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  • IntroductionEBRD Investments 1991-2009.xls

    EBRD investments 1991-2009

    This spreadsheet details all of the projects signed by the EBRD since its establishment in 1991.Cancelled projects are not included.

    The projects have been separated into the EBRD's 30* countries of operations:

    InstructionsClick on the buttons above, or the tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet, to view the projects signed in each country.

    To sort the projects by sector or by year of signing, use the buttons at the top of each country page.Please note, these buttons will only function if you chose to "enable macros" when you opened the file in Excel.

    A sheet containing all project data is supplied at the end of the spreadsheet. To review EBRD projects across countries,by sector or by year of signing, click on the buttons at the top of the "all countries" tab.

    * As of 2007, the EBRD no longer makes new investments in the Czech Republic, but maintains a portfolio in the country.


    Bosnia and Herzegovina






    Czech Republic*


    FYR Macedonia

    Krygyz Republic













    Slovak Republic








  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Albania Direct investment

    Banca Italo Albanese - Establishment of joint-venture bank with Banca di Roma and National Commercial Bank of Albania.

    Bank equity Private 1994 37,594 15,329 15,329 0 30,658

    Albania Direct investment

    Albanian Telecom - Modernisation and expansion of telecommunications network.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    State 1992 38,045 6,823 0 0 6,823

    Albania Direct investment

    Drin River cascade rehabilitation

    - Upgrade of main hydro power plants Power and energy

    State 1994 34,165 1,445 0 0 1,445

    Albania Direct investment

    Hotel Rogner - Construction of three-star hotel in Tirana. Property and tourism

    Private 1994 24,237 8,122 2,030 0 10,152

    Albania Direct investment

    Tirana Hotel - Operation of three-star hotel in Tirana. Property and tourism

    Private 1993 18,367 8,150 2,717 0 10,867

    Albania Direct investment

    Coca-Cola Tirana - Establishment of first local soft drink producer and bottling plant.

    Agribusiness Private 1993 9,551 2,824 0 0 2,824

    Albania Direct investment

    Power transmission and distribution project

    - Upgrade of power transmission and distribution systems.

    Power and energy

    State 1995 80,880 100 0 0 100

    Albania Direct investment

    ProCredit Bank Albania (formerly FEFAD Bank)

    - Financing for micro and small enterprises. Small business finance

    Private 1999 4,758 0 1,077 0 1,077

    Albania Direct investment

    National Commercial Bank - Restructuring of commercial banks operations and strengthening of capital base.

    Bank equity Private 2000 7,880 0 2,332 0 2,332

    Albania Direct investment

    SME recovery credit line Banca Italo-Albanese Credit line to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 1998 1,004 1,004 0 0 1,004

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Albania Direct investment

    Albania power sector reconstruction

    - Modernisation of main hydro power plants, transmission and distribution networks.

    Power and energy

    State 1999 63,042 29,842 0 0 29,842

    Albania Direct investment

    Albania power distribution rehabilitation

    - Upgrade of power transmission, distribution systems and substations.

    Power and energy

    State 2002 190,293 23,890 0 0 23,890

    Albania Direct investment

    Road rehabilitation project - Emergency improvements to 30 km section of road between Elbasan and Librazhd.

    Transport State 2002 24,873 16,987 0 0 16,987

    Albania Direct investment

    INSIG - Pre-privatisation equity investment in leading insurance provider.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2003 13,193 2,157 2,157 0 4,313

    Albania Direct investment

    Vodafone Albania - Expansion of GSM mobile network. Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2003 72,500 24,706 0 0 24,706

    Albania Direct investment

    Fushe Kruje cement factory - Installation of new cement production line. Manufacturing and services

    Private 2004 101,017 20,806 0 0 20,806

    Albania Direct investment

    Vlore thermal power plant - Construction of oil-fuelled thermal power station. Power and energy

    State 2004 104,071 40,000 0 0 40,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Tirana Airport Privatisation Project

    - Upgrading of facilities at the airport. Transport Private 2005 78,299 31,600 0 0 31,600

    Albania Direct investment

    Fier-Tepelene road rehabilitation project

    - Upgrading and construction of the road from Fier to Tepelene.

