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The bibliography (finalised Dec 2012) covers a selection of published texts, reports,

dissertations and theses, and websites and, unlike standard bibliographies, includes sources

that may be of use to future researchers, regardless of discipline. They are divided into

general categories but there is overlap between them. There is also a section on archives;

documents and locations.

The listing attempts to be comprehensive by including as many sources as possible for those

who wish to carry out specific research. Most dissertations and theses are from Makerere

University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology, with a few from other

universities, but not from Third Level institutions in Kigezi. Some of the more technical

subjects are only lightly covered; bibliographies contained in the main sources will lead to

more specialist literature, i.e. gorillas, soils and development.

Travel books are a late inclusion; they offer useful contemporary perspectives. Those listed

below are the result of a trawl through the Uganda Society Library and focuses on the

observant, insightful, not (much) judgemental and well-written but no useful bit of data was


The majority of works are in English, reflecting the linguistic divide between English, French

and German. There is a small amount of literature in German that covers the early colonial

exploratory period for the area around the Virunga Mountains before 1912. There is a large

literature in French that covers the colonial period (see Fr. Geraud's sources, 1972) and the

natural sciences of the Albert National Park. Both languages are poorly represented here

since it only lists what other English-writers have used.

In general, the literature relating to Uganda is country and language-specific for linguistic,

political and administrative reasons. There is more inter-country literature for specific

disciplines and issues within the natural sciences such as wildlife and park management.

While the bibliography attempts to be consistent problems arose with reports, working

papers, conference papers, etc. It is not always clear if they were ever formally published,

informally published or if they leaked out into the public domain. They are found in both the

published and unpublished lists.

Another issue is the reference methodology, there are several systems used by Arts and

Sciences and while the bibliography may not fit any of them exactly, it tries to be consistent.

Two minor issues are capitalisation within titles sometimes used, sometimes not, depending

on the source, and first names, sometimes given, sometimes not. When there are three, or

more, joint authors, than only the first is given with et al.

Fountain Publishers in Kampala is an excellent source of books on Uganda. The Uganda

Journal, published by the Uganda Society (originally Uganda Literary and Scientific Society,

founded 1923), has various useful articles and detailed research would undoubtedly bring

results; a reasonably comprehensive list is below in the various sections. A very useful

bibliography covering the whole country is in Uganda – Studies in Living Conditions,

Popular Movements and Constitutionalism, ed. Mahmood Mamdani and Joe Olaka-Onyango,

Vienna, 1993. An extract of files in the National Archives, Entebbe is included below.

Some articles are available on the internet and are either free or by subscription only.

Copying the title into a search engine is the fastest way to establish e-publication. Note that

some articles are available on both open source and fee-paying sites; there's no need to spend

money when you don't have to. Development-related works are freely and easily available.

Online coverage of older works is patchy.

Recent scientific journals, and the like, are mixed, depending on contracts with internet

publishers. For the debate concerning open access versus subscription in the following 18th

century Irish joke may be pertinent (Spirit of Irish Wit, London, 1811):

“Mr. Burke, author of the Sublime and Beautiful, going to a bookcase, and finding it locked, said, “This is a Locke on the Human Understanding”.

For non-academic websites – a word of warning – they tend to quote each other word for

word without acknowledgement and it can be difficult to establish the original source or their


A Short History of Sources

The bibliography shows that in the period after independence intellectual curiosity was still

strong following the English and European university tradition, particularly in Makerere

University, originally East African University. However Idi Amin's hatred of and subsequent

pogroms against those he perceived as 'intellectuals' brought original research and publishing

to a sudden halt in most academic disciplines. Then the harsh world of economic reality set in

and the function of books is now mostly utilitarian; to get a job, ideally with a degree, and

sometimes books have to be used for work.

One possible interpretation is that books as a source of reading pleasure or to satisfy curiosity

has become less common with less personal investment in knowledge for long-term personal

development. Book costs are another inhibiting factor as the price may equal a week's wages.

According to James Tumusiime (Chairman and MD of Fountain Publishers), 2000:

“Moreover those bad times killed the book-reading habit as many teachers resorted to stencilling or photocopying occasional pages and some used past examination papers to teach from. There were children who came out of primary school never having handled a book.”

A review of the publications shows that the golden age of history was in the late 1960s and

early 1970s when there were many significant publications of books and in journals. The

majority (24) of theses and dissertations in Makerere University were published between

1968 and 1976, peaking between 1969 and 1973.

Between 1981 and 1992 a further five were published that are cultural, and contain some

historical background, except for one that is a diocesan history. Another was published in

1994 and, since then, silence. This is mirrored in the Uganda Journal who has published

many articles on Kigezi, history, development and natural sciences since 1934, the last was in


Two major exceptions are Festo Karwemera who has published many books on Bakiga

culture, language and history in Rukiga and Bishop Ernest Shalita who published similar

topics in Bafumbira in Rufumbira with two in English.

This is not to say that research is not carried out but the focus has completely changed, now

the emphasis is on Community Development, including geographical and economic issues,

and people – park interactions such as resource access, environmental impacts of harvesting

wild plants and wildlife crop and livestock predation, and Natural Sciences, including micro-

organisms, descriptions of flora and fauna, their populations, behaviours and ecologies.

The two main universities of Natural Science research, relevant to Kigezi, are Makerere and,

to a lesser extent, Mbarara. The former has been active from 1990 and is strong on micro-

organisms. The latter is more evenly spread from around 1988. The majority of Community

Development publications are between 1993 and 2005. Overall 28 development theses have

been published since 1992, peaking between 1999 and 2005; they have been in ones and twos

per year since 2008.

Fifty four Natural Science theses have been published by both universities between 1988 to

the present day with peaks between 1999-2000 and 2004-08. Current statistics may be an

underestimate and depend on how often library databases are updated.

Publications on agricultural geography are sparse: one each in 1950, 1970 and 1989 and three

in 1969 with later ones in 2002-2007; the latest may not have arrived on the internet yet, the

source for many modern articles.

