investigation of fin whales using ocean-bottom kit kovacs and christian lydersen, i...

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Investigation of fin whales using ocean-bottom recordings

Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar

Andreia Filipa da Silva Pereira

Tese orientada por:

Prof. Doutor Luis Manuel Henriques Marques Matias

Prof. Doutor Len Thomas

Prof. Doutor Peter Tyack

Documento especialmente elaborado para a obtenção do grau de doutor






Investigation of fin whales using ocean-bottom recordings

Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar

Andreia Filipa da Silva Pereira

Tese orientada por:

Prof. Doutor Luis Manuel Henriques Marques Matias, Prof. Doutor Len Thomas, Prof.

Doutor Peter Tyack



● Doutor João Manuel de Almeida Serra, Professor Catedrático, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa


● Doutor Peter Lloyd Tyack, Professor, School of Biology da Universidade of St. Andrews, Escócia (orientador)

● Doutor Tiago André Lamas Oliveira Marques, Research Fellow, School of Mathematics and Statistics da Universidade of St.

Andrews, Escócia

● Doutor Manuel Eduardo dos Santos, Professor Associado, Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida -


● Doutora Cristina Brito, Investigadora FCT, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

● Doutora Maria Paula Pompeu de Miranda Rodrigues de Teves Costa, Professora Auxiliar, Faculdade de Ciências da

Universidade de Lisboa

● Doutora Susana Inês da Silva Custódio, Professora Auxiliar, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Documento especialmente elaborado para a obtenção do grau de doutor

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/52554/2014), from the Doctoral Programme - PD/143/2012 -

Lisbon Doctoral School on Earth System Science, Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL)


My academic career has gone through several life-changing moments and this thesis was one

of those occasions. From studying the behaviour of big cats and dogs, to analysing

photographs of dorsal fins of bottlenose dolphins of an African country (São Tomé and

Príncipe), I was always looking for opportunities where I could learn more about wildlife and

where I could develop different skills to help protect biodiversity. For this thesis I had to learn

a lot about concepts and scientific areas that were far away from my “comfort zone”. Suddenly,

I had to learn about seismic waves and several seismic methods, sound propagation and

passive acoustic monitoring of cetaceans. The animals that I was used to seeing in person or

in photographs were transformed into numbers and acoustic signals. It was really an

adventure and I could not have been happier with this experience! I could not have done this

without the help and support of my supervisors, friends and colleagues.

To Professor Luis Matias, thank you for your incredible support and guidance. I am very

grateful for your patience with my lack of knowledge and your assistance in every step of this


To Professor Len Thomas and Peter Tyack, who guided me through the treacherous waters

of statistics and bioacoustics. Also, thank you for having me in St. Andrews and for the

opportunities to learn more about these two scientific areas that were almost foreign to me.

To Danielle Harris, you were the real MVP. Without all of your help and guidance in every

single step of this thesis I could not have done this. I could not thank you enough.

To professor Pedro Miranda, the head of Instituto Dom Luiz and program director of the

Earthsystems doctoral school, I am very grateful for giving me the opportunity to take this


To my “esteemed colleagues” Mariana Santos e Vânia Lima, thank you for all of the

conversations, jokes and support. It seems that we actually end this thing…

To my “coop friends” Cláudia Faustino, Jesus Alcazar, Martin Dobry who transformed my first

long period in St. Andrews into an awesome time! It was the first time I was by myself and far

away from my family for such a long time and with you three the time went by so quickly!

Thank you!

To the Matthews, Marlene and Denis, thank you for having me in your home! You were my

saviours in my last period in St. Andrews. I am extremely grateful for your kindness (I’m sorry

that my last months were so busy and I couldn’t be a better company).

To Kit Kovacs and Christian Lydersen, I am extremely grateful for giving me the opportunity

to travel to Svalbard and be a part of your team in one of your scientific ship surveys. Although

my body wasn’t cooperating with my mind (damn you seasickness), it was a travel of a lifetime!

I will never forget the beautiful landscape and my first time being so close to a blue whale!

Thank you José Luis for being a part of this journey to Svalbard with me and taking care of

the OBS.

To Tiago Marques, I am extremely grateful for helping me with distance sampling and taking

the time to evaluate my progress throughout the years, in the annual seminars.

To Inês Carvalho and Cristina Brito, who were the driving forces of my academic career in

cetacean ecology and conservation. Thank you for taking me into your team and for always

being there for me.

To my family, especially my mother who continues to give me unconditional support. Although

there were times when I felt I was not going to end this, my mother never doubt me. Obrigada


And finally but not the least, to my partner in crime, Francisco Martinho, thank you for your

omnipresence and support.


Instruments used for seismic monitoring (OBS) have been recording baleen whales

along with the target data. These long-term datasets provide valuable information for the study

of large cetaceans that would otherwise be difficult to obtain due to economic and logistic

reasons. Fin whales are classified as ‘Endangered’ species and therefore knowledge about

population size and spatial and temporal distribution patterns is essential for good

management strategies. In Portugal, sightings of fin whales off mainland waters are rare and

are insufficient to assess any kind of trend. In this context, seismic datasets may become one

of the primary sources of information on a year-round basis. The general aim of this thesis

was to demonstrate the use of acoustic datasets, collected for non-biological focussed

studies, such as seismic data, to study fin whales. Between September 2007 and August 2008

a network of 24 OBS was deployed off southwest Portugal with the main aim to obtain data to

study the microseismicity originating from potential tsunami sources. During this time fin whale

sounds were also recorded. The main acoustic signal produced by fin whales used in this

thesis was the 20-Hz call. A detection process to detect the 20-Hz call was developed

(Chapter 2) and the resulting dataset of automatic detections was used to: 1) estimate a

relative location, i.e. a range from the recording instrument, of the automatic detections with

the single-station method and develop a classification scheme that help deciding if a detection

was from a 20-Hz call and if the range estimates were inside the critical area of the single

station (Chapter 3); 2) characterize the 20-Hz call and assess the existence of different

acoustic groups (Chapter 4); 3) obtain an average fin whale density and abundance (Chapter

5); and 4) assess the impact of acoustic interference on the 20-Hz call and infer about the

depth of the calling fin whale (Chapter 6). This thesis showed how OBS data can be used in

different types of studies about fin whales and provide valuable information for cetacean


Keywords: Ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS), fin whale, cetacean, bioacoustics, wildlife



Em sismologia, as estações sísmicas de fundo oceânico (OBS), são geralmente

utilizadas para caracterizar a estrutura da Terra, localizar terramotos e registar ruído

antropogénico. Dependendo das configurações dos instrumentos e parâmetros de registo,

alguns OBS podem fornecer registos acústicos de longa duração e cobrir extensas áreas

geográficas. A baixa taxa de amostragem a que os instrumentos de observação sísmica de

longa duração gravam, entre 40 a 100 Hz, permite que registam não só os dados-alvo, como

também sinais biológicos de baixa frequência, como certos sons de baleias de barbas. As

duas espécies de baleias de barbas que produzem os sons de frequência mais baixa são a

baleia-azul (Balaenoptera musculus) e a baleia-comum (Balaenoptera physalus). Ambas

foram caçadas de forma intensiva durante o século XX e algumas das suas populações foram

severamente reduzidas. As duas espécies apresentam distribuições geográficas extensas e

hábitos pelágicos, o que dificulta a sua monitorização sistemática. Por isto, dados acústicos

adquiridos por OBS podem fornecer informação valiosa sobre a distribuição espacial e

abundância das populações.

Esta tese teve como objectivo principal demonstrar o uso de conjuntos de dados

colectados para estudos não biológicos, como o caso de dados sísmicos, para estudar

baleias-comuns a sudoeste de Portugal. Em Portugal, apesar das baleias-comuns

apresentarem um estatuto de conservação “Ameçado”, informação-base sobre a ocorrência

desta espécie é escassa e existem poucos recursos para executar estudos de longa duração.

Neste contexto, conjuntos de dados sísmicos podem tornar-se numa das fontes de informação

principais obtidas ao longo do ano, permitindo a avaliação da presença de baleias que

vocalizam, distribuição, abundância e possíveis tendências. Várias questões sobre a

ocorrência e estrutura populacional da baleia-comum em Portugal continental permanecem

por responder. Esta tese traz uma abordagem multidisciplinar ao estudo da baleia-comum,

utilizando métodos da sismologia, acústica, ecologia e estatística. Entre 2007 e 2008, um

conjunto de 24 OBS foi colocado no fundo oceânico, a sudoeste de Portugal, com o objectivo

principal de colectar dados para o estudo da microssismicidade originada por potenciais fontes

de tsunamis. Durante este período, sinais acústicos produzidos por baleias-comuns também

foram registados.

No Capítulo 2 pretendeu-se desenvolver um processo de detecção da vocalização

mais comum produzida pela baleia-comum, a vocalização de 20-Hz. Um algoritmo para

detecção, que incluiu uma correlação cruzada normalizada entre um modelo da vocalização

de 20-Hz e a forma de onda dos registos acústicos, foi incluído no software de sísmica

SEISAN. O algoritmo foi executado diversas vezes com configurações diferentes, criando

vários “detectores”. A precisão dos detectores foi avaliada usando uma subamostra aleatória

sistemática dos registos acústicos dos OBS. Os resultados mostraram que existiam diferentes

detectores adequados, dependendo dos objectivos da análise em particular. Em primeiro

lugar, um detector mostrou ser mais adequado para estudos que visavam estimativas da

abundância, nas quais o objectivo principal é detectar vocalizações acima de um limite dos

parâmetros incluídos no algoritmo. Houve ainda um segundo detector que demonstrou ser

mais adequado para avaliar o comportamento e movimentos de pequena-escala do animal

que está a vocalizar; neste caso as configurações do detector foram optimizadas para detectar

o máximo de vocalizações possíveis produzidas por um animal e excluir vocalizações de

outros animais. Uma vez que o segundo detector com uma pequena correcção era adequado

para vários tipos de estudos incluídos nesta tese, este foi o escolhido para ser aplicado a toda

a extensão dos registos acústicos dos OBS. A aplicação do detector resultou num conjunto

de dados de detecções automáticas que foi utilizado nos capítulos seguintes.

No Capítulo 3, um método sísmico para estimar a localização de terramotos a partir

de um único instrumento, o método de estação-única, foi utilizado para localizar vocalizações

de 20-Hz de baleia-comum de uma subamostra representativa dos registos acústicos dos

OBS. Foram também consideradas correcções para contabilizar as influências da velocidade

do som na coluna de água e a estrutura de velocidade na camada superficial do fundo

oceânico. Apesar de já ter sido demonstrado o uso deste método em providenciar estimativas

de localização de vocalizações de baleia-comum em estudos anteriores a esta tese, era ainda

necessário esforços adicionais sobre a classificação das estimativas de localização. Vários

parâmetros incluídos no algoritmo relacionados com a localização das vocalizações foram

avaliados a aplicou-se um esquema de classificação ao conjunto de dados de detecções

automáticas obtido no Capítulo 2. Dois conjuntos de dados de detecções foram produzidos

através de duas abordagens diferentes para manter vocalizações próximas dos OBS. Foi

necessária uma consideração especial relativamente às vocalizações próximas dos OBS

porque consistem em dados cruciais para a obtenção de estimativas de abundância confiáveis

através do método de amostragem por distâncias (Capítulo 5).

O Capítulo 4 incluiu uma caracterização acústica da vocalização de 20-Hz da baleia-

comum, obtida através da medição de parâmetros espectrais e temporais do sinal. A

existência de um ou mais grupos acústicos foi também avaliada através de uma análise

hierárquica. A comparação dos resultados com estudos publicados revelou a presença de

dois conjuntos de características acústicas: um conjunto de características acústicas

associadas a baleias-comuns do Mar Mediterrâneo e um segundo conjunto de características

acústicas associadas a baleias-comuns do oceano Atlântico Norte. A identificação do primeiro

grupo teve algumas incertezas uma vez que a verificação manual das detecções apenas

permitiu confirmar a sua presença num mês da amostra dos registos acústicos. No entanto,

houve uma ocasião, com verificação manual, em que os dois conjuntos de características

acústicas foram registados em simultâneo. Adicionalmente, uma pesquisa automática dos

intervalos entre vocalizações dos dois grupos acústicos revelou que o intervalo associado ao

primeiro grupo (Mediterrâneo) foi também registado noutros meses para além daquele em que

foi feita a sua verificação manual.

No Capítulo 5 foi possível obter estimativas médias de densidade (número de animais

por unidade de área) e abundância (número de animais na área de estudo) de baleia-comum,

através da análise de amostragem por distâncias e utilizando as detecções da vocalização de

20-Hz. Antes da análise de amostragem por distâncias, foi executada uma avaliação inicial da

adequabilidade dos dois conjuntos de dados de detecções obtidos no Capítulo 3. O conjunto

de dados de detecções com o melhor ajuste do modelo da probabilidade de detecção de uma

vocalização, o qual é incluído nas estimativas de densidade média de vocalizações, foi o

escolhido para as análises seguintes do Capítulo. A densidade média da vocalização de 20-

Hz foi transformada em densidade média de baleia-comum utilizando uma taxa de produção

da vocalização obtida a partir de dados publicados. Assumindo que a estimativa de densidade

média de baleia-comum obtida seria representativa da área de estudo à volta dos OBS, a

abundância média de baleia-comum foi estimada através da divisão da densidade média pela

área de estudo.

No Capítulo 6 pretendeu-se utilizar o efeito de espelho de Lloyd para inferir a

profundidade da baleia que está a vocalizar. Através da utilização de um conjunto de

vocalizações de 20-Hz de baleia-comum, o estudo teve como objectivo: 1) demonstrar e

analisar as diferenças nas características das vocalizações que ocorrem devido ao efeito de

espelho de Lloyd; e 2) estimar a profundidade da baleia que está a vocalizar. A partir do

espectrograma, foram identificadas diferentes características espectrais das vocalizações no

mesmo conjunto de sinais. Os resultados sugeriram que algumas características medidas nas

vocalizações de baleia-comum poderiam estar relacionadas com o efeito de espelho de Lloyd.

A inferência da profundidade da baleia que está a vocalizar foi obtida através da comparação

de modelos de perda de transmissão do sinal com as observações. Os modelos de perda de

transmissão do sinal consideraram o efeito de espelho de Lloyd para uma vocalização de

baleia-comum produzida perto da superfície e registada no fundo oceânico por um OBS. A

inferência da profundidade da baleia que está a vocalizar não foi simples e foi necessário

avaliar a profundidade usando apenas uma parte específica do conjunto de vocalizações,

onde a interferência do efeito de espelho de Lloyd era mais pronunciada.

Nesta tese foram demonstrados diversos estudos biológicos que podem ser realizados

através dos registos acústicos de OBS. Os resultados desta tese fornecem informação sobre

uma espécie ameaçada e que é pouco estudada em águas Portuguesas. A extensa cobertura

espacial dos OBS e os diversos tipos de informação que podem ser obtidos através dos seus

registos demonstram que os OBS são ferramentas valiosas na conservação de cetáceos.

Palavras-chave: Estação sísmica de fundo oceânico (OBS), baleia-comum, cetáceo,

bioacústica, conservação da vida selvagem


Chapter 1 - GENERAL INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................1

1.1. Monitoring cetaceans .................................................................................1

1.2. Ocean-bottom seismometers .....................................................................2

1.3. Fin whale ecology .......................................................................................6

1.4. Fin whale acoustics ....................................................................................9

1.5. Thesis outline ........................................................................................... 11

1.6. REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 15


SOUTHWEST PORTUGAL.................................................................................................. 25

2.1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 25

2.2. METHODS ............................................................................................... 27

2.2.1. Recording instruments, deployment and study area........................... 27

2.2.2. Pre-processing of the data and the detection algorithm in SEISAN .... 29

2.2.3. Subsample ......................................................................................... 33

2.2.4. Performance analysis ........................................................................ 36

2.3. RESULTS................................................................................................. 38

2.4. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 47

2.5. REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 51

ANNEX I - Examples of spectrograms of each class of signal ........................................ 57

ANNEX II – Number of detections of each detector ......................................................... 61



LOCATION METHOD .......................................................................................................... 63

3.1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 63

3.2. METHODS ............................................................................................... 65

3.2.1. Subsample and dataset ..................................................................... 65

3.2.2. The single station method .................................................................. 65

3.2.3. Adjustments to the range estimates ................................................... 71

3.2.4. Classification...................................................................................... 75

3.3. RESULTS................................................................................................. 80

3.4. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 93

3.4.1. Range adjustments considerations .................................................... 93

3.4.2. Classification of fin whale calls ........................................................... 94

3.4.3. Classification requirements for biological studies ............................... 95

3.4.4. Final considerations ........................................................................... 95

3.5. REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 97


SEAS TO THE SOUTHWEST OF PORTUGAL ................................................................... 99

4.1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 99

4.2 METHODS .............................................................................................. 101

4.2.1. Data collection ................................................................................. 101

4.2.2. Signal detection ............................................................................... 101 Spectral cross-correlation ............................................................. 102 Constructing the spectrogram synthetic kernel .............................. 102 Spectrogram cross-correlation ...................................................... 104

4.2.3. Signal sampling ............................................................................... 105

4.2.4. Spectral and temporal measurements ............................................. 107 Inter-call interval occurrence pattern ............................................. 109

4.2.5. Data analysis ................................................................................... 109

4.3. RESULTS............................................................................................... 113

4.5. DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 123

4.5.1. Occurrence of spectral and temporal call characteristics ................. 123

4.5.2. Comparisons with other studies ....................................................... 124

4.5.3. Implications of the existence of two dialects ..................................... 124

4.5.3. Final considerations and future work ................................................ 125

4.6. REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 129

ANNEX I – Boxplots of the spectral characteristics of the 20-Hz fin whale call ........... 135

ANNEX II – Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test ..................................................... 137


USING PASSIVE ACOUSTIC CUE COUNTING ................................................................ 139

5.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 139

5.2. METHODS ............................................................................................. 143

5.2.1. Acoustic dataset .............................................................................. 143

5.2.2. Distance sampling method ............................................................... 144

5.2.3. Parameters for fin whale density estimation ..................................... 146

5.2.4. Variance of the density estimates .................................................... 152

5.2.5. Fin whale abundance in the study area 𝑵 ........................................ 153

5.3. RESULTS............................................................................................... 154

5.3.1. Number of detections ....................................................................... 154

5.3.2. Detection probability ........................................................................ 157

5.3.3. True positive rate ............................................................................. 163

5.3.4. Cue rate ........................................................................................... 163

5.3.5. Density and abundance ................................................................... 163

5.4 DISCUSSION .......................................................................................... 164

5.4.1. Dataset ............................................................................................ 164

5.4.2. Effects of covariates ......................................................................... 166

5.4.3. Cue rate and false positive rate ....................................................... 167

5.4.4. Fin whale occurrence ....................................................................... 168

5.4.5. Decreasing variance - using non localizing OBS and estimating

abundance for each season ....................................................................... 168

5.5. REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 171


INFER THE DEPTH OF VOCALIZING ANIMALS .............................................................. 175

6.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 175

6.2. METHODS ............................................................................................. 176

6.2.1. Recording instruments and dataset .................................................. 176

6.2.2. Measuring call characteristics .......................................................... 177

6.2.3. LME observations ............................................................................ 178

6.2.4. Sound source range estimation ....................................................... 179

6.2.5. LME modelling ................................................................................. 181

6. 3. RESULTS.............................................................................................. 183

6.3.1. Analysis of LME changes in call characteristics ............................... 183

6.3.2. Inference of depth of the vocalizing whale ....................................... 184

6.3.3. Depth estimation using part of the bout with the most visible

interference ............................................................................................... 187

6.4. DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 189

6.5. REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 191

CHAPTER 7 - GENERAL DISCUSSION............................................................................ 195

REFERENCES.............................................................................................. 201


Chapter 1


1.1. Monitoring cetaceans

Cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales) have a long history of association with

humans. Some species because of their distribution and their behaviour have stayed elusive.

But other species either because of their close proximity with human activity or because of

their economic potential have been targets of human exploitation for a long period. Their long

and lasting relationship with humans, low reproductive rates, and long lifespan, make them

susceptible to changes in the environment – they do not recover quickly and the impacts can

be difficult to assess at short-time scales. Therefore, although cetaceans can be a difficult

group to study, their long-term exposure to ecosystem disturbances makes them a crucial

group to study and to protect. Active management and consistent monitoring of cetaceans are

crucial tasks to protect their future. Knowledge of stock structure, population size and spatial

and temporal patterns is essential for good management strategies.

In order to assess the status of a species and to identify conservation priorities, it is

necessary to determine how that species is divided into stocks. The term “stock” has been

used to refer to biological and management units (Wang, 2002). Wang (2002) defines a

management stock as a “group of conspecific individuals that are managed separately”. A

biological stock is “characterized by no or low levels of genetic exchange” and can also be

designated as a population or subpopulation (Wang, 2002). Although the identification of

management stocks was initially influenced by economic and political interests (Wang, 2002),

the recent approach also takes in consideration biological aspects of the species, such as

spatial distribution, abundance and genetic differentiation. Therefore, in recent years the term

“stock” is considered a combination of both management and biological units (NMFS, 2014;

IUCN, 2017; IWC, 2018). In this thesis, a stock is defined as a ‘group of individuals of the

same species that are demographically, but not necessarily genetically isolated’ (Taylor et al.,

2005; Clapham et al., 2008). A stock can also be referred as a population. The identification

and assessment of stocks requires consistent monitoring of several biological parameters.


Traditionally, cetacean monitoring has been accomplished by visual surveying. Such

surveys find the species of interest either from land, aircrafts or on-board ships following a

sampling strategy. When researchers encounter animals, they collect data by observing the

animals such as species present, an estimate of the number of animals, age group (adult,

juvenile, and calf), and behaviour. However, visual surveying is influenced by several factors

such as sea conditions, time of day, amount of time that animals spend at the surface,

remoteness of the surveyed area, and human and financial resources. Acoustic monitoring of

cetaceans provides a method of observation that can supplement or replace visual methods

and give important information for stock assessment. Currently, researchers have been

deploying both fixed and towed acoustic instruments for dedicated cetacean surveys

(Mellinger et al., 2007; Zimmer, 2014). Additional fixed passive acoustic datasets acquired for

non-biological purposes have also been providing crucial data, as they contain sounds of

several cetacean species, depending on the instrument sampling rate. Networks of

hydrophones of navies and other governmental agencies and organizations, such as the U.S.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or the Preparatory Commission for

the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), are spread throughout

the world’s oceans and have been crucial resources for cetacean studies.

1.2. Ocean-bottom seismometers

In seismology, ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) are regularly used to characterize

earth structure, locate earthquakes and record anthropogenic sounds (Frank and Ferris, 2011;

Wilcock, 2012). OBS experiments can be long-term (for passive monitoring) or short-term

(usually for active seismic surveys). The long-term OBS deployments will be the only ones

discussed in the following paragraphs.

The most complete OBS have two sensors: 1) a seismometer that includes three

velocity sensors, two horizontal (X, Y) and one vertical (Z), which are placed perpendicular to

one another; and 2) a hydrophone (H). In some cases, the hydrophone is not deployed.

OBS are deployed from a research vessel in a precise location and then free fall to the

seafloor. Depending on the current speed, the OBS stay in a nearby location during the

monitoring period with the seismometer in direct contact with the seafloor. On some

occasions, the seismometer can also be buried on the seafloor with a help of a remote


operated vehicle (ROV) (Wilcock, 2012). The hydrophone is placed in the water above the

seafloor, tied to the OBS frame or floating a few meters above it.

An earthquake or any other type of disturbance in the earth’s crust or in the water

layer, causes the release of energy that is propagated by seismic waves. When particles move

in the same direction that the energy is traveling, in a longitudinal motion, alternating from

compression to expansion, they are being subject to a pressure wave. Because these waves

are the first to arrive at a seismic station, they are also known as primary waves or P-waves.

P-waves travel in all types of media; solid and fluids (liquid and gas). In the last two media

they are also known as sound or acoustic waves. The secondary S-waves move particles in

a direction perpendicular to the propagation of energy. They do not cause volume changes of

the material through which they propagate, they shear it. Because liquids and gases cannot

transmit shear stress, S-waves only propagate in solid media. When seismic waves arrive at

the OBS, they cause the seismometer to move and the hydrophone records the associated

pressure change. The magnitude of the ground motion (particle velocity) is converted into an

electrical signal that is recorded by the OBS along with the time of the waves. In hydrophones,

the pressure changes caused by the waves are transformed into electrical signals by a

piezoelectric transducer.

OBS deployed for long-term observations have a typical sampling rate between 40 Hz,

for recording regional and global earthquakes, and 100 Hz, for local earthquakes (Havskov

and Ottemöller, 1999). Based on the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, this means that

with the current recording systems that operate with over-sampling, the 100 Hz OBS can

accurately record signals up to ~45 Hz. Because of their low sampling rate, OBS can record

continuously for long periods of time. Seismic data are usually archived in a Standard for the

Exchange of Earthquake Data (SEED) format (IRIS, 2017). The SEED format is an

international standard format that allows the easy exchange of seismic time series between

institutions and research groups.

The OBS sensor configuration and recording parameters depend on the aim of the

study, environmental settings and on the decisions made by the researchers. Most OBS are

deployed in isolation from one another (e.g. Wilcock, 2012; Harris et al., 2013; Brodie and

Dunn, 2014) but others can be linked by a cable that connects them to a station (Iwase, 2015).

OBS have been deployed at depths between 2 000-6 000 meters (Wilcock, 2012; Harris et

al., 2013; Brodie and Dunn, 2014; Iwase, 2015; Dréo et al., 2018). OBS can be separated by

hundreds of kilometres (Brodie and Dunn, 2014) or they can have a short spacing of 3

kilometres (Wilcock, 2012). The former network was a part a project that aimed to investigate


the processes that occur at the tectonic plate boundaries, in the Southwest Pacific Ocean

(Wei et al., 2012). The latter network spacing was designed to locate microearthquakes

associated with hydrothermal heat extraction from a crustal magma chamber, in the

Northeastern Pacific Ocean (Wilcock et al., 2009). Shallow deployments of OBS for long term

monitoring are less common due to the risk of losing the instrument package by trawling.

OBS are usually placed near tectonic boundaries or in areas with intense seismic

activity, mostly in offshore waters. The growing interest in marine geophysics and acoustics

has led to an increase in the numbers of OBS deployed across the world’s oceans. For

example, Figure 1 shows the Global Seismographic Network (GSN), which is a cooperative

partnership between the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) and the

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), coordinated with the international community. It is an

extensive network of seismic stations that include OBS that are spread throughout the world.

Currently, there are hundreds of OBS collecting data for specific studies that also provide

long-term and large-scale recordings of secondary data that can be useful for other types of

research (e.g. investigating the oceanic infra-gravity waves (Rawat et al., 2014) or the

meteorological storms (Davy et al., 2014)).

Figure 1. Distribution of the GSN by March 2017. In: IRIS retrieved in 21st February 2018 from Copyright 2017 by IRIS.

In the useful frequency band for OBS that record at a 100 Hz sampling rate (0-45 Hz),

in addition to natural earthquakes, other acoustic signals produced by different types of

sources can also be found (Wilcock et al., 2014): 1) anthropogenic sounds, mostly shipping,


but also sounds from energy extraction, seismic air guns, and ocean science; 2) weather,

such as tidal currents, surface wind interactions, ice; and 3) marine mammals. Bryde’s

(Balaenoptera edeni) and sei (Balaenoptera borealis) whales produce low frequency sounds

but their acoustic behaviour is poorly described (Rankin and Barlow, 2007; Baumgartner et

al., 2008). The two cetacean species that produce some of the loudest and the lowest

frequency sounds are the blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin (Balaenoptera physalus)

whales (Richardson et al., 1995; Mellinger et al., 2007). These two species were intensively

hunted in the 20th century and some of their stocks were severely depleted (Clapham and

Baker, 2002). Both species have extensive distribution ranges and pelagic habits, which

hinder their systematic monitoring. Therefore, acoustic data acquired by OBS may provide

valuable information about the spatial distribution and abundance of stocks of these species.

OBS have been used to answer a variety of ecological and behavioural questions

about baleen whales. McDonald et al. (1995) were probably the first to show the use of OBS

in the study of large cetaceans. They were able to detect blue and fin whale calls in the vertical

channel of the seismometer and track them. They also analysed effects of anthropogenic and

natural sound sources in the behaviour of the tracked whales. Oleson et al. (2007) used OBS

to assess the temporal distribution of different types of blue whale calls in southern California.

OBS were used for a period of time while their main recording instruments were removed from

the study area. Sound source levels for 20-Hz fin whale calls were measured from the vertical

channel of seismometers in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (Weirathmueller et al., 2012). Brodie

and Dunn (2014) detected various baleen whale calls recorded in the vertical channel of the

seismometers, such as blue, fin and Bryde’s whales in the Lau Basin, southwest Pacific

Ocean. They analysed the occurrence patterns of several signals from these species. Most

studies focus on the movements of fin and blue whales. Positions of the calling whales have

been estimated by different types of location techniques with data collected from OBS (e.g.

Rebull et al., 2006; Wilcock, 2012; Harris et al., 2013; Dréo et al., 2018).

Density estimation methods have also been applied to OBS data. Harris et al. (2013)

demonstrated the use of distance sampling (using the location and number of detected

signals) to obtain fin whale call density estimates with data from one day. If a call rate of the

detected signal is available, then the signal density estimate can be transformed into animal

density (e.g., Buckland, 2006).


1.3. Fin whale ecology

Fin whales are a cosmopolitan species and are found mostly in offshore waters.

Although their migratory behaviour is not so well understood as other mysticete species, it is

assumed that they spend the summer feeding in high-latitude productive areas, also known

as ‘feeding’ or ‘summer’ grounds, and spend the winter in tropical or sub-tropical areas for

reproductive purposes, also referred to as ‘winter’ or ‘breeding’ grounds (Kellogg, 1929).

There are some exceptions, as this seasonal latitudinal movement seems to be oversimplistic

in describing fin whale movement (Geijer et al., 2016). In some occasions, only part of the

population may migrate or some individuals might show different migration patterns (Geijer et

al., 2016). For example, fin whales have shown year-round residency in low-latitude areas,

such as in the Gulf of California (Urban et al., 2005), in the Mediterranean Sea (Notarbartolo

di Sciara et al., 2003) and in East China Sea (Mizroch et al., 2009). Other fin whale populations

have also remained year-round around their high-latitude areas, such as in the Gulf of Maine,

Gulf of St Lawrence and Nova Scotia (Delarue et al., 2009). Although the main migratory

behaviour is also observed, fin whales show more of a continuum of migratory strategies that

seem to reflect local adaptations (Geijer et al., 2016).

The habitat of fin whales is mostly pelagic, and their spatial distribution seems to be

influenced by prey distribution and oceanographic conditions that influence prey density

(Cotté et al., 2009; Druon et al., 2012). In the North Atlantic, their preferred prey is the northern

krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica), but they also feed on other species of planktonic

crustaceans, schooling fishes and even small squid (Aguilar, 2002). Fin whales feed by lunge

feeding, in which they dive down to a certain depth, where there is high prey density. At depths

usually greater than 100 meters (Acevedo-Gutiérrez et al., 2002), they perform several lunges,

engulfing large amounts of water and filter prey through their keratinized plates called baleen

(Goldbogen et al., 2006, 2007). After the lunging process they come to the surface to breathe.

The deepest feeding dives known for fin whales were recorded inside the Mediterranean, in

the Ligurian Sea, exceeding 470 meters (Panigada et al., 1999). In the North Atlantic,

reproductive activities are more predominant during the winter period, mostly in December

and January (Lockyer, 1984; Aguilar, 2002)

Globally, fin whales are classified as an “Endangered” species by the International

Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) because of a global population decline by more than

70%, as the result of the intensive whaling activities during the 19th and 20th centuries (Reilly

et al., 2013). The conservation status of fin whales around Europe is considered “Near

Threatened”, although there are still no recent quantitative data that could support this (IUCN,


2007). The International Whaling Commission (IWC) executed an extensive assessment of

the North Atlantic fin whales in 1991 and an update for the northern part of the Atlantic in 2006

(Reilly et al., 2013). Based mainly on catch data, the IWC divides fin whales in the North

Atlantic into seven stocks (Donovan, 1991): Nova Scotia; Newfoundland-Labrador; West

Greenland; East Greenland-Iceland; North Norway; West Norway-Faeroe Islands; British

Isles-Spain-Portugal (Fig. 2). However, these units are not discrete as there is evidence of a

degree of interchange between them (IWC, 2007; Castellote et al., 2011). The accepted

abundance estimates by the IWC do not cover all of the stocks and some stock-specific

estimates can be considered dated, such as the number of 17,355 animals (Coefficient of

Variation CV of 0.27) for the Spain-Portugal-British Isles unit obtained in 1989 (Buckland et

al., 1992). Within the Mediterranean Sea, the population was estimated in 1991 from surveys

covering much of the western basin at 3,583 (CV of 0.27) (Forcada et al., 1996).

Figure 2. Fin whale stocks for the North Atlantic defined by the IWC. Adapted from "A review of IWC

stock boundaries,” by G.P. Donovan, 1991, Report of the International Whaling Commission 13, 39–

68. Copyright by the International Whaling Commission.

Despite the close proximity, fin whales in the Mediterranean Sea are considered a

subdivision of the British Isles-Spain-Portugal stock and are listed as a “Vulnerable” population

by the IUCN (Panigada and Notarbartolo di Sciara, 2012). In the Mediterranean Sea, acoustic

(Clark, 1995; Clark et al., 2002) and visual (Gannier and Ganiier, 1993) data show that fin


whales are recorded throughout the year. They travel to highly productive areas to feed during

the summer, but their winter distribution is still uncertain, as they probably disperse over the

Mediterranean Sea (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2003). Adult individuals with calves are

sighted throughout the year in the Mediterranean Sea (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2003).

