introduction to research and methodology

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Introduction to Research and Methodology

Business research is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting

information that may be used to solve a specific business problem. As we all know

market research is an ancient technique to find out how one things rank against

each other. It has been used since the time began. Market research comprises one

of the most important and fascinating facets of marketing. The ethical aspects of

market research and the responsibilities each of the marketing research

stakeholders have to themselves, one another, and the research project presented

and developed in more detail throughout the text.

Research can be one of the most interesting features of any degree course

As it offers you a measure of control and autonomy over what you learn.

It gives you an opportunity to confirm, clarify, pursue – or even discover –

New aspects of a subject or topic you are interested in. Research is a process of

enquiry and investigation; it is systematic, methodical and ethical; research can

help solve practical problems and increase knowledge.

Study of Consumer Behavior

Society is a diversified in all aspects. We see this among consumers, marketers,

producers and even among consumer behavior from theoretical aspects. The study

of consumer behavior enables marketer to predict consumer behavior in the

market; it also produces understanding of the role that consumption has in the lives

of individuals. Consumer behavior is defined as a behavior that consumers display

while searching for purchase, using, evaluation and disposal of products, services

and ideas that they to satisfy their needs. The study o f consumer behavior is

concerned not only with what consumers buy, but also with what they buy it,

when, from where and how they buy it and how often they buy it. It is concerned

with learning the specific meanings that products hold for consumers. Consumer

research takes place at every phase of the consumption process; before the

purchase, during the purchase and after purchases.

Consumer behavior is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy

and why they buy. It attempts to understand the buyer decision processes/buyer

decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics

of individual consumers such as demographics, psychographics, and behavioral

variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess

influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups,

and society in general. What we buy, how we buy, where and when we buy, in

how much quantity we buy depends on our perception, self concept, social and

cultural background and our age and family cycle, our attitudes, beliefs, values

motivation, personality, social class and many other factors that are both internal

and external to us. Consumer behavior is interdisciplinary; i.e. it is based on

concepts and theories about people that have been developed by scientist in such

diverse disciplines as psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural

anthropology and economics.

Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior

The factors that influence consumer behavior can be classified into internal factors

and external environmental factors. External factors do not affect the decision

process directly, but percolate or filter through the individual determinants, to

influence the decision process.

The individual determinants that affect consumer behavior are:

Motivation and involvement


Personality and self concept

Learning and memory

Information processing

The external influences or factors are:

Cultural influences

Sub-cultural influences

Social class influences

Social group influences

Family influences

Personal influences

Tools of study Consumer Behavior

It is important to marketer to regularly study buyer behavior. The different tools

available to him or her are:


This is the most common technique used in studying consumer behaviour. It

involves the use of questionnaires. Different scaling techniques like Likert and

Thurstone are used to measure consumer attitudes. The problem with survey

methodology is that it gives to marketer only conscious response of the customer.

Projective Techniques

To throw the customer off his or her conscious level and to get know

subconscious-level responses, projective techniques like word association, picture

association and thematic appreciation tests have been used. This provides valuable

information on his or her product or brand and about the customer’s lifestyle and

self concept.

Purchase Behavior

We have seen that in many products, decision-making is a very lengthy process,

and takes a very long time. The problem is recognized and a lot of information is

gathered. After this is done, the last two stages of decision-making, that is, the

purchase and post purchase come into play. Purchase is very important as it

generates revenue, and post purchase gives us an idea of the likes and dislikes of

the consumer. Post purchase behavior also establishes s link between the marketer

and the target market segment.

Purchase is important to the marketer as the product was planned, produced,

priced, promoted and distributed after a lot of effort. If purchase does not take

place, the marketer has failed in his marketing effort. He then needs to change the

marketing mix. He has to change entire strategy, as the ultimate aim of the

marketer is to float a product which will generate revenue and bring satisfaction to

the customers. Purchase is important for his success, for achieving his objectives

and for formulating competitive strategies against the competitors. It marks the end

of his search, end of his efforts and chooses the brand of his choice for expected

Objective Study

To analyze the behavior of customers of Malabar Gold.

To know the motivating factors of consumers in purchasing products of

Malabar Gold.

To know how brand preference is formed in purchasing Malabar Gold’s

ornaments among consumers.