Overall about 50% of theses cover Natural Sciences, mostly from 1990, and the balance is

made up of an equal number covering historical and community development topics, the

former in the early 1970s and the latter from 1990 to the present day. Probably 75% of them

are after 1990, with a rise from 2000.

Issues Arising

The rises indicate an increase of access to third level education; a growth of the science sector

in universities and the realisation of the importance of community development in the

economic health of the nation. However there has been a decline in historical and cultural

research perhaps reflecting the current pre-occupation of the utility of knowledge rather than

pure intellectual curiosity that is non-productive in economic terms.

However, past events and culture can have economic impacts as, for instance, the practise of

property customary law. These laws are deeply embedded in society from pre-colonial times

though heavily modified by the practices and evolution of English law in the colonies as

society developed from conquest to globalisation, 1880-1960, followed by legal

interpretations of post-independence judiciary (whose probity has sometimes been

questioned), now being influenced by international banking institutions whose legal

framework of property law is diametrically opposite and attempts to tie aid to 'land reform',

often with little understanding of the issues involved.

Published Sources

Agriculture and Land

African Highlands Institute, Natural Resource Management constraints and prospects in

Kabale District, Kampala, 1998

Ashley Rebecca, Colonial Solutions, Contemporary Problems: Digging to the Root of

Environmental Degradation in Kabale, Uganda, World Agroforestry Working Paper, 2005

Bagoora F. D. K., Soil erosion and mass-wasting risk in the highland areas of Uganda,

Mountain Research and Development, vol. 8, 1998

Bamwerinde W., et al, Sharing local knowledge: Farmers from Kabale study tree pruning

systems and agroforestry in Embu (Kenya), Kabale, 1999

Bamwerinde W., et al, The Puzzle of Idle Land in the Densely Populated Kigezi Highlands of

Southwestern Uganda, International Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 3, No.

1, June 2006

Belshaw D. G. R., Outline of Resettlement Policy in Uganda, 1945-63, Land Settlement and

Rural Development in East Africa, ed. Apthorpe R., Kampala, 1968

Bolwig Simon, Land Use Change and Soil Degradation in the Southwestern Highlands of

Uganda, The International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, Byagagaire J. &

Lawrence J. C. D., Effects of Customs of Inheritance on Sub-Division and Land

Fragmentation in South Kigezi, Kampala, 1957

Carswell Grace, Soil conservation policies in colonial Kigezi, Uganda: Successful

Implementation and an Absence of Resistance, Social History and African Environments, ed.

W. Beinart and J. McGregor. 2002

Carswell Grace, Continuities in environmental narratives: the case of Kabale, 1930-2000,

Environment and History, 9 (1), 2003

Carswell Grace, Food crops as cash crops: the case of colonial Kigezi, Uganda,

Carswell Grace, Cultivating Success in Uganda – Kigezi Farmers and Colonial Politics,

Kampala, 2007

Clayton E., Purseglove: A Pioneer of Rural Development, Wye, 1993

Gerrits Andreas, Biodiversity for Income Generation – Kigezi, n. d.

International Livestock Research Institute, Kigezi Cow, 2009

Infield Mark, The Names of Ankole Cows, Kampala, 2003

Kagambirwa E. R., Causes and Consequences of Land Shortage in Kigezi, Makerere Dept. of

Geography Occasional Papers, 23, 1973

Kateete B. M., Land Tenure and Land Use in Hamurwa Parish, Ikumba sub-county, Rubanda

County, Kigezi District, Essays on Land Fragmentation in Kigezi District, ed. Tindituuza R.

& Kateete B. M., Makerere Dept. of Geography Occasional Papers, 22, 1971

Kururagire A. R., Land Fragmentation at Rugarama, Kigezi, Uganda Journal, vol. 33, no. 1,


Langlands B. W., A Population Geography of Kigezi District, Makerere Dept. of Geography

Occasional Papers, 26, 1971

Lindblade K. et al, Mitigating the relationship between population growth and land

degradation: Land use change and farm management in southwestern Uganda, Ambio 27 (7)


Lindblade K. et al, More People, More Fallow – Environmentally favourable land use

changes in southwestern Uganda, Rockefeller Foundation Report, 1996

Maclean I. M. D. et al, Social and economic use of wetland resources: a case study from

Lake Bunyonyi, Uganda. Environmental Change and Management Working Paper, No. 2003-

09, Centre for Social and Economic Research into the Global Environment, University of

East Anglia, 2003 Norwich

Nzabona A. & Ngerageze E., Landscape and Human Activities in Kisoro, Kampala, 1999

Miiro D. et al, Participatory Rural Appraisal Report, Bubaale sub-county, Kabale District,

Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Project, Kabale, 1998

MISR and Land Tenure Centre, The Rujumbura pilot land registration scheme – Kigezi

(Rukungiri District), The impact of titling on agricultural development. Madison, 1988

Mugisha R., Emergent changes and trends in land tenure and use in Kabale and Kisoro

districts, Kampala, CBR no. 26, 1992

Obua J. & Muhanguzi G., Farmer's Knowledge of Indigenous Tree Cultivation around BNIP,

Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor, vol. 5, (2) 1998

Purseglove J. W., Kitozho Mutala Survey, Kabale, 1940

Purseglove J. W., Report on the overpopulated areas of Kigezi District, Kabale, 1945

Purseglove J. W., Land Use in the overpopulated areas of Kigezi District, East African

Agricultural Journal, 12 (1) 1946

Purseglove J. W., Community Development on the Uganda-Congo border, Mass Education

Bulletin, 3, 1950

Purseglove J. W., Kigezi Resettlement, Uganda Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, 1950

Purseglove J. W., Uganda's Pearl reclaimed: the pioneer Kigezi Scheme, East African

Journal, 1950-51

Purseglove J. W., Resettlement in Kigezi, Journal of African Administration, 3, 1951

Roth M. et al, Tenure security, credit use and farm investment in Rujhumbura (Rukungiri

District) pilot land registration scheme, Search for land security in Africa, ed. Bruce J. W. &

Migot-Ardholla, Washington, 1994 and Land Tenure Research Centre Report, 1993,

Wisconsin University

Rutanga Murindwa, Conditions of Labour on Commercial Dairy Farms in Kabale District,

