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Celebrating our


2014 Season



Officials 2014 Season

Election of Officials for 2015 Season


Patron’s Message

President’s Report

Senior Vice-President’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report Financial Statements

RAPT Co-ordinator’s Report

Regional Coaching Director’s Report

Umpires Committee Reports President’s Report 2014 Achievements Yearly Tally of games umpired Financial Statements

Record Secretary’s Report

Trophy winners for 2014 2014 Representative teams Season Points Individual Efforts Club Personnel’s playing records

Affiliated Clubs


OOFFICIALS 2014 PATRON PRESIDENT Paul Pisasale Margret Mantell


VICE-PRESIDENTS Peter Conway, Karen Dolan, Mark Eleison



President, Immediate Past President, Senior Vice-President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Asst Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon Asst Treasurer, Records Secretary, Asst Records Secretaries, Hon Legal Advisor, Umpires Committee Representative,

Representatives from Clubs (10).

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (3 Plus 2) Lesley McLeod, Heather Scott, Tracey Doyle

Janette Howells, Margret Mantell

JUDICIAL COMMITTEE (3 Plus 2) Leanne Haley, Heather Scott, Dennis Tierney

Jamie Burns, Sara Ellis

UMPIRES COMMITTEE Chris Leeder (President), Leonie Young (Secretary), Paul Hardie (Treasurer)

GROUNDS COMMITTEE Peter Conway, Chris Leeder, Mark Eleison, Dennis Tierney,

Ron Lobegeiger, John Cushing

UNIFORM COMMITTEE Tracey Doyle, June Nicholls, Leanne Haley, Pauline Alchin

TROPHY COMMITTEE Margaret Culley, Pauline Alchin, June Nicholls

HON LEGAL ADVISOR HQ DELEGATES AUDITOR Justin Thomas Margret Mantell, June Nicholls Tom Hutton Owen, Harris & Associates


Margaret Culley, John Cushing OAM, Una Cushing, Bev Cameron, Basil Coker, Carmel Davenport, John Follett, Shirley Fullelove, Stan Fullelove, Ray Johnson,

Bev Knight, Barbara Mack, Margret Mantell, Paul Mantell, Michael McGuire, Heather Scott, Graham Wellings, Pam Winks, Neville Winks.

Ipswich Hockey acknowledges and thanks the following SPONSORS for valuable support during 2014:

LLlewellyn Motors

Coffee Club

Choices Flooring by Mallets

Polytan STI

Just Hockey

Legends Barber Shop

McMillan Kelly Thomas Lawyers

Heritage City Photos

Waldon Computing

Queensland Power Transmissions

Surreal Signs

G & P Builders

Platinum Electrical Contractors

The Denture Lady



MINI-CAT Bobcat & Tipper Hire

Bendigo Bank

Helloworld Ipswich City Mall

Quest Apartments Ipswich

Please show your support to these sponsors who so generously support Ipswich Hockey.


Patron’s Message

Ipswich Hockey Association has been an integral part of sport in our community for decades and I am excited to see the club back for 2015 with a great network of players, umpires, volunteers and coaches.

The strength of the Ipswich Hockey Association and its past achievements would not be possible without the hard work of the Management Committee.

Ipswich’s hockey facilities are one of the best in south east Queensland and each year our city sees not only 10 different clubs competing at the complex but welcomes visitors from around the state when Ipswich hosts State Championships. This is not only the hockey community, but also brings a myriad of benefits to the wider Ipswich region, with talented players, their families and friends visiting our city.

The Association does a tremendous job co-ordinating the hockey season and is backed by a hard working team of volunteers.

On behalf of Councillors and residents I would like to thank the current team on a great 2014 season. Following tonight’s AGM, I would like to wish this year’s president and committee all the best for 2015 as you lead the Association forward.

Mayor Paul Pisasale City of Ipswich

Ipswich City Council

Mayor Paul Pisasale

Councillor Charlie Pisasale

Ipswich Hockey Association Inc.

Wishes to acknowledge and sincerely thank

The Ipswich City Council,

Mayor Paul Pisasale & Councillor Charlie Pisasale

for their continued support in 2014.

The ongoing commitment to and support of Ipswich Hockey is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


President’s Report 2014 2014 again proved to be a great year for Ipswich Hockey, another where we can be very proud of our achievements and the successes we had both on and off the field. The closing comment of my report this time last year was ‘Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction’. And as we look around our complex, progress is certainly happening and we are, I believe, heading in the right direction, again both on and off the field. As I am writing this report, our new lights are in place and we are just awaiting the final reports from the testing of the light levels. I’m sure players will immediately notice the difference as will spectators with the relocation of the poles at either end of the clubhouse verandah. It was very gratifying to have our efforts recognised by being named as the Sporting Organisation of the Year at the City of Ipswich Sports Awards and our Gala Awards Night was again a great success and a fitting culmination to the season. Among the list of highlights on the field was our Open Women winning Division 2 at their State Championships and earning Ipswich promotion back into Division 1 for 2015, the Lumberjacks (our Southwest Super League men’s team) again being State Champions and our Under 13 girls winning back to back at the Invitational Indoor Championships. It is a long list of successes from the 2014 season, others which will be highlighted in the various reports to follow. But there is one particular success from 2014 that I must highlight, that being that we again have Indoor being played in Ipswich. And this has been no easy feat to achieve. Finding a suitable venue proved a challenge but thanks to a mammoth effort from Jan Walker, the goal to have a local indoor competition for our juniors was reached with games being played on Friday nights at the Redbank Sports Complex. Jan worked tirelessly and pretty much single handedly to bring this to fruition. The number of hours Jan has put in is immense, not only to get the local competition up and running but in organising our rep teams for their various competitions. Thank you sincerely, Jan, for the mighty effort and I’m sure your work this year will be the springboard for even bigger achievements with Indoor in the future. Our Hook in2 Hockey program was again very successful with our Dress-Up Day and End of Season Carnival again being highlights. Thanks to Neil & Tracey Doyle for all the hard work to ensure the success of the program. Another initiative we introduced this year was to conduct surveys and hold an open members forum to give members an opportunity to share their views on a number of topics in the hope they would then take more ownership of decisions made. This in itself threw up many challenges when you consider the number and varied interest groups that make up our Association. Finding outcomes that manage so many, often conflicting, factors and varying views and opinions is never going to be easy when people are involved for such a wide variety of reasons. I feel the key message from this process is that we must not lose focus of our mission and what makes Ipswich Hockey great. It is not just about winning and the focus should not just be on the elite. We need to consider the needs of all who want to enjoy our sport and participate for whatever the reason, all of which are very legitimate for the individual/group concerned. One size doesn’t fit all and while it is nice to be able to express your opinion, it is also important to remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion and we need to respect each and every opinion expressed. ‘The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team’ and nothing could be truer and what an honour it is to be part of such a great team. There are few who can really appreciate just how many hours are put in by the members of the Executive team as so much of what they do is unseen.

2014 saw Janette Howells take on the role of Senior Vice-President and wow, what a wonderful addition to the Executive team Janette has been. Janette hit the ground running, taking on responsibility for the refurbishment of clubhouse facilities. Her contribution and leadership of the Judiciary and Gala Awards Committee along with the many other tasks she did have been invaluable. I have truly appreciated Janette’s support and value the hours and hard work she has put in. ‘And the nice thing about teamwork is that you always have someone on your side’. And who better to also have on your side than Peter, Mark, Karen, Chris & Paul. Heartfelt thanks to these wonderful people, along with Janette, for the mighty effort you put in and for the laughter we share along the way. As well as the other members of the Executive, there are also many others that are part of the fantastic team that makes Ipswich Hockey what we are. Neil, as Coaching Director, was again the driving force behind our successful rep program. Lesley and the Technical Committee were forced for yet another year to face the challenges of the ever changing National Database. But as usual, Lesley and her team’s dedication and professional approach ensured the season ran smoothly. The Umpires Committee continued to produce quality umpires under the expert guidance of Chris, Leonie, Paul, Morgan & John. The Judicial Panel of Heather, Dennis, Leanne, Sara and Jamie with Janette’s leadership was very professional in their approach and in handling what everyone agrees is the least enviable role within our Association. Sincere thanks to all these people for the great work they do and they hours they give to Ipswich Hockey. Thanks must also go to all our wonderful volunteers who willingly put up their hands whenever we put out the call for help as we host state championships or the like. And to everyone who plays a part in ensuring a successful season – club officials, players, supporters, volunteers and sponsors – thank you for the part you play and for being an invaluable member of the Ipswich Hockey family. As in the past, I would like to make special mention of our honourary legal adviser, Justin Thomas. The work Justin does for us and the advice he gives free of charge is invaluable. It is so reassuring knowing you can contact Justin about any matter and he will be only too happy to assist. His contribution to our Association is very much appreciated. In closing, while not wanting to detract from all the positives of the wonderful season 2014 was, as we move into a new season I would like to make comment on some of the less than positive feedback received via the surveys. One recurrent theme was that new & fresh ideas were needed to move Ipswich Hockey forward and possibly a change was needed to those making the decisions. As you look at the nominations received for this year’s committee, you will notice there are a number of vacancies, especially on the Executive, and therefore the opportunity for some fresh blood to be injected. This is the opportunity for those with the fresh ideas to put your hands up and become part of the solution. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. So as we prepare for the new season, I look forward to us all working together again to ensure continued success and growth for Ipswich Hockey.



Senior Vice-President’s Report 2014 Season

My first year as Senior Vice-President was certainly an eye opener. Within two months I had become a tiler, painter and Jill of all trades. The Association implemented many new projects in the 2014 season:

Upgrading of our lights;

Painting of the clubhouse;

New tiling in toilets and showers;

Purchasing a field sweeper;

Purchasing an ATM for the convenience of players and visitors.

All of the above, as well as being rostered to work every weekend, kept the Executive on their toes. The decision by the Association to enforce the rule of washing shoes before entering fields by introducing a red card penalty was met with shock, horror and uproar. Thankfully this had the desired effect with only one warning being handed out. I would like to thank members of the judiciary and tech bench who were always ready and willing to step up to fill those roles when required. This made my job a lot easier. Thank you to the other members of the Tech Committee, Lesley, Margret, Heather and Tracey for your help in a difficult year. Thank you to my personal secretary Lyn Brown whose help was invaluable throughout the year. Lastly I would like to thank the other members of the Executive, Margret, Paul, Karen, Peter, Mark and Chris. Members of the Association don’t realise the long and many hours this group of people put into the Association. I would like to make special mention of our president, Margret, who throughout the year puts in many, many hours at the grounds to make sure everything runs smoothly and takes all the knocks on the chin from people who don’t know better. Thanks Margret. Hopefully the 2015 season will be even bigger and better. Thank you for your vote in the 2014 season. Janette Howells Senior Vice President

Ipswich Hockey Association Inc

Wishes to acknowledge and sincerely thank

David Lems

and the Queensland Times

for their continued support.