To analyze marketing strategies of Malabar Gold.

To ascertain the level of brand loyalty and brand image associated by

consumer with a brand name ‘Malabar Gold’ and the reason for this.

To measure the level of satisfaction of customers of Malabar Gold.

To study the consumer perception towards Malabar Gold.

The MALABAR GROUP OF COMPANIES has launched its gold ornaments

outlet named MALABAR GOLD with entire package of offers and with unique

collections of designs. So after 15 years of business and service, it is important to

know how the customers’ behavior is against its competition and how effective has

been the product positioning. After the purchase of specialty goods or shopping

goods, the customer exhibits post purchase behavior. It may be either cognitive

consonance or cognitive dissonance. The consonance leads to dissatisfaction. But

when it comes to customers going in high value premium segment goods such as

gold, diamond and platinum ornaments, in a high competitive with too many

players in the market, then the customer surely has a wide range of choice to

choose from and carefully evaluates the different showrooms before making a

purchase decision. In such a situation, any of purchase dissonance will lead to very

high degree of dissatisfaction, which may also lead to spreading negative option to

the prospective buyer of jewelers’ outlet. The MALABAR GROUP OF

COMPANIES has launched its gold ornaments outlet named MALABAR GOLD

with entire package of offers and with unique collections of designs. So after 15

years of business and service, it is important to know how the customers’ behavior

is against its competition and how effective has been the product positioning. After

the purchase of specialty goods or shopping goods, the customer exhibits post

purchase behavior. It may be either cognitive consonance or cognitive dissonance.

The consonance leads to dissatisfaction. But when it comes to customers going in

high value premium segment goods such as gold, diamond and platinum

ornaments, in a high competitive with too many players in the market, then the

customer surely has a wide range of choice to choose from and carefully evaluates

the different showrooms before making a purchase decision.

Methodology of Data Collection

Source of data: There are broadly two types of data available to a researcher.

They are ;(a) Primary data (b) Secondary data.

Primary data: It refers to the first hand information collected by the researcher,

specific to the research problem. It includes using different primary data collection

tools such as personal interview using questionnaires, telephone surveys, mail

surveys etc. For the present study, primary data was collected by survey method

using questionnaires.

Secondary data: It is the information that already exists for another purpose. This

refers to all those data which are collected for some earlier research work. The

secondary data for this work was obtained form company profile, company

magazines, website, newspapers, internet, text books, reports and form company

brochures and other promotional materials.

Sampling: In the consumer market research, there is a problem of selecting a

sample of few hundred respondents from a vast population. The reason for

sampling is that it is not possible to cover the entire population in the field of


Limitations of the Study

Time limitation for compelling the project.

The data obtained in some cases may be biased.

Difficulty in communication within the city while conducting the survey.

The information obtained from the consumers based on questionnaires was

assumed to be factual.

Since the survey is based on sampling method, it does not disclose the

character of the entire customers.

Introduction to Gold

The history of gold starts from 2600BC. A huge description is available in the

Egyptian Hieroglyphs. It may be the first metal used by humans and was valued for

ornamentation and rituals. Important locations famous in the name of gold are Red

sea in Saudi Arabia, Lydia, Romania, Las medullas, in Spain, Russia Montana in

Transylvania, Central America, Peru and Columbia.

Today, gold has emerged as an important mean for investments also. Volatile

markets and unstable economic conditions have also added to it. China is largest

producer followed by South Africa. But India is the largest consumer of gold,

Application and Medium of Monetary Exchange

Gold coins intended for circulation from 1526 into the1930s were typically a

standard 22k alloy called crown gold, for hardness. Modern collector/investment

bullion coins are typically 24k, although the American Gold Eagle and British gold

sovereign continue to be made at 22k, on historical tradition. The world wide used

coins are American Gold Eagle, British Gold Sovereign, Canadian Gold Maple

Leaf, Gold Kangaroos, Australian Gold Nugget, Australian Lunar Calendar Series,

Austrian Philharmonic and American Buffalo.

Price of Gold

Like other precious metals, gold is measured by troy weight and by grams. When it

is alloyed with other metals the term carat or karat is used to indicate the amount of

gold present, with 24 karats being pure gold and lower ratings proportionally less.

