ion ways slide presentation

Post on 07-May-2015






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Until the 20th

Century all living

creatures drank life

giving water coming

from the heavens……

which cycled through

the earth’s minerals

…… and received

energy along the way.

Lourdes, France,

Shin-Chan areas of

China, and glacial

streams in the Andes

and Himalayas contain

elevated alkaline pH

levels naturally and are

highly ionized with

beneficial electrons.

The Vilcabamba Valley

in Ecuador is one of 5 places

on earth where people live

up to 120 years of age.

Ionization is


naturally in


waterfalls and



Home water ionizers recreate the properties of the world’s healthiest waters.

Tap water becomes restructured during the ionization process, creating highly oxygen rich, alkaline drinking water.

Ionic Alkaline Water increases your oxygen intake on a cellular level.

Negative ions abound by the ocean.

"Water Ionization could be one of the most important health breakthroughs in our era."

Dr. Gabriel Cousins, Author "Conscious Eating"

“Over-acidification interferes with life itself, leading to all sickness and disease. Ionized water helps reverse the effects of acid accumulation in the body, the root cause of degenerative diseases and aging.“ Dr. Robert O Young, Author “pH Miracle”

"Restructured alkaline water may well be the best element or supplement you can put in your body! ..The Japanese have researched this subject for over 40 years and have found that drinking restructured alkaline water can relieve or reduce the.. main causes for sickness, disease and pre-mature aging.” Dr. David

S Dyer ND, Hippocrates Health Institute

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and expert in the study of water has found

that polluted or contaminated water, as well as highly processed and chlorinated

water, produces clusters and crystals of water that show substantial deformities.

Tap water of the World

Due to water treatment methods, Water

crystals fail to form from tap water almost

anywhere in the world.

This is a water crystal that Dr. Emoto

grew from Ionways Ionic Water.

Only Healthy “Living Water” Can Form Beautiful Hexagonal Water Crystals.

Water crystal before and after chlorination

At birth, water accounts for 80% of an infant’s body weight and the

body’s pH is neutral

With our current lifestyles, as we age our bodies become acidic

and we dehydrate; water = only 50% of body weight

Water is a key essential ingredient in our bodies

And yet we‟re dehydrated…

FACTS ABOUT DEHYDRATION - 1998 survey by Cornell Medical Center, NY It is estimated that at least 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. The main cause of daytime fatigue is simply a lack of water.

A mere 2% drop in hydration can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing.

In a University of Washington study, drinking one glass of water when feeling hungry stopped the hunger pangs in 98% of the dieters surveyed.

The Effects of Dehydration

Mild Chronic Dehydration Headache Low Energy Back Pain Allergies Digestion Disorders Constipation Weight Issues

Acute Chronic Dehydration Asthma


Type II Diabetes



The effects of mild and acute chronic dehydration

….. are like running a car on too little oil.

“You are not sick, you are thirsty” - F. Batmanghelidj, MD

Every cell has a specific function it performs through Metabolism

• “Digestion disorder” occurs

• When dehydrated, the body prioritizes the use of water to vital organs, and the healing of chronic conditions gets ignored

• The cell’s function is impaired

• 1% drop in cellular hydration = net 10% loss of metabolic efficiency

• Water is the medium of metabolism

From Your Body’s Many Cries For Water F. Batmanghelidj, MD

Ionic Micro Clustered Water is Super Hydrating!

Regular H2O Cluster Larger clusters limit Easy absorption by the body

Ionized Water Micro-clusters allow swift penetration and easier absorption into the cell wall. Water in, waste out!

Fully Hydrated Blood Cells

Dehydrated Cells

Acidic Blood is

Dehydrated and

does not carry sufficient


Alkaline Blood is Hydrated

And carries an abundance

of oxygen

•What you eat, drink & breathe will either nourish the 75 trillion cells or contaminate the cells by the slow poisoning of the bloodstream. The bloodstream is designed as a flowing river to all the cells for critical nourishment, and removal of acidic waste residues. •In cellular tests, when the cell was given what it needed 1.) enough oxygen 2.) the nutrients it needed, and 3.) the ability to efficiently remove it‟s wastes, it thrived INDEFINITELY (with no atrophy, disease, or “aging”). •So, is your bloodstream a clean river of life or a sludgy pond of aging & disease? All new body cells arise from blood cells. As all your cells turn over and you get a new heart, liver, skin, eyes, the new cells continually creating your new body parts all come from the state of your blood. Physically, you literally are a manifestation of what you eat, drink & breathe…

The root cause…

Dr Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize

in 1931 for his ground-breaking

work on cancer.

He concluded that cancer cells thrive

in an acidic environment without

oxygen, AND

normal cells became cancerous when

they lacked oxygen.

