introduction to magazine layout

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Read about the objectives


Introduction to Magazine Design The following outlines the objectives from a unit on the introduction of magazine design.

• After completing the Golden Rules of Magazine Design lecture, students will be able to articulate and explain the rule of thirds, importance of white space, columns, and margins.


• Review the principles of design and examples of how they are applied. • Provide a presentation on the Golden Rules of Magazine Design • Provide student’s with a discussion board to provide examples of the Golden Rule.


• Present a Prezi on the Golden Rules of Magazine Design Demonstration

• Learner’s will respond to the presentation by participating on a discussion board with a credible learning resource they found and a short essay explaining it’s relevancy as an instructional tool. • Submission will be assessed based on a credibility and participation scored on a grading rubric.


• Learners will be assigned with providing three examples of magazine layout following the Golden Rules and three examples of magazine layouts that break the rules in a discussion board. They must articulate why they have chosen them and whether it is good or bad design (subjectively).

• Submission will be assessed based on a participation, accuracy, and quality of discussion scored on a grading rubric.


• After completing the lecture on the principles of graphic design, students will be able to implement the use of terminology and apply it to the programs needed to complete digital rendering with 90% retention.


• Discuss each principle. • Provide a visual example of the principle in use. Activation

• Open Adobe InDesign and and complete examples demonstrating the principles of graphic design. Demonstration

• Learner’s will discuss the lecture materials in-class to address question about the material, and its’ application to the software. • Discussion will be assessed by the instruction based on participation based on a rubric.


• Students will find graphic 10 examples based on the principles of graphic design, which they may visually organize in Miscrosoft Word. Learners will articulate and defend their selection as to why it fits a design principle. Learner’s will present their examples in a discussion forum.

• Presentation, discussion, and participation will be assessed based on a comprehensive rubric.


• After completing tutorials on designing magazine cover, layout, and index pages, students will be able to set-up a document, create columns; use the tool palette without the use of the instructor.


• Review the Golden Rules of Design and the Introduction to Graphic Design principles. Activation

• Complete the first tutorial with the class and provide podcast of the tutorial accompanied with screenshots. Demonstration

• Learners will complete two additional tutorials on magazine layout design and creating an index. • Tutorials will be socred based on the accuracy of the end result compared to the expected tutorial end result.


• Learners will create a document with a synopsis recapping what they did in each tutorial and how it applies to what they have learned in the lectures. They must include what each tutorial has taught them when it comes to working with the InDesign program.

• Learner's will be scored based on a rubric evaluatinmg the content of their synopsis


• After completing the Introduction to Magazine Design module students will be able to create a design layout with given design elements that are arranged through the use of design principle and the Golden Rules of Magazine Design.


• Presentation with in-class discussion of magazine layouts, graphic design emelents, andinDesign screenshots.

• Learner's must participate in discussion and must articulate answers as to what each example is in realtion to the module.


• Learners will watch a real-time construction of a magazine layout using predetermined elements performed by the instructor. Demonstration

• Learner’s will be given a magazine layout file and be tasked with deconstructing the layout. Learners will be required to take screenshots of each step or object they deconstruct from the layout. • The assignment will be scored based on the ability to identify each object that must be deconstructed and the accuracy of this deconstruction.


• Learners will create a document with a synopsis recapping how they took apart each object with the layout. The will justify the order of which they deconstructed the layout.

• Learners will be scored by the content, justification, and accuof order based on a rubric.


• After completing the real-time deconstruction of a layout lecture, students will be able to deconstruct magazine layouts in order to understand the composition process with no aid from instructor.


• Presentation with class demonstrating the various elements that are a part of a magazine layout.

• Ask students to participate in the in-class discussion. Activation

• Learners will watch a real-time deconstruction of a magazine layout performed by the instructor. Demonstration

• Learners will be given a folder with predetermined magazine layout elements. Learners will be required to construct a magazine layout with these predetermined elements. • Learners will be scored based on a rubric evaluating the assessment of use of graphic design principles and the Golden Rules of Magazine Layout Design.


• Learners will justify the placement of the elements and articulate how they abide by or utilize the basic graphic design principles or the Golden Rules of Magazine Layout.

• Learners essays will evaluated by accuracy, relevance, and comprehensive articulation via a rubric. Learners will be scored by the content, justification, and accuof order based on a rubric.


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