The purity of a gold bar can also be expressed as a decimal figure ranging from 0

to 1, known as the millesimal fineness, such as 0.995 being very pure. The price of

gold is determined on the open market, but a procedure known as the Gold Fixing

in London, originating in September 1919, provides a daily benchmark figure to

the industry. The afternoon fixing appeared in 1968 to fix a price when US markets

are open.

Factors influencing Price

Today, like all investments and commodities, the price of gold is ultimately driven

by supply and demand, including hoarding and disposal. Unlike most other

commodities, the hoarding and disposal plays a much bigger role in affecting the

price, because most of the gold ever mined still exists and is potentially able to

come on to the market for the right price.


Production in 1970 accounted for 79% of the world supply, producing about 1,000

tones. However by 2007 production was just 272 tones. This sharp decline was due

to the increasing difficulty of extraction, changing economic factors affecting the

industry, and tightened safety auditing. In 2007 China (with 276 tones) overtook

South Africa as the world's largest gold producer, the first time since 1905 that

South Africa has not been the largest.

Overview of Gold Industry

o India is the largest consumer of gold in the world followed by China and


o India is emerging as world’s largest trading centre of gold with a target of

US$18 bn set for 2011.

o India dominates the world’s cut and polished diamonds (CPD) market.

o In value terms, the country accounts for approximately 55% of global

polished diamond market and nearly 9% of the jewellery market.

o Surat contributes 90% of India’s total diamond exports.

o India’s domestics branded jewellery market is estimated at Rs 600-700


o There are 13 bullion importing bank in India.

o India’s gem and Jewellery Exports Promotion Council (GJEPC) is aiming at

turning India into an international diamond trading centre.

o Since India is already enjoying 80-85% of the world CPD market, scope for

further growth in diamond exports is limited. Hence, if India’s gems and

jewellery sector is to substantially increase exports, the best lies in the

jeweller sub sector.

o India’s imports an average of 18000 bars a day, about 70% of the total

demand and the balance is being sourced to indigenous output and metal

recycled from old jewelleries.

o The main reason why India has not made a dent in jeweller exports market is

the existence of government restrictions in their domestic jewellery industry

in the pre-economic liberalization era.

Introduction to Malabar Gold

Malabar Gold Pvt Ltd is a unit of a corporative setup called Malabar Group of

Companies. It is one among the 26 units or firms under Malabar Group of

Companies. Today Malabar Gold is a leading jeweller in south India and Middle

East. It has not only retail outlets but also runs wholesale outlets too. Malabar Gold

is reputed jeweller maker and has millions of customers across India and outside.

The name “Malabar” itself gives a clear idea of its origin, it was born on 5th July

1993 at Kozhikode, which is known as heart of Malabar i.e., northern Kerala. The

founder of Malabar Gold is Mr M.P Ahamed, who is the present chairman.Earlier

Malabar Gold was known as “Malabar Jewellers”. The present corporate office is

at Kozhikode. Within 15 years Malabar Gold is successful in spreading its wings

throughout Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Gulf countries.

Social Responsibility toward Customer Behavior

Social responsibility means the obligation of a business to act in manner, which

will serve the best interest of the society. The satisfaction of the customers should

be the primary concern of every business concern. Malabar Gold ensures

marketing of such goods which are demanded by the customers based on their taste

and preferences. It also ensures adequate supply of good quality products at

reasonable price. After all their punch line is “beauty meets quality”.

Collections of Malbar Gold

The exclusive collections of Malabar Gold include:

World class designer jewellery from Italy, Turkey, Korea, Bahrain and


Traditional jewelleries from Karnataka and Kerala.

Royal Mughal collections

Karachi bangles.

Calcutta collections.

Rajkot collections.

Zara collections.

Antique collections.

Hansa collections.

Bombay and Bombay special collections.

Signity studded jewelry.

Daily wear bangles and chains.

Formal or work wear jewelry.

Navrathna, birthstones, lucky stones studded with gold.

Platinum ornaments with “950 Purity Assurance Card”.

Wide range world class branded watches like Omega, Rado, Mont Blanc,

Seiko, Foce, Tissot, Espirit, Continental, Police, Tag Heuer, Caterpillar, D4

swiss, Accurate and Citizen.

