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Behavioural Neurology 21 (2009) 101–115 101DOI 10.3233/BEN-2009-0228IOS Press

Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease with[18F]PET in mild and asymptomatic stages

Alexander Drzezgaa,b,∗aHarvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for BiomedicalImaging, Charlestown, MA, USAbDepartment of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universitat Munchen, Munich, Germany

Abstract. With longer life expectancy, dementia based on the age-related Alzheimers’ disease (AD) has turned into one of themost prevalent disorders of older age, representing a serious medical and socio-economic issue. There has been growing interestin early diagnosis of this disease, particularly regarding the initiation of new treatment strategies ahead of the onset of irreversibleneuronal damage. It is accepted that the pathologic changes underlying AD appear in the brain years to decades before thesymptomatic stages. Consequently, clinical measures of cognitive impairment, as used for definition of dementia, will not allowearly diagnosis of AD-pathology in the mild or asymptomatic stages. Thus, a need for complementary sensitive biomarkers isapparent. Brain imaging markers are among the most promising candidates for this diagnostic challenge. Particularly, [18F]FDGPET as a marker of regional neuronal function has been demonstrated to represent a most sensitive and specific method forearly identification of AD-pathology and thus for prediction of dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT), even in the mild andasymptomatic stages. Currently, systematic data of comparable quality are hardly available for any other imaging procedure. Thepurpose of this article is to describe the typical findings of [18F]FDG PET in different stages of AD and to demonstrate its valuefor early and reliable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly ahead of the stage of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.

1. Introduction

Age represents the greatest known risk factor for de-mentia. The prevalence of the disease shows an almostexponential increase with age [10]. More than 20% ofpersons older than 80 years are affected by manifestdementia [9,36] and the risk doubles approximately ev-ery 5 years [2,119]. Most of these dementia cases ofolder age are based on the neurodegenerative disorderAlzheimer’s disease (AD) [14]. With increasing lifes-pan, dementia turns into one of the most prevalent anddebilitating disorders in today’s societies, characterizedby an insidious onset and a progressive impairment ofcognitive functions, finally leading to an impairmentin the capabilities of daily living [33,60]. Only in the

∗Address for correspondence: Priv. Doz. Dr. Alexander Drzezga,MD, Nuklearmedizinische Klinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar der Tech-nischen Universitat Munchen, Ismaninger Str. 22, 81675 Munchen,Germany. Tel.: +49 89 4140 2971; Fax: +49 89 4140 4841;

United States up to 5 million individuals are estimat-ed to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease today [1]. ADalready represents the fifth leading cause of death inAmericans older than the age of 65 years. Regardingthe fact that the elderly population (those aged 65 yearsor older) in the USA is expected to duplicate from ap-proximately 35 million today to more than 70 millionby 2030, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is ex-pected to approach nearly a million people per year,with a total estimated prevalence of 11 to 16 millionpersons by 2050 [87] These facts illustrate that this dis-order will represent an enormous burden in the future,not only for the patients and their relatives but alsoregarding socio-economic and health care systems.

Today’s diagnostic algorithms for the diagnostic ver-ification of AD are still mainly directed towards thedefinition of manifest dementia based on clinical symp-toms [60]. The diagnostic standards of the NINCDS-ADRDA rely on the exclusion of other causes for de-mentia, leaving AD as the end point of a long diagnos-tic road with neuropsychological examination as the

ISSN 0953-4180/09/$17.00 2009 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

102 A. Drzezga / Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease with [18F]PET in mild and asymptomatic stages

most important tool. These tools unfortunately havea rather low sensitivity and specificity with 80% and70% respectively- these numbers might even be lowerparticularly when looking at the crucial early stages ofAD [52]. The systematic algorithm of the clinical di-agnosis of dementia is currently divided into two steps:1.) Confirmation of the diagnosis “dementia” and 2.)Differential diagnosis of the cause underlying the de-mentia. Step one is usually carried out on the basis ofan interview with the patient and usually also with atleast one informant (e.g. spouse or children of the pa-tient), as well as by clinical neuropsychological testingof the patient. The second step also includes laborato-ry tests and other technical examinations such as ECGand brain imaging procedures. According to currentofficial guidelines, the performance of a cerebral CTor MRI-scan is regarded mandatory at this step [52].The purpose of these morphologic imaging proceduresis mainly to exclude non-neurodegenerative causes ofcognitive impairment, such as brain tumors or vascularabnormalities. Following the exclusion of other poten-tial causes, the diagnostic assignment to dementia ofthe Alzheimer type (DAT) or to another neurodegener-ative disorder will usually mostly result on the basis ofthe type of cognitive symptoms.

A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD),however, is currently only possible by post mortemhistopathological analysis of the brain. The hallmarksof histological verification of AD are the deposits ofß-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles [12]. Incontrast to other disease entities, the in vivo extrac-tion of tissue for histopathology (e.g. by brain biop-sy) can hardly be reasonably justified for diagnosis ofdementia. Besides this limitation regarding the def-inite diagnosis of AD by neuropsychological tools islimited. It is well accepted that the pathology of ADstarts years to decades before the onset of cognitivesymptoms. Out of this perspective clinical definition ofmanifest symptomatic dementia will consistently rep-resent an already advanced stage of AD [12,19]. Insummary, the early and definite diagnosis of AD ishampered by the low sensitivity and specificity of clin-ical/neuropsychological evaluation and the limited ac-cessibility of brain tissue for histopathological analysis.On the other hand, considerable progress has recent-ly been made regarding insights into pathomechanismsunderlying AD. This progress has been paralleled byincreasing efforts to develop new treatment options,mostly directed against amyloid deposition, such as e.g.secretase blockers and immunization strategies [44].For all causal therapeutic approaches it is of apparent