Berubé et al. (1998) found significant levels of divergence and heterogeneity in

mitochondrial and nuclear DNA between eastern North Atlantic fin whales and Mediterranean

fin whales. This division is also confirmed by differences in the levels of organochlorine

pollutant concentrations (Aguilar et al., 2002) and stable isotopes (Giménez et al., 2013).

Acoustic studies also reveal the occurrence of two distinct groups, one identified as being

from the North Atlantic Ocean and other from the Mediterranean Sea (Castellote et al., 2011).

Although there is an increasing amount of evidence of the division between these two groups,

the degree of overlap and interchange between them is still subject of great discussion.

Historical records suggested that some individuals from the North Atlantic Ocean would enter

the Mediterranean Sea (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2003). Recent studies confirm this

movement and also show that some fin whales from the Mediterranean Sea travel towards

the North Atlantic Ocean (Raga and Pantoja, 2004; Gauffier et al., 2009). Satellite tagged data

showed that the Mediterranean-North Atlantic movement might be limited. From 8 tagged

whales in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, only one whale crossed the Strait of Gibraltar

and travelled up to central Portugal (Cotté et al., 2009). From 7 tagged whales in the Ligurian

Sea, 5 remained in the area during winter and only 2 individuals travelled south-west towards

the Balearic Islands (Panigada et al., 2013). However, both of the satellite telemetry studies

were undertaken with a small sample of animals and results might not be representative. For

management purposes, the Strait of Gibraltar is considered the border between

Mediterranean and North Atlantic fin whales (e.g. IWC, 2007; Panigada and Notarbartolo di

Sciara, 2012). Acoustic data show that the two different acoustic groups, North Atlantic Ocean

and Mediterranean Sea have a degree of overlap (Castellote et al., 2011). However, because

only males are believed to produce sequences of the 20-Hz call (Croll et al., 2002), which was

the call type used in Castellote et al. (2011) and is described more fully below, this overlap

would only be indicative of the males in the population. Palsbøll et al. (2004) estimated an

exchange of two females per generation between the subdivision of the Mediterranean Sea

and the North Atlantic Ocean but they didn’t clarify whether this interaction was unidirectional

or bidirectional.

In the south of the Iberian Peninsula, fin whales were once abundant and occurred on

a year-round basis (Sanpera and Aguilar, 1992). They were actively hunted in the 1920s with

about 7 000 individuals taken from the area (Reilly et al., 2013). Hunting activities ceased in


1986 after the IWC moratorium, but the recent numbers of fin whales in the area are still small,

compared to the past abundance (Clapham et al., 2008). In Portugal, fin whales have a

national conservation status of “Endangered” but there are no data that support this, other

than the global assessment (Queiroz et al., 2006). Whaling data from the 20th century suggest

that fin whales were abundant in Portuguese mainland waters as they were the most caught

cetacean species (Sanpera and Aguilar, 1992). Strandings data from 1526 until 1977, for the

continental coast of Portugal, show they were one of the most stranded large cetacean

species (Sousa and Brito, 2011). Recent sightings in mainland waters are sparse and are

insufficient to assess any kind of trend.

For example, between 2010 and 2014 whale-watching activities in the south of

continental Portugal only recorded 4 sightings of fin whales (Laborde et al., 2015). However,

data collected were limited because vessels did not go beyond 10 nautical miles from shore.

In the Azores and Madeira archipelagos fin whales are seen throughout the year, but

are more common during spring and summer, probably as they travel to their northern feeding

grounds (Queiroz et al., 2006; Silva et al., 2013). Feeding activities have also been

documented off South Portugal, in the Gorringe Bank (Martinho, 2015), in the vicinity of the

Azores islands (Visser et al., 2011) and around Madeira (Gordon et al., 1995). Waters around

the Azores archipelago seem to function as temporary feeding areas for whales that migrate

up to the summer area in eastern Greenland-western Iceland (Silva et al., 2013). Fin whales

from the subdivision of the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic Ocean could occur in

continental Portuguese waters. However, without an identification of observed whales, the

occurrence and distribution of fin whales in Portuguese waters remains uncertain.

1.4. Fin whale acoustics

Fin whales produce fairly simple acoustic signals between 15 and 142 Hz that include

the following sounds: 20-Hz calls, low frequency narrow band calls called backbeats, rumbles,

higher frequency sounds that are mostly upsweeps (around 100 Hz), and non-vocal impulsive

sounds (Watkins, 1981). The most common and the most studied fin whale sound is the “20-

Hz call”, also known as “regular” call (Clark et al., 2002). This signal is a ~1 second, downward

sweeping tone between 30 and 15 Hz (Watkins et al., 1987). Because of its frequent

production and its use in most studies, the 20-Hz call will be the focus of the following

description. Twenty Hz calls are produced in sequences and/or bouts but they can also be

produced individually (Watkins, 1981). Usually fin whales produce series of 20-Hz calls, called


sequences that are separated by two types of periods of silence: rests, which can last between

1–20 minutes, and longer gaps, lasting between 20 minutes and 2 hours (Watkins et al., 1987;

Delarue et al., 2009; Soule and Wilcock, 2012). Within a sequence, individual calls are

separated by stereotyped intervals (called the inter-call interval, ICI), measured from the

beginning of a signal to the beginning of the next one (Watkins et al., 1987). Sequences form

bouts (also known as ‘songs’) that are separated by periods of silence greater than 2 hours

(Fig. 3). Backbeats are relatively constant in frequency (between 18 and 20 Hz) and last ~0.8

seconds (Clark et al., 2002). Usually backbeats are also produced within sequences,

alternating with 20-Hz calls or with repetition.

Figure 3. Structure of fin whale acoustic sounds.

The 20-Hz call is likely used for local and long-distance communication (Watkins,

1981). Sound source levels for this signal are relatively similar across different oceans and

show the following ranges: 160-186 dB re 1μPa at 1 m in the western north Atlantic (Watkins

et al., 1987), 159-189 dB re 1μPa at 1 m in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (Charif et al., 2002;

Weirathmueller et al., 2012) and 189 dB re: 1μPa at 1 m in the Southern Ocean (Širović et al.,

2007). Theoretically, this signal could be heard out to a distance of hundreds and possibly

thousands of kilometres (Širović et al., 2007). When 20-Hz calls are produced in sequences,

the sound source level is fairly constant (Weirathmueller et al., 2012). Fin whales usually stay

at shallow depths when producing acoustical signals (Watkins, 1981). From a total of 10

tagged whales, Stimpert et al. (2015) found that higher call rates were produced during dives

of about 10-15 meters, with little body movement, body pointing downwards, and moderate

body roll. Calling whales were also more likely to be travelling and in groups. The study by

Croll et al. (2002) suggests that that bouts are only produced by male fin whales (Croll et al.,

2002). They combined acoustic location and molecular techniques to identify the sex of the

calling whale and found that although there was a 1:1 overall sex ratio (21 males and 22

females), only males vocalized at the time of the study period. However, the number of fin

whales that vocalized was very small (only 9 whales and all males). The production of fin


whale bouts is seasonal and it peaks during the fall and winter months (Thompson and Friedl,

1982; Watkins et al., 2000; Stafford et al., 2007), which coincide with the breeding season.

Because of this, it is suggested that these signals may be used by males to advertise areas

with high density of prey to females (Payne and Webb, 1971; Croll et al., 2002; Clark and

Gagnon, 2004).

The production of the various types of signals and their characteristics vary across

geographical areas (e.g. Watkins et al., 1987, Hatch and Clark, 2004; Castellote et al., 2011,

Oleson et al., 2014). The 20-Hz call is recorded worldwide and its features and bout structure

show the most discriminatory power among different regions that may correspond to some

degree of population differentiation (Hatch and Clark, 2004). Backbeats and higher frequency

upsweeps are less frequent and seem to be produced more in the Atlantic Ocean (Hatch and

Clark, 2004). Hatch and Clark (2004) found differences in the median frequency of the 20-Hz

call between the Gulf of California and other areas of the Pacific and the North Atlantic. At a

smaller spatial scale, Castellote et al. (2011) found differences in the frequency bandwidth of

the 20-Hz call between North Atlantic and Mediterranean fin whales. Some call features might

show a level of variability that could come from acoustic interference or differences in

measurement settings that result from a researcher’s decision (for example, spectrograms

can be produced at different temporal and frequency resolutions). However, the inter-call

interval is the most reliable and most distinct feature of the 20-Hz call. It is typically consistent

within a bout of an individual but it has showed differences between areas (e.g. Castellote et

al., 2011; Hatch and Clark, 2004; Delarue et al., 2009). Despite the great utility of the inter-

call interval to show geographical differences between fin whales, it is a feature that needs

long-term monitoring because it may show inter- and intra-annual changes in some areas

(Morano et al., 2012; Oleson et al., 2014).

1.5. Thesis outline

The general aim of this thesis was to demonstrate the use of acoustic datasets,

collected for non-biological focussed studies, such as seismic data, to study fin whales. In

Portugal, although fin whales are listed as “Endangered” species, background information

about the occurrence of this species is scarce and there are few resources to undertake long-

term studies. In this context, seismic datasets may become one of the primary sources of

information on a year-round basis, allowing the assessment of presence of calling fin whales,

their distribution, abundance status and possible trends. Several questions regarding fin

whale occurrence, stock structure and characteristics off Portuguese waters remain


unanswered. Between September 2007 and August 2008 a network of 24 OBS was deployed

off southwest Portugal with the main aim to obtain data to study the microseismicity originating

from potential tsunami sources. During this time fin whale sounds were also recorded. This

thesis brings a multidisciplinary approach to the study of fin whales, using methods from

seismology, acoustics, ecology and statistics.

Chapter 2 focuses on the detection process of the 20-Hz fin whale call. A detection

algorithm, which included a normalized cross-correlation between the waveform of the

recordings and a template of the call, was added to the seismic software SEISAN. The

algorithm was run multiple times with different settings (creating several “detectors”). The

accuracy of the detectors was evaluated, using a systematic random subsample of the

acoustic recordings of the OBS. The results showed that different detectors were optimal,

depending on the goals of a particular analysis. Firstly, one detector was more suitable for

studies aimed at abundance estimation, where the main goal was to detect calls above a given

detection threshold with both false and missed detections being accounted in abundance

estimation methods (e.g. Marques et al., 2013). Secondly, there was another detector that

was more suitable for assessing fine-scale movement and behaviour of a given calling animal;

in this case, the detector settings were optimised to detect as many calls produced by an

individual animal as possible, as well as excluding calls from other animals. Because the

second detector with a minor correction was suitable for several types of studies included in

this thesis it was the one applied to the entire span of the recordings of the OBS. The

application of the detector resulted in a dataset of automatic detections that was used in the

following chapters.

In Chapter 3, a standard seismological method for estimating earthquake location

from a single instrument, the single-station method (Roberts et al., 1989), was used to locate

20-Hz fin whale calls from a representative subsample of the recordings. Corrections to

account for the influences of the sound speed in the water layer and the velocity structure in

the top strata of the seabed were considered. Although the use of this method to provide

location estimates had been already demonstrated (Harris et al., 2013; Matias and Harris,

2015), there was still additional work to be done on the classification of the location estimates.

Different parameters of the algorithm related to the location of the calls were assessed and a

classification scheme was applied to the entire dataset of automatic detections. In addition,

two datasets of automatic detections were produced with different approaches to retain close

calls, which are crucial for reliable estimates of Chapter 5.


Chapter 4 includes an acoustic characterization of the 20-Hz fin whale calls, obtained

by the measurement of spectral and temporal parameters of the signal. The existence of one

or more acoustic groups was also evaluated by a hierarchical clustering analysis. The

comparison of the results with published studies revealed the presence of two sets of acoustic

characteristics: one set related with fin whales from the Mediterranean Sea and a second set

related with fin whales from the North Atlantic Ocean. There were some uncertainties about

the identification of group 1 (Mediterranean) as it was based in a subsample with manual

verification of only one month. However, there was one occasion, confirmed by manual

inspection of the spectrogram, when these two groups of acoustic characteristics were

recorded simultaneously. A further automatic search of the inter-call interval of the two

acoustic groups suggested that group 1 was also present in other months.

Chapter 5 presents the average density (number of animals per unit area) and

abundance (number of animals in the study area) estimates of fin whales using the 20-Hz

calls and distance sampling analysis. Prior to the distance sampling analysis, there was an

initial assessment of the suitability of two datasets developed in Chapter 3. The one with the

best fit of the detection probability model, which is used to estimate an average call density,

was the one used in further analysis of Chapter 5. The average call density was transformed

in a fin whale density by using a cue rate obtained from published work (Stimpert et al., 2015).

Assuming that the fin whale density estimate is representative of the area around the OBS,

the average fin whale abundance was obtained by dividing the average density by the study


Chapter 6 covers the use of the Lloyd’s Mirror Effect (LME) to infer the depth of a

calling whale. Using a bout of the 20-Hz fin whale calls with estimated ranges, the study aimed

to: 1) show and analyse differences of call features due to the LME; and 2) estimate the depth

of the calling whale. The spectrogram showed that different spectral characteristics of the calls

could be identified within the same bout. Transmission loss models considering the LME for

a fin whale call generated close to the surface and recorded at the seafloor by an instrument

were developed. Inference of depths of calling whale was undertaken by comparing the

transmission loss models with observations. However, it was not a straightforward task and

the depth needed to be assessed using only a specific part of the bout where the interference

was more pronounced.

Chapter 7 summarizes the results of this thesis and highlights future research

directions. It also provides a general discussion on the use of OBS in the study of large

cetaceans and their contribution to cetacean conservation.




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Chapter 2




Most cetacean species are highly vocal and use several types of sounds for their daily

activities, such as communication, navigation, feeding, and breeding, among others

(Richardson et al., 1995). The form of energy that propagates most efficiently in the water is

sound. Light is absorbed much more strongly in water than in air and only reaches a depth of

about 200 meters in clear ocean waters (Lammers and Oswald, 2015). Because of this, sound

is a very important component in the life of cetaceans. The long range over which the acoustic

signals produced by cetaceans can be detected makes them useful for research. Some of

these signals show constant characteristics that allow researchers to identify signals at a

species level (e.g. Watkins, 1981) and sometimes at an individual level (e.g. Tyack, 1997).

Acoustic data can provide information about the occurrence, distribution and some

insights into the behaviour of a species. It is possible to assess the presence of a species in a

particular area and the use of a habitat at different time scales, from hours to years (Nowacek

et al., 2016). For example, acoustic signals can reveal information about group differentiation

and cohesion, which was observed in killer whales and sperm whales (e.g. Ford, 1989; Rendell

et al., 2012). Behavioural changes caused by anthropogenic pressure can also be assessed

(e.g. Soto et al., 2006; Castellote et al., 2012). If a signal production rate is available, acoustic

data can also be used to estimate abundance using several types of methods (e.g. Marques

et al., 2009). If signal location is possible, acoustic data can also be used to locate and track

animals and to determine seasonal movements (e.g. Clark et al., 1996; Stafford et al., 2001;

Wiggins et al., 2005). Some mobile or fixed instruments can record sound over months, or

even years (Mellinger et al., 2007). The sounds produced by cetaceans can be found by

manual scanning of a spectrogram, but in most cases the size of the recordings is so vast that

this task becomes very labour intensive and expensive.

The analysis of large-scale acoustic datasets involves automated methods to find the

sounds of interest. A variety of automated detection techniques are available, including


matched filtering, spectrogram correlation, energy summation, and neural networks (Stafford

et al., 1998; Mellinger and Clark, 2000; Mellinger, 2004; Mellinger et al., 2004). The most

widespread techniques are matched filtering and spectrogram correlation, in which a

correlation of the signal waveform or a spectrogram with a template is calculated. Depending

on the selected detection technique, there are several parameters that control whether a

detection is made. Such parameters include a correlation threshold, a buffer time between

detections or a threshold of quality related aspects, such as signal-to-noise ratio. A detection

is only made when the set of these criteria are met. These criteria depend on the aim of the

study in which the acoustic data are being used. If for example, the aim of the study is to detect

the presence of a rare species, then a set of criteria that maximize the probability of detecting

that species would be needed, even if that meant obtaining a large number of false detections.

If the aim is to obtain specific information about a species that produces a signal frequently

and has already established acoustic characteristics, then the parameters could be more

selective. If the goal is to capture different classes of the same signal, then the template or the

detector should be broad enough to allow some variance in the acoustic characteristics of that

signal. In studies where the aim is to track a calling animal, it may not be necessary to detect

all calls as long as the direction and the changes of tracks are being well represented. In this

case, calls from a secondary animal that is not the target of detection and false detections

should be as minimal as possible. If the aim is to use the acoustic data with a specific analysis

method such as distance sampling, then the automated detector parameters need to be

adjusted to the assumptions and requirements of that method (see Chapter 5 for more detail).

Optimal thresholds of the parameters can be identified with receiver operating characteristic

(ROC) curves, which are tools to assess the performance of a detector by comparing false

detections with true detections (Zimmer, 2014).

A previous study used part of the acoustic recordings of this thesis in order to test and

improve a particular location method, the single-station method (which is described in detail in

Chapter 3) (Matias and Harris, 2015). Another study demonstrated the use of the range

estimates of the signals to the recording instruments obtained with the single-station method

in animal abundance methods (Harris et al., 2013). In both studies, the 20-Hz fin whale call

was detected using a matched-filter with a modified cross-correlation equation and a waveform

template. Matias and Harris (2015) detected fin whale calls and air gun shots with an

automated detector and showed a performance analysis of that detector. However, the

performance analysis was undertaken with only one day of data.

In this thesis, the acoustic dataset of automatic detections were used to: 1) estimate

the localition (Chapter 3) and depth (Chapter 6) of the calling fin whale; 2) characterize the

most frequent signal produced by fin whales and assess the existence of acoustic groups


(Chapter 4); and 2) produce abundance estimates of fin whales (Chapter 5). In this chapter,

the 20-Hz fin whale call was detected using a waveform matched filtering technique. The

performance of different automated detectors was evaluated using a subsample of the acoustic

data. The detector that showed the best balance between the number of true positives (correct

detections) and the number of false positives (incorrect detections) was the one applied to the

full extension of the acoustic recordings.


2.2.1. Recording instruments, deployment and study area

Between September 2007 and August 2008 a network of 24 OBS was deployed off

southwest Portugal, in an area that encompasses the southwest Iberian margin (Fig. 1). The

instruments were part of the NEAREST (Integrated Observations from Near Shore Sources of

Tsunamis: Towards an Early Warning System) seismic monitoring project that aimed to

investigate the local seismicity and the Earth structure in the source region of the Lisbon

Earthquake and tsunami of 1755 (Silva et al., 2017). This earthquake was possibly the most

destructive event recorded in western Europe in historical time and completely devastated the

city of Lisbon (e.g. Zitellini et al., 2001). The deployment area hosts the Eurasia-Africa plate

boundary and it is an active tectonic zone (e.g. Gràcia et al., 2003). Some parts of the area

are characterized by irregular topography and the existence of seamounts, such as the

Gorringe Bank and others have smoother topography, with extensive abyssal plains. The

instruments were placed on the seafloor at varying depths that ranged from 1.993 km to 5.100

km. The extent of the instrument array stretched up to 311.1 km (between OBS01 and OBS16).

Instruments were typically placed ~ 30 km apart e.g., there was 32.3 km between OBS24 and


The most western OBS (1, 2, 5, 8 and 11, Fig. 1) were inside the Gorringe Bank Special

Area of Conservation. According to the national legislation Diário da República n.º 148/2015,

Série I de 2015-07-31, inside this protected area there are two types of habitats (reefs and

sandbanks) and at least two species (bottlenose dolphin and loggerhead turtle) of community

interest (Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, 2015). The habitats and the species are listed

in the 1992 European Union Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna

and flora (European Commission, 1992), which requires member states of the European Union

to establish Special Areas for Conservation to protect the listed species and habitats.


Figure 1. Location of the seismic monitoring array off southwest Portugal.

Each OBS was equipped with: 1) a 3-component Güralp CMG-40T broadband

seismometer with flat velocity response of 0.017-50 Hz that registered the ground motion on

the seafloor, 2) a HighTechInc. HTI-04/01/-PCA/ULF hydrophone with a response band of

0.017–8 kHz and –194 dB re. 1V/Pa sensitivity that registered pressure levels, and 3) an

acquisition system with SEND Geolon MCS with 20 Gbytes of hard disk that saved the data.

The OBS included 3 channels from the seismometer (two channels for the horizontal

components, X and Y, and one channel for the vertical component, Z) and 1 channel from the

hydrophone (H), all with a sampling rate of 100 Hz (Carrara et al., 2008). The acquisition

system settings ensured that seismic velocity recorded between 0.017 and 40 Hz and pressure

recorded from 0.1 to 40 Hz without attenuation (Harris et al., 2013). The recorded data were

saved as four single channel files in a SEED format. Each seismometers were equipped with

a levelling mechanism, which initiated a few hours after deployment, to level the vertical

components after the arrival at the seafloor (Corela, 2014). During the monitoring period, the

levelling action occurred every 15 days. More details on the sensors and recording system can

be found in Corela (2014).

The recording period was not equal across all OBS. In some OBS, some components

of the seismometers did not work properly at varying times (Table I). Instruments that did not

have all three components of the seismometer working, which are required to obtain a location

estimate of the detections (see Chapter 3), were designated as “non-localizing/NON LOC”


OBS. Instruments with all working components and that could provide a location estimate of

the detections were designated “localizing/LOC” OBS. In addition, in the beginning of

September there were several days when air gun experiments were undertaken (Somoza et

al. 2007). These days were removed from the dataset and the start of the study period was set

as 10th of September 2007 and the finish was 11th August 2008.

Table I – Details about the deployment and working period of each OBS used in this study.





OBS 01 5.100 Z,Y, H 30-08-2007 12-06-2008 288

OBS02 2.270 Y, H 30-08-2007 31-07-2008 337

OBS 03 3.932 Z,Y, H 29-08-2007 31-07-2008 338

OBS 04 1.993 X, Y, Z, H 14-09-2007 25-06-2008 286

OBS 05 3.095 Z,Y, H 30-08-2007 23-06-2008 299

OBS 06 2.956 X (from Feb ’08), Y, Z, H 29-08-2007 20-07-2008 327

OBS 08 4.671 Z,Y, H 31-08-2007 09-08-2008 345

OBS 09 4.811 Z,Y, H 30-08-2007 29-04-2008 244

OBS 10 2.067 X, Y, Z, H 02-09-2007 29-06-2008 302

OBS11 4.855 Y, H 30-08-2007 02-05-2008 247

OBS 12 4.860 X, Y, Z, H 01-09-2007 20-07-2008 324

OBS 13 4.494 Z,Y, H 31-08-2007 14-07-2008 319

OBS 14 4.212 X, Y, Z, H 02-09-2007 04-08-2008 338

OBS 15 3.357 X, Z, H 01-09-2007 07-04-2008 220

OBS 16 2.069 X, Y, Z, H 01-09-2007 07-07-2008 311

OBS 17 4.873 Z,Y, H 30-08-2007 28-05-2008 273

OBS 18 4.605 X, Y, Z, H 01-09-2007 07-07-2008 311

OBS 19 4.287 X, Y, Z, H 01-09-2007 07-07-2008 311

OBS 20 3.449 X, Y, Z, H 01-09-2007 07-07-2008 311

OBS 21 2.566 X, Y, Z, H 01-09-2007 07-07-2008 311

OBS 22 4.095 Z,Y, H 31-08-2007 24-07-2008 329

OBS 23 3.747 Z,Y, H 31-08-2007 28-06-2008 303

OBS 24 2.439 X, Y, Z, H 29-11-2007 11-08-2008 257

OBS 25 3.234 X, Y, Z, H 24-11-2007 11-08-2008 262

2.2.2. Pre-processing of the data and the detection algorithm in SEISAN

The original data was provided in miniseed, a common format in seismology for data

exchange. For analysis, the data was converted to the SEISAN format (Havskov and

Ottemöller, 2008) and split into 4 files of 6 hours duration for each day and instrument.

The target signal of the detection process was the 20-Hz fin whale call, already

described in Chapter 1. This call is a highly stereotyped downsweeping tone that starts at ~30


Hz and drops to ~15 Hz in ~1 second (Watkins et al., 1987). Usually, the 20-Hz fin whale call

is produced in sequences that are grouped in bouts that can last for hours, which eases the

sound detection process.

The detection algorithm was based on a matched filter that uses a master waveform

that can be either a synthetic signal or can be obtained from the data by identifying one of the

loudest and highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calls. The master waveform was selected by

visualizing spectrograms of the Z-channel in TRITON (Wiggins, 2003). The sound file of the Z-

channel used to create the spectrogram was filtered between 2 and 40 Hz using a Butterworth

eight-pole bandpass filter. The Z-channel was the preferred channel to use for automated

detection of fin whale calls because, when compared to the H-channel, the Z-channel showed

higher amplitudes with higher levels of SNR, which was also observed in other published

studies (e.g. McDonald et al., 1995).

Spectrograms were calculated using a discrete Fourier transform with a Hanning

window (window length of 256 samples with an overlap of 95%). Brightness and contrast

settings were adjusted to produce the best visual image. The entire frequency range (0–50 Hz)

was displayed for all spectrograms. The search for a suitable master waveform was

undertaken based on days where the highest vocal activity was expected (in winter) and where

previous detections of fin whale calls were already registered (e.g. Harris et al., 2013; Corela,

2014). The template was selected to have acoustic characteristics in time and frequency

similar to those previously published and described in the text above for 20-Hz fin whale call

and with a window of low background noise. When 20-Hz calls are produced in sequences,

the sound source is fairly constant (Weirathmueller et al., 2012). As such, the template selected

also had high amplitude, in order to cover a wide range of amplitude levels. After the master

waveform was selected in TRITON, the master waveform was finally extracted in SEISAN and

saved for the analysis.

The application of the matched filter using a standard expression for the normalized

correlation (𝐶𝑥𝑦𝑆 ) between two arbitrary time series 𝑥𝑖 and 𝑦𝑖 is as follows:






yxC Eq. 1

The trigger time was taken as the time that maximizes this function. The normalized

cross-correlation varied between -1 and +1 for perfectly anti-correlated or correlated signals.

This function was not affected by the differences in amplitudes between two similar signals,

𝐶𝑥𝑦𝑆 (𝑥𝑖, 𝛼𝑦𝑖) = 𝐶𝑥𝑦

𝑆 (𝑥𝑖, 𝑦𝑖).


Matias and Harris (2015) noted Eq. 1 resulted in a very large number of detections

with high correlations but very small absolute amplitude (equivalent to very small SNR).

Although this is not important for the detection process, signals with small SNR values needed

to be considered at the location estimation stage. Both signal detection and location estimation

were performed by the application wavwhaleh. The single station method used in further

analysis (see Chapter 3), provides reliable estimates of locations inside a critical range,

(defined in Chapter 3). Outside the critical range, the method generates spurious range

estimates. Signals with small amplitudes are likely to be generated further away from the

recording instrument. Therefore, to avoid a large number of detections with potentially

unreliable range estimates, a modified normalized cross-correlation 𝐶𝑥𝑦𝑀 was also tested:

𝐶𝑥𝑦𝑀 = (√2


√(∑𝑥𝑖2)2 + (∑𝑦𝑖



Eq. 2

where M is a constant to be chosen by the analyst.

If xi = yi this equation also gives a value of one, as Eq. 1, but when one time series is attenuated

by a factor, e.g., yi = Axi then:

𝐶𝑥𝑦𝑀 =



√𝐴2 +1𝐴2)


Eq. 3

Applying Eq. 2, the resulting correlation values of signals that differ in amplitude, even

if they are perfectly correlated, are degraded.

Several parameters that influence the detection process were set and used by

wavwhaleh (Table II). Other parameters related with the location method were also set but

they will be discussed in Chapter 3. Different values of the parameters were tested and each

set of parameters was defined as a “detector”.


Table II – Definitions of each parameter set for the detection process.

Parameter Definition

Main Channel Component of the seismometer to use for the cross-correlation between

the master template. Either channels H or Z are accepted. Channel H is

the default.



Choice of the equation to calculate the cross-correlation between two time


= 1 Uses the traditional cross-correlation that over-estimates small

triggers (Eq. 1).

= 0 Uses the modified one that attenuates correlation values with

amplitude of the signal (Eq. 2). Default.

= 2 Identical to "0" but powered to (M)

Power of cross-

correlation equation (M)

Power of cross-correlation, when using option 2 of the cross-correlation

equation. Default is 1.

Correlation threshold Minimum correlation value between the master template and channel

waveform to accept a triggered event as a detection.

Buffer time Minimum time between consecutive triggers to accept them as different


Filter Application (1 for application/0 no filter) of filter defined by a frequency

range. The filter is recursive and can be band-pass (two frequencies

defined), low-pass (upper limit frequency only) and high-pass (lower limit

frequency only). The filter is a Butterworth type with 4 poles and 2 passes

(8 poles total) for zero phase.

A detection was registered whenever the cross-correlation between the master

template and the waveform of the recording exceeded the correlation threshold. The

correlation threshold used for all detectors was set to a very low value of 0.2. A buffer time of

0.3 seconds was defined to avoid triggering mainly on closely spaced calls due to multipath

arrivals. If a second detection was encountered within the buffer time of another detection, the

detection with the highest correlation value was selected. The trigger time of a detection was

defined as the time where the maximum cross-correlation value occurred. For all detections,

several diagnostic parameters were computed, some related with the location estimates (see

Chapter 3) and others related with the quality of the detected signal: correlation value, trigger

time, channel amplitudes and SNR. The SNR was computed by the signal root square (RMS)

and the noise RMS. The time window for the computation of the noise RMS has the same size

as the signal’s and precedes the trigger. The time window was defined by the duration of the

master waveform.


2.2.3. Subsample

A total of 9 detectors of the wavwhaleh algorithm were tested with a systematic random

subsample of the acoustic recordings in order to have the best representation of the time period

and instruments. Because of time constraints it was not possible to check all detections made

in all of the recordings for the 9 detectors. A subsample was defined in order to review manually

all detections made and therefore assess the performance of each detector (see performance

analysis below). The start day of the subsample was selected randomly, between 1 and 9,

after the period when air gun shots were produced for a seismic experiment of the NEAREST

project. Then a day was selected every 9 days to serve as a sample. The spacing of 9 days

allowed a representation of ~11% of the dataset in the analysis. The selected days could

contain fin whale bouts or could have other signals and/or noise. Each day was manually

scanned for high SNR bouts using spectrograms and the days with the presence of fin whale

bouts were marked for use in further analysis. There were 556 sampled days, 62 of which had

potentially high SNR bouts. However, because of time constraints, only 30 of the marked days

were randomly subsampled and analysed further.

For each of the 30 marked days, one hour of each bout was manually checked,

considering 5 signal classes (Table III and Annex I) resulting in a 30-hour subsample (Table

IV). In addition, the times of each signal were manually identified. The 20-Hz call was classified

either as 1) being part of a main bout (20-Hz call), 2) produced in a secondary bout (auxiliary

call), or 3) an arrival from multiple paths (multipaths). If there was uncertainty about whether

an observed signal was a 20-Hz call, then the signal was classified as “unsure”. The class of

unsure signals was only related with the 20-Hz call. The backbeat, another low frequency

sound produced by fin whales, was also identified. During this hour there were also periods of

silence of varying lengths when different types of false positives, which are defined below in

the performance analysis description (2.2.4), could be recorded. The trigger times obtained in

the automatic detection process using the same 30 hours were then compared with the manual

times obtained with the visual scan of the subsample.


Table III – Description of the classes of signals identified in the subsample (spectrograms of each class

can be found in Annex I).

Type of call Description

20-Hz call

20-Hz call from the main bout (Fig. 1 in Annex I). Signals that showed a varying

frequency interval between 15 and 30 Hz and a duration around 1 second. Amplitude

of these signals was always above 500 counts. Signals of this class showed constant

intervals between them, mostly from 10 to 15 seconds.


Backbeat from the main bout (Fig. 2 in Annex I). Backbeats were considered to have

smaller spectrum bandwidth and a lower median frequency than 20-Hz calls. They

were considered to be narrow-band signals between 15 to 18 Hz and almost always

produced in between 20-Hz calls.

Auxiliary Signals (either 20-Hz calls or backbeats) from possibly other animals (Fig. 3 in Annex



Small amplitude signals that resembled 20-Hz/backbeats and were produced very

close the main calls (Fig. 4 in Annex I). When there was only one animal calling, these

close faint signals were considered multipaths. If potential multipaths were observed

when there was more than one animal calling, in order to asses if it was a multipath

or a second whale, the structure of the bout was also considered.


Signals with low amplitude (below 500 counts) and low spectral intensity or signals,

where it was not clear if they were 20-Hz calls (whether from the main bout or an

auxiliary bout) (Fig. 5 in Annex I).