    Transport State 2005 109,000 35,000 0 0 35,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Morpack Albania - Construction of a food packaging plant. Agribusiness Private 2005 5,500 2,500 0 0 2,500

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Albania Regional investment

    Southeast Europe Equity Fund II

    - Equity fund investing in private funds in south-eastern Europe.

    Equity funds Private 2005 1,812 0 1,812 0 1,812

    Albania Direct investment

    Durres port - Loan to finance a ferry terminal and related infrastructure at the port of Durres.

    Transport State 2007 40,000 14,000 0 0 14,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Union Bank of Tirana Equity investment to strengthen Albanian banks expansion and lending activities.

    Bank equity Private 2008 4,000 0 3,450 0 3,450

    Albania Direct investment

    Power transmission substations upgrade

    - Upgrading of six transmission substations crucial to Albanias energy transmission system.

    Power and energy

    State 2006 38,290 16,000 0 0 16,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Tirana municipal transport - Comprehensive upgrade of roads in Tirana. Municipal and environmental infrastructure

    State 2006 14,600 14,600 0 0 14,600

    Albania Regional investment

    European Fund for Southeast Europe

    - Privately managed public/private investment fund which will provide financing for micro, small and medium-sized businesses as well as housing andrural finance in south-eastern Europe.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 2,000 0 2,000 0 2,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Euromax - Construction and operation of five supermarkets. Agribusiness Private 2006 15,049 6,039 1,510 0 7,549

    Albania Regional investment

    Balkan Accession Fund - Finance provided to a private equity fund investing in medium-sized businesses.

    Equity funds Private 2006 5,245 0 1,120 0 1,120

    Albania Direct investment

    Levan-Vlore road - Loan to upgrade the road from Levan to Vlore. Transport State 2007 60,200 22,000 0 0 22,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    BI-Invest Establishment of a greenfield concrete productionplant in Lushnje, Albania.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 1,000 0 700 0 700

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Albania Direct investment

    Antea Cement - Debt and equity financing for construction and operation of a new plant.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2008 210,307 19,600 9,800 0 29,400

    Albania Direct investment

    Albanian Telecom - Investment to modernise telecommunications services across the country.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2008 100,000 30,000 0 0 30,000

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Agrotal Establishment of an olive oil production plant. Agribusiness Private 2007 1,000 0 500 0 500

    Albania Direct investment

    Albania Reconstruction Equity Fund (AREF)

    - Modernisation, expansion, restructuring and development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Equity funds Private 1998 4,807 0 2,391 0 2,391

    Albania Regional investment

    EnerCap - Private equity fund dedicated to investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in central and south-eastern Europe.

    Power and energy

    Private 2007 5,000 0 1,250 0 1,250

    Albania Regional investment

    Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

    - Equity investment for development and expansion of WAZ Media Group into new markets across central and eastern Europe and the CIS.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2008 12,900 0 6,000 0 6,000

    Albania Regional investment

    ViaOne - Equity investment to support the commercial launch and development of ViaOne Europa Holding's software platforms.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2008 847 0 500 0 500

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Tirex Resources The EBRD's first investment in Albanias mining sector.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2008 6,134 6,134 0 0 6,134

    Albania Regional investment

    CEE Special Situations Fund CRG Capital Investment in an equity fund managed by CRG Partners targeting distressed and under-performing companies.

    Equity funds Private 2009 200 0 200 0 200

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans and Croatia Financing Framework

    Intesa SanPaolo Capital increase in American Bank of Albania, subsidiary of Intesa SanPaolo Albania.

    Bank equity Private 2008 1,167 0 1,167 0 1,167

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Beba Equity investment to support the new recycled-paper production line and to establish wastepaperrecycling networks throughout Albania.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2008 2,000 0 1,400 0 1,400

    Albania Direct investment

    Patos Marinza oilfield - Financing to support the development of the Patos Marinza oilfield.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2009 91,874 21,334 7,111 0 28,445

    Albania Direct investment

    East Gate - Tirana Shopping Mall

    - Long-term debt facility for the construction of a Western-standard shopping mall in the outskirts of Tirana.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2009 54,999 24,000 0 0 24,000

    Albania Regional investment

    European Fund for SouthEast Europe II

    - Support to financial institutions for on-lending to MSMEs, as well as for housing and rural finance.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 11,550 0 1,650 0 1,650

    Albania Regional investment

    Southeast Europe Energy Efficiency Fund (SE4F)

    - Financing for energy efficiency projects through local financial institutions.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2009 9,488 0 2,500 0 2,500

    Albania Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Union Bank Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2009 2,000 2,000 0 0 2,000

    Armenia Direct investment

    Hrasdan thermal power plant (Unit 5)

    - Construction and privatisation of power generating unit at the Hrasdan thermal power plant (Unit No 5).