importance to improve early diagnosis of the disease,ahead of the clinical stage of dementia, to allow treat-ment initiation in low or even asymptomatic stages, i.e.prior to irreversible neuronal damage. Furthermore,the expensive and in part also risky new therapeutic ap-proaches will obviously demand a highly specific diag-nosis and tools for monitoring treatment success. As aconsequence, the need for a more reliable test for earlyand specific diagnosis of AD is evident. The most rea-sonable approach to evaluate the sensitivity of a newdiagnostic tool for early diagnosis of AD, is apparentlyto test its value in AD risk populations. In general, suchrisk populations can be selected on the basis of differentapproaches: a) selection of patients with mild cognitivesymptoms, not yet sufficient for diagnosis of dementiaor b) selection of patients without cognitive symptomsbut with a genetic or familiar risk for AD. Regardinga), a diagnostic entity has been created established inthe recent years, termed MCI for “mild cognitive im-pairment”. This clinically defined group encloses pa-tients with cognitive symptoms, which do not yet affecttheir activities of daily living. It has been shown that15–30% of these patients will develop manifest DATwithin a short period of time. Thus, MCI is regard-ed to define represent a risk population for AD [81].However, not all MCI-patients will develop DAT andtoday a definite diagnosis of AD in the stage of MCIis not reliably possible based on neuropsychologicaltests alone. Regarding b), several known genetic riskfactors exist. The Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) e4-allelerepresents the greatest known genetic risk factor forsporadic AD [30]. However, these genetic risk factorsdo only indicate a theoretical risk and there is no prooffor the actual presence of a neurodegenerative disorder.Many carriers of the e4-allele will never develop DAT.

Consequently, the search for specific surrogate mark-ers allowing non-invasive early and specific diagnosisof AD in the stage of MCI or even in asymptomat-ic stages of the disease has been intensified. Mod-ern imaging procedures hold considerable promise inthis context. It has been shown that imaging technolo-gies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) andPositron Emission Tomography (PET), allow the detec-tion of structural, functional and molecular pathologi-cal changes associated with the disease progression andmay be superior to neuropsychological testing regard-ing early and reliable diagnosis of AD [85,118]. Asmentioned above, morphological imaging procedures,such as CT and MRI are already an essential part ofthe standard diagnostic procedure. These techniquescan exclude several non-neurodegenerative causes for

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symtomatic dementia, such as vascular and tumorousdiseases or normal pressure hydrocephalus [110]. Fur-thermore, particularly MRI is capable of precise mea-surements of regional brain atrophy, e.g. of the hip-pocampal region. However, morphological changes doshow some overlap between different neurodegenera-tive disorders and the specific proof of a certain neu-rodegenerative process on the basis of certain patternsof atrophy may be less reliable. In addition, it seemsthat morphological changes appear later in the progressof disease, subsequently to the onset of neuropatholog-ical and functional changes and even to the early symp-tomatic phase of AD [111]. Thus, morphological struc-tural CT and MRI may not represent the optimal toolsfor specific differentiation of AD from other types ofneurodegeneration so far and particularly not regardingthe sensitive early diagnosis of AD in asymptomatic orMCI-stage. Advanced MRI-techniques such as repeat-ed scanning for the longitudinal assessment of changesover time or modern spectroscopy techniques may holdadditional options but still need to be evaluated system-atically in larger studies.

In contrast to the mentioned morphological struc-tural imaging procedures, functional imaging tech-niques such as PET allow the sensitive verification ofsubtle changes in brain physiology. In particular, PETimaging with the glucose analogue [18F]FDG has beendemonstrated to visualize even a subtle minor declineof regional neuronal function, which may be one ofthe very first abnormalities accompanying the onset ofAD-pathology in the brain. This imaging tool holdspromise to allow a positive proof of AD in very earlystages, i.e. prior to major clinical changes and changesin brain structure. However, in current guidelines, func-tional imaging techniques such as PET are currentlystill regarded as optional complementary procedures inthe diagnostic setup. For several reasons this may haveto be reconsidered. First, diagnosis of manifest demen-tia may have to be replaced by diagnosis of ongoingneurodegeneration in the future. Second, a lot of addi-tional data, confirming the value of the existing proce-dures such as [18F]FDG PET has been collected. In thecurrent article, the potential value of [18F]FDG, repre-senting one of the most promising and well-establishedPET techniques, will be discussed with particular re-gard to early diagnosis of AD in stages ahead of clini-cally manifest dementia.

2. Basics of [18F]FDG PET imaging in AD

Current theories regarding the pathology of AD-development can not be addressed here in detail. In

short, AD is today most commonly regarded as a pro-tein aggregation disorder, with extracellular aggrega-tion of ß-amyloid peptide and intracellular aggregationof the tau-protein being the earliest known pathologi-cal events of this disease. The ß-amyloid peptides arecleaved from a membrane protein called APP (amy-loid precursor protein) and tend to aggregate extracel-lularly with different affinity, depending on the lengththe different forms. As a consequence of aggregation,dimers, oligomeres and finally extracellular ß-amyloidplaques are generated. Inside the cell, following hyper-phosphorylation the tau-protein, which is usually asso-ciated with intracellular microtubuli, aggregates to theso called neurofibrillary tangles. Although the exactmechanism is not yet known, it is assumed that theseaggregationpathologies lead to impaired synaptic func-tion, neuronal dysfunction, synaptic loss and finallyto neuronal death and resulting brain atrophy [36,99].Some studies were able to confirm that neuronal lossappears later in the disease progress, when compared totau and amyloid aggregation pathologies [88]. On thebasis of this disease concept, reduced neuronal activitycan apparently be regarded as a very early pathology ofAD, advancing measurable reductions of brain tissue.