David’s ongoing interest in

Ipswich Hockey and his commitment to promoting our sport is

greatly appreciated.

Thank you David!


Secretary’s Report 2014

The 2014 season, been and gone before we even know it. This being my second year in the role of Secretary has been one of enjoyment, and this is mainly due to the help and encouragement received by my fellow Executive members. The help and comradery of these people can make a long day at the hockey into a day of enjoyment. Special mention to Margret Mantell for the countless hours that she puts into the running of the IHA. Not many people acknowledge the work that Margret puts in, so thank you Margret. Also to Lesley McLeod and the Technical Committee who put in the hours doing the training rosters and fixtures, not to mention the late requests from clubs each weekend. Well done. Congratulations to all our Representative players, coaches and managers for a great job done in 2014. It is good to see Ipswich still holding its head high in the state, on and off the field of play. And finally to all our Volunteers, whether you be a coach or a parent who helps out with small tasks, it is all greatly appreciated. The more of these people we get involved the less that the minority has to do. Special mention would have to go to all our State Championship volunteers; these are the people who put the hours in day after day. Thank you to those people. Finally it was great to see IHA receive the award for Ipswich’s Best Sporting Organisation in 2014 at the Ipswich City Council Sports Awards. Thanking you all for this opportunity, and see you in the 2015 season. Chris Leeder

IIPSWICH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Inc Treasurer’s Report for 2014

Mr Patron, Madam President, Ladies & Gentlemen I am pleased to present the Financial Statements of the Association for the year ended 30th November 2014. Excluding the profit on sale of the land in 2013, our revenue in 2014 was similar to 2013 and included bringing to account the first full year of income from the lease of our grass fields to the Council. Our total operating expenses in 2014 were also similar to 2013. While we had no interest costs in 2014 due to payout of our bank loan during 2013, we incurred some one-off costs in refurbishing our clubhouse in 2014, which totaled $40,000. This refurbishment was in my view well overdue, as little or no significant maintenance work has been done on the clubhouse since it was built in the early 1990's. While we like to be frugal in spending Association funds, it is also important that we protect our property, and our clubhouse is one of our very important assets. Our bar and canteen operations result was reasonable in 2014, although lower than 2013. The continued profitability of these bar and canteen activities is vital to us and an important fundraising aspect of our Association, contributing towards the cost of our Regional Coaching director, and our representative team costs. Our balance sheet remains strong with funds on deposit accumulating in readiness for the inevitable replacement of our artificial surfaces in the not too distant future. Since the end of the hockey season, we have replaced the lights on our artificial fields, and are continuing with some further capital works adjacent to our clubhouse as part of our plan to improve the facility for all of our players and supporters alike. Such work in small steps is vital if we are to continue to maintain and improve our facilities, something that I believe all members of our Association, and Ipswich City generally should be very proud of. I would like to thank your Assistant Treasurer, Julie Eleison for her continued valuable assistance during 2014. I would also again like to acknowledge John & Una Cushing who continued to assist us in various receipting and banking of funds during the year.

Paul Mantell B.Com FCPA Honorary Treasurer


RAP Team Co-ordinator’s Report 2014

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for a superb 2014! The RAP Team had a huge year adding PINK Weekend to our now busy calendar of activities that happen on and off the fields at Ipswich Hockey. The focus for 2014 was once again RECRUITMENT, ADVANCEMENT and PROMOTION of hockey in IPSWICH… We are doing a great job with our Hook in2 Hockey numbers and juniors, and we express our thanks to Erin Alchin and the coaches that assisted Erin in our pre season activities. Our senior numbers need looking at and there were several surveys and forums held in late 2014 to allow our senior players the opportunity to voice ideas and concerns on different options that could be introduced for scheduling of games etc. Thank you to also those who participated in these and, as we all know, we will never keep everyone happy but we try and keep the majority happy! With our continued coverage of hockey in the QLD Times, and with outstanding results of our teams and players in State and National competitions and of course our fixtures, there is not too many weeks of the year that hockey is not mentioned! The Get into Hockey TV advertisments that were instigated by Hockey Qld are running again in 2015 with a fresher look. The amazing support and participation by our clubs and their members for all our events is just awesome; from our Open Day, to Hook in2 Hockey Dress Up Day (storybook day) , Pink Weekend, Carnival Day, Gala Dinner and of course our State Championships and all our other impromtu training games and events throughout the year. We sincerely thank those who volunteer to help and get involved because, without you, these events would just not be a success. I am so proud of the fantastic team of people that make up the ‘core’ of the RAP Team, and those others who help us out with different things during the year. But the RAP Team just provides the ideas and organisation and the clubs and their members and families are the ones that make it all happen. We are all working together regardless of what club we may be associated with, to grow our Association and it is wonderful to know that this type of teamwork across the board, assisted in Ipswich Hockey being named the Association of the Year by the Ipswich Sports Awards. So once again…THANK YOU…and bring on 2015! Karen Dolan 2014 RAPT Co-ordinator

PS..don’t forget, all are welcome at RAPT meetings!!

Ipswich Hockey Sponsors in 2014

Ipswich Riverlink Ipswich Riverlink Cinemas Ipswich City Heart Booval Fair Redbank Plaza Orion Springfield Brookwater

176 Brisbane Street, Ipswich Give Jus n a call—3281 2677

Ipswich Hockey Sponsors in 2014

Style . . Service . . Quality Office: 3463 9463

Mike: 0438 821 615

97A Pine Mountain Road, Brassall Phone Paula: 3201 8250

Riverlink Shopping Centre North Ipswich

Call Terry 0402 047 374

Call in and see Phil at the Raceview Shopping Centre

Ipswich Hockey Sponsors in 2014

Australia Wide: 1300 554 567

The support of these wonderful sponsors is greatly appreciated.

Please show your support for these businesses who so generously support Ipswich Hockey.


Regional Coaching Director’s Report 2014

Season 2014 for Ipswich Hockey ended with a bang with successfully hosting the Under 18 Girls State Championships and the installing of our new International Standard lights. I’m sure everyone will enjoy playing and training under these lights in 2015 as well as being extra spectator friendly for viewing from the clubhouse. Our Ipswich Hockey family continues to grow with our junior numbers up again for the 4th year in a row and the introduction of Hearts Hockey Club & South West HC into our U/7 & U/9 Hook in2 Hockey Programs. This all helps to secure this fantastic sport’s future within Ipswich Hockey, led by a proactive organisation. A big thank you must go to Karen Dolan & her team for their endless passion and pledge to making Ipswich Hockey grow. I remain grateful for the help and advice received by everyone in helping to improve Ipswich Hockey and I look forward to season 2015 to continue this growth, development & improvement within our organisation. Season 2014 started with our Open Day in February; all clubs working together as one. We then moved on to our new Introduction to Hockey Program for new players successfully run by Erin Alchin. A big thank you must go to Erin for her enthusiasm, commitment and drive to make this program a huge success. Also, thank you to each club and individual who helped deliver this program. We moved on to our Hook in2 Hockey program with its continued development with U/5, 7 & 9 age groups. Our program continues to grow and have become one of the leading programs, if not the number one program, in Queensland. Last season saw South West United HC join us from BHA. Thank you to all involved with helping Ipswich Hockey H in2 H program become the success it is. Without you and the players, we have nothing. Thank you to Leonie Young for organising the umpires for the U/9 games. The umpires allow the U/9 coaches to just coach, the players to follow rules and respect umpires plus developing new umpires within Ipswich Hockey. The Junior Girls competition age groups were E, D, & C Grade. Junior Boys were once again J1 & J2. The boys numbers did grow (awesome) in the J2 age group in 2014. Hopefully 2015 we see all 3 Grades back for the boys. “Recruit, Retain, Recruit & Retain” continues to be the message in 2015 for all clubs to help protect our future within this great sport. Is there a place for a combined competition or carnival day/days for our juniors with Toowoomba? Both Ipswich and Toowoomba “A” Grade Men & Women competitions combined for the mid-season Combined Competition cup. IHA First Grade competitions were again close struggles, with Swifts and Norths running out with the A Grade Trophies. Hancocks Women and Easts Men were the runners up. Congratulations to all the Clubs who participated in 2014 and I look forward to seeing you all back plus new signings in season 2015. There was 1 Level one HockeyEd coaching accreditation course run in 2014 at the start of the season and 1 Community course for our H in2 H coaches. Most of our H in2 H coaches completed this free Community accreditation. Everyone who completed these courses - Well done. We are always looking for more accredited coaches. Once again in 2014, both Ipswich and Toowoomba U/11 rep teams played inter-city games in June. With 2 Boys and 4 Girls teams participating, well done to all concern. This competition continues to grow and I do think we can develop this day into something bigger.

Yet again, Ipswich was able to send 2 U/13 Boys Teams away in 2014; 3 years in a row. Let’s go for 4. Congratulations to all our rep teams - players, coaches and managers - for your continued success with our rep programs and to the Open Women on winning Division 2 & making it back to Hockey Queensland’s top Division in 2015. Also, thank you to the parents & supporters with their never-ending patronage. Congratulations to the Ipswich players who played in the back to back winning South West (Lumberjacks) Super League Men’s Team and compliments to the Ipswich Women players who played in the South West (Lumberjills) Team which finished 3rd, an improvement from 2013. Please view all results plus who made the Queensland teams & squads in supporting documents. Our previous summer competitions moved to the new Indoor competition in 2014/15 over at the Redbank Indoor Stadium. A huge thank you must go to Jan Walker and her co-workers for making this happen. Ipswich entered 1 boys & 1 girls team into Hockey Queensland’s U/13 State Challenge held in Rockhampton, 1 boys and 1 girls teams into the U/15 State Challenge and 1 boys team into the U/18 Challenge held in Brisbane. Ipswich U/13 Girls once again won their event, the second year in a row. Congratulations to all involved. All our Queensland U/15 & U/18 squad players are training hard preparing for their trials in February. I wish them all the best of luck. I sincerely thank the IHA Executive for your help and support and to everyone involved in Ipswich Hockey. This is not a job; it is a passion, hobby and a great sport. Neil Shearer Ipswich Hockey Regional Coaching Director



President’s Report – 2014 Season

The Ipswich umpires had yet again another successful year on the field (despite what players say). With numbers in the senior umpiring ranks declining, we as a committee decided to breed through to the senior ranks some of our more capable juniors. In our opinion, this was quite successful.

