ioc presidency, election manifesto, sergey bubka (ukraine)

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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IOC presidency, election manifesto, Sergey Bubka (Ukraine)


Sergey Bubka

Candidature for the Presidency of the International Olympic Committee



Ensuring our inspirational Olympic Values are part of every society, transforming young lives and guaranteeing the future of the Olympic Movement.

Our world is changing fast and as it does, I believe that the IOC has a tremendous opportunity and duty to remain relevant and to ensure that sport and Olympic Values continue to shape its future. The Olympic Movement has shaped my life. It is my passion and my desire to make the biggest and most effective contribution I can to its future.

That is why I am ready to embrace the responsibility of leadership and wholly commit to serving you and our Movement. In my programme I will share with you my vision and specific initiatives for the Olympic Movement in the years ahead. Together we can create an Olympic Movement fit for the future and transform lives through education, sport and the Olympic Values. To do that we have to be decisive, determined and dedicated in our commitment to ensure that young people embrace Olympism throughout their lives and not just through the Olympic Games. Together, building upon the rich experience that our membership possesses, we will take the Olympic Movement into a new era.

Yours sincerely,

Sergey Bubka


I have a passion to help ensure a Golden Future for theOlympic Games and Olympic Movement.

As an athlete I learned the importance of being a teamplayer.

As a businessman I have drawn on these qualities to build successful companies.

As a sports administrator I have developed my own philosophy and approach.

With the tremendous help of my coaches, I developed the skills and attention to detail which enabled me to succeed.

In my 17 years with the International Olympic Committee – 14 as a member and another three on the Athletes’ Commission - I have been privileged to work alongside you and contribute to achieving Olympic goals.

For eight years as President of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine I have built a close and co-operative relationship with government while ensuring the autonomy of the NOC. We have in-troduced many new initiatives and programmes which play a major role in engaging young people in sport and strengthening their understanding and appreciation of the Olympic Movement and education through Olympic Values.

As a Vice President and Council member of the IAAF since 2001 I have developed an important understanding of the IFs, their role and place within the family of sport.

I have a vision for a Movement which is better able to engage with young people, better able to fight the scourge of doping and match fixing, to support Paralympic sport and engage even more effectively with our commercial and media part-ners.

And I have a plan by which we can achieve that vision – by working with you and by working in partnership with all the stakeholders of the sports movement, including governments and NGOs.

I have learned many lessons from the world of business, particularly the importance of making decisive and correct decisions.

This is rooted in a deep love of sport and its proven ability to inspire and unite mankind. It is driven by a leadership style which succeeds because it is built on con-sensus and shared purpose.

THE ROAD AHEAD‘As a Movement we face significant challenges’

We are entrusted with the greatest sports event in the world and a Movement which canand does change lives. We have money in the bank, superb media and commercial partners and our last Summer Games were among the best ever.

Yet as a Movement we face significant challenges.

Some are the result of global economic conditions and the politics of individual nations. Others are due to the way that the world is changing and the different lifestyle choices available to young people.

I have identified three challenges which are fundamental to the future of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement and tackling them must be our priority.




We can’t afford to lose a generation.

Sport faces a global crisis and the Olympic Move-ment has a critical role to play in resolving it.

Fewer young people worldwide are taking part in sport, and school systems in many countries are placing the provision of sport and physical educa-tion further down their agendas.

The problem goes beyond the resulting health prob-lems. As young people turn away from sport they turn their backs on the life skills, positive values and sheer enjoyment which sport offers.

At the same time, the average age of the audience for TV broadcast of the Olympic Games is approach-ing 50 and is rising.

We cannot afford to lose a generation. If this problem is not addressed, the Games will suf-fer along with the Olympic Movement and all that it has to contribute to mankind.

Our challenge is to tackle this issue as a matter of the utmost urgency by building our appeal to people of every generation.

Sport remains under attack from doping and match fixing.