Thus, measuring neuronal dysfunction does obvi-ously represent a promising approach for early detec-tion of AD. With the radiolabeled glucose analogue,[18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG), a PET-tracerfor in vivo assessment of neuronal function is at hand.The uptake of [18F]FDG parallels the transport of glu-cose into cells. Subsequently, the tracer is phospho-rylized and trapped in the cell and thus allows region-al assessment of regional cerebral glucose metabolism(rCGMglc) [86]. It is well known that glucose con-stitutes the relevant source of energy for the brain andthat glucose metabolism is tightly connected to region-al neuronal function. Most probably, this coupling ismediated by glial cells. Energy-demanding synapticactivity of a neuron leads to increased glucose uptakeinto surrounding glial cells, which subsequently trans-fer lactate as an energy carrier to the neuron [57]. Ifthe [18F]FDG PET-examination is performed in rest-ing conditions, the tracer uptake is mainly driven bybasal neuronal activity; thus it represents a measure ofgeneral neuronal integrity [95]. Inversely, impairmentof neuronal function leads to a decrease of regionalglucose turnover.

Consequently reductions of cerebral glucose metabo-lism as a measure of neuronal function in the brainin AD can be expected. In fact, in patients with DAT,characteristic deficits of regional glucose metabolism

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Fig. 1. Surface projections (3DSSP) of typical [18F]FDG PET findings of the left hemisphere in single subjects: healthy control (first row), MCI(second row) and DAT (third row). rCMRglc: glucose metabolism, red/yellow: normally high, green: abnormally low. Z-scores: deviations ascompared with a healthy control population, yellow/red: high deviation, blue/black: low/no deviation.

in affected brain regions have often been demonstrated.Typically, temporoparietal cortex, posterior cingulatecortex and frontal cortex show hypometabolic changes.The pattern of affected brain regions fits well to theknown deficits in cognitive functions, which have beenassociated with these particular brain regions, e.g. spa-tial thinking with the parietal cortex. In contrast, re-gions such as the sensorimotor cortex and the primaryvisual cortex are usually spared from hypometabolism,(see Fig. 1) corresponding to the preserved brain func-tions associated with these regions (vision, sensory andmotor function) [38,62,102]. Usually patients show bi-lateral, but not necessarily completely symmetric hy-pometabolic areas. According to the disease hypothesismentioned above, the metabolic deficits in the affectedareas of the brain have been mainly assigned to reducedneuronal activity, but also to a number of further mech-anisms including impaired metabolic efficiency, or ß-amyloid-induced inhibition of glucose transport [69,108]. Undoubtedly, disease associated loss of synapsesand neuronal death would also contribute to reducedregional metabolic rates in later stages. Thus, there isstill some controversy regarding the question whetherreduced cerebral glucose metabolism actually repre-sents a cause or a consequence of the disease or both.Either way, the resulting pattern of metabolic changes

has a high sensitivity and specificity for AD and, thus,[18F]FDG PET does represent a valuable tool for earlyand also for differential diagnosis of dementia [59,62,97,102,104].

In general, it has been demonstrated that [18F]FDG-PET imaging offers a tool superior to neuropsycho-logical testing, regarding early diagnosis of AD [85,102,118]. The true diagnostic quality of neuroimagingprocedures can only be evaluated against histopatho-logical assessment. In fact, several studies addressedthis issue. Minoshima et al. found that patientswith post-mortem histopathological proof of ADshowed typical parietotemporal, posterior cingulate,and frontal hypometabolic changes in prior [18F]FDG-PET scans [64]. Also Hoffmann et al reported thatparietotemporal hypometabolism is the typical abnor-mality in patients with verified AD [42]. In a largemulticenter trial Silverman et al were able to demon-strate a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 73% ofa diagnostic setup including [18F]FDG PET regardingthe diagnosis of AD, as verified by histopathologicalproof of disease [102]. In contrast, in studies usinghistopathology as the goldstandard for neuropsycho-logical evaluation, distinctly lower values of sensitiv-ity (85%) and specificity (55%) have been found [42,56]. These studies provide convincing evidence that

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diagnostic setups including [18F]FDG PET show high-er accuracy than neuropsychological evaluation aloneregarding diagnosis of true AD.

In most of the mentioned PET-studies, the sensitiv-ity of [18F]FDG PET for detection of AD has beenfound to be very high (>90%), whereas less high val-ues have usually been reported for specificity. How-ever, a number of studies demonstrated that automatedprocedures for observer-independent image evaluationmay lead to a considerable improvement of this issue.A common approach consists in automated interindi-vidual 3D-stereotactic spatial normalization of the im-age data, allowing voxel-based statistical comparisonof patients data with data from healthy control subjects.Several programs for this type of analysis are available(e.g. Neurostat 3D-SSP, University of Michigan, USAor SPM, Wellcome Dept. London, GB). These pro-grams facilitate the assessment of statistically signif-icant abnormalities and potentially even the automat-ed assignment to a diagnostic category. Their valuein the diagnosis of AD has been extensively tested [8,26,28,39,41,65]. A large multicenter study (“NEST-DD”) was able to prove that the application of this typeof voxel-based automated data-analyses to [18F]FDGPET data leads to an improved specificity of 93%,whilemaintaining a sensitivity of 93%, regarding the diag-nosis of AD [39,41]. With this approach, even in verymild dementia (at MMSE 24 or higher) sensitivity stillreached 84% and specificity 93%.