Discrete signals not related with fin whale vocal activity recorded in the OBS, such as

far ranging air guns, levelling of the OBS, and other whale species (Fig. 6 in Annex



Table IV – Summary of the subsample used in the overall performance analysis (2.2.4). All detections

were manually identified. Shaded grey samples were from OBS that had all the 3-components working

(localizing OBS) and were used in the analysis of Chapter 3. Main 20-Hz and main backbeats (bb) were

signals produced in a main bout and aux 20-Hz and aux bb were produced in an auxiliary bout.








bb Multipath Unsure

1 17 02-11-2007 19:00:00 156 24 0 0 2 0

2 5 02-11-2007 03:00:00 206 18 0 0 47 0

3 5 11-11-2007 05:00:00 183 48 0 0 0 0

4 10 20-11-2007 04:00:00 100 52 0 0 18 0

5 4 20-11-2007 21:00:00 223 10 28 27 13 0

6 14 20-11-2007 12:00:00 169 27 0 0 58 0

7 12 29-11-2007 02:00:00 251 6 122 6 0 5

8 9 29-11-2007 02:00:00 117 15 120 18 0 0

9 16 08-12-2007 23:00:00 81 47 49 4 0 20

10 14 08-12-2007 21:00:00 210 28 26 5 0 10

11 3 08-12-2007 15:00:00 91 78 154 12 0 4

12 5 17-12-2007 12:00:00 180 37 42 4 0 0

13 3 17-12-2007 02:00:00 138 53 0 0 0 0

14 6 17-12-2007 04:00:00 199 12 43 9 0 0

15 13 26-12-2007 04:00:00 106 31 0 0 0 0

16 4 26-12-2007 00:00:00 187 41 1 1 0 3

17 25 04-01-2008 19:00:00 167 0 0 0 0 4

18 10 04-01-2008 06:00:00 124 0 33 0 8 0

19 20 04-01-2008 10:00:00 119 24 170 13 0 0

20 16 04-01-2008 13:00:00 208 28 0 0 13 0

21 13 22-01-2008 11:00:00 214 29 4 6 0 9

22 25 22-01-2008 11:00:00 180 20 32 1 4 0

23 5 22-01-2008 04:00:00 149 47 17 3 0 0

24 12 22-01-2008 19:00:00 152 55 0 0 12 0

25 12 31-01-2008 09:00:00 111 18 7 5 0 2

26 9 31-01-2008 07:00:00 140 49 62 58 0 0

27 24 31-01-2008 16:00:00 182 29 60 6 4 0

28 6 31-01-2008 11:00:00 74 9 0 0 0 2

29 5 09-02-2008 20:00:00 153 36 0 0 0 0

30 12 07-03-2008 18:00:00 165 48 13 3 13 0

TOTAL - - - 4 735 919 983 181 192 59


2.2.4. Performance analysis

Automated methods for detecting acoustic signals facilitate the use of acoustic data,

as detections are usually obtained very quickly and in a format almost ‘ready to use’. However,

it is necessary to assess the performance of the detectors, i.e., how well each detector can

detect the signal of interest. There are several signals that could falsely trigger the detector,

such as human-made noise and non-target biological sounds produced by other species. In

some analyses, such as abundance estimation, the number of false detections can be

accounted for by considering a false positive rate. Other studies where acoustic measurements

are used to represent geographical differences between stocks, or where behavioural patterns

are assessed, the variability caused by false positives should be minimal. A performance

analysis was undertaken, in which several parameters were calculated (Mellinger et al., 2016).

1. True positive rate (correct detections): Number of correct detections, including both main

and auxiliary 20-Hz calls, i.e. true positives (a) divided by the total number of the 20-Hz

calls, which is the number of true positives (a) and the number of missed 20-Hz calls (b).

𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑎

𝑎 + 𝑏 Eq. 4

2. False positive rate: Number of detections that are not from the desired signal which is the

20-Hz fin whale call, i.e. false positives (c) divided by the total number detections, which is

the number of true positives (a) and the number of false positives (c). If some of the false

positives show a seasonality pattern, then the detector could present more detections in the

presence of that signal and therefore be biased. The presence of false detections should

be random. The assessment of the seasonality of the false positives was considered as the

subsample was representative for all study periods and the sampled time period consisted

of one hour of each day that contained periods with whales and periods of silence where

noise and other signals could trigger the detector.

𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑐

𝑎 + 𝑐 Eq. 5

3. Missed calls: Number of desired signals, the 20-Hz fin whale call that were not detected,

i.e. missed signals (b) divided by the total number of 20-Hz fin whale calls (a + b). Quality-

related parameters calculated by the algorithm, such as SNR, channel amplitude and cross-

correlation, were evaluated in order to assess the possible causes for the missed calls.


𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 =𝑏

𝑎 + 𝑏 Eq. 6

4. Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) Curve: Plot of the relationship between the false

positive rate (%) (along the X axis) and the true positive rate (%) (along the Y axis) for a

range of cross correlation thresholds. It represents how well the detectors are able to detect

the signal in the presence of noise. A detector that shows an optimal performance is located

at the top-left of the plot and is characterized by a balance between a low rate of false

positives and a high rate of true positives.

The detection algorithm was built in a seismological software that was not designed to

detect biological signals. The performance of the best detector was compared with a widely-

used software by bioacousticians, Ishmael (Mellinger, 2002), in order to have a performance

reference. In this software, there are several types of detectors, but the one used in this

comparison was the matched filtering, which cross-correlates a stored signal (a .wav file,

referred to as “template”) with the signal waveform. The settings of the detector in Ishmael

were set in a sequential procedure in order to maximize the number of true positives with the

lowest number of false positives. In the first step, the detector was the most conservative,

detecting as many signals as possible both true and false positives. The next combinations

were set in order to retain as many true positives as possible minimizing the number of false

positives. The change in the settings of the detector stopped when the rate of true positives

decreased. When Ishmael is detecting a sound in a recording, it creates a detection function,

which represents the likelihood that the target signal is present at each point in time, measured

in arbitrary units. This detection function is different from the detection function that is defined

for distance sampling analysis (which is included in Chapter 5). The detection function

continuously updates through time and it shows high peaks when there are signals that are

similar with the template. The crucial aspect of the detection process is the height of the

detection function relative to a threshold. When the detection function exceeds this threshold

for a specified length of time, a discrete detection event is recorded.

After the performance analysis and the identification of the most balanced set of

characteristics, the chosen detector was applied to the recordings of the entire study period

and instruments.



A total of 9 detectors were tested in the 30-hour subsample. Only 20-Hz calls, either

from the main bout or auxiliary bouts were considered as true positives. Backbeats, multipaths,

unsure signals and other detections were considered as false positives. From a visual

inspection of the spectrograms of the 30-hour subsample, there was a total of 5 718 20-Hz

calls, 4 735 from the main bouts and 983 that were auxiliary calls (Table III). A total of 1 351

other signals from different classes (backbeats, multipaths and unsure signals) was also

manually found. Table V shows a summary of characteristics of each detector and the

detection results. The maximum true positive rate of 99.3% was registered by detector 6. The

minimum true positive rate was 58.4% with detector 3 for the lowest cross-correlation threshold

investigated (0.2).

The use of the vertical channel Z (detectors 1-6) produced better results than the use

of the hydrophone channel (detectors 8 and 9). Although the detectors with the hydrophone

showed a high rate of true positives, they also showed a relatively high rate of false positives.

Applying a filter with a broad frequency range defined by the frequency characteristics of the

20-Hz call increased the number of detections and also improved the performance (detectors

2, 4, and 6), allowing a higher rate of true positives.

The traditional cross-correlation equation used in detector 1 resulted in a rate of true

positives that was improved with the application of a filter in detector 2 (from 65.5% to 87.5%).

However, the application of the filter also increased the rate of false positives (from 77.7% to

90.6%). The modified cross-correlation equation was expected to be more selective, as it

considered signal amplitude in the correlation value discarding the faintest triggers. As

expected, the use of the modified cross-correlation in detector 3 decreased the rate of true

positives, possibly discarding the low amplitude calls. The rate of false positives also

decreased considerably. However, when the filter was applied with the modified cross-

correlation powered to 1 (detector 4), there was a steep increase in the rate of true positives

and the rate of false positives continued to be low. When using half of the power of the modified

cross-correlation in detector 5, the rate of true positives continued to increase but in this case

the rate of false positives showed a steep increase.


Table V – Detector parameters varied during detector performance assessment, and corresponding

results. All detectors were run with a correlation threshold of 0.2 *Values between brackets are

detector 4 with a correlation threshold of 0.1

Detector 1 2 3 4* 5 6 8 9

Parameters and results

Main channel Z Z Z Z Z Z H H

Cross-correlation equation 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 2

Power of cross-correlation


- - 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5

Filter (Yes/No) 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1

Lower frequency - 4 - 4 - 4 4 4

Upper frequency - 40 - 40 - 40 40 40

Buffer time 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Minimum correlation 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2(0.1) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3

True Positive rate (%) 65.5 87.5 58.4 87.0(98.7) 82.6 99.3 88.4 97.9

Main 20-Hz calls (%) 68.1 89.3 63.8 92.1(99.6) 84.4 99.8 91.4 98.5

Auxiliary 20-Hz calls (%) 52.9 79.0 32.3 62.6(94.2) 74.1 96.9 73.9 94.8

False positive rate (%) 77.7 90.6 5.4 8.9(58.5) 90.0 90.7 40.2 88.5

Missed call rate (%) 34.5 12.5 41.6 13.0(1.3) 17.4 0.7 11.6 2.1

The ROC curve allows a more detailed look at the performance of each detector at

different levels of the correlation threshold (c_min) (Fig. 2). The detector with a modified

normalized cross-correlation powered to 0.5 and a filter of 4-40 Hz (detector 6) resulted in the

highest rate of true positives but it also showed the highest rate of false positives. To correctly

detect 99.3% of the 20-Hz calls, 90.7% of detections were false detections. This means that

the modified cross-correlation with a power of 0.5 produced a high number of detections. The

detector that showed the best performance, i.e. the one with the best balance between the

number of true positives and false positives, was the one with a modified cross-correlation

powered to 1 and a filter between 4 and 40 Hz (detector 4). At a correlation threshold of 0.2,

the detector showed a high true positive rate of 87.0% with the smallest rate of false positives

(8.9%). At a correlation threshold of 0.5, the modified cross-correlation equation with a power

of 0.5 in detector 6 produced the same results obtained with a power of 1 for a lower correlation

threshold (detector 4). The modified cross-correlation powered to 1 with the lowest correlation

threshold possible (0.1) (detector 4) also showed similar results to the modified cross-


correlation equation with a power of 0.5 with correlation values of ~0.4 (detector 6). The third

best performance was obtained with a detector in Ishmael. At low detection function thresholds,

Ishmael showed the second lowest rate of false positives. Regarding Ishmael, there were two

false positives that showed high values of the detection function (Fig. 3) and had an impact on

the ROC curve of the detector.

Figure 2. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for each detector used in the detection

process of 20-Hz calls in the 30-hour subsample (n = 5 718). For reference purposes, correlation

values (c_min) of the ROC curve for detectors 1, 4 and 6 are shown.












0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0%


e p




te (


False positive rate (%)

detector 1

detector 2

detector 5

detector 6

detector 3

detector 4c.min0.1

detector 4

detector 9

detector 8


c_min = 0.2

c_min = 0.3

c_min = 0.1

c_min = 0.2

c_min = 0.3

c_min = 0.4

c_min = 0.5

c_min = 0.6

c_min = 0.7

c_min = 0.8

c_min = 0.9

c_min = 0.4


Figure 3. False positives obtained with a detector in Ishmael and that showed the highest values of the

detection function. Vertical lines in white (top) and in red (bottom) represent the trigger times obtained

in Ishmael. Spectrogram and waveform of 2 minutes recorded on OBS03 on 17/12/2007, at 2:11:00

obtained with TRITON.

To understand better the performance of the best detector, detector 4, the amplitude

of the Z-channel and the SNR of the 20-Hz calls was plotted (Fig. 4). Missed calls from detector

4 presented small amplitudes and small SNR.


Figure 4. Z-channel amplitude (Amp.Z) with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of all 20-Hz calls in the

subsample used for detector performance analysis (n = 5 718).

Examples of the spectrograms of some of the missed calls of detector 4 (Fig. 5)

confirmed that most of them had low SNR, suggesting they could have been produced far

away from the recording instruments (Fig. 5A) and other calls were missed because they

presented some evidence of acoustic interference (Fig.5B, see Chapter 6) that the matched

filter could not account for. The time resolution of the spectrograms in Fig. 4 was altered in

each spectrogram in order to highlight why calls were missed by the detector.








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16




Main channel amplitude vs SNR of 20-Hz calls (detector 4 c.min=0.2)

detected main 20-Hz

detected aux 20-Hz

undetected aux 20-Hz

undetected main 20-Hz


Figure 5. Examples of spectrograms with missed calls: A) Calls with low SNR, recorded in OBS05 on

02/11/2007 at 02:55:00; B) Calls with potential acoustic interference (see Chapter 6 for a more

detailed visual description), recorded in OBS04, 20/11/2007 at 21:39:00. Vertical white lines represent

the automatic detections made with detector 4.

Most false positives seemed to be produced by noise (Fig. 6) and few seemed to be

caused by the levelling of the OBS (Fig. 7). Every 15 days, a gimbal system included in each

seismometer performed the levelling of the vertical component which resulted in a series of

strong signals that are were recorded on the seismometer and not on the hydrophone channel.

On some occasions there was also a single false positive, also known as singleton (Fig. 8).

The origin of the singletons is still unclear. They are described as Short Duration Events (SDE)

and they may have a geological origin, they can be caused by fish bumps or by the sudden

slip of the instrument frame. These events are described in detail in Corela (2014).


Figure 6. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording on OBS05, 22/01/2008 at 4:43:00, showing the

several detections (vertical red line) and false positives (white arrow).

Figure 7. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording on OBS03, 17/12/2007 at 2:10:00, showing the

levelling of the OBS which was detected.


Figure 8. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording on OBS24, 31/01/2008 at 16:42:39, showing an

unsure signal (white arrow) that was identified as a false positive and were identified as a singleton.

Running the detector on the full dataset

The application of detector 4 in all recordings of all OBS resulted in a total of 2 918.312

detections (Table VI). All chapters of the thesis that include automatic detections used the

totality (Chapter 3) or a subsample (Chapter 4 and 5) of these detections.


Table VI – Summary of detections with detector 4 for all OBS during their recording period. Non-

localizing OBS are shaded grey. OBS06 started recording without the three components working

properly (NON LOC) but after February 2008 all the channels that enable a location of a detected signal

were working (LOC).







Number of



Total number

of detections

1 10-09-2007 12-06-2008 277 482 195

3 10-09-2007 31-07-2008 326 122 488

4 15-09-2007 25-06-2008 285 113 714

5 10-09-2007 23-06-2008 288 263 155

6 14-02-2008 20-07-2008 158 145 338(NON LOC)+7 327(LOC)

8 10-09-2007 10-08-2008 336 48 975

9 10-09-2007 29-04-2008 233 134 654

10 10-09-2007 29-06-2008 294 141 885

12 10-09-2007 20-07-2008 315 151 924

13 10-09-2007 14-07-2008 309 107 506

14 17-09-2007 20-07-2008 308 128 498

15 01-09-2007 07-04-2008 220 112

16 10-09-2007 07-07-2008 302 92 546

17 10-09-2007 28-05-2008 262 478 678

18 10-09-2007 17-07-2008 312 125 700

19 10-09-2007 17-07-2008 312 96 606

20 10-09-2007 12-07-2008 307 68 294

24 29-11-2007 11-08-2008 256 135 857

25 29-11-2007 11-08-2008 256 72 860

TOTAL - - - 2 918.312



Automatic signal detection is a critical stage in the passive acoustic monitoring of

cetaceans. Several parameters affect the choice of a detector but the main aspects to consider

are the characteristics of the signal and the purpose of the resulting detections. Fin whales

produce fairly simple acoustic signals in a repeated fashion (Watkins et al., 1987) that eases

the detection process. Energy-based (e.g. Clark et al., 2002) and matched-filter, both based

on the waveform (Harris et al., 2013) and spectrogram (Delarue et al., 2009; Castellote et al.,

2011) detection methods have been used to detect 20-Hz fin whale calls. In this acoustic

dataset, the 20-Hz fin whale calls have been detected using a matched-filter with a modified

cross-correlation equation (Harris et al., 2013; Matias and Harris 2015). In Harris et al. (2013),

the aim of the detection process was to obtain a small sample of calls in order to test a

seismological method to locate the calls and to demonstrate its use in distance sampling

methods. Although the detector used showed good results, its performance was only assessed

with a small sample of one day. In this thesis, the aim of the detection process was to obtain a

dataset of automatic detections that could be used in different types of studies: acoustic

characterization and abundance estimates.

One of the key aspects of a widely used method to obtain abundance estimates,

distance sampling, is that target signals very close to the recording instrument are more likely

to be detected than those that are farther away (Buckland et al., 2001). The average probability

of detecting a signal is used to obtain an estimate of the number of signals per unit area,

density, which in turn is used to calculate the number of signals in a study area, i.e. abundance

(see Chapter 5). If a production rate of that signal is available, then the signal density can be

transformed into animal density. The shape of the function that predicts the detectability of a

call as a function of distance, the detection function, at near zero distances affects the average

probability of detection (Thomas et al., 2002). In order to have a reliable density estimate, it is

crucial that the detection function at near zero distances has a “shoulder” which is obtained by

the detection of close signals (Buckland et al., 2001). In that case, the most suitable detector

would be one with broad characteristics that would maximize the number of correct detections.

This in turn could also maximize the number of false positives, but distance sampling can

account for the rate of false positives in the estimates (Marques et al., 2013). In studies about

acoustic characterization, calls are usually used to represent geographical differences among

groups (e.g. Hatch and Clark, 2004). In this case, the only concern would be obtaining a

reliable representation of the acoustic differences with the least influence possible of false



A total of 9 detectors were tested in a representative subsample at low correlation

thresholds (0.2) in order to assess their performance. Five used the vertical channel of the

seismometer and two used the hydrophone as the main channel for detection. Most detectors

with the Z-channel produced better results than the detectors with the H-channel. McDonald

et al. (1995) and Brodie and Dunn (2014) also found that the vertical channel of the

seismometer was better suited for detection methods because it presented higher SNR values.

The master waveform used in the matched filtering detection technique also affects the

detection results. When there is variation between the target signals of detection, or when the

background noise is not white (e.g. there is a high level of ship noise), the results of the

matched filtering technique are less optimal (Mellinger et al., 2016). The 20-Hz fin whale calls

are highly stereotyped and when produced in sequences their sound source stays fairly

constant (Watkins et al., 1987; Weirathmueller et al., 2013). The effectiveness of the detectors

also relies on these two key aspects (highly stereotyped and constant source level signal) of

the 20-Hz fin whale call. Although the detection process presented in this chapter focused on

the 20-Hz fin whale call, efforts to develop a detection routine for backbeats was also

undertaken. Because backbeats vary considerably in amplitude, the detection based on a

matched filtering technique for this signal worked less well.

There were two detectors that were considered optimal, i.e. produced the number of

detections suitable for specific aims, depending on the aim of the study. One detector (detector

6) showed a 99.3% rate of true positives but it also showed a high (90.7%) rate of false

positives. The other detector (detector 4) presented a lower rate of true positives of 87.0% but

it also showed one of the lowest rate of false positives 8.9%. Both used the modified

normalized cross-correlation equation with the Z component of the seismometer as the main

channel, a filter between 4 and 40 Hz and a buffer time of 0.3 seconds. The only difference

was the power of the equation: detector 4 was set with a power of 1 and detector 6 was set

with a power of 0.5. The ROC curve showed that at different correlation thresholds for each

detector they behaved similarly. Detector 4 was the most balanced detector with the potential

to be used in the two types of biological studies that follow this chapter. For standard distance

sampling analysis, calls at or close to the recording point should be detected. Calls produced

far away from the recording instrument have a small influence on the detection function that is

used to estimate the detection probability that in turn is used to obtain an abundance estimate

(see Chapter 5). The plot of the Z-channel amplitude with SNR of the calls for detector 4

showed that missed calls had a small amplitude and small SNR. These characteristics suggest

that missed calls were potentially produced at far away ranges from the OBS and possibly

outside the critical area for location estimates when using the single station method proposed

by Harris et al. (2013) and Matias and Harris (2015). Other location methods are available and


provide location estimates outside this critical range, such as multipath and multi-sensor

techniques (e.g. Rebull et al., 2006; Wilcock, 2012). However, the aim of this thesis was to

show the use of seismic datasets and methods to study fin whales. The single-station method

is a widely used location method in seismology and has shown to provide reliable estimates of

range of fin whale calls (Matias and Harris, 2015). Detector 4 retained calls with high levels of

correlation and SNR with the smallest number of false positives. Therefore, the use of the

single-station method to locate fin whale calls together with detector 4 in the detection process

was considered as a correct approach.

The final task of the study in this chapter was to apply a detector to the full dataset of

recordings and instruments. After testing a series of detectors with a representative sub-

sample of the data, two detectors were identified as candidates for that task.

Detector 6 produced a high number of detections to obtain the 99.3% rate of true

positives in a 30-hour subsample. The full dataset represented 11 months of recording for 24

instruments. The detections produced by detector 6 for the full dataset of recordings might not

be suitable to manage as too many detections, mostly false positives, could result from its

application. Detector 4 not only presented the most balanced performance of all detectors but

it also provided a full dataset of detections that was manageable and could be used in studies

of the following chapters. For each following chapter, detections were classified (Chapter 3

and 5) or further filtered (Chapter 4) based on the aim of each study. In conclusion, it was

possible to obtain a balanced detector that showed efficiency in acquiring a useful dataset for

different types of studies.




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ANNEX I - Examples of spectrograms of each class of signal

All spectrograms show 300 seconds of recording and were plotted with the following parameters: Frame size – 256

samples, 95% overlap, Hanning window, equalized, contrast: 300, brightness: -4.

20-Hz calls

Figure A-I-1. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS10, 13/10/2007, at 00:40:00, showing a

range of signals that are assumed to be main 20-Hz calls.


Figure A-I-2. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS03, 8/12/2007, at 15:11:00, showing a

range of signals that are assumed to be main backbeats.


Figure A-I-3. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS20, 4/01/2008, at 10:36:30, showing

main 20-Hz calls with backbeats (the stronger signals) alternating with auxiliary calls (white arrows).

The first two signals (20-Hz call followed by a backbeat) were considered auxiliary.



Figure A-I-4. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS10, 13/01/2008, at 7:30:00, showing

multipaths. When there was only one whale calling, faint signals that resemble 20-Hz/backbeats that

were produced very close the main calls were considered multipaths.


Figure A-I-5. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS13, 22/01/2008, at 11:15:00, showing

signals that had some resemblance with 20-Hz calls due to some spectral features or interval between

a following signal. Unsure signals were identified with a vertical white line and 20-Hz calls and

backbeats were identified with white arrows.


Figure A-I-6. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS03, 17/17/2007, at 2:10:00, showing

high intensity signals that are related with the OBS levelling.


Figure A-I-7. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS19, 02/09/2007, at 1:24:00, showing a

series of air gun shots.

Figure A-I-8. Spectrogram of 5 minutes of the recording in OBS16, 10/12/2007, at 17:37:00, showing

blue whale calls (higher intensity signals with white arrows) and fin whale calls (background signals).



ANNEX II – Number of detections of each detector

Table AII-I – Summary of detections of each detector in the 30-h subsample.

TYPE MANUAL 1 2 3 4 4(0.1) 5 6 8 9

20-Hz 4 735 3 226 4 226 3 019 4 361 4 715 3 994 47 27 4 328 4 664

Backbeat 919 213 653 29 44 238 625 803 76 653

Auxiliary 20-Hz 983 520 777 318 615 926 728 953 726 932

Auxiliary backbeat 181 41 140 2 3 29 86 150 13 131

Multipath 192 27 126 1 25 114 120 151 12 116

Unsure 59 23 55 0 2 28 51 56 15 37

Other detections NA 12 712 47 012 158 411 7 538 41 431 54 315 3 286 42 315

False positives NA 13 016 47 986 190 485 8 873 42 313 55 475 4 128 44 184

Missed calls NA 1 972 266 890 875 20 294 116 407 71

Total detections 7 069 16 762 52 989 3 527 5 461 13 588 47 035 61 155 8 456 48 848



Chapter 3





Usually, the detection process of signals of interest in large datasets is accompanied

by classification, which involves deciding if the detections result from the desired signal(s) or

not (Mellinger et al., 2016). In this thesis, the classification was also related to the location

technique employed because not only it was essential to decide if a detection resulted from

the target signal but it was also necessary to decide if that detection was produced inside the

range where the location technique works. Classification was considered to be the decision

process with two states: 1) filtering of the false positives, described in Chapter 2 and 2)

distinguishing 20-Hz fin whale calls that were produced inside the critical range from the ones

that were emitted outside that range.

Passive acoustic location provides a non-intrusive approach to study movements and

behaviour of animals, which can be less time consuming and less expensive than visual

surveying. Instruments can record for extended periods of time during all hours of the day and

through all seasons. For species with large scale movements, passive acoustic location allows

the acquisition of spatial data that could otherwise be logistically challenging and expensive to

obtain. The main negative aspect of passive acoustic location is that is only applicable to the

acoustically active members of a stock. Location can be done at a small scale, with a fine

spatial resolution and covering only a couple of kilometres, or at a scale of hundreds of

kilometres in which the spatial resolution is more gross (Au and Hastings, 2008). There are

several methods for passive acoustic location, but the application of a specific technique

depends on the number and configuration of the recording instruments, the signal

characteristics, the operational requirements, and the acoustic environment in which the signal

propagates (Mellinger et al., 2016).

Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) are designed to localize seismic events but they

can also be used to localize any other signals that they are able to record, including baleen


whale sounds (e.g. Rebull et al., 2006; Wilcock, 2012; Harris et al., 2013). They provide a

ranging estimate, i.e. a distance from the instrument and the sound source, and with their

orientation and the relative azimuth of the sound source, they can also provide a location

estimate. Various location methods have been adapted to localize and track blue and fin

whales that are recorded in OBS. Differences in arrival times of the direct path (Harris et al.,

2013) and multipaths to a single OBS and/or several instruments have been applied (e.g.

Rebull et al., 2006; Dunn and Hernandez, 2009; Wilcock, 2012). However, multipath ranging

with a single instrument does not allow the two-dimensional (2D) location of the sound source

to be estimated, and multi-station techniques require a relatively close spacing between

instruments, to a maximum of 10 to 15 kilometres (Matias and Harris, 2015). In addition,

locating sound sources in the ocean is more laborious than in traditional crustal seismology

due to the effects of oceanic sound velocity profiles on sound propagation (Matias and Harris,

2015). Harris et al. (2013) demonstrated the use of a single-station method that did not rely on

multipath arrivals to localize fin whale calls at close ranges in a single day of the NEAREST

acoustic recordings and with enough precision that the data could be used in animal density

estimates. Matias and Harris (2015) further investigated the detection, classification and

ranging of the 20-Hz fin whale calls with the single station method off southwest Portugal and

compared the results with airgun data from the same area and a fin whale dataset from the

Azores, in which positions could be estimated both with the single station method and multi-

station techniques. With the single station method, when an acoustic signal is detected but is

produced outside a critical range, the method returns spurious range estimates (Matias and

Harris, 2015). Therefore, it is necessary to develop a classification scheme that retains

detections that are inside the critical range and filters out the ones that are produced outside

the critical range. Matias and Harris (2015) also showed the importance of the seabed and

water properties to produce more accurate range estimates. Although Matias and Harris (2015)

developed a classification scheme and provided information to improve the range estimation,

the work used signals different from fin whale calls (air gun pulses) and only one day of fin

whale data from the Azores.

In this chapter, the classification parameters developed by Matias and Harris (2015)

were assessed using a representative subsample of the full dataset of the OBS that had all of

the components of the seismometer working and therefore could provide a range estimate

(localizing OBS). The potential of each parameter to 1) filter false positives from the detection

process (stage 1 classification) and 2) identify fin whale calls inside the critical range of the

single station method (stage 2 classification) was evaluated. Thresholds for the different

parameters were identified and the resulting classification scheme was applied to the full

dataset of the OBS. Although it was not possible to obtain exact locations of the calling whales,


the trends of some parameters with distance were assumed to give some indications of the

validity of the ranging estimates. The true and false positives used in this chapter are related

with the detection process and are the same as the ones identified in Chapter 2. The accuracy

of the location method was improved by the application of corrections that account for the

water and seabed properties.


3.2.1. Subsample and dataset

In Chapter 2, a systematic random subsample of 30 hours was defined in order to

assess the performance of several detectors (Table IV, Chapter 2). The detections used in

this chapter were obtained with the most balanced detector identified in Chapter 2 (detector

4). Automatic detections were obtained for the detector and their trigger times were compared

with times of signals that were registered from a manual inspection of the spectrograms of the

subsample. Signals were grouped in different classes (Table III, Chapter 2) and only 20-Hz

calls were considered true positives, i.e., correct detections. True positives were considered

to be either 20-Hz fin whale calls produced from a main bout or an auxiliary bout. False

positives were considered all detections from other types of acoustic signals or random

acoustic noise. The assessment of the classification scheme, i.e. a set of rules for several

parameters described below in section 3.2.4, was undertaken with only the subsampled hours

that had all three-components of the seismometer working, allowing range estimates to be

obtained for the detections. OBS that could provide a range estimate were designated as

“localizing OBS” and OBS that did not have one or more of the seismometer components

working and could not provide a range estimate were designated as “non-localizing” OBS. In

the subsample, there was a total of 16 hours recorded on 8 localizing OBS (Table IV, grey

rows, Chapter 2). After the identification of a classification scheme with the subsample, the

same set of rules was applied to the full dataset of detections, obtained in Chapter 2.

3.2.2. The single station method

The recordings obtained from the set of OBS of the NEAREST monitoring project (see

Fig. 1, Chapter 2) have been used in other studies that localized and estimated density of fin

whale calls (Harris et al., 2013; Matias and Harris, 2015). The main location method used to

obtain a range estimate of the vocalizing fin whale calls has been the single-station method.


Multipath arrivals in the NEAREST recordings have shown very small amplitudes, which

hinder their identification and the use of automated methods to obtain a range estimate from

time differences of arrivals to a single instrument. A preliminary analysis of the propagation

range of the 20-Hz fin whale calls detected in the hydrophone recordings showed that it was

not possible to identify the same calls across different OBS (Pereira et al., 2015). There were

detections around the expected time of arrival of the call, considering a sound velocity in the

water column of 1.5 km/s, but from the spectrograms they could not be confirmed as true

positives, i.e., true fin whale calls. Therefore, the single station method (SSM) continues to be

the most suitable location method for sparse networks of instruments deployed on soft

sediments that do not generate strong multipaths, as it is the case for OBS in the NEAREST

deployment area. This location method requires that all three components of the seismometer

are working properly and a good knowledge of the propagation velocities in the shallowest

seafloor layers for primary (P) and secondary (S) seismic waves. For classification purposes,

Matias and Harris (2015) showed the utility of having also the simultaneous recording of

pressure data by a hydrophone. Roberts et al. (1989) established the foundations in

seismology of one method to calculate the location of seismic instrument-to-source azimuth

and apparent incident angle at the surface from the recordings of 3-component seismic data.

This method was applied to the OBS data to estimate the range and location of a sound source

in the water column. The following description consists in an overview of the method and more

details can be found in Harris et al. (2013).

Considering a fin whale that produces an acoustic signal, the pressure waves travel

from the point source (PS) through the water column as a P-wave and reach the sea-floor with

an incidence angle i (Fig. 1). Here the incident P-waves are reflected and transmitted as P

and converted seismic waves (S-waves) that propagate through the sediments. SV waves are

S-waves which the particle motion lies in the vertical plane, the plane that contains the P and

S waves (Doyle, 1995). The OBS placed on the seafloor (OBS) registers the particle velocity

caused by the seismic waves in its 3 channels of the seismometer (X, Y and Z). The apparent

emergence angle iapp of the ray travelling in the sediments can be calculated by the

decomposition of the seismic signal Vseis into its horizontal Ah and vertical Az components:

𝑖𝑎𝑝𝑝 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (

𝐴ℎ𝐴𝑧) Eq. 1

The azimuth of the acoustic signal ϕ can also be obtained from the horizontal

components Ax and Ay:


𝜙 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (𝐴𝑦

𝐴𝑥) Eq. 2

The components Ax, Ay, Az consist in the amplitudes of the channels X, Y, and Z and

Ah is calculated with:

𝐴ℎ = √𝐴𝑦2 + 𝐴𝑥

2 Eq. 3

If the height of the acoustic source above the sea-floor hw is known, then with the

incident angle in the water column i and the acoustic source azimuth ϕ, the horizontal range r

and the coordinates of the acoustic source (a, b) can be calculated by trigonometry

(disregarding the variations of sound speed in the water column):

𝑟 = ℎ𝑤 × tan (𝑖) Eq. 4

𝑎 = −𝑟 × sin (𝜙) Eq. 5

𝑏 = −𝑟 × cos (𝜙) Eq. 6


Figure 1. Geometry of the single-station location method as applied to an acoustic source (P) above

the seismic sensor (S) at the sea-floor. Knowing the wave incident angle in the water layer (i) and the

height above the sea-floor of the source (hw) then the horizontal range between source and sensor

can be computed (assuming a constant sound speed in the water layer). At the sea-floor the incident

acoustic wave is reflected (not shown in the figure) and transmitted as P and SV converted seismic

waves and the corresponding ground velocity (Vseis) are measured by the seismometer. The 3

components of ground velocity (Ax, Ay, Az) define the apparent emergence angle in the sediments (iapp)

and the azimuth of the whale call (ϕ), identified as the pressure wave source in the plot (P). Ah is the

horizontal amplitude of the ground motion. by Harris et al., 2013, Applying distance sampling to fin

whale calls recorded by single seismic instruments in the Northeast Atlantic,” Journal of the Acoustical

Society of America 134, 3522–3535. Copyright by the Acoustical Society of America.

It was possible to derive geographical positions of detections because Corela (2014)

identified the true orientation of each OBS in the NEAREST deployment area. However, for

this thesis only the range and relative location of the detections to the OBS was needed. The

apparent emergence angle in the sediments iapp is one of the angles directly measured by the

seismometer. The angle is designated as ‘apparent’ because the ground velocity in the

sediments contains both P and SV waves that result from the transmission and conversion of

the pressure waves at the water column-sediment interface. If the true emergence angle from

the seafloor for the transmitted P-wave is known (i2) then the incidence angle in the water

column i can be calculated from the Snell’s Law of refraction (Doyle, 1995). Snell's law states

that the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and emergence is equal to the ratio of

phase velocities in two media:


sin 𝑖

sin 𝑖2=𝛼𝑤𝛼𝑠

Eq. 7

𝑖 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (𝛼𝑤𝛼𝑠sin 𝑖2) Eq. 8

Here 𝛼w and 𝛼s are the P-wave velocities for the water column and the sediments,

respectively. The true emergence angle in the sediments i2 can be derived from its relationship

between the apparent emergence angle in the sediments iapp, using the Zoeppritz equations

(described in Aki and Richards, 1980). These equations require knowledge of the properties

of the water column and sediments, such as P-wave velocity in the water column and

sediments, SV-wave velocity in the sediments, and water and sediment densities.

