invitation to submit an expression of interest for mental ... · appropriate mental health...

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For Official Use Only (FOUO)

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project


of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288

Invitation to Submit an

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program

Project Director and Project


Health Infrastructure


Document Title: Expression of Interest

Document Control No.: EOI No. HI17288

Publication Date: 03 August 2017

Document Status: Issue for Expression of Interest

Document Controller: Health Infrastructure Procurement Manager

For Official Use Only (FOUO)

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project


of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Objectives .......................................................................................................... 3

3.0 Selection Process .............................................................................................. 5

4.0 Assessment Criteria ......................................................................................... 5

5.0 Application Format .......................................................................................... 5

6.0 Conditions of EOI ............................................................................................ 6

7.0 Lodgement of EOI ............................................................................................ 6

8.0 Advice to applicants ......................................................................................... 7

9.0 Contact during EOI process ........................................................................... 7

10.0 Attachment 1: Statement of Business Ethics ................................................. 8

RETURNABLE SCHEDULES ................................................................................. 11

1 Expression of Interest Registration Form ................................................... 12

2 Applicant’s Experience & CV ....................................................................... 14

3 Proposed Daily Rates ..................................................................................... 15

[For review within 3 years of Document Reference Date in footer.]

For Official Use Only (FOUO)

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 3 of 15

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Ministry of Health established a new unit called Health Infrastructure (HI) in 2007. HI is responsible

for the planning, procurement, delivery and commissioning of all public health infrastructure projects

with a capital value exceeding $10 million across New South Wales. HI is currently responsible for

about 50 infrastructure projects. Annual expenditure by HI is approximately $850 million p.a.

1.2 Expressions of Interest (“EOIs”) are invited from individuals or organisations (“Applicants”) with

appropriate Mental Health experience for the roles Project Director and Project Manager to provide

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

2.0 Objectives

2.1 In this EOI, HI is seeking to identify suitably qualified individuals or organisations to provide

advice in relation to Mental Health planning and design.

The role of the Project Director is to lead a team of project professionals responsible for

achieving Project / Program outcomes for the Mental Health Program.

The role of the Project Manager is to work with a team of project professionals responsible

for achieving Project / Program outcomes for the Mental Health Program.

2.2 The following list is an example of what individuals in the role(s) could expect to be responsible

for or provide advice on:

• Managing the interface with Ministry of Health and LHDs as necessary to ensure advice

and resources are appropriate and capable of delivering the approved Clinical advice

• Participate in the high-level review of advice and resources to ensure accuracy, consistency

with relevant policies and appropriateness including identification of additional input

required from legal, technical, organisational and financial advisors.

• Successfully manage the completion of Final Business Case deliverables using standard

templates, systems and tools in an efficient and client-focussed manner.

• Support the development and implementation of appropriate measures to ensure that team

members, consultants and sub-contractors are properly trained to operate within the

established Health Infrastructure health facility planning and design standards, policies,

procedures and guidelines.

• Coordination of a team of project professionals during the planning and design phase of

the project.

2.3 Health Infrastructure (HI) is responsible for the planning, procurement, delivery and commissioning

of all public health infrastructure projects with a capital value exceeding $10 million across New

South Wales. This is undertaken under the NSW Health Process of Facility Planning (POFP) and

in line with Guidelines for Capital Business Cases, Policy and Guidelines Paper, Office of Financial

Management, NSW Treasury December 08; tpp08-5.

A key deliverable for both roles will be a Final Business Case. It will need to present the optimum

mix of information used to judge whether the project is desirable, viable and achievable and

therefore worthwhile investing in. Under the POFP the Business Case is developed in a number of

stages as part of the planning phase of the project. The Business Case is formally reviewed by an

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Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 4 of 15

independent party (depending on Tier level) before submission to the Ministry of Health (MoH)

and ultimately NSW Treasury for approval to allow project delivery funds to be released.

A business case provides a base for change by examining total lifecycle costs, benefits, risks and

implementation requirements. It is also a reference for the procurement and implementation of a

project or program. Critical parameters such as cost, schedule, quality, social and environmental

issues are documented demonstrating capability for timely delivery of the project or program.