Ipswich sent umpires to all State Titles with the exception of the Under 18 Boys where most of our appropriate umpires were playing. All umpires performed exceptionally well according to the Qld appointed assessors. Probably the highlights of these were Blake Douglas and Daniel Westphal umpiring the Under 13 Grand Final together, a feat that Ipswich, we believe, has not achieved previously. There was also Miranda McNamara who was given the Most Outstanding umpire award at the Under 15 Girls State Championships. Miranda was rewarded with selection to umpire at the 13 Girls National Titles in Brisbane where again she performed to a high standard.

Jess Fox was rewarded, after a strong performance at the 15 Girls National Championships early in the year, with an upgrade to the National 18 Titles. Leonie Young was rewarded with the Final of the National Masters Ladies 40’s Championship, then selected to umpire at the Trans-Tasman Challenge in Melbourne in 2015. Morgan Leeder was rewarded after a strong performance at the State Open Ladies Championships with an appointment to the Australian Country titles in Toowoomba. From the Australian Country Titles Morgan was selected to attend the World League in Fiji with the U21 Australian Country Ladies. At this tournament she was appointed to umpire the World League Final.

I attended the Grand Masters World Cup in Den Hague where I finished up umpiring the bronze medal game, but came away as the number one ranked umpire. Kai Douglas and Zac Hoyland-Meaker are also making their names known in the indoor hockey arena with both attending National Titles in 2014.

The most disappointing part of year came about an hour after the Junior Grand Final umpires were announced on the net. One junior coach emailed me with complaints about the umpires appointed and how biased they were, along with other comments regarding their umpiring ability and how her team will now lose the Grand Final because of the appointments. Shock, horror . . . this team won!!!

This is the attitude that umpires are facing in Ipswich; it is always the umpires fault, right from the juniors through to the senior ranks. Young children that take up umpiring are expected to know every rule and all the interpretations straight away, unlike the players that are given time to learn. Maybe clubs and coaches need to look at this before we lose all the people associated with umpiring in Ipswich.

I’d like to finish on a positive, and thank Robert Lewis, Terry Wode, Chris Mantell, Mark Eleison and Duane Blake who saw that the Umpires were struggling for numbers in the 2014 season and offered their services. These people umpired when they could and helped take some pressure off their peers. We also had Tracey Doyle step up and do the odd game and a few of our ladies umpires even officiated at a senior men’s level.

TO ALL OF THESE PEOPLE THANK YOU. I will not be standing for this position again and would like to wish my successor all best for the 2015 season.

Chris Leeder

2014 Achievements

Executive President: Chris Leeder Secretary: Leonie Young

Vice President: Kel Iszlaub Treasurer: Paul Hardie Allocations Committee: Chris Leeder, Morgan Leeder, Kel Iszlaub Umpire Development Team: Morgan Leeder, Leonie Young, Chris Leeder Awards Junior Umpire of the Year – Female Miranda McNamara & Jess Fox

Runner-Up Junior Umpire of the Year – Female Olivia Norris

Junior Umpire of the Year – Male Daniel Westphal

Runner-Up Junior Umpire of the Year – Male Blake Douglas

Rod Parkinson Encouragement Award Jordn Office

Peter Hunter Encouragement Award Kyle Jackson

Basil Coker Shield for Umpiring Achievement Morgan Leeder

Herb Eleison Award for Services to umpiring Leonie Young State Championship Umpires Super League

- Women Brisbane Leonie Young Super League

- Men Brisbane Kai Douglas Open – Men Brisbane Matthew McManus Open – Women Brisbane Morgan Leeder Leonie Young Masters – Women Toowoomba Rae Chandler (Division 4 Final) Yasmin Leeder Tarni Iszlaub Under 18 – Women Ipswich Yasmin Leeder Olivia Norris Tarni Iszlaub (for Maryborough) Under 15 – Boys Townsville Zac Hoyland-Meaker Under 15 – Girls Gladstone Miranda McNamara (Final & HQ Encouragement Award) Zoe Fox (Division 1 Relegation game)

Under 13 – Girls Rockhampton Olivia Norris (Division 2 Final) Chloe Wilks Under 13 – Boys Bundaberg Daniel Westphal (Division 1 Final) Blake Douglas (Division 1 Final) Under 13 Indoor Challenge - Girls Natalie Walker Under 13 Indoor Challenge – Boys Blake Douglas Under 11 Intercity Competition Umpires Southern Cross Caleisha Harper, Caitlyn Wilks, Olivia Finn, Caitlin Wilson

Coulter Shield Zac Profke, Chloe Wilks Higher Official Duties Jessica Fox U15 National Championships – Final. Recommended to go to 18’s panel Chris Leeder Master World Cup Netherlands - Bronze medal play off Ranked 1 Leonie Young National Masters Darwin - 35s Semi, 40s Final

Selected for 2015 Australian Masters Tour in Melbourne Morgan Leeder Australian Country Titles Toowoomba - Semi & 3v 4 playoff

Fiji with Australian Country Miranda McNamara “Young Aspiring Umpire” Winner at U15 State Champs

U19 School Girls State Championships U16 Australian Schoolgirl Championships Adelaide U13 National Championships Brisbane U15 Indoor National Championships

Daniel Westphal U19 School Boys - Final

U16 Australian Schoolboys Adelaide Kai Douglas U18 Indoor National Championships Zac Hoyland-Meaker U15 Indoor National State Championships

U13 Outdoor National Championships

A Res R2 A2 C D E J1 J2 TotalBen McManus 2 27 7 24 1 0 11 2 74Rae Chandler 1 15 14 22 3 55Murray Rogers 43 12 55Blake Douglas 7 13 10 2 15 6 53Luke Haley 14 17 5 4 1 10 2 53Yasmin Leeder 9 18 11 3 3 3 47Zoe Fox 3 20 8 11 1 43Matthew Westphal 1 36 2 4 43Daniel Westphal 3 4 1 2 1 8 23 42Kellie McNamara 0 0 12 2 17 5 3 2 41Tarni Iszlaub 12 12 5 9 1 39Zac Profke 6 6 7 2 12 6 39Leonie Young 38 1 39Olivia Norris 1 3 5 12 14 1 1 37Chloe Wilks 3 1 10.5 16 5 1 36.5Kai Douglas 20 16 36Chris Leeder 10 7 3 13 2 1 36Miranda McNamara 18 12 2 1 1 2 36Sarina Butta 9 21 30Jessica Fox 17 7 5 1 30Zac Hoyland-Meaker 24 4 1 1 30Morgan Leeder 24 3 1 2 30Richard Adie 6 6 2 1 14 29Phil Jackwitz 1 28 29Jenny Profke 17 3 3 5 28Caitlyn Wilks 5 14 7 2 28Bea Godfrey 5 4 18 27Natalie Walker 2 8 16 26Olivia Finn 3 13 9 25Kate Reeve 9 15 24Alannah West 4 12 8 24Mark Eleison 5 17 1 23Wayne Follett 3 19 22Bruce Mc Manus 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 10 22Kel Iszlaub 13.5 4 4 21.5Jackson Ahrens 3 2 2 14 21Shannon Iszlaub 12 8 20Caitlin Wilson 4 15 19Aliesha Grieve 5 12 17Jordn Office 1 16 17Rob Lewis 2 7 1 6 16Matthew McManus 7 7 2 16Dwayne Blake 10 4 1 15Breenna Conway 15 15Robert Mc Leod 15 15Careisha Harper 14 14Ayton Coolwell 1 9 2 1 13Bernie Gotting 1 2 6 2 2 13Terry Wode 1 10 11Chris Mantell 4 1 1 6Pauline Alchin 2 1 1 1 5Kyle Jackson 4 4Brent Blake 3 3Brent Kinnane 0.5 2 2.5

2 Games Phill McLeod, Gabby Nicholls, Bardley Walker, Tracey Doyle

1 Game Barry Chamberlain, Aaron Gotting, Kerri Orr, Ben Peters, Ken Suthers

NameUmpires 2014

Income $

Umpires' Payment Levies - 2014 season $26,987.00Supplying Umpires - State Championships $1,000.00Sale of donated shirts & sprayjackets $60.00Bank Interest $24.84

TOTAL INCOME $28,071.84


Umpires' Payments - Club Fixtures $24,860.00State Championship Costs $2,659.00Awards Dinner $397.49Bank Fees $41.65


Net Profit/(Loss) for the Year $113.70

AssetsCash at Bank $6,593.30


NET ASSETS $6,593.30

Balance Sheet as at 30th November 2014

Ipswich Hockey Umpires Committee

Statement of Income & Expenditurefor the Year ended 30th November 2014


Records Secretary’s Report – 2014 Season Ladies and Gentlemen: It is with pleasure I present this report on behalf of the Technical Committee. The upgrade of the Hockey Australia database added some challenges for the Association and Clubs during the season. However, at the end of the day I must say we did not allow these challenges to get the better of us and moved with these changes. Hook in2 Hockey continues to be a great foundation for the little ones, which is very encouraging for our Association. Whilst, there isn’t a great move from Hook in2 Hockey to the junior competition a small transition is occurring which saw a slight increase in the youngest junior competition. It was extremely pleasing to see eight E Grade Girls teams in that competition, this certainly hasn’t happened for a number of years. There also was an increase in the J2 Grade Boys teams, however insufficient to revert back to the E, D and C Grade formats. These increases hopefully will continue into the 2015 Season and provide a larger junior competition for both genders. The future for our junior competition is gradually improving and has come about due to the excellent work performed by the Clubs. 2014 saw the introduction of the President’s Cup in place of the previous Mid-Season Finals, which I believe was well accepted by all and proved to be a successful change. Whilst, there are a couple of minor issues to sort out the concept did work well. The Combined Competition with Toowoomba for A Grade teams again was a success. Whilst, there were a number of late changes to this competition it continues to work well and adds that needed variety to the competition. This season the Ipswich Men were successful in winning the final, congratulations to Easts A Grade Men. Whilst the competition between the women remains very competitive the final result was another drawn game between Hancock Brothers and Newtown. The total number of teams nominated for the 2014 season was down by two teams when compared to the 2013 season. Growth in the youngest juniors is pleasing and indicates that the work at the grass roots is being rewarded. Perhaps in 2015 the challenge will be to work on improving the numbers for the 13 to 18 year old age group of players in both genders. The various results of club fixtures are listed on the pages that follow. State Championships The past season did not bring the successes of 2013, however it was pleasing to see that a significant number of Ipswich players are being selected in Queensland teams. The two successes during 2014 were the win by the South West Lumberjacks in the Super League competition and the Open Women winning the State Open Division Two championship.

