iron values trailer park challenge chapter 14 part 3

Post on 08-Jan-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Trailer Park ChallengeChapter XIV, Part 3/3

Welcome back to the Rowdy Rautas! This specimen here is a teen coming back from his very last school day. Hidy do, Nep?

“Just one more thing, then I can leave this hellhole for good…”

D’aw. I thought he was going to do something evil, but he just wanted one more moment of childhood.

Or maybe he’s farting under the covers as some sort of revenge.

This family now has so many kids that the bus driver lets them exit out the rear door and windows.

Birthday party ahoy!

In the foreground of this picture, you’ll find three things required for a proper party, but which the guests probably won’t even touch.

The siblings have gathered yet again!If Ura and Cal don’t look quite right, it’s because they used to have custom skins that I’ve now changed to Maxis ones.

Being in the Criminal track, Cal must’ve thought it suitable to steal his father’s cop-bribe gnomes instead of buying his own.

“Californium Rauta! How dare you?!”

“A little more to the left, please.”

Half six pm and you’re still in bed, at your own birthday party?

“Ugh, no more Sim McGraw…”

There goes the opportunity of cake.

“These underpants are snuggly!”

I’ll take your word for it, Jasmine Inappropriate Phillips.Neppie finally got a secondary aspiration (Grilled Cheese) and as mentioned before, his LTW is Max All Skills.

“Sister, you got fat!”

“Have a few more of Mom’s sandwiches and we’ll see who has the last laugh.”

Not at all disrupted by her sister’s comment, Uranium excused herself to go clean some dog bowls.

Family reunions :’)

Neptunium managed to grow up into decent adult clothing and reclaim his childhood cuteness!

“Can I leave now?”

Not quite.

First y’all need to get the party score up!

“If Voice ever gives you an offer, grab your bags and run.”

Gee, do I feel thanked…

Isn’t it nice to avoid the loud music and swarm of smustling grandkids, Bruce?

“I think something in my back just cracked.”

Ilo: “So I said to him – “

Cal: “Find your happy place. Find your happy place.”

I thought Ura was thorough, but Cal’s scrubbing so hard you can see the sponge on the other side!

More cleaning and inappropriate parent jokes (judging from Pras’s expression).

“Thought you could mess with our party, huh? Keep mopping that hole, kid who somehow resembles my sister!”


♫ 3 garden gnomes left on the lawn, 3 gnomes leeeft

You take one gnome and bring it home

2 garden gnomes left on the lawn ♫

Russell used Cal’s distraction to invite himself in. Luckily he stayed out of everyone’s way (as far as I noticed).

And then there was one.

As a finishing touch to this otherwise perfect party, the bathroom floor is flooded, Gallie passes out and Sam blocks anyone from getting out of this mess.

“Thanks for throwing me a ‘disaster’ party, Voice!”

I see the physical hostility has turned into passive aggressivity.

“It’s a sign of maturity. College, here I come!”

“Oh but wait, thanks to someone I’m now too old to apply! I think I’ll go steal back a gnome instead.”

Try returning this attitude of yours while you’re at it.

I got pissed at this whole bathroom situation*, so I moved their precious tubs outside and installed toilet stalls instead, leaving the funds at §499.

*Proofread edit: pun unintended

Later on I remembered that the rules call for at least one tub in the trailer (hence the daylight pic).

But hey, it’s still a bathhouse! All we need now is that sauna I’ve been aching for since I plopped Ilo down on this lot…

Gallie stole a gnome back :D Apparently nice points don’t matter for this interaction (she has 7).

She was going to bring back more, but y’know, passing out is more fun. Oh and her aspiration bar is red too.

Sheesh, do I feel like a bad simmer.

Thankfully Ben and Neo are here to cover for me.

At long last, all the kids were in bed or on their way there, but Neptunium and his dramatic, glitched hand woke them all up -_-

Except for Sam, who got back from his gnome-hunt just in time to see his beloved uncle leave.