As in Harris et al. (2013), the initial calculation of the range estimate assumed that the

apparent emergence angle in the sediments iapp was similar to the true emergence angle in the

sediments i2. Harris et al. (2013) conducted a simulation study to show that the difference

between those two angles is determined by the velocity of the SV-wave. For the study area,

there is no measurement available of the SV-wave velocities but the sediments are known to

be water-saturated with P-wave velocities of about 1.8 km/s (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1972).

The corresponding SV-wave velocity in a fluid-like marine sediment is estimated to be

approximately 0.1–0.2 km/s (Buckingham, 1998). The simulation by Harris et al. (2013)

showed that when SV-waves are slow, there is a close relationship between iapp and i2, which

confirms the use of iapp as an adequate proxy of i2 for these particular conditions of the shallow

seafloor structure.

For a P-wave that travels from a slow medium, in this case the water column, to a faster

medium, the seabed sediments, there is a critical incidence angle ic at which the three-

component method becomes limited. At this angle, the emergence angle in the sediments iapp

is equal to 90º and beyond the ic the emergence angle in the sediments loses its geometrical

meaning and the Zoeppritz equations results become complex numbers.

for 𝛼s > 𝛼w 𝑖𝑐 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (


𝛼𝑠) Eq. 9

In this way, the three-component method is limited to incidence angles smaller than ic

and ranges smaller than rc


𝑟𝑐 = ℎ𝑤 × tan (𝑖𝑐) Eq. 10

This equation is valid when the sound speed variations in the water column are

disregarded. When an angle is larger than the critical incidence angle ic, the 3 components of

the signal suffer different phase shifts and the shape of the waveforms is modified, particularly

for the Z channel. These considerations are the foundations for some of the parameters used

for classification (stage 2).

Calculating apparent emergence angle in the sediments and azimuth from seismic data

Following Roberts et al. (1989), the ground velocity recorded by the 3 channels of a

seismometer, X, Y and Z, over time t are defined by the vector ��(𝑡)

��(𝑡) = [



��(𝑡)] Eq. 11

Each channel records a P-wave signal P(t) and noise N(t) that is assumed to be

uncorrelated to the signal on a given channel and also uncorrelated with signals and noise on

the other channels

��(𝑡) = 𝑐𝑃(𝑡) + 𝑁𝑥(𝑡)

��(𝑡) = 𝑑𝑃(𝑡) + 𝑁𝑦(𝑡)

��(𝑡) = 𝑃(𝑡) + 𝑁𝑧(𝑡)

Eq. 12

Here c and d are constant coefficients for the incoming P-wave that is assumed to be

linearly polarized in the ray direction. Those two constants depend on the azimuth and

apparent emergence angle

𝑐 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝑖𝑎𝑝𝑝) sin𝜙

𝑑 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝑖𝑎𝑝𝑝) cos𝜙

Eq. 13

The apparent emergence angle in the sediments iapp and the azimuth ϕ are calculated

by the cross correlation between the ground velocity of the X and Y channels and the Z



𝑖𝑎𝑝𝑝 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (

√⟨��, ��⟩2 + ⟨��, ��⟩2

⟨��, ��⟩ − ⟨𝑁𝑧, 𝑁𝑧⟩) Eq. 14

𝜙 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (⟨��, ��⟩

⟨��, ��⟩) Eq. 15

Where the cross-correlations are given by

⟨��, ��⟩ = 𝑐⟨𝑃, 𝑃⟩

⟨��, ��⟩ = 𝑑⟨𝑃, 𝑃⟩

⟨��, ��⟩ = ⟨𝑃, 𝑃⟩ + ⟨𝑁𝑧, 𝑁𝑧⟩

Eq. 16

The three-component analysis method of Roberts et al. (1989) is implemented in

SEISAN (Havskov and Ottemöller, 1999), in a biased approach, because it does not consider

the vertical noise contribution in Eq. 14 and 16. Harris et al. (2013) adjusted the three-

component method routine in SEISAN to accommodate the noise autocorrelation using a

window with the same size as the one from the detection event, just before the trigger time of

a detection. Whenever a detection was registered, the three-component method was applied

to derive estimated values for the relative azimuth, the apparent emergence angle, the

incident angle range and (X, Y) location assuming a constant sound speed in the water


3.2.3. Adjustments to the range estimates

The initial run of the three-component method is a simplistic approach because it

assumes the apparent emergence angle is similar to the true emergence angle and considers

the water column as homogeneous. Matias and Harris (2015) showed the importance of the

application of several adjustments to the range estimates that consider different wave

velocities in the Zoeppritz equations, a velocity profile of the water column in the study area

and a correction factor in the channel amplitudes. The values for each adjustments applied in

this chapter were the same Matias and Harris (2015) identified as the values that resulted in

the most accurate range estimates. Matias and Harris (2015) presented an extensive analysis

of these adjustments and here only a brief description is given.


Zoeppritz equations

As mentioned above, the true emergence angle in the sediments can be obtained from

its relation with the apparent emergence angle in the sediments. This relation can be derived

by solving the Zoeppritz equations that depend on the elastic properties of the water column

and the sediment layer (e.g. Aki and Richards, 1980). The new adjusted angles were

calculated with the parameters by Matias and Harris (2015) (Table I).

Table I – Properties of the water column and sediment layer in the study area.

Water column Sediment layer

Density (g/cm3) 1.0 1.4

P-wave (km/s) 1.5 1.7

S-wave (km/s) 0.0 0.3

Water layer structure

Because the ocean is stratified, ray paths in the water column from a near-surface

source will curve considerably on their way down. For seismic instruments that are placed in

deep water, this effect is expected to be large (Matias and Harris, 2015). Based on a simple

ray propagation modelling it was possible to compute an adjusted range using the 1D sound

speed profile of the study area (Fig. 2), the depth of each OBS and a fixed depth for the

acoustic source (Fig. 3). Stimpert et al. (2015) found that high call production rates of fin whales

were associated with depths between 10 and 15 m. For this reason, a fixed sound source

depth of 15 m was used in the computation of the range. Ray tracing was performed integrating

the propagation equations by a simple Euler rule from the seafloor to the acoustic source

(Matias and Harris, 2015).


Figure 2. Sound speed profile acquired at a location close to OBS25 of the NEAREST seismic

monitoring project (see Chapter 2, Fig. 1).

Figure 3. Example of the ray propagation model for OBS12, at a depth of 4 860 m and an acoustic

source of 15 m. Red lines represent the straight path of a direct wave and black lines represent paths

with ray bending.


Instrumental correction

A systematic bias in range estimates was observed in the southwest of Portugal and

the Azores control datasets after the application of the range corrections for the water layer

structure and the seafloor sediments properties, using the Zoeppritz equations. For a more

detailed description see Matias and Harris (2015). Synthetic seismograms showed that when

an OBS is just above the interface between the water layer and the sediments, the horizontal

amplitudes are amplified. Therefore, a factor of 0.5 between vertical and horizontal amplitudes

that partially corrected for the detailed interaction between the seismic waves and the soft

bottom was deemed necessary and applied.

Summarizing, the use of the single station method for ranging and location of sound

sources using OBS data requires 3 corrections to the first raw estimates produced by the

detection algorithm: i) calculation of the true emergence angle with the Zoeppritz equations; ii)

adjustment of range by accounting for the water layer structure, iii) application of a correction

factor in the recorded signal amplitudes. Table II shows the critical ranges calculated with Eq.

10, considering a homogenous water column with a wave velocity in the water of 𝛼w = 1.5 km/s

and a wave velocity in the sediments of 𝛼s = 1.7 km/s. The ray propagation modelling

mentioned above provides a table with ranges and concurring incidence angles. Considering

a wave velocity in the water of 𝛼w = 1.5 km/s and a wave velocity in the sediments of 𝛼s = 1.7

km/s, the critical angle ic is 61.93º. The range associated with that critical angle for each OBS

is obtained by polynomial interpolation from the results of the ray propagation modelling.


Table II – OBS depth and critical ranges for the single station method. The critical range with velocities

only was calculated with Eq. 10 and with 𝛼w = 1.5 km/s and 𝛼s = 1.7 km/s. The second column of critical

range was obtained by polynomial interpolation of the critical range considering the water layer

structure.CR is the difference between the two critical ranges.





Critical range

(velocities only)

Critical range

(water layer)



OBS 01 5.100 9.563 8.870 0.692

OBS 03 3.932 7.373 6.834 0.540

OBS 04 1.993 3.737 3.455 0.282

OBS 05 3.095 5.803 5.373 0.430

OBS 06 2.956 5.542 5.154 0.389

OBS 08 4.671 8.758 8.121 0.637

OBS 09 4.811 9.021 8.368 0.653

OBS 10 2.067 3.876 3.581 0.294

OBS 12 4.860 9.112 8.512 0.600

OBS 13 4.494 8.427 7.814 0.613

OBS 14 4.212 7.898 7.377 0.520

OBS 15 3.357 6.295 5.831 0.464

OBS 16 2.069 3.879 3.584 0.295

OBS 17 4.873 9.137 8.475 0.662

OBS 18 4.605 8.635 8.065 0.570

OBS 19 4.287 8.038 7.509 0.529

OBS 20 3.449 6.467 6.034 0.433

OBS 21 2.566 4.811 4.451 0.360

OBS 22 4.095 7.677 7.257 0.420

OBS 23 3.747 7.025 6.555 0.471

OBS 24 2.439 4.573 4.247 0.326

OBS 25 3.234 6.065 5.648 0.417

3.2.4. Classification

Classification was considered to be the decision process with two stages: 1) filtering of

the false positives, described in Chapter 2 (stage 1), and 2) distinguishing 20-Hz fin whale calls

that were produced inside the critical range from the ones that were potentially emitted outside

that range (stage 2). The algorithm that detects and provides an estimated range to each

detection also computes a number of parameters that can be used to assess the two stages

of classification. The classification scheme was obtained by analysing the parameters related

to the quality of the detected signal and others that showed potential in Matias and Harris

(2015). In Chapter 2, stage 1 classification was initially assessed by characterizing the false

positives in terms of their amplitude and SNR. In this chapter, that classification is further

expanded. The stage 2 classification is undertaken by assessing parameters that aim to


identify detections that are generated at ranges less than the critical ones, adequate for the

use of SSM for ranging and location. The normalized cross-correlation and signal-to-noise ratio

were already described in Chapter 2. The full set of parameters considered for stage 2

classification were the following:

Coherency factor (Co)

Roberts et al. (1989) proposed one parameter to assess the quality of the angles

calculated by the three-component method, the apparent emergence angle and the

instrument-source azimuth. It evaluates the departure of the P-wave signal from the pure linear

polarization model, using the 3 component signals. It stars by considering the ratio of the

vertical to horizontal amplitudes measured by the cross-correlation

𝑅 =⟨��, ��⟩

√⟨��, ��⟩2 + ⟨��, ��⟩2 Eq. 17

Then, assuming a perfect linear polarization, the vertical movement can be predicted

from the horizontal channels by

𝑧��(𝑡) = 𝐴��(𝑡) + 𝐵��(𝑡) + 𝑁𝑧, 𝐴 = −𝑅𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 𝐵 = −𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 Eq. 18

A signal coherency Co is calculated by comparing the observed and predicted vertical

movements with

𝐶𝑜 = 1 −⟨(��(𝑡) − 𝐴��(𝑡) − 𝐵��(𝑡))2⟩

⟨��, ��⟩ Eq. 19

When the coherency is equal to 1, the signal is noise-free and linearly polarized.

Otherwise, the value is smaller than 1. Beyond the critical incidence angle, because of the

phase shifts and deformation of the signal, coherency should show a large decrease and even

become negative A positive value of coherency generally identifies calls that are inside the

critical range except in near vertical incidence, or near-zero range, where, due to the small

amplitude of the horizontal channels, the coherency is poor (Fig. 4).


Figure 4. Variation of airgun shot amplitudes with range offset (negative to the west). Air gun shots

were recorded around a single OBS, OBS19. The horizontal channels are merged into a single

horizontal measure. The hydrophone was scaled (divided by five) so that it could be compared with

the vertical channel. By Matias and Harris, 2015, A single-station method for the detection,

classification and location of fin whale calls using ocean-bottom seismic stations," Journal of the

Acoustical Society of America 138, 504–520. Copyright by the Acoustical Society of America.

Matias and Harris (2015) showed that when coherency is negative, detections could

be produced outside the critical range or at very close ranges (Fig. 5). In the case of close

ranges and in the presence of noise, when the amplitude of the horizontal particle velocity is

small, Eq. 19 shows that coherency is not a reliable classification index and other parameters

should be used instead. Matias and Harris (2015) identified a ‘protection radius’ of 250 m

where all values of coherency were accepted.


Figure 5. Variation of coherency factor (Co) with offset for direct paths of air gun shots inside a 16 km

radius surrounding OBS19 (Fig. 1, Chapter 2). The maximum correlation that resulted from the

detection process (C.max) is also shown. Direct wave arrivals were selected from OBS19 recording

MF-12 line. By Matias and Harris, 2015, A single-station method for the detection, classification and

location of fin whale calls using ocean-bottom seismic stations," Journal of the Acoustical Society of

America 138, 504–520. Copyright by the Acoustical Society of America.

Cross-correlation between vertical and hydrophone channels (CZH)

This parameter represents the maximum normalized cross-correlation observed

between the hydrophone and vertical channels at a lag time given by parameter iZH

(described below). At incidence angles greater than the critical incidence angle, since the

reflectivity coefficients are complex numbers, the three seismic channels will be differently

deformed in shape and will also display different time shifts, particularly the Z channel, while

the hydrophone signal will not be affected. Therefore, after the critical incidence angle, the

correlation between hydrophone and vertical recordings is expected to be strongly degraded.

Lag between the vertical and hydrophone channel (iZH)

This parameter is the time lag (in samples) for which the CZH is observed. Due to the

same reasons presented above, this lag should be large for rays with an incident angle larger

than the critical one. At closer ranges this lag should be close to zero. The small lag observed

maybe due to the difference phase instrumental response between the hydrophone and the



Normalized cross-correlation (C.Max)

Correlation between the master template waveform and the recorded waveform, which

goes up to 1. In Chapter 2, a modified normalized cross-correlation equation that degraded

correlation values of signals that differed in amplitude with the template, even if they were

perfectly correlated, was included in the detector. This modification avoided a large number

of detections with small amplitudes that could potentially have been produced far away from

the recording instrument outside the critical range and thus resulting in unreliable range

estimates. It is expected that higher values of C.Max could potentially represent detections

closer to the OBS and very similar to the template of the signal of interest in shape and

amplitude. With increasing distance it is expected a decrease in this parameter due to the

dissimilarity of the signals and the differences in amplitude (an extended discussion on this

was provided in Chapter 2).

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

Ratio of the RMS values for the detection and the RMS of the noise that precedes the

trigger of the detection (measured across a time window defined by the master waveform). In

Chapter 2, the detection results obtained with a modified normalized cross-correlation

equation that degraded correlation values with amplitude levels showed that 20-Hz fin whale

calls that were not detected had small channel amplitudes and low values of SNR. Although

this parameter depends on sound propagation, i.e. the level of background noise that is

affected by ship noise, seismic activity and environment, results from Chapter 2 suggested

that high values of SNR could potentially represent detections closer to the OBS and low

values of SNR could potentially represent calls further away from the instrument.

Classification requirements for distance sampling

Two of the main requirements of distance sampling, the chosen method to estimate

animal abundance (see Chapter 5), are: 1) the range estimates need to be as accurate as

possible and 2) detections produced at very close or at the top of the recording instrument

must be detected with certainty (Buckland et al., 2001). The first requirement was achieved

by the application of several adjustments to the range estimates, mentioned above in 3.2.3.

For the second requirement, the classification scheme started in Chapter 2 needed to be

expanded in order to deal with the detections that produced unreliable range estimates. For

instance, Fig. 5 above shows that there will be a proportion of negative coherency that result


in close ranges but are produced by detections outside the critical range (unreliable range)

and there will also be a proportion of negative coherency from true close detections. Matias

and Harris (2015) applied a spatial buffer of 250 m in order to accept detections with negative

coherency, but there is a possibility that it was only adequate for that particular study because

the sample used was very small. Therefore, it is assumed that the distance range of detections

with negative coherency close to the instrument is unknown. The removal of all negative

coherency detections will have an impact on the fitting of the probability detection function in

distance sampling because it will affect the second requirement, as the probability of detection

at close ranges will be lower than expected (g(0)<1, see Chapter 5). Therefore, the possibility

of accepting all detections with negative coherency, regardless the range, based on

thresholds of other parameters was assessed.


The run of detector 4 (identified in Chapter 2), for the 16-hour subsample of the 8

localizing OBS resulted in a total of 8 158 automatic detections (Table III). The correlation

threshold was set to 0.1 in order to obtain as many detections possible to better assess the

characteristics of the true positives and false positives of the detection process. The true

positive rate for the 20-Hz fin whale call was 98.6% and the false positive rate was 61.7%.

Table III – Summary of automatic detections made for the 16-hour subsample of the 8 localizing OBS

with detector 4 defined in Chapter 2.

Signal Manual




Main 20-Hz 2 629 2 620

Main backbeat 433 163

Auxiliary 20-Hz 541 505

Auxiliary backbeat 71 20

Multipath 143 92

Unclear 44 18

Other 0 4 740

TOTAL 3 861 8 158

The first stage of the analysis was to apply each range adjustment to understand their

impacts. According to Matias and Harris (2015), the coherency factor was the most appropriate

parameter to decide if detections were inside the critical range of the three-component method

or not. In that work only detections with positive coherency were considered to have trustworthy

ranges. Therefore, only true positive detections with positive coherency were used to assess


the impact of the adjustments made to the range estimates. When the sound velocity profile in

the water column and the elastic properties of the seabed are accounted separately in the

range estimates, each correction resulted in an increase of the estimated ranges (Fig. 6). When

all of the adjustments were applied simultaneously and the amplitude of the channel was

corrected, the final estimated range showed a small decrease from the original one.

Figure 6. Estimated ranges for automatic detections confirmed as true positives of 20-Hz fin whale

calls with positive coherency (Co+), obtained from the 16-h subsample of the localizing OBS, with the

successive application of each range adjustment. Water layer (WL) refers to the use of a sound

velocity speed profile; Sediment properties (SP) consists in the application of the elastic properties of

the water column and sediment layer; Sediment properties+Instrument correction (SPCO) is the

application of the elastic properties with an instrumental coupling correction; All (ALL) range

adjustments are the combination of all adjustments.

After the assessment of each range adjustments, the next stage was to develop the

stage 1 classification, i.e. remove as many false positives from the detection process as

possible in order to minimize their impact in the assessment of the trends of the classification

parameters. In Chapter 2, all automatic detections in the subsample were identified as either

true positives, i.e. detections that were positively confirmed as 20-Hz fin whale calls, or false

positives, i.e. detections that were not from 20-Hz fin whale calls. Regarding the stage 1

classification, SNR and C.Max revealed the highest potential for removing false positives, as

observed in Chapter 2 (Fig. 7, A and B). A C.Max threshold of 0.2 and a SNR threshold of 2.0

removed almost all false positives while maintaining almost all true positives. The other two


parameters, CZH and iZH, showed a large overlap between the true and false positives, and

it was not possible to identify a potential threshold that could be useful to the stage 1 of the

classification scheme (Fig. 7, D and E). Similarly, a possible threshold or pattern that would

distinguish true and false positives could not be determined from assessing the full range of

coherency values (Fig. 5, C). The iZH, CZH and Co values were designed to assess if the

range estimates were inside the critical range or not. They were not established to help in the

identification of the 20-Hz fin whale calls. Therefore, the lack of any pattern in these values

that could allow the distinction between true and false positives of 20-Hz fin whale calls was



Figure 7. Comparison of each classification parameter versus estimated range computed by the SSM

for the stage 1 of the classification scheme. Automatic detections were obtained for the 8 localizing

OBS of the subsample (n = 8 158). True positives were considered as 20-Hz fin whale calls from a

main or an auxiliary bout and all other types of signals were considered as false positives (see

Chapter 2): A) Correlation values with range; B) Signal-to-noise ratio with range; C) coherency with

range; D) correlation between vertical & hydrophone channels (CZH) with range; E) Lag in samples

between vertical & hydrophone channels (iZH) with range. Red dashed lines in A and B identify the

threshold for each parameter.


After the stage 1 classification, the assessment of trends in the classification

parameters as a function of range was undertaken to identify calls inside the critical range, i.e.,

stage 2 of the classification. Only detections with positive coherency were considered in this

analysis because they were considered to be the only detections with reliable ranges that could

show a true pattern. As expected, there was a relationship between C.Max and distance for

the detections with positive coherency of the subsample (Fig. 8, left). The maximum distance

of true positives of 20-Hz fin whale calls with positive coherency did not show a considerable

reduction from the detections with all coherency values (from 5.899 km with all coherency

values to 5.262 km with only positive coherency). The relationship between SNR and distance

was not so evident (Fig. 8, right).

Figure 8. Correlation value (left) and SNR (right) of automatic detections from the subsample with

positive coherency (n = 2 471). Yellow points are true positives of 20-Hz fin whale calls from a main

bout, blue points are true positives of 20-Hz fin whale calls from auxiliary 20-Hz calls and green points

are false positives. Dashed red lines are the thresholds identified in stage 1 of the classification.

The application of the overall classification scheme of C.Max0.2 and SNR2 (stage

1) and Co0 (stage 2) in the subsample kept a total of 53.6% true positives of 20-Hz fin whale

calls, including main and auxiliary signals. The rate of false positives of 20-Hz fin whale calls

decreased to 5.5%, with most of the false detections classified as “other” (e.g. mostly levelling

of the OBS and noise). The accepted detections showed a variety of estimated ranges (Fig.

9). Furthermore, the classification scheme selected true positives of 20-Hz fin whale calls that


formed visible tracks when the relative locations were plotted (Fig. 9), which is a positive

indication that the classification retained meaningful ranges for each bout.

Figure 9. XY Plots of the relative locations of the automatic detections (true and false positives) of the

subsample used in the classification analysis.

Applying the classification scheme to the full dataset for future analysis

The results of the two-stage (1 and 2) classification scheme described above

determined thresholds of C.Max, SNR and Co that (1) removed false positives and (2) retained

detections inside the critical range (though losing detections at close ranges to the OBS).

Therefore, an overall classification scheme (C.Max0.2, SNR2 and Co0) was applied to the

Rejected (negative coherency, low SNR and C.Max)

Rejected (positive coherency, low SNR and C.Max)

Accepted (positive coherency, SNR2 and C.Max0.2)

Critical range


full OBS dataset. The classification scheme was applied stepwise in the full dataset because

it was not possible to apply the Co threshold to the non-localizing OBS. The first step consisted

in applying the thresholds of the parameters that were common to localizing and non-localizing

OBS, C.Max and SNR. A correlation threshold of 0.2 based was already defined in Chapter 2.

The threshold was selected based on the performance analysis presented in Chapter 2 and

produced a dataset large enough that could contain a high number of detections but could still

be manageable. After the application of the SNR threshold on top of the application of the

C.Max threshold to all OBS, 49.8% of the automatic detections in the dataset were maintained

(Table IV). The second step was to apply the Co threshold to the localizing OBS. When the Co

threshold was applied to the localizing OBS already filtered by C.Max and SNR, it was possible

to retain 37.6% of the original localizing OBS detections. The final dataset with the detections

of the non-localizing OBS filtered by C.Max and SNR, and the detections of the localizing OBS

filtered by C.Max, SNR and Co, consisted of 37.9% of the original detections. The application

of the coherency threshold of Co≥0 also resulted in the removal of the very close detections to

the instrument (Fig. 10). The relative locations of the detections from OBS12 and OBS24

seemed to show a degree of bias as most locations were concentrated in a specific part of the

area around the OBS. The reason for this was unknown.


Table IV – Summary of accepted automatic detections after the application of the classification scheme for each OBS. Grey lines are OBS that could not provide

a range estimate because they did not have all the three components working in order to apply the SSM, i.e. non-localizing OBS. White lines are LOC or

localizing OBS, i.e. instruments that had all 3 components of the seismometer working and could provide range estimates. OBS06 started recording without the

three components working properly (NON LOC) but after February 2008 all the channels that enable a location of a detected signal were working (LOC).















Number of



Total number of

detections C.Max0.2 Detections with SNR2

Detections with Co+ &

SNR 2.0

1 5.100 8.870 10-09-2007 12-06-2008 277 482 185 242 852 NA

3 3.932 6.834 10-09-2007 31-07-2008 326 122 488 101 918 NA

4 1.993 3.455 15-09-2007 25-06-2008 285 113 714 39 316 13 000

5 3.095 5.373 10-09-2007 23-06-2008 288 263 155 152 688 NA

6 2.956 5.154 14-02-2008 20-07-2008 158 7 327(LOC) + 145 338 (NON LOC) 3 416 1 199

8 4.671 8.121 10-09-2007 10-08-2008 336 48 975 41 545 NA

9 4.811 8.368 10-09-2007 29-04-2008 233 134 654 115 082 NA

10 2.067 3.581 10-09-2007 29-06-2008 294 141 885 457 29 16 210

12 4.860 8.512 10-09-2007 20-07-2008 315 151 924 102 447 59 455

13 4.494 7.814 10-09-2007 14-07-2008 309 107 506 77 177 NA

14 4.212 7.377 17-09-2007 20-07-2008 308 128 498 76 307 25 429

15 3.357 5.831 01-09-2007 07-04-2008 220 112 - -

16 2.069 3.584 10-09-2007 07-07-2008 302 92 546 36 374 5 926

17 4.873 8.475 10-09-2007 28-05-2008 262 478 678 16 7574 NA

18 4.605 8.065 10-09-2007 17-07-2008 312 125 700 78 693 24 461

19 4.287 7.509 10-09-2007 17-07-2008 312 96 606 68 543 31 036

20 3.449 6.034 10-09-2007 12-07-2008 307 68 294 44 839 11 686

24 2.566 4.451 29-11-2007 11-08-2008 256 135 857 16 792 45 65

25 4.095 7.257 29-11-2007 11-08-2008 256 72 860 42 073 15 561

TOTAL - - - - - 2 918 312 (1 135 211) 1 453 365 (554 529) 208 528


Figure 10. Relative locations of all detections obtained for the localizing OBS. Grey dots represent detections rejected by the classification scheme and the

blue dots represent the ones that were accepted by the classification scheme (C.Max0.2, SNR2 and Co0).


Classification requirements for distance sampling

The full dataset that resulted from the application of the overall classification scheme,

removing all negative coherencies, could be suitable for some studies, such as movement

analyses as long as the direction and changes of tracks were registered. However, for distance

sampling purposes it was necessary to find an additional rule in order to preserve the closer

detections. In distance sampling analysis (the focus of Chapter 5), only detections from the

localizing OBS were considered as the non-localizing OBS could not produce estimates of

range with the single station method. In the dataset of all automatic detections of the localizing

OBS with C.Max≥0.2 and SNR≥2, the application of the 250 m buffer identified in Matias and

Harris (2015) resulted in an undesirable peak of detections around that distance (Fig. 11). For

distance sampling, the distribution of ranges for point transects is expected to be as follows:

as the radius increases from the centre of the point, the surveyed area also increases and, on

average, there are more calls available to be detected. Therefore, there is an initial increase

in the frequency of detections as a function of range from the centre of the point. However, as

the distance between the point centre and the calls becomes larger, the probability of detecting

those further away calls becomes lower. Therefore, at some range, the effect of reducing

detectability is larger than the effect of increasing area. From that range, a decrease in the

frequency of detections is expected. For more information about point transect methodology,

see Buckland et al. (2001). The 250 m buffer produced a high number of detections at very

close ranges, which is against the expected point transect theory. This result suggested that

this buffer with this dataset maintained negative coherency detections with spurious ranges

less than 250 m into the dataset. Therefore, another approach had to be taken to try to include

the close range calls with true close ranges.


Figure 11. Distribution of ranges of the full dataset of the localizing OBS filtered with the overall

classification scheme (C.Max0.2, SNR2) and a 250 m buffer where all values of coherency were

accepted (n = 226 496).

Figure 8 showed that there was a trend between C.Max and distance, when detections

showed positive coherency. Levels of correlation of 0.6 or above were only observed at ranges

up to ~3.4 km and values of correlation 0.8 around ~1.8 km. If this relation is applicable to all

detections, then true positives of 20-Hz calls with negative coherency and high correlation

values should be produced at close ranges. Two classification schemes based on coherency

were assessed in the full dataset of the localizing OBS: 1) detections with all values of

coherency at a correlation threshold of 0.6 and SNR threshold of 2 (Fig. 12), and; 2) detections

with SNR≥2, and C.Max≥0.6 if coherency was positive, and C.Max≥0.8 if coherency was

negative (Fig. 13). For the classification scheme of C.Max≥0.6 and SNR≥2, estimated ranges

for detections with negative coherency were between 7 m and 3.058 km and for detections

with positive coherency were 169 m and 4.185 km. The estimated ranges for most detections

with negative coherency values and C.Max≥0.8 and SNR≥2 were also the expected, around

1.8 km, based on the trend observed in Fig. 8. The maximum estimated range for detections

with C.Max≥0.8 and negative coherency was 2.137 km.


Figure 12. Correlation values above 0.6 with estimated range for positive and negative coherency

values (top); Distribution of estimated ranges of the full dataset of the localizing OBS filtered with the

classification scheme of C.Max≥0.6 and SNR≥2 (bottom) (n = 47 856).


Figure 13. Correlation values with estimated range for detections with C.Max≥0.6 if coherency was

positive and C.Max≥0.8 if coherency was negative (top); Distribution of estimated ranges of the full

dataset of the localizing OBS filtered with the classification scheme of C.Max≥0.6+SNR≥2 if Co≥0 and

C.Max≥0.8+SNR≥2 if Co<0 (bottom) (n = 33 404).



The classification scheme developed in this Chapter was divided into two stages: 1)

stage 1, where several parameters calculated by the detection algorithm were used to filter

out as many false positives as possible i.e., signals that were not 20-Hz fin whale calls; and

2) stage 2, where parameters related with distance where assessed to identify trends that help

deciding if a 20-Hz fin whale call was inside the critical range or not. Although Matias and

Harris (2015) conducted extensive work on the detection, classification and location of fin

whale calls detected in the same set of OBS, they used a very small sample that might not be

representative of all situations. This chapter used a larger fin whale acoustic dataset to identify

a classification scheme related to the detection (stage 1) and the accurate ranging (stage 2)

of the 20-Hz fin whale calls.

3.4.1. Range adjustments considerations

The use of the single station method for ranging and location of sound sources using

OBS data requires three corrections to the first raw estimates produced by the ranging

algorithm (Matias and Harris, 2015): i) calculation of the true emergence angle with the

Zoeppritz equations; ii) adjustment of range by accounting for the water layer structure, iii)

application of a correction factor in the recorded signal amplitudes.

The sound speed in the water varies from location to location and with environmental

conditions, such as storms, currents, temperature of the water, among other parameters.

There was only 1D sound speed profile available and was acquired in 24th August 2007 at

19:53:41 (UTC), at a location close to OBS25 (see Fig. 1, Chapter 2). For a more accurate

adjustment regarding the water layer, several sound speed profiles should be acquired in order

to include all types of environmental conditions. Although the use of a single sound speed

profile could produce a bias in the adjustments, Matias and Harris (2015) also used the same

sound speed profile measured around OBS25 to adjust ranges in OBS19 which were

accurate. They estimated the ranges of air gun shots with the single station and adjusted the

ranges with the same corrections applied in this Chapter. Then, they compared those adjusted

estimates with true known locations of the air gun shots (Matias and Harris, 2015).

A correction factor of 0.5 in the recorded signal amplitudes was also necessary in order

to improve the accuracy of the estimated ranges. Although there was no assessment of the

requirement to apply the correction factor to all OBS in the study area, Matias and Harris

(2015) observed this requirement at two different sites (southwest of Portugal and Azores),

with two different seismic signals (fin whale calls and airgun shots in the ~20-Hz range),


recorded by two different types of instruments. In both cases, the estimated ranges were

improved by the application of the same correction factor. Therefore, it seemed appropriate to

apply the correction factor to all OBS in this study, though more research is needed to

understand whether the amplitude correction factor is required in all OBS studies when using

the single station method.

3.4.2. Classification of fin whale calls

In Matias and Harris (2015) the parameters that showed the most potential in removing

false positives and identifying detections inside the critical range were the correlation between

the vertical and hydrophone channels (CZH), the time lag between the vertical and

hydrophone channels (iZH) and the coherency factor (Co). In that study, the true locations of

the test datasets were known which eased the identification of several thresholds of the

classification parameters. In the dataset investigated in this thesis, true locations of the

automatic detections were not available, and the coherency factor was used as the main

indicator whether detections were inside the critical range or not. In this chapter, the

parameters that showed most potential in removing false positives (stage 1 classification) from

a representative subsample of the dataset were the normalized cross-correlation (C.Max) and

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Regarding the stage 2 of classification, the coherency (Co) was

crucial for removing calls outside the critical range but additional parameters were required to

re-introduce calls that may have been produced at close ranges but removed due to having

negative coherency. The correlation threshold (C.Max) became important in this process. An

overall classification scheme was identified and applied to the full dataset: C.Max0.2, SNR2

and Co0. One advantage of this classification scheme over the CZH and iZH used by Matias

and Harris (2015) is that the hydrophone that is deployed with the OBS was not needed. All

three parameters, C.Max, SNR and Co were calculated using the channels from the

seismometer. The correlation threshold was already established in Chapter 2, and therefore

detections made for all OBS during the study period were obtained with C.Max0.2 (see

Chapter 2 for more details). The threshold of SNR was applied to OBS that could localize

(localizing OBS) and could not localize (non-localizing OBS). However, because it was not

possible to obtain coherency values for the non-localizing OBS, the threshold of Co0 was

only applied to the localizing OBS. With the application of the classification scheme to all OBS,

the full dataset was prepared for further studies.