Our teams finished as follows:- Super League (South West) Men’s 1st Super League (South West) Women’s 3rd

Men’s Open No. 1 team Div 1: 4th Women’s Open Div 2: 1st

Men’s Open No. 2 team Div 2: 5th Under 18 Men Div 1: 4th Under 18 Women Div 1: 4th Under 18 Women Div 2: =7th

Under 15 Boys Div 1 5th Under 15 Girls No. 1. team Div 1 7th Under 15 Girls No. 2 team Div 3 4th

Under 13 Boys No. 1 team Div 1 9th Under 13 Girls No. 1 team Div 1 3rd

Under 13 Boys No. 2 team Div 3 5th Under 13 Girls No 2. Team Div 3 =5th

Women’s Masters No 1 team Div 1 3rd Women’s Masters No 2 team Div 3 4th Women’s Masters No 3 team Div 5 3rd National Representatives Jordyn Holzberger continued her successes of the previous three years being selected as a member of the QAS Squad, the Queensland Scorchers and the 2014 Australian Development Team. Lyn Grulke achieved national representative honours in the Australian Women’s Masters 50’s team. Whilst, Steven Bayliss, Christopher Fazel, Dean Jeffrey and Christopher Mantell have all been selected in the 2014 Australian Country team. Aaron O’Bierne has been selected in Australian Under 21 Country team. Senior State Representatives Country Men’s Team Steven Bayliss, Christopher Mantell, Aaron O’Bierne and Mark Pocock (Shadow – Kyah Andrew-Sharrad)

Country Women’s Team (Shadow – Sara Rogers)

Men’s Under 21 Team (Shadow – Jarrod Brown and Joshua Davies)

Women’s Under 21 Team Jordyn Holzberger

Men’s Under 18 Team Kyah Andrew-Sharrad and Jay Pavitt (Shadow – Ayrton Coolwell)

Men’s Masters 45+ Wayne Follett

Men’s Masters 50+ Phillip Mc Leod

Men’s Masters 70+ Gilbert Tweedie

Women’s Masters 50+ Lyn Grulke

Women’s Masters 55+ (Shadow – Joy Lewis) Junior State Representatives Under 15 No. 1 Team - Caleb Mc Coombes and Thomas Picton No. 2 Team – Tekoda Andrew-Sharrad and Daniel Westphal No. 1 Team – Gabby Nicholls No.2 Team – Lauren Hess and Kelly Mc Namara

Under 13 No. 1 Team – Zac Profke No. 2 Team – Zac Mc Coombes (Shadow – Matthew West) No. 2 Team – Talicia Canty and Abby Eleison (Shadow – Caleisha Harper) At this point I would like to offer my sincere thanks to the members of the Technical Committee for their assistance, advice and guidance. As always it has been a pleasure working with this wonderful team. It would be remiss of me not to give special thanks to Heather Scott for always giving that extra time and going above and beyond her duties. I would also like to give special thanks to Margret for her advice and guidance with those out of the ordinary requests. To Janette and Tracey thank-you for your wonderful efforts. It has been my pleasure to work alongside of Heather, Janette, Margret and Tracey. Good luck to all for the 2015 Season. May our achievements be many and our dedication to Ipswich Hockey be rewarded. Lesley Mc Leod Records Secretary



A Grade - Women Premiers Swifts Runners/Up Hancock Brothers Minor Premiers Hancock Brothers

Mid Season Winners Hancock Brothers

A Grade - Men Premiers Norths Runners/Up Easts

Minor Premiers Norths Mid Season Winners Shared – Norths and Easts

Reserve Grade - Women Premiers Swifts Runners/Up Hancock Brothers

Minor Premiers Hancock Brothers Mid Season Winners Norths

Reserve Grade - Men Premiers Norths Runners/Up Easts

Minor Premiers Wests Mid Season Winners Norths

R2 Women Premiers Swifts Runners/Up Bellbowrie

Minor Premiers Swifts Mid Season Winners Bellbowrie

A2 - Women Premiers Thistles Runners/Up Swifts

Minor Premiers Wests Mid Season Winners Wests

A2 - Men Premiers Norths White Runners/Up Norths Red

Minor Premiers Norths Red Mid Season Winners Norths Red

C Grade - Girls Premiers Wests Runners/Up Hancock Brothers

Minor Premiers Wests Mid Season Winners Wests

J1 – Boys Premiers Hancock Brothers Runners/Up Bellbowrie Minor Premiers Wests

Mid Season Winners Wests


D Grade - Girls Premiers Hancock Brothers Runners/Up Wests Black

Minor Premiers Hancock Brothers Mid Season Winners Hancock Brothers

E Grade - Girls Premiers Norths Runners/Up Bellbowrie

Minor Premiers Bellbowrie Mid Season Winners Norths

J2 - Boys Premiers Hancock Brothers Runners/Up Bellbowrie Minor Premiers Bellbowrie Mid Season Winners Bellbowrie


Women’s Competition: Joint winners - Hancock Brothers and Newtown

Men’s Competition: Easts


Women’s Competition: Wests

Men’s Competition: Hancock Brothers


A Grade: Tracey Goodger Mitchell Moran

Reserve Grade: Janet Peters Blake Douglas

R2 Grade: Ann-Maree Nelson

A2 Grade: Samantha Bauer Ben Morgan

Junior: Kelly Mc Namara Zac Mc Coombes


Wests C Grade Girls



Super League Women – Southwest Team (Ipswich Representatives)

Natalie Davison Layla Eleison Rachael Mantell Sarah Parlett (VC) Sara Rogers (Shadow – Bridget Mc Lean)

Coach – Terry Khan (Toowoomba) Super League Men – Southwest Team (Ipswich Representatives)


Jarrod Brown Josh Davies Tobias Figura (Capt) Chris Mantell Aaron O’Bierne Mark Pocock Todd Watson (Shadows – Steven Bayliss and Dean Jeffrey)

Coach – Nathan Hooper (Ipswich) Manager – Craig Brown (Ipswich) Open Women DIVISION 2 CHAMPIONS

Kiah Ahern Erin Alchin Kirsty Bennett Anita Davey Natalie Davison Pam Edmunds (GK) Layla Eleison Jess Fox Rachael Mantell Aimee Mc Dermott Bridget Mc Lean Sarah Parlett Brooke Pavitt Sara Rogers Caitlin Sippel Carly Young (Shadows – Hannah Casey, Breenna Conway (GK) and Robyn Clarke)

Coach – Lisa Morgan Manager – Sharon Fox Open No. 1 Men

Steven Bayliss Jarrod Brown (VC) Jens Christensen Josh Davies Tobias Figura Alwyn Krusi Pat Krusi David Llewelyn Mark Llewelyn (C) Chris Mantell Aaron O’Bierne Dean Pavitt Jay Pavitt Kyah Sharrad Brenton Sippel Warwick Smith Todd Watson (Shadows – Patrick Collingwood, Mark Pocock and Dean Jeffrey)

Coach – Darren Manson Manager – Peter Llewelyn Open No. 2 Men

Lucas Alchin Patrick Collingwood Jeremy Dalais Will Dalais (VC) Trent Davison Kai Douglas Luke Haley Andrew Horrocks Zac Hoyland-Meaker Dean Jeffrey Caleb Mc Coombes Sam Morgan Mitchell Moran Thomas Picton Mark Pocock (C) Kyle Sippel (Shadows – Andrew Pratt, Nathan Smith and Daniel Mantell)

Coach – Ken Mc Coombes Manager – John Allen Under 18 No. 1 Womens

Crystall Brown Hannah Casey Natalie Davison Layla Eleison Jessica Fox Holly Harrison Lauren Hess Eden Jackat Emma Johnson Kelly Mc Namara Gabby Nicholls Miranda Mc Namara Brooke Pavitt Jaimee Prasser

Coach – Sharon Pavitt Manager – Sharon Fox

Under 18 Womens No. 2

Holly Axelby Rachel Baills Breenna Conway Mc Kenna Evans-Doherty Krystelle Findlay Zoe Fox Dana Hess Kaysei Galea (Co-Capt) Alexis Mc Kenna Emma Reeve Storm Steyn Sophie Stenner (Co-Capt) Enya Timperley Jessica Wilkinson Summer-Rose Tavendale

Coach – Karen Harnden Manager – Rae Chandler Assistant Coach – Amanda McKenna Under 18 Men

Ayrton Coolwell Kyle Dolan Cade Banditt Kyah Andrew-Sharrad Blake Douglas Kai Douglas Luke Haley Tekoda Andrew-Sharrad Caleb Mc Coombes Sam Morgan Mitchell Moran Zac Hoyland-Meaker Jay Pavitt Thomas Picton Nathan Smith Ryan Smith Matthew Westphal (Shadows – Luke Brown and Byron Davies)

Coach – Mark Sharrad Manager – Jamie Burns Assistant Coach – Ken Mc Coombes Under 15 Girls No. 1

Sarina Butta Alisha Grieve Lauren Hess Kaidyn Kunde Jade Mc Dougall Kelly Mc Namara Gabrelle Nicholls Emma Reeve Kate Reeve Nikita Stenner Storm Steyn Emily Toole Natalie Walker Jessica Wilkinson

Coach – Louise Mc Namara Manager – Margie Butta Under 15 Girls No. 2

Breanna Armstrong Jessica Franke Keira Knox Lacey Kohn Alyssa Mc Dougall Olivia-Rose Norris Gabrielle Risbey Montana Salton Roesha Shields Bryanna Terry Kahlia Wells Alannah West Caitlyn Wilks Caitlin Wilson

Coach – Debbie Mc Dougall Manager – Prue Armstrong Under 15 Boys

Harrison Brown Aaron Dodds Kyle Jackson Bailey Hoyland-Meaker Caleb Mc Coombes Zac Mc Coombes Hayden Michel Tekoda Andrew-Sharrad Thomas Picton Zac Profke Angus Robertson Nic Schostakowski Nate Smith Jake Thornton Daniel Westphal (Shadows – Caleb Davies)

Coach – Bruce Robertson Manager – Scott Picton Under 13 Girls No. 1

Kayley Armstrong Nikita Baxter Talicia Canty Jessica Chaplin Kianah Davis Abby Eleison Caleisha Harper Jade Mc Dougall Monique Moran Kirra Muller Jordn Office Ruby Orrock Emma Petersen Emma Picton (Shadows – Jemma Payne, Megan Hinterreiter and Hope Bentley)

Coach – Alannah Young Manager – Nicole Dent

Under 13 Girls No. 2

Rebekah Ahrens Breeah Baxter Hope Bentley Brooke Conway Taleesha Crone Hannah Grayson Megan Hinterreiter Rhiannon Hughes Cleo Jordan Lynka Kohn Halle Miller Jemma Payne Lyndon Stacpoole Georgia Stenzel Alysha Sweeney (Shadows – Tia Palframan and Maniya Addison-Ballangarry)