Another option for objective semiquantitative anal-ysis of [18F]FDG PET data may be found in the ap-plication of regional ROI’s. For this kind of approach,the patient’s PET and MRI image data have often beencoregistered at first in order to define anatomical ROI’son individual MRI data, which have been applied to thecorresponding PET data, subsequently [22]. This typeof approach, however, is time-consuming and requiresmanual ROI-definition. Data-analysis procedures al-lowing automated ROI-definition may be less suscep-tible for observer-dependent variations. Mosconi et al.introduced an automated and anatomically valid masktechnique to sample the hippocampus on PET data (so-called HipMask). They were able to document hip-pocampal hypometabolism in DAT with this techniqueand to demonstrate that it may improve discriminationbetween healthy subjects, MCI and DAT-patients [69].

In summary, there is good evidence that diagnosticalgorithms including [18F]FDG PET achieve better re-sults than neuropsychological testing alone. It has beenshown that [18F]FDG PET may actually be includ-ed into algorithms of dementia diagnostics in a cost-

efficient way and that it indeed leads to an improvementof patient management, including therapy and care [75,100,101]. So far, comparable results for most otherimaging procedures are still pending. Of the existingMRI-techniques, MRI-based volume measurements ofatrophy have been most detailed evaluated regardingthe diagnostic value in detection of Alzheimer’s dis-ease [50,55]. Particularly, volumetry of the hippocam-pus appears to be able to differentiate between AD andhealthy volunteers and some studies also document acorrelation between in vivo MR-volumetry and postmortem neuropathological classification of AD [49].However, the utility of these volumetric procedures toreliably classify the individual patient in a clinical set-ting has not been sufficiently verified and considerablescepticism about the added value of these procedures tostandard clinical evaluation still remains [24,31,48,94,113]. Alternative promising MR-imaging procedures,which may offer insights into various parameters ofAD-pathology in the brain are also still in the processof validation [50].

So far, the number of studies directly comparing theaccuracy of MRI-volumetry and [18F]FDG PET fordiagnosis of AD is very limited. A small number ofstudies, however, indicate that [18F]FDG PET yieldsa better diagnostic performance for the discriminationbetween AD patients and healthy control subjects thandoes the morphologic assessment of atrophy, e.g. byvoxel-based morphometry (VBM) [58]. Also a studyby Kawachi and colleagues showed a slightly higheraccuracy for detection of AD for [18F]FDG PET com-pared to VBM-MRI [51]. This impression is furtherconfirmed by a number of studies demonstrating thatthe hypometabolic changes in measured by PET in ADexceed structural changes and are not representing anartefact due to an increase in CSF space induced byatrophy, but reflect a true metabolic reduction per gramof tissue [11,46]. Studies, which applied partial vol-ume effect correction to eliminate the effects of atrophyon PET signal, consistently demonstrated that FDG up-take is reduced in AD regardless of whether or not par-tial volume effect correction is applied, supporting thenotion that the reduced FDG uptake in these areas isnot the result of atrophy. In a recent direct voxel-basedcomparison between gray matter hypometabolism andatrophy in Alzheimer’s disease, Chetelat et al. wereable to demonstrate that hypometabolism significantlyexceeds atrophy in most altered structures, particularlyin the posterior cingulate-precuneus, orbitofrontal, in-ferior temporo-parietal, parahippocampal, angular andfusiform areas in AD [17]. All these studies further sup-

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port the theory that functional changes advance majoratrophy and, in consequence, functional imaging maybe more sensitive to detect AD compared to structuralimaging.

3. [18F]FDG PET in MCI

As mentioned above, following a period free ofsymptoms, it is assumed that patients go through a stageof so called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) for 5–10years (often particularly in the memory domain), beforeclinically manifest dementia can be diagnosed [81–83].Clinical diagnosis of MCI is defined by a loss of cogni-tive functions, which exceeds common age-associatedchanges but does not yet allow for the diagnosis of de-mentia (i.e. patients are not impaired regarding theiractivities of daily living) [83]. Thus, the MCI group isregarded as a risk population for AD, and may be ofparticular interest regarding new treatment trials [34].Consequently, also the current guidelines of the Amer-ican Academy of Neurology recommend that patientswith Mild Cognitive Impairment should be identifiedand monitored for progression to AD, which is regardedto be a likely event [52].

So far, a number of studies have evaluated the val-ue of [18F]FDG PET in the diagnostic assessment ofMCI. In several cross-sectional studies (some of themlarge multicenter studies with >100 MCI subjects),it has been consistently demonstrated that [18F]FDGPET imaging can reliably differentiate groups of MCI-patients from healthy controls and on the basis of spe-cific hypometabolic patterns [23,26,27,66,74,76,78].The most consistent abnormal finding, described in themajority of these studies is the hypometabolism in theposterior cingulate cortex. Depending on the study,this finding has been accompanied by more or less in-volvement of additional cortical regions affected by hy-pometabolism in manifest AD-dementia, such as thetemporoparietal cortex and frontal cortical regions. Asin AD occipital and sensorymotor cortical areas arespared from hypometabolic changes consistently.

