invitation to tender -€¦  · web viewthe erp systems is required to replace legacy...

Post on 24-Mar-2019






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Closing Date: 26th February 2019 Closing Time: 11H00


PERISHABLE PRODUCTS EXPORT CONTROL BOARD45 Silwerboom Boom AvenuePlattekloofCape Town

Tell No: 021 930 1134

Contact person:

Procurement Manager

PERISHABLE PRODUCTS EXPORT CONTROL BOARD45 Silwerboom Boom AvenuePlattekloofCape Town

Registered Name of Bidder:

Trading Name of Bidder:

Registration No. of Entity:

Contact Person: Position:

Tel. No: E-Mail Address:

Cell No: Fax No:




1. TENDER INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................3

2. CLOSING TIME..................................................................................................................................... 5

3. PPECB BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................5

3.1 Current Landscape............................................................................................................................ 5

3.2 Issues with Current the current portfolio............................................................................................6

4. PROJECT BACKGROUND................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE ERP..............................................................................................................7

5. PRINCIPLES......................................................................................................................................... 8

6. SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR THE ERP SOLUTION.............................................................................9

7. REQUIREMENTS BY MODULE - OVERVIEW.....................................................................................9

8. REQUIREMENTS FOR TENDER SUBMISSION................................................................................10

9. TENDER EVALUATION SPECIFICATIONS AND PROCESS.............................................................10

10. FINANCIAL PROPOSAL................................................................................................................. 14

11. FURTHER INFORMATION..............................................................................................................15

12. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS..........................................................................................16

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PPECB requests the proposals solely from OEM of ERP Software solutions to obtain the most appropriate software application for its business requirements. If the OEM does not have presence in South Africa, they can nominate a service provider based in South Africa to submit a proposal.

This tender does not include implementation services or ongoing application support and management services (other than vendor-provided software maintenance). The purpose of this tender is not to award but to select the most appropriate ERP solution that meets the PPECB business requirements. Thereafter PPECB will undertake a separate tender for the implementation of the selected ERP software.

The bid and accompanying documents must be carefully parcelled, sealed and delivered to the Procurement tender box in the reception area of PPECB Head Office by no later than the 26 th of February 2019 at 11:00.

A briefing session will be held on Date: 12th February 2019 at Time: 14h00.


The following terms shall have the following meanings:

Invitation to Tender: This Document “ERP Software”Contact Person: The Procurement Official

PPECB45 Silwerboom AvenuePlattekloof

Public Entity: Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)Tenderer: The person / organisation submitting a tender bid to the PPECB

under this tender.

The PPECB invites Tenderers to submit a cost proposal for providing the services outlined under Scope of Services for the ERP Solution. Tenders are invited in accordance with the information in this pack.

Tenderers are required to submit detailed proposals to demonstrate its ability to provide the services they will deliver on this RFP. A detailed specification of the services required by PPECB is contained herein. In the event that an OEM owns multiple solutions, it is allowed to submit multiple bids (one solution = one tender).

The tender shall be submitted on the Forms of Tender incorporated herein. The form shall be signed by each Tenderer and submitted in the manner and by the date and time stated below together with the documents listed duly completed.

All of the following documents (Part 1 to VI) must be submitted as part of the response to this bid request. Failure to do so will invalidate a response.

Form No Document Description1. SBD 1 Invitation to Submit Proposal2. SBD 2 Tax Clearance Certificate Requirements3. SBD 3.3 Pricing Schedule4. SBD 4 Declaration of Interest5. SBD 6.1 Preference Point Claim Form6. SBD 8 Declaration of Bidder’s past SCM Practices 7. SBD 9 Certificate of Independent Bid Determination8. “Addendum C” Total Cost of Ownership

Each Tenderer should ensure that it is thoroughly familiar with the Tender Documents and understands the obligations that will apply if the Tender is accepted by the PPECB.

The tender submission and assessment process will be conducted in compliance with the Public Finance Management Act of 1999, Supply Chain Regulations and PPECB’s Procurement Policy.

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PPECB is committed to support and grow Black Economic Empowerment and Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa, emphasis being placed on procurement from historically disadvantaged South Africans.

