ip networking at hsbc

Post on 27-May-2015






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IP networking from eircom supports drive for cost efficiency at HSBC.


HSBC Ireland Case Study | IP Networking

2 Case Study - HSBC Ireland

Customer Overview

HSBC Ireland is part of HSBC Global and provides corporate and private banking, insurance and securities services. It employs over 500 people in Dublin.

The Need

A concerted cost effi ciency drive raised the need to reduce the cost of HSBC Global’s Bermuda-based e-faxing solution and HSBC Ireland call


The Solution

HSBC Ireland use eircom IP Networking for hosting e-faxing in Dublin at a signifi cantly reduced cost, and for carrying all external HSBC Ireland calls.

The Benefi t

• Cost of sending faxes for HSBC Global reduced by 79%.

• HSBC Ireland call costs reduced by 29%.

• True confi dence in IP Networking as a stable, resilient service on a 24/7 managed network from eircom.

“For us, the IP network has bea ‘set it and forget it’ solutionWe have not had to perform amaintenance on the network, has proved extremely resilientis key for us, considering the vof critical faxes being sent eve

Declan CumminsHead of IT, HSBC Ireland

Case Study - HSBC Ireland 3

HSBC Ireland banks on eircomThrough innovative use of eircom IP Networking, HSBC Ireland, a subsidiary of the HSBC Group, has made a large contribution to the effi ciency of the group’s global operations, delivering signifi cant cost savings for fax and telephony services.

Merging its three Dublin offi ces into one location in 2008 gave HSBC Ireland the opportunity to drive new effi ciencies in its operations, including consolidating its telephony with one supplier. With over 500 staff relocating into its headquarters in Grand Canal, HSBC required robust infrastructure to cope with the additional users.

Declan Cummins, head of IT at HSBC Ireland, chose to return HSBC Ireland’s telecoms business to eircom, primarily due to its consistent service levels and reliability. Initially, HSBC Ireland used standard ISDN lines, but as cost effi ciency came into focus as a key priority in 2010, it decided to upgrade to eircom IP Networking, a decision which has since delivered savings in a number of areas.

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4 Case Study - HSBC Ireland

79% reduction in international fax charges

One service in target for cost reduction was a global e-faxing solution, which traditionally routed fax traffi c from all of HSBC’s global offi ces through its Bermuda offi ce. International call charges meant costs for the service were considerable, and alternative locations including New York and Dublin were considered to host the service.

Declan knew from discussions with his eircom Account Manager that eircom IP Networking could deliver signifi cant cost reduction, and analysis confi rmed this: a Dublin-Australia fax would cost just €0.02, compared to more than €3.50 (USD5) for a Bermuda-Australia fax, a 79% saving annually.

Today HSBC Ireland is the global fax hub for HSBC worldwide, sending thouands of faxes weekly over IP Networking. “The move has raised the profi le and reputation of HSBC Ireland,” said Declan. “It’s also boosted the morale of our team here in Dublin as it’s recognised globally how much we’ve been able to save annually for the group.”

Network reliability provides consistency

For Declan, reliability has been another key benefi t of IP Networking. The consistency of the service, delivered over a network managed 24/7 by the eircom Network Operations Centre, has provided real peace of mind.

“For us, the IP network has been a ‘set it and forget it’ solution. We have not had to perform

any maintenance on the network, and it has proved extremely resilient, which is key for us, considering the volume of critical faxes being sent every day.”

Migrating external voice calls to IP Networking drives further savings

HSBC site-to-site calls are made free of charge through an internal group network, but HSBC Ireland staff make hundreds of external calls daily to mobile, local and national numbers. Encouraged by the cost savings delivered by IP Networking for e-faxing, HSBC Ireland implemented a second IP Networking line for external voice calls.

Looking to the future with eircom

As cost reviews continue Declan says HSBC Ireland will continue to examine how its investment in IP Networking could help deliver further savings.

“Our relationship with eircom is excellent,” Declan says. “Not only have they helped us realise signifi cant cost savings, their reliability and accountability is second to none. If we chose to implement any new technology for voice or data in the future, eircom would be the provider we’d choose.”

Case Study - HSBC Ireland 5

“During the fi rst three months following the migration of all voice calls to IP we have seen a saving of 29% on our phone bill, compared to ISDN.

Looking for ways to make cost savings is one of our key objectives, and with eircom IP Networking we have achieved signifi cant reductions in our telecoms costs,”

Declan CumminsHead of IT, HSBC Ireland

Overvieweircom solution at a glance

eircom IP Networking provides the ideal • basis for business effi ciency, offering excellent reliability, scalability and cost effective bandwidth for voice and data services.

Bandwidth can be adjusted at any time, • and dedicated capacity is available for key applications, so critical business processes run smoothly.

eircom IP Networking is a private nationwide • IP network only for eircom customers; it’s separate from the public Internet, so traffi c is fully secured, and international links provide global reach.

IP Networking makes it fast and easy for • organisations to connect offi ces anywhere to one network, which provides a strong foundation for initiatives like voice over IP, centrally hosted applications and secure remote working.

Get in touch

To fi nd out how IP Networking can benefi t

your business, please contact your

eircom Account Manager.


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