CBR/ENRECA Working Paper No.1, 1989

Rutanga Murindwa, Agrarian Struggles in the Judicial Domain: The Case of Kigezi in the

Great Lakes Region, CBR/ENRECA Occasional Paper Series, vol. 10, 2007

Scherer F., Development of smallholder vegetable production in Kigezi: data, observations

and experiences. Munich, 1969

Tindituuza R. J., Study on land tenure in Nyarurambi Parish, Essays on land fragmentation in

Kigezi District, ed. Tindituuza R. J. & Kateete B. M., Kampala, 1971

Tindituuza R. J. & Kateete B. M., Essays on land fragmentation in Kigezi District, Kampala,


Tothill J. D., Agriculture in Uganda, London, 1940

Tukahirwa E. M. & Veit P., Public Policy and Legislation in Environmental Management:

Terracing in Nyarurembo parish, Nairobi, 1992

Tukahirwa J. M., Soil resources in the highlands of Uganda: Prospects and sensitivities,

Mountain Research and Development, 8, 1988

White R.G., Blacksmiths of Kigezi, Uganda Journal, vol. 33, no. 1, 1969

Wright A. C. A., Kitozha Mutala Survey, Kabale, 1938

Yeld R., Land hunger in Kigezi, southwest Uganda, Land Settlement and Rural Development

in Eastern Africa, ed. Apthorpe R., Kampala, 1968

Zake J. W. K. Report of the soil fertility survey of south western Region: Kabale and

Rukungiri, South West Regional Agricultural Rehabilitation Project, Mbarara, 1991

Zirahuka Charles K., The Food Crisis in Kabale District: A Case Study for Food Policy

Reforms, Kampala, 1998

Culture, History and Religion

Ahurwendeitre H. R., The Story of the Drum Kingdom in South-West Uganda, Uganda

Journal, no. 35, 1971

Baitwababo S. R., Foundations of Rujumbura Society, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Baitwababo S. R., Bashambo Rule in Rujumbura, A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda,

ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Baitwababo S. R., The Kingdom of Kuvumbu, A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda,

ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Bananuka-Rukara F., Bakiga Resistance and adaptation to British rule, A History of Kigezi in

South-West Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Banura G. et al, The Kanungu Cult saga: suicide, murder or salvation? Kampala, 2000

Baxter P. T.W., The Kiga, East African Chiefs in A study of Political Development in some

Uganda and Tanganyika Tribes, ed. Richards A. I., London, 1960

Behrend H., Salvation and Terror in Western Uganda: the Movement for the Restoration of

the Ten Commandments of God, in Millenarian Movements in Africa and the Diaspora, (ed.)

Grootaers J-L., Brussels, 2000

Berger Iris, The Kubandwa Religious Complex of Interlacustrine East Africa: an Historical

Study, c.1500-1900, Wisconsin, 1973

Berger I., Religion and Resistance: East African Kingdoms in the Precolonial Period,

Teruven, 1981

Berger I., Fertility as Power: spirit mediums, priestesses & the pre-colonial state, in

Revealing Prophets, (ed.) Anderson D. & Johnson D. H., London, 1995

Bessel M. J., Nyabingi, Uganda Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, 1938

Bigirimana Pius, Abundance Mentality – My Autobiography, Brighton, 2011

Bisamunyu E. N., Baganda Agency, A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda, ed. Denoon

D. Kampala, 1972

Brazier, F. S., The Incident at Nyakishenyi, 1917, Uganda Journal, vol. 32, no. 1, 1968

Bright, R. G. T., The Ugandan-Congo Boundary Commission: Summary Report, The

Geographical Journal, 32, (5) 1908

Bwesigye Brian, A Historical Understanding of Contemporary Kiga Marriage Ceremonies;

An Afro-Christian Fusion, Kampala, 2011

Chretien J. P., Des sedentaires devenus migrants: les motifs des depart des Barundi et des

Banyrwanda vers Uganda, 1920-60, Cultures et Development, 10 (1) 1978

Church Joe, Quest for the Highest, a Diary of the East African Revival, Exeter, 1981

Church Missionary Society, Ruanda Notes and CMS Newsletter, London, 1920+

Cisternino Marius, The Proverbs of Kigezi and Ankole, Kampala, 1987

Cisternino Marius, I segreti delle serenità: pedagogia tradizionale nel cuore dell'Africa,

Bologna, 1993

Connor K. T., Kigezi, Uganda District Government and Politics, 1947-1967, ed. Barkan J.

D., Madison, 1977

Coomes Anne, Festo Kivengere – A Biography, Eastbourne, 1990

Coote J. M., The Kivu Mission, 1909-1910, Uganda Journal, vol. 20, 1976

Czekanowski J., Forschungen im Nil-Kongo-Zwischengebeit, Vol. 3, Ethnographie:

Anthropologischer Atlas Zwischenseen-Bantu, Pygmaen und Pygmoiden, Urwaldstamme,

Leipzig, 1911

Czekanowski J., Forschungen im Nil-Kongo-Zwischengebeit, Vol. 1, Ethnographische-

Zwischenseegablat: Mpororo-Ruanda, Leipzig, 1917

D'Arianoff A., Histoire des Bagesera, souverains du Gisaka, Brussells, 1952

Denoon D. Struggle for official posts in Kigezi, 1908-30, Makerere History Seminar Papers,

Vol. D, 1970-1

Denoon D., The allocation of official posts in Kigezi, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Denoon Donald, ed. A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda, Kampala, 1972

des Forges A., The Drum is greater than the Shout: the 1912 Rebellion in northern Rwanda,

Banditry, Rebellion and Social Protest in Africa, ed. Crummey D., London 1986

Duval Armand, Yohana Kitagana – Catechiste, Conde sur Moirea, 2002, (translated from

French to English by Sr. Marie Godin MSOLA, Kampala, 2008)

Edel May M., The Bachiga of East Africa, Cooperation and Competition among Primitive

Peoples, ed. Mead M., New York, 1937

Edel May M., Property among the Chiga in Uganda, Africa, vol. 11, 1938

Edel May M., The Chiga of Uganda, London, 1957 & 1996

Falk Peter, The Growth of the Church in Africa, Grand Rapids, 1979

Feierman Steven, Healing, Civil Society, and Colonial Conquest, Paper for the 1994 History

Workshop Conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Feierman Steven, Colonisers, Scholars, and the Creation of Invisible Histories, Beyond the

Cultural Turn, ed. Bonnell V.E. & Hunt L., Berkeley, 1999

Freedman Jim, Ritual and History: the Case of Nyabingi, Cahiers D'Etudes Africaines, Vol.