Tenderers shall highlight where a conflict of interest exists or may exist between parties under the proposed contract. In the event that a conflict of interest exists between the most advantageous Tenderer and the PPECB, the said Tenderer’s bid will not be accepted. The next most advantageous Tenderer’s software will be selected. Shortlisted vendors will be required to present their ERP capabilities.

The selection of the software on this tender is subject to receiving approval from the Board Members of the PPECB.

It is the responsibility of each Tenderer to obtain for itself at its own expense any additional information necessary for the preparation of the tender. This document and the information contained within it are for vendor use only, for the purposes of preparing a response to this RFP. The document is not to be duplicated and distributed, nor is its information to be disclosed to any third party without PPECB's written permission. Should Tenderers believe that they require further information, they are invited to contact the Procurement Officer. Any queries relating to the Tender Documents should be sent in writing to the Procurement Officer to arrive no later than five days before the date for submission of the tender. The Procurement Officer may if necessary issue written circulars to Tenderers amending or clarifying the Tender Documents and Tenderers shall comply with these.

All proposals are to be submitted in PDF format (except for excel documents) in the envelopes to the designated Tender Box. Proposals must consist of two parts, each of which is submitted in a separate PDF package clearly marked:

Envelope 1: Technical Proposal: RFP No. RFP/ICT/ERP/2018/20 (No Pricing in this envelope)Bidders must submit one (1) signed, completed original of the Technical Proposal, together with one (1) electronic copy (in PDF format) on a USB flash-drive (unencrypted). The envelope must contain all information and documentation relating to the tender. (Refer to list of returnable documents). No pricing information must be included in Envelope One (Non-compliance will result in automatic disqualification).

Envelope 2: Pricing Proposal, B-BBEE and other Mandatory Documentation: RFP No. RFP/ICT/ERP/2018/20Bidders must submit one (1) signed, completed original Price Proposal (pricing schedule/schedule of rates as applicable), together with one (1) electronic copy (in MS-Excel format) on a USB flashdrive (unencrypted). No technical information must be included in Envelope Two (Non-compliance will result in automatic disqualification).

A Soft Copy should be submitted on a USB in PDF format (except for excel documents) sealed in a small envelope.

Proposals submitted by companies must be signed by a person or persons duly authorised thereto. The PPECB will select the software of qualified bidder (s) whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the PPECB, taking into consideration the technical (functionality) solution, price and B-BBEE.

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Timetable Dates

RFP Issue Date: February 05, 2019

Briefing Session: February 12, 2019

Responses and costing to be submitted: February 26, 2019

Supplier Presentations March 11 & 12, 2019

Board Approval March 28, 2019


The closing time for submission of Tender Offers is: 11H00 on 26th February 2019.

The PPECB business hours are between 08:15 – 16:45. Where a proposal is not received by the PPECB by the due date and at the correct location, it will be regarded as a late bid. Late proposals will not be considered.


PPECB is a Schedule 3A Public Entity that is constituted and mandated in terms of the PPEC Act, No 9, of 1983 to perform cold chain services. PPECB also delivers inspection and food safety services as mandated by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries under the APS Act, No.119 of 1990.

PPECB’s executive Authority is the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries who appoints the Board Members. The Board comprises of representatives from the perishable product industries.

PPECB, mandated by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, has been delivering end-point inspection services on perishable products destined for export since 1991. PPECB employs more than 500 people, who deal with more than 200 products and 500 varieties. There are 50 service types, over 30 offices in 11 production regions, at more than 1,500 locations.

PPECB is responsible for South Africa's cold chain management and ensures that products for export are handled, stored and transported at specific temperatures and optimum conditions.

Please visit PPECB’s website on for more info on PPECB.

3.1 Current Landscape

All administrative business processes are either supported by Navision System and CRS Payroll System and some of the other key processes are supported by a different system or by ‘shadow’ systems such as standalone spreadsheets and databases. The functions or processes that are served by central systems (Navision and CRS) are accounts payable, accounts receivable, purchasing, general accounting, timesheets and payroll. Processes that are supported by disparate systems include budgeting, contracts administration, Food Safety administration, project administration and management.

The lack of interfaces between multiple and disparate systems, the inability of current systems to adapt and change with new demands, the absence of effective user-friendly data extraction and reporting tools have resulted in an array of a manual paper-driven, inefficient and time-consuming business processes.

