treated with thermal curing method

13 Formwork is removed only days, after which curing period is over

14 Annular space between compressor base plate & table top surface is grouted with epoxy based mortar, since it is a rotating equipment

15 Annular space between stationary equipment base plate & foundation surface is grouted with cement based chemical mortar, since it is a stationary equipment

16 Tabletop is housed in a structural steel building with profiled sheeting roof

17 No roofing laid by torch application is permissible

18 All structures are provided wind resistance to a magnitude 160km/hour wind flow considered @ a height 10 m from ground

19 Fire consideration should be made very wisely

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to avoid collapse, since during fire hazards at more than 500 degree celcius, concrete starts loosening its strength to resist which, reduced section work concept must be applied in designs

20 Street lights generally 12 m & 18 m high are installed, which required at least 1mx1mx1m size of foundation, with PVC duct embedded in concrete

21 Firefighting is considered a very significant installation, since it protects plants from its hazards

22 Its pressurized network is required around whole process areas in form of closed rings

23 Areas which are able to be sealed internally, Inergen gas system is provided indoors

24 Assembly areas are marked all over plant for purpose of head count & evacuation during fire emergency

25 Computer rooms areas are provided with raised flooring system, particularly, in control building

Site Team1 Site team comprises of construction related

personnel under leadership of construction & project manager

2 Method statements are prepared for each activity or operation in details for purpose of review by quality division thereafter, by project manger & finally by Company

3 Project manager of EPC must ensure that all construction method statements are prepared & approved, much ahead of carrying out respective activity / operation, so as no delay is caused to project

4 Method statement should give complete direction to all those, who are responsible for carrying out works & those, who would verify & surveillance as well those, who would

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ensure safety arrangements being intact5 No work is allowed for prosecution in absence

of related method statement6 On projects as such, there could be many

hundred method statements for which a list should be prepared by EPC Project manager for purpose of appraisal by Company, so that unnecessary statements are not proposed for approval, where repetitions are involved for activities

7 Quality division must have prepared its inspection documents in advance & have them approved by Company, so as not to contribute to time wastage

8 Similarly, safety team must have produced its method as well as, its safety plan for various significant & general operations for approval by Company

9 All works are done in conformance to designs, specifications & in line to approved method statements as well as direction provided by manufacturer of product

10 All verification inspections are proposed by site team to quality personnel for approval & for further approval by Company

11 No work should be carried out, without inspections for which, inspection is required according to agreed procedures

12 In case of non conformance to procedures or to failure adhering to specifications, non conformance reports are issued by quality manager, requiring remedial measures proposal by site team

13 Site team then submits its remedial proposal, which is carried out after being approved by Company Engineer

14 Once inspection is effected on remedial measures, non conformance report is closed

15 Inspections should be done for all disciplines in line to coded provisions as well as, set

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procedures or per agreed methods statements related to quality part

16 All pipelines laid require testing per specifications & therefore, should not be backfilled around & without completion of required testing in first place or first fix

17 All foundations should be inspected finally prior to being backfilled & recorded as inspection of competed foundations

18 All materials to be included permanently on works should be sent for testing in accordance with demand in specifications & report submitted by project manager to Company Engineer

19 Testing related to all materials whatsoever in all disciplines should be conducted in accordance to specification requirements

20 All suspended slabs should be allowed centering & shuttering in compliance to manufacturer’s design of form work supporting system, which must be on drawings, considering into calculations, all structural parameters such as shear force & bending moment & deflections

21 This drawing is produced by third party, who supplies supporting system & would inspect as third part site works of supports for support fitness certification, authenticating concrete pour above support, but this certification is applicable to system fitness only

22 Similarly, all drawings are produced for all heavy element formworks by a third party & certification obtained as aforesaid

23 All scaffolding used for RCC elements related works should be structural scaffold & not otherwise

24 All equipment used on site works should be duly calibrated & perfectly in working order, while preference should be given to electrical operated machines

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25 All hoisting equipment such as mobile cranes, must be third party certified & duly valid on day of working

26 All precautions are required to be complied with, while operating such equipment

27 No man should be allowed to use crane buckets for vertical movement

28 Concrete batching plant should be checked regularly for calibration & corrected to if so required frequently

29 All equipment operatives should have valid license for machine one operates

30 When work is carried out on public roads for interconnections, required permit should be obtained from area operating authority

31 This application for permit requires scheme or plan for traffic diversion during excavation work to go on road crossing, which method statement should be attached to application documents

32 Road crossing should be carried out in line to permit conditions & traffic diversion method statement

33 All electrical works of each fix should be conducted by trained & licensed electricians only

34 All HVAC works should be carried out by duly trained & experienced technicians

35 HVAC & electrical activities should be carried out in such a way that no clashes between two disciplines as well as with other disciplines should effect, by conducting an early coordination among all disciplines

