introduction to human resource-yamaha.docx

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HR policy of Yamaha company





Motivated Employee Force“Proud to be member of Yamaha


・ Transparent & Team-Based Organisation

・ Focused & Target Oriented (MBO Driven) working

・Two - way Communication

・Cohesive & Dynamic Organization

・Ownership of the Job

・Develop effective PMS

Individual as well as Team Appraisal

Accountability for Results

・Continual Learning through Training & Education.

・Disciplined Environment

The company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs.

Investopedia Says:

As companies reorganize to gain competitive edge, human resources plays a key role in helping companies deal with a fast-changing competitive environment and the greater demand for quality employees. Research conducted by The Conference Board has found six key people-related activities that human resources complete to add value to a company:1. Effectively managing and utilizing people.2. Trying performance appraisal and compensation to competencies.3. Developing competencies that enhance individual and organizational performance.4. Increasing the innovation, creativity and flexibility necessary to enhance competitiveness.5. Applying new approaches to work process design, succession planning, career development and inter-organizational mobility.6. Managing the implementation and integration of technology through improved staffing, training and communication with employees.

Human Resources has at least two meanings depending on context. Most common within corporations and businesses, human resources refers to the individuals within the firm, and to the portion of the firm's organization that deals with the hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues. This usage is derived from the original meaning of human resources as variously defined in political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of three factors of production

Human resources within firmsThough human resources have been part of business and organizations since the first days of agriculture, the modern concept of human resources began in reaction to the efficiency focus of Taylorism in the early 1900s. By 1920, psychologists and employment experts in the United States started the human relations movement, which viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit with companies, rather than as interchangeable parts. This movement grew throughout the middle of the

20th century, placing emphasis on how leadership, cohesion, and loyalty played important roles in organizational success. Although this view was increasingly challenged by more quantitatively rigorous and less "soft" management techniques in the 1960s and beyond, human resources had gained a permanent role within the firm.

Human resources administration outsourcingIn recent years, the number of human resources outsourcing companies has increased dramatically. This indicates that many small-to-medium-sized businesses are discovering the benefits that come with enlisting professional help for a wide range of administrative tasks. Freeing up members of staff to spend their time doing what they excel at, as opposed to HR issues for which they may not be qualified, can make a tremendous difference to any business's efficiency. HR outsourcing companies are well-known for their ability to take care of payroll. However, their professional assistance need not end

there. Just some of the additional tasks they can take on and help organize include retirement plan administration, expense management, employee benefits, labor management, tax compliance, and screening and selection services. Indeed, some companies are now outsourcing their entire human resources operation to top professional employer organizations.

Human resource management

Human Resource Management (HRM) is both an academic theory and a business practice. It is based on the notion that employees are firstly human, and secondly should NOT be treated as a basic business resource. HRM is also seen as an understanding of the human aspect of a company and its strategic importance. HRM is seen as moving on from a simple "personnel" approach (or was supposed to) because it is preventative of potential problems, and secondly it should be a major aspect of the company philosophy, in which all managers and employees are champions of HRM-based policies and philosophy.

It is staffing function of the organization. It includes the activities of human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, performance appraisal, compensation, and safety.

Human resource management is the effective use of human resources in order to enhance organisational performance.


Human Resources Division:

The Human Resources Division serves the employees of the entire Yamaha Motor Group. Its objective is to develop human resources, the source of the Company’s competitive edge in its business operations, and to plan and implement personnel policies that help create a dynamic corporate culture. The Human Resources Development Division consists of the Personnel Department, Employee Relation Department, Human Resources Development Department, Health & Safety Department, and the Secretary Department, and integrates some or all of the human resources-related functions of the former Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Division, General Affairs Division.

H.R Process at Yamaha Motor India

Recruitment: Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, undertaken by recruiters. It also refers to defining the source from where suitable candidates can be selected. It is a positive process. It may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits. Either way it may involve advertising, commonly in the recruitment section of a newspaper or in a newspaper dedicated to job adverts. Employment agencies will often advertise jobs in their windows. Posts can also be advertised at a job centre if they are targeting the unemployed.