The removal of the detections of the subsample with negative coherency revealed a

trend of correlation with range (Fig. 6). High correlation values (>0.8) were found at ranges


~1.8 km and decreased with range. This clear relationship between the C.Max threshold and

range is linked to the equation of the matched filter used in the detection process, because it

accounts for signal attenuation, i.e., calls that have small amplitudes and are probably

produced far away from the recording instrument will result in small values of correlation.

3.4.3. Classification requirements for biological studies

The removal of all negative coherencies from the full dataset might not affect some

types of biological study. For example, in a movement study assessing calling whale tracks,

tracks of calling whales close to the OBS would be removed via the positive coherency

classification criteria but would not necessarily impact the study. However, for animal

abundance estimates that are based on distance sampling and assume a certainty in the

detectability of calls at close distances (i.e., probability of detection at the point transect g(0)=1,

see Chapter 5), close calls needed to be detected. The detector chosen in Chapter 2 was very

selective. Based on a representative subsample with manual verification of the signals, the

detector showed a high true positive rate and a low false positive rate. Considering that close

calls needed to be retained, the goal was to obtain the simplest additional set of classification

rules to the already established classification that could be applied to the full dataset. Matias

and Harris (2015) used a relatively large list of parameters that in this chapter did not show

the same thresholds. All results in this chapter suggested that SNR could be used to remove

false positives and C.Max could be used to help in the decision of whether the detections were

produced inside the critical range or not, along with the coherency factor.

3.4.4. Final considerations

The maximum estimated range for detections with a correlation threshold of 0.6 and

SNR of 2 was 4.185 km for a positive coherency. This estimate were in the expected maximum

range as the furthest critical range was 8.870 km for OBS01 and the closest 3.455 km for

OBS04. In addition, Matias and Harris (2015) also showed that correlation values of air gun

detections, with known locations, around 0.6 were observed at ranges up to 4 km (Fig. 5),

which is in agreement with the result obtained in this Chapter. However, data with true known

locations or estimates from other types of location methods, such as time difference of arrival,

are still needed in order to validate the detection and classification scheme used on the

localizing dataset.


Two datasets were generated for distance sampling in this chapter by including

negative coherent detections in two ways. However, only one dataset was used for the

analysis in Chapter 5. This is because 8 of the OBS deployed in the study area and which

showed detections did not record the full set of seismometer components during some or the

whole period of recording. As a result, it was not possible to obtain range estimates of their

automatic detections with the single station method and coherency values of those detections

were also not available. Therefore, most of the automatic detections could not be used in a

straightforward approach for distance sampling. The final dataset chosen for distance analysis

was the one that had all values of coherency and thresholds of correlation of 0.6 and SNR of

2. In Chapter 5, abundance estimates of fin whales were obtained with localizing OBS only. In

future distance sampling analysis where the non-localizing OBS will also be used, the

classification scheme needs to have the fewest parameters and ones that could be applied to

all recording instruments.

Although the detection and classification processes investigated in this thesis showed

a high true positive rate with the least amount of false positives regarding the detection

process and the simplest set of rules in obtaining a suitable dataset for different types of

studies, it would be useful to develop a validation study that could confirm the trend of

correlation value obtained with this particular detector and distance. Because the true

locations were not known and negative coherency values were accepted at all distances for

detections with correlation values above or equal to 0.6, there was always a potential of having

some proportion of unreliable range estimates (more details in Chapter 5). However, there

was an effort to keep this number as small as possible. In order to better understand the

ranges within the critical range at which the positive coherency changes to negative, a

dedicated study where locations are known is also needed. In the recordings of this set of

OBS, the multipaths displayed small amplitudes. However, in cases where they could be

identified, the tracks obtained with a different location method could be compared with the

locations obtained with the single-station method.

A four year project that involves the study of fin whales around the Azores in a

multidisciplinary approach that includes the use of acoustic data acquired with OBS will start

in October 2018. An expansion of the single station method to multipaths will be developed

and a new location method that uses a sound propagation model will also be applied. The

locations of the detections will be estimated by different methods that will help to improve the

single station method.



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Chapter 4




Describing the variation of acoustic signals of a given species brings valuable insights

about differences among populations. In acoustics, “geographical variation” is associated with

differences between populations separated by large distances that do not normally mix

(Mundinger, 1982). The word “dialect” is often used to describe observed differences in sound

emission, such as differences in call features or songs, among neighbouring populations,

which can potentially have some degree of interchange (Grimes, 1974). Dialects occur in

many species of birds and they have also been observed in some species of mammals, such

as tamarins (Maeda and Masataka, 1987), wild chimpanzees (Mitani et al., 1992), and

humans (Barbujani, 1991). In case of cetaceans, focused studies about dialects have been

undertaken in killer whales (Ford, 1991), sperm whales (Weilgart and Whitehead, 1997) and

bottlenose dolphins (Wang et al., 1995). Although the word “dialect” has only been used for

the three cetacean species mentioned above, acoustic data have been used to describe

divergence across geographic regions in other species, such as humpback whales (e.g.

Payne and Guinee, 1983), blue whales (e.g. McDonald et al., 2006) and fin whales (e.g. Hatch

and Clark, 2004). In the North Atlantic Ocean, fin whales have been differentiated by their

inter-call interval (e.g. Delarue et al., 2009), frequency bandwidth (e.g. Thompson et al., 1992)

and bout composition (e.g. Clark and Gagnon, 2002).

There has been some discussion about the significance of dialects in speciation

(Maeda and Masataka, 1987). Nottebohm (1969) suggested that the occurrence of dialects

among species that are distributed in a continuum over vast geographic areas may reduce

the gene flow between breeding populations and allow a more efficient adaptation to local

habitat conditions. Several researchers have tried to find links between genetic variance and

acoustic variation among populations, but it is still a subject of debate. In studies of acoustic

variation in birds, some show evidence that dialect variation reflect some amounts of genetic

population structure (MacDougall-Shackleton and MacDougall-Shackleton, 2001), while

others suggest the contrary (Lougheed et al., 1993; Soha et al., 2004).


In the seas to the southwest of Portugal there are two groups of fin whales, which

were introduced in Chapter 1: the British Isles-Spain-Portugal, which is a stock of the North

Atlantic fin whales, and the Mediterranean groups. The Mediterranean group is a subdivision

of the British Isles-Spain-Portugal group. Although the Mediterranean fin whales seem to be

resident, there is some evidence of a bidirectional movement between the North Atlantic

Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic studies and satellite-tag data suggest that the

degree of interchange between the two groups seems to be small (Palsbøll et al., 2004; Cotté

et al., 2009). In addition, there is also the question about whether the migrating whales are

individuals from the North Atlantic returning to their main area. Castellote et al. (2011) found

acoustic differences between bouts recorded in the Mediterranean Sea and in the North

Atlantic Ocean, in relation to the inter-call interval and the frequency bandwidth of the 20-Hz

call. The inter-call intervals and frequency bandwidth obtained for the Mediterranean fin

whales were close to 15 seconds and 5 Hz, respectively. Bouts recorded in the North Atlantic

Ocean showed inter-call intervals of 12-13 seconds and a frequency bandwidth around 6 Hz

(Castellote et al., 2011). These results suggest the existence of two dialects, one that was

recorded in several locations between the North Atlantic Ocean and the western

Mediterranean Sea and a second one that was restricted to the Mediterranean Sea. Given

these previous studies, southwest Portugal constitutes a strategic area to study the

movements and interchange of fin whales between the North Atlantic Ocean and the

Mediterranean Sea.

In this chapter, 11 months of recordings off southwest Portugal were used to

characterize the most common fin whale acoustic signal, the 20-Hz call. Several spectral and

temporal features found in the literature were computed with a subsample of 20-Hz calls. This

task required that the subsample of calls was large enough and was representative of all the

whales recorded in the instruments. In order to avoid the presence of (a) false positives, (b)

overlapping calls that could interfere in the measurement of the features and (c) the recording

of the same whale multiple times, a set of rules was established during the detection process

and the subsampling of calls. The measured spectral and temporal characteristics of the 20-

Hz calls were then used in a hierarchical cluster analysis in order to assess the existence of

dialects. Possible dialects identified in this analysis were then further validated by comparing

their characteristics to other groups already established in the literature, more specifically the

results of Castellote et al. (2011) for fin whales in the North Atlantic Ocean and the

Mediterranean Sea. As already mentioned in Chapter 1, the inter-call interval is the call

feature with most discriminatory power among fin whale groups. In a second stage of analysis,

the temporal pattern of identified inter-call intervals was also assessed using the whole


dataset of detections. The aim of the analysis in this chapter was not to obtain a measure of

call abundance, which is the main aim of Chapter 5, but instead an occurrence pattern. This

was achieved by counting the occurrence of sequences of calls with the intervals found. In

summary, this study identified dialects that occurred off southwest of Portugal and then

assessed the temporal distribution of the inter-call interval in order to obtain a seasonality

pattern of the different dialects.


4.2.1. Data collection

Fin whale acoustic data used in this study were obtained between September 2007

and August 2008 with a network of 24 ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) that was deployed

off southwest Portugal (Fig. 1, Chapter 2). The main aim of the deployment of the OBS was

to obtain data to study the microseismicity originating from potential tsunami sources.

However, fin whale calls were also recorded during this time. A more detailed description of

the deployment and recording instruments is found in Chapter 2.

4.2.2. Signal detection

The Z-channel of the seismometer was chosen as the main acoustic source because

the signals had both higher amplitudes and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) measurements than

other channels (more details in Chapter 2). Fin whales produce a variety of sounds that were

described in Chapter 1. The 20-Hz fin whale call was detected using an algorithm with a

modified normalized cross-correlation equation with a matched filter of the signal waveform.

Chapter 2 provides a description of the detection algorithm and detection process. As also

mentioned in Chapter 2, backbeats were not detected. In the detection process, the

normalized cross-correlation between the recording and a master template of a single call is

calculated through time. When the normalized cross-correlation between these two time

series reaches a threshold set by the researcher, a detection is recorded. The values of the

normalized cross-correlation range from 0 to 1. At low correlation thresholds (generally

smaller than 0.4), the signals detected might be weak signals or false positives that have a

similar waveform (see Chapter 2 for examples of false positives). When the correlation


threshold is high (generally above 0.7), the detected signal has almost a perfect match with

the template.

The template of the 20-Hz call used was obtained from the waveform of a well-defined

20-Hz call with high SNR that was observed during a manual inspection of the dataset. This

template used with the settings of detector 4 (see Chapter 2) resulted in a true positive rate

of 87%. The detection routine was applied to all OBS recordings with a low correlation

threshold (0.2) and a buffer time of 3 seconds. These parameters were chosen in order to

obtain as many calls as possible but with a decreased probability of detecting multiple whales

calling at almost the same time, which would present a risk of overlapped calls. For each

detection, several quality-related, spectral and temporal features were computed and are

described below in 4.2.4. Spectral cross-correlation

The detection routine included the calculation of the spectral cross-correlation,

following the methodology of Mellinger and Clark (2000) with minor modifications. The initial

detection was done using the waveform cross-correlation algorithm and the spectral cross-

correlation was only applied when a detection was registered. After the detection process,

the correlation values from the matched filter and the spectral cross-correlation were available

in order to facilitate the choosing of the detections. In some occasions, where false-positives

such as air guns, also show high values of the normalized cross-correlation, the spectral

cross-correlation helps in filtering some of these detections. A detection with both high

matched filter correlation and spectral cross-correlation would be a potential high quality and

true call. Constructing the spectrogram synthetic kernel

The spectrogram cross-correlation requires a spectrogram template of the target

signal that is compared with the spectrogram of the recordings. The kernel spectrogram of

the 20-Hz call was obtained by averaging the time and frequency characteristics of calls with

large amplitude spectral values and high correlation signals given by the waveform matched

filter. For example, in OBS04, in 21st December 2007, there were 39 20-Hz calls with a

correlation value above 0.9 (see Fig. 1 for a sample of them).


Figure 1. Spectrogram showing 5 minutes with some of the high quality calls that were used to

establish the base of the spectrogram kernel. Recorded in OBS04, 21/12/2007 at 4:08:40.

Spectrogram settings: Frame size – 128 samples, 95% overlap, Hanning window, equalized, contrast:

300, brightness: -4.

For each of these calls, the time of the median energy (definition below) was computed

and saved as the signal arrival time. The kernel spectrum was extracted between 1.5 seconds

before and 1.5 seconds after this reference time. The frequency limits were set between 12

and 31 Hz. Although from a visual inspection of the spectrograms, most 20-Hz calls have a

shorter frequency range, these frequency limits were chosen in order to have a large

frequency buffer, ensuring that the whole frequency spectrum of each call would be captured.

After extraction, all 39 spectra were summed and averaged to obtain the base for the kernel.

A final step was then required to produce the final kernel. The base kernel spectrogram only

showed positive spectral amplitudes, but in Mellinger and Clark (2000) the discrimination

between the signal of interest and noise and/or other interfering signals relies on the property

that the kernel has equal positive and negative values so that the total sum is zero. Therefore,

to obtain a final kernel, an amplitude level above which the spectrogram accumulated 90% of

the amplitude was defined. This level was subtracted from the spectrogram. All negative

amplitude values of the spectrogram were then given the same value so that the total sum of

the kernel amplitudes was zero, as required by the method in Mellinger and Clark (2000). The

final kernel obtained from this method was saved to use in the spectral cross-correlation

analysis (Fig. 2).


Figure 2. Spectrogram of the synthetic kernel that resulted from the averaging of the 39 20-Hz calls in

2D (left) and 3D (right) and further processing of the kernel base. On the left the white contour

outlines the zero level. On the right the 3D axes are spectrogram frequency (y-axis), time (x-axis) and

intensity (z-axis). Spectrogram cross-correlation

When a detection was registered, the algorithm limited a time window starting 1

second before and extending 2 seconds after the trigger time. Every 0.1 seconds the

algorithm extracted 256 samples (2.56 seconds at 100 Hz sampling rate) centred on the

trigger time and computed the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Before doing that, to improve the

resolution, the time series was windowed in both ends by a cosine taper, best known as the

Hanning window. A slightly modified version was used by leaving the central 10% of the time

series untouched. This meant that the Hanning window was applied only to 90% of the signal,


with a 45% taper at each end. At 100 Hz sampling rate, the frequency interval in the frequency

domain is 0.39 Hz. Spectral values were saved between 12 and 31 Hz. Inside the

investigation window (-1 to 2. seconds in time, and between 12 and 31 Hz in frequency), the

spectral power (the square of the FFT amplitude) and the spectral cumulated power along

the time and frequency axis were computed.

The spectrogram correlation was then computed, starting 1 second before the median

time and ending 1 second after it. The correlation between the spectrogram kernel 𝑘(𝑡0, 𝑓)

and the spectrogram of the recording 𝑆(𝑡, 𝑓) was computed by the normalized correlation in

time given by

Eq. 1

If the spectral window contained white noise (random data), then the normalized

cross-correlation resulted in 0. For a perfect signal, 0 seconds outside the call and following

the kernel, the normalized cross-correlation should be very close to 1, but not 1. The

normalized cross-correlation can be negative for signals that are anti-correlated with the

kernel. As in the waveform cross-correlation, a detection using the spectrogram is registered

when the correlation value exceeds a defined threshold.

4.2.3. Signal sampling

A manual verification of the detections was needed in order to remove false positives

and to assess if and how much acoustic interference was present in the detected calls.

Examples of false positives were shown in Chapter 2. From the 401 days in the study period,

336 of them without considering duplicate days, had at least one detection with correlation

values between 0.2 and close to 1. Due to time constraints it was not possible to verify all

detections made in the entire dataset (2 918 312 detections) and instead a series of rules

were established in order to obtain a subsample. A correlation of 0.5 and a SNR of 2.0 (both

medium values) were used as thresholds to obtain a list of days with potentially good bouts

of calls. Then, only days with a minimum of 250 automatic detections (with correlation values

from 0.2 to close to 1) and at least 20 of them with high correlation values ( 0.7) were

considered. From this list, a random sample of 5 days for each month was obtained (Table


I). There was no repetition of days and bouts were separated either by 24 hours or by a gap

of 6 hours.

Table I – Summary of the days of each month with detections in the dataset, days with detections with

correlation and SNR thresholds of 0.5 and 2.0 (days with potentially good bouts) and days considered

for the random subsample of each month.

Year Month Days with


Days with potentially

good bouts

Days considered in

the random sample

2007 September 21 9 4

October 31 26 16

November 30 29 29

December 31 31 31

2008 January 31 31 31

February 29 24 24

March 31 28 8

April 30 25 5

May 31 20 0

June 30 27 0

July 31 27 0

August 10 4 0

TOTAL - 336 154 125

Automatic detections of 20-Hz calls in the subsample were confirmed as true positives

using spectrograms calculated with TRITON (Wiggins, 2010), a software package written in

MATLAB (Mathworks, 2012). The bouts where the automatic detections were included were

completed with the manual addition of the start times of false negatives of 20-Hz calls (missed

detections) and backbeats.

There were rare occasions when days had more than one bout. In those cases, only

the strongest was considered for the analysis. This was done to reduce the risk of detecting

the same whale multiple times and therefore decrease the contribution of that individual to

the overall call characteristics. However, it was not possible to determine if the same animal

was detected more than once. The 20-Hz call is a fairly simple signal that does not show a

pronounced individual characterization.

The strongest bout was defined as the one with the 20-Hz calls with highest SNR

assessed visually. In some occasions, there was more than one whale calling which resulted

in overlapping bouts. Because the inter-call interval showed low individual variability, it was

often possible to follow a specific bout. Uncertainty was only present when the gap between


calls was larger than the inter-call interval for the calling whales. In those cases, the strongest

bout was inspected and completed until it was not possible to identify the ‘target’ whale.

4.2.4. Spectral and temporal measurements

Based on Hatch and Clark (2004), several spectral features were extracted, and are

described below (Fig. 3). The 90% of cumulated power window (between 5% and 95%) was

chosen in order to give a more representative value of the frequency bandwidth and to

mitigate the influence of noise inside the spectral window to be analysed (Fig. 4):

Arrival time: The time of the median power;

Starting frequency: The frequency in 5% of power along the frequency axis;

Median frequency: The frequency corresponding to the median power, as measured

along the frequency axis;

Call duration: The time interval between 5% and 95% of power (time values were

interpolated and rounded to 0.01 second resolution);

Frequency bandwidth: The frequency interval between 5% and 95% of power along the

frequency axis (frequency values were interpolated and rounded to 0.1 Hz resolution).

For measurements of the spectral features only the calls with highest SNR ( 3.0), high

correlation values ( 0.75) and with no overlapping calls from other whales from each bout

were used.

Figure 3. Spectrogram of 100 seconds of a fin whale sequence with 6 20-Hz calls and a backbeat (at

~50 seconds), showing the spectral features computed for 20-Hz calls. Spectrogram parameters:

Frame size – 256 samples, 95% overlap, Hanning window, equalized. Adapted from Castellote et al.,

2011, Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) population identity in the western Mediterranean Sea,”

Marine Mammal Science 28, 325–344. Copyright by the Society for Marine Mammalogy.


Figure 4. Representation of the measurements of fin whale call features from a spectrogram. Dashed

lines represent the power limits used to compute the call features. The inset shows a representation

of the distribution of the total spectrum power on the frequency and time axes. Frequency resolution

was 0.39 Hz and temporal resolution was 0.1 seconds. Adapted from Hatch and Clark, 2004, Acoustic

differentiation between fin whales in both the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, and integration

with genetic estimates of divergence, Paper presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Sorrento,

Italy, July, Paper No. SC/56/SD6, pp. 1–37. Copyright by the International Whaling Commission.

The inter-call interval is the most discriminatory call feature in fin whale bioacoustics

(Hatch and Clark, 2004; Delarue et al., 2009; Castellote et al., 2011; Oleson et al., 2014). The

inter-call interval was calculated as the difference between trigger times obtained in the

waveform cross-correlation detection process of each call. The trigger time based on the


waveform was preferred over the arrival time of the spectral measurements because it was

more consistent. The arrival time based on the spectral measurements depends on the

calculated power that is present in the investigation window. For the characterization of the

20-Hz call, only inter-call interval between 20-Hz calls was considered. Inter-call interval occurrence pattern

According to the literature, it is possible that at least two acoustic groups of fin whales

could occur in the study area. Castellote et al. (2011) found that these groups were

differentiated mainly by the inter-call interval between 20-Hz calls. Because of the restrictions

imposed in the subsample for the measurement analysis, the sample size might not allow a

good representation of the presence of the different inter-call interval throughout the year.

After finding one or more inter-call interval(s) in the subsample used for measurement

analysis, an automatic search of the interval(s) through the dataset with all detections

(correlation threshold of 0.2 and SNR 2.0) was undertaken. In this case, the main aim was

not to obtain a measure of call abundance but instead a temporal pattern of each inter-call

interval. Because inter-call interval is fairly consistent within bouts and it was calculated in the

time domain, the variability was expected to be low. Therefore, the entire dataset was

considered and there was no manual verification of the detections used in this analysis. Single

(intervals between 20-Hz calls) or double (intervals when backbeats were between 20-Hz

calls and therefore lasted double the time) inter-call intervals were considered. The pattern

for inter-call interval(s) was obtained by the counts of sequences of at least 5 consecutive

detections, with possible double inter-call interval. This rule allowed to minimize the

occurrence of series of false positives that could show the same intervals.

Further validation of the occurrence pattern was taken by also counting the number

of occurrences of 10 or more consecutive detections, with also possible double intervals.

4.2.5. Data analysis

This work aimed to find differences in the characteristics of the spectral (median

frequency, call duration and frequency bandwidth) and temporal (inter-call interval)

measurements made in 4.2.4. for the subsample of bouts obtained in 4.2.3., and therefore

identify clusters. Cluster analysis has been used in cetacean bioacoustics to identify and

classify different types of sounds (Chabot, 1988; Karlsen et al., 2002; Nemiroff and

Whitehead, 2009), assign sounds to social units (Rendell and Whitehead, 2003) and to


assess geographical variation in bout structure (e.g. Delarue et al., 2009). In this study there

was no pre-classification made of the 20-Hz calls, i.e., there was no class assignment of area

or subpopulation. Therefore, a hierarchical cluster analysis was undertaken in order to identify

different clusters using the stats package version 3.4.0 in R (R Core Team, 2015).

For cluster analysis, highly correlated variables need to be identified in order to assess

a possible variable reduction. The linear correlation between spectral call features was

evaluated by calculating the correlation coefficient r (Upton and Cook, 2014) using all high

quality calls from each bout. This ensured a large enough sample size to assess relationships

between variables. The coefficient r can take any value from -1 to 1, inclusive. If r>0, variables

show a positive linear relation and if r<0 variables display a negative linear relation. When r

is close to 0, it would indicate a weak linear relationship between the variables. If two variables

were highly correlated (r0.75), the variable that was present in the least amount of

references about acoustic characterization was removed from the cluster analysis (as

suggested by Dawson and Trapp, 2004). The removal of the inter-call interval was not

considered because it is the most discriminatory variable, based on the bibliographic review.

Therefore, ICI was not used in this test.

Each bout was characterized by the median of the spectral and temporal features

mentioned above in 4.2.4. Bouts were considered points in a coordinate space where the

observed similarities of the points corresponded to metric distances between them. In some

cases, when the variables have large differences in their units, rescaling of the data is

performed to give equal importance to all variables. This is usually done by subtracting the

mean of a particular variable from all measurements, and dividing by the standard deviation.

In this study, the data were not scaled in order to preserve the higher influence of inter-call

interval in the clustering process. The distance matrix of the bouts was calculated using the

Euclidean distance. The distance E between two points x and y with N dimensions, in which

points represent bouts and dimensions the number of variables, is given by:

Ε(𝑥, 𝑦) = √∑(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑦𝑖)2



Eq. 2

The average linkage method was chosen as the amalgamation rule, in which the

distance L between two clusters r and s is defined as the average distance between each

point in one cluster to every point in the other cluster. The Euclidean distances L between all

points were given by the distance matrix D


L(𝑟, 𝑠) =1

𝑛𝑟𝑛𝑠∑∑𝐷(𝑥𝑟𝑖, 𝑥𝑠𝑗)





Eq. 3

To make an assessment of the clustering procedure the silhouette width (SW) was

computed, which reflects the strength of the clusters (Rousseeuw, 1986) (Eq. 4). It uses the

average distance from point x to all other points in x‘s cluster (given by ax) and bx, which is

the minimum average distance from point x to all points in another cluster:

𝑆𝑊𝑥 =(𝑏𝑥 − 𝑎𝑥)

𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑎𝑥 , 𝑏𝑥) , -1 < SWi < 1 Eq. 4

Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990) give some guidance as to the desirable size of the

silhouette width. A SW above 0.5 is considered a reasonable classification and a SW below

0.2 reflects a lack of substantial cluster structure. The optimal number of clusters was

evaluated by calculating the average silhouette width (ASW) (Rousseeuw, 1986) using the R

package factoextra version 1.0.4. (Kassambara and Mundt, 2017). Given the silhouette width

of each cluster SWr and the number of clusters n, the ASW is given by:

𝐴𝑆𝑊 =(∑ 𝑆𝑊𝑟𝑟 )

𝑛 , 0 < ASW < 1 Eq. 5

It assesses the optimal ratio where the intra-cluster distance is minimized and the

inter-cluster distance is maximized.

The visual results obtained by this traditional approach were compared with the results

from the R package pvclust version 2.0.0 (Suzuki and Shimodaira, 2015). This package was

developed to assess statistical significance in the hierarchical setting (Suzuki and

Shimodaira, 2015) by calculating two types of probability values (p-values) for each cluster:

an approximately unbiased (au) p-value, based on a multi-step bootstrap resampling

procedure (Shimodaira, 2004), and a bootstrap probability (bp) p-value, calculated from

ordinary bootstrap resampling (Efron et al., 1996). The p-values are given in percent and

represent the proportion of occurrence of a given cluster when a number of bootstrap

replications (in this case 10 000) are performed. The following null hypothesis was tested at

each node of the dendrogram (Suzuki and Shimodaira, 2015):


H0: the cluster does not exist

H1: the cluster exists

Based on a significance level of 𝛼 = 0.10, a p-value > 90% suggested the rejection of

the null hypothesis. The same distance matrix and the amalgamation rule were used for

10,000 bootstrap replications of the hierarchical clustering.

Non-parametric statistical tests, such as Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Wilcoxon-Mann-

Whitney Rank Sum test with a Bonferroni correction (𝛼 = 0.05), were used to assess statistical

differences of relevant spectral and temporal features between bouts. Kruskal-Wallis test was

used to perform a comparison among all bouts. Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum tests

were used to compare two bouts at a time, if the Kruskal-Wallis test revealed statistical

differences among bouts. The sample of each bout consisted of all calls suitable for reliable

spectral and temporal measurements. The null hypothesis tested for the Kruskal-Wallis test

was the following (Upton and Cook, 2014):

H0: All of the k population distribution functions are identical

H1: At least one of the k populations yields a different distribution function

Where k represents the number of bouts tested. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank

Sum test compared pairs of bouts, following the null hypothesis:

H0: The distributions of the two groups are identical

H1: The distributions of the two groups are not identical



A total of 888 hours of sound recordings (37 days) was visually analysed which

resulted in a total of 30 009 20-Hz calls identified and confirmed (Table II). This included

automatic detections that were positively confirmed in the spectrogram and calls that were

added to complete each bout. Calls that were manually added to the bouts were in the start

and/or end of each bout and were missed by the detector because they showed low

correlation value generally caused by low SNR. Backbeats were recorded in all bouts. Trigger

times of a total of 7 216 backbeats were also stored for future analysis.

Although there were detections in almost every day of the recording period, days with

potentially good bouts showed a seasonal occurrence. The 37 bouts considered in this study

were produced between September 2007 and April 2008, which matches with the period of

highest vocal activity mentioned in Chapter 1. Between May and August 2008 there was no

day with potentially good high quality calls and automatic detections were reduced

considerably. Five bouts (B6, B8, B16, B23 and B34) were omitted from all analysis. Although

they showed a minimum of 250 automatic detections, they did not have enough high quality

calls for them to be included in the measurement analysis (less than 20 calls with correlation

0.75 and SNR 3.0).

After applying all selection criteria and removing the five bouts, a total of 4 170 20-Hz

calls were of high enough quality (SNR 3.0 and correlation values 0.75) to be considered

for acoustic characterization. The median of the spectral and temporal features of the 20-Hz

call (Table II – right) was used to characterize each bout in the hierarchical cluster analysis.

Observing the standard deviation of the spectral features of each bout, the standard deviation

was smaller or around the resolution in time (0.1 seconds) or frequency (0.39 Hz).



Table II – Summary of bouts showing median values and standard deviation of the spectral and temporal features of the 20-Hz fin whale call. Shaded bouts

were not used in the analysis.* represents bouts produced across days. 20-Hz calls with 20-20 and < 20 sec represents the interval between two 20-Hz calls less than 20 seconds.

Call features used in the hierarchical cluster analysis

Bout ID

Month Day OBS Start Finish 20-Hz calls

Backbeats 20-Hz calls with 20-20

and < 20 sec

20-Hz calls used for


Call duration (s)

Starting frequency


Median frequency


Frequency bandwidth


Inter-call interval (20-

20) (s)

B1 September 17/09/2007 3 06:44:33 12:39:37 548 396 215 146 1.47 (0.07) 19.10 (0.11) 20.20 (0.14) 3.10 (0.51) 14.83 (0.28)

B2 21/09/2007 3 06:41:03 21:11:20 1 099 672 449 166 1.42 (0.05) 19.30 (0.13) 20.70 (0.14) 3.40 (0.83) 14.32 (0.50)

B3 22/09/2007* 3 17:36:46 02:41:20 658 424 260 74 1.41 (0.03) 19.10 (0.10) 20.30 (0.16) 3.10 (0.26) 14.44 (0.73)

B4 29/09/2007 3 06:29:52 11:50:00 371 248 147 27 1.41 (0.02) 19.20 (0.12) 20.50 (0.09) 3.20 (0.23) 14.80 (0.73)

B5 October 13/10/2007 12 10:14:00 21:51:25 1 450 371 890 76 1.44 (0.06) 18.70 (0.23) 19.90 (0.27) 3.70 (0.51) 13.08 (0.91)

B6 18/10/2007 1 07:10:36 23:59:49 771 27 582 2 - - - - 12.76 (1.20)

B7 21/10/2007 5 01:44:41 8:55:40 488 158 328 121 1.42 (0.09) 18.80 (0.20) 20.60 (0.23) 4.60 (0.96) 13.23 (0.42)

B8 26/10/2007* 3 22:48:18 01:08:23 381 150 298 18 - - - - 13.57 (1.24)

B9 30/10/2007 5 10:20:15 17:22:21 1 018 146 621 74 1.49 (0.10) 19.10 (0.22) 21.00 (0.26) 4.80 (0.90) 12.49 (0.52)

B10 November 09/11/2007 1 14:01:40 20:22:06 846 59 696 101 1.64 (0.12) 19.20 (0.10) 20.60 (0.22) 5.00 (0.25) 12.94 (0.86)

B11 18/11/2007 13 15:48:04 23:04:51 1 235 56 1002 49 1.42 (0.03) 19.10 (0.09) 21.10 (0.18) 5.80 (0.42) 13.41 (0.68)

B12 20/11/2007 4 20:28:59 23:56:37 694 48 595 102 1.45 (0.21) 19.10 (0.66) 20.80 (0.26) 5.10 (1.46) 12.69 (0.40)

B13 27/11/2007 6 05:13:36 22:39:44 1 291 453 1011 446 1.58 (0.13) 19.20 (0.21) 20.80 (0.23) 4.90 (1.26) 13.00 (0.36)

B14 29/11/2007* 19 16:09:43 18:56:18 1 639 174 1090 24 1.53 (0.06) 19.20 (0.14) 20.70 (0.31) 4.45 (0.23) 13.21 (0.57)

B15 December 05/12/2007 19 03:21:09 14:39:45 1 027 832 549 263 1.63 (0.20) 19.20 (0.19) 20.70 (0.22) 4.30 (0.42) 13.22 (0.39)

B16 09/12/2007 24 14:59:56 17:12:20 215 130 136 5 - - - - 14.82 (1.13)

B17 18/12/2007* 5 16:53:36 05:21:58 2 155 69 1660 417 1.49 (0.13) 18.90 (0.25) 20.70 (0.24) 4.90 (0.87) 12.94 (0.78)

B18 21/12/2007 4 00:00:13 09:40:56 929 227 697 146 1.52 (0.17) 18.40 (0.36) 20.15 (0.37) 4.70 (0.59) 13.15 (1.01)

B19 25/12/2007* 16 19:09:24 00:34:35 743 77 461 188 1.51 (0.16) 18.80 (0.12) 20.30 (0.29) 6.00 (0.77) 13.30 (0.57)

B20 January 04/01/2008 4 03:24:58 22:02:30 737 79 548 331 1.52 (0.18) 18.80 (0.19) 20.50 (0.21) 4.90 (0.42) 13.08 (0.53)

B21 07/01/2008* 16 20:54:59 01:01:20 296 150 348 106 1.50 (0.17) 18.80 (0.09) 20.20 (0.21) 4.70 (0.87) 13.32 (0.60)

B22 09/01/2008 12 00:05:45 04:28:06 454 205 298 104 1.59 (0.10) 18.50 (0.10) 19.80 (0.10) 4.00 (0.27) 12.97 (0.25)

B23 23/01/2008* 9 17:19:44 02:07:47 949 154 583 12 - - - - 13.33 (0.94)

B24 31/01/2008 9 02:50:05 09:18:11 947 233 701 37 1.52 (0.22) 18.30 (0.28) 19.80 (0.19) 4.60 (0.45) 13.22 (0.90)



11/02/2008 13 01:21:34 09:44:46 970 153 639 93 1.52 (0.09) 18.90 (0.10) 21.30 (0.17) 6.40 (0.58) 13.38 (0.35) B26 16/02/2008 5 00:10:11 04:35:16 337 49 283 30 1.41 (0.07) 18.70 (0.13) 20.60 (0.13) 5.05 (0.43) 13.42 (0.54) B27 22/02/2008* 1 23:56:52 06:19:20 880 249 624 52 1.71 (0.10) 19.00 (0.18) 20.00 (0.10) 3.75 (0.38) 13.51 (0.81) B28 26/02/2008 12 03:00:18 13:05:37 1 335 166 895 53 1.40 (0.05) 18.60 (0.08) 20.10 (0.16) 4.80 (0.30) 13.14 (0.74)


Table II – Summary of bouts showing median values and standard deviation of the spectral and temporal features of the 20-Hz fin whale call (continuation).