PPECB employs approximately 476 permanent employees and +-469 temporary employees (depending on the season), of which there are currently 500 users.

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Titan (Mobile Technology for Inspections, Cold Chain, Certification & Orchard Inspections) M-Files (Document Management System) LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) Central Supplier Database


3.2 Issues with Current the current portfolio

The key weaknesses identified from a systems perspective and key impacts of these weaknesses are summarized below.

i. Number of legacy systems not supporting business needs

PPECB makes use of disparate systems, applications and servers for the Finance, Procurement, Human Capital, Operations and ICT functions. There are more than 30 different systems of varying size and complexity spanning over 80 servers. The major systems in use are Navision 2005 and 2013, CRS Payroll, Deltek Recruitment, LRMG Learning Management System and the Laboratory Information Management System.

ii. Lack of system integration and real-time information

Lack of integration between the financial (Navision) and HR systems (CRS) results in some cases to the manual intervention in the transfer of data between the systems.

Many of the PPECB’s business functions are supported by a series of independent systems, which results in inconsistent access to information.

Data lacks timeliness, and therefore reliability, stemming from the inability to directly access the required systems and inflexibility in the extraction and reporting of information.

Data that is transferred between the systems is predominantly at the aggregate level, forcing users to go to the primary system to obtain transaction detail.

iii. Inefficiencies due to manual processes

The existence of multiple standalone systems and reliance on desktop applications like Excel result in redundant data entry efforts

There are a host of manual processes that support certain business functions.

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iv. Reporting tools are substandard for PPECB needs

The current systems lack sufficient querying tools, and the small number of standard reports in the Navision system do not meet overall PPECB’s needs.

Most non-standard reports requested by Management require intervention by the BI Department and/or manual development by staff.


The PPECB strategy focusses on building a resilient organisation that can respond to shifts in its business environment. A key element is the consolidation and leveraging of systems to place a greater reliance on systems and technology to enhance service delivery and better management of its scarce resources.

PPECB has operated with decentralised structures with many of its core business processes in Operations, Marketing and Communications, ICT, Human Resources, Finance and Procurement. The legacy systems installed over the 16 years since the first implementation of Navision, were designed to support these processes and structures to meet their ongoing needs.

The development of software technology in PPECB evolved around its organization structures and legacy business processes. Today, however, the relatively recent introduction of Titan and business programmes - such as development, orchard inspections and phytosanitary certification - as well as other environmental pressures, require from the PPECB to re-evaluate its core business processes and the software applications that support them. Using these separate, non-integrated systems requires expensive and inefficient manual intervention to continue supporting the business.


An ERP provides many modern tools that will enable the PPECB to improve workflow, process efficiencies, internal support and service to our customers. It will enable the integration of core business processes and facilitate consistent, integrated reporting with fewer resources.

Move PPECB towards our longer term desired state of best practice on most capabilities for Finance, Procurement, Human Resources and Operations. In this process reengineer the current PPECB business processes to be smarter and more efficient;

Drive the strategy of Rationalise, Standardised and Simplify and decommission legacy systems that are currently being used

Streamline processes and efficiency Maintain Cyber security and Regulatory compliance by keeping data safe and regulated with built-

in protection Be more responsive to customers by providing faster, more accurate access to customers’

information and history Support better business agility and business performance aided by forecasting and reporting; Improve decision-making capability Address the risks of systems reaching end of life, and Gain efficiencies due to better system and information integration, no data duplications and better

access to financial, procurement and Human Resource (HR) information for analysis and reporting

The project will replace legacy systems, with a single ERP solution that applies latest technology and best business practices to improve business efficiency and alignment to PPECB’s ICT strategy of rationalise, consolidate, simplification and standardisation. Functionalities and benefits include:

Availability of a single, modern system with user-friendly features (easy navigation, self-help menu, drop down boxes, drill down functionality, validation of data upon entry)

Utilising a variety of productivity-enhancing features, such as single entry of data and reduction in manual processes, employee self-service options, accessibility via the web on a workstation and will allow each user to customize their work environment by saving default settings based on the user’s role.

Providing full integration between modules that gives electronic workflow functionality to allow for movement of financial documents between departments and electronic approval. Real-time, immediate update and access to operational, financial and HR data.