There has been some controversy regarding the hy-pometabolic involvement of the medial temporal cor-tex, particularly of the hippocampus. Whereas somestudies show hyometabolism in this region in MCI [20,22,73], others do not show major medial temporal hy-pometabolism in MCI or AD-dementia [6,27,40,63,66,98]. The medial temporal cortex and in particular thehippocampus has often been discussed as a region inthe brain early affected by pathological changes includ-

ing atrophy in the course of AD. Given the fact that amajor role in memory function has often been assignedto this brain structure, it seems reasonable to look forhypometabolismin this region in MCI. The fact that da-ta on hypometabolic changes in MCI in this region arethereto limited may have two apparent reasons: first theassessment of cerebral hypometabolism in this regionmay be aggravated by the limited spatial resolution ofPET. In fact, studies showing hypometabolism in thehippocampus predominantly applied specific data pro-cessing technologies, such as MR-based hippocampalROI-definition or voxel-based analysis following cor-rection of regional partial volume effects [61,69]. Thus,in other studies employing less specific approaches forthe assessment of this region, this abnormality mayhave been missed. Another potential reason for the lackof hypometabolic findings in the hippocampus may befound in a regional compensatory effect, which hasbeen increasingly discussed recently. The basic ideaunderlying this hypothesis is that a loss in the num-ber of neurons in the hippocampus will be compen-sated by increased activity of the remaining neurons.Several studies support this view [17,47,98]. Samu-raki et al. found reduced [18F]FDG uptake in poste-rior cingulate and parietal temporal lobe in mild ADbut relatively preserved uptake in the MTL, includinghippocampal areas, despite gray matter loss. Thesefindings persisted even after partial volume correction.The authors suggested that compensatory mechanismsin the hippocampus may be responsible for these find-ings [98]. Similarly, in a recent study Chetelat et al.demonstrated that hypometabolism in the brain exceedsatrophy in several regions including the posterior cin-gulate, whereas less hypometabolism was found in thehippocampus compared to distinct atrophy in this re-gion. Again, the authors suggested that compensatorymechanisms may be responsible for these findings [17].

Finally, some of the variance in the metabolic pat-terns detected in the MCI-group may be attributed tothe type of criteria used for definition of MCI (amnes-tic, multiple domain versus single domain, etc.), to neu-ropsychological profiles [43,74], as well as to the well-known heterogeneity of the MCI-group itself. SomeMCI-subjects are suffering from diseases other thanAD, some will convert to dementia later than othersand some may even get better over time and never de-velop dementia [82]. Thus, the most important diag-nostic challenge is not to distinguish MCI-patients asa group from healthy controls, but rather the identifi-cation of those individual patients who will deteriorateto manifest dementia over time (i.e. those subject who

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Fig. 2. Baseline [18F]FDG PET findings in a single MCI patient, who showed clinical progression to DAT within 16 months. Surface projectionsof statistical abnormalities (z-scores) as compared with a healthy control population are displayed. Predefined anatomic surface ROIs are depictedas white lines. Significant hypometabolism in bilateral temporoparietal and frontal cortex and in the posterior cingulate cortex is apparent. (A)Right lateral. (B) Left lateral. (C) Left medial. (D) Right medial. Reproduced with permission from Drzezga et al 2005 (Drzezga et al. 2005).

are actually suffering from AD). As discussed above,clinical/neuropsychological examination does not con-sistently permit a reliable prediction of conversion todementia in the group of MCI-patients [5,83]. Thusa number of studies have been carried out to identifythe predictive value of [18F]FDG PET as a biomarkerof ongoing AD in MCI [6,16,26,27,40,45,71,78,102].Numbers of included patients in these studies rangedbeween 17 and 55, mean follow-up periods ranged be-tween 1–4 years and observed conversion rates rangedbetween 22–45%. All of these studies were able toidentify typical hypometabolic changes in [18F]FDGPET baseline examinations of MCI-patients, associ-ated with later conversion to manifest AD-dementia,whereas stable subjects showed less or no abnormali-ties. Again, most consistently across those studies,pos-terior cingulate hypometabolism was identified as a keyfinding, predicting later conversion of MCI to AD, fol-lowed by parietotemporal and frontal hypometabolism.Generally high sensitivity and specificity values werecalculated (75%–100%) for [18F]FDG PET. The ulti-mate value of a diagnostic biomarker for predicting theclinical course can only be defined by comparison ofbaseline rating values against results from longitudinalfollow up in the individual patient. A small numberof studies tried to follow this longitudinal approach in

MCI. Silverman et al included a subset of 55 patientswith only mild cognitive impairment in their longitu-dinal multi-center study. They were able to demon-strate that progression of cognitive deterioration waspredictable on the basis of baseline PET-findings witha sensitivity of 91% and 75% specificity in this sam-ple [102]. A smaller study employing automated imageanalysis and classification of patients according to pre-defined criteria at baseline was able to achieve a sensi-tivity of 92% and a specificity of 89% (positive predic-tive value 85% negative predictive value 94%) regard-ing conversion to AD 16 months later (see Fig. 2) [26].

In MCI, correlation of imaging data with postmortem data has not been frequently performed. Twostudies demonstrate that [18F]FDG has a high sensitiv-ity regarding identification of actual ongoing AD in thestage of MCI or even in cognitively healthy subjects, asverified by post mortem assessment years after the orig-inal PET examination [70,102]. Mosconi et al did alsodemonstrate that PET based diagnosis remained con-sistent in repeated measurements in the same subjectsover longer time periods. Silverman and colleaguesdemonstrated in their multi-center study that [18F]FDGPET was able to detect ongoing Alzheimer’s disease insubjects with mild cognitive symptoms as verified lat-er by post mortem neuropathological assessment with95% sensitivity and 71% specificity [102].

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Again, as for DAT, it has been shown also for MCIthat automated data-analysis procedures minimizingobserver-influence may considerably improve imageassessment. Particularly the automated individual com-parison of patient data with healthy control populationsshows promising results [27,28,61,66,74]. In a recentstudy it has been demonstrated that the careful selec-tion of a longitudinally controlled truly healthy controlpopulation may be crucial for the quality of the resultsgained from this type of study [74]. Furthermore, ithas been shown that the selection of the region used fornormalization of the individual data may influence thesensitivity of the examination [115].