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication skills, typing skills, computer skills. Evidence for skills required for a job may be provided in the form of qualifications (educational or professional), experience in a job requiring the relevant skills or the testimony of references. Employment agencies may also give computerized tests to assess an individual's off hand knowledge of software packages or typing skills. At a more basic level written tests may be given to assess numeracy and literacy. A candidate may also be assessed on the basis of an interview. Sometimes candidates will be requested to provide a résumé (also known as a CV) or to complete an application form to provide this evidence.

The follow-up process may be referred to as part of the recruitment process: inveigling the selected candidate or candidates to take up the target job or function. This applies particularly in filling positions in the military or in expanding the human resource base of a cult.

Head-hunting is a frequently used name when referring to recruiters, but there are significant differences. In general, a company would employ a head-hunter when the normal recruitment efforts have failed to provide a viable candidate for the job. Head-hunters are generally more aggressive than in-house recruiters and will use direct cold calling techniques, advanced sales techniques, personal visits to the candidates office and will purchase expensives lists of names and job titles. In general, recruiters will do their best to attract candidates for specific jobs while head-hunters will actively seek them out. Many companies go to great efforts to make it difficult for head-hunters to locate their employees. The process of recruitment comprises of five interrelated stages, i.e:

Planning Strategy Development Searching Screening Evaluation and Control. The ideal recruitment programme is one that attracts

a relatively large number of qualified applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organization when offered.

Recruitment process outsourcing:

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) when an employer outsources or transfers all or part of the staffing process to an external service provider.

A true or total RPO solution involves the outsourcing of the entire recruiting function or process to an external service provider. This provider serves to provide the necessary skills, tools, technologies, and activities to serve as their client's virtual "recruiting department". This definition differs from occasional recruiting support often provided by many temporary, contingency, and executive search firms. While these organizations do provide an invaluable service, they do not qualify as RPO as it does not involve the outsourcing of the recruiting process.

Recruitment: At YAMAHA Recruitment is done for three types of employees:

1. Permanent Employee2. Casual Employee3. Contactual Employee

SOURCING: It refers to defining the source from where prospective employee shall be recruited. At Yamaha it is done through employee referrals,consultants,campus recruitment, job website(such as,,etc)

SHORTLISTING: It refers to rejection of unsuitable applicants and shortlisting of suitable applicants.

INTERVIEW: At Yamaha Interview is taken by the functional head of that division for which the candidate has applied for the job in the organaisation.Interview is a formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability. It considers to be an excellent selection drive. Interview is adapted to unskilled, skilled, managerial and professional employees. It allows a two-way exchange of information, the interviewer learns about the applicant, and applicant learns about the employer Two rounds of interviews are conducted.

1. Preliaminary Interview: Preliaminary interview helps rejects misfits for reasons, which did,forms.Besides,preliaminary interview, often called” courtesy interview”, is a good public relation exercise. In this sequential interview is taken in case of permanent employee and one-to-one in case of casual and contractual employees, it helps in utilizing the strength and knowledge-base of each interviewer, so that each interviewer can ask questions in relation to his or her subject area.

2. Final round: In this final interview usually a panel of interviewer sits in the interview and in-depth knowledge of the applicant is judged. If the candidate is sound suitable he/she is selected for the job in the organization

SELECTION: It refers to the selection of suitable candidates and rejection of unsuitable candidates. It is a negative process because it refers to rejection of unsuitable candidates.

Selection of candidate is done on the basis of on some criteria.

Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

Selection is long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with the contract of employment

Selection process for senior managers will be long-drawn and rigourous, but it is simple and short while hiring shop-floor workers.

SALARY OFFER: At Yamaha salary offer is made to the selected candidate if the candidate agrees to the salary offered to him, then offer letter is made after completion of the defined selection procedure. The selected applicant shall be made the offer of employment through an offer letter. But if the candidate does not agreed with the salary offered to him, then negotiation on salary is done.

Joining: After selection of applicants, and if the candidate agreed to the offer made, his joining formalities are done, at Yamaha joining of the selected applicants are made at the Time Office. the time office creates the database of the applicants.