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Reduce reliance on ancillary systems, the re-keying of data, maintaining sidecar systems and the dumping of data into separate spreadsheets or database software for ad hoc reporting and managerial reports.

User-friendly, user-driven, flexible and distributed print and reporting tools as well as demand dashboards with distributed access to all users, making data available allowing for web-based queries and ad hoc reporting.

Providing timely electronic distribution of reports and ease in developing customized ad hoc reports.

Embedding policies and procedures into the system. This will greatly reduce dependency on policy and procedure manuals for knowledge transfer and provide a much more efficient means to handle knowledge retention, especially as experienced staff retire.

Streamlined business processes using established best business practices. Document management so that paper files are not maintained.

The ERP solution to be fully integrated into Titan for transactional and reporting purposes. ERP systems also have well tested audit and security controls that were implemented. These will enable more efficient and effective accountability of the core business processes.

The initial, most significant benefit from an ERP will be overcoming the weaknesses of existing systems and providing much-needed tools and functionality for users of PPECB’s business processes. In addition, incorporation of our policies and procedures into the system will greatly aid in knowledge management and retention of critical skills.


PPECB has identified the following 7 principles that will serve as the basis for the supply of an ERP system:

1) Aligned with PPECB’s Business strategy: ERP Project is aligned to the intent and philosophy of PPECB’s Strategy ( Rationalise, Consolidate, Simplify and Standardise) – over 30 systems to be consolidated into one both at a business process and technology level (where possible)

2) PPECB wide project and value led: PPECB’s ERP Project will be owned by the business with the objective to realise the business benefits. The project will provide for continuous cluster consultation in design and the sign-off of the business requirements.

3) Standardised processes: Enable a standard, simple way of processing which will minimise exceptions and increase efficiencies, whilst accommodating industry and governance requirements. Implement smarter, simpler processes and ways of working.

4) Vanilla system - Adopt, not adapt: Adopt industry standard best practice processes enabled by a proven ERP industry solution. In all respects the project will aim to minimise common business process variations across the business. We will always ask “Why not Vanilla?” The project will consider the best output for business for the future rather than focus on the current processes and therefore design for the future.

5) Contain scope as per business case: Scope to be contained as defined in the business case to lower the change impact on the business and the implementation risk, and to maximise value to be derived as per the business case. Project scope to be managed via a Change Advisory Board.

6) Phased delivery: The overall proposed project is intended to have 2 Functional Releases with key components of Finance and HR being part of Release 1.

7) Business Ownership of Change: Business transformation is business driven and not project driven. The project will guide the business but ultimately it is business responsibility to create the change within their environments. Human Capital to own the change management strategy for the project.

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PPECB require proposals for the supply of a relevant Cloud based ERP system that will enable their organisations to improve workflow, process efficiencies, internal support and service to its customers. The ERP solution must integrate core business processes and facilitate consistent, integrated reporting with fewer resources. The ERP systems is required to replace legacy systems, with a single ERP solution that applies latest technology and best business practices to improve business efficiency and alignment to PPECB’s ICT strategy of rationalisation, consolidation, simplification and standardisation.

Availability of a single, modern system with user-friendly features (easy navigation, self-help menu, drop down boxes, drill down functionality, validation of data upon entry)

Utilising a variety of productivity-enhancing features, such as single entry of data and reduction in manual processes, employee self-service options, accessibility via the web on a workstation and will allow each user to customize their work environment by saving default settings based on the user’s role.

Providing full integration between modules that gives electronic workflow functionality to allow for movement of financial documents between departments and electronic approval. Real-time, immediate update and access to operational, financial and HR data.

Reduce reliance on ancillary systems, the re-keying of data, maintaining sidecar systems and the dumping of data into separate spread sheets or database software for ad hoc reporting and managerial reports.

User-friendly, user-driven, flexible and distributed print and reporting tools as well as demand dashboards with distributed access to all users, making data available allowing for web-based queries and ad hoc reporting.

Providing timely electronic distribution of reports and ease in developing customized ad hoc reports.

Embedding policies and procedures into the system. Streamlined business processes using established best business practices. Document management so that paper files are not maintained.


The following pages specify the software requirements at a departmental level, beyond those which are included with most ERP software offerings. Please respond to the requirements by inserting the appropriate number, as defined below, in the “Vendor Response” column, and add any supporting comments or documentation you deem relevant, regarding how your software will improve our processes.