Coach – Prue Armstrong Manager – Michelle Office

Under 13 Boys No. 1

Connor Adcock Damin Albert Regan Baxter Cailan Burchmann Joseph Butta Ben Donnelly Zac Mc Coombes Brendan Michel Riley Profke Zac Profke Tobey Smith Brad Walker Josh Wells Mathew West (Shadows – Sebastian Miller and Hayden Westphal)

Coach – Leonie Young Manager – Steven Profke

Under 13 Boys No. 2

Josh Bird Jai Devin Zac Eleison Mitchell Galea Flynn Hockings Jack Hogrefe Reid Jackwitz Max Mc Burnie Sebastian Miller Brad Pascoe Zac Pasoce Lachlan Pomerenke Hamish Thompson Hayden Westphal Jacob Wilkinson

Coach – Phil Jackwitz Manager – Kaysei Galea

Under 11 Girls ‘Roar’

Rebecca Ahrens Lani Blackman Caitlin Canty Janali Davidson Lilly Evans Hayley Grieve Indiana Hey Ashley Martin Ashlyn Palframan Hayley Petersen (GK) Gabby Risetto Serena Robertson Bronte Smidt Ashlyn Spiers

Coach – Christine Robertson

Under 11 Girls ‘Stars’

Ashlyn Burchmann Isabella Dutney Ashley Hansen Lile Lenaghan Ella Martin Kiana Mc Peak (GK) Hayley O’Brien Emily Petersen Rhiannon Picton Alex Risetto Lara Skaanvad Bronwyn Spiers Gizelle Tissawak Indianna Wilson

Coach – Brihony Simpson

Under 11 Girls ‘Boomers’

Mikayla Albert Nikkaya Burchmann Tamika Dalby Kyarn Findlay Keely Hansen Victoria Heffernan (GK) Lainey Hinton Madison Mc Burnie Charlotte Orrock Rhiannon Pamenter Jessica Price Jazmine Richards Haley Wells Mirian Williams

Coach – Rae Chandler

Under 11 Girls “Strikers”

Lillana Albert Elanah Bell Pippa Broadfoot Alicia Brown Bethany Browning Sophie D’Castro Katy George Madlin Hill Kiara Jackson Mackenzie Lee Justi-Lee Palframann Hannah Patch Hannah Petersen (GK) Rebecca Smits Kate Sweeney

Coach – Teleah Mc Peake

Under 11 Boys “Super Hornets”

Regan Baxter Nicholas Brown Dylan Davis (GK) Zachary Eleison Flyn Hockings Jack Hogrefe Aston Jackwitz Zac Mc Coombes (C) Sebastian Miller Jackson Newcombe Brad Pascoe Riley Profke (VC) Jared Robertson Rhys Stenzel

Coach – Neil Shearer Manager – Tony Brown

Under 11 Boys “Green Ants” Daimon Bell Blake Bishell Brandon Davis Caleb Doyle Luke Greaves William Harrold Harrison Hogrefe Rhylee Jackwitz Kaleb Lewis (GK) Ashton Mc Peake (GK) Beau Milburn Eli Nowak Tremaine Pittman Baxter Powell Ben Suthers

Coaches – Kai Douglas and Ayrton Coolwell Manager – Frank Nowak

Masters Women’s No. 1

Anne-Marie Callow Di Casey Jayne Goetsch Sue Gregory Lyn Grulke Kirsty Lenaghan Amanda Mc Kenna Kerri Michel Leigh Molloy Kristen Nicholls Justine Parkes Brihony Simpson Andrea Welsh

Coach – Karen Harnden Manager – Karen Marks

Masters Women’s No. 2

Lyn Barnes Kerryn Bennett Lyn Davey Sue Drummond Amanda Hill Joy Lewis Deb Mc Dougall Peita Mc Govern Cristle Petersen Kat Pudwell Rose Radloff Dynelle Rogers Lisa Shaw Deb West

Coach – Kylie Harnden Manager – Jodie Zumbansen

Masters Women’s No. 3

Kathy Andersen Rhonda Anderson Lauren Casey Sue Collins Meg Drummond Melissa Evans Alison Fenton Yvette Job Jodie Martin Teleah Mc Peake Elaine Meredith Ronwyn Joy Morley June Nicholls Bonnie Reeve Andrea Robertson Terri Sallaway Wendy Tallon

Coach – June Nicholls Manager – Lyn Brown/Janette Howells/Heather Scott

Wests 216

Hancock Brothers 193

Swifts 145

Norths 141

Bellbowrie 127

Thistles 108

Vets 48

Collegians 45

Northern Thistles 20

Hancock Brothers 165

Norths 162

Wests 155

Easts 94

Bellbowrie 78







Men’s Points Table 2014 A Grade Men Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Northern Suburbs 20 14 5 1 79 36 39 40

Eastern Suburbs 20 14 4 2 83 44 39 38

Hancock Brothers 20 8 10 2 66 54 12 26

Western Suburbs 20 4 13 3 37 83 -46 14

Reserve Grade Men Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Wests 21 11 7 3 68 48 20 36

Norths 21 12 6 3 76 58 18 36

Easts 21 9 8 4 68 64 4 30

Hancock Brothers 21 3 14 4 47 89 -42 13

A2 Grade Men Team P W L D B F A SD Pts

Norths Red 18 15 1 2 3 90 27 63 47

Norths White 18 14 4 0 3 96 35 61 42

Hancocks Blue 18 11 6 1 3 72 47 25 34

Bellbowrie 18 8 7 3 3 62 40 22 27

Wests 18 5 11 2 3 33 56 -23 17

Hancocks Gold 18 4 14 0 3 27 77 -50 12

Easts 18 2 16 0 3 17 115 -98 6

J1 Grade Boys Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Wests 18 14 4 0 102 29 73 42

Hancock Brothers 18 13 4 1 88 28 60 40

Norths 18 5 12 1 36 100 -64 16

Bellbowrie 18 2 14 2 17 86 -69 8

J2 Grade Boys Pos Team P W L D F A SD Pts

1 Bellbowrie 20 13 3 4 66 20 46 43

2 Hancock Brothers 20 12 4 4 81 20 61 40

3 Wests White 20 9 7 4 41 26 15 31

4 Wests Black 20 9 8 3 43 29 14 30

5 Easts 20 6 12 2 19 59 -40 20

6 Norths 20 2 17 1 6 102 -96 7

Women’s Points Table 2014 A Grade Women Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Hancock Brothers 20 15 4 1 51 21 30 46

Swifts 20 11 5 4 65 44 21 37

Bellbowrie 20 7 10 3 31 32 -1 24

Wests 20 7 10 3 47 59 -12 24

Norths 20 6 9 5 25 44 -19 23

Thistles 20 1 13 6 18 62 -44 9

Reserve Grade Women Team P W L D B F A SD Pts

Hancock Brothers 16 9 6 1 4 36 37 -1 28

Swifts 16 7 4 5 4 44 25 19 26

Norths 16 6 6 4 4 29 18 11 22

Thistles 16 4 6 6 4 30 34 -4 18

Wests 16 5 9 2 4 29 54 -25 17

R2 Grade Women Team P W L D B F A SD Pts

Swifts 18 15 1 2 3 54 12 42 47

Bellbowrie 18 12 4 2 3 41 18 23 38

Veterans 18 10 5 3 3 36 24 12 33

Hancock Brothers 18 9 8 1 3 48 27 21 28

Collegians 18 7 9 2 3 24 32 -8 23

Norths 18 3 13 2 3 15 49 -34 11

Thistles 18 1 17 0 3 13 69 -56 3

A2 Grade Women Team P W L D B F A SD Pts

Wests 18 14 2 2 4 76 27 49 44

Thistles 18 11 4 3 3 45 30 15 36

Swifts 18 10 3 5 3 39 25 14 35

Bellbowrie 18 6 6 6 3 22 18 4 23

Veterans 18 3 9 6 3 27 39 -12 15

Norths 18 2 11 5 3 20 55 -35 11

Collegians 18 2 13 3 3 26 61 -35 9

Girls’ Points Table 2014

C Grade Girls Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Wests 18 17 0 1 130 11 119 52

Hancock Brothers 18 8 6 4 54 54 0 28

Northern Thistles 18 6 10 2 44 60 -16 20

Collegians 18 1 16 1 15 118 -103 4

D Grade Girls Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Hancock Brothers 20 16 2 2 94 23 71 50

Wests Black 20 16 3 1 95 22 73 49

Norths 20 12 6 2 104 32 72 38

Wests White 20 9 10 1 42 34 8 28

Thistles 20 3 17 0 11 113 -102 9

Bellbowrie 20 1 19 0 7 129 -122 3

E Grade Girls Team P W L D F A SD Pts

Bellbowrie 14 13 1 0 58 9 49 39

Norths 14 12 2 0 64 7 57 36

Thistles White 14 10 3 1 36 16 20 31

Wests White 14 5 6 3 15 23 -8 18

Hancock Brothers 14 4 8 2 14 36 -22 14

Thistles Purple 14 2 8 4 4 27 -23 10

Collegians 14 2 9 3 6 37 -31 9

Wests Black 14 0 11 3 4 46 -42 3



Most Goals in the 2014 Season

A Grade Adam Mc Clelland (Hancock Brothers) 20

Anne-Marie Callow (Swifts) 18

Reserve Grade Tim Woodford (Easts) 54

Aimee Mc Dermott (Hancock Brothers) 19

R2 Grade Kaylah Mc Dermott (Hancock Brothers) 22 Janee Choppy (Swifts) 22

A2 Grade Joshua Shaw (Norths Red) 30

Debbie McDougall (Wests) 35

J1 Grade Liam Boyes (Hancock Brothers) 25 Tekoda Andrew-Sharrad (Wests) 25 Nathaniel Smith (Wests) 25

C Grade Jessica Wilkinson (Wests) 44

J2 Grade Thomas Easts (Bellbowrie) 22

D Grade Caleisha Harper (Hancock Brothers) 36

E Grade Ashleigh Martin (Bellbowrie) 27 Most Goals in one game

A Grade Steve Bayliss (Easts) 3 Chris Mantell (Easts) 3 Adam Mc Clelland (Hancock Brothers) 3 Tobias Figura (Norths) 3 Alwyn Krusi (Norths) 3

Anne-Marie Callow (Swifts) 4

Reserve Grade Timothy Woodford (Easts) 4 Steve Rogers (Wests) 4 Aimee Mc Dermott (Hancock Brothers) 5

R2 Grade Kayla Mc Dermott (Hancock Brothers) 4

A2 Grade Brendan Gallagher (Bellbowrie) 7 Cayce Jeffrey (Norths White) 7

Debbie Mc Dougall (Wests) 5

J1 Grade Nathaniel Smith (Wests) 7

C Grade Olivia-Rose Norris (Collegians) 4 Charlotte Hughes (Hancock Brothers) 4 Lacey Pearce (Thistles) 4 Kahlia Wells (Wests) 4 Jessica Wilkinson (Wests) 4