Regarding this array of promising results, it is notsurprising that several studies were able to demonstratehigher accuracy of [18F]FDG for prediction of AD-dementia in MCI-patients, compared to neuropsycho-logical examination [71,102]. Even when post-mortemneuropathological evaluation was considered the gold-standard, it was obvious that adding [18F]FDG to thediagnostic setup did improve prediction accuracy [102].In contrast to these findings, there is considerably morecontroversy regarding the added value of volumetricMRI examinations regarding early identification of AD.Currently, volumetric assessment of the medial tempo-ral lobe/hippocampus can be regarded the best evaluat-ed parameter regarding the identification of AD in earlystages of the disease [4,18,24,29,54,109,112]. Howev-er, the number of studies reporting on the actual predic-tive value of these measurements in longitudinal studiesis relatively limited and the actually reported predictivevalues are rather low. E.g. Korf et al reported a sensitiv-ity of 70% and a specificity of 68% (positive predictivevalue 68%, negative predictive value 70%) for visuallyassessed medial temporal lobe atrophy [54]. Devananddemonstrated sensitivity and specificity of 67%: and80%, respectively for measurements of hippocampusand entorhinal cortex [24]. They conclude that theadded value of MR imaging to clinical parameters suchas age and cognitive variables remains rather limited,as far as prediction of clinical course is concerned. Al-so Fleisher et al. in their recent study summarize thatin moderate stages of amnestic MCI, common cogni-tive tests provide better predictive accuracy than MRImeasures of whole brain, ventricular, entorhinal cortex,or hippocampal volumes for assessing progression toDAT [31].

Some studies imply that longitudinal assessment ofatrophy rates in the hippocampus and possibly alsoeven of the whole brain may be more sensitive re-garding future cognitive deterioration, and thus may

have predictive value in early stages such as MCI [103,106]. However, e.g. Jack et al. discussed in their studythat the considerable overlap between converters andnon-converters indicates that these measures are un-likely to provide absolute prognostic information forindividual patients [48]. Furthermore concerns havebeen raised regarding the clinical practicability for se-rial MRI imaging regarding increased costs, complex-ity of serial image coregistration and the clinical needto promptly establish the diagnosis [24]. It may alsobe mentioned in this context that a recent post mortemstudy correlating post mortem MRI-measurements ofmedial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) with specific neu-ropathology demonstrated that MTA is neither specif-ic nor does it show a very high sensitivity (63%) forAD [7].

In correspondence to these findings and interpreta-tions, studies on direct comparison of the diagnosticvalue of [18F]FDG PET and MRI-methods in MCI pre-dominantly report relatively higher accuracy of PET.As an example, De Santi et al. demonstrated that[18F]FDG PET measurements achieved higher accu-racy compared to MRI volume measurements regard-ing diagnostic classification of MCI [22]. Also Yuanet al. recently demonstrated that [18F]FDG PET canbe regarded superior to MRI in predicting conversionin MCI [116]. These findings correspond well to thehypothesis that functional changes appear earlier in thehistory of AD and that hypometabolism advances andexceeds atrophy and is better suited for early diagno-sis [58,72,98].

Apart from volumetric assessment of regional brainatrophy, various other modern MRI-techniques may al-low to assess different aspects of Alzheimer’s diseasepathology, such as diffusion weighted imaging, perfu-sion imaging and arterial spin labelling, assessment ofresting state activity and spectroscopy. Most of thesetechniques, however, have only been studied in smallsamples and information on their value for early di-agnosis of AD is yet limited. Their predictive valueregarding conversion from MCI to AD in large cohortsremains to be established [24,50].

Consequently, the recent guidelines (2001, reaf-firmed 2004) for dementia diagnosis of the AmericanAcademy of Neurology (AAN) explicitly state that lin-ear or volumetric MR or CT measurement strategiesshould not be included in the routine evaluation of thedemented patient. It is concluded that measurementof hippocampal atrophy by MRI may not be usefulin clinical practice because of its low precision. Itis also discussed that [18F]FDG-PET appears superi-

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Fig. 3. Regions of the brain with abnormally low CMRgl in young adult carriers of the APOE e4-allele and their relation to brain regions withabnormally low CMRgl in patients with probable DAT. The dark (purple in coloured online version) are regions in which CMRgl was abnormallylow only in the patients with DAT, the bright (bright blue in the coloured online version) areas are regions in which CMRgl was abnormally lowin both the young adult e4 carriers and patients with probable DAT, and the grey areas (muted blue in the coloured online version) are regions inwhich CMRgl was abnormally low only in the e4 carriers. (Lines point to the locations of the e4 carriers’ most significant CMRgl reductions.Reproduced with permission from Reiman et al. 2004 (Reiman et al. 2004) c© 2003 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA.

or to MRI measures of hippocampal atrophy becausechanges in cerebral glucose metabolism antedate theonset of memory decline, whereas the MRI hippocam-pal changes do not. Thus, it is concluded in theseguidelines that PET scanning appears to have promisefor use as an adjunct to clinical diagnosis, but furtherprospective studies with PET are needed to establish itsadded value over a competent clinical diagnosis [52].Interestingly in these guidelines the evaluation and clin-ical monitoring of persons with MCI is explicitly rec-ommended, due to their increased risk for developingdementia [29,53]. However, no detailed discussion onthe value of imaging biomarkers in the stage of MCI isprovided. These guidelines date back to 2001 and sincethen abundant literature has been added, particularly onthe value [18F]FDG PET for early diagnosis of AD inMCI. Thus, it may be considered to include this aspectin upcoming versions of these guidelines.