Attached to this RFP is an Excel spreadsheet “Addendum B: RFP ERP Software – Functional system requirements.xls” which details a number of requirements that must be addressed by the bidder's proposal. The Bidder is expected to complete the excel spreadsheet having followed the instructions below.

Bidders must replace cells D3:D4 in the first excel sheet (Introduction) with the Bidder's Company Name and solution name. The Priority column includes one of the following entries to indicate the importance of the specification/report to PPECB. Responses will be weighted accordingly:

“H” – High An absolutely necessary feature to be gained from the new system. This would be either a feature that PPECB already has and uses in its current software, is available and/or tracked in a shadow system (i.e., spreadsheet, document, etc.) or has identified as a future critical requirement.

“L” – Low This would be a feature that, while of interest, is of low priority at this time or something that could be a future deployment.

Each Bidder should review the specifications and reports listed in each subsection and respond as to their availability within the Bidder’s software system. The responses should be entered under the “Availability” column of each form as follows:

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Code Description


Functionality is provided out of the box through the completion of a task associated with a routine configurable area that includes, but is not limited to, user-defined fields, delivered or configurable workflows, alerts or notifications, standard import/export, table driven setups and standard reports with no changes. These configuration areas will not be affected by a future upgrade. The proposed services include implementation and training on this functionality, unless specifically excluded in the Statement of Work, as part of the deployment of the solution.

R Functionality is provided through reports generated using proposed Reporting Tools.

TFunctionality is provided by proposed third party functionality (i.e., third party is defined as a separate software vendor from the primary software vendor). The pricing of all third party products that provide this functionality MUST be included in the cost proposal.

M Functionality is provided through customization to the application, including creation of a new workflow or development of a custom interface that may have an impact on future upgradability.

F Functionality is provided through a future general availability (GA) release that is scheduled to occur within 1 year of the proposal response.

N Functionality is not provided.

It is important that the costing is reflective of the functionality requirements as set out in this section. Please ensure that the costing of the Bidder’s proposed solution includes all modules and resources to satisfy these functional and technical requirements.


The tender and accompanying documents shall be carefully parcelled, sealed and be delivered to the Procurement Officer no later than the closing date at 11H00. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the tender being considered ineligible.

Written tenders will only be accepted in a sealed envelope or parcel which shall bear the word: Tender: RFP ERP SOFTWARE.

Venue: THE PERISHABLE PRODUCTS EXPORT CONTROL BOARD 45 Silwerboom AvenuePlattekloofCape Town, 7560

A Soft Copy should be submitted on a USB in PDF format (except for excel documents) sealed in a small envelope. No late tender shall be considered. Tenders will be opened in accordance with the relevant procedures.


Functionality of the bids will be evaluated according to the predetermined evaluation criteria set out in the Evaluation Criteria below.

The bidder must obtain a minimum overall score of 80 out of 100 points for functionality to be invited for the next phase of the bidder presentations; those Bidders who fail to meet the minimum qualifying score following the bidder presentations will be disqualified from the process.

Bidders will not rate themselves, but need to ensure that all information is supplied as required The Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) will evaluate technical and functional requirements and score all

the bids as per the set criteria below.

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For each question asked in the RFP, the Bidders shall provide in their response, the question asked and their answer using the section numbering of the RFP. Attached to this RFP is an MS-Word “Addendum A ERP BID Response Document Technical Proposal”

Points will be allocated to criteria within the following framework:

Peremptory Requirements Reference Page

The ERP software proposed must be a cloud based solution

The ERP Solution must be able to interface with external systems.

The ERP software must have Mobility capabilities (e.g be functional on cell phone, tablets, etc)

Only the OEM of the ERP software or designated/nominated service provider of the OEM based in South Africa.

Technical Requirements Maximum Points

Reference Page in


1. Company Background (Section 2 of Technical Proposal)


2. Reference (Section 3 of Technical Proposal)


3. Application and Database Software (Section 4 of Technical Proposal)


4. Addendum B(Functional System Requirements)


5. Technical and hardware Requirements (Section 5 of Technical Proposal)


6. Proposed Deployment Requirements(Section 6 of Technical Proposal)


7. Draft SLA including standard terms and conditions (Section 7 of Technical Proposal)


8. Ongoing Support Services (Section 8 of Technical Proposal)


9. Vision (Section 9 of Technical Proposal)


Total Points A tenderer must obtain a minimum of 80 points to qualify for the short-list. To enable the PPECB to evaluate the entity on the above criteria, please ensure that adequate documentation is attached.