    Power and energy

    State 1993 62,243 40,050 0 0 40,050

    Armenia Regional investment

    First NIS Regional Fund - Equity fund investing in companies in the New Independent States (NIS).

    Equity funds Private 1994 518 0 310 0 310

    Armenia Direct investment

    Yerevan (Zvartnots) air cargo terminal

    - Improvement of ground facilities and air cargo handling services.

    Transport State 1994 18,336 14,868 0 0 14,868

    Armenia Regional investment

    MBA loan project - Financial support for students undertaking MBA degrees at top-tier business schools.

    Bank lending Private 1995 341 109 0 82 190

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia wholesale market - Development of modern wholesale market distribution network for fresh food products.

    Agribusiness State 1995 2,209 524 0 0 524

    Armenia Regional investment

    MBA loan project - Financial support for students undertaking MBA degrees at top-tier business schools.

    Bank lending Private 1998 73 15 0 15 31

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2003 2,081 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Armenia Direct investment

    IBSB - Equity investment in medium-sized local enterprises and facilitation of foreign direct investment in the region.

    Bank equity Private 1999 1,054 0 1,054 0 1,054

    Armenia Direct investment

    Yerevan Brandy Company - Provision of permanent working capital and development of export markets.

    Agribusiness Private 2000 34,676 13,871 0 0 13,871

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Armeconombank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2000 694 694 0 0 694

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Anelik Bank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2002 694 694 0 0 694

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenian copper programme - Improvements to copper smelters production capacity.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2002 5,826 3,121 0 0 3,121

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armeconombank - Equity investment to expand lending facilities. Bank equity Private 2004 1,420 0 904 0 904

    Armenia Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Armeconombank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2002 206 103 0 103 206

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility SHEN concern Expansion of producer of construction materials. Manufacturing and services

    Private 2004 1,250 0 1,250 0 1,250

    Armenia Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2004 1,200 0 0 1,200 1,200

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenian Renewable Energy Programme

    - Long-term loan to Cascade Credit to promote competitive and viable renewable energy projects.

    Power and energy

    Private 2006 10,402 4,466 0 0 4,466

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Armeconombank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2005 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Armenia Direct investment

    SME credit line Anelik Bank Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2004 1,734 1,734 0 0 1,734

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Liqvor Investment in a pharmaceuticals manufacturer. Manufacturing and services

    Private 2005 2,431 302 603 0 905

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Deno Gold Gold mining project. Natural Resources

    Private 2005 3,121 3,121 0 0 3,121

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Inecobank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2005 694 694 0 0 694

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2005 2,081 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Armenia Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Inecobank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2005 320 160 0 160 320

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Cascade Insurance and Reinsurance Company

    Equity investment in an insurance company. Insurance and financial services

    Private 2005 1,170 0 827 0 827

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Loan for on-lending to local private companies. Bank lending Private 2005 379 379 0 0 379

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Bazenc Investment in small hydropower project. Power and energy

    Private 2005 1,100 1,100 0 0 1,100

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Hytex Plastic Expansion of plastic container manufacturer. Manufacturing and services

    Private 2005 2,153 1,435 718 0 2,153

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia International Airport - Construction of a new passenger terminal and purchase of new terminal equipment.

    Transport Private 2006 43,862 14,116 0 0 14,116

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Tamara Fruit Equity investment in a local fruit company. Agribusiness Private 2006 1,036 518 518 0 1,036

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Armeconombank Loan for on-lending to local private companies. Bank lending Private 2005 1,734 1,578 0 0 1,578

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia MSE Financing Facility

    Anelik Bank SME credit line III

    Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2006 1,734 1,734 0 0 1,734

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank FrameworkII

    Inecobank Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armeconombank Mortgage Facility

    - Credit facility for on-lending as long-term loans. Bank lending Private 2006 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 233 117 0 0 117

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Star Group Investment in a supermarket chain, for acquisitionand development of four additional stores.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 7,984 1,442 5,766 0 7,208

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2006 272 136 0 0 136

    Armenia Direct investment

    Lake Sevan - Upgrade of two waste-water treatment plants and construction of a further three.