When using [18F]FDG PET for diagnosis in MCIand AD, it needs to be kept in mind that the degree

of cognitive impairment will not necessarily correlatelinearly with the extent of cerebral hypometabolismin each subject. A number of studies were able todemonstrate that subjects who were expected to havehigher cognitive reserve, i.e. due to higher levels ofeducation, showed more pronounced hypometabolismas compared to subjects with lower levels of educationand similar degree of cognitive impairment [80,107].Recently, a study was able to demonstrate that thistype of cognitive reserve effects may also be observedin MCI subjects [35]. These cognitive reserve effectsfurther underline that a diagnosis based on cognitivesymptoms alone may not be suitable to assess the extentof damage in the brain.

4. [18F]FDG PET in asymptomatic risk persons

There is common agreement that the brain pathologyof AD starts years before onset of even mild clinical

110 A. Drzezga / Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease with [18F]PET in mild and asymptomatic stages

symptoms, i.e. even ahead of the stage of MCI. In prin-ciple, it may make sense to start new therapeutic strate-gies even in presymptomatic stages, to avoid neuronaldamage before it leads to cognitive impairment. Thus,the identification of biomarkers allowing the diagnosisof AD in asymptomatic stages appears to be a worth-while aim. According to current diagnostic guidelines,there are still insufficient data to make any recommen-dations regarding cognitive screening of asymptomaticindividuals [82]. Thus, in a first step it appears rea-sonable to focus on healthy subjects, who bear an in-creased risk for developing AD-type dementia later inlife, i.e. they potentially may suffer already from on-going neuropathology, even without apparent cognitivesymptoms. Apparently, subjects carrying genes en-coding for the familiar forms of Alzheimer’s diseasesrepresent such a risk population. In fact one studywas able to demonstrate hypometabolic abnormalitiesin subjects carrying mutations in the Presenilin 1 gene,responsible for early-onset autosomal dominant AD(FAD) [72]. Presymptomatic FAD individuals showedhypometabolic changes in [18F]FDG PET scans, con-sistent with the typical AD PET pattern in the relativeabsence of structural brain atrophy. The authors con-cluded that these data further suggest that [18F]FDGPET measures may serve as biomarkers for the pre-clinical diagnosis of AD. However, the familiar casesof autosomal dominant inherited AD only represent asmall percentage of all AD-cases and they are differ-ent regarding onset and clinical course compared to thefrequent sporadic form. Thus, findings obtained in thispopulation may not be easily transferred to the generalpopulation of sporadic AD. Apart from autosomal dom-inant forms of AD, a higher risk for sporadic AD may bedefined by familiar disposition (positive familiy historyfor AD), or by known factors of genetic susceptibili-ty such as the ApoE e4-positive genotype. The ApoEe4-allele represents the greatest known risk factor forsporadic AD, increasing the relative risk to suffer fromAD for about 3–15 times [33], depending on the e4-allele frequency. Correspondingly, several studies havebeen able to demonstrate hypometabolic abnormali-ties in healthy carriers of the ApoE e4-genotype com-pared to e4-negative controls. For example, Reiman etal showed reduced glucose metabolism in e4-positivesubjects in the same regions of the brain as in patientswith probable Alzheimer’s disease (posterior cingulate,parietal, temporal, and prefrontal regions) [91]. Mem-bers of the same group later demonstrated that evenrelatively young (20–39 years) e4-carriers had abnor-mally low rates of glucose metabolism bilaterally in the

posterior cingulate, parietal, temporal, and prefrontalcortex and that the e4-gene dose is correlated with low-er glucose metabolism in each of these brain regions(see Fig. 3) [92,93]. Furthermore in several studiesspecific decline of glucose metabolism over time in theAD-typical regions has been demonstrated in cogni-tively healthy e4-carriers [90,105]. Correspondingly,more pronounced hypometabolism was detected in e4-positive subjects with manifest DAT compared to age-matched e4-negative DAT-patients [31]. Conclusive-ly, it has been suggested that brain imaging techniquescould be used to evaluate putative AD prevention ther-apies in cognitively normal ApoE epsilon4 carriers andthat they could help guide the investigation of a molec-ular mechanism associated with AD vulnerability [89].Apart from subjects with ApoE e4-positive genotype,another very recent study was also able to demonstratesimilar hypometabolic changes in subjects with ma-ternal history of AD, who are also at higher risk fordementia [70].

However, both family history and the ApoE geno-type do only indicate a theoretical risk and are no prooffor the actual presence of a neurodegenerative disor-der. Many carriers of the 4-allele will never developDAT. This implies that significant abnormalities weredetected in the mentioned studies in the risk popula-tions when compared with healthy controls, althoughthe risk-groups will most probably have contained sev-eral subjects who were not suffering from ongoing neu-rodegeneration. Thus, it appears particularly interest-ing to evaluate the value of these detected abnormal-ities, regarding the prediction of cognitive decline inindividual subjects in the future. In a single [18F]FDGPET study De Leon et al. were able to demonstrate thatbaseline metabolic reductions in the entorhinal cortexof healthy subjects accurately predicted the conversionfrom normal to MCI within a 3-year follow up peri-od [23]. In the subjects who declined, the baselineentorhinal metabolism predicted longitudinal memoryand temporal neocortical metabolic reductions. Moredata needs to be collected in larger longitudinal stud-ies over long time intervals, to evaluate the utility of[18F]FDG PET for individual prognosis/early detec-tion of AD in healthy subjects and its actual value as ascreening tool.