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The scoring criteria for purposes of awarding points for the ERP Specifications Criteria will be as follows:

Criteria No System Specification Criteria 

Minimum Thresholds Points Allocated

1 Financial management 50.00 50.00 1.1 Accounts payable 5.00 1.2 Accounts receivable 5.00 1.3 Planning and budgeting 5.00 1.4 General Ledger 5.00 1.5 Bank reconciliation 5.00 1.6 Cash management 5.00 1.7 Fixed assets 5.00 1.8 Inventory Management 5.00 1.9 Payroll management 10.00

2 Supply Chain Management 20.00 20.00 2.1 Procurement 15.00 2.2 Contract management 5.00

3 Human Resources Management 50.00 50.00 3.1 Workforce Planning 5.00 3.2 Job Profiling & Job Evaluation 5.00 3.3 Recruitment 5.00 3.4 On-boarding 5.00 3.5 Performance Management 5.00 3.6 Learning & Development 5.00 3.7 Talent Management 5.00 3.8 Exit Management 5.00 3.9 Compensation 5.00 3.10 Occupational Health & Safety 5.00

4 Operations 12.00 4.1 Food Safety Audits 3.00 4.2 Operations Planning 3.00 4.3 Time and Expense Control 3.00 4.4 Lab Client Self-Service 3.00

5 ICT 3.00 5.1 ICT Helpdesk 1.00 5.2 Business Intelligence (BI) 2.00 6 Marketing & Communications 5.00 6.1 Client Management 5.00 7 General and technical 10.00 8 Non Functional 5.009 Mobility 5.00 10 Portal 5 5.00 Total points allocated for System Specifications 165.00

The total score of 165 will be weighted to 60 points as indicated on the table on page 12 of this documents.

PHASE 2 – Presentations and Meetings

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PPECB will invite each vendor whose response passes the preliminary criteria to present their response to the evaluation team. The evaluation team will expect to be able to ask detailed questions, based on both the response and the presentation. Bidder presentations will be evaluated based on the below criteria.

Please prepare a demo of your systems capability based on the below listed key modules:

Technical Requirements Minimum Points

Maximum Points

Reference Page in


1. Planning & Budgeting 10 10

2. Human Capital Recruitment Process Talent Management (Who got

trained, etc)

10 15

3. Timesheet capturing entails documenting of the following items:

Service types (inspection/container loading/waiting/re-inspection, etc.)

Activity points (where the service took place) Products (citrus, stone, pome, etc.) Normal hours (each inspector must log 40

hours per week of normal time which includes time of annual/sick leave)

This information is used for costing of the inspectorate’s salary costs against the products they inspected.

Additionally, timesheets are used to capture the following:

Overtime hours (Saturday, Sunday, Standby) Kilometre costs Out of pocket expenses

This information is used to reimburse employees weekly (km’s and expenses) and monthly in arrears of all overtime via payroll.

5 5

4. Tender and Contract Management 10 15

5. Portals Customer Registration Process Accounts Receivable Process

under customer portals (beginning to end),

self-service customer, employee and supplier portals

10 10

6. Reporting Dashboards integration reporting from other systems

10 10

7. ICT AI in the background (system intelligence) Cloud hosting model


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8. Pricing License Fees Total Cost of Ownership Types of user licensing and associated



9. Flexible Workflows with regards to delegation of authority (include audit trails) 10 10

10. Mobility Capabilities 10 10

11. Resource planning 5 5

Total Points A tenderer must obtain a minimum of 80 points to qualify for the short-list.To enable the PPECB to evaluate the entity on the above criteria, please ensure that adequate documentation is attached.

80 100

Tenders will be evaluated for functionality and bidders must meet a minimum functionality threshold of 80. Tenderers scoring less than 80 points will be disqualified.