    Municipal and environmental infrastructure

    State 2007 12,000 7,000 0 0 7,000

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Armeconombank Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 555 277 0 0 277

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Anelik Bank Loan to Anelik Bank to expand its lending activities.

    Bank lending Private 2007 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,500

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia

    Loan to MavaTerm for design, installation and service of heating and ventilation systems.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 126 126 0 0 126

    Armenia Regional investment

    Brasseries International Holdings

    - Reconstruction and development of breweries across the Caucasus.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 6,651 3,326 3,326 0 6,651

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Armeconombank Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2006 139 139 0 0 139

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Natfood/Biella Investments in primarily small and medium-sized private sector enterprises.

    Agribusiness Private 2008 3,435 0 3,435 0 3,435

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Armeconombank Renovation and construction of a second wing at the Nairi Medical Centre

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 416 416 0 0 416

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank FrameworkII

    Armeconombank Credit line to Armeconombank for on lending to small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,081 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank FrameworkII

    Anelik Bank Credit line to Anelik Bank. Small business finance

    Private 2007 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000

    Armenia Direct investment

    ProCredit Bank Armenia - Establishment of a dedicated microfinance bank in Armenia.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,144 0 2,144 0 2,144

    Armenia Direct investment

    ProCredit Bank Armenia - Support for the development of micro and small-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 4,855 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Armenia Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework II

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank Armenia

    Loan for on-lending to local enterprises in rural areas.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 8,322 4,161 0 0 4,161

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank FrameworkII

    Cascade Bank Loan to local banks to provide further support to small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2008 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Armeconombank Loan to Shant, an Armenian TV and radio broadcaster.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2007 381 381 0 0 381

    Armenia Regional investment

    Meinl Caucasus and Central Asia

    - Finance for the development of high-quality, international standard retail and mixed-use properties in Caucasus and Central Asia.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2007 168,728 0 59,063 0 59,063

    Armenia Direct investment

    Artyk - Loan to support the financing of a multi-purpose complex construction in the city of Yerevan.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2008 38,915 13,871 0 0 13,871

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi Bank Framework II

    Inecobank Credit line to Inecobank for onlending to SMEs. Bank lending Private 2007 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Armenia Direct investment

    Byblos Bank Armenia - Equity investment in BBA (formerly International Trade Bank).

    Bank equity Private 2007 6,010 0 5,030 0 5,030

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Alpha Pharma Equity stake enabling a leading pharmaceutical wholesaler to expand its network.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 4,400 0 4,400 0 4,400

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank Framework Araratbank Credit line to Araratbank for onlending to MSMEs.Small business finance

    Private 2007 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Shen Concern Expanding the production of paints and lacquers, and beginning production of new materials such as gypsum and masonry products.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 3,537 3,537 0 0 3,537

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-Bank Framework II

    Converse Bank Financing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 6,935 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Armenia Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework II

    Armeconombank Syndicated loan to Armeconombank for expansion of its activities.

    Bank lending Private 2007 10,403 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Armenia Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework II

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia

    Credit line to ACBA for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 13,871 4,855 0 0 4,855

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-Sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Anelik Bank Helping Arzni, a water and soft drinks producer, to buy an automated PET bottling line.

    Agribusiness Private 2008 555 555 0 0 555

    Armenia Direct investment

    Electricity Networks of Armenia - Financing to upgrade electricity distribution network.

    Power and energy

    Private 2009 74,762 42,000 0 0 42,000

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    ACBA Credit Agricole Bank - Senior loan to assist lending activities to farmers and private sector Armenian entrepreneurs, particularly outside of the capital.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 12,484 6,242 0 0 6,242

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank FrameworkII

    - Loan for mortgage lending and energy efficiency lending, and leasing.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 6,935 1,734 0 0 1,734

    Armenia Direct investment

    Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia

    Leasing Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2008 5,548 5,548 0 0 5,548

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-Sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Anelik Bank Help for Yerevan Beer to buy new equipment for a glass bottling line.