In line with NSW Gateway Review Toolkit, HI business cases are assessed against seven

established success factors;

• Service Delivery

• Value for Money/Affordability

• Sustainability

• Governance

• Risk Management

• Change Management

• Stakeholder Management

2.4 This EOI is targeting individuals, companies can apply, however the nominated individuals will be

expected to work from HI’s North Sydney Offices.

2.5 After gathering information through this EOI, HI may, at its absolute discretion, proceed to

commence direct negotiations with any of the Applicants.

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Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 5 of 15

3.0 Selection Process

3.1 The selection of organisations for the Services consists of one stage:

Expression of Interest (EOI) Process: Individuals and Organisations are invited to respond

to this EOI. The outcome of this EOI process will be a shortlist of individuals to provide as

advice and support on HI Projects. Direct engagement may also occur.

Applicants are required to provide the following pricing information for Services in this EOI:

o Daily Rate ($/day)

4.0 Assessment Criteria

4.1 EOIs will be assessed based on the information provided in the EOI documents against the

following criteria:

o Experience of the individual with regards to Mental Health Planning and Design

including Business Case development

o Proposed daily rates for services undertaken

Applicants are required to address the above criteria separately in detail in their submissions.

4.2 The above assessment criteria are not necessarily presented in any particular order and may be

accorded different weights in the assessment.

4.3 Applicants are to confirm their compliance with Health Infrastructure’s Statement of Business

Ethics at Attachment 1 of this EOI.

5.0 Application Format

5.1 Applicants must provide the information in their EOI submissions arranged in accordance with the

structure below:

General overview of the individual and contact details for the EOI (Cover Letter and EOI

Schedule 1);

Experience of the individual on recent projects with regards to Mental Health planning and design

(EOI Schedule 2)

Proposed daily rates for services to be undertaken (EOI Schedule 3).

Applicants should avoid attaching brochures or company promotion materials that are not directly

relevant to the requirements stated in this document. Expressions of Interest are requested to be no

more than 20 single sides of A4 (CVs not included in page limit).

For Official Use Only (FOUO)

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 6 of 15

6.0 Conditions of EOI

6.1 This EOI is not an offer. No legal or other obligation will arise between the Applicant and HI until

a formal Agreement has been signed. To the extent permitted by law, Applicants will have no claim

against HI arising out of HI's exercise, or failure to exercise, any rights under this EOI, including

as a result of delays to the selection process.

6.2 No payment will be made by HI to any Applicant for any costs, losses or expenses incurred by the

Applicant in preparing and submitting its EOI, attending any meetings, providing any further

information, or otherwise in connection with its participation in the selection process.

6.3 HI makes no warranty or representation, and does not assume any duty of care to Applicants that

the information in this EOI or any other document provided by HI or any other person on behalf of

HI is accurate, adequate, suitable or complete, and HI accepts no responsibility for interpretations

placed on the information by Applicants. Applicants should submit their EOIs based on their own

investigations and determinations and should not rely on the information contained in this EOI or

such other documents.

6.4 Without limiting HI’s other rights under this EOI, HI reserves the right to cancel, amend, vary,

supplement or replace this EOI or the selection process generally by notice in writing to all


6.5 HI may from time to time during the selection process convene meetings with Applicants, to discuss

issues associated with the selection process, the EOI or any other matter relevant to the EOI.

6.6 The Applicant may, by written application, seek clarification of any item in the EOI document.

HI’s response will be sent to all Applicants as an Addendum.

6.7 Notwithstanding any other requirements of this EOI, HI may require Applicants to submit

additional information. During the assessment of EOIs, HI may seek clarification of EOIs and

Applicants must promptly respond to all requests for clarification in writing.

6.8 HI reserves the right to invite an applicant that has submitted an EOI for interview or request the

applicant to make a presentation about their submission to the Tender Evaluation Committee.

6.9 HI reserves the right to terminate an Applicant’s appointment to a tender panel.

6.10 HI reserves the right to allocate work to a service provider not included on this panel and to

subsequently add such service providers to the panel (whether or not it was an Applicant in the EOI


7.0 Lodgement of EOI

7.1 Applicants must lodge their EOI through the Tenders NSW website at by the date and time set out on the Registration Form. Applicants

must enclose all the Schedules in one file labelled:

"Expression of Interest – Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

– Company Name"

7.2 Applicants must complete the Returnable Schedules and supply all other information requested.

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Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 7 of 15

7.3 Applicants, by electronically submitting a EOI, are taken to have accepted any conditions shown on

the NSW Government eTendering web site.