Dehydration is a Symptom

• Of a widespread syndrome: “acidosis”

• Our blood cells function best between a pH of 7.3-7.4 (alkaline)

– Most foods in our diet produce acidic wastes

• Acidifying foods: alcohol, meats, dairy, sugar, processed

• Also acidifying: stress, pollution, chemicals

• In a healthy body, these wastes are manageable

• But with the constant barrage of unhealthy diet, stress & external pollutants, the wastes accumulate

• Dehydration occurs as our bodies try to flush the wastes away

– Robbing precious water from our cells and body fluids

• Drinking water won‟t solve the problem

– Bottled and purified waters are acidic (pH 4-6)

– Sodas & alcohol are very acidic (pH 3), worsening the problem

• So…the acidic wastes accumulate

So, do we just drink more water? Is any water the same as another?

Acidity is the Problem

The body accumulates these dangerous deposits

waiting for pH balance to return when it can

rehydrate and flush them away.

But most of us stay acidic and don‟t even know it.

Eventually we get diseased and start taking pills.

Meanwhile, cells and organs function poorly

and we prematurely age, as ailments &

diseases routinely set in, diminishing the

quality of our lives…

“…over-acidification interferes with life itself, leading to all

sickness and disease!“ Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD

Author of The pH Miracle

More and more practitioners and researchers now believe that chronic degenerative disease flourishes in an acidic environment.

New Problems are Arising

80+ Auto-immune Diseases July 1, 2002 “Health: The Mystery of Lupus”

“There is only one cause of all sickness and disease – the over acidification of the tissue.” Dr. Robert O. Young, author of “The pH Miracle Series”

"Consuming the right type of water is vital to detoxifying the body's acidic waste and is one of the most powerful health treatments available." Dr Ray Kurzweil, Author "Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever.”

We use up precious alkaline mineral reserves trying to neutralize the acidic wastes:

From Bones → osteoporosis From Teeth → decay, plaque,

periodontal disease Our bodies store acidic wastes in:

Fat cells → obesity Arteries → cardiovascular

diseases: high cholesterol, blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke Joints → arthritis, gout Brain → Alzheimer‟s disease? Kidneys → kidney stones, kidney

failure Skin → wrinkles, dryness, aging

Acid Waste = Disease

Old Problems are Getting Worse

“Nearly 1 in 2 Americans (133 million) has a chronic

condition.” Chronic Care in America: A 21st Century Challenge, a study of the Robert Wood Johnson

Foundation & Partnership for Solutions: Johns Hopkins University

The epidemic is spreading to


“Alkaline water, produced by a Water

Ionizer, has become the most important

advancement in health care since Sir

Alexander Fleming’s discovery of


Dr. W. Kelley, College of Metabolic Medicine, author of

“Cancer Cure”

“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste. After carefully evaluating

the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I’m convinced that

toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of

degenerative disease.”

Dr. Sherry Rogers MD, author of “Detox or Die”

"I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone." "The countless names attached to illness do not really mater. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body." Dr Theodore Baroody DC, ND, Ph.D., Dipl. Acu, author of “Alkalize or Die”

How important is the acid / alkaline balance?

Distilled and Reverse Osmosis Water are both very pure water, however they are both highly acidic and “dead” water. They are empty, unnatural,

feed disease and leach precious minerals from our bodies.

Blood has a pH of approximately 7.35 to 7.45.

Reverse Osmosis has a pH of 5.0 -- 100 times more acidic than our blood.

Distilled Water has a pH of 4.5 -- 1,000 times more acidic than our blood.

Reverse Osmosis and Distilled Water

How alkaline or acidic are the beverages you‟re drinking?

World-renowned Gastroenterologist

* Pioneer of the Colonoscopy

* Chief of Endoscopy, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York

* Professor of Surgery, Albert Einstein, College of Medicine

Clinical user of Alkaline Water

Dr. Hiromi Shinya, M.D.

Author of “The Enzyme Factor”

Clinical Evidence

Return to Health 6 Months

Lifestyle Disease

38 yr. old female, chronic

constipation, Western diet,

white bread, yogurt, cheese,

milk, red meat, coffee (4), little

water and laxatives daily.

Dr. Shinya’s alkaline diet and

3-4 qts. of alkaline, ionized,

micro clustered water daily.

Lifestyle Disease Return to Health 6 Months

Dr. Shinya’s alkaline diet and

3-4 qts. of alkaline, ionized,

micro clustered water daily.

45 yr. old female, chronic

constipation, Western diet, little

water and laxatives daily.

65 yr. old female, breast cancer

surgery, chronic constipation.

Dr. Shinya’s alkaline diet

and 1 qt. of alkaline,

ionized, micro clustered

water between meals.

Lifestyle Disease Return to Health 3 Months

“International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness, such as cancer, drink higher (pH) alkaline waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.” - Dr. L. Horowitz, author of “Aids and Ebola”

Free Radicals

• Free Radical = an O2 (oxygen) with a

missing electron. Unstable oxygen.

“Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal

factors in nearly every known disease and aging ”

- Dr. Lester Packer, University of California

• Oxidation in our body weakens our tissues and

snowballs the process of “aging”.

• Free Radicals cause oxidation & damage,

deteriorating the surface of the cells they attack.

– Free Radicals thrive, from external pollutants or metabolic waste

– These are dangerous, positively-charged oxygen atoms (“Reactive Oxygen Species”)

– They are desperately hungry for negative charges (electrons)

– In healthy cells they are neutralized by free electrons before they can accumulate and damage us

– In acidic conditions, electrons are scarce, so free radicals accumulate

– They damage cells, organs and DNA by „oxidation‟, bring on “aging” & disease

– „Oxidative Stress‟ caused by free radical damage accelerates and worsens the diseases triggered by acidosis

– Well recognized as an important cause of cancer

"It is virtually impossible to get the optimal amount of antioxidants through food alone." Dr. Lester Packer, UC Berkeley

Free Radicals & Inflammation:

• Free radicals are vital to the body‟s defenses against infection. When the body‟s balance is disturbed, free radicals become molecules of inflammation and set off a chain reaction that leads to the destruction of healthy tissues. The result is chronic inflammation, pain, and joint stiffness.

• Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, asthma, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and hypertension are linked to inflammation and a build of up free radicals.

Purified R.O.

Distilled Water

Vitamin C

Anti-Oxidation Can be


-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

- ORP (mv) + ORP (mv)

Alkaline Water

Green Tea

Tap Water


Cod Liver Oil

Positive reading – means it will cause oxidation

Negative reading – meaning it will reduce oxidation

Water pH ORP

IonWays Athena 10 -741

Essentia 8 190

Volvic 7.5 230

Fiji 7.5 235

Marin County tap water 7.5 300

Crystal Geyser 6 292

365 Electrolyte Enhanced 5.5 289

Voss 5 260

Aquafina 5 220

Penta 4.5 350

7-up 3 350

Common waters measured 1/10 near SF, CA

All had positive ORP (oxidizing) except antioxidant-rich

ionized water Reminder: pH below 7 is acidic

Alkaline Water Ionizers Remove Chlorine & Chloramines



$0.05 per gallon $8.76 per gallon $9.16 per gallon

$6.76per gallon $6.56 per gallon

$6.76 per gallon

$6.36 per gallon $6.76 per gallon

$2,195.00 $.005 $3.74 Athena $4,795.00

• Asian cultures tend to be more holistic and proactive in their approach to health.

• Alkaline Ionizers have been in Asia for approx 30 years. Used in hospitals.

Classified as a medical device. 1 in 5 homes in Japan owns an ionizer. Japan is #1

in longevity in the world.

Ionization in Asia

The World Health Organization rankings:

Japan US

Per capita spending 9 1

Longevity: 1 24

Healthcare systems: 10 37

“…there are over 75,000

synthetic chemicals that have

been introduced to our

environment since 1930.” Dr. Steve Nugent, Author of

“How to Survive on a Toxic Planet”

“…over 116,000 human-made

chemicals are finding their way into

public water systems.” William Marks, Author of

“Water Voices from Around the World”

“…. five hundred thousand to seven million people

get sick per year from drinking tap water.” Erik Olson, Deputy Staff Director of Barbara Boxer’s

Environmental and Public Works Committee (EPW)

Industrial Waste & More than 2,100

Found Contaminants are Polluting Our

Tap Water

…and so the Purification and Bottled

Water Industries were Born

The Perceived Value of Bottled Water

**(IonWays alkaline water ionizer’s 9-stage Biostone Filter System cleans your water to be virtually

contaminant free – giving you clean and healthy water.)

• Tap water: chlorine/chloramines, fluoride, pharma, agricultural runoff, arsenic,

lead, mercury, cyanide, ETC. 2100+ documented tap water contaminants.

• Hard to absorb. Plastic leeched into water.

Environmentally destructive.

• Large cluster size and (+) electrical charge – oxidizing to

your cells.

• Very acidic. Reduces stable oxygen delivery to your

cells. Leeches minerals from your body to help balance

acidic pH & void water.

• Healthy natural minerals are removed.

•“Purified” water is man-made. (Purified, Reverse

Osmosis/RO, Distilled)

• If contaminants are bad wouldn’t “pure” water be good then?


• Alkaline Ionized Water helps detox and rid the body of acidic waste.

• Provides superior micro-clustered hydration of the cells for optimum function. More energy, more alert, faster healing, weight loss etc.

• “Anti-Aging”: Prevents the ravages of free radicals with its powerful antioxidant properties.

• Helps reduce the risk of organ damage and associated oxidative diseases.

• Supports optimum oxygen delivery to cells.

• Ensures filtration of wastes & contaminants from tap water.

• Gives your body the natural ingredient it needs (just under air) to heal itself and restore balance & vitality.

On his death bed, Louis Pasteur said he was wrong about germs

causing disease; that instead “the inner terrain is everything”…











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