introduction to search marketing

Post on 19-May-2015






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SES Hong Kong Presentation on introduction to Search Marketing


Introduction to Search Marketing �SES Hong Kong�

Bill Hunt �

Twitter: @billhunt

What Does Search Marketing Offer?

The best opportunity marketers have to engage “intent-driven”

prospects who have self-identified their category, brand and/or

product interest.

Twitter: @billhunt

Typical Search Results �Paid Search

Organic Search

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Typical Search Marketing Steps �•  Increase Inclusion

–  Systematic spidering by Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu etc. –  Link building programs –  Participating in Pay Per Click (SEM) programs –  Optimize Social Media and Video assets

•  Increase Page Ranking & Consideration –  Modifying page attributes and content to ensure page attributes comply with specific

ranking criteria. –  Implement internal protocols to minimize problems –  Paying for specific placement via CPM or highest bids

•  Increase Traffic –  Identifying optimal keywords and implementing keyword based strategies –  Optimize natural search snippets –  Developing effective creative with specific calls to action –  Leverage “co-optimization” to maximize paid and organic search collabortion

Twitter: @billhunt



Identifying keywords and monitoring their performance to maximize your connection to prospective customers.

Twitter: @billhunt

  Think like your customer – What would a prospect use to search for products and services like yours?

  Consider Purchase Cycle – Recognize that individuals use different terminology based on their awareness of what they are seeking.

  Keyword Research Tools – Use free and paid keyword research tools to identify keyword variations

  Current Visitor Search Terms – Review log files to identify keywords that are currently attracting visitors.

  On-site Search Engine Searches – Review the log files of the on-site search engine to see how people search within your site.

Effective Keyword Planning �

Twitter: @billhunt

Keyword Research Tools�


Twitter: @billhunt

Keyword Phrase Segmentation�Group Keywords # of Words Notes

Head Top 20 1-2 Head keywords have a very high search volume, but tend to be generic terms. Typically awareness and branding words

Neck 21-200 2-3 The Neck is typically a “sweet spot” of moderate to high search volume phrases with a higher conversion rate

Body 201-1000 More specific and less predictable

Plural and variations of phrases

Long-Tail 1000+ 2 - 8 Consists of: • Product codes, models, names and SKU data • Misspellings of products and parts • Combinations of products, parts, and other descriptors

Twitter: @billhunt

Develop Content to Satisfy Searcher Needs

How To related searches


Twitter: @billhunt



Making changes to your site to ensure it maximizes the key elements used by search engines to score and ranking pages

Twitter: @billhunt

How Search Engines Work�

1.  Spiders (crawlers, robots) crawl the Web and extract information from each page

2.  Information helps to build an Index –  What the page is about (number of times an important word appears)

–  Where on a page the word appears –  How the word appears (capitalization, punctuation, bolded, etc)

–  Who else links to the page (number of times, and rank, of other pages linking to it)

–  Why they bothered to link (Importance of other pages pointing toward it)

3.  Encodes and stores information

Simple right? Search engines have many hurdles to overcome.

Twitter: @billhunt

How does the Algorithm Work�•  Spam and Inflation Detection

–  Verifying that no unethical tricks are being used –  Verifying that there are not duplicates or redirections

•  Keyword Phrase Inclusion/Content Relevancy –  Does the exact phrase occur on the page –  Location and proximity of keyword and/or keyword phrase –  What is the relationship of the keyword to the content? –  How many other similar or relevant pages on the site are connected

to this page?

•  Internet Relevancy –  How many other sites/pages are linked to this site and page? –  How “relevant” are the pages/sites linking to the page? –  How are the other links references which point to the page?

Twitter: @billhunt

Common SEO Problems �

•  Common infrastructure Problems –  Session ID’s: “?id=12345” –  Redirects: Meta, JavaScript, 302 & 301 –  robots.txt: Provides engines some direction –  Required JavaScript or cookies: Engines cannot read them

•  Coding & Design Problems –  Flash – Engines can’t follow links or read content –  Frames – One page site and orphaned pages –  JavaScript – Engines cannot read or complete –  Complex Tables – Reduces content prominence –  Slow-to-Load Pages – Keep pages < 100k –  Graphical Text – Engines can’t read graphics –  Image Maps – Engines can’t follow

Twitter: @billhunt

Spam, Spam, Spam… �

•  Keyword stuffing: Used to be effective <title>plasma tv, plasma tv, plasma tv</title>

•  Invisible text and tiny text: Keyword rich content that is the same (or almost the same) as the background color

•  Cloaking: Using IP detection to serve one set of (often highly optimized) content to the engines, and another to the searcher

•  Redirects (Meta and JavaScript): Low-Tech cloaking •  CSS Hidden Text: Careful! Any hidden content opens the

door for abuse! History tells us the engines will respond

Twitter: @billhunt


•  On-site optimization refers to all of the things we can do to the Web site itself from the architecture, file names, code, design, and content to enhance the visibility of the Web site in search engines.


Twitter: @billhunt


•  Off-site optimization refers to all of the things we can do to increase the authority of the site by increasing the quantity of contextually relevant, authoritative links from other websites.


