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Post on 23-Jan-2020






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Introduction to Linux Scripting

Albert Lund

CHPC User Services


• What is scripting?

• Compiling mini-excercise

• Basic bash/tcsh scripting exercises


vi Refresher/Exercise

• A few commands will get you started: – Press 'i' for insert! (Insert mode, Replace mode)

– Press 'Esc' to get back to command mode!

– :w - 'write'

– :wq! - 'write and quit'

– :q! - 'quit without saving (good for mistakes)

– Press 'u' to undo in command mode

• Exercise: write something in vi and save it! – Try it with 'vim' too

Why script?

Scripting is a timesaver

The real question: When should you script?

Scenarios for scripting

• Using the batch system at CHPC

• Automating pre- and post- processing of datasets

• Performing lots of repeated, menial, soul draining tasks efficiently and quickly

How long should you spend writing a script?

Task time saver calculator:

Don't script when it doesn't save you time!

What to script in?

• Most scripting needs can be covered by bash or tcsh.

• If you have more complicated analyses to perform, then you should consider something more advanced (like python* or matlab).

• If your workload is very computation heavy, you should be considering an application written in C/C++ or Fortran (not scripting).

*CHPC will hold a workshop in the fall on Python

bash vs tcsh

• Syntactic differences are significant (and quirky) • Some programs do not support different shells • Very easy to switch between shells • You can write shell scripts in any language

regardless of your default shell.


How to change your default shell on CHPC systems

• You can see what your default shell is using “echo $SHELL” when logged into CHPC systems.

• To change your default shell: go to, click “Sign In” in the upper right, and login with your U of U credentials. You will be presented with your profile, which will have a link “Edit Account Settings”. A new dialogue will show, and you will see an option to change shell. Change it to whatever you want, and save it. Changes will go through in about 15 minutes.

• (Also can be used to change your email on record, please do this if you change email addresses.)

Mini-Exercise: Compiling

• Download and compile numbertools:


tar -xzf numbertools.tar.gz

cd numbertools/

make all

• Try running each of the programs: square 4.0 - area of a square with sides 4.0

circle 4.0 - area of a circle with radius 4.0

prime <n> - determines if an integer <n> is prime

randgen <n> - generates <n> random integers (up to 10^6)

What is a script?

• A script is a set of linux commands condensed into a single text file.

• When a script is executed, the commands in the script are executed sequentially, as if they were being typed into the command line.

• Commands are separated by a carriage return (enter key) or a semicolon (;).

Scripting Basics - # and #!

• # is the character that starts a comment in many, many languages (many). – Comments can still do stuff (#!, #SLURM)

• #!/bin/bash --or-- #!/bin/tcsh can be used to indicate what program should run the script – you can put any program (/path/program), but the

script language should match the program, otherwise weird things will happen

– use “chmod u+x script” to enable the execute bit on a script

Setting and Using Variables


#set a variable (no spaces!)

VAR="hello bash!"

#print the variable

echo $VAR

#make it permanent

export VAR2="string"

echo $VAR2

#remove VAR2

unset VAR2


#set a variable set VAR = "hello tcsh!"

#print the variable

echo $VAR

#make it permanent (no =)

setenv VAR2 "string"

echo $VAR2

#remove VAR2

unset VAR2

Be careful what you export! Don’t overwrite something important!

Mini Exercise: Echo command

• The echo command prints a string or variable to the command line:

– echo "Hello World" writes Hello World to standard output

– bash> HELLO="hello world"; echo $HELLO

– tcsh> set HELLO="hello world"; echo $HELLO

– beware the difference between double and single quotes! (variables do not expand in single quotes)

Exercise 1

- Write a script from scratch where you pick a number, assign it to a variable, and then run square, circle, and prime on it.

- Run the script from a different directory than the numbertools directory. Set a variable to the path of the numbertools directory and use that to run each program (e.g., $BINDIR/square)

- Use the echo command to the script output (so that you know what output came from which program)

Don’t forget #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/tcsh Make sure to run "chmod u+x" on your script! Variables - Bash style: VAR="string" (no spaces!) Tcsh style: set VAR = “string” Arguments - $1 $2 $3 ...

Solution to Exercise 1




echo "Running programs..."

echo "Number:"$NUMBER

echo "Square area" $BINDIR/square $NUMBER

echo "Circle area"


echo "Is it prime?" $BINDIR/prime $NUMBER


set NUMBER = 4

set BINDIR = /path/numbertools

echo "Running programs..."

echo "Number:"$NUMBER

echo "Square area" $BINDIR/square $NUMBER

echo "Circle area"


echo "Is it prime?" $BINDIR/prime $NUMBER

Script Arguments




#ARG3=$3, and so on

echo $ARG1 echo $ARG2

#!/bin/tcsh set ARG1 = $1

set ARG2 = $2

#set ARG3 = $3, so on

echo $ARG1 echo $ARG2

If the script is named “” (or “myscript.csh”), the script is executed with “ myarg1 myarg2 ... myargN”