The IOC must strengthen its leadership role in athlete education and work closely with other ap-propriate groups and stakeholders to combat and eradicate this curse. If the outcome of a sporting event is determined by anything other than the skill and ability of the competitors, sport loses its meaning and relevance, and the raison d’être of our Movement is thrown into question.

We cannot allow that to happen and must use every tool at our disposal to protect our athletes, promote the integrity of sport and support the law enforcement agencies and other institutions alongside us in the front line of this battle.

We have a duty to optimise revenue from the Games to ensure the flow of funding to the grass roots and other key projects.

The media and commercial worlds are changing fast and brands have new, dif-ferent ways of reaching their consumers. Our challenge is to continue to grow the value of the Olympic Games to broadcast and commercial partners.

Increased revenue will best be achieved by reinforcing the Olympic Values which make the Games unique.

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We can address our challenges and build for a successful future by strengthening key areas of our operation and organisation, and by working in collaboration with NOCs, IFs, Govern-ments, Non-Governmental Organisations such as UNESCO, media partners, sponsors and other stakeholders.

The IOC has long managed to strike a balance between leadership and co-operation, and preserving the autonomy of sport, while at the same time pursuing our shared goals and values with governments and international organisations.

I believe that it is time to build on our existing strengths and relationships, creating new structures as necessary and working closely with other expertorganisations which share our concerns and seek the same positive outcomes.


In May, sport ministers from 137 nations met in Berlin and issued a declaration, which high-lighted the fact that they share our view of the challenges facing sport and are committed to

fi nding solutions.

In short…they want what we want.

Consequently there has never been a more appropriate time for the IOC to take the lead role in truly collaborative efforts to secure the future of the Olympics and the future of sport.

Our chance to play a key role

ENHANCING THE ROLE AND STATUS OF THE IOCThe future of the Olympic Movement lies in OUR hands.

We share a duty to uphold and develop the Games and this cannot be achieved if we hesitate over key decisions or fail to embrace new thinking and new approaches.

It is time for the International Olympic Committee to commit itself to a lead role in creating and carrying out a joined-up approach to overcoming the challenges we face and ensuring that our Movement becomes even more relevant.

A future based on knowledge and understanding

To make the IOC truly fit for purpose in the years ahead we have to understand every detail of the environment we operate in and the opportunities as well as the challenges we face.

From this understanding we will be able to devel-op a detailed road map for the future of sport and the exact nature of the central role the International Olympic Committee has to play within it.

This will lead to affordable and measurable programmes to be delivered in territories around the world through our NOCs, which have a critical part to play.

I propose an unparalleled Olympic Future Project in which we work with governments, NGOs, IFs, NOCs, leading universities, business, media and other stakeholders to carry out the most detailed study ever conducted into the core of sport and its role in every aspect of the lives of societies and individuals around the world.




Practical assistance for our valued partners.We must equip National Olympic Committees to play an even more active role.

They are the lifeblood of the Olympic Movement and best positioned to work alongside their governments, education departments, corporations and media to deliver programmes which meet local needs and contribute to global success.

We will create a new blueprint for National Olympic Committee operations.

We will equip them with the tools, information and funding they need.

We will create forums and provide the digital and communications resources to make this happen.

This will require a new approach to funding and we will develop fairer revenue distribution and generate new revenues from corporate backing of local social projects.

The co-operation and technical expertise of International Federations is simply crucial to the successful delivery of each Olympic Games.

We have a shared interest in their success beyond the period of the Games, and I propose consideration of initiatives for those International Federations which require assistance to maintain visibility and profile atall times.

We will help them to achieve this and provide the reassurance and clarity they require to build forthe future.

STRENGTHENING THE PARALYMPIC MOVEMENTWorking in unison with the IPC to support them in every practical way.

The Paralympic Games play an increasingly significant role in sports and society today and have taken huge steps forward thanks to the current leadership of the International Paralympic Committee and their close partnership with the Olympic Movement.