Varied collections of their own brand diamond collection called MG


Consumer Behavior of Customers of Malbar Gold

In this chapter an attempt is made to study about behavior of consumers of

consumers in Kasaragod district about Malabar gold.

Showing the no. of customers in sex classes:

Category No. ofRespondents


Male 10 10 %Female 90 90 %Total 100 100 %

We have surveyed 100 people from which 90 were female and 10 were men. We

chose women as the dominating influence as jewellery is mostly a women’s’

accessory. Women mostly use jewellery such as bangles, necklace, rings etc. But

men mostly use rings and a bit of necklace as their jewellery. So women use more

variety of jewellery than men, hence we concentrated on surveying women rather

than men.

Showing the no. of respondents belonging to different income level

Income Group (in Rs) No. ofrespondents


Below 12000 10 1012000-16000 30 30

16000-20000 40 40

Above 20000 20 20

Total 50 100





No of respondents

Below 12000 12000-1600016000-20000Above 20000

We have found that 40% of the 100 people we surveyed had their family income in

between rs 16000-20000. 30% of them ranged about 12000-16000 and below

12000 gathered 10 candidates. We then have the above average group with rs

20000 as their family income. Hence we come to the conclusion that the average

family income of the middle class people who buy golden jewellleries from

MALABAR GOLD is between 16000-20000.

Showing the marital status of the customers

Status No. of Respondents PercentageUnmarried 12 12%Married 88 88%Total 50 100%

Through this survey we found out that 88% of the of the 100 people we surveyed

are married. It gives us a clear indication that married men and women use

jewellery more as after marriage one has to wear more jewellery than that of the

unmarried ones. 12 of the 100 people who were shopping at Malabar Gold wore

rings and bangals before marriage.

Showing the no. of respondents belonging to different age groups

Age No. Of respondents Percentage

Below 18 16 16%

18-28 44 44%

28-38 28 28%

Above 38 12 12%

Total 100 100%





Percentage of age group

Below 1818-2828-38Above 38

Through the study we found that women and men’s age ranging from 18-28 wear

most of the jewelleries as this is the best age for getting married and we found that

women and men above the age wear too little jewellery. Men and women falling

below the age of 18 also wear little jewellery.

Product wise classification of customers

Product No. Of respondents


Gold 70 70%

Watch 10 10%

Platinum 10 10%

Diamond 10 10%

Total 100 100%

We have surveyed to find that Malabar Gold customers buy gold more than their

platinum, diamonds and watches. We discovered that 70 people out of 100

customers buy gold from their shops. Watches, Platinum and diamonds are bought

by 10 people each. So it gives us a clear indication that gold is the favourite

product of the customers of Malabar Gold.

Showing no of customers aware of products other than gold available in Malabar


Status No of respondents Percentage

Yes 88 88%

No 12 12%

Total 100 100%


12Awareness of people


It is good to know that, 88% of the customers know that other products are

available in the stores of Malabar Gold. 12% of the people don’t even know what

the materials available in the stores are even. Whether the customers discover those

materials by advertisements or merchandise is a different issue.

Showing the no. of respondents belonging to different groups of the amount of

gold they own

Amount of Gold No. Of respondents


Below 56 08 11.43%

56-120 22 31.43%

120-200 26 37.14%

Above 200 14 20%

Total 70 100%

We found that most of the customers are loyal to Malabar Gold and have at least

120 carat gold along with them. Their maximum inventory of the customers would

be close to 200 carat. The Customers buy freely from the stores of Malabar Gold

and find the venture satisfactory.

Showing no. of customers satisfied with making charges of ornaments in Malabar


Status No of respondents Percentage

Yes 80 88.88%

No 10 11.12%

Total 90 100%

Showing the media through which the customers came to know about Malabar


Media No of respondents Percentage

Newspaper 20 20

Television 40 40

Yellow pages 10 10

Friend & Relatives 30 30

Total 100 100




Percentage of media effect

NewspaperTelevisionYellow pagesFriend & Relatives

Our survey amicably shows that the customers are made aware of Malabar Gold

through Newspaper mainly. Plus this store relies on mouth to mouth publicity.