Commands to string

• The output of a string can be put directly into a variable with the backtick: `

• The backtick is not the same as a single quote:

` ' • Bash form: VAR="`wc -l $FILENAME`"

• Tcsh form: set VAR="`wc -l $FILENAME`"

Dates and Times

• Date strings are easy to generate in Linux

– The “date” command gives the date, but not nicely formatted for filenames

– "date --help" will give format options (use +)

• A nicely formatted string format: date +%Y-%m-%d_%k-%M-%S

"2014-09-15_17-27-32" • For a really unique string, you can use the following command to get a

more or less unique string (not recommended for cryptographic purposes)

$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)

Exercise 2

Modify the script you wrote in Exercise 1 so that the number is assigned from a script argument, and the output is written to a file that is dated. Use the date command in combination with backticks to create a filename. Command execution to string - VAR="`command`" (use the backtick) Dates - date +%Y-%m-%d_%k-%M-%S (or pick your own format) Command redirection refresher • You can output to a file using the “>” operator.

cat filename > outputfile

• You can append to the end of a file using “>>” cat filename >> outputfile

• You can redirect to another program with “|” cat filename | wc –l

Solution to Exercise 2



DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k-%M-%S`



echo "Running programs..."

echo "Number:"$NUMBER >> $FILENAME

echo "Square area" >> $FILENAME


echo "Circle area" >> $FILENAME


echo "Is it prime?" >> $FILENAME



set NUMBER = $1

set DATE = "`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k-%M-%S`"

set FILENAME="myfile-$DATE"

set BINDIR="/path/numbertools/"

echo "Running programs..."

echo "Number:"$NUMBER >> $FILENAME

echo "Square area" >> $FILENAME


echo "Circle area" >> $FILENAME


echo "Is it prime?" >> $FILENAME


Every time you run the script, a new unique output file should have been generated.

Conditionals (If statements)




if [[ $VAR1 == $VAR2 ]]; then

echo "True"


echo "False"


if [[ -d $VAR ]]; then

echo "Directory!



set VAR1="name"

set VAR2="notname"

if ($VAR1 == $VAR2) then

echo "True"


echo "False"


if ( -d $VAR ) then

echo "Directory!"


• The operators ==, !=, &&, ||, <, > and a few others work. • You can use if statements to test two strings, or test file


Conditionals (File properties)

Test bash tcsh

Is a directory -d -d

If file exists -a,-e -e

Is a regular file (like .txt) -f -f

Readable -r -r

Writeable -w -w

Executable -x -x

Is owned by user -O -o

Is owned by group -G -g

Is a symbolic link -h, -L -l

If the string given is zero length -z -z

If the string is length is non-zero -n -s

-The last two flags are useful for determining if an environment variable exists. -The rwx flags only apply to the user who is running the test.

Loops (for/foreach statements)


for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do

echo $i


for i in *.in; do

touch ${i/.in/.out}


for i in `cat files`; do

grep "string" $i >> list



foreach i (1 2 3 4 5)

echo $i


foreach i ( *.in )

touch "$i:gas/.in/.out/"


foreach i ( `cat files` )

grep "string" $i >> list


• Loops can be executed in a script --or-- on the command line. • All loops respond to the wildcard operators *,?,[a-z], and {1,2} • The output of a command can be used as a for loop input.

Exercise 3 - Write a new script that uses randgen and prime to

determine if a random list of integers is prime or not. Use a combination of a for loop and an if statement.

- Write all of the prime numbers into one file, and non-prime numbers into the other. Do this for a list of at least 300 integers.

- Prime will always output "IsPrime" if the number is prime

For loops - Bash : for VAR in `command`; do ... done

Tcsh : foreach VAR ( `command` ) ... end

If statements - Bash : if [[ condition ]]; then ... else ... elif ... fi

Tcsh : if ( condition ) then ... else ... else if ... endif

Solution to Exercise 3




for i in `$BINDIR/randgen $COUNT`; do

RESULT=`$BINDIR/prime $i`

if [[ $RESULT == "IsPrime" ]]; then

echo $i >> primes


echo $i >> notprimes




set COUNT=300

set BINDIR=/path/numbertools

foreach i (`$BINDIR/randgen $COUNT`)

set RESULT="`$BINDIR/prime $i`"

if ( $RESULT == "IsPrime" ) then

echo $i >> primes


echo $i >> notprimes



End of day 3!



String replacement



#changes to myfile.out


./program < $IN > $OUT


set IN = “”

#changes to myfile.out

set OUT=“$IN:gas/.in/.out/”

./program < $IN > $OUT

A neat trick for changing the name of your output file is to use string replacement to mangle the filename.

• In tcsh the ‘gas’ in “$VAR:gas/search/replace/” means to search and replace all instances (“global all substrings”); there are other options (use “man tcsh”).

• In bash, ${VAR/search/replace} is all that is needed.

• You can use 'sed' or 'awk' for more powerful manipulations.

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