Twitter: @billhunt

4 Fundamentals of SEO �


SEO Indexibility

Relevance Authority


Twitter: @billhunt

Indexability �

•  Is the site created in a way to enable the spiders to get into the site and capture all the pages within the site?

•  Eliminate spider traps and barriers to indexing –  Improper redirects –  Incorrect robots coding –  JavaScript and DHTML navigation –  Multiple dynamic variables & Session ID’s –  Session ID’s or cookie restrictions

•  Test how many pages in the indexed –


Twitter: @billhunt

Relevance �

•  Do the on-page elements align with the search industry’s understanding of the algorithm scoring model as represented by accepted best practices?

•  Keyword included on the page?

•  Is keyword included in key elements on page like title and heading?

Twitter: @billhunt

Keyword Placement �

•  Title Tags are the MOST IMPORTANT attribute –  <title> Las Vegas hotel – Mirage </title>

•  Heading Tags - <H1> and <H2> •  Body Copy - Keywords appearing throughout page


•  Anchor Text - The keyword phrase appearing in a hyperlink to your site or within it

•  Alt Attribute - In lieu of keyword rich content, engines will pull a page description from an images alt attribute.

Twitter: @billhunt

Optimal Keyword Locations �

Twitter: @billhunt

Title Tag: Your Secret Weapon�

•  The title tag? Yes -- the <title></title> tag!

•  Every page should have a unique title

•  Title is built around target term for that page –  This will be a two or three word term –  “Keep it short, attractive and enticing. –  Remember, you want people interested

•  Most important phrase as far to the left as possible

•  <title> Hong Kong Hotels – Reservations & Discounts </title>

Twitter: @billhunt

Titles Serve a Dual Purpose �

<title>Routers - Products & Services - Cisco Systems</title>

Twitter: @billhunt

Page Headings �

•  Search engines consider Page Titles and related headings to be important signals.

•  Headings act like a Table of Contents with sections and subsections.

•  Each page should have one main header tag marked as <H1> and may be followed by subdivisions from a <H2> level down to <H6>.

Twitter: @billhunt

Tools – SEO for Firefox �



Twitter: @billhunt

Tools – Web Developer for Firefox �



Twitter: @billhunt

Leverage Webmaster Tools �•  Google Webmaster Tools -

•  Yahoo Site Explorer -

•  Bing Webmaster Center -

Twitter: @billhunt

Authority - Links �

•  Are the links limited in number and do those links use anchor text that is highly relevant to the page being linked to?

•  Do we have links to the page from reputable sites?

•  Do we have links from authoritative sites?

•  Have we created relevance with our site links?

Twitter: @billhunt

5 Tips for Successful Link Building

1.  Build Links Naturally – The engines want to reward sites that people voluntarily link to due to great content.

2.  Get Links from Sites That Give Few – The less links on the referring page the better.

3.  Get Your Keywords into Your Link Text – The engines first indication of the theme of your site is the link text.

4.  Get Links from Relevant Sites – The search engines are looking for thematic hubs, bunches of pages focused on a similar topic.

5.  Go for Deep Links – Your home page is usually about a broad range of topics then your deep pages. Remember, a link is more powerful when it’s on topic.

Twitter: @billhunt

Natural vs. Artificial Links The engines are looking for page and sites that people link to voluntarily.

How do they determine a Natural vs. Artificial link?

Natural Links Artificial Links Inbound links have varied link text Inbound links have identical link text

Increase gradually over time Link count increase rapidly

Site links out to reputable pages Outbound links to link farms

Links are rarely reciprocal High percentage of reciprocal links

Twitter: @billhunt

How Do You Build Links Naturally?

It’s All About Content! Do you have content that is link-worthy?

–  Provide a Useful Tool – Creating a simple, useful online tool for your target audience is one of the best ways to attract links.

–  Provide Educational or Informative Content – These types of pages can be very effective in attracting links.

–  Be the Authority – An effective and relatively easy way to secure inbound links to the site is by writing articles and getting them published to relevant sites by submitting them to article directories.

–  Resources Page - Reciprocal links have lesser SEO value, but can help with relevance.

Twitter: @billhunt

A Closer Look at Links

•  Popularity: 95 Pages linking to this page

•  Authority: 3.9% are quality links (PR>5)

•  Relevance: 74.7% of the links are relevant

Twitter: @billhunt

Authority Cluster - Internal Linking �


Twitter: @billhunt

Link Building Tactics �  Consolidate existing internal link equity

-  Consolidate existing links from old or legacy pages or domains and properly redirect them to the proper page or primary domain

-  Free Management tools: Yahoo! Site Explorer or Google Webmaster Tool

You can choose to see only external links.

You can export the results.

Twitter: @billhunt

Link Building Tactics �  Check and repair any broken links

-  Google Webmaster Tools – if implemented, provides information on “broken” links

Shows you pages that link to the Page Not Found.

Twitter: @billhunt

Social Bookmarking �  ‘Add This’ and ‘Social Marker’ offer more than 30 choices of social

bookmarking sites.

