introduction to the nap global network | cop 22

Post on 15-Apr-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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Coordinating Climate-Resilient Development

Introduction Anne HammillNovember 15, 2016

• Established in 2014 with initial financial support from Germany and the US

• Why? Growing importance of NAP processes, need for coordination & learning

• Secretariat IISD

• Steering Committee: Countries & donors

• Management Team:

• Participants from 54 countries

Network Basics

NAP processes = massive coordination efforts across

sectors, scales of governance, different actors

Often taken for granted, under-resourced. How can

we better support coordination?

Bilateral agencies provide 3x more

adaptation-related ODA than multilaterals.

How best to align and leverage this support for

NAP processes?

Network’s niche

Coordination Bilateral supportLearning

Scaling-up and accelerating NAP

processes requires learning.

What works? How to avoid potential problems and

losing time?

Enhance national adaptation planning and action in developing countries by...

Facilitating peer learning and exchange on challenges and opportunities national adaptation planning and implementation

Supporting national-level action on NAP development and implementation

Enhance bilateral support for adaptation, ensuring it aligns with developing country priorities

Aim & objectives

Corresponding activities

Lessons on planning:Drivers for sectoral integration

Lessons on implementation:Diversity of financing sources




• National budget revenue: taxes, non-tax (fees, fines)

• Other fiscal instruments (subsidies, gov’t bonds)

• Bilateral ODA• Multilateral funds: GCF,

GEF, LDCF, SCCF, AF, etc.• Development banks


• Private commercial finance• Microfinance

• Market based• Debt financing: green bonds

• International banks• Foreign direct investment• Philanthropy / foundations• Insurance • Private equity & pension funds

• Public-Private Partnerships• Blended finance

Guidance on key topics

Publications & Knowledge Products

Case examples


Interactive web features

Get involvedJoin online as a Network participant

Let us know your expertise and get updates on our activities, publications, knowledge products

• Apply to host or participate in a peer exchange

• Apply for targeted technical support for the NAP process/ implementation through our Country Support Hub

• Collaborate with us to share info on your support; coordinate with others

• Bring in country offices to encourage partner countries to access Network support

• Participate in Network meetings/activities to learn from other donors and partner countries

Developing Country Participants

Donor Participants


Financial support provided bySecretariat hosted by

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