introduction to web design and application...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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Web Design and

Application Development

1 A. Al-Tamimi © Lecture 15

Lecture Overview

• Static vs. Dynamic Web Content

• Server Pages Technologies

• ASP.NET Page Lifecycle

• Response and Request Objects

Lecture 15 2 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Static web Content

Lecture 15 3 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Dynamic web Content

Lecture 15 4 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Server Pages Technologies

• Despite the essential similarity, we can categorize

dynamic technology into three broad types:

• Direct output

• Page scripting

• Hybrid

Lecture 15 5 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Direct output: Java Servlet Code

Lecture 15 6 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Page Scripting: PHP/ASP

Lecture 15 7 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Client-based event system

Lecture 15 8 A. Al-Tamimi ©

ASP.NET event system

Lecture 15 9 A. Al-Tamimi ©


• In ASP.NET, postback is the process by which the

browser posts information back to itself

– only server controls postback information to the server

• There are two different event types in ASP.NET: page events and control events

• When a page request is sent to the server, a specific series

of page events is always triggered in a specific order

• Control events are associated with particular

controls and are fired in certain circumstances

Lecture 15 10 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Postback flow

Lecture 15 11 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Page Lifecycle

Lecture 15 12 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Request object

• The Request property of the Page class returns

an HttpRequest object

• This HttpRequest represents the HTTP values

sent by the browser with its request

• It contains members for retrieving query string

or form parameters, cookie data, as well as

information about the requesting browser

Lecture 15 13 A. Al-Tamimi ©

Response Object

• Analogous to the just-covered Request property,

the Response property of the Page class returns

an HttpResponse object

• The HttpResponse class represents the server’s

HTTP response to the current request

Lecture 15 14 A. Al-Tamimi ©


• Core Internet Application Development with ASP.NET

2.0 by Randy Connolly

Lecture 15 A. Al-Tamimi © 15


A. Al-Tamimi © 16 Lecture 15

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