Reference and Verification of documents: It includes checking of various documents of the applicants,documents includes,educational.qualifications,salary.certificate,resignation letter of the previous employer, experience certificate.etc.In case, if the candidate is unable to present his/her documents, he/she has to give in written to the HR department that if he/she will not be able to present his/her documents after the stipulated time, his/her services shall be deemed to be cancelled. The reference check shall be done after the candidate has joined the company the reference check is done with

1. Last Employer2. Two references given by the candidates in the Resume.

Allotment of EIN NO. (EMPLOYEE CODE): An EIN NO. Is allotted to the candidate at the time of joining. all the necessary

communication with the H.R department is done through this EIN NO.

MEDICAL TEST: After the acceptance of offer letter, at the time of joining a candidate will be required to undergo a pre-employment medical check-up. the medical checkup is done at company’s dispensary which is within YAMAHA campus.

JOINING REPORT / JOINING KIT:A copy of newly joined employees is send to the the Time office


ISSUE OF APPOINTMENT LETTER: The candidate will be issued an Appointment Letter after joining. The terms of employment will be stated in the Appointment Letter.It includes: Probabation.period,, designation, department, place.of posting, repoting to the concerned person, salary and guidelines of payment, HRA, etc.

INDUCTION OR ORIENTATION: Orientation or Induction at YAMAHA is the process by which a new employee learns about, and becomes part of the YAMAHA Family. A good induction program provides the necessary information, resources and motivation to assist a new employee to adjust to the work environment as quickly as possible. It also shows that YAMAHA is committed to the new staff member.

It is a planed and systematic introduction of employees to their jobs,their co-workers and trhe organisation.The idea is to make the new employees feel’at home’ in the new enviornment

COMPANY PRESENTATION: Company Presentation is made to the new employee my an HR representative

INTER DEPARTMENT INDUCTION:A schedule is issued by the HR Department for inter department induction to the new employees,and employee has to visit each department for their induction

WELCOME NOTE is send on the employees working in the organisation on their mail ,welcoming new employee.


PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: It is an objective assessment of an individual’s performance against well defined benchmark, The performance being measured against such factors as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative,leadership abilities supervision,dependability,cooperation,judgement,versatility,health and the like. Assessment should not be confined to past performance alone. Potentials of the employee for future performance must also be assessed.

The Performance Management philosophy of YAMAHA is to build a strong culture of Performance with the accountability for results.

In Performance Appraisal process the individual performance is evaluated against the goals set at the beginning of the year. The performance management process at the company is divided into two parts, Management by Objectives(MBO)and Assessment of Competence/Potential .


To provide a forum,where the superior can provide objective feedback as also development input to the employee.Performance Review forms an input to the reward system linked to performance


Appraisal cycle is from January to December. MBO/Targets are set at the beginning or prior to the beginning of

the cycle. MBO/Targets for each individual are derived from Divisional

MBO sheet, which is based on Mid Term/Annual Plan of the company.

Each target shall be documented in such manner that there is a clear understanding of the key activities to be pursued, to achieve the goal.

Weightage shall be attached to each goal such that the total weightage of all the goals is 100.


The Performance Appraisal shall be done once in a year.Achievement against individual MBO is evaluated by the

immediate Superior or HOD after self appraisal by the individual.

The quantified percentage achievement (Performance) and Competence/Potential are the determining factors for the individual performance rating, which will be the basis for the annual Increment and Promotion.

PERFORMANCE AWARD: The employees will be eligible to participate in the Variable Pay Program of the Company known as “PERFORMANCE AWARD”.The Performance Award will be paid once a year(in march) and will depend on the Grade of the employee,Performance Rating and Achievement of Targets.

MANPOWER PLANNING: Personnel management is productive exploitation of manpower resources. This is also termed as ‘Manpower Management’. Manpower Management is choosing the proper type of people as and when required. It also takes into account the upgrading in existing people. Manpower Management starts with manpower planning. Every manager in an organization is a personnel man, dealing with people.

The process by which management ensures that it has the right personnel, who are capable of completing those tasks that help the organization reach its objectives.