7.4 Applicants must not change existing text in electronic Schedules other than to insert required


7.5 EOIs cannot be lodged by facsimile or e-mail.

7.6 In accordance with the "NSW Government Code of Practice for Procurement", late EOIs will not be

accepted, except where the integrity and competitiveness of the process has not been compromised.

8.0 Advice to applicants

8.1 Where an Applicant is assessed as being suitable to be short-listed, they will be notified.

8.2 Where an Applicant is assessed as not being suitable for inclusion in the shortlist, they will be advised

and if requested, arrangements made for a debrief.

9.0 Contact during EOI process

During the EOI process, Applicants may contact the following person for any enquiries or clarifications


Name of the contact person: Bruno Zinghini

Telephone: 9978 5406


Name of the contact person: Ben Cohen

Telephone: 9978 5435


In relation to probity related issues Applicants may contact:

Name of the contact person: Gautam Anand

Telephone: 9978 5412


For Official Use Only (FOUO)

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 8 of 15

10.0 Attachment 1: Statement of Business Ethics

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Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 9 of 15

For Official Use Only (FOUO)

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program Project Director and Project Manager

of Health Infrastructure Projects

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 Page 10 of 15

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 SCHEDULES Page 11 of 15

Name of the contact person:




Invitation to Submit an

Expression of Interest for

Mental Health Program

Project Director and Project


The following returnable schedules must be completed and submitted as part of the expression of interest:




FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 SCHEDULES Page 12 of 15


1.1 EOI Closing Date

2:00 pm on: 24th of August 2017

1.2 EOI Closing Office

Government Agency: Health Infrastructure


1.3 EOI Details

Agreement Title : Expression of Interest for Mental Health Program Project Director

and Project Manager

Contract Number : HI17288

1.4 Applicant’s Details

Organisation Name


Address :

Contact Person:

Telephone No. :

Mobile No.:

e-mail Address :

1.5 Offer

EXECUTED as a deed poll on the date set out below

The Applicant ............................................................................................................................................................

(ABN .................................................................................... ) (ACN ................................................................. )

of ....................................................................................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................................................................................... (Applicant)

On .................................................................................................................... (date)

1. in accordance with the Conditions of Expression of Interest represents that:

(a) the Applicant has examined carefully and has acquired actual knowledge of the contents of the EOI

Documents and the other information made available in writing by the Principal for the purpose of


FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016) HI17288 SCHEDULES Page 13 of 15

(b) the information supplied by it (and the documents attached to) in the Returnable Schedules are

accurate and correct;

(c) the Applicant has examined the Principal’s statement of business ethics and satisfied itself of its

capacity to carry out the EOI process and the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions

of the statement of business ethics without breaching such terms and conditions;

32. acknowledges that:

(a) the Principal will be relying on the representations referred to in clause 1 of this registration form

in assessing the Applicant’s tender.

EXECUTED as a deed poll

1. If the Applicant is a company, the company must execute this deed poll in accordance with section 127 (1) of the

Corporations Act 2001:



Company Name (ACN )

in accordance with s.127(1) of the Corporations

Act 2001 by being signed by the following persons who

are authorised to sign for the company


Director /Secretary


Full name




Full name

2. If the Applicant is a proprietary company with a sole director/company secretary the company must execute this deed

poll in the following manner in accordance with section 127(1)(c):



Company Name (ACN )

In accordance with s.127(1)(c) of the Corporations

Act 2001 by being signed by that person who is

the sole director/company secretary of the company


Sole Director/Company Secretary


Full name


Usual address

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016)Expression of Interest No.

HI17288 SCHEDULES Page 14 of 15


Please provide details about the experience you have with the delivery of the Services,

particularly in relation to comparable projects, limited to past 5 years.;

Client Company/Organisation

Location of Project

Estimated Value of the Project ($)

Contract Period

General nature and scope of the work and

relevance to this Project

Role on the Project

Client Name & Title/Position

Attach a CV highlighting relevant experience.

FRM 604 EOI Document (01-03-2016)Expression of Interest No. HI17288SCHEDULES Page 15 of 15


Provide rates for engagement

Daily Rate ($/day)

Rates are to be provided exclusive of GST.

Disbursements and travel expenses shall be reimbursed at cost.

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