Shaded bouts were not used in the analysis.* represents bouts produced across days. 20-Hz calls with 20-20 and < 20 sec represents the interval between two 20-Hz calls less

than 20 seconds.

Bout ID

Month Day OBS Start Finish 20-Hz calls

Backbeats 20-Hz calls with 20-20

and < 20 sec

20-Hz calls used for


Call duration (s)

Starting frequency


Median frequency


Frequency bandwidth


Inter-call interval (20-

20) (s)

B29 March 01/03/2008 19 05:33:07 10:24:41 546 147 463 131 1.51 (0.09) 19.10 (0.12) 20.90 (0.19) 4.80 (0.26) 13.54 (0.63)

B30 03/03/2008 20 04:28:52 18:02:38 819 280 585 95 1.44 (0.05) 18.80 (0.09) 20.40 (0.14) 5.20 (0.30) 13.47 (0.71)

B31 07/03/2008 12 17:36:22 19:09:16 262 72 173 77 1.51 (0.07) 18.50 (0.10) 19.70 (0.10) 4.10 (0.28) 13.27 (0.16)

B32 10/03/2008 20 16:44:10 19:42:06 443 86 289 173 1.41 (0.03) 18.90 (0.09) 20.60 (0.12) 5.40 (0.20) 13.26 (0.24)

B33 12/03/2008 20 00:40:28 05:17:49 458 157 404 131 1.38 (0.04) 18.70 (0.11) 20.30 (0.16) 4.80 (0.37) 13.39 (0.36)

B34 April

09/04/2008 5 16:18:51 21:37:26 764 9 471 8 - - - - 13.57 (0.39)

B35 15/04/2008 17 02:46:21 07:33:22 804 156 769 262 1.43 (0.08) 18.90 (0.22) 20.80 (0.21) 4.60 (0.35) 13.57 (0.17)

B36 20/04/2008 20 12:16:17 18:50:53 1146 62 915 35 1.40 (0.03) 19.10 (0.18) 21.00 (0.38) 5.20 (0.23) 13.12 (0.43)

B37 21/04/2008 12 20:37:41 22:34:56 304 95 328 40 1.47 (0.07) 18.80 (0.10) 20.10 (0.08) 3.95 (0.31) 13.47 (0.33)

TOTAL - - - - 30,009 7 216 21 034 4 215 - - - - -


Table III – Summary statistics of the spectral and temporal features of the 20-Hz call with all bouts

pooled together. All bouts except B6, B8, B16, B23 and B34 were used (n = 4 170). STD refers to

standard deviation.


















Minimum 1.38 18.3 19.7 3.1 12.49

Maximum 1.71 19.3 21.3 6.4 14.83

Delta 0.33 1.0 1.6 3.3 2.3

Average 1.49 18.9 20.5 4.6 13.4

Median 1.48 18.9 20.6 4.8 13.3

STD 0.08 0.26 0.40 0.78 0.52

Pairwise correlation tests with all high quality calls of each bout did not reveal

significant correlation between spectral call features, as all correlation coefficients were below

0.75 (Table IV). Therefore, all spectral call features were maintained in the hierarchical cluster


Table IV – Pairwise correlation tests using all good calls from the fin whale bouts.

Call duration











Call duration (seconds) 1.00 0.01 -0.04 0.23

Median frequency (Hz) 1.00 0.52 0.30

Starting frequency (Hz) 1.00 -0.22

Frequency bandwidth (Hz) 1.00

Figure 5 shows the resulting dendrogram from the traditional hierarchical cluster

analysis. The height of the dendrogram represents the distance between clusters in which

larger distances are more conservative. The larger height of the dendrogram, 2.26, divided

the bouts into two main clusters. The average silhouette width of 0.54 corroborated these two

main clusters (Fig. 6). At smaller heights of the dendrogram, bouts could also be grouped into

3 (height of 1.65) or 4 (height of 1.31) clusters. However, the average silhouette width of 0.42

for a structure with 3 or 4 clusters was smaller than the one with 2 clusters. Therefore, the

division of the bouts into two clusters was preferred.


Figure 5. Dendrogram of fin whale bouts calculated using Euclidean distance and average linkage

method. Red and green lines represent the two clusters validated by the average silhouette width.

Figure 6. Silhouette plot for a 2-cluster solution for the fin whale bouts dataset. Values on the left

represent the bout number. On the right side the values correspond to the identity of the cluster (1

and 2), the number of bouts and the silhouette width of each cluster.


The dendrogram that resulted from bootstrap sampling showed the same two main

clusters (Fig. 7). The p-values (p>90%) for node 18 (Fig. 7, first left) indicated the existence

of the same cluster of 4 bouts. The approximately unbiased (au) p-value showed that these

4 bouts were clustered in 100% of the occasions. The second cluster indicated by the node

30 showed lower p-values. The unbiased bootstrapping allocated the bouts in this second

cluster 83% of the cases.

Figure 7. Dendrogram of fin whale bouts calculated using euclidean distance and average linkage

method for 10 000 bootstrap replications. Red values represent the approximately unbiased (au) p-

value and green numbers represent the bootstrap probability (bp) p-value. The gray numbers

represent the node number.

Clustering analysis does not allow the researcher to determine which are the

significant spectral/temporal measurements that might be contributing to the clustering,

therefore further analysis was required An exploratory data analysis of the spectral and

temporal features showed that inter-call interval (Fig. 8a) and frequency bandwidth (Fig. 8b)

could be discriminatory features between bouts. Box-plots of the remaining spectral features

are found in Appendix I. Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests showed statistical differences in

relation to the inter-call intervals (H = 1725.5, df = 31, p-value << 0.05) and frequency

bandwidths (H = 2407.4, df = 31, p-value << 0.05) between bouts. Regarding the inter-call

intervals, the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests revealed that bouts 1-4 were statistically different

from the rest of the bouts (p-values < 0.05, see annex II for all results). Bout B1 also showed


statistical differences between B2, but it was statistically similar to B3 and B4. Bouts B2, B3

and B4 did not show any statistical differences among them. Concerning the statistical

comparison in relation to the frequency bandwidth between bouts, B1, B3 and B4 showed

statistical differences between all the remaining bouts, even B2. Bout B2 was only statistically

similar to B5.

Figure 8. Box-plots of the inter-call interval (left) and frequency bandwidth (right) between bouts.

Bouts 6, 8, 16, 23 and 34 were not included.

Figure 9 shows a sample of the “higher quality” bouts from each cluster. Bouts from

cluster 1 were recorded only in September 2007 while bouts from cluster 2 were recorded

during October 2007 – April 2008. Although this may seem to suggest seasonality in some of

the characteristics of the bouts (inter-call interval and frequency bandwidth) it is important to

note that there was one day where the two patterns were observed simultaneously (Fig. 10).


Figure 9. Spectrograms showing 5 minutes of the best fin whale bouts of each cluster identified in the

hierarchical analysis. Top: cluster 1 (longer ICI, smaller FBW), recorded on 17/09/2007 at 08:37:20;

Bottom: cluster 2 (shorter ICI, larger FBW), recorded on 21/12/2007 at 04:13:00. Spectrogram

parameters: Frame size – 256 samples, 95% overlap, Hanning window, equalized.

Figure 10. Spectrogram showing several minutes when two whales with distinct call features

attributed to each cluster were calling at the same time. White arrows indicate the whale associated

with cluster 2. The whales were recorded on 21/10/2007 around 01:00:00. Frame size – 256 samples,

95% overlap, Hanning window, equalized.

The hierarchical cluster analysis divided the bouts into two clusters of inter-call

interval. Bouts with intervals around 14 seconds were grouped in cluster 1 and bouts with

intervals about 13 seconds were grouped in cluster 2. A search in the whole dataset for the

two types of inter-call interval was performed: intervals associated with cluster 1 (between 14

and 15 seconds) and intervals related with cluster 2 (between 12.5 and 13.5 seconds). The

intervals had to occur in at least 5 consecutive detections in order to count one record of the

presence of that interval. Because backbeats were produced in the middle of 20-Hz calls, an

interval with double the time was also accepted (30 seconds for group 1 and 27 seconds for

group 2). The count of the occurrence of series of at least 10 inter-call intervals was also


performed, in order to have a more conservative occurrence pattern. This conservative

approach was helpful because detections featuring in this analysis were not manually verified.

Therefore, this second and more refined search may have eliminated false detections that

may have been included in the 5-detection rule. The search results revealed different

occurrence patterns for each inter-call interval (Fig. 11 and 12). Series of 20-Hz calls with

longer inter-call intervals showed a more stable occurrence after its peak while calls with

shorter inter-call intervals showed a more pronounced seasonal pattern. The longer inter-call

intervals occurred mostly in September 2007 (Fig. 11). The shorter inter-call intervals

occurred mostly between November 2007 and January 2008 (Fig. 12).

Figure 11. Distribution of the occurrence of series of 5 or more detections with intervals between 14

and 15 seconds, observed in cluster 1.

Figure 12 – Distribution of the occurrence of series of 5 or more detections with intervals between

12.5 and 13.5 seconds, associated with cluster 2.








9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8









+10 +5







9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8









+10 +5

Number of consecutive intervals

Number of consecutive intervals



Two clusters with different sets of acoustic characteristics of fin whales were identified

in a subsample of the OBS recordings and they were distinguished by their inter-call interval

and frequency bandwidth: a cluster showed a longer inter-call interval and shorter frequency

bandwidth (cluster 1) and the other presented a shorter inter-call interval and a longer

frequency bandwidth (cluster 2). Cluster 1 consisted of bouts manually verified in recordings

of September 2007 and cluster 2 had bouts produced between October 2007 and February

2008 that were manually verified.

4.5.1. Occurrence of spectral and temporal call characteristics

The bouts grouped in cluster 1 were recorded during a 12 day period and could have

been produced by a single animal that stayed close to OBS03 during that time. A bout with

characteristics attributed to cluster 1 was also recorded and manually verified in 21st October

2007 while at the same time a bout from cluster 2 was being produced by another whale in

the same area. Only the cluster 2 bout was formally analysed because of the established set

of rules. An automatic search through the dataset of all automatic detections of the two types

of intervals was undertaken without any post visual confirmation. The results revealed that

two intervals were not temporally separated and the longer interval occurred also after

September 2007. After the peak in September 2007, the longer interval occurred mostly

between October 2007 and April 2008.

The call characteristic with the highest level of variance was the frequency bandwidth,

with some bouts showing a standard deviation higher than 1 Hz (B12, B13). Ocean-acoustic

interference, such as the Lloyd’s Mirror effect, has been shown to cause accentuated

changes in the frequency bandwidth and the median frequency of strong 20-Hz calls within a

bout (Pereira et al., 2016). The SNR and correlation threshold used in the sampling process

prevented the selection of a high number of interference-altered calls. There was no variation

of the frequency bandwidth across bouts from cluster 1 that was related to the Lloyd’s Mirror

effect. However, the variance in the two bouts from cluster 2 (B12, B13) could be related with

the Lloyd’s Mirror Effect, as some of the calls showed changes in their time/frequency



4.5.2. Comparisons with other studies

The study of this Chapter found two similar clusters to the ones identified by Castellote

et al. (2011). Both studies show the use of frequency bandwidth and inter-call interval to

identify two different sets of acoustic characteristics in fin whales. In this chapter, cluster 1

was characterized by an interval around 14 seconds and a frequency bandwidth around 3

Hz. These values were close to those Castellote et al. (2011) assigned to “Mediterranean” fin

whales; an interval close to 15 seconds and a frequency bandwidth of 5 Hz. Cluster 2 showed

a longer inter-call interval and a larger frequency bandwidth than cluster 1; the interval was

around 13 seconds the frequency bandwidth was close to 5 Hz. Castellote et al. (2011)

recorded in the North Atlantic Ocean an inter-call interval of 12-13 seconds and a frequency

bandwidth of 6 Hz. Although the frequency bandwidth of cluster 2 was smaller than the

bandwidth recorded for the North Atlantic Ocean in Castellote et al. (2011), the inter-call

interval was very close.

The differences between the study in this chapter and Castellote et al. (2011) do

needed to be considered further. In addition to the variability of the data, the different values

found for the North Atlantic Ocean could also be related to unreported details in the

computation process, such as differences in the window size used to measure the features.

However, the same trends were found in both studies: one cluster showed a longer inter-call

interval and a smaller frequency bandwidth while the other showed a shorter inter-call interval

and a larger frequency bandwidth. Some studies indicate intra-annual (Oleson et al., 2014)

and inter-annual (Morano et al., 2012) differences in the inter-call interval. This could

complicate its use as the main discriminatory feature of acoustic groups and its comparison

between areas. Some of the data used in Castellote et al. (2011) were recorded in the same

time period as this study. The recordings used in Castellote et al. (2011) in the Azores and

Alboran basin were obtained between August 2007 and May 2008. This study used data

recorded between September 2007 and August 2008. Therefore, although there were

possible differences in the measurements of the 20-Hz call, inter-annual variability was

potentially the same and the results could be comparable.

4.5.3. Implications of the existence of two dialects

The two clusters of acoustic characteristics further confirmed the existence of dialects

that reflect acoustic differences between fin whales from the Mediterranean Sea and the

North Atlantic Ocean, which is in line with the results found by Castellote et al. (2011). The


results of this study suggested that some individuals of the Mediterranean subdivision

crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the North Atlantic Ocean. Because only male fin

whales are believed to produce bouts of calls (Croll et al., 2002), this movement could only

be attributed to males.

Cluster 1 was recorded in several months of the study, mostly between September

2007 and April 2008. However, the manual verification of the spectral and temporal

characteristics was only done for detections obtained in September by OBS03, one of the

most northern instruments and one of the most distant from the Strait of Gibraltar (Chapter 2,

Fig. 1). One of the horizontal components of OBS03 was not working and therefore it was not

possible to obtain estimates of locations or track direction. Considering the timing of the

acoustic presence, it was possible that individuals of cluster 1 were potentially travelling

towards a breeding area, possibly close to the African coast. Some authors suggest that areas

close to the African coast might serve as potential breeding areas for Mediterranean fin

whales (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2003).

The border used for management purposes of fin whales from the North Atlantic

Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is the Strait of Gibraltar (e.g. IWC, 2007; Panigada and

Notarbartolo di Sciara, 2012). In Castellote et al. (2011), the dialect of the Mediterranean fin

whales did not go that far and it was only recorded in the interior waters of this sea (Castellote

et al., 2011). This study confirmed the overlap between the two dialects observed in Castellote

et al. (2011) and showed that the range of the Mediterranean dialect extends up to the

southwest of Portugal. Future management actions should account for the growing evidence

of overlap between fin whales from the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

4.5.3. Final considerations and future work

In this Chapter, there were missed calls either because of the performance of the

detector or because they were filtered by the set of rules established to obtain a high quality

sample of calls for each bout. It was assumed that detectability of calls with the two different

acoustic characteristics was the same (they were produced with the similar source levels),

but there was no verification of this. Different detection probabilities could impact the results

of the seasonality analysis but not the identification of the two acoustic groups.

The automatic detection was performed using a master template obtained from a 20-

Hz call of the North Atlantic dialect. In addition, the kernel used in the spectrogram cross-


correlation was also obtained from the average of 20-Hz calls from the North Atlantic dialect.

It could be possible that these templates were not the most suitable for the detection of 20-

Hz calls of the Mediterranean dialect. The decision to subsample the detections based on

SNR and correlation threshold was done assuming that the call characteristics did not vary

as a function of these criteria. If the detection of 20-Hz calls from the Mediterranean dialect

resulted in mostly low correlation thresholds, then most of them would have not been

considered for the subsample. A dedicated automatic search for 20-Hz calls of the

Mediterranean dialect could be be undertaken with appropriate time and frequency templates.

For some months, the number of days considered for the subsample (days with a minimum

number of calls with high correlation threshold and SNR) was reduced considerably from the

list of days that could be used. From the visual inspection of the spectrograms of the

recordings, there was evidence that the structure of the bouts was different between the two

dialects. The dialect of the North Atlantic fin whales showed longer sequences of 20-Hz calls

between backbeats. Further analysis could include a new set of rules that would increase the

subsample and other variables related to bout structure, such as number of backbeats and

diversity index.

The two dialects of fin whales recorded during this study showed spatial and temporal

overlap. However, because the dialect from the Mediterranean fin whales is associated with

resident animals and has not been previously reported in the literature as occurring outside

the Mediterranean, it is important to understand if the results obtained from this acoustic

dataset are consistent over the years. Although there is evidence of interchange between fin

whales from the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, the extent of this is still

debatable. The possibility of the recordings of cluster 1 being from one or few animals from

the Mediterranean Sea should not be discarded.

OBS or other acoustic instruments could be deployed in two areas: 1) the same study

area off southwest Portugal and 2) near the exit of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Alboran

Sea. Acoustic data would be recorded in the same year and between the months of

September and March, when the vocal activity is the highest. This task would provide further

confirmation about the overlap and range of the two dialects. During the time of recording,

satellite tags could also be attached to a number of fin whales in order to better understand

the movements of the calling whales. Location estimates of the calling whales recorded in the

acoustic instruments could be obtained from different types of location techniques, depending

on the spacing of the instruments. A matching between the acoustic data and satellite

telemetry could give insights about the migration routes Mediterranean and North Atlantic fin

whales use and the area where breeding activities could occur. Biopsies of the tagged whales


would provide data to assess acoustic divergence with genetic differentiation between the

Mediterranean and North Atlantic fin whales.




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ANNEX I – Boxplots of the spectral characteristics of the 20-Hz fin

whale call

Figure 1 – Box-plots of the spectral features of each bout: a) Starting frequency; b) Median frequency;

c) Call duration.



ANNEX II – Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test

Table I – Results of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test in regards to frequency bandwidth. Bouts were compared two at a time.


Table II – Results of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test in regards to inter-call interval. Bouts were compared two at a time.


Chapter 5




The effective conservation and management of wildlife, either by the assessment of

the importance of an area or the status of a stock, involve the acquisition of some measure of

the number of animals. By obtaining this measure over a period of time it is possible to assess

trends in the stock, i.e., if the stock is stable or if there should be concern in some geographical

areas. When the stock is small, a complete census can be possible but, in general, it is not

possible to count the absolute number of animals of a stock. A simple approach to estimate

animal abundance is to survey plots randomly placed within a study area and count all the

animals in the selected plots (Buckland et al., 2001). The density estimate, ��, number of

animals per unit area, is given by the number of animals counted divided by the total area

surveyed (sum of the surveyed plots). The animal abundance estimate in the study area, ��,

can be obtained by multiplying this estimated density by the area of the larger study region

(Buckland et al., 2001).

The count of animals usually involves observing the number of animals or some kind

of ‘trapping’ method (either physically or by using animal markings to re-identify individuals).

In some cases, animal cues (for example the blow of a whale at the surface, animal droppings

and several types of acoustic signals produced by animals, such as song units, echolocation

clicks, and several other types of calls) might be easier to detect instead of the animals

themselves. As long as the cue rate, average number of cues produced per individual animal

over a defined period of time, is known, cue abundance and/or density can be transformed

into animal abundance/density. In the ocean, visual surveys are affected by different factors

such as number of daylight hours, sea state, conspicuity of the animals and observer

experience. Alternatively, acoustic signals of cetaceans are being used to understand their

distribution and also to give abundance estimates (e.g. Marques et al., 2009, 2011). Passive

acoustic monitoring (PAM), which consists of obtaining acoustic data by an instrument that

passively records and does not produce any sounds itself, has been the main approach to

obtain acoustic data for cetacean studies (Mellinger et al., 2007). PAM is not restricted to


daylight, is less weather dependent and it works even when animals spend large portions of

time underwater (while they are vocalizing) (Marques et al., 2013).

One of the most common methods to estimate animal abundance is distance sampling

(Buckland et al., 2001). A general description will be given next, but more information about

specific details of surveys and methods can be found in Buckland et al. (2001). Marques et

al. (2013) provides an overview of using passive acoustic monitoring and various methods,

including distance sampling, to obtain animal abundance.

One form of distance sampling is line transect sampling, where line transects are

placed randomly throughout the study area and are traversed by an observation platform,

which can be a ship, an aircraft or an autonomous vehicle, such as an ocean glider. In the

case of point transect sampling, another form of distance sampling, the observer, human or

recording instrument, stay at a fixed point for a period of time. In both surveying situations, all

animals or cues are recorded along with their perpendicular distance, for lines, or radial

distance, for points, from the transect. When recording instruments are being used, it may be

possible to estimate distances afterwards with location methods (Mellinger et al., 2007). The

probability of detecting an animal or a cue decreases with distance, as close animals/cues

are likely to be detected with certainty and further away animals/cues will be harder to detect.

Because only a proportion of animals/cues are detected, a probability of detection needs to

be estimated, which is used to correct the number of detected animals/cues for those

animals/cues that are missed during the survey. In distance sampling, the distribution of

distances acquired during a survey is used to estimate an average probability of detection

that is then used to estimate animal density. In the case of acoustic cue sampling, two other

parameters are needed to estimate animal abundance: false positive proportion, c, and cue

rate, r. When detections of the cues are made with 100% certainty that the sound is from the

species of interest, then the false positive proportion will be zero i.e., c = 0. However, most

passive acoustic monitoring relies on automated methods to detect animal sounds. The false

positive proportion is obtained by manually verifying a sample of detections and counting the

number of detections that are not the sound of interest (Marques et al., 2009). The cue rate

is more difficult to obtain. The ideal approach is to obtain a cue rate from the study area and

during the time period when the main study is being conducted. From a representative sample

of animals, individual animals are followed, either visually or by deploying an animal-borne

tag. During a period of time the animal being followed is recorded with a separately deployed

recording system, or via the tag. Every cue of interest produced by the focal animal is recorded

(Marques et al., 2009). The alternative approach is to use a cue rate estimate from published

work elsewhere (e.g. Kusel et al., 2011). However, this approach will likely produce a biased


density/abundance estimate if the cue rate is not representative of that stock and/or period of


Fin whales were extensively hunted during the 19th and 20th centuries and the

numbers of the global population decreased considerably (Reilly et al., 2013). As a result, the

IUCN attributed a global conservation status of ‘Endangered’ to fin whales. The IWC divides

fin whales in the North Atlantic into 7 stocks (Donovan, 1991): Nova Scotia; Newfoundland-

Labrador; West Greenland; East Greenland-Iceland; North Norway; West Norway-Faeroe

Islands; British Isles-Spain-Portugal. The estimate for the British Isles-Spain-Portugal is 17

355 animals (CV = 0.27) obtained in 1989 (Buckland et al., 1992). No recent abundance

estimates are available. The conservation status of fin whales around Europe is considered

“Near Threatened”, although there are still no recent quantitative data that could support this

(IUCN 2007). Historical data show that fin whales were an abundant species and were

observed throughout the year in the south of the Iberian Peninsula (Sanpera and Aguilar,

1992). During the 1920s, hunting activities in the south of the Iberian Peninsula resulted in

the removal of 7 000 fin whales from the area (Reilly et al., 2013). Although hunting activities

ceased in 1986 after the IWC moratorium, based on past and present sightings data, it seems

that the numbers of fin whales in the area are still small, compared to the past abundance

(Clapham et al., 2008).

In Portugal, fin whales have a national conservation status of “Endangered” but there

are no data that support this, other than the global assessment (Queiroz et al., 2006). In the

Azores and Madeira archipelagos fin whales are seen throughout the year, but are more

common during spring and summer, probably as they travel to their northern feeding grounds

(Silva et al., 2013; Queiroz et al., 2006). Off continental Portugal, sightings are sparser

because of fin whale pelagic occurrence and the logistics of studying this species. Fin whales

prefer pelagic waters and the large extension of the continental shelf off mainland Portugal

makes it difficult to conduct surveys in preferred fin whale habitat. The south of continental

Portugal is a strategic area to study the interactions between fin whales from the North Atlantic

population and fin whales from the Mediterranean subgroup. The latter group is considered a

subdivision of the British Isles-Spain-Portugal stock and is classified as “Vulnerable” by the

IUCN (Panigada and Notarbartolo di Sciara, 2012). Because movements between the North

Atlantic and the Mediterranean fin whales seem seasonal (Geijer et al., 2016), it is possible

that in some periods of time the abundance of whales off the south coast of Portugal could

be higher. However, without a baseline abundance it is not possible to assess this trend.


OBS deployed off southwest Portugal recorded data to study potential earthquake and

tsunami sources (NEAREST project, see Chapter 2) as well as fin whale acoustic data during

11 months of monitoring. The fin whale acoustic dataset of the NEAREST project was used

in multiple studies that involved the detection, classification, location of fin whale calls (Matias

and Harris, 2015) and the use of estimated ranges in animal abundance estimates using

distance sampling (Harris et al., 2013). Both works were part of a larger project, the Cheap

DECAF: Density Estimation for Cetaceans from Acoustic Fixed Sensors Using Separate,

Non-Linked Devices, conducted between 2011 and 2014 that aimed to demonstrate the utility

of using separate non-linked recording instruments to monitor cetacean density (Harris et al.,

2014). During the project one of the tasks was to use multiple covariate distance sampling

(adding variables to the detection function model that could potentially affect detectability) to

investigate spatial and temporal patterns in density of fin whales off southwest Portugal during

the 11 months of recording of the NEAREST project.

The initial distance sampling analysis with the OBS data from the NEAREST project

included in the Cheap DECAF project was undertaken by Harris et al. (2013). In this study, a

day of the fin whale acoustic dataset of the NEAREST project was used to: 1) demonstrate

the potential of the single station method in estimating ranges to fin whale calls and 2) use

the estimated ranges of detected fin whale calls to obtain an average probability of detection,

using distance sampling analysis. Multi-covariate distance sampling using depth as a

covariate was then conducted and a spatio-temporal model of fin whale call densities was

developed. Other tasks of the Cheap DECAF project included the development of a density

estimation method that used the total energy present in the fin whale frequency band as the

statistic upon which a density estimate was made (Mellinger, 2014). Matias and Harris (2015)

also improved the accuracy of the estimated ranges obtained by the single station method,

but their adjustments were not used in the distance sampling analyses included in the Cheap

DECAF project.

The aim of this chapter was to obtain an estimate of the average density and

abundance of fin whales over 11 months, between September 2007 and August 2008, off

southwest Portugal. In this analysis, the estimated ranges by the single station method were

improved by the adjustments developed by Matias and Harris (2015), which was described in

Chapter 3. Prior to the distance sampling analysis, there was an initial assessment of the

suitability of two datasets developed in Chapter 3. One of the main assumptions of distance

sampling, which are described in more detail in the methods, is that cues (when using cue-

counting) produced at or near the recording transect are detected with certainty (Buckland et

al., 2001). Although there are several approaches to overcome this issue (Buckland et al.,

2001), in this thesis efforts were made to maximize the detection of those calls. Therefore,


two datasets with different approaches to retain close calls generated from the detection

process and classification scheme (Chapter 3) were tested in the distance sampling analysis.

The dataset with the best fitting of a detection probability model (assessed from visual

inspection and goodness of fit tests, described in the Methods) was the one used to produce

the final distance sampling results in this chapter. In summary, the steps involved in animal

abundance estimation using passive acoustic monitoring with distance sampling are: 1)

detecting acoustic signals of the animal of interest, n; 2) estimating distances of the

detections; 3) estimating an average probability of detection, ��, with the estimated distances;

4) estimating a false positive rate of detections to correct the number of detections, ��; 5)

obtaining a production rate of the acoustic signal identified that transforms the acoustic signal

density estimates into animal density estimates, ��; 6) transforming animal density estimates

�� into animal abundance estimates ��, by dividing �� by a study area A specified by the



5.2.1. Acoustic dataset

A set of 24 OBS was deployed off southwest Portugal, between September 2007 and

August 2008 (Fig. 1, Chapter 2). Although their main task was to obtain data to study local

seismicity, they also recorded fin whale sounds. Instrument characteristics and deployment

details were described in Chapter 2. The 20-Hz fin whale call was detected in an automated

approach using a modified cross-correlation equation with a waveform template. The full

description of the detection process was given in Chapter 2. Ranges for detected calls were

estimated with the single-station method, which was described in Chapter 3. This method is

a well-known location method in seismology and it only requires data from a single instrument,

as long as the three-components of the seismometer are working. In addition, this method

only works well in an area that is defined by a critical range, which in turn is a function of the

depth of the recording instrument. Beyond this critical range, the estimated ranges are

unreliable. A classification scheme with two stages (also described in Chapter 3) that removed

most false positives (stage 1 of classification) of the detection process and filtered out

detections outside the critical range of the single-station method (stage 2 of classification)

was applied. This classification scheme included a parameter crucial to select calls closer to

the instrument, called the coherency factor (Co). Matias and Harris (2015) showed that very

close calls to the recording instruments had negative coherence. However, calls outside the


critical range also showed negative values of coherence. In Matias and Harris (2015), there

were other parameters that helped filter out detections outside the critical range with negative

coherence. However, the analysis presented in Chapter 3 showed that the application of such

parameters was not so straightforward. Therefore, the classification scheme defined in

Chapter 3 relied only on two simple parameters that showed the expected trends with

distance: i) the correlation value between the detected signal and the template (C.Max) and;

ii) the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Higher values of both parameters were observed at closer

distances and decreased with distance. From the results shown in Chapter 3, both parameters

were useful in removing false positives and identifying detections that were potentially

produced outside the critical range of the single station.

Two datasets were generated from the detection process and classification scheme,

each dealing with the coherency parameter differently. The first dataset consisted of

detections with correlation values equal or above 0.6, SNR equal or above 2.0 and all values

of coherence. The estimated distances in this dataset ranged from 7 m to 4.185 km. The

second dataset included detections with negative coherence that were only accepted if they

showed a level of correlation equal or above 0.8 and a SNR equal or above 2.0. Detections

with positive coherence were accepted at a correlation threshold of 0.6 and SNR of 2.0. The

estimated distances in the second dataset ranged from 7 m to 2.137 km when Co<0,

C.Max0.8 and SNR2 and from 169 m to 4.185 km when Co0, C.Max0.6 and SNR2.

More details about both datasets can be found in Chapter 3. Both datasets were analysed

using distance sampling.

5.2.2. Distance sampling method

A point transect cue counting analysis was conducted in order to obtain a density of

fin whale calls throughout the study period (Buckland et al., 2001). The cues used in this

analysis were the 20-Hz fin whale calls detected in Chapter 2 and classified in Chapter 3 and

the estimated distances were obtained with the single-station method, also described in

Chapter 3. Fin whale density was calculated with

�� =𝑛(1 − ��)

𝑘𝜋𝑤2𝑃��𝑇𝑘�� Eq. 1

where ^ denote an estimated quantity and:

n = number of detected cues

�� = proportion of false positive detections


k = number of point transects sampled

w = right truncation distance

𝑃�� = average probability of detection

𝑇𝑘 = time monitored in the k points

�� = cue rate

There are five main assumptions needed for distance sampling analysis to work

(Buckland et al., 2001, 2015):

1. Cues made on or near the point must be detected with certainty (g(0) = 1, in which g(r)

represents the detection probability, which is described below). This implies that all calls

made directly above each OBS must be detected. In this thesis, close calls were

characterized by having a negative coherency factor and results from Chapter 3

suggested they were also characterized by having high values of correlation (C.Max).

Both datasets were obtained with classification parameters that minimize the possibility

of missing close calls with negative coherency (see Chapter 3). However, there are

different approaches to address the violation of this assumption, either by using mark-

recapture methods to estimate g(0) (Laake and Borchers, 2004) or left-truncating the data

to a distance at which detection is believed to be certain or by fitting a detection function

only to data beyond that distance and extrapolating back to distance zero (Buckland et

al., 2001).

2. Distances to cues are measured accurately. Matias and Harris (2015) showed that the

single-station method provides accurate estimates of distances. In the dataset used by

Matias and Harris (2015), in which the true locations of the signals were compared with

the range estimates obtained with the single station method, the average error in

estimated distance was 273 m but at distances smaller than 3 km from the OBS the error

in estimated distance was less than 50 m.

3. Cues are detected at their initial location, prior to any movement in response to the

observer. This assumption is always valid when using cues because cues are produced

at an instant in time and, therefore, cannot be subject to movement.

4. Detections of cues are independent from one another. Fin whales generally produce 20-

Hz calls in sequences that in turn form bouts which can last for hours. Therefore, because

calls from the same bout are detected, this assumption will be violated. Both datasets


have large sample sizes with several bouts and also distance sampling is robust to

dependent detections (Marques et al., 2013).