14, No. 53, 1974

Freedman Jim, Nyabingi: The Social History of an African Divinity, Tervuren, 1984

Geraud P. F., The Settlement of the Bakiga, A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda, ed.

Donald Denoon, Kampala, 1972

Geraud P. F., Traditional Religion, A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda, ed. Denoon D.

Kampala, 1972

Geraud P. F., Historical Notes of the Bakiga from Uganda (Ndorwa, Rubanda, Rukiga),

Precolonial Period, Annali del Pontificio Museo missionario Etnologico gia Lateranensi,

34/36 (1970/1972)

Godin Marie, (see Duval)

Green Elliott D., Demography, Diversity and Nativism in Contemporary Africa: Evidence

from Uganda, ASEN Conference on Political Demography, London School of Economics

and Political Science, 2006

Guillebaud Lindesay, Grain of Mustard Seed, London, 1959

Hansen H. B., Mission, Church and State in a colonial setting: Uganda, 1890-1925, London,


Hansen H. B., The colonial control of spirit cults in Uganda, in Revealing Prophets, (ed.)

Anderson D. & Johnson D. H., London, 1995

Heidenreich Georg Eduard, Arbeit und Beruf bei Handwerkern der Bakiga in Uganda,

Beyreuth, 1994

Hopkins Elizabeth, The Nyabingi Cult of Southwestern Uganda, in Protest and Power in

Black Africa, ed. Robert Rotberg and Ali Mazrui, New York: Oxford, 1970

Ingrams Harold, Uganda, London, 1960

Institute for Dialogue and Peace, History and Conflicts in Rwanda, Kigali, 2006

Jeffreys M. D. W., The Batwa: Who Are They? Africa, vol. 23 (1) 1953

Kabale Diocese (R.C.), Beginnings... Kabale Diocese published of the occasion of the 5th

anniversary of the Kabale Diocese, 1923-73, Kabale, 1973

Kabananukye K. & Wily L., Report on a Study of the Abayanda Pygmies of southwestern

Uganda for the Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Conservation Trust. Ministry of

Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Kampala, 1996

Kabuga B. A., The Banyama – Baboga Controversy, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Donald Denoon, Kampala, 1972

Kakiza S. R., Rujumbura under Daudi Makobora and his son Edward Sullmani Karegyesa, A

History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Karwemera Festo K., Some Incidents in Kigezi History, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Donald Denoon, Kampala, 1972

Karugire Samwiri R., A History of the Kingdom of Nkore in Western Uganda to 1896,

Kampala, 2nd ed., 2007

Kellermann S. & Kellermann C. Uganda Batwa Pygmies, 2004

Kigezi High School, Kigezi High School Golden Jubilee Booklet, Kabale, 1972

Kingdon Elena, The Twa of Kigezi, Report on fieldwork among the Twa of Kigezi (December

1987 - May 1988), typescript, The British Library, London, 1988

Kingdon Elena, Caught Between Two Worlds, International Journal of Moral and Social

Studies, vol. 5, 1990

Kiplagat, The origins of the East African Revival in Kigezi and Ruanda-Urundi, 1920-40,

Theory and Practice in Church Life and Growth, Nairobi, no. 2, 1966-8

Klieman Kairn A., “The Pygmies Were Our Compass”: Bantu and Batwa in the History of

West Central Africa, Early Times to c. 1900 C.E., Portsmouth, N.H., 2003

Kiyaga-Mulindwa D., Nyabingi Cult and Resistance, Encyclopaedia of African History, ed.

K. Shillington, New York, 2005

Lindblade K. A., et al, Highland Malaria in Uganda: prospective analysis of an epidemic

associated with El Nina, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and

Hygiene, (93 (5), 1999

Lindblade K. A., et al, Land use change alters malaria transmission patterns by modifying

temperatures in a highland area of Uganda, Tropical Medicine and International Health, 5

(4), 2000

Lindsay S.W. & Martens W. J. M. Malaria in the African Highlands: past, present and future,

Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 76 (1), 1998

Loewanthal L. J. A., A Survey of diet and nutritional health at Giharo and Mutanda,

Entebbe, 1940

Lugan B., Causes et effets de la famine 'Rumanura' au Rwanda, 1916-18, Canadian Journal

of African Studies, X (2), 1976

Mafeje Archie, Kingdoms of the Great Lakes Region – Ethnography of African Social

Formation, Kampala, 2nd ed. 1998

Makower Katharine, Not a Gap Year but a Lifetime, Eastbourne, 2008

Mamdani Mahmood & Olaka-Onyango Joe, Uganda – Studies in living conditions, popular

movements and constitutionalism, Vienna, 1993

Mateke P., The Struggle for Dominance in Bufumbira, 1830-1920, Uganda Journal, vol. 34,

no. 1, 1970

Mfitumukiza Samuel, ed. 80 years of Bishop Barham College Leader Training Ministry

(1924-2004), Kampala, 2004

Morris H. F. The Kingdom of Mprororo, Uganda Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, 1955

Mugaju Justus, An Historical Background to Uganda's No-Party Democracy, in No-Party

Democracy in Uganda – Myths and Realities, ed. Mugaju J. & Oloka-Onyango J., Kampala,


Mushaija Jolly, History of Hornby High School, Kabale, 1997

Mushanga M. T., Polygyny in Kigezi, Uganda Journal, vol. 34, no. 2, 1970

Mushanga M. T., Violent deaths in Western Uganda, East African Law Journal, 8, 1972