London 2012 represented a watershed for the Paralympic Games and the chal-lenge now is to build on the fantastic momentum which was created.

We share the Values of the IPC and support its objectives and I am committed to supporting them in every way to ensure the IPC and Paralympic Movement continues to change the lives of competitors and transform the way the world looks upon disability.



The IOC membership represents a massive pool of talent and experience. I want to inspire and involve all IOC Members. I plan to ensure we make the fullest use of the wisdom and insight available to us by supporting every IOC Member and creating

forums where they can actively and productively contribute.

Increase the role of IOC Members in the Commissions and

improve the system of decision making.

Review IOC structures and consider an expansion of the EB to allow

additional members to participate directly.

Investigate the possibility of estab-lishing funded local offices for IOC

Members who have a need.

Review the rules of the bidding pro-cess for all our events to ensure each member has an opportunity to make

the most informed contribution to decision making.

Review age limits for IOC Members depending on their function. Your experience and knowledge are invaluable and

must not be wasted.

Establish an IOC Discussion Forum – a biennial session held after both Summer and Winter Olympic Games. This will allow IOC Members to share opinions, to declare and discuss their own views on the myriad

issues facing the Olympic Movement.

Consider a mechanism for retaining the exceptional

talents of former IF appointed IOC Members in an individual


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I intend to create a Council of Elders made up of retired IOC Members. The council will have an advisory role and focus on the key issues facing our Movement.

Its input will inform the wider debate and be considered by decision-making bodies.

ATHLETES ARE OUR MOST EFFECTIVE AMBASSADORSCelebrating and supporting their unique contribution

Athletes are the beating heart of the Olympic Movement and I am so proud and grateful to have been among their number.

Their contribution is immense and must be celebrated at every opportunity.

We also have a responsibility to our athletes that extends beyond the Games. We have a duty to protect their rights and interests, to ensure they are properly represented across the Olympic Family and are given every opportunity to play a full and effective role within the IOC, NOCs and IFs. We must recognise their ability to make a positive impact in society and take the steps necessary to en-sure they are educated and equipped to play a full role in their post-competitive careers.

We must also make more effective use of our Olympians. Each one has signifi-cant influence in their own countries and all are positioned to be effective am-bassadors for the Movement and its Values. In this role they will inspire young people.


I am committed not simply to the promotion and

development of women’s sport but also to ensuring that the vital knowledge, experience,

insight and talent of female sports administrators is nurtured, recognised and fully utilised across the

IOC and the whole Olympic Movement.There is currently a lack of women in leadership positions in sport and in society in general. Our

focus on this issue will play a major role in empow-ering and inspiring young women to become

athletes, coaches and administrators, ensuring a more equitable representation of

women in leadership roles in sport in the years


BROADENING THE REACH OF THE IOCWithout new ideas and fresh perspectives we will become less relevant.

Consequently I recommend establishing new Councils which will help us navigate the journey ahead. Equally, their involvement will help promote Olympism by highlighting its relevance to modern life.


Our Youth Council will be made up of young people nominated by National Olympic Committees as a result of in-ternal competitions. The final composition of the Council will be determined by an IOC selection process. The Council will meet in

person once a year and maintain its dialogue online, sharing output with the youth of the world through social media.

The Council will offer new initiatives to help us promote Olympic ideals and help forge

the leaders of tomorrow.


Consisting of some of the most influential and inspirational individuals of our time, drawn from the worlds of sport, culture, business and entertainment, the composition

of this Council will ensure the IOC benefits from the personal insight of people whose opinions carry

real weight among young people and across society.


The Olympic Games are different from other sports events because of their strong brand identity built on the unique attributes which give them their global appeal and commercial value.

My goal is to ensure that the Games become even more relevant to their global audience and connect more directly with young people.

This will enable us to work more closely with media and commercial partners to identify new opportunities and more valuable, levels of engagement and involvement in the Games and the Olympic Movement.The Olympic Games must become a 365 day-a-year phenomenon, linked by social media and accessible through universally available digital content and educational programmes.

