introduction of own cloud

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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 Introduction of OwnCloud

Introduction •  ownCloud is an open source file synchronization and

share software, providing both community & enterprise version.

Source Code •  OwnCloud is open source under AGPL-licensed

OwnCloud Project









owncloud Server Core

owncloud desktop syncing client

owncloud Android App

owncloud ios App

owncloud Android library

owncloud ios library

owncloud python library

other owncloud plug-in

Installation •  OwnCloud supports Linux (like) operating systems •  Available via packages, sources, virtual images or a one

file php installer and .tar archive

Install on Ubuntu 14.04 sudo sh -c “echo ‘deb /’ >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud.list” sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install owncloud

The install process will pause and ask you to input the password of root user for MySQL database.

Initial Configuration

•  Initial configuration necessary on first use

•  Open http://localhost/owncloud or http://ipaddress/owncloud via web browser

-  Administrator name & password -  Directory to place the data -  Backend database system type -  Database user name, password,

database name, database server host

File manage interface Directory and file list

Favorite directory and file list

Directory and file list shared with you

Directory and file list shared with others

Directory and file list shared by link

Folder & file management

You can create folder and text file, or upload a file to OwnCloud server

You can download, rename, share, remove file and browse all the versions

You can rename, share, remove folder and download folder as a .zip file

Share folder & file

You can share folder and file with other owncloud users or group. You can also choose if the shared foloder and file can be edited or shared again.

You can also share folder and file by an URL link. You can set password protect and expire date for the share link.

Personal info interface Maintain sync devices

Maintain password, email, profile pic, etc

Maintain email notification rules

HTML share code and SSL root certificates import

Manage user and group

Three roles available: ordinary user, group admin and system admin. You can create/remove group, add/remove user to/from a group. You can also modify username, password and storage quota.

Install app on OwnCloud

OwnCloud is an open platform and provides its API, so developers can implement different apps based on it.

You can browse all the supported apps on OwnCloud and chose to enable.

Add external storage

Official External Storage App make it possible to add external storage such as AWS S3, Dropbox, OpenStack Swift, etc.

You can add AWS S3 by providing access key, access secret key and bucket name.

Mount to local server •  ownCloud supports the WedDAV protocol, so you can

mount the storage of ownCloud to a local server by using davfs2 driver.

Mount on Ubuntu 14.04 sudo apt-get install davfs2 sudo echo “/home/felix/Owncloud admin admin123” >> /etc/davfs2/secrets sudo echo “http://localhost:8090/owncloud/remote.php/webdav /home/felix/Owncloud davfs uid=felix,gid=felix 0 0” >> /etc/fstab sudo mount /home/felix/Owncloud/ df -h | grep owncloud http://localhost:8090/owncloud/remote.php/webdav 5.0G 4.9M 5.0G 1% /home/felix/Owncloud

The above commands will mount the storage of admin user on ownCloud to /home/felix/Owncloud on local server and grant the read & write rights to local system user felix.

Access OwnCloud by API •  For now, ownCloud supplies android, ios and python

library to access ownCloud server. Access ownCloud by python client sudo pip install pyocclient Code example for connecting owncloud server and uploading a file: import owncloud oc = owncloud.Client(‘http://localhost:8090/owncloud’) oc.login(‘admin’, ‘admin123’) oc.mkdir(‘Test’) oc.put_file(‘Test/test.txt’, ‘localtest.txt’) print oc.get_file_contents(‘Test/test.txt’) oc.logout() python Hello, owncloud server!

Local test file has been uploaded to owncloud server.

Build Android App •  Both android and ios app of OwnCloud are open source,

so you can build your app version. Get the source code of android app and library git clone cd android/owncloud-android-library git clone cd android-library mv * ../ Import & build with Android Studio

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