Newbury D. S., Lake Kivu regional trade in the nineteenth century, Journal des Africanistes,

50 (2), 1980

Nicolet Joseph, Essai d'histoire et d'ethnologie de la region interlacustrine du centre africain,

Societe de Missionaires d'Africque, vol. 24, no. 2, 1950

Nicolet Joseph, The religious impact of Yohana Kitagana, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Ngologoza Paul, Kigezi and its People, Kampala, 2nd ed. 1998

Ngologoza Paul, Politics in the colonial period in Kigezi, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Nzita R. & Niwampa M., Peoples and Cultures of Uganda, Kampala, 3rd ed. 1997

Office of the President of the Republic of Rwanda, The Unity of Rwandans – Before the

Colonial Period and under the colonial rule – under the First Republic, Kigali, 1999

Omori Motoyoshi, Social and Economic Utility of Omuramba, the Chiga Sorghum Beer,

Senri Ethnological Studies, no.1, 1978

Omori Motoyoshi, Collaboration and contention: effects of the legal reform on Bachiga rural

life, Mitaka, 1999

Osborn H. H., Revival – A Precious Heritage, Winchester, 1995

Osborn H. H., Pioneers in the East African Revival, Winchester, 2000

Packard Randal M., Chiefship and the history of Nyavingi possession among the Bashu of

Eastern Zaire, Africa, vol. 52, no. 4, 1982

Paquet Ernest, My African Years, n. p., 2011

Parry Meryl, Bunyoni – Island of Hope, London, n. d. (c. 1963-4)

Pauwels Marcel, Le Culte de Nyabingi (Ruanda), Anthropos, vol. 46, nos. 3-4, 1951

Pearson P., The Black Forest Pigmies, Uganda Journal, vol. 4 (2), 1936

Phillips J. E. T., The Nabingi: an anti-European secret society in Africa, in British Ruanda,

Ndorwa and the Congo (Kivu), Congo, vol. 1, no. 3, 1928

Roberts A., The sub-imperialism of the Baganda, Journal of African History, vol. 3, 1962

Roscoe John, Preliminary Report of the Mackie Ethnological Expedition, Proceedings of the

Royal Society of London, Series B, vol. 92, no. 645, 1921

Roscoe John, Immigrants and their Influence in the Lake Region of Central Africa, 1923

Frazer Lecture in Social Anthropology, Cambridge, 1924

Roscoe John, The Basegu and Other Tribes of the Uganda Protectorate: The Third Part of

the Report of the Mackie Ethnological Expedition of Central Africa, London, 1924

Rukirande William, The Life and Times of Harriet Joy Kyantete Rukirande, Kampala, 2012

Rutanga Murindwa, Nyabingi Movement: People’s Anti-colonial Struggles in Kigezi, 1910-

1930, CBR/ENRECA Working Paper No.18, 1991

Rutanga Murindwa, Politic, Religion and Power in the Great Lakes Region, Kampala, 2011

Rwabihigi D. Z., Chief Katuregye: the man and his times, A History of Kigezi in South-West

Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Rwandusya Zakayo, The origin and settlement of people of Bufumbira, A History of Kigezi in

South-West Uganda, ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Rwankwenda M. M. R., The history of Kayonza, A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda,

ed. Denoon D. Kampala, 1972

Schadeberg T. C., Batwa: The Bantu name for the invisible people in Central African hunter-

gatherers in a multidisciplinary perspective : challenging elusiveness, (eds.) Biesbrouck K. et

al Leiden, 1999

Schoenbrun David, The contours of vegetation change and human agency in Eastern Africa's

Great Lake Region, ca. 2000 BC to ca AD 1000, History in Africa, vol. 21, 1994

Schoenbrun David, A Green Place, a Good Place: Agrarian Change, Gender and Social

Identity in the Great Lakes Region in the 15th century, Oxford, 1998 & Kampala, 1999

Schoenbrun David, The Historical Reconstruction of Great Lakes Bantu Cultural

Vocabulary: Etymologies and Distribution, Cologne, 1997

Schoenbrun David, Conjuring the Modern in Africa: Durability and Rupture in Histories of

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south-western Uganda, 2005

Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation

The Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation acts as advisors and supervisors for Mbarara

University of Science and Technology, Makerere University and others worldwide. The list

of MSc. and PhD dissertations and theses is taken from their website; which have some

summaries while hard copies of most are in the IFTC library. Online copies are planned in

the future.

They include natural science and human – national park subjects. The list does not include

development theses and dissertations relating to the area submitted to MUST but done

independently of the ITFC. For theses and dissertations concerning other national and

international locations with ITFC involvement, see their library list, pp.37-40.

Accessing the ITFC library in Ruhija takes a little preparation and it is advisable to contact

them in advance. You maybe eligible to stay in their guest house; it is necessary to stay the

night unless you have organised transport. Public transport: Ruhija to Kabale leaves at 6am

and returns 11am (times as of 9/2011). Library hours are from 8-9am to 5pm; they have their

own source of electricity and internet wireless connections.

Andama Edward, The status and distribution of carnivores in Bwindi Impenetrable NP, S.W.

Uganda, 2000

Andama Edward, Invasive potential of Mauritius thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala) (Roth)

Alston and its use to deter crop raiding by wild animals around Bwindi Impenetrable NP,

Uganda, 2008

Baker Julia, Evaluating Conservation Policy: Integrated Conservation and Development in

Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Uganda, 2005

Berry John P., The chemical ecology of mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) with

special reference to antimicrobial constituents in the diet, Cornell University, 1998

Bitariho Robert, The abundance, distribution and use of montane bamboo in Bwindi


Byarugaba Dominic, Stingless bees and Batwa, 1998

Byarugaba Dominic, Utilization, abundance, distribution and domestication of wild yams

(Dioscorea sp.) in and around BINP, SW Uganda, 2004

Docherty Mary Teresa, Survey of attitudes toward natural resource conservation,

development and tourism in South Western Uganda, Duke University, 1993

Fedrigo Melissa, Estimating biomass in the mountain region of Bwindi Impenetrable NP,