J2 Grade Kyran Lynn (Bellbowrie) 5

D Grade Caleisha Harper (Hancock Brothers) 6 Alyssa Janke (Wests Black) 6

E Grade Bronwyn Spiers (Norths) 4




Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens A Grade

K Ahern 19A 6 L Ahern 22A 4 H Casey 12A - D Coombes 22A - K Coombes 17A 1 E Dwan 20A - P Edmunds 20A 1A2 - M Evans-Doherty 21A 2 S Gregory 19A 5 L Grulke 17A - L Purcell 15A 8 K Range 6A 4 M Yearbury 12A - N Yearbury 14A 1 C Young 17A 1

Womens R2 Grade

C Ball 21R2 4A 1 O Batchelor 20R2 1A2 6 O Finn 16R2 1A 1A2 3 G Hoppe 19R2 7A 12 I Hoppe 20R2 3A2 9 M Hoyland 20R2 1A2 4 H Ironside 17R2 - J Kelly 19R2 1A 2 R Kelly 21R2 2A - L Meredith 17R2 2A2 1 E Moser 21R2 3A2 4 D Power 16R2 5A2 - S Steyn 18R2 9A 3C 8 N Walker 16R2 4A2 2A -

Womens A2 Grade

M Ballarin 16A2 2R2 3 C Boyle 18A2 5R2 3 B Bulley 10A2 2R2 - L Casey 14A2 1R2 3 S Chamberlain 16A2 20R2 2A - C Depree 11A2 - A Fenton 12A2 1 T Hughes 14A2 1 Y Job 16A2 2R2 2 A Judd 18A2 1 J Martin 12A2 1R2 - P Mc Gown 6A2 - Y Van Kasteren 11A2 2 M Westerveld 11A2 2

Girls D Grade

J Cosford 16D - M Denny 17D 11C 1 K Dunn 14D - A Kent 15D - M Krishnan 15D - J Mabin 15D - T Palframan 20D 11C 1 C Petersen 16D 1C - M Power 16D - M Risetto 20D 1 A Westmoreland 20D 15C 1

Girls E Grade

A Burchmann 18E 6D 3 N Burchmann 17E 8D 2 I Green 17E - A Hansen 19E 9D 15 M King 17E 4D 5 A Martin 19E 9D 27 M Mc Burnie 17E - D Menon 17E - G Metcher 15E - A Palframan 17E 9D 4 J-L Palframan 15E 1D - A Power 17E 1D - A Risetto 18E 5D 6 G Risetto 18E 12D 12

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Mens A2 Grade G Adsett 17A2 3 C Banks 13A2 2 A Boyle 16A2 5 G Burchmann 9A2 1 B Chamberlain 19A2 3 M Doherty 18A2 1 B Gallagher 17A2 17 Nicholas Gray 16A2 3 Nigel Gray 19A2 1 K Huxley-Booth 17A2 - A Miller 13A2 14 A Moser 17A2 - T Schostakowski 7A2 - B Smith 13A2 6 M Thompson 12A2 1

Boys J1 Grade C Adcock 19J1 - P Armstrong 21J1 - C Burchmann 21J1 2A2 4 P Denny 18J1 4A2 2 K Rhodes 9J1 - B Hoyland-Meaker 21J1 11R* 4A2* - N Schostakowski 19J1 6A2 6 M Schulz 14J1 6 J Thornton 20J1 4A2 9 B Walker 21J1 - M Westmoreland 21J1 1 (* - Denotes played with Easts Reserve and A2 Grades) Boys J2 Grade L Cameron 23J2 3 M Cleary 16J2 1 T Dunn 23J2 5 T East 22J2 3 J1 22 A Hanson 18J2 2 D Harley 23J2 16J1 3 B Keily 17J2 3 J1 - H Lansdown 19J2 1 K Lynn 23J2 20 J Lynn 23J2 5 M Mc Burnie 24J2 4 J Pomerenke 12J2 1 L Pomerenke 22J2 6J1 6




Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens R2 Grade

C Bancroft-Davis 14R2 - M Casey 18R2 4 D Mc Dougall 7R2 3A2 - T Mc Peake 16R2 1A2 - J Memory 17R2 - L O’Connor 15R2 - T Rigg 17R2 2 K Skuhr 16R2 1A2 2 H Turner 14R2 2A2 3

Womens A2 Grade

T Adie 18A2 6R2 2 D Bagenal 6A2 - S Bauer 17A2 4R2 3 P Bower 15A2 - B Ellison 9A2 14R2 1 K Green 15A2 5C 3 T Harper 12A2 2 A Nevin 15A2 8R2 8 K O’Connor 8A2 17R2 - M O’Connor 10A2 - E Sander 18A2 1R2 - S Tavendale 9A2 16R2 5 R Ware 18A2 1 C Zander 15A2 3

Girls C Grade

Z Broadfoot 16C 1A2 1 K Davis 16C 2A2 8R2 4 G Holland 13C 1A2 5R2 2 Lacey Kohn 14C 2A2 5R2 - O-R Norris 14C 11R2 17 H Stancy 10C - M Toon 18C 7A2 4R2 4 S Ware 12C 17A2 1R2 - B Williams 15C 5A2 -

Girls E Grade

E Bell 15E - S Bourke 8E - P Broadfoot 15E 4C - A Brown 15E - T Dalby 11E 2 G Humpries 11E - K-L Mc Peake 15E 5C - A Mengel 15E - E Newell 12E 1 D Newell 13E - J Sweatman 11E - J Tunny 9E - I Weise 12E - O Weise 11E - H Wells 14E -



Easts Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Mens A Grade S Bayliss 15A 2 R 16 L Brown 22A - P Collingwood 24A - P Dumpleton 1A 1 C Fazel 9A - M Llewelyn 18A 1R 3 A Mantell 20A 1 C Mantell 22A 3R 15 T Millar 23A 3R 15 B Sippel 16A 4

Mens Reserve Grade L Crowe 23R 1A 6 A Gawthorne 21R 2A 1 D Llewelyn 6R 10A 16 Z Hoyland-Meaker 21R 13A 12 P Malcolm 18R 10A 2 D Manson 21R 2A 4 D Mantell 7R 23A 12 C Mc Coombes 1R 18A - B Morgan 10R 12A2 2A 2 J Oliver 8R - K Sippel 24R 23A 11 N Smith 22R 21A 7 A White 20R 1 L Woodford 19R 3A 2 T Woodford 16R 2A 54

Mens A2 Grade A Backen 13A2 19R 2 K Ballangarry 16A2 1 C Barrett 10A2 14R - J Barrett 17A2 22R 3 J Beattie 15A2 - R Bell 5A2 1 G Bray 11A2 2 J Cotterill 14A2 1 J Freeman 16A2 - R Gore 5A2 1 C Habarow 6A2 1 J Johnstone 10A2 1 A Logosha 17A2 8R 2 A Payne 15A2 - K Payne 14A2 - M Pickering 17A2 3R 3 G Tweedie 2A2 - N White 17A2 2R 1

Boys J2 Grade D Bell 19J2 1 S Bolton 18J2 - A Dover 17J2 - H Hogreffe 19J2 1 J Hogreffe 19J2 3 J Mc Allister 19J2 - M Morley 1J2 - R Pickering 2J2 - A Piggott 18J2 - T Pittman 18J2 - L Schnieder 18J2 - B Shipperley 162J2 13 J Weller 17J2 - J Wetzel 17J2 1



Hancock Brothers Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens A Grade

R Clarke 24A 8 N Davison 24A 1R 9 J Holzerger 1A - L Eleison 19A 4 K Nunn 19A - J Parkes 23A - S Rogers 22A 5 C Sippel 23A 7 E Smolenski 20A 10 K Tierney 24A -

Womens Reserve Grade

M Baker 17R 2R2 - B Conway 18R 24A 2R2 - F Conway 7R - R Conway 19R 2A 1 S Conway 17R 1A - A Dudgeon 15R 17A 2 K Galea 16R 2A 1R2 - T Gray 1R - M Hartley 17R 21A 5 K Mc Namara 16R 20A 9 M Mc Namara 10R 19A 1 A Mc Dermott 12R 17A 13R2 19 E Vesey 12R - R Wise 15R 1A 2R2 2 J-L Woodford 7R 5A 4

Womens R2 Grade

N Conway 17R2 - K Elliott 18R2 1 T Follett 13R2 9R 2 C Hanly 5R2 - A Keogh 17R2 5R 6 B Mantell 19R2 5R 9 K Mc Dermott 19R2 10R 22 K Mc Ewan-Watson 19R2 - K Michel 15R2 5 A-M Nelson 19R2 1R 1 M Peters 19R2 7 T Peters 16R2 15R 1 S Woodford 19R2 18R 2

Girls C Grade

C Andrews 19C - S Butta 21C 5R2 2 A Grieve 21C 3R2 1R 15 C Hughes 18C 2R2 7 T Mc Ewan-Watson 14C - I Mc Phillips 19C 3 M Nelson 22C 6R2 2R 8 G Risbey 21C 4R2 1R - M Salton 22C 1 S Seppanen 20C 4R2 4 E Silcock 7C 1 E Toole 22C 5 K Zahnow 21C 7

Girls D Grade

K Armstrong 22D 10C 21 M Addison-Ballangary 20D 1C 2 B Conway 20D 2C - A Eleison 22D 13C 23 M Else 22D 1C 3 C Guest 20D 1C 11 C Harper 19D 9C 36 O Hoffmann 22D 7 N Mitchell 21D - C Rohde 19D 1C - J Rohde 20D 3 K Squires 20D -

Girls E Grade

B Browning 15E - S Conway 14E 2D - L Collett 9E - K Dobinson 6E - T Fields 7E 4D - K George 15E - H Grieve 14E 11D 12 L Hill 15E - M Hill 15E - A Limberg 14E 3 G Limberg 14E 1 R Mc Namara 15E 6D - L Skaanvad 15E 3D 3 F Walder 12E -

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Mens A Grade

C Davies 3A 1 J Davies 10A 1R 2 T Davison 22A 1 K Douglas 18A 3 M Fairman 3A - B French 15A 2R - A Mc Clelland 10A 1R 20 P Mitchell 3A 1 J Pavitt 18A 9 B Sawyers 6A - A Sippel 11A 5R 3 D Thorpe 18A 8R 4