    Agribusiness Private 2008 271 271 0 0 271

    Armenia Direct investment

    AraratBank - Acquisition of an equity stake in Araratbank, to support its plans for further expansion.

    Bank equity Private 2008 5,212 0 5,212 0 5,212

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia International Airport Phase II

    - Financing for a new passenger terminal and related equipment.

    Transport Private 2009 119,981 27,741 0 0 27,741

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-Sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Armeconombank Expansion of ironing and dry cleaning services at Selena Service.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2008 225 225 0 0 225

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Northern Ray Elite Holding Loan for the construction of a new residential and commercial complex in the Armenian capital Yerevan.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2009 3,814 3,814 0 0 3,814

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-Sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Armeconombank Daroink Facilitate the financing of Armenian medium-sized enterprises.

    Agribusiness Private 2008 139 139 0 0 139

    Armenia Direct investment

    Armenia Multi-bank FrameworkII

    ProCredit Bank Armenia Financing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 128 0 128 0 128

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Saranist/Armglass A loan to a glass bottle and jar producer, to help increase production capacity and diversify its product range.

    Agribusiness Private 2009 2,081 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Armeconombank Extension of the existing MCFF loan to Shant for the purchase of new premises.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2009 156 156 0 0 156

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Brasseries International Holdings

    Support for Kotayk to develop its brewing business in Armenia.

    Agribusiness Private 2009 347 347 0 0 347

    Armenia Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Star Financing of existing supermarket operations. Agribusiness Private 2009 2,427 2,427 0 0 2,427

    Armenia Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Cofinancing Facility

    Anelik Armenia Glass Finance to help with expansion at a stained glass manufacturer.

    Agribusiness Private 2009 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    First NIS Regional Fund - Equity fund investing in companies in the New Independent States (NIS).

    Equity funds Private 1994 518 0 310 0 310

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Air navigation system upgrade - Procurement of new air navigation equipment andreconstruction of international passenger terminal.

    Transport State 1996 10,819 9,501 0 0 9,501

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Baku water rehabilitation - Improvement of water supply, quality and reliability in Baku.

    Municipal and environmental infrastructure

    State 1995 79,038 15,758 0 0 15,758

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Silk Road - Reconstruction of 85 km section of Hajigabul-Kyurdamir road.

    Transport State 2004 33,012 28,435 0 0 28,435

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Yenikend renewable energy - Construction of hydro power station. Power and energy

    State 1994 52,063 36,924 0 0 36,924

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Mingechaur Power - Replacement of generators at hydro power plant, reconstruction of high-voltage power transmissionline and installation of substation.

    Power and energy

    State 1997 33,487 14,991 0 0 14,991

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    AIG Silk Road Fund - Financing for small and medium-sized private sector enterprises and joint ventures operating in Russia and Central Asia.

    Equity funds Private 1997 11,814 0 2,278 0 2,278

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Baku port development - Modernisation of ferry terminal. Transport State 1999 4,361 112 0 0 112

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Trans-Caucasian rail link - Improvement of Azeri section of the Trans-Caucasian rail link.

    Transport State 1999 25,995 14,009 0 0 14,009

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerdemiryolbank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises and development of banking sector.

    Bank lending Private 1999 508 508 0 0 508

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    International Bank of Azerbaijan

    Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises and development of banking sector.

    Bank lending Private 1998 2,801 2,801 0 0 2,801

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Silk Road Motel, Garadak Construction of three-star hotel adjacent to the oilfields, servicing business travellers.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 1999 4,722 0 1,758 0 1,758

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Chirag early oil project Amoco Caspian Sea Finance Ltd

    Expansion of crude oil production and export markets.

    Natural Resources

    Private 1998 402,134 22,768 0 0 22,768

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Chirag early oil project Lukoil Overseas Expansion of crude oil production and export markets.

    Natural Resources

    Private 1998 236,580 13,385 0 0 13,385

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Chirag early oil project Turkish Petroleum Expansion of crude oil production and export markets.

    Natural Resources

    Private 1998 159,425 9,037 0 0 9,037

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Chirag early oil project Unocal Finance Ltd Expansion of crude oil production and export markets.

    Natural Resources

    Private 1998 237,805 13,454 0 0 13,454

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Chirag early oil project Early Oil Finance Co Expansion of crude oil production and export markets.