“What’s up with the cab? I have nowhere to go.”

Oh yes you do. I’ve told the cab driver the address, so just wave goodbye and I’ll see you in a while.

“Ugh, Curium is such a mama’s boy.”

“Not that anyone cares, but I just brought back a gnome and a lady on the way said that if I didn’t study she’d come get me. Also, Gallie’s starting to look like a skeleton.”

“Finish up the rest of your homework and I’ll let you sleep.”

“But Grandma, it’s the middle of the night…”

“Saturday night.”

Sam: “Did you just see a lady in a red dress over there, shouting something about membership and cows coming home?”

Tel: “No… did you touch the huge, forbidden pineapple again?”

“Why couldn’t they have stopped at Sam?!”


The fourth and last labor of this generation!

Meitnerium (lo and behold, a girl!) is a synthetic element not found in nature, named in post-mortal honor of the Austrian physicist Lisa Meitner (a discoverer of nuclear fission). The extremely radioactive substance is “probably a metal” and its color is not yet known.

Yup, singular birth! Thus Neo is just one child away from reaching the “10 kids want” lodged in her panel.

Hahahah nope~

I wonder if Bruce would’ve made it in time if his way hadn’t been as blocked as a main road on Friday afternoon.

Francie… I would’ve expected this of Gallie, but you?

“What? I didn’t want it going to waste!”

“Is all of this homework even mine?”

Just wait ‘til you’re a teen and there’s a 5:6 chance that I won’t make you do anything at all.

“Who was blocking the fridge? You were! Yes you were!”

“Who left you on the floor aga- OW! Teeth off the acne!”

“Mmm, grilled cheese…”


There isn’t enough space in the trailer to conveniently spread out all the worksheets, so the sideyard is now even more cluttered. But where are the kids?

Why of course, this is the optimal time to finally pay attention to the toys I’ve left hanging around.

On second thought, ‘tis a silly family.

Ilo: “First one to drop the other’s towel wins!”

Neo: “Come at me, ya old hag!”

Bruce: “Lost to your mother, huh?”

Neo: “Nevermind that and juice me up.”

The strawberries are finally harvestable! There’s a few more days of autumn left, so I won’t have anything new planted (why waste money on a greenhouse?).

“So this is that family Tina was telling me about. Might have to get her a few vaccines if she’s going to continue playing here…”

“Sheesh, no wonder Pras is so miserable. Just look at this place.”

I think Pras did quite fine considering what could’ve been.

Gallie: “I’m failing at childhood, the happiest part of life!”

Ilo: “Some strawberries and sugar will take care of that for you.”

Sigh. Now I’m reminded of the people I avoid by playing Sims.

Another kid takes it to the juice.

I’m conflicted as to whether or not to continue treating it as fermented juice, since I didn’t go through with it as a story/ character thing for Californium (even though I kinda wanted to).

“Ginger! Long time no see! Were you ever planning on returning those gnomes you so blatantly stole?”

“No way in hell, Mama dearest.”

The kids may not have much, but they’ll always have each other and a healthy dose of imagination.

Pictured are Francie and Lee (Livermorium). I’m stating it because I had to think back myself…

I really am trying my best to keep these kids fed, sane and above D-, but it’s hard dammit!

I think I’ll let Triplets & Quads rest outside of my game folders after this challenge is over…

“We may be poor, but I couldn’t possibly accept any financial help, even less from a person I’ve never met.”

“Oh, but I’ve known you your entire –”

Ben, hang up this instant and block the number.

Ectoplasmic manifestation encountered around scrapyard.Prepare to feed ghost treat.

“Now, a single match to enhance the - ”

Nice going there, Gordon Simsay.

“Soon I won’t have to change a single diaper ever again!”

You forgot about the grandkids.

I’m so sorry Dakota! Please, get your sleep out of red before your body realises it’s starving ;_;

All-purpose soap and sponge can only mean one thing…

“Leave me alone. I’m fine.”

