introduction to the spanish & basque culture 2: the spain of autonomies: euskadi &...

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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This course will cover contents about the academical and the daily culture of Spain and the Basque Country. It's a course designed to help the foreigner postgraduate students of the University of Deusto to integrate in the daily life of Bilbao and San Sebastian.


Introduction to Spanish & Basque Culture. Unit 2

Guillermo Gó

This presentation is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution

What will we talk about?

The Spain of Autonomies: Euskadi

& Cataluña

Are Spaniards always sleeping “siestas”?


The Spain of Autonomies

➔ Constitution (1978)➔ 17 autonomous

communities➔ 2 autonomous


The State of Autonomies

➔ Provincial division stablished in 1833 by Javier de Burgos

➔ 50 provinces➔ 2 autonomous cities

Political organization

Congress Senate

Autonomous parliament

Provincial “diputación”

City council

Is Spain a federal state?

Pending reform?

➔ Unequal distribution of competences.

➔ First federal project: Republican Constitution (1873).

➔ Solution for nationalist conflicts?

Euskadi: The Basque Country

Bizkaia: Bilbao / BilboGipuzkoa: San Sebastián / DonostiaAraba: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Bizkaia: 1.150.792Gipuzkoa: 707.891Araba: 320.266

POpulation: 2.178.949 (2012)

Euskadi: The Basque Country

“Estatuto de Gernika” (1979)

The Basque Parliament

Divided between nationalist and constitutionalists

The Basque President

Lehendakari: Iñigo Urkullu Ajuria Enea

Euskadi: The Basque Country

“Las diputaciones”: provincial parliaments

“Estatuto de Gernika” (1979)

COmpetences and taxes

➔ Education (A, B & D models)➔ Health system (Osakidetza)➔ Basque policemen (Ertzaintza)➔ “Concierto económico”

(economic agreement)

The origins of Basque Nationalism

The Old kingdom of Navarra

AD 824 - 1162

Kingdom of Pamplona

1162 - 1789/1841

Kingdom of Navarra

The origins of Basque Nationalism

“Jaungoikoa eta Lagi zarra” (God & Old Laws)

Sabino Arana

(1865-1903)Carlist wars


Euskal Herria

Iparralde (basque area in France):● Lapurdi● Behe Nafarroa● Zuberoa

Hegoalde (basque area in Spain)● Bizkaia● Gipuzkoa● Araba● Nafarroa

From autonomism to independence

Basque Culture

Traditions, folklore & mythology

Video: Aurresku dance

Basque Culture

Traditional sports: pilota, harrijasotzaile & aizkolari

Basque Culture

GastronomyBacalao al pil-pil

PintxosJuan Mari Arzak

Euskera: the language of basques

Dialects (euskalkiak) & standard basque (batua)

Koldo Zuazo (1997)

Euskera: the language of basques

Dialects (euskalkiak) & standard basque (batua)

Basque educative system

Three models: A, B & D

The Basque Conflict

Permanent ceasefire (2011)


Four provinces


President: Artur Mas


Generalitat de Catalunya



November 9th, 2014

Independence referendum

Languages spoken in Spain

Are Spaniards always sleeping “siestas”?


Photographies’ source

All the photos in this presentation are licensed under Creative Commons terms of use.

➔ Comunidades autónomas➔ Siesta➔ Provincias➔ USA➔ Euskadi➔ Parlamento vasco➔ Árbol de Gernika➔ Basque parliament elections➔ Urkullu Lehendakaria➔ Ajuria Enea➔ Escudo Araba➔ Diputación de Bizkaia➔ Escudo Gipuzkoa➔ Ertzaintza’s car➔ Ertzaintza➔ Osakidetza➔ Sabino Arana

Photographies’ source

All the photos in this presentation are licensed under Creative Commons terms of use.

➔ Kingdom of Pamplona➔ Kingdom of Navarra’s flag➔ Kingdom of Navarra➔ Zumalacárregui➔ EAJ-PNV➔ Ikurriña➔ Euskal Herria➔ Ioaldunak➔ Zuberoko Maskarada➔ Eguzkilore➔ Zesta punta➔ Harrijasotzaile➔ Aizkolari➔ Bacalao al pil-pil➔ Pintxo➔ Juan Mari Arzak➔ Euskalkiak

Photographies’ source

All the photos in this presentation are licensed under Creative Commons terms of use.

➔ Euskalkiak➔ Euskal Eskola➔ ETA➔ ETA➔ Euskal Presoak➔ ETA’s crimes➔ Provincias Cataluña➔ Senyera➔ Artur Mas➔ Generalitat de Catalunya➔ Catalunya’s Parliament➔ Referendum 9 Noviembre➔ Languages in Spain➔ Timetable➔ Creative Commons

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