introduction to jesus: the life of jesus birth jesus was born sometime between 7 bc and 1 ad....

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Introduction to Jesus:The life of Jesus


• Jesus was born sometime between 7 BC and 1 AD. Scholars are unsure of the exact year

• Christians believe that Jesus was conceieved by a miracle and born of a virgin

• Jesus’ family lived in Nazareth but traveled to Bethlehem, where Jesus’ father, Joseph, was from, for the census

• Jesus is visited in the manger by several people


• Jesus was probably not born on December 25th, the day on which we celebrate His birth today

• After Jesus’ birth, Jesus and His family fled to Egypt for safety from King Herod and later returned to Nazareth

• Some skeptics think that the virgin birth story is just copied from other myths. Click here to hear a less skeptical perspective

The Nativity

Early Life

• Not much is known about Jesus’ early life from Biblical sources. Nonbiblical sources provide some information but were written much later

• Some people believe that Jesus had siblings or half siblings

• Once, Jesus’ parents did not know where he was and found Him later preaching in the temple

Early Life

• Jesus’ father, Joseph, was a carpenter and Jesus began to learn the trade

• Baptized by John the Baptist. John the Baptist was the son of Elizabeth who is believed to be the cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus

• More info about this lesser known period of Jesus’ life can be found here


• According to the Bible, Jesus performed many miracles during His ministry

• Jesus’ first miracle is usually regarded to be turning water into wine at a wedding in the Gospel of John

• Jesus healed many sick people miraculously


• Jesus also is said to have driven out demons from people, cleansed lepers, multiplied food, walked on water, calmed storms, and given sight to the blind

• Perhaps Jesus’ most famous miracles are when He raised people from the dead. Two well known accounts of this are the raising of Jesus’ friend Lazarus and the raising of a young girl

Jesus walks on water

Want to learn about more of Jesus miracles? Follow this link


• Jesus had thousands of followers throughout His ministry as shown in the two multiplying food miracle stories. However, many of these followers did not follow Jesus throughout His entire ministry

• According to the Gospels, Jesus had 12 followers who He was closest to, known as His apostles, but there were other people who followed Jesus for long periods of time


• Jesus’ public ministry is thought to have only lasted the last three years of His life

• Jesus is famous for preaching and teaching using parables

• Some of Jesus most famous preaching took place in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew

Jesus’ Last Days

• Jesus’ last week on Earth before His death begins with His entry into Jerusalem, the center of worship for Jews of that time

• Jesus shares a final meal with the apostles the night He is betrayed by one of the apostles, Judas, and arrested

• Before He is arrested, Jesus prays alone in a garden. The Bible states that Jesus sweated blood during this time, a medical phenomenon known as hematidrosis, which can be experienced during stressful periods

• This day is known as/celebrated on Holy Thursday

Jesus’ last days

• Jesus is then put on trial before both Jewish and Roman authorties and condemned to death by crucifixion, a Roman method of punishment

• Before Jesus is crucified, He is tortured, also according to Roman custom

• These events are the start of what is known as Good Friday

Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper


• On the afternoon of Good Friday, Jesus carries the cross He will be crucified on to Golgotha (Place of the Skull) with assistance from a man named Simon

• At approximately 3 pm on Good Friday, Jesus died at the age of 33

Jesus carrying the cross

Did Jesus Die and Was He Buried as Christians Claim? - Dr. William Lane Craig


• According to the Bible, three days after Jesus died, He was raised from the dead by God

• Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’ followers, is usually considered to be the first witness of this miracle

• Not much is known about what occurred between Jesus’ death and resurrection

• This day is known as Easter Sunday

The resurrection of Jesus

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