Definition and importance of manpower Planning:

Planning is nothing but using the available assets for the effective implementation of the production plans. After the preparing the plans, people are grouped together to achieve organizational.objectives.

Planning is concerned with coordinating, motivating and controlling of the various activities within the organization. Time required for acquiring the material, capital

and machinery should be taken into account. Manager has to reasonably predict future events and plan out the production. The basic purpose of the management is to increase the production, so that the profit margin can be increased. Manager has to guess the future business and to take timely and correct decisions in respect of company objectives, policies and cost performances. The plans need to be supported by all the members of the organization. Planning is making a decision in advance what is to be done. It is the willpower of course of action to achieve the desired results. It is a kind of future picture where events are sketched. It can be defined as a mental process requiring the use of intellectual faculty, imagination, foresight and sound.judgment.

It involves problem solving and decision making. Management has to prepare for short term strategy and measure the achievements, while the long term plans are prepared to develop the better and new products, services, expansion to keep the interest of the owners.

Advantages of manpower planning:

Manpower planning ensures optimum use of available human resources.

1. It is useful both for organization and nation.

2. It generates facilities to educate people in the organization.

3. It brings about fast economic developments.

4. It boosts the geographical mobility of labor.

5. It provides smooth working even after expansion of the organization.

6. It opens possibility for workers for future promotions, thus providing incentive.

7. It creates healthy atmosphere of encouragement and motivation in the


8. Training becomes effective.

9. It provides help for career development of the employees.

Steps in Manpower planning

1. Predict manpower plans

2. Design job description and the job requirements

3. Find adequate sources of recruitment.

4. Give boost to youngsters by appointment to higher posts.

5. Best motivation for internal promotion.

6. Look after the expected losses due to retirement, transfer and other issues.

7. See for replacement due to accident, death, dismissals and promotion.

Factors which affect the efficiency of labor:

1. Inheritance: Persons from good collection are bound to work professionally. The quality and rate of physical as well as mental development, which is dissimilar in case of different individuals is the result of genetic differences.

2. Climate: Climatic location has a definite effect on the efficiency of the workers.

3. Health of worker: worker’s physical condition plays a very important part in performing the work. Good health means the sound mind, in the sound body.

4. General and technical education: education provides a definite impact n the working ability and efficiency of the worker.

5. Personal qualities: persons with dissimilar personal qualities bound to have definite differences in their behaviour and methods of working. The personal qualities influence the quality of work.

6. Wages: proper wages guarantees certain reasons in standard of living, such as cheerfulness, discipline etc. and keep workers satisfy. This provides incentive to work.

7. Hours of work: long and tiring hours of work exercise have bad effect on the competence of the workers.

Downsizing of manpower:

Downsizing of manpower gives the correct picture about the number of people to be employed to complete given task in the predetermined period. It is used for achieving fundamental growth in the concern. It can work out the correct price by the resource building or capacity building. It aims at correct place, correct man on a correct job.

Thus manpower planning is must to make the optimum utilization of the greatest resource available i.e. manpower for the success of any organization.






SUCCESSION PLANNING: Succession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. Through your succession planning process, you recruit superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement or promotion into ever more challenging roles.

Through succession planning process, also retain superior employees because they appreciate the time, attention, and development that you are investing in them. To effectively do succession planning in your organization, an organization must identify the organization’s long term goals. Organization must hire superior staff.

Organization need to identify and understand the developmental needs of your employees. Organization must ensure that all key employees understand their career paths and the roles they are being developed to fill.

Itis the use of a deliberate process to ensure that staffs are developed who are able to replace senior management as required.

Succession planning enables organization to identify talented employees and provide education to develop them for future higher level and broader responsibilities. Succession planning helps organization "build bench strength." Succession planning helps organization to decide where people belong on the bus

CAREER PLANNING:Career Planing for new employees joined in the organisation is done by H.R Department.

EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION:Employee Motivation is a very important aspects of an organisation.Motivation in simple terms may be understood as the set of forces that cause empoyee to behave in certain ways.Motivation process include with identifying EMPOYEESneeds,searches way to satisfy needs,engagaes goal-directed behaviour performs,receive either rewards or punishment,reassess needs deficiencies

POLICY FORMULATION: One of the major activities of H.R also includes Policy formulation.Formulation of various policies of the organization is called policy formulation.Eg. of policies are Promotion Policy,Staffing Policy,Performance Management Policy,Leave Policy,Transfer and Travel Policy

SERVICE BOND: It is a way to retain employees on whom a company has invested precious time and money

Service bonds are of two types



EXIT ANALYSIS(FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT):After the acceptance of resignation by the Division Head and Head HR department ,after acceptance of resignation following formalities are done:

• Clearence Form: HR department will forward the clearance form,to other departments,which will have to be submitted back to HR Department by the concerned employee for full and final settlement.The acceptance of the resignation and the full and final settlement shall not be made unless the clearance certificate is duly completed and submitted to HR Department.

• Service and Salary Certificate: HR Department will issue the service and salary certificate after clearance and settlement of full and final settlement.Form 16 for the purpose of filling income tax return will be issued in the month of April/May for preceding financial year.

• Exit Interview: The representative of HR Department shall conduct an Exit Interview of the employees who has resigned.The objective of the interview shall be ascertaining the reasons for the employee’s resignation.



It is a participative style of management and a range of activities that are designed to increase employees' understanding of the organisation, utilise their talents, enable them to influence decisions, and encourage their commitment to the goals of the organisation.

What are the benefits of employee involvement?

Employee involvement can:

• improve efficiency

• improve quality and competitiveness

• increase job satisfaction and motivation

• encourage co-operation and improve industrial relations.

Methods of involving employees

There are two methods of involving employees:

• indirect involvement where a representative acts on behalf of employees, for example through collective bargaining or joint consultation

• direct involvement where employees are involved in decisions about how they work, for example through quality circles or autonomous work groups.

Effective communications are essential to the success of employee involvement. It is important to create the right climate and maintain communications systems which aid a free flow of information within an organisation. Regular meetings also help to involve employees. For further information see the section on Communications.

Employee representation

Involvement through representatives can take a variety of forms. The most common form of representation is through trade unions and employees have the right to be a member of a trade union, or not to be a member.

Employees also have the right not to be excluded or expelled from a trade union except for certain permitted reasons.

In some companies representation is through works or office committees or staff associations. Collective bargaining - the principal method of involvement through representatives - is dealt with separately.

Joint consultation

Joint consultation is the process by which management involves employees through their representatives in discussion on relevant matters which affect or concern those they represent. This process allows employees the opportunity to influence the proposal before the final management decision is made.

How can joint consultation be made to work effectively?

• senior managers should attend regularly

• there should be a written constitution

• make sure there is an agenda for each meeting

• establish a procedure for reporting back to managers and employees

• provide training for committee members and chair holder

• see that the committee meets regularly, normally not less than once every two months.

Quality circles

Quality circles are small groups of employees, usually led by a supervisor, who meet regularly to solve problems and to find ways of improving aspects of their work. The circle presents recommendations to management and is normally involved in subsequent implementation and monitoring. A facilitator is usually appointed to arrange training and provide support.

How can quality circles be made to work effectively?

• commitment of senior management is crucial

• time and money must be allocated for training and meetings

• senior managers should be available to attend meetings as appropriate

• management must be prepared to support the implementation of the circle's solutions to problems, with resources as necessary

• quality circles should operate openly with full recognition given to their achievements

• the circle should be able to select its own problems to solve, not just those identified by managers and the facilitator

• trade unions should be consulted and encouraged to become involved

• begin modestly - perhaps with a pilot scheme.

Financial participation

Financial participation through share ownership or periodic sharing of profits can help increase employees' awareness of the financial and market forces affecting a company's performance. This can help employees identify with the progress of their own company and create a more committed workforce.

What are the types of financial participation?