5. Multi-modal approaches

It is commonly assumed that AD represents a com-plex multifactorial disorder, which will not necessari-

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ly follow the identical course in every single patient.Thus, in general the most appropriate way to ensure re-liable early diagnosis of AD may be found in the com-bination of several diagnostic tools, focussing on dif-ferent aspects of the disease. This includes clinical andneuropsychological testing as well as different types ofbiomarkers such as the assessment of genotype, cere-brospinal fluid markers and functional/molecular andstructural imaging procedures. A number of studiessuggest superior performance of diagnostic setups com-bining different diagnostic markers for detection of ADin the stage of MCI. This includes studies on the com-bination of imaging and non-imaging biomarkers [24,29,68,71,105,111], as well as on the combination ofdifferent imaging modalities [27,51,114]. Two studieswere able to demonstrate that the combination of theApoE-genotype, encoding for AD-susceptibility, with[18F]FDG-PET as a marker of actual brain pathology,could significantly improve either sensitivity or speci-ficity of DAT-prediction in MCI-patients [29,71]. Al-so the current AAN guidelines suggest that combin-ing medial temporal measures with other markers, suchas functional neuroimaging or ApoE-genotyping, mayimprove diagnostic accuracy [52].

The discussion about combining different diagnos-tic entities to find to a comprehensive diagnosis maygain even more momentum in the future, regarding tworecent developments. One being new PET tracers formolecular imaging of amyloid plaque deposition suchas [11C]PIB [28,79,96]. First studies suggest a highpredictive value of this type of tracer for prediction ofAD in MCI [35] and a small study suggests superiorclassification of AD compared to [18F]FDG-PET [77].However, the relatively high numbers of PIB-positivesin older asymptomatic subjects require further longitu-dinal studies [67]. [18F]FDG-PET may be highly valu-able to detect the onset of actual functional pathologyin PIB-positive subjects. Thus, PIB-PET may serve asa risk-marker, whereas FDG-PET may denote the ac-tual onset of disease. A second important developmentlies in the current efforts to establish a new hybrid in-strument, combining PET and MR imaging technologyinto one single scanner. This hybrid imaging technol-ogy may significantly influence diagnostic protocols,as it will allow simultaneous acquisition of functional,molecular and structural information in one session inthe future [17,18].

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, imaging of the cerebral glucosemetabolism with [18F]FDG-PET as a marker of neu-

ronal function can be regarded as a highly sensi-tive and specific tool for early and accurate diagno-sis of Alzheimer’s disease. It has been demonstratedeven by post mortem neuropathological assessment thatthis imaging technique shows better diagnostic perfor-mance than exclusive neuropsychological evaluation.Furthermore excellent performance of [18F]FDG forearly diagnosis of this disorder even in early mild symp-tomatic stages (MCI) has been demonstrated, i.e. beforea diagnosis of dementia is possible by neuropsycho-logical assessment. The documentation of abnormalfindings in risk persons even in asymptomatic stagesunderlines the very high sensitivity of this tool. Currentdata indicate that [18F]FDG PET shows superior per-formance regarding prediction of cognitive decline inMCI, compared to established structural imaging meth-ods, such as MR-volumetry. These findings are cor-responding to the hypothesis that functional changesoccur prior to structural changes in the brain. Currentguidelines on dementia diagnostics discuss a potentialrole of [18F]FDG imaging for diagnosis of dementiaand discuss its superiority compared to MR-volumetry,but they do not explicitly recommend the performanceof [18F]FDG PET. However, the role of imaging pro-cedures for diagnosis of AD in stages ahead of man-ifest dementia such as MCI is not discussed in theseguidelines, although careful diagnostic evaluation ofMCI-patients, representing a high-risk group for de-mentia, is strongly advised. Regarding the fact thatAD-pathology starts years to decades prior to the onsetof clinically manifest dementia, it becomes obvious thatdiagnostic efforts should be directed towards diagnosisof Alzheimer’s “Disease” rather than of Alzheimer’s“Dementia”. Neuronal dysfunction, which can be de-tected with [18F]FDG PET may be regarded as the ac-tual onset of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain, disre-garding symptomatic stage. In this context and regard-ing the abundant amount of new information on the val-ue of [18F]FDG PET, which has been collected in therecent years, it may be considered to include [18F]FDG-PET as a highly sensitive marker of disease in earlystages in the current guidelines for diagnosis of “de-mentia”. Apart from the value of [18F]FDG PET alone,certain combinations of this imaging marker with otherbiomarkers such as genotype or CSF-markers may offerpromising approaches to assess individual prognosis inAD-patients. New developments in the field of imag-ing, such as tracers for amyloid plaque imaging, mod-ern MR-procedures and new hybrid imaging technolo-gies such as PET-MR may add further material to thisdiscussion. In the future, these exciting options may

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offer the opportunity to address a number of differentdiagnostic questions, e.g.: a) the detection of proteindeposition pathology with amyloid plaque imaging, b)the onset of neuronal dysfunction (i.e. the beginningof actual Alzheimer’s disease) with [18F]FDG and c)the presence of brain atrophy and other structural andbiochemical consequences of the disease with MRI.

It can be summarized that the value of [18F]FDG forearly diagnosis of AD has been systematically proven.At present, comparable qualities regarding sensitivi-ty, specificity, value for therapy control and even cost-efficiency in AD have not been documented for otherimaging procedures. Therefore, PET can be regard-ed as a method of choice regarding diagnosis of on-going AD-neurodegeneration, particularly in patientswith mild cognitive impairment.


This work has been supported in part by DFG-grants(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Project Numbers:DR 445/3-1, DR 445/4-1 (Drzezga). The author thanksNicola Karina for the careful review of the manuscript.


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