Twitter: @billhunt

Look for Shared Links �

7/10 share links

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Clickability �

•  Is the search result as relevant and engaging as possible to encourage searchers to click on the listing?

•  Have we made the snippet engaging and compelling?

•  Are we engaging the searcher when they land on the page?

Twitter: @billhunt

Twitter: @billhunt

Optimize Search Results �

Due  to  the  flash  problem  with  the  sites,  many  snippits  are  less  than  op5mal  

Search  Phrase:    Ford  SUV  

Search  Phrase:    Ford  truck  fuel  efficiency  

Twitter: @billhunt

SEO Best Practice Key Takeaways �

1.  Keyword phrase in far left of title tag

2.  <H1> heading tag includes primary keyword phrase

3.  Emphasize the primary keyword early in the content and include secondary phrases as you write

4.  Use relevant keywords in the anchor text for all links

5.  Contextually relevant inbound links from quality sites

6.  Consolidate links and pages to form clusters


Twitter: @billhunt



Twitter: @billhunt 43

SEM/PPC Advertising �

•  Keyword Targeted advertising

•  Only pay when clicked

•  Match search term to ad to landing page

Twitter: @billhunt 44

Keyword Match Types�•  Ads are continuously matched to Internet users’ interests based on your

keywords •  Use keyword match types to your advantage

–  Broad Match –  Modified Broad Match (new) –  Phrase Match –  Exact Match –  Negative keyword

•  Ads are placed as buying decisions are made

The Result: Businesses reach their audience at the right time, with the right message

Twitter: @billhunt 45

Broad Match Example �

• For the broad-matched keyword used book •  used book dealer •  buy used books •  used and rare book •  second hand book •  cheap used book

Ad can appear for any of these queries

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What are Negative Keywords? �

Negative Match: -cheap Keyword: used book

•  Prevent ads from appearing on irrelevant search queries

•  Eliminate unwanted impressions

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Paid Search Creative by the Buying Cycle �


Example Keywords:


Business printing

Stages of the Buying Cycle

Interest Consider Purchase

Varieties of Laser printers

Laser printing comparison

HP LaserJet Printer

Example Creative:

Twitter: @billhunt 48

Matching Keywords to Creative �

•  Organize your ad groups based on themes:

•  This will allow you to generate specific creative for each type of product.

•  This will help our system serve your ads appropriately on both our Search & Content Networks.

Wireless Network Bluetooth 802.11b Wireless VoIP Local Area Network

Twitter: @billhunt 49

Develop Ad Groups & Relevant Creative �

Wireless Network Bluetooth 802.11b Wireless VoIP Local Area Network

Twitter: @billhunt 50

Creative Development: What NOT to do �

•  Avoid Slogans –  “It’s better with the Butterfly”

•  Avoid Questions –  “Need Enterprise Software?”

•  Avoid text that doesn’t get to the point –  “We offer enterprise solutions for many types of needs.”

•  Don’t mislead users or exaggerate –  Don’t mention “10 Free White Papers” if only 3 are available –  Don’t say “Download Now” if users have to register and wait 24 hrs for access

Twitter: @billhunt 51

Dynamic Keyword Insertion�

Wireless Network Bluetooth 802.11b Wireless VoIP Local Area Network

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New York Advertising

Location in ad text can increase performance

•  Attracts attention of local users

•  Non-local users will not click on ad

Advertise by Location�

Twitter: @billhunt 53

Inter-capitalize Display URL�

Inter-capitalizing your display URL may make your ad stand out more and lead to better clickthrough rates

Twitter: @billhunt 54

Use multiple ads to test messages and see which on works best

Including Multiple Ads �

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Managing Budget & Costs �–  No minimum spend –  You choose your own maximum daily spending limit (daily budget) –  Choose how much you want to spend per click for every keyword –  Conversion tracking = real-time return-on-investment data

Twitter: @billhunt 56

Paid Search Quality Score �

•  Quality Score = •  Keyword CTR •  + ad text relevance •  + historical keyword performance •  + landing page quality •  + other relevancy factors

•  Landing Page Quality Factors –  Link to the page on your site that provides the most useful and accurate

information about the product or service in your ad. –  Ensure that your landing page is relevant to your keywords and your ad

text. –  Try to provide information without requiring users to register. Or, provide a

preview of what users will get by registering. –  In general, build pages that provide substantial and useful information to

the end-user.

Twitter: @billhunt



Twitter: @billhunt

Missed Opportunity Matrix �

Projection Summary

Validates the opportunity in terms management can understand

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Monitor SEO & PPC Collaboration�•  Demonstrate the collaboration of PPC and SEO

•  Use SEO to reduce clicks on high CPC keywords


Fortune 100 company increased PPC efficiency 300% by monitoring SEO & PPC Performance

Twitter: @billhunt

Measuring Success �

•  Diagnostic tools measure the “geeky stuff”

•  Performance tools measure the business results

•  Program Management tools measure organizational impact

Twitter: @billhunt

Handy Reference �

•  “Buy this book, read it, and then read it

again.” --Chris Sherman

•  Helps guide you through developing your program

•  How to form your team and manage for success

Updated 2nd Edition

Thank You.�


Twitter: billhunt



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