There are many types of financial participation including:

• cash schemes in which cash is distributed to employees from company profits

• share option schemes where employees are given an option to buy a certain number of shares at a set price at a particular time

• save as you earn share option schemes in which employees save a specified amount over an agreed period with an Inland Revenue approved plan. They have an option to buy shares at the end of the savings period at the market price which prevailed when the option was granted

• all employee share ownership plans (AESOPs) which aim to involve employees through share ownership - taking advantage of tax concessions - and at the same time providing a new source of capital for the company.

How can financial participation be made to work successfully?

Financial participation is unlikely to be successful if there are weaknesses in existing payment systems. Organisations should therefore examine their wage structure and pay rates to make sure they are fair and are understood by employees. In addition financial participation is more likely to be successful if:

• employees and their representatives are consulted before schemes are put into effect

• schemes are clearly understood by employees

• schemes are reviewed regularly

• it is part of an overall programme of measures to involve employees.

Other forms of involvement

Other forms of employee involvement include:

• autonomous work groups which have some degree of autonomy or responsibility within a defined area, for example responsibility for work organisation, quality and output

• job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation which seek involvement and motivation by improving job satisfaction and effectiveness

• joint working parties which involve representatives of management and employees seeking joint solutions to problems. They are non-negotiating forums in which participants work together.

• Suggeston Schemes

• Kaizen,etc

H.R.I.S (HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM):The HRIS is a systematic procedure for collecting,storing,maintaining,retrieving and validating data needed by an organization about its human resources.The HRIS is usually a part of the organisation’s larger management information system(MIS).The HRIS need not be complex oe even computerized,but computerization has its own advantage of providing more accurate and timely data for decision making.In short,it means an integrated system designed to provide information used in HR decision making.

The areas of application of of HRIS are many.Some of them include:

• Training Management

• Risk Management

• Turnover Analysis

• Succesion Planning

• Flexible-benefits administration

• Compliance with government and legal requirements

• Attendance reporting and analysis

• Human resource planning

• Accident Reporting and Prevention

• Strategy Planning

• Financial Planning and other related matters.

PERSONAL FILE MANAGEMENT: The PERSONAL FILE MANAGEMENT is a systematic procedure for collecting,storing,maintaining,retrieving and validating data employees record needed by an organization.

Personal File of an employee is maintained by HR Department.

At the time of joining of new employee personal file is of that candidate is introduce.

Following information are entered into employees personal file:

• Copy of Resume

• Joining report

• Medical report

• Copy of Offer letter

• Copy of Appointment letter

• Salary letter

• Proofs of personal qualification

• Copy of Performance Appraisal report

• Copy of promotion letter

• Proof of previous employer

• Copy of certificate,if issued.

• Copy of salary increment,etc

HR AUDIT: It is a tool which helps assess effectiveness of HR function of an organization. It is tool for evaluating the personnel activities of an organization. The audit may include one division or an entire company. It gives feedback about the HR functions to operating managers and HR specialist. It also provides feedback about how well managers are meeting their HR duties. In short,the audit is overall quality control check on HR activities in a division or company and evaluation of these activities support the organizations.HR audit that continually attempts to quantify the value of organizational human resources.


CERTIFICATE ISSUE: The other minor activity of HR is issue of certificate. Many of the employees want to pursue higher studies for their career development for that he has to submit his/her proof of experience in form of experience certificate to the educational institutes and other related matters. For issuance of his/her certificates an employee has to give an written request duly signed by the his head of department to the HR department with his signature and provide necessary details any a copy of his letter is kept in his personal file. Salary certificates, experience certicates, character certificate, summer training certificate, training certificate are some of the e.g. of certificates issued.

WELCOME NOTE: Whenever a new employee joins the YAMAHA family, a welcome note is send to all the employees of the organization stating brief information about the newly joined employee.



SUMMER TRAINING: A Well planned, properly executed and evaluated summer training helps a lot in inclucating good work culture. It provides linkage between the student and industry in order to develop the awareness of Industrial approach to problem-solving based on broad understanding of the plant, machinery process and mode of operation of industrial organisation.

One of the major process of H.R is also to provide summer training to students pursuing professional courses.The H.R department issues summer training letter to the suitable candidates

YAMAHA provides summer training to the students from

Management institutes and engineering institutes.

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