5. Animals/cues are distributed independently of the transects. It is assumed that, on

average, animals are distributed according to a triangular distribution with respect to

distance from the point so that the distribution of distances 𝜋(𝑟) = 2𝑟 𝑤2⁄ . This is a key

assumption as this distribution is used in the estimation of the detection function. Using

a survey design where points are placed in the study area randomly ensures that this

assumption is met. The deployment of the OBS was independent from the distribution of

the fin whales in the study area which meant they were placed randomly in regards to fin

whale distribution.

5.2.3. Parameters for fin whale density estimation

Each parameter needed to calculate fin whale density is described below:

𝒏 – number of detected cues:

In this Chapter, the 20-Hz fin whale call was chosen as the main cue. The detection

process of this signal was presented in Chapter 2. The estimate of the distances and further

classification was presented in Chapter 3. Distances of the detected cues were obtained for

the 11 OBS that had all of the three-components of the seismometer working, which meant

these instruments were the only ones that could provide estimates of the location of the

detected acoustic signals with the single-station method (localizing OBS) (see Chapter 3).

Two datasets of distances were created, which were described above and in Chapter 3.

�� – proportion of false positive detections:

A false positive was considered an instance where an automated detection of a 20-

Hz fin whale call was registered but it was caused by another signal instead. The false positive

proportion is incorporated in Eq. 1 by multiplying the number of detections by (1-ĉ), the

proportion of true positives. This correction scales down n, if false detections occurred. It was

not possible to visually check if all detections registered were true positives or not and

therefore the proportion of true positives was estimated from a sample. A systematic random

subsample was determined in order to visually check at least 100 detections per month (Table

I). For months where the number of detections was smaller than 100 (April-August, 2008), all

detections were visually checked. In months with relatively large sample sizes (October-

December 2007 and January-February 2008), every 30th sample was checked, with a random

starting point between 1 and 30. For other months, every 5th (March-April 2008) or every 4th


(September 2007) detection was checked, with a random starting point between 1 and 4 or

5. The visually checked sample of the true positives across the months represented ~3.8% of

the data.

Table I – False positive sample and results from the manual inspection of the detections selected for

the assessment of the proportion of false positives. Total detections are the results from the automated

process from Chapter 2 with C.Max0.6, SNR2 and all Co values for the localizing OBS. False positive

sample is the systematic random subsample described in the text above. False positives were

detections that were not from 20-Hz fin whale calls and true positives were detections positively

confirmed as 20-Hz fin whale calls.

Month Total detections False positive sample (𝒏𝑭𝑷) False positive True positive

1 33 469 1 116 5 1 111

2 7 073 236 3 233

3 960 192 9 183

4 544 109 4 105

5 10 10 9 1

6 33 33 33 0

7 18 18 18 0

8 3 3 3 0

9 454 114 1 113

10 3 625 121 1 120

11 14 556 485 2 483

12 28 070 936 1 935

TOTAL 88 815 3 373 89 3 284

𝒌 – number of points sampled:

The number of detections resulted from the recordings of 11 OBS (identified hereafter

referred to as the “localizing OBS”).

𝒘 – Right-truncation distance:

In some cases, detections with large distances are difficult to model and extra effort in

the fitting process may increase the variance in density estimates (Buckland et al., 2004). The

truncation of data removes outliers and facilitates modelling of the data. The shortest critical

range of the instruments, 3.455 km for OBS04, was chosen as the truncation distance. t.

Therefore, distances larger than 3.455 km were not considered in the analysis. The covered

area around each OBS was πw2 = 37.50 km2.

𝑷�� – average probability of detection:

This is the probability of detecting a cue given that it is produced within the truncation

distance 𝑤. In order to estimate the average probability of detection, a detection function is


fitted to the recorded distances of the automated detections, 𝑔(𝑟) (Eq. 2), which represents

the probability of detecting a cue given that the animal which produced it is at a distance 𝑟

from the instrument.

𝑃�� = ∫ 𝑔(𝑟)𝜋(𝑟)𝑑𝑟𝑤


Eq. 2

Where π(r) is the distribution of distances to all cues, detected or not from the point,

already mentioned above (Buckland et al., 2015). A set of possible candidate parametric

models for 𝑔(𝑟) were tested (known as key functions) and series of expansion terms were

also added for additional flexibility. The R package Distance version 0.9.7 (Miller, 2017) was

used to fit these models to the data. Conceptually, the model 𝑔(𝑟) is given by the general


𝑔(𝑟) = 𝑘𝑒𝑦(𝑟)[1 + 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠(𝑟)] Eq. 4

Where key(r) gives the basic model shape and can include one of the following forms:

half-normal, hazard-rate or negative exponential model (Fig. 1). The detection function

models can have parameters that define their scale, 𝜎, and shape, β. The scale parameter 𝜎

affects how quickly the probability of detection falls with distance from the line or point

(Buckland et al., 2015). Because the detection of the cues remains certain for small distances

from the point, it is expected that the detection function shows a ‘shoulder’ near the point,

which is given by the scale parameter (Buckland et al., 2001). The shape parameter β

provides more flexibility to the model (Buckland et al., 2015). The uniform and negative

exponential key models have no parameters. The half-normal model has a scale parameter.

The hazard-rate model has both shape and scale parameters. Each of the parameters are

unknown and are estimated from the distance data of the detections using maximum

likelihood methods (Buckland et al., 2001).


Figure 1. Plots of the key functions available in Distance. Left plot: uniform model (dashed line); half-

normal model σ = 1 (solid line); negative exponential model with σ = 1 (dotted line). Right plot: hazard-

rate model with σ = 1 and β = 2 (solid line), β = 3 (dashed line) and β = 5 (dotted line). In each case,

truncation distance w = 2.5. The three hazard rate models show a ‘shoulder’ of the detection function

that extends to a distance of 0.5 for the solid model and to a distance ~0.8 for the dotted model. In:

Buckland et al. (2015). Distance sampling: methods and application (Springer International Publishing,

Cham, Switzerland). Copyright by Springer International Publishing.

The expansion series of Eq. 4 is given by the general form:

𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠(𝑟) = 𝛼1 × 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚1 + 𝛼2 × 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚2 +⋯+ 𝛼𝑛 × 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑛 Eq. 5

Where each term can be one of the following series adjustment: cosine, simple

polynomials and Hermite polynomials (Buckland et al., 2015). The 𝛼𝑛 terms are parameters

that are estimated.

In this analysis, half-normal and hazard rate detection functions were used as key

functions, with only cosine series expansion terms considered to improve model fit. The

maximum number of series expansion terms allowed in the model selection process was

manually set to 1 to avoid improbable fits (e.g. non decreasing detection functions at distances

further from the point). For each expansion term, an additional parameter is estimated.

Additional covariates were included in the model because they were believed to

influence the detection process (Marques et al., 2007). The covariates with potential influence

in the detectability of a cue were: season (Table II), instrument depth and ambient noise.

Temporal variation in detection probability was considered at a seasonal level rather than at

a monthly level, because some months showed small detection numbers. Instrument depth

was added because it was expected that detectability of a cue would be linked to OBS depth


because the critical range of each OBS is determined by depth of the instrument. Covariates

are included in the model by altering the scale parameter 𝜎 of the key function (Marques et

al., 2007):

𝜎(𝑦) = exp (𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑍1 + 𝛽2𝑍2 +⋯+ 𝛽𝑞𝑍𝑞) Eq. 6

where β values indicate the intercept (β0) and the slopes of each level of the covariate.

Z values are indicator values, i.e., they take values 0-1 to indicate which level of the covariate

is being considered.

The inclusion of covariates in the detection function model is not required for distance

sampling to work, but their inclusion can potentially result in an improvement of the model fit

and thus in more efficient estimates of abundance (Buckland et al., 2004).

Table II – Temporal limits of each season for the study period. The beginning of each season

corresponds to their equinoxes (astronomical seasons). In:

Season Start Finish

Spring 20th March 20th June

Summer 21st June 22nd September

Autumn 23th September 20th December

Winter 21st December 19th March

The choice of the best fitted model was based on the minimum Akaike Information

Criterion (AIC), which provides a relative measure of fit. The absolute goodness of fit of the

models was assessed by visually inspecting the fit of the models to the data and the quantile-

quantile (Q-Q) plot. Points lining up on a 1:1 line on the Q-Q- plot suggest a good fit. The

results of the Komogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises tests were also considered. The

null hypothesis of those tests was that the fitted model is the true model (Buckland et al.,

2004). If p-value < 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected.

𝑻𝒌 – time monitored:

Summation of the time periods in each of the k instruments.

�� – cue rate:

Average number of cues per unit time that converts cue density into animal density. A

20-Hz call production rate was determined from Stimpert et al. (2015). The aim of the study


by Stimpert et al. (2015) was to describe the swimming behaviour and social context

corresponding with calling in individually tagged fin whales in the summer and fall in the

Southern California Bight. Fin whales were tagged between 2010 and 2013 as part of the

Southern California Behavioural Response Study (SOCAL BRS) that aimed to investigate the

effects of Navy sonar on cetaceans (Southall et al., 2012). Periods of time (during and after)

when some of the tagged animals were exposed to controlled exposures of simulated Navy

sonar were excluded from the analysis, so that only natural behaviour data were analysed

(although the authors could not rule out that behaviour may have been influenced by tag

deployment, tag attachment, or presence of research vessels during the experiment).

Deployment duration and number of calls recorded were reported for 18 digital acoustic

recording tag (DTAGs, Johnson and Tyack, 2003) records. Ten animals were tagged with a

version of the DTAG (v3) that enables calls from the tagged animal to be identified from other

calls made by non-tagged conspecifics (Table III). It is crucial when estimating call production

rate that only calls from the focal animal are included in the analysis, so the other 8 animals

tagged with v2 DTAGs were omitted from the analysis.

Table III – Amount of data collected for each tagged whale (in hours and number of calls identified)

excluding periods during or after experimental sound exposure, but including silent control trials. No

tags contained calls that only occurred during and/or after an experimental exposure period. Whale ID

indicates species (‘bp’), year (‘10’), Julian day of deployment (‘236’), and the number deployment within

that day (‘a’). Tag type indicates DTAG version 2 or version 3 (version 3 included the faster sampling

accelerometer sensors). In Stimpert et al., 2015, Sound production and associated behavior of tagged

fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Southern California Bight," Animal Biotelemetry 3, 23.

Copyright by BioMed Central Ltd.


5.2.4. Variance of the density estimates

The variance of the density estimate (Eq. 1) can be approximated by the delta method

(Seber, 1982) assuming that the random components of the density estimator are


𝑣𝑎��(��) = 𝐷2[𝐶𝑉2(𝑛) + 𝐶𝑉2(𝑃��) + 𝐶𝑉2(��) + 𝐶𝑉2(��)] Eq. 7

where the CV denotes the coefficient of variation of the estimate, i.e., the standard

error of the estimate divided by the estimate.

The variance of 𝑛, also known as the encounter rate, was obtained as the empirical

variance of the number of detected calls per unit time by each OBS. Variance in the detection

probability 𝑃�� was calculated using the inverse of the information matrix resulting from the

maximum likelihood estimation of the detection function parameters (Buckland et al., 2015).

Variance in the false positive proportion was calculated using a binomial variance with a finite

population correction (Upton and Cook, 2016).

The estimate is defined as a success which is that a detected call is correctly a 20-Hz

fin whale call. The probability of success is defined by 𝑝𝑐 and the variance is given by:

𝑣𝑎𝑟(𝑐) = 𝑛𝐹𝑃𝑝(1 − 𝑝𝑐) Eq. 8

Where 𝑛𝐹𝑃 is the number of detected cues used in the false positive sample (Table I),

pc is the probability of a detection being a true positive.

The finite population correction:

𝐹𝑃𝐶 = 𝑣𝑎𝑟(��)

𝑛𝐹𝑃(1 −


) Eq. 9

Where NFP is the total number of detected cues, also used in Eq. 1

The standard error of the false proportion using the finite population correction is given




𝑝 Eq. 10

Having obtained �� and 𝑣𝑎��(��) and assuming that �� is log-normally distributed, a

100(1 − 2𝛼)% confidence interval is given by (Buckland et al., 2001)

(�� 𝐶⁄ , �� ⋅ 𝐶) Eq. 11


𝐶 = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 [𝑧𝛼 ⋅ √𝑣𝑎��(𝑙𝑛��)] Eq. 12


𝑣𝑎��(𝑙𝑛��) = 𝑙𝑛 [1 +𝑣𝑎��(��)

��2] Eq. 13

The 𝑧𝛼 is the upper 𝛼 point of the N(0,1) distribution. For a 95% confidence interval

𝑧𝛼 = 𝑧0.025 = 1.96.

5.2.5. Fin whale abundance in the study area ��

The study area A was defined as an area that surrounded the OBS, which was 62 601

km2 (Fig. 2). The number of fin whales in this study area is given by Eq. 14


Figure 2. Study area defined for fin whale density purposes.

�� = �� × 𝐴 Eq. 14

where �� is the fin whale density calculated using Eq. 1.


5.3.1. Number of detections

During the 74 880 hours of monitoring time in the 11 localizing OBS, there was a total

of 47 856 automatic detections with correlation values equal or above 0.6, SNR equal or

above 2.0 with all values of coherence (dataset 1). The second dataset consisted of 33 404

detections with an SNR threshold of 2.0, and varying correlation thresholds depending on

coherency: detections with negative coherence and a correlation threshold of 0.8 and

detections with positive coherence and a correlation threshold of 0.6. Dataset 2 was defined

in order to avoid false range estimates close to the instruments. Both datasets were presented

in Chapter 3. After right truncation, dataset 1 had a total of 47 764 detections and an average

encounter rate of 0.64 calls per hour (standard error, SE=0.13) with a CV of 20.98%. After


truncation, dataset 2 consisted of 33 312 detections with an average encounter rate of 0.44

calls per hour (SE=0.10) with a CV of 21.77%. Dataset 1 (Table IV) was the preferred one to

continue with further analysis because it showed a better fit of the detection function, as shown

later in the detection probability section (Section 5.3.2).

Table IV – Summary of acoustic data used in distance sampling analysis. Number of calls after

truncation of data at 3.455 km are shown inside parenthesis.







(h) No. Of calls




OBS 04 1.993 14-09-2007 25-06-2008 6864 6 655(6 655) 0.97

OBS 06 2.956 14-02-2008 20-07-2008 3792 288(288) 0.08

OBS 10 2.067 10-09-2007 29-06-2008 7056 10 933(10 933) 1.55

OBS 12 4.860 10-09-2007 20-07-2008 7560 1 240(1 153) 0.16

OBS 14 4.212 10-09-2007 20-07-2008 7560 7 455(7 455) 0.99

OBS 16 2.069 10-09-2007 07-07-2008 7248 4 579(4 579) 0.63

OBS 18 4.605 10-09-2007 17-07-2008 7488 5 197(5 196) 0.69

OBS 19 4.287 10-09-2007 17-07-2008 7488 5 901(5 899) 0.79

OBS 20 3.449 10-09-2007 12-07-2008 7368 2 927(2 927) 0.40

OBS 24 2.439 29-11-2007 11-08-2008 6168 487(487) 0.08

OBS 25 3.234 24-11-2007 11-08-2008 6288 2 194(2 192) 0.35

Three covariates were considered to affect detectability of fin whale calls: season,

OBS depth and ambient noise. Figures 3-5 indicates that there is some effect of these

covariates on the distances at which detections were recorded. In general, deeper OBS

recorded detections at larger estimated ranges (Fig. 3), which is related with their larger

critical range (see Chapter 3).

There was also a seasonal effect on the number of recorded detections and their

estimated ranges (Fig. 4): there was an increase during autumn, which peaked in winter, and

then there was a decrease during spring and summer. As expected, with increasing levels of

noise, there was a small number of detected calls and shorter estimated ranges (Fig. 5).


Figure 3. Exploratory data analysis for the effects on distance of OBS depth. Dashed lines indicate the

fit of a simple linear model (𝑦 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽𝑖𝑋𝑖 + 𝜀𝑖) through the data in order to assess any general trends.

Distance is the dependent variable, y, 𝛽0 is the intercept, i.e. distance at the origin, 𝛽𝑖 is the slope of

each variable and 𝜀𝑖 represents the error terms.

Figure 4. Exploratory data analysis for the effects on distance of season. Dashed lines indicate the fit

of a simple linear model (similar to Fig. 3) through the data in order to assess any general trends.


Figure 5. Exploratory data analysis for the effects on distance of ambient noise. Dashed lines indicate

the fit of a simple linear model (similar to Fig. 3) through the data in order to assess any general


5.3.2. Detection probability

An initial fit of a half-normal and a hazard-rate detection functions with no adjustments,

no covariates and a truncation distance of 3.455 km was undertaken for dataset 1 (Fig. 6) and

dataset 2 (Fig. 8). Dataset 1 showed a better fit of the probability density function plots when

using the half-normal model, which was also confirmed by the quantile-quantile plots (Figure

7). The goodness of fit tests had a p-value<0.05 for both models of dataset 1 (Table V),

suggesting that there was strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis. For dataset 2, the p-

value for Komogorov-Smirnov tests were p-value<0.05 and for Cramer-von Mises tests were

p-value>0.05 (Table VI). However, such goodness of fit tests are sensitive to large datasets

and so can suggest a bad model fit, even when the fit is adequate (Buckland et al., 2015).

Based on visual inspection of the detection function fit to the distance data and the QQ plots,

further analysis was undertaken with dataset 1.


Figure 6. Fit of the half-normal (left) and a hazard-rate (right) detection functions to the dataset 1 (n =

47 764) with a truncation distance of 3.455 km: estimated probability density function (PDF) of

detected distances superimposed over the histogram of estimates of distances for detections of

dataset 1.

Figure 7. Quantile-quantile (QQ) plot to assess the goodness of fit of the detection function model for

dataset 1: QQ plot of the half-normal model (left) and QQ plot of the hazard-rate model (right).

Table V – Goodness of fit tests for the half-normal and hazard-rate with null adjustments a truncation

distance of 3.455 km for dataset 1. If p-values<0.05, the null hypothesis (H0: the model tested is the

true model) is rejected.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Cramer-von Mises

Half-normal 1.282e-09 1.118e-06

Hazard-rate 4.741e-80 0.042


Figure 8. Fit of the half-normal (left) and a hazard-rate (right) detection functions to the dataset 2 (n =

33 312) with a truncation distance of 3.455 km: estimated probability density function (PDF) of

detected distances superimposed over the histogram of estimates of distances for detections of

dataset 2.

Figure 9. Quantile-quantile (QQ) plot to assess the goodness of fit of the detection function model for

dataset 2: QQ plot of the half-normal model (left) and QQ plot of the hazard-rate model (right).


Table VI – Goodness of fit tests for the half-normal and hazard-rate with null adjustments a truncation

distance of 3.455 km for dataset 2. If p-values<0.05, the null hypothesis (H0: the model tested is the

true model) is rejected.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Cramer-von Mises

Half-normal 1.764e-170 0.145

Hazard-rate 8.094e-36 0.006

A second stage of the analysis consisted in fitting several detection functions to

dataset 1, with and without covariates (Table VII). Depth of the OBS and season were

important contributors to the detectability, with deeper depths and winter and spring resulting

in an increase in the detection probability (Table VIII). Although the addition of the noise

covariate decreased the Akaike’s Information Criterion, the relationship between detectability

was not the expected: probability of detection was higher with increasing levels of noise

Therefore, a model with only depth and season as covariates was preferred over the ones

with noise as a third covariate, as the relationship between noise and detection probability

required further investigation. In conventional distance sampling (without covariates), series

adjustment terms can improve model fit. However, in the case of multiple-covariate distance

sampling the inclusion of series adjustment terms may lead to implausible fit in the detection

function because there are no monotonicity constraints (improbable increase in the detection

at further distances than expected can occur) (Buckland et al., 2015). Therefore, the preferred

model was a half-normal with no adjustments and with OBS depth and season as covariates.

Visual inspection (Fig. 10) of the model and QQ plot (Fig. 11) confirmed the suitability of the

model. The p-values of the two other goodness of fit tests (Fig. 11) suggest the rejection of

the null hypothesis. As stated in previous results, this could be because the large sample size

does detect small departures from the assumed model (Buckland et al., 2015). The average

probability of detection was estimated to be 0.14 with a CV of 0.5%.


Table VII – Results of the detection fitting process with Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) and

differences between each candidate model AIC and the model with the lowest AIC value. Key functions

are half normal (HN) or hazard-rate (HR). Adjustment terms are cosine (Cos) and - means that no

adjustment term was used. CV is the coefficient of variation of the average probability of detection.

Key Adjustment

terms Covariates


param. AIC AIC 𝑷�� Cv(𝑷��)

HN - - 1 82 456.87 -5 295.55 0.15 0.005

HN cos - 2 82 410.26 -5 248.94 0.16 0.010

HR - - 2 84 835.36 -7 674.03 0.20 0.005

HR cos - 3 82 346.78 -5 185.46 0.14 0.006

HN - Depth, season 5 77 807.93 -6 46.61 0.14 0.005

HN cos Depth, season 6 77 161.32 0 0.17 0.011

HR - Depth, season 6 78 214.32 -1 053 0.20 0.005

HR cos Depth, season 7 78 210.06 -1 048.74 0.19 0.010

HN - Depth, season,noise 6 77 778.19 -616.867 0.14 0.005

HR - Depth, season,noise 7 No fit - - -

Table VIII – Summary of the coefficients estimated for the scale parameter of the selected half-normal

model with the truncation distance of 3.455 km, following Eqn 5. Autumn was considered as the intercept

of the model.

estimate se

(Intercept) -0.119 0.004

depth 0.156 0.003

Spring 0.100 0.036

Summer -0.080 0.103

Winter 0.125 0.006


Figure 10. Estimated distances of detected fin whale calls and the fit of the chosen model (half-normal

with no adjustments with season and depth as covariates and truncation distance of 3.455 km):

detection function (left); probability density function (right).

Figure 11. Quantile-quantile plot to assess the goodness of fit of the chosen detection function model.


5.3.3. True positive rate

The false positive proportion calculated from the subsample shown in Table I was ĉ

0.026. The proportion of true positives was 0.97 with a standard error of 0.15 and a CV of


5.3.4. Cue rate

Cue production rate and its associated standard error were calculated with the number

of calls presented in Stimpert et al. (2015). The v3 DTAGs were deployed between 1.60 and

6.30 hours (Table III). Six tags did not record any calls, while the number of calls produced

by the remaining four tagged whales ranged between 23 and 942. The weighted mean call

production rate using the ten tags was 45.08 (standard error: 22.31) and the CV

was 49.49%.

5.3.5. Density and abundance

Applying Eq. 1, during the study period, there was an overall average density of 0.245

fin whales per 1 000 km2 (CV% = 56.13, 95% CI 0.088-0.68). Assuming that this density

estimate is representative of the area around the OBS (62 601 km2), the estimated average

fin whale abundance for the area was 15 whales (95% CI 5-43). The largest contributor to the

variance of the density estimate was the cue rate (49.49%), followed by the encounter rate

(20.98%) and true positive rate (16.15%) (Table IX). The variance attributed to the detection

function (0.54%) was very small.

Table IX – Summary of the values derived for each parameter needed to estimate density of fin whales

off southwest Portugal and their associated CVs.

Parameter Value %CV

Detected calls n 47 764 20.98

True positive rate (1-ĉ) 0.97 16.15

Right truncation distance w 3.455 -

Estimated probability of detection 𝑃�� 0.136 0.54

Monitoring period (hours) Tk 74 880 -

Average cue rate �� 45.08 49.49

OBS K 11 -



The overall density of fin whales per 1 000 km2, obtained from the area surveyed by

the OBS and during the 11 months of the monitoring period, was 0.245 animals (CV% = 56.13,

95% CI 0.088-0.68). Although Mellinger (2014) provided a spatial density of fin whales in the

same study area and using the same extension of the study period of this thesis’ for the Cheap

DECAF project, the results obtained in this chapter are within the same interval of values

(0.05-0.3 calling whales per 1000 km2). However, Mellinger (2014) only estimated the density

of the calling fin whales and used a different method from the one used in this chapter. By

using a cue rate which considers both vocalizing and non-vocalizing fin whales (there were

tags that did not record any call from the tagged whale, see details below), the density

estimate obtained in this chapter refers to all fin whales from the surveyed area.

Although the OBS provided data to assess fin whale stock status at an abundance

level, there were some considerations that needed to be highlighted and addressed in future


5.4.1. Dataset

For a standard distance sampling analysis, the certainty of probability of detection of

cues at very close ranges to the transects (g(0)=1) is crucial to obtain unbiased density

estimates (Buckland et al., 2001). In the case of using estimated ranges obtained with the

single-station method in distance sampling, special considerations had to be made about

g(0)=1. The use of the single-station method to obtain range estimates of the detections

meant that some assumptions had to be made about whether calls with associated range

estimates were produced inside the critical range of each OBS or not. Calls produced outside

the critical range would produce false range estimates in the dataset. Coherency was

identified as a potentially useful parameter to identify whether or not calls were produced

within the critical range (Matias and Harris, 2015). Positive coherency was indicative of calls

produced inside the critical range but not for calls that were produced at or near the OBS.

Calls produced at close distances to an OBS had negative coherency value but calls produced

outside the critical range had also negative coherency. Removing calls produced outside the

critical range based on coherency meant that close calls would also be removed and g(0)<1.

There are different approaches to take if g(0)=1 is not possible: 1) using mark-

recapture methods to estimate g(0) (Laake and Borchers, 2004) or 2) left-truncating the data

to a distance at which detection is believed to be certain or by fitting a detection function only

to data beyond that distance and extrapolating back to distance zero (Buckland et al., 2001).


In mark–recapture distance sampling methods, the object (animals/cues) is recorded

more than once, i.e. is “captured” and “recaptured”. It is necessary that once the object is

detected for a first time, i.e. it is “captured”, some of its features then allow for a subsequent

detection, i.e. a “recapture”. During a mark–recapture distance sampling trial, two observers

(humans or recording instruments) survey transects and detect each object independently.

The “capture history” of the objects is then used to estimate a probability of detection at g(0)

that can be incorporated in distance sampling analysis (Borchers et al., 2002). A preliminary

analysis of the propagation range of the 20-Hz fin whale calls detected in the hydrophone

recordings showed that it was not possible to identify the same calls across different OBSs

(Pereira et al., 2015). There were detections around the expected time of arrival of the call,

considering a sound velocity in the water column of 1.5 km/s, but from the spectrograms they

could not be confirmed as true positives, i.e., true fin whale calls. Therefore, mark–recapture

distance sampling methods could not be used in this chapter.

Left-truncation can be performed by deciding a specific distance at which detection is

believed to be certain and by fitting a detection function from that point (Buckland et al., 2001).

However, if this point is not well known then there is a possibility of missing the shoulder

(described in the methods) of the detection function and therefore cause a bias in the

estimated average probability of detection. In this chapter, the left truncation distance could

be considered as a turning point where the number of negative coherency detections at

smaller ranges is reduced and thus have less contribution to the distribution of ranges.

Several tests (not shown here) were undertaken in order to identify this turning point for each

OBS with varying correlation thresholds. With this approach each OBS would have its own

left truncation distance. However, the turning point varied with correlation values and it was

not a function of depth, which was unexpected. Therefore, it was not possible to identify a left-

truncation distance, neither a general left-truncation distance nor OBS specific.

In Chapter 3, positive coherency detections revealed a relationship between C.Max

and distance: higher levels of correlation were observed at close estimated ranges and

decreased with distance. This relationship was used to obtain two datasets with different

approaches to retain close calls, and therefore used different levels of correlation depending

on coherency.

In dataset 1, all coherence values were accepted to avoid losing detections very close

to the OBS and maintaining the key assumption of distance sampling of g(0)=1. Because all

levels of coherency were accepted, there was a possibility that detections produced outside

the critical range were maintained in dataset 1. This would result in a higher number of

detections estimated to occur within the critical range of each OBS, likely causing a bias in


the average probability of detection, as well as an inflated encounter rate. However, the

occurrence of such detections was minimized by the high level of correlation threshold


The classification of the dataset 2 was more selective and included two levels of

correlation threshold that depended on the coherence values. The use of a correlation

threshold for positive coherence and another higher correlation threshold for negative

coherence. The results from Chapter 3 showed that levels of correlation C.Max>0.8 for

positive coherency detections were only observed up to 1.8 km. Although the true locations

of the detections used in this thesis are unknown, Matias and Harris (2015) showed that

estimated ranges with positive coherency are accurate. Therefore, the use of C.Max0.8

could potentially minimize the occurrence of ranges produced by detections outside the critical

range. However, the point closer to the recording instrument where coherence changes from

negative to positive is unknown and there was also a possibility that this dataset filtered too

many detections at close ranges. The C.Max0.8 threshold could be too selective and remove

detections with lower correlation values (between 0.6 and 0.8) with negative coherency that

could potentially be produced from close ranges. Choosing dataset 2 over 1 would result in a

decrease of the encounter rate, since fewer detections are being used. Dataset 2 showed

worse results in the goodness-of-fit tests of the fitted detection function and also showed a

higher average probability of detection, which might suggest a possible higher level of bias in

dataset 2.

Therefore, since mark-recapture distance sampling methods could not be applied and

left truncation distances could not be determined, abundance estimation was undertaken with

dataset 1 as it had the most simple classification criteria and a straightforward distance

sampling analysis could be performed.

5.4.2. Effects of covariates

The addition of the three covariates, OBS depth, season and ambient noise decreased

the AIC value of the detection function model. However, the relationship between noise and

detectability was not expected as the resulting model showed a positive scale parameter

(which meant that the probability of detection increased with higher levels of ambient noise).

As a result, a model with only OBS depth and season was preferred for the abundance

analysis presented here, though future work should explore the apparent positive relationship

between ambient noise and detection probability. The positive relationship between detection

and OBS depth was expected, as deeper OBS have larger critical ranges and, therefore,

show a larger range of detection distances. There was also a seasonal relationship in


detectability of the calls, with spring and winter showing the highest values of detectability.

The differences in detectability could be related with different sound source levels or

differences in the acoustic propagation conditions. Future work could include assessing

oceanographic conditions to look at whether changes to sound propagation could be driving

this relationship.

5.4.3. Cue rate and false positive rate

Cue rate had the highest contribution to the variance of the density estimate, with

49.49%. It is recommended that cue rate is estimated during the study period and in the same

study area with a large and random sample of animals (Marques et al., 2013). Cue rates vary

over time and space and some variation could also be dependent on sex or behavioural state.

Obtaining a cue rate concurrently with the acquisition of detections and distances over a large

sample of animals ensures that the cue rate estimate is representative of the study period,

area and animals surveyed. In this chapter, the cue rate was obtained by extracting the

number of calls from a study undertaken in the Southern California Bight during between 2010

and 2013 (Stimpert et al., 2015). A total of 10 fin whales were tagged with a version of DTAG

that enables to identify the calls produced by the tagged animal: 1 whale in autumn of 2012,

1 whale in spring of 2013 and the remaining 8 whales during summer of 2013. The study

provided samples of both vocalizing and non-vocalizing animals as only four tags recorded

calls and six tags did not did not record any calls. Seven years of acoustic data, between

2006 and 2012, in the Southern California Bight, showed that fin whale 20-Hz calls occurred

year-round, with the highest values of occurrence between September and December, with a

peak in November (Širović et al., 2015). It is not clear whether this continuous presence is a

result of a resident population, a rotating migration through the area, or a combination of the

two (Širović et al., 2015).

Fin whale density obtained in this chapter is likely to contain bias caused by an

incorrect cue rate. Cue rate was obtained from a different ocean basin, different population

and different monitoring time. Genetic results (Berubé et al., 1998) and acoustic data (Hatch

and Clark, 2004) show differences among fin whales of the North Atlantic Ocean and the

North Pacific Ocean. In the study area, preliminary monthly call densities obtained during the

Cheap DECAF project showed that there was a clear temporal pattern in call densities, with

a peak in calling in December and January (Harris et al., 2014). This pattern was different

from the one obtained by Širović et al. (2015) for the area of the tagged whales, the Southern

California Bight. In addition, the sample size of the whales that were tagged was very small

(only 10 animals). Nonetheless, there is little information about fin whale calling rate and at


the time of this analysis, Stimpert et al. (2015) was the only study that provided data to obtain

an estimate of the call production rate of the 20-Hz call.

5.4.4. Fin whale occurrence

It is possible that in some areas there were environmental conditions more favourable

to the occurrence of fin whales than others, such as more pelagic waters and higher density

of prey. Although it is assumed that fin whales occurring in this study area might feed at high

latitude areas (Kellogg, 1929), feeding activities have been observed around the Gorringe

Bank (F. Martinho 2015) which is very close the study area. It is possible that some surveyed

areas could had more detections, due to a higher number of calling fin whales occurring in

particular areas. However, the deployment of the OBS was independent from the distribution

of the fin whales in the study area which meant they were placed randomly with regards to fin

whale distribution. A random survey design ensures that the average density/abundance

across the study area should be unbiased, despite possible spatial variation in the distribution

of fin whales within the study area. (Buckland et al., 2015). In distance sampling analysis, the

data are pooled in order to provide an overall density estimate of the surveyed area. The next

step is to produce density surfaces, which do explore the spatial changes in fin whale density

throughout the study area. During the Cheap DECAF project this task was explored with two

approaches: 1) using detections without adjusted ranges and distance sampling (Harris et al.,

2014) and 2) an energy-based detection process of the 20-Hz fin whale call (Mellinger, 2014).

The 20-Hz fin whale call is a fairly simple signal that does not allow for a recognition

at an individual level. It is possible that on some occasions, the same individual was detected

more than once as it travelled through the surveyed area. However, because the

density/abundance estimate was obtained by counting cues, this was not a factor contributing

to possible bias.

5.4.5. Decreasing variance - using non localizing OBS and estimating abundance for

each season

The next immediate task would be to estimate fin whale call density for each season.

