introduction to digicoach empowering instructional leaders common core edition

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Introduction to digiCOACH

Empowering Instructional Leaders

Common Core Edition


• What is digiCOACH?• Why digiCOACH?• How digiCOACH works• Practice using digiCOACH • digiCOACH Reports

What is digiCOACH?

Coaching Made Easy with iPadSupports informal classroom

walkthroughsGuides the user through five focus

areasPrewrites strategies, coaching tips

and/or write your own notesSends immediate feedback by


5 minutes

Walkthrough Evidence


5 minutes5 minutes

5 minutes 5 minutes5 minutes5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes5 minutes

Longitudinal Walkthrough Evidence

-Snapshots Over Time-

5 minutes

What digiCOACH is not…


Why digiCOACH?

Provide immediate meaningful feedback to teachers

Drive professional development decisions with data

-The following slides are 2 large research studies-

Why digiCOACH?

Research on Frequency of Feedback








At Least Weekly

At Least Monthly

At Least Twice a


Once a Year


Source: NCTQ Survey, February/March 2011 n=1,317


Figure 14. Frequency at which teachers report receiving feedback from their principal

Research on Quality of FeedbackOur National Failure to Acknowledge and Act On Teacher Effectiveness

Teacher Support

No Areas for Improvement

Received Useful Support

Received No Use-ful Support

Survey of 15,000 teachers and 1,300 administrators in 12 districts in the states of AR, CO, IL, OH

73% 27%



Source: The Widget Effect 2009

How does digiCOACH work?

Let’s discuss the 5 Focus Areas

Foundations Rigor and Relevance

College and Career Readiness

Literacy Across Content Areas

Thinking Process

FoundationsFocus: The posted Common Core Standard drives the objective to focus the lesson.

Precision: The lesson provides opportunities for a narrow and deep learning outcome as it relates to the standard.

Coherence: Learning objectives are organized to extend previous learning and the inter- relatedness among standards.

Technology: Students utilize a wide range of multimedia tools to complete meaningful tasks related to the standard.

Skip Focus Area Feedback

Rigor and RelevanceTask: Student tasks apply core knowledge or skills to solve real-world problems.

Inquiry: Students complete the inquiry process for real-world purposes.

Applications: Students extend knowledge to relevant applications for interdisciplinary and contextual learning.

Rigor: The lesson is complex and conceptually challenging, requiring students to deal with dilemmas, take positions, and conduct inquiry.

Skip Focus Area Feedback

Literacy Across Content AreasVocabulary: Students have repeated exposure to new words with opportunities for making connections in a variety of contexts.

Complex Text: Students have sustained exposure to complex text with minimal scaffolding.

Evidence: Students support and defend written and oral claims with text, data, and evidence.

Writing: Students write across the content areas as part of the learning process.

Skip Focus Area Feedback

Thinking ProcessProcedural Fluency: Students practice procedures to solve problems and complete tasks.

Conceptual Understanding: Students formulate knowledge frameworks for a concept through contextual changes.

Evaluation: Students evaluate claims or solutions based upon a set of values and criteria, verbally and in writing.

Extension: Students extend concepts to complex and unpredictable situations, demonstrating academic perseverance.

FeedbackSkip Focus Area

College and Career ReadinessCommunication: Students listen, interpret, and articulate ideas verbally and in writing across the disciplines.

Collaboration: Student collaboration includes academic language and rich discussion related to the learning task.

Critical Thinking: Students reflect critically during learning experiences and processes.

Creativity: Student ideas reflect evidence of originality, inventiveness, and innovation.

All four indicators noted during this walkthrough. FeedbackSkip Focus AreaSkip Focus Area All four indicators skipped during this walkthrough.



is the Key!

Teachers receive feedback immediately by email.

Types of Feedback

• Strengths

• Evidence

• Support

• Tips

Strategies Coaching Tips

Auto Generated TextStrategy/Strengths Selected by Coach

Coaching Tip/SupportSelected by Coach

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 11:05 AM, digiCOACH <> wrote:


Thank you for allowing me to observe your instruction today. I saw many effective teaching strategies that were utilized during your lesson.

I have included some of the positive strategies that I observed, as well as coaching tips for use in future lessons.

Strategy – Strategy- Rigor and Relevance/ Tasks: When you had the students apply core knowledge to teach other students, you made the learning more meaningful.

Strategy – Foundations/Precision: When your lesson aligns the standard to a narrow focus, you maximize students’ learning.

Coaching Tip – Literacy Across Content Areas/ Writing: To add a formative assessment component to guide instruction,have the students complete a Think-Pair-Share during the lesson.

Regards,Steve Hamilton


Feedback Email

5 minutes

Walkthrough Evidence



Let’s Try One!

www.teachingchannel.orgKeywords: What’s Fun About Surface Area Whole Brain Teaching: High School Math

www.vimeo.comKeywords: Integrating WITS LEADS in the classroom- A Grade 4 Language Arts Lesson

Suggested Resources

Suggestion:Concentrate on one

Focus Area until calibration and

common meaning occur.

What can digiCOACH reports show?

5 minutes5 minutes

5 minutes 5 minutes5 minutes5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes5 minutes

Longitudinal Walkthrough Evidence

-Snapshots Over Time-

5 minutes

Focus Area Summary What are this school’s strengths?

In which areas would professional development be most beneficial for this site?

What additional information would be beneficial?

Foundations Rigor and Relevance

College and Career Readiness

Literacy Across Content Areas

Thinking Process

Rigor and Relevance Summary What are this school’s strengths?

In which areas would professional development be most beneficial for this site?

What additional information would be beneficial?

Task Inquiry Applications Rigor

Focus Area Comparison When focusing on

Rigor and Relevance, which subject area could provide the most support?

What other questions can be answered when looking at this report?

ELA Math Science Social Studies

Empowering Instructional Leaders

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