I’ve done nothing but leave you alone! Sheesh, I thought the Pleasure aspiration would make things easier for you.

The thermae seems to be quite a hit. Too bad there aren’t any loincloths for the kids… I see Sam even brought his own soap!

“Don’t you have anything better to do?”

I have a Latin test to study for, but this is Roman enough :)

Isn’t seeing Buffy’s ghost enough to soothe your aspiration?

“Wasn’t in my want panel, so no.”

But planting seeds and winning a dance competition were -_-

“Who left you in a catch-22 bottle situation, huh?”


Why Hydra, you’re quite the homemaker!

“I can put as much sugar as I want as long as I eat it!”

That’s certainly a motivator to not burn one’s food.

“Aye, the waves be too high!”

Dancing with Dogs, the sequel.

I’m glad to have pictures of Gallie where she isn’t sending me on a guilt trip <3

Sunday morning! Enjoy your last days of childhood, triplets.

Curium: “No more homework after this, ever? Neat!”

Bruce: “Tellurium! Stop spying on the neighbors!”

Coincidentally, it’s also the last chance to fool around with family in light clothing before Winter sets in. Right, Soap Boy?

“Hear anything, Tellie?”

Someone channeled their aggression energy wrong.


“So, how much is it worth?”

It’s… high in affection value?

*cough* §0 after percental discount *cough*

“Woe is me.”

Curium is the first of three to admire his sudden growth spurt!

Fortune/Knowledge, likes fit chicks with custom hair as long as they’re not too into cleaning. Dream job: Media Magnate.

Bachelor number two blows out the candles, but does not take them out of the cake. Livermorium “Lee” rolled Fortune as well, but follows in his mother’s footsteps with secondary GC. Turned on by brown, custom hair that’s distinguishable from black hair. Dream job: World Class Ballet Dancer.

Meanwhile, Tellurium grows up where no one can see him.

The trailer sees its very first Popularity sim, with a side dish of Pleasure! Turned on by charismatic chicks with logical thinking, but no jewelry. Dream job: Professional Party Guest.

I think I have a new personal favorite, save for one thing.

“Ew, what did you do?!”

I’ve been annoyed by the paleness of your hair for ah-ages. Actually, I want it to be a bit more yellow, but this’ll do.

I’m feeling merciful to myself, my sims and Mei, so she gets to grow up a day in advance.

Meitnerium reveals her personality of Sagittarius 2/7/9/8/7 and sets off one of my greatest simming annoyances: EVERYONE wants to hold the toddler, at the EXACT same time. It doesn‘t take a village to put a toddler in a crib!

“What’s that shining dot next to the other shining dot?”

Congratulations, that’s a previously unknown star! You get §500 for absolutely no effort, prior to the 50 % neon flamingo tax.

It seems that Buffy only scares those that use the telescope. I’ll think of that as her guarding them from being abducted.

Cute baby bear is cute.

As evident, Sam would rather starve than try to use his non-dominant hand for eating.

“Where the heck is Gallie?”

Are you feeling left out from the little sister clone party?

“Popularity sims don’t feel left out.”

“We just got another discount for home furnishing.”

It’s a shame those offers don’t stack.

“Hey Voice…”


“Fine. I guess I’ll just take care of the ones I already have.”

Please don’t try any fire tricks this time.

Trying to make the rainbow trout shine even more, huh?

“*through clenched teeth* You are going to fix this.”

What’s that, Soap Boy?

“Want me to get a train ticket for your birthday?”

“Please do.”

You’re not getting rid of me that easily! Or your siblings!

Why bother with flooring when you can pretend that you’re somewhere deep within a jungle, bathing in a waterfall?

Santa Claus holding a baby polar bear. Adorbs.

“And this will be our prison!”

“But why do I have to be the villain?”

“You have more of a backstory for it!”

Though I’d like to squeeze in some more sibling cuteness, this chapter is far too long already.

Tune in next time to see the fate of Dakota!

“This is where I’ll be staying?”


“Welcome to your new home, Neppie.”

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