    Natural Resources

    Private 1998 188,868 10,708 0 0 10,708

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    Frontera Resources - Commercial development of Kursangi and Karabagli oilfields in Azerbaijan.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2000 197,972 9,016 0 0 9,016

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Nations Azerbaijan (formerly Moncrief Azerbaijan Oil Company)

    - Development of onshore oilfields. Natural Resources

    Private 2000 66,677 27,581 13,790 0 41,371

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Microfinance Bank (AMB)

    - Financing for micro and small enterprises. Small business finance

    Private 2002 7,309 3,139 1,569 0 4,708

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    Baring Vostok Private Equity Fund

    - Direct equity investment in medium-sized companies.

    Equity funds Private 2000 3,860 0 1,832 0 1,832

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    SOCAR Shah Deniz gas condensate field

    Development of Shah Deniz gas condensate field.

    Natural Resources

    State 2004 384,978 26,701 0 0 26,701

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline - Construction of oil pipeline from Azerbaijan to Turkey.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2004 1,799,362 43,346 0 0 43,346

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azdres Power Plant Rehabilitation

    - Modernisation of power plant supplying the majority of energy consumed in Azerbaijan.

    Power and energy

    State 2006 167,834 143,561 0 0 143,561

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Unibank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises and development of banking sector.

    Bank lending Private 2002 2,070 1,035 0 0 1,035

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    SOCAR South Caucasus Gas Pipeline

    Financing for 690 km gas pipeline from the Shah Deniz field in Azerbaijan to the Turkish-Georgian border.

    Natural Resources

    State 2004 48,833 8,648 0 0 8,648

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Landmark I (Neptun) - Refurbishment and acquisition of office development.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2003 4,300 2,150 0 0 2,150

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Unibank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2002 504 252 0 252 504

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Azerdemiryolbank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2002 531 266 0 266 531

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unibank - Equity investment in Azerbaijan's largest private bank.

    Bank equity Private 2003 877 0 877 0 877

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Azerigazbank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2003 5,738 2,869 0 2,869 5,738

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank of Baku Credit lines to Bank of Baku for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2004 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Baku to Samur road - Upgrading of a 60 km section of road from Sumgait to Zarat.

    Transport State 2005 76,095 69,353 0 0 69,353

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Bank of Baku Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2006 1,685 842 0 842 1,685

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Landmark II (Libra) - Refurbishment and acquisition of office development.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2003 2,774 1,387 0 0 1,387

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ACG Phase 1 Amerada Hess Development of oil and gas facilities in the Caspian Sea by Amerada Hess.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2004 4,882 1,165 0 0 1,165

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ACG Phase 1 Amoco Caspian Sea Finance Ltd

    Development of oil and gas facilities in the Caspian Sea by Amoco Caspian Sea Finance Limited.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2004 29,060 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ACG Phase 1 Statoil Apsheron Finance A/S

    Development of oil and gas facilities in the Caspian Sea by Statoil Apsheron.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2004 15,934 1,734 0 0 1,734

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ACG Phase 1 Unocal Finance Ltd Development of oil and gas facilities in the Caspian Sea by Unocal Khazar.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2004 27,741 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    MBASK Insurance Company - Strengthening of capital base and development ofinfrastructure, sales network and product range.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2005 1,229 0 970 0 970

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Respublika Bank Credit lines to Respublika Bank for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2004 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerdemiryolbank Credit lines to Azerdemiryolbank for on-lending tosmall and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2004 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerigazbank Credit lines to Azerigazbank for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2004 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Milk-Pro - Construction of new dairy processing plant in Baku and modernisation of plant in Goychay.