Uganda, using radar and optical remote sensing, 2009

Ganas Jessica, Foraging strategies of Mountain Gorillas in BINP, Uganda, 2008

Greenfield J. Z., Behaviour and ecology of four primates in the impenetrable forest, Uganda,

Wesleyan University, 1988

Hegner Anna Belinda, The empowerment of women in Kigezi. Changes in gender

relationships in rural Uganda, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2000

Jacobson Jade, Valuing Vegetables: an Assessment of the Development and Conservation

Impacts of an Agricultural ICDP on the Edge of Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Uganda, 2010

Kajobe Robert Foraging behaviour of equatorial afrotropical stingless bees, University of

Utrecht, 2008

Karlowski Ursula, Sekundäre Sukzession im afromontanen Nebelwald: Dynamik,

Mechanismen und Schutz der biodiversität in zwei Habitaten des Berggorillas (Mgahinga

Gorilla und Bwindi Impenetrable NPs) und im Echuya Forest, Uganda, 1995

Kasangaki Aventino, Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on stream fish assemblages of

Bwindi Impenetrable NP South western Uganda, 2007

Mbonigaba E.R., A Comparative Study of Baboon and Blue Monkey Ecology in and around

Echuya Forest Reserve, south-western Uganda, Draft MSc thesis, 2002 (This may never have

been completed, reference from Babaasa, 2005)

Musinguzi J., The impact of fire on the forest dynamics in Bwindi Impenetrable National

Park, South Western Uganda, 2004

Lacey Ian, A study of land cover change in Bwindi Impenetrable NP (BINP), Uganda using

satellite imagery analysis, 2009

Langbroek Else, Analysing the impacts of bark harvest on Rytigynia kigeziensis in Bwindi

Impenetrable NP, Uganda, 2010

Lejju Julius, An assessment of the status of exotic plant species and natural vegetation types

of Mgahinga NP, S.W. Uganda, 1999

Muhwezi Alex Bataamba, The ecology of raptors in and around the impenetrable forest, S.W.

Uganda, 1990

Musasiizi Joel, Bush pig density, distribution and crop raiding trends in the northern sector

of Bwindi Impenetrable NP, S.W. Uganda, 2000

Musinguzi James, Regeneration of burnt areas, 2006-7

Mutebi Nsubuga Anthony, Genetic analysis of the social structure in wild mountain gorillas

(Gorilla berengei berengei) of Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Uganda, 2005

Mwesigye Vincent M., Crop raiding by Baboons (Papio anubis) around Bwindi

Impenetrable NP, S.W Uganda, 1997

Nkurunungi John Bosco, Intestinal parasites infection of humans and gorillas, 2001

Nkurunungi J. Bosco, The availability and distribution of fruit and non-fruit resources in

Bwindi; their influence on gorilla habitat use and food choice, 2003

Ocen Mark, The status and ecology of duikers, Cephalophus spp. at Mgahinga Gorilla NP,


Oloyo Collins, An assessment of granting local people restricted access to use of BINP

resources as a means of reducing the level of illegal and unsustainable utilization of the

resources, 2001

Olivieri A., Forest gaps in the BINP, Florence University, 1994

Plumtre A., Plant-Herbivore Dynamics in the Birungas, Bristol University, 1991

Rothman Jessica M., Plant choice in the construction of night nests by mountain gorillas in

the Bwindi impenetrable forest, Uganda, 2002

Safari Chrispine, The impact of Lantana camara L. on the forest structure and composition in

Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Uganda, 2007

Scott P. J., Fringe benefits: minor forest product collection within buffer zones as a potential

tool for conflict resolution in the Impenetrable (Bwindi) NP, Uganda, Agricultural University

of Norway, 1992

Ssali Fredrick, The impact of elephants on trees in Bwindi Impenetrable NP, South Western

Uganda, 2011

Stas Suzanne, Analysing the impacts of bark harvest on Ocotea usambarensis in Bwindi

Impenetrable NP, Uganda, 2011

Strugnell N. C., A remotely-sensed study of the Vegetation and Terrain of Bwindi Forest

South West Uganda, University of Hull, 1994

Weber A. W., Conservation of the Virunga Gorillas: A Socio-economic Perspective on

Habitat and Wildlife Preservation in Rwanda, University of Wisconsin, 1981 (not on IFTC


Wild R.G., Plants from the park: establishing community harvesting of plants as a

conservation tool at Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla NPs, Uganda, University of

Cape Town, 2001

Mbarara dissertations and theses in preparation or completed (with some duplication between

above and below list) and to be posted on the ITFC website; note that some have been in

preparation since 1993. For details and updates see the ITFC website

Eilu Gerald, The natural regeneration of canopy tree species following human disturbance in

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda

Kajobe Robert, Foraging behaviour of equatorial afrotropical stingless bees: habitat

selection and competition for resources

Kamatenesi Maud, Utilization of the medicinal plant 'Nyakibazi' (Rytigynia spp) in the

multiple use zone of Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Uganda

Kyoshabire Medius, Medicinal plants and herbalist preferences around Bwindi Impenetrable

Forest, Uganda

Lightbrown Richard, Armed conflict and forests: an assessment with particular reference to

Impacts of the Rwandan conflict in southern Kigezi region, Uganda, 1990-2000

Muhanguzi Geoffrey M., Farmers' response to cultivation of indigenous forest trees around

Bwindi Impenetrable NP

Natukunda Flavia, Feeding ecology and crop-raiding patterns of the red-tailed monkey

(Cercopithecus ascanius) in Bwindi Impenetrable NP, S.W. Uganda

Olivieri Andrea, Forest gaps in the Bwindi Impenetrable NP

Sikoyo Michael George, Economic valuation of the multiple use of forests: The case of

Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Uganda

Strugnell Nicholas C., A remotely-sensed study of the vegetation and terrain of Bwindi

Forest, S.W. Uganda

Archival Sources

For a 2012 assessment of Ugandan archives see Africa Studies Centre, University of

Michigan, USA.