Mens Reserve Grade

J Christensen 2R - A Coolwell 12R 15A 14 S Dobbie 7R 18A 1 B Douglas 21R 16A 4 W Follett 16R 3A 4 D Howells 22R 2A 12A2 20 J Kneen 3R 17A 6 L Lambert 8R 1A 17A2 12 S Morgan 16R 18A - A Nair 8R 1 K Palframan 14R 14A - D Pavitt 10R 17A 5 Ryan Smith 17R 22A 17 K Tierney 18R 8A 5A2 8

Mens A2 Blue Grade

S Aitcheson 19A2 1 P Daly 22A2 2A 1 B Davey 19A2 - A Dobbie 18A2 5 M Edmunds 20A2 1A 5R 7 B Fox 2A2 - J Gillard 9A2 - P Hardie 8A2 - B Kinnane 15A2 17R 21 G Kropp 1A2 - T Marshall 15A2 2 D Phillips 12A2 1R 1 C Rew 17A2 1R 13 P Robinson 12A2 - N Schiller 16A2 2 A White 13A2 13R 15

Mens A2 Gold Grade

P Conway 16A2 - B Darby 14A2 15R - S Darby 8A2 2R - H Dixon-Ward 15A2 1A 8R - N Johansson 14A2 1 M Kaufmann 17A2 21R 1 M Kropp 14A2 5R 4 L Mc Guire 14A2 8R 4 P Mc Leod 2A2 - P Siebenhausen 13A2 - Ross Smith 4A2 1R 1 W Swift 16A2 1R 2 D Tierney 16A2 6R -

Boys J1 Grade

L Boyes 19J1 2A2 25 C Davies 19J1 2A2 - A Dodds 20J1 5R 8A2 1 B Donnelly 18J1 5 A Idzikowski 19J1 - K Jackson 20J1 9A2 15 Z Mc Coombes 19J1 13 B Michel 21J1 2A2 1 H Michel 21J1 9R 13A2 19 N Newcombe 19J1 1A2 - A Robertson 19J1 4 A Skaanvad 21J1 3 Z Toohey 20J1 3 D Walsh 19J1 7A2 10

Boys J2 Grade

J Butta 23J2 1J1 4 J Devin 23J2 - Z Eleison 23J2 5 M Galea 21J2 15 R Harm 21J2 11 A Jackwitz 22J2 14 R Jackwitz 22J2 8 H Lawrence 22J2 4 B Milburn 21J2 - S Miller 22J2 14 J Newcombe 22J2 6 E Nowak 22J2 1 J Robertson 20J2 3 K Varcoe 6J2 -




Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens A Grade

A Davey 15A 1 R Ellis 19A 1 J Fox 16A 1 H Harrison 17A 1R2 - J Kathage 20A 2 M Leeder 17A 1 R Mantell 19A 2 S Parlett 20A 8 S Sue 20A 3 L Young 17A 1

Womens Reserve Grade

K Berndt 18R - C Brown 10R 18A 5 G Collins 15R 2A 4 T Doyle 17R 1R2 6 Z Fox 16R 7A - T Fraser 11R 14A - S Fynes-Clinton 18R 1A 5 D Hess 19R 16A 6 L Hess 15R 15A 4 K Ihle 5R 18A 1 K Jeffrey 19R 3A - Y Leeder 15R 1R2 2 J Petersen 13R 3A - J Profke 14R - N Wallace 15R 14A 1R2 5

Womens R2 Grade

M Bennett 15R2 6A2 2 C Cooper 9R2 - S Cooper 16R2 12A2 - E Gambling 11R2 - E King 17R2 1 R Newton 15R2 - S Newton 10R2 - M Prins 11R2 5R - R Prins 17R2 - K Suthers 17R2 2A2 3 A Wall 11R2 7R 3 A Woods 13R2 14R - B Webber 18R2 - A Young 16R2 2R 4 T Zurvas 16R2 2R 2

Womens A2 Grade

B Boxsell 15A2 3 T Brown 11A2 16R2 1R 2 K Burns 15A2 1R2 2 M-E Burns 18A2 3R2 - A Cushway 13A2 1 L Elliott 13A2 - L Graham 8A2 - J Gray 16A2 1 K Martin 15A2 1R2 - C Mc Gregor 18A2 4 S Nolles 8A2 1 F O’Sullivan 14A2 2R2 - T Petersen 5A2 - B Rayer 10A2 2R2 4

Girls D Grade

B Baxter 22D 1C - A Bowley 22D 7 J Chaplin 23D 13C 14 T Crone 15D 11C - S Hendriks 21D 4 C Jordan 21D 3C 1 K Muller 23D 9C 4A2 21 C O’Connor-Spollen 16D 1 E Petersen 23D 12C 1A2 26 B Thomas 23D 1C - G Wilson 22D 27 K Wilson 19D -

Girls E Grade

L Blackman 18E 8D 15 C Daley 20E 2 G Daley 13E 1 K Eleison 19E - G Hargreaves 12E 2 I Hey 19E 8D 14 L Hinton 20E 4 D O’Connor-Spollen 16E - H Petersen 21E 7D - S O’Connor-Spollen 15E 1 R Smits 13E 2 A Spiers 19E 2D 7 B Spiers 19E 2D 19 K Thomas 20E 2D 6 I Wilson 18E 5D 14

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Mens A Grade

J Dalais 21A 1 K Andrew-Sharrad 13A 2R - W Dalais 21A 6 T Figura 11A 13 A Krusi 10A 1R 13 P Krusi 13A 1R 9 A O’Beirne 10A 10 M Pocock 17A 2 A Pratt 18A - A Wooler 21A 1

Mens Reserve Grade

J Burns 3A 2 K Dolan 22R 15A 2 L Haley 22R 17A 3 S Ihle 19R 5A 2 D Jeffrey 14R 19A 35 P Jordan 23R 6A 15 A Maddocks 21R 7A 2 N Maddocks 9R 10A 16 M Mc Manus 18R 9A 5A2 2 S Pratt 1R 14A 1 S Profke 23R 6A 5 T Ross 22R 1A 1A2 17 A Woodward 14R 17A 12

Mens A2 Red Grade

D Bell 18A2 - L Brown 22A2 22R 19 M Cutler 6A2 1R - M Davidson 15A2 6R - B Elliott 21A2 5 S Halsey 20A2 1 T Kirkwood 15A2 13 I Mc Elligott 17A2 7 J Mc Elliogtt 16A2 2R 15 C Meloury 19A2 21R 3 A Nunn 12A2 2R 1 J Petersen 19A2 23R 11 S Petersen 22A2 - D Robke 20A2 6 J Shaw 18A2 19R 30

Mens A2 White Grade

J Allen 7A2 2 W Allen 20A2 3 B Anderson 19A2 - B Blake 6A2 5 D Blake 16A2 10 M Hall 9A2 - A Harding 20A2 - C Jeffrey 14A2 21 R Lewis 17A2 7 G Shields 18A2 - K Suthers 14A2 - S Thurston 16A2 12 T Wode 14A2 3 A Woods 20A2 28 J Woodward 20A2 1

Boys J1 Grade

J Bowley 17J1 1 M Collins 15J1 - L Hart 18J1 6 D Hey 18J1 3A2 3 K Hey 18J1 7A2 2 R Hey 19J1 3A2 1 S Hockings 16J1 1 S Hughes 15J1 - W Johnston 12J1 10 E Mc Kenzie 15J1 - C Orrock 13J1 - R Profke 16J1 2J2 2A2 8 Z Profke 19J1 11A2 2R 15 C Smith 15J1 -

Boys J2 Grade

R Baxter 19J2 1 B Bishell 11J2 - C Doyle 15J2 1 L Greaves 17J2 - B Heron 17J2 - J Heron 17J2 - F Hockings 17J2 2J1 - L Holzberger 14J2 - B Lewis 18J2 - K Lewis 17J2 - J Mc Kenzie 17J2 - A Mc Peake 19J2 19J1 - B Powell 16J2 - B Suthers 16J2 - Z Thurston 16J2 -




Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens A Grade

M Bool 14A - A-M Callow 13A 18 D Carson 13A 4 D Casey 18A 14 S Francis 21A 11 S Marcusson 13A - B Mc Lean 13A 6 A Stacey 6A 2R 2 S Thornycroft 7A 1 A Wilson 14A -

Womens Reserve Grade

R Anderson 18R 9A 12 C Beasley 18R 1 K Bennett 2R 16A 15 L Crowe 15R 2A 2 A Doble 11A 1 C Eales 17R 7A - K Findlay 18R 5A 3R2 1A2 3 E Floyd-Smith 13R 5A 1 N Frankish 17R 1A - A Geeves 16R 1A 4 K Lenaghan 16R 18A 14 M Mabsout 18R 5A - L Molloy 1R 17A - K Nicholls 1R 11A - H Sanderson 18R 1A 2Rw 5 K Schneider 3R 12A 1 C Shaw 19R 21A 13

Womens R2 Grade

J Choppy 17R2 3R 1A2 22 S Collins 19R2 13A2 - D Hall 17R2 2 R Innes 15R2 2R 1 A Makim 14R2 3R 5 N Mc Kenzie 15R2 1R 2A2 4 C Petersen 11R2 9R 2A2 3 D Reilly 13R2 - L Shaw 19R2 7R 4A2 11 P Voight 19R2 5R 1A 1 P Wallace 19R2 1R 8A2 12 I Wesche 17R2 3

Womens A2 Grade

K Anderson 15A2 1R 4 R Anderson 21A2 20R2 - S Brown 20A2 1R 11 A Hawkswell 19A2 - L Keenan 16A2 1R 4 K Lakshman 15A2 5 J Lewis 21A2 6R2 3 S Lorberg 14A2 14R2 2R - R Morley 20A2 6R2 2R 3 L Petersen 17A2 14R2 2R 1 T Slater 21A2 5R2 1R 7 G Steele 17A2 2R2 5




Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens A Grade

E Alchin 20A 1 K Cole 17A 4R - K Evans 18A 5 T Evans 7A - T Goodger 20A 2R - E Johnson 20A 2R 2 J Prasser 18A - A Silcock 14A - K Todd 4A -

Womens Reserve Grade

R Ball 17R 3R2 - P Brooks 15R 19A 11 B Dolan 15R 20A 1 I Evans 8R 2A 2R2 3A2 1 T Iszlaub 17R 13A 1 R Jackson 16R 1R2 2A2 - A Mirallez 14R 17A 7 L Morgan 8R 8A 3 B Pavitt 7R 17A 3 B Prasser 15R 7A 2 K Vellacott 16R 7A 1R2 5 A Welsh 9R 19A 1 E Woods 15R 9A -