In addition I propose the following:

• Expansion of the Games programme by adding new, youth-focused disciplines while maintain-ing the scale and budget of the Olympics within existing boundaries.

• Establishing a new balance between the Games’ budgets and those for legacy projects. More effective budgeting and post-Games planning will surely help us to involve new countries and

new markets in bidding which in turn will promote Olympic Values all over the world.

• Assistance for former host cities to create an everlasting legacy.


The genius of the worldwide web and the connectivity of social media allows us to maintain year-round, 24/7 presence and relevance.

So let’s use it to maximum effect.

By working with partners to build a specialist Olympic Search Engine we can create an invaluable teaching and learning tool designed to inspire all those who use it and promote Olympic Values.

It will provide insights into all areas of the Olympic Games from its history and key moments to the training regimes, dietary plans, development programmes and teaching skills that create great Olympians.

Organised though NOCs and educational bodies, it will motivate young people to become more physically active, encourage them to

embrace cultural diversity and provide an important base for studying other subjects.

Olympic Education through the power of the worldwide web.


Throughout the world there are millions of people who share our values and goals.

Now social media allows us to mobilise them as a community of Global Olympic Citizens.By signing up to a citizens’ charter, individuals and corporations become empowered to engage with the Olympic Movement in new and positive ways.

As Global Citizens they could take part in projects directed by NOCs, register their interest in acting as volunteers or simply provide insightful feedback on key Olympic issues.

Global Citizens will keep the Olympic Movement centre stage and play a vital role in fully engaging and motivating young people.

Positive People Power


To this end I would like to propose:

Appointing a Capital of Olympic Culture each non-Games year. Cities will compete for the honour and be responsible for organising a range of Olympic-themed activities rang-ing from elite and grass roots sports competitions to special exhibitions and cultural ac-tivities.

Encouraging all former host cities to hold an annual National Olympic Celebration Day to mark their contribution to the history of the Games and provide the context for junior competitions, learning projects and corporate initiatives. Together these will powerfully promote the Olympic agenda and Olympic future.

Each of our Olympic host cities should be encouraged to play an everlasting role in promoting the Games and the values of Olympism.


I propose re-visiting a concept from the early Games of the modern era and awarding medals for outstanding entries in the Cultural Olympiad.

The process would take place ahead of the Games and provide a compelling and attractive cultural environment which will create awareness of and interest in wider Olympic culture, history and the Values of our Movement.

Winning entries might then form the basis of permanent and touring exhibitions.

Sometimes you have to look to the past to build for the future.


Thanks to sound management and the success of our commercial programmes, the IOC has significant financial resources, beyond those required to safeguard the organization in the event of an emergency.

I believe we should consider the ways in which a proportion of this resource can be used to fund schemes and programmes which further the cause of Olymp-ism worldwide.

By establishing an Olympic Investment Fund, IOC Members, NOCs and IFs can be invited to bid for funds to deliver projects and programmes delivering meas-urable and positive outcomes.

The projects to be funded will be determined by a Commission of IOC Members every two years.

Unlocking our financial resources to make a difference.

ENHANCING THE CULTURAL OLYMPIADSometimes you have to look to the past to build for the future.


My Colleagues and Friends.

As IOC Members we have been gifted a precious legacy by Presidents Samaranch and Rogge.

It is both our duty and privilege to build on that legacy.

Our Movement has so much to offer a world which is changing fast and not always in positive ways.

The Olympic Movement can make a real difference in many areas of life as long as it remains rel-evant and accessible and its Values are carefully guarded and widely promoted. We can and must transform young lives through education, sport and Olympic Values.

Sport and the Olympic Movement remain at the very centre of my life and I am passionate about what we can achieve together and inspired to tackle the tasks ahead.

My personal pledge to you is to commit myself unreservedly to the leadership of the International Olympic Committee so that we can build an Olympic Movement fit for the future together.

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