40% of 100 people knew about Malabar through Newspapers. 30 out of 100 people

are made aware by their friends and relatives. It is maybe because of women

conversing about the jewellery they wear when they go to parties and other social


Showing how the customers rate the designs of ornaments.

Rating No of respondents Customer

Excellent 12 12%Good 58 58%Average 30 30%Poor 0 0%Total 100 100%

We can see that the ratings of Malabar Gold suggest that the design variety is good

enough and the ornaments available in the showroom are satisfactory. The

ornaments of the showroom are designed to be satisfactory. 58% of the 100 people

think that the designs are good enough. 30% think that the ratings are moderate.

12% think that the variety of the designs are excellent compared to other gold


Showing the no. of customers who got immediate response on complaints


Status No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 92 92%

No 08 08%

Total 100 100%

92% of the people feel that Malabar Gold service is excellent. All their complaints

are met with wonderful service. As soon as the complaints are registered, the

Malabar service acts on that and satisfies customers. Only 8% think that the service

of Malabar Gold stores is not up to the mark. Most of the customers are satisfied,

which was the main aim of the survey.

Showing the customers rating on the salesman relationship:

Rating No of respondents percentage

Excellent 10 10%Good 46 46%

Average 44 44%

Poor 0 0%

Total 100 100%

The customers of Malabar Gold are happy with the customer relationship they hold

with the floor salesmen. 46% people feel that the salesman relationship is good, as

44% feel that the salesman relationship is average and 10% feel that it is excellent.

One good thing we came to know that, the service and support provided by

Malabar Gold stores are not poor. Some feel that the salesmen relationship needs


Showing the customers rating on the service facility available

Rating No. Of respondents percentageExcellent 12 12%Good 48 48%Average 40 40%Poor 0 0%Total 100 100%

Here we find out that the customers are well attended by the staff and the salesman

behavior is up to the mark. Most of the people, to be approx. 48% of them think

that the services available for the customers. The showroom is fully centralized AC

and the customers feel that they will pay money to good use and the trust gained by

the floor manager provides ample opportunity to materialize the relationship

between the customers and the employees.

Showing the customers rating on overall service of Malabar Gold with respect to

other jewelers in town.

Rating No. Of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 14 14%

Good 48 48%

Average 38 38%

Poor 0 0%

Total 100 100%

Here we see that Malabar Gold is the clear leader in the area and 48% of all

customers prefer to go to the Malabar Gold centre rather than other gold shops.

38% of 100 people feel that other shops are well furnished to satisfy the needs of

the customers. 14% think that the services are excellent compared to other shops

available nearby. One good thing is that the survey shows the clear mindedness

when it comes to commenting on any situation.

Findings , Suggestions and Conclusion


Most of the respondents are females.

Customers of Malabar Gold are mainly from upper class and upper middle

class families.

Most of the purchasers of Malabar Gold are mainly youngsters.

Malabar Gold has got large no. of gold ornaments customers.

Only a few customers are not aware of products other then gold available in

Malabar Gold.

The making charges of Malabar Gold are satisfactory according to the


Television is the advertising media through which large no. of customers

came to know about Malabar Gold.

Factors like company image, quality, advertisement, collections have

equally influenced the purchase.

Major no. of respondents is satisfied with the showroom facility.

Designs of ornaments are rated as good.

Respondents got immediate response for the complaints registered.

Salesman responsiveness is rated as somewhat good and average.

Malabar Gold provides good service facility.

The overall performance of Malabar Gold is good.

Level of satisfaction of customers is good.

Respondents are ready to insist their well wishers to purchase from Malabar


The consumer behavior of Malabar Gold is good.


Malabar Gold customers are business people and have high income, so it

should be better to frame promotion programs targeting the lower class


With regard to advertising, the company should focus on persuasive

advertising highlighting the unique feature and benefits of their products.

Only a few customers had purchased watch, diamonds and platinum

ornaments, so a special attention should be paid in these areas.

Among the service facilities, respondents suggest to improve parking


More advertisement should be made in media other than television.


To conclude the overall responses of the customers of Malabar Gold is good. The

overall performances in all areas are satisfactory.

During the study it was found that the following factors such as making charges,

salesman responsiveness, ornaments designs, price etc. has satisfactorily

influenced consumer behavior. Further, there is some kind of promotion activities

required to hold the present customers and make new customers.

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