Phase 3: Pricing and BEE Evaluation

The following preference point systems are applicable to all bids whereby preference points shall be awarded for Price; and B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution.

the 80/20 Preference Point System for bids with a Rand value of more than R30,000-00 but not exceeding R50,000,000-00 (all applicable taxes included); and

the 90/10 Preference Point System for bids with a Rand value above R50,000,000-00 (all applicable taxes included).

The value of this bid is estimated not to exceed R50 000 000 and therefore the 80/20 system shall be applicable.


Points awarded for price (80 points)

Electronic Copy of the Price Schedule (Addendum C)

Total Cost of Ownership (5 year period) for the Bidder’s proposed solution should be submitted on the proposal pricing schedules provided in the associated Microsoft Excel pricing spreadsheets:

The PPECB will not consider time and materials pricing. Bidders shall provide firm and fixed pricing based on the functionality described. For each item, indicate if the cost is once-off, annual, or other;

The Bidder shall provide price information for each separate component of the proposed solution, as well as the costs of any modifications necessary to fully comply with the RFP

In the event the product or service is provided at no additional cost, the item should be noted as "no charge" or words to that effect;

In the event the product or service is not being included in the Bidder’s proposal, the item should be noted as "No Bid";

Bidders must provide all pricing alternatives in the MS-Excel cost sheets in addition to completing SCM-Bid documents SBD 3.3;

Bidder must provide prices in South African Rand; Bidder shall make clear the rationale and basis of calculation for all fees and disbursements;

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All prices must include Value Added Tax (“VAT”); In presenting software license fees, the Bidders shall:

Explain all factors that could affect licensing fees; Make clear what type of license is offered for each price (named user, concurrent user,

installed copies, processor-based, etc.); Indicate which product versions, operating platform(s), and machine classes are included for

each price; Identify any third party software (i.e. database software, operating systems etc.); Indicate whether a product is for “server” or “client,” as applicable; and, Including ongoing maintenance — with associated prices. This should include pricing terms for

future expansion of the solution, for example, purchasing additional functionality and/or user licenses.

To the extent possible, Bidders shall show any applicable discounts separately from the prices for products and services;

The PPECB prefers that Bidders provide separate prices for each item in the proposed solution. However, the Bidder is also encouraged to present alternatives to itemised costs and discounts, such as bundled pricing, if such pricing would be advantageous to the PPECB;

Payment milestones for software should be clearly indicated; Prices offered shall be considered firm, except for variations in rate of duty and foreign exchange,

unless otherwise stated. Please indicate any prices that may be subject to exchange rate fluctuations; Bidder pricing details must remain valid for the period defined in “SCM-Bid Documents SBD 3.3”; and

The payment policy of PPECB is 30 days from receipt of invoice provided that there are no disputes.

PPECB would like to exercise the option of paying for the licensing directly with the OEM or their accredited partner depending on the agreement with the successful bidder.

Bidders must specify any other related costs that has an impact on the ERP.

Points awarded for B-BBEE status level of contribution (20 points)

In terms of Regulations 5 (2) and 6 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points will be awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table as set out in the Preference Points Claim Form. Tenderers must provide a certified copy of the valid BBBEE certificate.


For further information a tenderer may contact the Procurement Officer at the address shown below:

Physical Address PPECB45 Silverboom AvenuePlattekloof

Postal Address PPECBThe Procurement OfficialPO Box 15289Panorama7506

Contact number +27 21 9301134Technical Enquiries Heather Van Wyk - heathervw@ppecb.comCommercial Enquiries Ikanyeng Matloko –



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Some of the information contained in the Tender Documents may be of a confidential nature and must only be used for purposes of responding to this RFP. This confidentiality clause extends to bidder partners whom you may decide to involve in preparing a response to this RFP.

For purposes of this process, the term “Confidential Information” shall include all technical and business information, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all secret knowledge and information (including any and all financial, commercial, market, technical, functional and scientific information, and information relating to a party’s strategic objectives and planning and its past, present and future research and development), technical, functional and scientific requirements and specifications, data concerning business relationships, demonstrations, processes, machinery, know-how, architectural information, information contained in a party’s software and associated material and documentation, plans, designs and drawings and all material of whatever description, whether subject to or protected by copyright, patent or trademark, registered or un-registered, or otherwise disclosed or communicated before or after the date of this process.