36 Brief list of method statements may be enlisted as follows

a Excavation in trenches in soft soilb Excavation in hard soilc Excavation for raft foundationd Excavation in deep foundation areas such as

compressor foundations

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e Excavation for basement & underground structures such as sumps

f Piling in foundationsg Blinding concreteh Foundations in all casesi Application of concrete protection /

waterproofing below & above groundj Backfill all types in foundations & under floorsk Grade slab work of RCC slabl RCC columns & RCC wallsm RCC suspended slabs with down stand beamsn Concrete Block wallso Plastering & renderingp Roofing systemq Flooring in tilesr Marble fixing on walls & floorss Raised flooringt Dry lining in gypsum & in cement boardu Suspended ceiling various classesv Internal & external paintw GRC worksx Road worksy Pre cast manholesz Laying pipelines all typesaa Road crossingsbb Pipe racks & pipe rack crossings cc Laying deep GRP pipesdd Works related to substationsee Work of electric pole foundationsff Works of structural steel fabrication & erectiongg Structural steel paintinghh Structural steel decking floorsii Works of epoxy flooring jj RCC buildings in blast areaskk Landscape worksll Central control building of complete RCC37 Quality system list for inspectiona Excavationsb Blinding concretec Foundations with formwork & reinforcement

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d Waterproofing below & above grounde Backfill all typesf RCC columns & wallsg RCC suspended slabsh Pipe lines all typesi All services j Roofingk Structural steel worksl All types of finishesm All types of flooringsn Roads & landscaping38 Foregoing list is just for information with no

reservations39 All statements & inspections should be

conducted per works requirements only40 Operations got no limits, which depends on

project requirements & degree of accuracy applied

41 All changes made on site works deviating from drawings with formal approval should be recorded as Redlines & contract drawings updated accordingly for granting As Built status

42 Whatever changes are approved on whatever document or specifications of else should be recorded as Redline for As built conversion

43 At works completion of whatever area, all documents are prepared as built for submission to Company as dossiers

44 Pre-commissioning should be commenced with by joint inspection by all leaders from all disciplines

45 Punch list should be prepared & notified for corrective actions & after corrections are made, punch list is cleared

46 All documents related to works, quality approvals & other records should be submitted as dossiers to Company engineer meeting contract requirements

47 Similarly, all areas should be closed with

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dossiers for purpose of performance, testing & commissioning

48 Performance, testing & commissioning is effected for whole plant & if for duration of specified testing, remains successful, approval is granted or else, re-testing is done for performance

49 Once all checks & performance testing is completed, mechanical completion certificate for related area or for whole plant can be released by Company Engineer

50 Once mechanical completion is granted, maintenance period / defect liability period commences with immediately, post date of mechanical completion

Clause 9 Performance evaluation

Includes1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation2 Internal audit3 Management review

Points for Considerations1 Management requires to decide about internal audit to ensure compliance of

management system 2 Final review by management to ensure its compliance & whether or not, system

works suitable, adequately & effectively

To be included in Annex SL template

1 Construction operations are monitor able & measurable for purpose of further analysis & earned evaluation

2 EPC project is a complex process to deal with performance measurement & evaluation

3 Measurement is conducted for all divisions such as designs, procurement, planning, quality, execution etc. in all respects

4 Monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation is a defined process, which requires to be conducted both by internally deployed management as well as, at defined schedules by external third party audit authorities

5 From time to time at defined intervals, by internal division of quality & external agencies, which submit respective observations, which are complied with in all regards & future course on quality modification is effected

6 Foregoing described observations, recorded by

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both internal & external auditors, which noting & instructions should be entirely reviewed by top management / leaders

7 Top leader then requires to decide, degree of compliance of current system & what steps shall be required to be taken to make it fully compliant & also, what degree of value engineering can be inducted on to existing system for further successful competitions.

8 Whatever system is followed should be maintained & upgraded, according to evolved new requirements, which be conducted, without, any constraints & up-gradation effected as & when necessary

Clause 10 Improvement Includes1 Non conformity & corrective action2 Continual improvement

Points for Considerations1 In changing business environment, processes & objectives vary, to meet which

requirements, continual monitoring, evaluation & improvements are a must

To be included in Annex SL template

1 As stated earlier that technologies keep on changing as well as, business environment, which makes it incumbent upon organization to keep pace with market, so as to be at required standard mark

2 This requires review of non conformities, resorting to corrective actions for charting out corrective action

3 Such making & evolving keeps system frequently updated & all involved personnel, continue learn & update

Lessons1 All leaders require share improvement

responsibilities all times at currently, running projects & adopt as lessons learnt on future projects, as past or historical references.

2 All mistakes, defects & non compliances should be freely recorded, without any hesitation & notified all such learning to all key personnel & leaders to adopt these lessons on future operations as references

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3 Research should be made on all such operations to understand various ways to further avoid repetitions, related to such work errors & oversights

Major documents1 EPC Contract documents 2 Company instructive documents3 Company organization chart4 Company directives 5 Company’s standard specifications & designs6 EPC Project Schedule agreed with Company’s engineer / owner7 EPC Contract drawings8 EPC Contract specifications9 EPC Execution method statement10 Significant method statements11 Shop & working drawings12 National codes all disciplines13 International codes all disciplines14 National annexes all related to codes15 Nationally determined parameters all related to codes16 Published documents all related to codes & requirements17 DAB if applies with details of procedures & members on panel & visit

schedule for hearing or for general inspection18 Other significant policy documents form Company & from EPC

organization19 Records of lessons learnt by EPC contractor from past works20 Records of lessons learnt by Company from past works


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