The Rukiga Historical Texts and Bufumbira Historical Texts lodged in the Makerere

University Institute of Social Research contain oral traditions from Kigezi collected by

Benoni Turyahikayo-Rugyema for his thesis. The Uganda Wildlife Authority has a number of

unpublished natural science research documents on the national parks. CARE International

has commissioned research on development issues and human-wildlife interactions since


The National Archives, Entebbe, has a collection of original documents and reports of the

colonial Kigezi District administration, post-independence district administration and its

successors. Some of these publications are also in the Kabale District Administration

Archives and Makerere University.

The Entebbe archives have suffered from document theft, so that sources referenced in early

literature may now not be available. According to Vokes documents relating to Nyabingi has

disappeared while Carswell comments on the inadequate catalogue. The final destination of

provincial archives, i.e. the Western Province, needs to be established.

A list of official documents compiled by Mamdani (1993) gives a useful index; an extract

with references to Kigezi and Western Provinces is given below in the same order as their

text with document reference numbers (when given). It excludes the substantial files relating

to international boundaries - this is well known, a précis appears in the main text - but

includes files on 'occupation of Mfumbiro district'. References to various individuals who are

likely to have been from Kigezi have been included. Some notes (in italics) have been added.

3851: Legal: Native courts in Kabale

2471 J J B G: Western Province quarterly reports, 1920, 1927, 1914, 1919

4926: Kigezi: Punitive expeditions against Ndochibiri

2489: Kigezi: Nindo and his sub chiefs paying tribute to Msinga, Sultan of Ruanda

5006: Nyindo – deportation of

7816: Native Affairs: poll tax in western province

5571: Native Affairs: Ninabatwa (witch doctor) deportation of (A previously unrecorded


3576: Kumba, murder in Rukiga (now called Ikumba)

1450: Ankole & Kigezi monthly reports 1910

1450A & B: Kigezi monthly reports 1911 & 1912

6466: Native Affairs: Kanyaruanda deportation of (Batwa military leader who served with

Katuregye and Nyindo, surrendered to Belgian military took his son hostage during the

Nyindo rebellion)

U2/14: Annual Report on the Western Province 1935

Western Province Annual Report 1948

4526: Raids and Punitive expeditions in the Kigezi District

53 (1941): Historical and Political Notes (West)

146 & 146A: Native Administration: Nyabingi and Kabale defence 1919-23 & 1928

438: Kabale Station defence precautions

3173: Kigezi: Ndungutzi – native chief deportation of death: settlement of estate (which


147/09: Mfumbiro District, occupation of: parts I, II, III

5583: Native Affairs: Kanzanyira d/o Maesi (witch-doctor) Deportation of (probably from:

Kyante, similar name to Kanzarina)

3897: Kigezi Agents, 17/4/1914

4754: Kigezi Chieftainships

1700 Western Province Census 1911

1981: Kigezi: Fighting by Natives, sentences passed on natives of Makaburri's county

3634: Military: Western Province troop movements 18/11/13

3314-3314P: Western Province annual reports 1912-27

Uganda Protectorate: Annual Reports of the Western Province, 1936-46

3176: Kigezi: Murder of a native captured in German territory

3174: Kigezi: Kumba, police officer for

4572: Public Works Department: roads in Western Province, construction of

2923: Western Province Districts and Boundaries

657: Military: Board at Kigezi on bayonet scabbard nos. 52 & 110

147/109: Mfumbiro District, Part I and occupation of

12741: Lease of Habukara island in Lake Bunyoni to Dr. L. E. S. Sharp (c. 1929)

Kabale District Archives

There is no actual archive; closed files and documents are kept in storerooms but

unfortunately have been allowed to fall into chaos and disarray. There are various filing

systems but no working index. It is believed that some documents were destroyed in the

1970s to make way for new files. Carswell wrote that research is difficult but the 'rewards

enormous'. It is planned to organise and calendar the records but the finance required for

archivists, shelving and proper storage is currently (2012) lacking. The current active records

section is indexed. The following list is taken from Vokes (2009) with some additions.

C. Admin. 27: District history and historical notes

Dev.4/1 II: Kigezi Resettlement Scheme

Dev. 4/3 VI: Resettlement in Toro

Dev. 4/3 VII: Resettlement in Toro

Dev. 4/10 I: Resettlement in Toro, Kibale, etc.

Kigezi District Annual Report, 1928

Kigezi District Annual Report, 1949

Kigezi Police Quarterly Report for the 3rd quarter of 1935

Uganda Monthly Intelligence Report, No. 13, June 1922

DC to PC Western Province, 21 September 1917

DC to PC Western Province, 30 September 1917

DC to PC Western Province, 3 March 1928

DC (Toro) to ADC (Land Settlement) Kigezi, 16 September 1957

J. R. Mcd Elliott, Acting DC, 20 March 1925

Philipps to PC Western Province, 1 January 1929

S. C. Dwankey to DC Kigezi District, 23 September 1949

Summary of Lukiko Case: Kinyoni son of Nyabuhende vs. T. Tebanyururwa, 15 October


On a visit to the archives in August 2012 I noted Kigezi District Annual Reports: 1921-3,

1930-3, 1943, 1945, 1948-9, 1954, 1957 & 1958 and two criminal case registers from the late

1920s to early 1930s; these list offences and sentences ranging from murder and execution to

riding a bicycle without a light and small fine. None from the above list were seen.

UK Colonial Records

The Foreign Office and Colonial Office have extensive files in the Public Record Office,

Kew, London. The main classes of documents (Carswell, 2007) from the Colonial Office

Series are CO 536, CO 822, CO 537 and CO 892.