The receiving party shall not, during the period of validity of this process, or at any time thereafter, use or disclose, directly or indirectly, the confidential information of PPECB (even if received before the date of this process) to any person whether in the employment of the receiving party or not, who does not take part in the performance of this process.

The receiving party shall take all such steps as may be reasonably necessary to prevent PPECB’s confidential information coming into the possession of unauthorized third parties. In protecting the receiving party’s confidential information, PPECB shall use the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure of the confidential information as the receiving party uses to protect its own confidential information.

Any documentation, software or records relating to confidential information of PPECB, which comes into the possession of the receiving party during the period of validity of this process or at any time thereafter or which has so come into its possession before the period of validity of this process:

shall be deemed to form part of the confidential information of PPECB, shall be deemed to be the property of PPECB; shall not be copied, reproduced, published or circulated by the receiving party unless and to the

extent that such copying is necessary for the performance of this process and all other processes as contemplated in; and shall be surrendered to PPECB on demand, and in any event on the termination of the investigations and negotiations, and the receiving party shall not retain any extracts thereof.

News and press releases

Tenderers or their agents shall not make any news releases concerning this RFP or the awarding of the same or any resulting agreement(s) without the consent of, and then only in co-ordination with PPECB.

General legal conditions

The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall govern this RFP and any subsequent agreement entered into. Tenderers accept hereby that the courts of the Republic of South Africa shall have jurisdiction.

PPECB shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Tenderer in the preparation of response to this RFP. The preparation of response will be made without obligation to acquire any of the items included in any Tenderer’s proposal or to select any proposal, or to discuss the reasons why such Tenderer’s or any other proposal was accepted or rejected.

PPECB may request written clarification or further information regarding any aspect of this proposal. The Tenderer must supply the requested information in writing within two (2) business days after the request has been made, otherwise the proposal may be disqualified.

In the case of consortium, joint venture or subcontractors, Tenderers are required to provide copies of signed agreements stipulating the work split and Rand value.

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PPECB reserves the right to cancel/reject any proposal and not to award the proposal to the lowest bidder or award parts of the proposal to different bidders, or not to award the proposal at all.

By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the Tenderer accepts the evaluation criteria as it stands.

Should the Tenderer withdraw the proposal before the proposal validity period expires, PPECB reserves the right to recover any additional expense incurred by PPECB having to accept any less favourable proposal or the additional expenditure incurred by PPECB in the preparation of a new RFP and by the subsequent acceptance of any less favourable proposal.

Any amendment or change of any nature made to this RFP or the Tender Documents shall only be of force and effect if it is in writing, signed by a PPECB authorized signatory and added to this RFP as an addendum.

PPECB will not be held liable for any expenses incurred by Tenderers, in preparing and submitting the proposal.

In the evaluation of proposal, PPECB reserves the right to conduct independent reference checks.Should the evaluation of the proposals not be completed within the validity period, PPECB has discretion to extend the validity period. Upon receipt of the request to extend the validity period of the bid, the Tenderer must respond within the required timeframes and in writing on whether or not it agrees to hold its original proposal responses valid under the same terms and conditions for a further period.

All Tenderers must make full disclosure of any potential conflict of interests. PPECB will make the final determination as to whether the potential conflict of interest precludes the award of the tender to the Tenderer.

While information in this RFP document has been prepared in good faith, it does not purport to be totally comprehensive, nor to have been independently verified. PPECB does not accept any liability for its adequacy, accuracy or completeness, nor does it make representation or warranties with respect to information contained in it, or upon which the RFP is based.

Prior to submitting the proposal, Tenderers should satisfy themselves of the accuracy and completeness of all the information submitted. Tenderers should be confident that the pricing submitted is sufficient for the company to meet all its obligations in terms of this RFP document and any contract that may result from this RFP process. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

No gifts, inducements or any other consideration should be promised or offered by any Tenderers in this RFP process, either directly or indirectly, to any official in PPECB during the currency of this RFP, and any subsequent due diligence, negotiation or contracting processes that may follow.

Please note that a potential bidder must have a B-BBEE certificate that has been issued by a verification agency accredited by the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or the bidder must submit an affidavit stating its B-BBEE status level. Exempt Micro Enterprises (EME's) must acquire an affidavit regarding their B-BBEE status level - no verification is required. This is also applicable to Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE's) with 51% or more black ownership.

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