Womens R2 Grade

K Adcock 13R2 1R - S Addison-Ballangarry 10R2 1 N Burnett 10R2 1 T Cora-Davidson 18R2 - T Floyd 18R2 3R 1 C Gotting 18R2 - S Knight 16R2 1 S Kropp 13R2 1 J Myatt 11R2 - M Neal 16R2 - A Speakman 15R2 - L Steele 12R2 11R 1A2 7 K Steley 1R2 2R 1A - C Thomson 16R2 2A2 - K Walker 16R2 1R A Weston 15R2 -

Womens A2 Grade

P Alchin 17A2 2R2 7 S Brown 18A2 1R2 7 B Gotting 16A2 - C Hannah 14A2 2R2 4 C Heffernan 15A2 1R2 1R 5 K Hislop 19A2 1R2 5 C James 14A2 - N Jones 18A2 2R2 11R 2A - C Liddell 172 3 B Mills 17A2 7 L Newdick 19A2 7 S Pavitt 16A2 1R2 2 M Sweeney 14A2 2 K Terry 18A2 1 M Wilson 18A2 - T Wright 19A2 3

Girls D Grade

T Bateman 19D - K Blackman 17D 1C - H Grayson 19D 2C 1 P Kelley 7D - R Peut 8D - S Richards 20D 1 B Schmidt 18D 1 L Stackpoole 20D 1 A Sweeney 20D 8C 1

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Girls E Purple Grade

L-A Dargy 15E 1D 1 I Dutney 14E 1 V Heffernan 16E 7D - C Hodgson 13E - R Hodgson 14E - K Jackson 16E - S Kenyon 14E 1D - C Limpus 15E - E Martin 15E 1D - O Smith-Green 9E 2D - K Sweeney 16E 2D - G Tissawak 13E 1 K Wigginton 14E - M Williams 16E 1D -

Girls E White Grade

J Andrews 12E 1 J Davidson-Fewquandie 18E 11D 11 L Evans 18E 11D 13 K Findlay 12E - K Hansen 16E 2D 3 L Lenaghan 16E 3D - A Meloury 16E - R Noga 15E 3 A Pepper 13E 6D - E Petersen 17E 18D 5 H Petersen 17E 18D 1 J Price 16E 3D - J Richards 18E 10D 1 S Robertson 16E 6D 11 G Vermeer 18E 5D -

Northern Thistles

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Girls C Grade

B Barrett* 18C 2A2 - N Baxter* 9C 5A2 13D 10 T Hogrefe* 16C - A Jordan* 18C 5A2 3 R Shields* 15C 1R 3 C Wilson** 18C 7R2 1A2 - K Hannah** 16C 2A2 1R2 1R 4 L Pearce** 18C 3R2 7R 31 A Riordan** 17C 2 B Skea** 12C - E Taylor** 17C 5 B Terry** 18C 3R2 2A2 - (*Denotes – Norths registered players and **Denotes – Thistles registered players.)




Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens R2 Grade K Bennett 17R2 2A2 2 L Davey 20R2 - C Drummond 17R2 5A2 14 K Harnden 20R2 2A2 4 J Martin 19R2 3A2 - K Mc Auliffe 14R2 1A2 6 B Reeve 19R2 4A2 - D West 14R2 1A2 - K Zumbansen 16R2 3A2 3

Womens A2 Grade A Battensby 5A2 3R2 - S Brown 17A2 12R2 - R Chandler 16A2 1R2 - M Drummond 17A2 2R2 - S Drummond 4A2 19R2 - M Evans 10A2 17R2 1 A Hill 12A2 15R2 4 J Hill 10A2 1 E Jaenke 10A2 - Z Leslie 10A2 5R2 1 K Mason 15A2 4 P Mc Govern 7A2 10R2 2 S Mc Millan 10A2 2R2 1 E Meredith 14A2 - M Morgan 12A2 4R2 2 J Nicholls 6A2 - K Pudwell 17A2 16R2 12 R Radloff 6A2 7R2 - T Sallaway 14A2 2 W Tallon 16A2 2R2 - K Winton 3A2 15R2 2



Wests Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Womens A Grade

S Dadson 16A 1R 3 D Emblem 14A - J Emblem 12A 3 R Fitzgerald 18A 3 K Fraser 19A 1 A Korner 7A 9 A Nicholls 20A 13 B Simpson 18A - S Stenner 20A -

Womens Reserve Grade

B Axelby 15R 10A - C Axelby 14R 13A 6 H Axelby 16R - R Baills 12R - L Barnes 14R 1 K Cook 6R 10A2 2 T Iszlaub 4R 19A - E Jackat 5R 11A 5 E Mackay 7R 8A 4 Alexis Mc Kenna 9R 1A 1 G Nicholls 5R 17A 8 Amanda Mc Kenna 9R 1 E-J Oldham 1R 16A 3 J Peters 13R 9A 8 E Potbury 16R - D Rogers 15R 10A - E Timperley 16R 19A 1

Womens A2 Grade

T Dixon 20A2 2 C Ellison 16A2 6 L Fullarton 18A2 6 F Gillow 17A2 1 R Godfrey 10A2 1R - J Goetsch 17A2 1R 5 K Gough 5R - L Gow-Heathwood 19A2 - M Jackson 15A2 3R 4 S Lawrie 16A2 2R 5 D Mc Dougall 20A2 2R 35 A Robertson 17A2 1 T Rowan 18A2 2R 10 S Victor 15A2 - C-M Wilks 7A2 7R 1A -

Girls C Grade

B Armstrong 20C 3A2 16 J Franke 21C 11A2 1R - K Knox 19C 3A2 3 K Kunde 19C 4R 6 T Kunde 16C 9 A Mc Dougall 14C 5A2 8 E Reeve 20C 3R 6A 15 K Reeve 20C 3R 1 N Stenner 21C 6R 1A 23 K Wells 21C 1A2 10 A West 21C 7R 2 C Wilks 15C 3A2 7 J Wilkinson 19C 2R 10A 44

Girls D Black Grade

H Bentley 21D 2A2 - T Canty 21D 3C 18 S D’Castro 18D 1C 1 F Del Paul 21D 8 T Heit 10D - M Hinterreiter 22D 3C 10 A Janke 20D 28 J Office 19D 3C 27 J Payne 22D 1C - E Peters 22D 1C 4 E Picton 22D 8 G Stenzel 22D -

Girls D White Grade

K Albert 21D - J Draper 19D 3 R Hughes 20 3C 8 L Kohn 11D - T Manson 19D 1C - J Mc Dougall 21D 16C - H Miller 21D 5 M Moran 20D 10C 12 A Morris 17D - C Neilsen 19D 6 R Orrock 20D 1C 6 Z Patch 21D - C Strydom 19D -

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Girls E Black Grade

S-L Bullock 6E - C Canty 15E 13D 2 S D’Castro 13E 1D 1 C Galvin 13E - A Goetsch 11E - S Kissane 14E 4D - J Nicholls 12E 13D 1 H O’Brien 15E 5D 4 R Pamenter 15E 4D - C Pascoe 15E - H Patch 15E 3D - R Picton 15E 5D -

Girls E White Grade

R Ahrens 16E 13D 4 L Albert 15E - M Albert 15E - A Jackson 17E 1 K Janke 16E 1 M Lee 14E - E Mason 14E 2 L Mc Kimmon 15E 4D 8 L Newman 15E - C Orrock 15E - R Wann 14E 2 S Wann 13E 1

Mens A Grade

J Brown 7A 1 D Goodwin 11A 1R 1 N Hooper 12A 1R 4 B Iszlaub 20A 4R 2 M Moran 19A 1R - W Smith 9A - B Thomas 20A 4R 4 G Walker 16A 5 T Watson 15A2 5 M Wiseman 5A 1R 1

Mens Reserve Grade

L Alchin 23R 21A 3 C Banditt 14R 1A 4A2 - J Carmody 23R 11A 1 J Doran 8R 2A - A Gotting 18R 2A 8 C Greensill 10R - A Horrocks 12R 19A 1 C Jaenke 20R 20A 11 M Kendall 12R 10A 5 D Perrett 22R - T Picton 20R 8A 5 S Rogers 7R 9A 24 M Sharrad 14R 17A 2 B Taylor 18R 6A 11 M Westphal 7R 18A - D Wingfield 22R 19A 5

Mens A2 Grade

S Ballinger 9A2 1 N Brown 3A2 - S Brown 16A2 2 C Coulson-Futcher 13A2 16R 22 D Ellison 2A2 - J Farmer 15A2 2 T Germon 13A2 1A - J Hughes 13A2 3R - S Johnson 13A2 1 S Lewis 14A2 3 S Meredith 15A2 - S Sawyers 5A2 3 P Smith 18A2 - T Smith 8A2 - M Thomas 9A2 2R 1 S Timperley 15A2 - B Waite 13A2 - B Westphal 13A2 -

Names Games Goals Names Games Goals

Boys J1 Grade

J Ahrens 19J1 8R 2 T Andrew-Sharrad 18J1 15R 25 B Arndt 18J1 3A2 6 H Brown 12J1 2A2 4 M Buchanan 20J1 5 B Davies 16J1 14R 19 L Farmer 21J1 9 B Godfrey 14J1 1A2 - C Nielsen 20J1 3A2 3 C Pamenter 21J1 3A2 1 B Peters 21J1 2A2 1 N Smith 19J1 10A2 25 T Smith 19J1 1A2 1 M West 19J1 1A2 - D Westphal 15J1 9R 10

Boys J2 Black Grade

J Bird 20J2 3 M Carmody 21J2 2 J Del Paul 19J2 5 W Harrold 21J2 2 B Hogan 18J2 1 Arnell Saric-Pamenter 21J2 8 S Toon 20J2 1 Ayden Saric Pamenter 21J2 3J1 8 J Verrall 21J2 - J Wells 20J2 1J1 6 H Westphal 21J2 1J1 1 J Wilkinson 10J2 1J1 9 J Woodall 12J2 -

Boys J2 White Grade

D Albert 19J2 1J1 2 N Brown 20J2 6 B Davis 19J2 - D Davis 20J2 2J1 - K Del Paul 20J2 - R Jackwitz 18J2 2 D Muhling 19J2 3 B Pascoe 18J2 12 Z Pascoe 18J2 7 J Simmons 20J2 3 K Simmons 19J2 1 R Stenzel 20J2 5 H Thomson 20J2 -

Bellbowrie Hockey Club

Collegians Hockey Club

Eastern Suburbs Hockey Club

Hancock Brothers Hockey Club

Hearts Hockey Club

Northern Suburbs Hockey Club

Swifts Hockey Club

Thistles Ladies’ Hockey Club

Veterans Hockey Club

Western Suburbs Hockey Club


Affiliated Clubs in 2014

Ipswich Hockey

65 Briggs Road Raceview

Phone 3288 6985 Fax 3294 0214

Website: www.ipswichhockey.com

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