County Record Offices and Universities have collections of private papers. Rhodes House

Library has some collections; Carswell (2007) lists the first three:

J. R. McD. Elliot's diary, District Officer of Kigezi in the early 1920s (MSS. Afr s 1384)

Snowden Papers, includes a Report to the Director of Agriculture on a tour of Kigezi District,

1929, (MSS. Afr s 921)

D. W. Malcolm Papers, he was Secretary to Lord Hailey, and visited Uganda for a month,

1935-6, (MSS. Afr s 1445)

Bessel Papers, He served in Uganda 1931-55, photos, scrapbook & letter from Rev. Joseph

Nicolet re Nyabingi article (Ms. Afr. s. 1561)

Coote Papers, re Kivu Mission, 1909-11 & correspondence 1955-7 (Ms. Afr. s. 1383)

Lanning papers, archaeology & anthropology, 1949-56 (Ms. Afr. s. 1329)

Philipps JET, Typescript of Nyabingi article (Ms. Afr. s. 1384 ff.474-93)

It is also home to part of the Pitman collection; it includes the annual Uganda Game Warden

reports, 1925-51 among other literature. His main papers and collections (55 boxes, 8 folders,

and 10 volumes) are held by the National History Museum, London; a calendar is online on

the National Archives website, (NHM Catalogue BRN 299618 or Z MSS PIT NHM). He also

donated collections to the Hebrew Museum, Liverpool Museum, Royal Albert Museum and

American Museum of Natural History.

From the same library, The Edgar Barton Worthington papers, (Mss Afr. S 1425), were

published, edited by J. M. Cockayne, in 1971.

Other district commissioners and officials may have left private papers, though an archival

search to find out who they were and when they served is required first. For the pacification

period, J. M. Coote, G. E. E. Sullivan and Adam Scott, all District Commissioner during

1910-20 are an obvious starting point.

Of interest would be J. E. T. Philipps who served twice around 1920 and 1928; i.e. his

dealings with local affairs; his geographical and historical notes and correspondence

concerning the pacification of Kigezi up to 1920; and his perspective and dealings with the

East African Revival, C.M.S. missionaries and the Balokole movement c. 1928-1930.

He donated 41 items to the British Museum (see their online catalogue) and the ‘first gorilla

shot in the Empire’. He discovered Lutra paraonyx philippsi. The Bulletin of Entomological

Research, vol. 8, 1917, records a donation of 50 Haematopota. The Pitts-River Museum has a

ritual iron spearhead, used in rainmaking ceremonies, from Mpororo, 1921.

Rev. John Roscoe's Kigezi field notebook and other unpublished writings from his time as

leader of the Mackie Ethnographic Expedition, 1919-20, would be a valuable source, as

would the writings and observations of other expedition members.

Belgium and Germany

There is no information on what is available in Belgian and German national and other

archives. It appears they have never been researched. They should provide supplementary

information on border affairs and relationships. For instance Duetches Kolonialblatt may

have more than the few references to mountain gorillas and Nyabingi discovered by previous

researchers. There are numerous references to German military expeditions in the Virunga

Mountains and north in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, i.e. von Gotzen, Von Trotha,

Lengheld, von Bethe, Pfeiffer, Richard Kandt, Duke of Mecklenburg and Richard von


There may also be personal papers of pre-independence Belgian and German civilian

residents surviving in their respective countries.


The Itani archives cover a trip made by the founders of the Institute of Primatology and

National Monkey Centre to Kisoro, as part of a trans-Africa expedition, in 1957. Photos and

notes (mostly in Japanese) are online via Kyoto University's Institute of Primatology.


The Mary Edel archives are held in the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture,

New York Public Library, New York. The Carl Akeley Archives are in the American

Museum of Natural History, New York. Mary Jobe Akeley Archives are in the American

Museum of Natural History, New York and Connecticut College, New London. Some

correspondence of Delia Akeley is in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.

Church, Missionary and Relief Society Archives

The Archives of the Bishop of Uganda is held by the Uganda Christian University Library

Archives Section, Mukono, Kampala. A calendar is online.

Protestant archives are primarily from the Church Missionary Society and Ruanda Mission

who have extensive published and unpublished books, pamphlets and documents. Of

particular relevance are Ruanda Notes and CMS Newsletter. Their archives are split between

their own archives in Oxford and the University of Birmingham library.

The Girl's Friendly Society's archives are in the Women's Library, London. The archival

locations of the British Leprosy Relief Association and Mission to Lepers need to be


The White Fathers central archives are in Rome and have been little researched. The

Chronique Trimestrielles and Rapport Annuell are two of their internal publications, which

may have had only a limited circulation. It is not known what happened to diocesan archives

during the transition from the White Fathers to Ugandan administration and clergy; whether

they are still in the dioceses or transferred to Rome.

The personal papers of priests who came from a number of different European countries are

probably in French, and, perhaps, another European language, including English given their

relationship with the colonial government. If they have survived they could be anywhere in

Europe or possibly Uganda. The historical notebooks and manuscripts of Frs. Geraud and

Nicolet would be a real find. See Fr. Geraud's sources, 1972, for other examples.

Some bibliographies list documents held in parish offices that were written by long-departed

priests. One example is The History of Bufumbira and its Neighbours written by Fr. Rukasi,

an undated manuscript in Rubanda Parish.

The Church of Uganda and Roman Catholic archdioceses have archives and libraries in

Kampala while local diocesan offices and parish offices may have some material. A Calendar

of Documents held by parishes is long overdue. There do not appear to be any diocesan


Third Level Colleges

Of the local Third Level institutions, the most extensive is Bishop Barham University who

have research papers, theses and dissertations (A List of Dissertations or Research Papers has

an incomplete index by title but not by author) relating to Kigezi since its elevation to

university; research papers go back to 1994. It also has a number of booklets commemorating

diamond (i.e. 1984 and 1994) and other anniversaries of various church institutions as well as

pamphlets. They have a small locally relevant evangelical section.

Archives held by other Colleges in Kabale and Kisoro are still to be calendared.

Photography Archives

The website of the History in Progress Uganda has an excellent and growing collection from

all over Uganda and includes photos taken by Mary Edel.

Bishop Barham University has a fascinating album of photos taken from the albums of Dr.

Len Sharp, entitled Ruanda General and Medical Mission - Kigezi and Ruanda 1921-1934. It

was compiled and presented by Joyce Gower (nee Sharp) and Geoffrey Stanley Smith on

behalf of their families.

Uganda Rastafarian Perspective

The website, Heritage Africa, has various articles on the Bakiga and Nyabingi written by a

Mukiga, Ianick Mugasa

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