introduction to computer components

Post on 25-May-2015






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Introduction To

Computer Components

A collaboration by:Tahina Westbrook

Joseph Stewart


The superhighway into the future…

“What is a computer?*A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. Once entered, it has the ability to store, retrieve and process this data typically in a binary form of 0’s and 1’s.

Step 1Power Up

Step 2Start Boot Program

Step 3Power-on Self Test

Step 4Identify

Peripheral Devices

Step 5Load

Operating System

Step 6Check

Configuration and


So what happens when you power on your computer?

When you push the power button on your computer that was previously powered off, several things begin to happen. First the ROM circuitry receives power then your computer begins a series of steps

called the boot process by executing the bootstrap program.

The boot process contains a sequence of events that occurs between the time that you turn on your computer and the time it is ready for your commands.

Central Processing Unit The Brain of the computer…

Within the brain, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), performs simple arithmetic and logical operations while the control unit (CU), manages the various components of the computer by reading and interpreting

instructions from memory and transforming them into a series of signals to activate other parts of the computer.

The number of bits that a CPU can process at one time is called…

Word size

The most important parts of a CPU are tucked away inside a case which allows the computer to display things on the screen.

• CPU• RAM• Motherboard• Hard Drives• Peripherals• CD/DVD Drives





All of the items listed are different types of memory storage that can be located in a computer.

The relationship between them all are quite simple. If a CPU calls for a new instruction or data and the cache memory is full, the system overwrites cache memory by the amount needed to store the new instructions. If the information cannot be located in

cache memory, the computer searches for them in RAM. If the information cannot be located in RAM, the computer searches the

hard drive.

A computer system is made up of four components; output, input, storage and a processor with each having a specific purpose.

Output ⇨⇦ Input

⇦ Storage

⇩ Processor

Input Devices Output Devices

Input devices are whatever is typed, submitted or even transmitted to a computer system.

Output devices are the ending results produced by a computer.





Computer Monitors




Storage Devices Processors

Storage devices are the areas in which data is left on a permanent basis when not immediately in use.

Processors are the brain of the computer where the thinking is executed. Its primary function is to process data at extremely fast rates.

DVDsFloppy Disks

Hard Drives


AMD Processor

ARM Processor

Neotion Processor

Intel Processor

Combo Input-Output Devices

USB Thumb


Fax Machines

Touch ScreensHeadsets

Floppy DisksCD-R RW


These devices not only can accept information but also have the capability of outputting


What components are essential to the operation of a computer?


The System





Hard Disk Drive

Optical Drive

Other Storage

Sound System

Display System

Network & Internet





What is an instruction set and how are they executed?

Increment Pointer

1. Getting the instructions

2. Translating the instructions

3. Performing the action specified by

the instructions

4. Going to the next instruction

An instruction set is a collection of pre-programmed activities such as addition, subtraction, counting, etc. with each corresponding to a sequence of 0’s and 1’s.

A system bus transfers data between components inside or between a computer. It is circuitry that transports data to and from the microprocessor.

What is a System Bus???

Types of Busses

Data Bus:These buses carry data from one unit

to the other in both directions.

Address Bus:These buses carry addresses given

by the CPU from one unit to the other unit.

Control Bus:These buses carry control signal from

the ALU to memory and from the memory to the ALU.

Lets review…1. A Printer is an input, output or combo device?

2. The shoe process contains a sequence of events that occurs between the time that you turn on your computer and the time it is ready for your commands. True or False?

3. Which arrangement is correct for an instruction set to be executed.

a) fetch, execute, decode, increment pointerb) execute, decode, fetch, increment pointerc) fetch, decode, execute, increment pointer

4. What is the brain of a computer called?

Answer key:• output• false• fetch, decode, execute, increment pointer• CPU (Central Processing Unit)

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