In this case, using the cue rate from Stimpert et al. (2015) to transform the cue density into

animal density might produce different levels of bias as the temporal resolution in next

distance sampling analysis would be seasonal. The cue rate obtained Stimpert et al. (2015)

included data from three seasons but mostly calls produced during summer, which is the


season with the lower preliminary call density in the study area (Harris et al., 2014).

Density/abundance estimates produced for the same seasons during which the cue rate was

obtained would show less bias than the other seasons where no cue data was obtained.

The encounter rate had one of the highest contributions to the overall variance of the

density estimate. Adding the detections of the non-localizing OBS should decrease the

variance of the encounter rate. Although it is not possible to estimate distances of detections

made for these OBS, the parameters used to filter detections are available (correlation

threshold using the Z-channel and SNR) and can be used to filter them in the same way as

in the localizing OBS. There were 13 OBS with detections that were not working properly (12

were not working properly during their whole monitoring period and OBS06 did not work

properly during part of its monitoring period) and their detections did not have a distance

estimate. Results from Chapter 3 showed that when coherency was positive there was a

relationship between the correlation value and distance, for the localizing OBS. At closer

ranges the correlation value was high and it decreased with range. It is expected that non-

localizing OBS show similar trends to the localizing-OBS and so it is likely that the detections

remaining after filtering for correlation threshold and SNR occur at similar ranges to those

recorded on the localizing OBS. However, detections used for the distance sampling analysis

showed ranges up to 4.185 km but were truncated at 3.455 km. Therefore, a similar proportion

of calls need to be truncated from the non-localizing OBS. The number of detections for the

non-localizing OBS that are beyond the right-truncation distance can be estimated by

calculating the probability density function (pdf) of the detection function for each OBS and

predicting the number of calls occurring between 3.455 km and the maximum detection

distance (the critical range) for each OBS. Further, the detection function obtained in this

Chapter contained depth as a covariate, so the OBS-specific average probability of detection

(and associated detection function) for each of the non-localizing OBS could be estimated

using the key function equation with the relevant covariates.

Although the abundance estimate obtained in this Chapter could be refined in several

ways as discussed above, it provides an initial value that could be used as a baseline for

future studies. Efforts to make the best use of OBS data for marine mammal studies are being

developed and they will improve the abundance estimate already obtained. Future work will

also assess abundance at a finer temporal scale.




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Chapter 6




The acoustic repertoire of large cetaceans is differentiated at species and population

levels, which can be useful for management purposes (McDonald et al., 2006). Some calls

are highly stereotyped and are produced in repeated sequences, which aids automated sound

detection. Fin whales produce calls between 15 and 142 Hz (Watkins et al., 1987; Hatch and

Clark, 2004), but the most common and best studied call is the “20-Hz call” (Hatch and Clark,

2004). This signal is a ~1 second, downward sweeping tone between 30 and 15 Hz (Watkins

et al., 1987). Usually fin whales produce sequences of 20-Hz calls that are separated by two

types of periods of silence: rests, which can last between 1–20 minutes, and longer gaps,

lasting between 20 minutes and 2 hours (Watkins et al., 1987; Delarue et al., 2009; Soule and

Wilcock, 2013). These sequences form bouts that are separated by periods of silence greater

than 2 hours. Other types of low frequency sounds, such as Backbeats, can be produced

within sequences (Clark et al., 2002). Backbeats are relatively constant in frequency (between

18 and 20-Hz) and last ~0.8 second (Clark et al., 2002). Several studies have found variation

in some temporal (e.g., inter-call interval, call duration) and spectral features of the 20-Hz call

(e.g. frequency bandwidth, median frequency) that seem to reflect geographic differences

(Hatch and Clark, 2004; Delarue et al., 2009; Castellote et al., 2011). However, variability of

call measurements may also be caused by acoustic interference. When a sound source emits

a signal, the pressure waves can travel through both direct and reflected paths (in water,

signals can reflect off both the seafloor and sea surface). Depending on sea state and signal

frequency, the ocean surface can generate a reflected pressure signal with the phase

reversed by 180 degrees. The interference between the direct path and this surface reflected

signal is called the Lloyd’s Mirror effect (hereafter LME) by analogy with optical interference.

This results in alternating signal peaks caused by constructive interference, with signal nulls,

caused by partial or complete cancellation. The LME is more prominent within the interference

field, which is limited by the following ranges (Etter, 2013) that are a function of the source

depth, ZS, receiver depth, ZR, and signal wavelength, λ:


𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 ≈ 2√𝑍𝑠𝑍𝑟 Eq. 1

𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 ≈

4𝜋 ∙ 𝑍𝑆𝑍𝑅𝜆

Eq. 2

For a shallow source (100 meters) and an acoustic sensor at 4 000 m, the lower and

upper ranges estimated by these expressions are 1 250 and 67 000 m, respectively,

considering a 20-Hz monochromatic wave. Since the particle displacement is free at the

ocean surface, the reflected displacement and velocity signal (which are those recorded by

geophones in a seismometer) will have the same polarity as the direct signal, but the pressure

signal recorded by a hydrophone will be phase-reversed. As a consequence, hydrophone and

geophone recordings will show different interference patterns. The seafloor also generates a

reflected signal but we will not consider its effect. Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) record

pressure and particle velocity at a location that is essentially at the seafloor for low

frequencies. Therefore, the effect of the surface reflection is expected to dominate. The

surface reflection will affect the time and frequency structure of signals, thus changing the

expected acoustic signal. This is evident in spectrograms where frequency-dependent

interference patterns can be observed. Although the tendency of the LME to affect

time/frequency measurements of acoustic signals may be detrimental to some analyses, it

can also provide opportunities to obtain data. The LME can be used to provide an estimate of

either source depth or range from a receiver, if an a priori estimate of one of these variables

is available. Using a sample of 20-Hz fin whale calls recorded by one OBS and with estimated

ranges from the receiver, this study aimed to: 1) show and analyse differences of call features

due to the LME; and 2) estimate the depth of the vocalizing whale.


6.2.1. Recording instruments and dataset

Between August 2007 and July 2008, 24 OBSs were deployed southwest of Portugal

to study potential tsunami sources (Fig. 2, Chapter 2). During this time, fin whale calls were

also recorded, which have been the target of various studies (Harris et al., 2013; Matias and

Harris, 2015). Depths of the recording instruments ranged from 1.993 km to 5.100 km. A


description of the deployment, data recorded, and details about the instruments can be found

in Harris et al. (2013).

Only the 20-Hz call type was considered in this study. Bouts of 20-Hz fin whale calls

were viewed as spectrograms that were calculated with TRITON (Wiggins, 2010). During

visual exploratory data analysis of these bouts, high signal-to-noise ratio calls with different

spectral features were. It was hypothesized that these differences could be the result of

surface interference. One bout was selected and analysed in more detail (taken from OBS12,

on November 9th 2007, between 01:00 and 03:00) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Spectrogram showing 01h23m19s of a fin whale bout where spectra consistent with

frequency dependent interference patterns potentially due to LME were pronounced. The complete

bout was produced during 3h20m. Backbeats (signals around 18 Hz) were also observed, but were

not considered for the analysis. Spectrogram parameters: Frame size – 1 024 samples, 95% overlap,

Hanning window, equalized.

6.2.2. Measuring call characteristics

The 20-Hz fin whale calls were identified using a modified normalized cross-correlation

equation with a matched filter of the signal waveform, described in detail in Chapter 2. The

detection routine also included the calculation of spectral cross-correlation, following the

methodology of Mellinger and Clark (2000), described in Chapter 4. A two-dimensional

spectrogram synthetic kernel was constructed based on the sound of interest. One day of the

dataset when there were 20-Hz calls with high signal-to-noise ratio and high waveform cross-

correlation values was selected. The kernel base was derived by summing and averaging the

spectra of these calls. The recorded time series was analysed by its cross-correlation with the

kernel. This produced a recognition function, which represented the likelihood at each point

in time that the sound of interest was present. A threshold was then applied to both the

waveform cross-correlation and the spectra function to obtain discrete detection events, times

when the sound of interest was likely to be present. For each detection, several spectral and


temporal features were computed based on Hatch and Clark (2004), namely frequency

bandwidth, starting frequency, median frequency and signal duration (see Chapter 4 for a full

description of each feature). The variation of these features throughout the bout (including

when the LME pattern was observed) was assessed by calculating derivatives of the

smoothed original data. The resulting derivatives were smoothed again using an average

smoothing method.

6.2.3. LME observations

To better examine the spectral differences between calls, the periods of silence

between calls were extracted and the calls as individual waveform traces side-by-side along

the time axis were plotted (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Individual trace of the waveform of each 20-Hz fin whale call of the bout (displayed vertically)

through time.

A composite spectrogram of the bout without the periods of silence for the vertical

channel (Z-channel) of the OBS was also computed (Fig. 3). Both the plotted waveforms and

spectrogram clearly showed an interference pattern. The 20-Hz calls are highly stereotyped.

Therefore, when they are produced in sequences both the waveforms and the composite

spectrogram show a relatively stable stripe. However, call signals are changed when the

surface-reflected path superimposes with the direct path of the call. This results in visible

curved interference patterns both in the waveforms and spectrograms, which create a

symmetrical “U” shape characteristic of the LME pattern (Hudson, 1983). In order to compare

the observed interference pattern with modelled data curves were manually fitted by eye to

the interference observed in the composite spectrogram. These curves represented the

interpretation of the researcher of the LME pattern. Image dimensions were kept as constant

as possible in order to avoid distortions of the interference patterns.


Figure 3. Composite spectrogram of the fin whale bout without periods of silence. Arrows show the

features that were interpreted as LME interference patterns. Spectrogram parameters: Frame size –

256 samples, 95% overlap, Hanning window, not equalized. Y-axis, frequency (Hz), x-axis, time


The effects of surface reflection on the shape of a 20-Hz call were simulated. For this,

a MATLAB code was developed where two synthetic identical pulses were added with an

increasing delay that could be caused by a variable depth or by a variable distance between

source and receiver. Figure 4 shows the synthetic signals side by side which show a similar

interference pattern to the one in Fig. 2.

Figure 4. Superposition of two synthetic and identical fin whale 20-Hz calls with a decreasing delay,

plotted side by side. Top) General pattern observed in a sequence of calls; Bottom) Zoom in to a

group of calls.

6.2.4. Sound source range estimation

A variety of methods have been used to estimate ranges to vocalizing whales from

OBS data, including the single-station method (SSM) (Harris et al., 2013), multipath-based


techniques (Wilcock, 2012) and time difference of arrival (TDOA) approaches (Dunn and

Hernandez, 2009). Range estimates of each 20-Hz call were obtained considering the

difference between the arrival times of the direct signal and the multipath to the same OBS.

The majority of the calls within the bout considered for this work were close to, or outside of,

the critical range of the SSM (Matias and Harris, 2015) so the SSM was not applicable in this

case. Multipath arrivals in this dataset had very small amplitudes, therefore a methodology to

enhance the signals using the seismic software SPW was developed (Parallel Geoscience,

1999). The main processing steps were: i) Computation of the envelope of the waveforms

using the Hilbert transform. This step transformed the 20-Hz call waveform into a smooth half-

sine curve. ii) Signal filtering to enhance all envelopes with a ~0.8 s duration. iii) Since the

direct path of the several calls of the bout were not perfectly aligned in time, the cross-

correlation between each trace and a “pilot” trace was used to correct the small

misalignments. This is a process identified as “residual statics” in seismic processing jargon.

iv) An amplitude equalization was applied by automatic gain control to facilitate the picking of

the low amplitude multipaths of the 20-Hz calls. The arrival times for the direct path and

multipath were picked as smooth continuous lines across the display (Fig. 5). The time

difference between the direct path and multipath was converted to a range.

Figure 5. Display of the fin whale bout by SPW after computing the trace envelope and applying a

band-pass filter and amplitude equalization. The green trace represents the direct pick times and the

pink trace represents the multipath pick times.

All ranges of the fin whale calls in the sampled data were well inside the range where

LME was predicted to occur and far from the boundaries defined using Eqns. 1 and 2.


6.2.5. LME modelling

Since the fin whale acoustic data used in this chapter had a range estimate for each

individual call, the LME was used to estimate the depth of the vocalizing whale. Considering

a whale that produced sequences of 20-Hz calls near a smooth reflecting sea surface, the

geometry of the LME is given in Fig. 6.

Figure 6. LME geometry with a fin whale as a sound source and the OBS as the receiver instrument.

P(r,Z): Total amplitude of a signal at range r and received at depth Z. R1 represents the direct signal

path and R2 shows the surface-reflected path.

The travel distances of the direct path, R1, and the surface-reflected path, R2, were

calculated using Eq. 3 and 4 (Jensen et al., 2011):

𝑅1 = √𝑟2 + (𝑧𝑅 − 𝑧𝑠)2 Eq. 3

𝑅2 = √𝑟2 + (𝑍𝑅 + 𝑧𝑠)2 Eq. 4

The total signal amplitude was calculated as the sum of the two sound sources. For a

monochromatic wave, this amplitude is given by:


𝑃(𝑟, 𝑍) =


𝑅1+ 𝜇



Eq. 5

Where k is the wave number of a monochromatic wave of wavelength λ (Eq. 6),

𝑘 =



Eq. 6

and 𝛼 is the frequency-dependent attenuation coefficient (Eq.7) (after Brekhovskikh

and Lysanov, 1982):

∝ = 3.3 × 10−3 +


1 + 𝑓2+


4100 + 𝑓2+ 3.0 × 10−4𝑓2 (𝑓 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝐻𝑧) Eq. 7

The symbol µ represents the reflection coefficient at the surface. For pressure signal

and a perfect reflector µ = -1. For particle velocity signal and a perfect reflector µ = 1.

The transmission loss (TL) due to LME as applied to a fin whale call generated close

to the surface and recorded at the seafloor by an OBS was calculated using Eq. 8 and

considering a reference pressure of Pref = 1 µPa:

𝑇𝐿(𝑟, 𝑍) = −20𝑙𝑜𝑔 (


𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓) Eq. 8

For each trial source depth, Eq. 8 was used to compute the TL for all frequencies and

ranges of interest and the resulting synthetic spectrogram was plotted. TL models and figures

were made using a modified version of the MATLAB code presented in Thompson (2009).

The original code modelled TL using a regular range spacing and the altered code used the

range estimates of the 20-Hz fin whale calls of this Chapter. Because fin whale calls have a

limited frequency band, a cosine taper between 18 and 24 Hz was applied to generate

synthetic calls. To make the figures more realistic some random noise was added to the

modelled synthetic calls and the colour scale was adjusted in order to generate an image as

close as possible to the observations. Synthetic transmission loss models were developed for

a sound source (Zs) varying in depth between 10 and 500 m every 10 m. In order to compare

the observed LME pattern with the modelled data, the curves that represented the observed

LME pattern were overlaid on each synthetic spectrogram. Depth of the vocalizing whale was

estimated by a visual assessment of the fit between the modelled data and the observed LME

pattern considering: i) the whole bout; ii) only the most visible part of the interference pattern;


and iii) the most visible part of the interference pattern with altered ranges. For the first

analysis, it assumed that the entire bout was produced at a constant depth and the complete

interference pattern was compared with the modelled data. To examine if the depth estimate

of the first analysis was adequate, then depth was estimated using only the most conspicuous

features of the interference pattern. The use of multipaths to estimate range to the calls

required a large amount of manual data selection i.e., identifying multipath arrivals. Therefore,

the estimated ranges could contain some error. The potential effect of such error on the results

was assessed by both increasing and decreasing the estimated ranges by 500 m and re-

running the restricted analysis.


6.3.1. Analysis of LME changes in call characteristics

During the fin whale bout an LME pattern was interpreted and had three sections

where there was a considerable change in the waveform of the 20-Hz calls: at calls #168,

#260 and #350 (approximately) (Fig. 3). Those sections corresponded to three periods of the

composite spectrogram where the curvatures of the LME pattern occurred: ~150, 300 and

350 seconds (Fig. 3). The smoothed derivative of the call features showed three main areas

of change that coincided with the three sections of the LME pattern (Fig. 7). These areas were

more pronounced in the signal quality related features. The spectral features were more

variable but the smoothed derivative showed an accentuated change in the frequency

bandwidth and median frequency. The large variation of the spectral features at the start and

end of the bout coincided with the largest estimated ranges between the whale and the sensor

and so is likely to be range-related.


Figure 7. Smoothed derivative of the features of the 20-Hz fin whale calls. All features except signal-

to-noise ratio (SNR) and frequency bandwidth (F_bdw) were scaled to fit in the same plot. Top) Signal

quality related features: SNR – Signal-to-noise ratio; Wav_Correlation*10 – Waveform cross-

correlation value multiplied by 10; SIGPOW/10 – Signal power divided by 10; Spec_Correlation*10 –

Spectrogram correlation value multiplied by 10. Bottom) Spectral features: F_bdw – Frequency

bandwidth; Duration*4 – Call duration multiplied by 4; F_Start_18 – Starting frequency, difference to

18 Hz; F_Med_18 – Median frequency, difference to 18 Hz. Vertical red lines represent the areas

where the three curves of the interference pattern occurred. When the original data showed peaks the

derivative is 0. When the curve of the derivative is positive there was an increasing tendency in the

original data. If it is negative then there was a decreasing tendency.

6.3.2. Inference of depth of the vocalizing whale

Even after the signal enhancement and additional processing treatment with the

seismic software SPW, not all multipaths of the calls could be identified. Therefore, further

analysis of the LME was restricted to the individual traces where range could be estimated,

and a new composite spectrogram was created (Fig. 8). Despite removing parts of the bout

(e.g., Fig. 8 at 125 s), there was a clear symmetry in the pattern displayed.


Figure 8. Composite spectrogram of the fin whale bout without 20-Hz calls that had no range estimate.

White curves represent our interpretation of the LME interference pattern fitted by eye. Thick curves

represent our most certain interpretation of the interference pattern. Dashed curve represent

uncertainty in the continuity of the thick curve. Spectrogram parameters: Frame size – 256 samples,

95% overlap, Hanning window, not equalized.

The closest synthetic transmission loss models to the observations were the ones with

a source depth between 330 and 350 m (Fig. 9, right). Models with shallower depths did not

show very prominent interference patterns (Fig. 9, left).


Figure 9. TL models for the LME with a varying source depth with the interference patterns identified in the composite spectrogram of the fin whale calls (white

lines). Left from top to bottom) transmission loss models for source depths of 10, 20 and 30 m respectively; Right from top to bottom) transmission loss

models for source depths of 330, 340 and 350 m respectively.


6.3.3. Depth estimation using part of the bout with the most visible interference

In this second analysis, the depth of the vocalizing whale was estimated at ~40 m (Fig.

10, left). The model with an estimated depth of ~340 m no longer matched the observed lower

curve (Fig. 10, right).

Figure 10. Best visual fit obtained by comparing the most prominent part of the interference pattern

identified in the composite spectrogram of the fin whale calls (thick white line) with a transmission loss

model for the LME with a source depth of 40 m (left) and 340 m (right). The dashed line starting at 23

Hz represented part of the interference pattern that was not considered for this part of the analysis

because of its uncertainty.

The TL models calculated with altered ranges obtained for shallow source depths (up

to 30 m) did not match the observed interference pattern. There were no significant changes

in the interference patterns and the models with depths around 35-45 m retained the best fit

(Fig. 11).





Figure 11. Best visual fit models obtained by comparing the most prominent part of the interference

pattern (thick white lines) with a transmission loss model for the LME with a sound source depth of 35

m (left), 40 m (center) and 45 m (right) and a deviation of 500 m from the original estimated ranges.

The dashed line represented part of the interference pattern that was not considered for this part of

the analysis because of its uncertainty.



An understanding of acoustic propagation of biological signals in the ocean is crucial

for studies of marine mammal sounds that rely on high quality and accurate characterization

of the signals. Some characteristics associated with biological factors might be artefacts of

propagation. For example, Premus and Spiesberger (1996) demonstrated that multipath

propagation could explain the production of the 20-Hz doublets by fin whales in the Gulf of

California. Measurement error might also occur due to interference caused by propagation.

For example, inaccurate estimates of sound source levels have been related with the

occurrence of LME (Charif et al., 2002). Here, accentuated changes in the frequency

bandwidth and median frequency occurred at the same time as curved patterns in the

spectrogram, characteristic of the “U” shape of the LME fringes. These results further

suggested that LME can cause signal change and thus alter signal features that can be used

to investigate spatiotemporal variation in stereotyped marine mammal vocalizations. The

frequency of occurrence and the extent of impact of the LME on studies that characterize

signals of cetaceans remains unknown.

From the initial approach of estimating the depth of the entire bout, a depth of ~340 m

was obtained, which is in agreement with the current knowledge of diving behaviour of fin

whales but not with their vocal activity. Aroyan et al. (2000) argue that the depth at which

baleen whales call is limited by the volume of air required to produce the sound, a volume

which decreases with depth due to increasing hydrostatic pressure. Fin whales can dive up

to 470 m (Panigada et al., 1999) and the deepest dives are typically feeding dives (Goldbogen

et al., 2006). However, vocal activity of fin whales is thought to occur at shallower depths.

Tagged fin whales off Southern California showed that individuals called at depths down to

approximately 15-20 m (Stimpert et al., 2015). Behavioural descriptions from Watkins et al.

(1987) reports depths of ~50 m for vocalizing whales. For the 340 m estimated vocalizing

depth, it was assumed a constant depth for the entire bout, which is likely to be an unrealistic

assumption. When the depth of only the most visible interference pattern was estimated, the

best fit model was the one with depths around 35-45 m, which is in the range of previously

estimated vocalizing depths for fin whales. None of the models supported a depth between

10-30 m.

There were sources of potential bias and uncertainty in these analyses that require

discussion. Firstly, the transmission loss models depended on the estimated ranges of the

calls. All ranges of the fin whale calls in the data used in this Chapter were well inside the

range where LME was predicted to occur and far from the boundaries defined using Eqns 1

and 2. A bias in the estimated ranges could occur because of small processing errors in the


manual part of the methodology. However, the tests with a 500 m deviation in range showed

that TL models did not change significantly. These results suggested that the models may

tolerate some level of measurement error in the range estimates, though a more thorough

investigation is required. Secondly, the interference curves were identified by eye and no

quantitative model fitting routine was implemented to find the model with the best fit to the

observed interference patterns. A more developed analysis with automated identification of

interference curves and model fit, in addition to a review of the transmission loss model,

should be undertaken in order to verify the results about the LME in fin whale calls and its use

to infer the depth of vocalizing whales.



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Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) are designed to locate earthquakes and to study

the earth’s structure (Frank and Ferris, 2011). Depending on the instrument configurations

and recording parameters, some can provide acoustic recordings over long periods of time

and cover large geographical areas. The low sampling rate at which these long-term

instruments record, which can be between 40 and 100 Hz (Havskov and Ottemoller, 2010),

enables them not only to record their target data but also to record low frequency biological

sounds, such as baleen whale sounds (Mellinger et al., 2007). Baleen whales, more

specifically fin and blue whales, are species that have extensive geographic distribution

ranges and occur during some part of the year in pelagic waters (Aguilar, 2002), which makes

them difficult to study with traditional, often ship-based, methods. OBS can provide valuable

information for the study of large cetaceans that would otherwise be difficult to obtain due to

economic and logistic reasons. With the large amount of OBS deployed across the world’s

oceans, there are still many seismological datasets potentially useful for the study of baleen

whales left to explore.

Fin whales have a conservation status of ‘Endangered’ at a worldwide (Reilly et al.,

2013) and Portuguese (Queiroz et al., 2006) level. They were one of the main targets of

modern whaling and some populations were severely depleted by intensive hunting activities

(Clapham and Baker, 2002; Reilly et al., 2013). Although in some areas populations show

signs of recovery, the status of recovery on other populations is still uncertain (Reilly et al.,

2013). One of these cases is the south of the Iberian Peninsula, where fin whales were once

abundant and showed a year-round occurrence (Sanpera and Aguilar, 1992). Recent records

suggest that abundance is still small compared with the relative abundance recorded during

the whaling period between the 19th and 20th centuries (Clapham and Baker, 2002). Therefore,

it is crucial to gather information about fin whale spatial and temporal patterns in order to

better assess its status.

The main goal of this thesis, which was to demonstrate the use of acoustic datasets,

such as seismic datasets, that were not collected for biological studies, to study fin whales,

was fully accomplished. The NEAREST project that aimed to study potential tsunami sources

from a set of 24 OBS deployed off southwest Portugal (Silva et al., 2017), provided data that


were used to study different aspects of fin whale ecology in the study area, during a 11 month


In Chapters 2 and 3, a software program (SEISAN) and location method (the single

station method), which were developed for seismic studies, were useful tools to detect the

main call produced by fin whales, the 20-Hz call and to estimate the ranges to the calling fin

whales. Chapter 4 provided the first results about the acoustic presence of fin whales with 11

months of data off southwest Portugal and showed the occurrence of two different acoustic

groups. In Chapter 5, the work initiated with the Cheap DECAF project regarding fin whale

abundance estimates was further expanded and an animal abundance estimate was obtained

using distance sampling. Chapter 6 showed the use of the pattern caused the Lloyd’s Mirror

Effect, an acoustic interference in the 20-Hz calls, to infer the depth of the calling whale.

The routine implemented in SEISAN to detect fin whale calls, in Chapter 2, had better

performance than the detection process included in the software Ishmael, which is a software

widely used by bioacousticians (Mellinger, 2002). The detector could be adapted depending

on the purpose of the detection results. If, for example the aim of the study is to detect the

presence of a rare species, then the detector should be developed with settings that

maximizes the detection of the signal of that species, even if that meant a high proportion of

false positives. In studies where the aim is to track a calling animal, it may not be necessary

to have the highest proportion of true positives, as long as the direction and the changes of

tracks are being well represented. However, an effort to reduce the proportion of false

positives should be made in order to avoid the potential bias caused by false positives. The

final result of Chapter 2 showed that a balanced detector, which resulted in a high number of

true positive detections (although not the maximum) with the least number of false positives

produced a dataset that was suitable for different types of studies that were developed in the

following chapters. The task included in this thesis which aimed to develop a detection

process of the 20-Hz fin whale call was achieved. One future task would be to evaluate a

routine that identifies sequences of 20-Hz fin whale calls. A routine that classifies earthquake

aftershocks, i.e. a smaller earthquakes that occur after a previous large earthquake, was

modified in order to extract sequences of fin whale calls (Matias, 2015). The detections made

from the detection algorithm were grouped based on the time interval between detections.

Another aspect that needs to be considered and it is not part of the routine yet is the possibility

of simultaneous calling whales. In this case, in addition to the time interval between

detections, the similarity between the amplitude of calls and their spectral parameters could

be helpful. This routine was not included in any part of the analysis of this thesis and only

preliminary tests have been made so far. This routine will provide an automated process that

groups 20-Hz fin whale calls into sequences, which will be very helpful in studies of acoustic


characterization, where sequences are used to evaluate characteristics of the signals, and

studies about animal movement, which is evaluated using extended bouts. Another future

task would be to evaluate other detection techniques to detect backbeats. Backbeats are low

frequency narrow-band signals between 15 to 18 Hz that are almost always produced in

between 20-Hz calls (Watkins, 1981). Although not presented in Chapter 2, a detection routine

based on the matched-filtering technique presented in Chapter 2 for backbeats was also

undertaken. However, because backbeats vary considerably in amplitude, the detection

routine worked less well (low number of true positives with high number of false positives) as

it worked for the 20-Hz fin whale call. The detection process of the backbeat was not

completed and could be included in future work. A detection of backbeats based on energy

sum or spectrogram cross-correlation could be evaluated. After the acquisition of a large

enough sample of backbeats, an assessment of its characteristics, as it was done in Chapter

4 for the 20-Hz call, will be possible.

The single-station method applied in Chapter 3 provided relative locations of the

calling fin whales that formed distinct tracks. The classification scheme developed in that

Chapter was used to decide if: 1) a call was a true positive (detection from the 20-Hz call),

state a, and 2) a detection was produced inside the range where the single-station method

worked correctly (within the critical range), state b. The classification scheme was initiated by

Matias and Harris (2015) and was further assessed in this thesis. However, the classification

scheme needs further work. Although the classification of state a was accomplished, there

were several uncertainties regarding classification state b. The classification scheme

developed by Matias and Harris (2015) was not optimal for the classification of detections of

the representative subsample used in Chapter 3. In Matias and Harris (2015) the sample used

in the analysis was very small and it was not representative of all conditions. Because the

true locations of fin whales in this thesis were unknown, the classification type b was based

on some assumptions of the relationship between cross-correlation (C.Max) and distance

from the instruments. C.Max consisted in the cross-correlation between a template of the

target signal of detection and the waveform of the acoustic recordings. Another parameter

that was crucial for the classification scheme and distance sampling analysis was the

coherency factor (Co). This factor reflects the quality of the angles calculated by the three-

component method, the apparent emergence angle and the instrument-source azimuth

(Roberts et al., 1989). By doing this, it also provides an indication of whether the detections

are inside the critical range or not. Matias and Harris (2015) showed that detections with

positive values of coherency values were inside the critical range of the single station. When

detections showed negative values of coherency, theythey could have been produced very

close or above the OBS or outside the critical range. The point inside the critical range where


negative coherency at close ranges changes to positive is still unknown. Results from Chapter

3 suggested that detections with higher correlation values were potentially produced at close

ranges, while detections with lower values were potentially produced further away. However,

it is worth noting that this relationship was based on detections that showed positive

coherency. A validation study with a sample of detections with known true locations is needed

in order to confirm the relationship between C.Max and distance, and to assess the variation

of coherency inside the critical range. Additional parameters based on the polarization

measurements of the signal evaluate .its linearity. These parameters have been added to the

latest version of the algorithm and their potential in classifying close detections where the

coherency is less useful needs to be evaluated with a representative sample.

Future studies about deciding if a call is inside the critical range of the single station

or not are probably the most necessary because accurate fin whale abundance estimates

based on distance sampling analysis are influenced by the classification scheme applied,

when using the single station method.

The acoustic characterization presented in Chapter 4 showed the presence of two

acoustic groups with characteristics identified by Castellote et al. (2011) as ‘North Atlantic’ fin

whales and ‘Mediterranean’ fin whales. Although there is an increasing amount of evidence

of the division between these two groups (see Chapter 1), the degree of geographical overlap

and interchange between them is still subject of great discussion. The results of Chapter 4

provided results of acoustic presence throughout a year of fin whales off southwest Portugal

and also contributed to the understanding of the acoustic overlap between the two groups

mentioned above. The acoustic presence of ‘Mediterranean’ fin whales was not only extended

from the range already observed, but there was also an extension of the overlap between

these two groups, as on one occasion both groups of acoustic characteristics were recorded

simultaneously. The ‘Mediterranean’ acoustic group was detected with a 20-Hz call template

based on ‘North Atlantic’ characteristics. Future work could include running the detector with

a template from the ‘Mediterranean’ acoustic group in the 11 months of recording in order to

better assess the presence of this group. An analysis of the movements of both groups would

also give crucial information about the spatial patterns of these whales.

Efforts to obtain a fin whale abundance estimate with the NEAREST OBS dataset was

initiated by the Cheap DECAF project (Harris et al., 2014). The final report of the project

focused more on the spatial density and, because a cue rate was not available at the time, it

was not possible to obtain an animal abundance based on distance sampling analysis. At the

time of this thesis, adjustments to the ranges calculated with the single-station had been

developed by Matias and Harris (2015) and a cue rate calculated with the data available in


Stimpert et al. (2015) was also available. The results in Chapter 5 expanded the work of the

Cheap DECAF project by including these two aspects in the distance sampling analysis. An

average fin whale abundance was estimated in Chapter 5 but it is likely to contain bias caused

by different aspects of the analysis, mostly from aspects of the classification scheme and

application of a cue rate from another study site and time periodThe most recent fin whale

abundance estimates were obtained at a European scale and for a particular time of the year

(e.g. SCANS III, Hammond et al., 2017). For projects with such a large scale that aim to

obtain abundance estimates for several species, it is logistically and economically difficult to

obtain data for different seasons and particular groups of a species. Future work would be to

obtain a fin whale abundance for all the seasons of the OBS recordings used in this thesis.

The inclusion of the number of detections of the non-localizing OBS in the abundance

estimates, in order to reduce variance, could also be considered. Results like those presented

in Chapter 5 constitute valuable sources of information for habitat modelling to predict

distribution and critical habitats of a species.

Chapter 6 showed that acoustic interference can cause changes to acoustic signals,

but can also be used to infer the depth of the calling whales. The frequency of the changes

caused by the Lloyd’s Mirror Effect is unknown, but results from Chapter 6 show that it is an

aspect that needs to be considered when characterizing an acoustic signal. This is of special

importance when the characteristics of these signals are being used to assess acoustic

variation that may reflect differences in geographical areas. Future work on this matter could

include a large sample to assess the occurrence of the Lloyd’s Mirror Effect. Furthermore,

automated methods to perform the matching of the transmission loss models with the

spectrograms of the recordings could be undertaken. This task would enable the processing

of more data and would reduce the possible bias caused by the manual processing.

The NEAREST OBS data provided information about the acoustic characteristics and

presence of the fin whale off southwest Portugal. It also provided data that were used to obtain

an abundance estimate of fin whales and to understand their calling behaviour. These aspects

are crucial to evaluate the status of a stock and to assess the importance of a geographical

area to a species. Although some results of this thesis contain potential bias, they provide

novel information about an endangered species that is poorly studied in Portuguese waters.

The large spatial and temporal coverage of OBS and the types of data that can be obtained

by their recordings show that these instruments are valuable tools to the conservation of

cetaceans. This thesis showed how OBS data can be used in different types of studies about

fin whales and provide valuable information for their conservation. This thesis also established


the foundations on which future work can be developed to profit from the opportunistic

recordings of whale vocalizations made by OBS, particularly from sparse networks of




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