    Agribusiness Private 2004 3,937 1,312 2,624 0 3,937

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unibank - Loan to enable access to international markets to raise medium-term financing for on-lending to local private enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2005 6,935 1,040 0 0 1,040

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Bank Respublika Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2004 4,911 2,455 0 2,455 4,911

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Lukoil Overseas Shah Deniz gas condensate field development

    Development of the off-shore Shah Deniz gas and gas condensate field.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2005 192,108 76,288 0 0 76,288

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    Lukoil Overseas South Caucasus Gas Pipeline

    Completion of pipeline in Azerbaijan and Georgia Natural Resources

    Private 2005 43,845 28,157 0 0 28,157

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank of Baku Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2005 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Garadagh Cement - Equity investment. Manufacturing and services

    Private 2006 9,817 0 7,528 0 7,528

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    AccessBank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2005 244 0 0 244 244

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerdemiryolbank bank - Equity investment in private joint-stock bank. Bank equity Private 2005 3,709 0 3,709 0 3,709

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank Respublika Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2005 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerigazbank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2005 1,040 1,040 0 0 1,040

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank MFI Framework II

    FINCA (Azerbaijan) Credit line to increase financing available to the smallest enterprises through on-lending.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 2,081 1,734 0 0 1,734

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerdemiryolbank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2005 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank Respublika Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2005 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Unibank Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2005 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank MFI Framework

    CredAgro Credit line to increase financing available to the smallest enterprises through on-lending.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 694 520 0 0 520

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unibank - Loan to provide Unibank with access to international markets.

    Bank lending Private 2006 5,201 1,734 0 0 1,734

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank of Baku (III) Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 3,121 3,121 0 0 3,121

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Mugan Bank II Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,774 2,774 0 0 2,774

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerigazbank Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank MFI Framework

    Shore Overseas Loan for on-lending to micro and small enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Direct Lending Facility Aqua Vita Finance provided to locally owned mineral water producer, Aqua Vita.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 3,121 3,121 0 0 3,121

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Unibank (II) Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank Respublika (III) Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2006 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerdemiryolbank (III) Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unileasing (Equity) - Equity investment in an Azeri leasing company. Insurance and financial services

    Private 2007 520 0 520 0 520

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Rabitabank Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 971 832 0 0 832

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Bank Respublika Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2006 1,040 1,040 0 0 1,040

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Azerdemiryolbank Loan to Azerdemiryolbank to expand its lending activities.

    Bank lending Private 2007 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Mugan Bank Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Nikoil Bank Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Microfinance Bank Azerbaijan Equity Equity investment in the largest provider of financial services to micro and small businesses in Azerbaijan.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 2,268 0 2,268 0 2,268

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Mugan Bank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2006 2,074 0 0 2,074 2,074

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank MFI Framework II

    Vision Fund AzerCredit Financing for micro and small enterprises and to assist the non-bank microfinance institutions in their commercialisation process.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Bank of Baku Loan to Baku electronics for construction of a warehouse, showroom and administrative building.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 2,774 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Bank of Baku Loan to Avrora to help with the acquisition of new equipment for the production of biscuits.

    Agribusiness Private 2007 694 347 0 0 347

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Bank of Baku Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2006 2,601 2,601 0 0 2,601

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerigazbank IV Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 4,161 4,161 0 0 4,161

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank MFI Framework II

    Credagro Credit line to increase financing available to the smallest enterprises through on-lending.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,081 1,838 0 0 1,838

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Bank Respublika - Loan to help the bank's expansion and development programme.

    Bank lending Private 2007 16,645 4,161 0 0 4,161

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank of Baku Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,081 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Bank Respublika IV Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 3,468 2,081 0 0 2,081

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unibank - Equity investment in Unibank Bank equity Private 2007 7,621 0 4,685 0 4,685

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unibank III - Third syndicated loan to Unibank. Bank lending Private 2007 24,274 6,068 0 0 6,068

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unileasing - Loan to Unileasing, an Azeri leasing company. Insurance and financial services

    Private 2007 2,081 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Unibank Loan to Caspian supplies to finance construction of a production hall and warehouse, as well as working capital financing.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 1,248 416 0 0 416

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Bank Respublika Finance to help Veysaloglu Yayichili Gardashlari purchase new confectionery production equipment.

    Agribusiness Private 2008 10,854 2,913 0 0 2,913

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank MFI Framework II

    Norwegian Microcredit Investment to increase financing for micro and small enterprises in the ETC and to assist the non-bank microfinance institutions.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 694 694 0 0 694

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-Financing Facility

    Azerdemiryolbank Loan to SABA, an Azeri ice cream producer, to help construct new premises and purchase new refrigerated delivery vehicles.

    Agribusiness Private 2007 763 381 0 0 381

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azer-Yod II - Loan to support the expansion of an Azeri iodine producer.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2008 12,346 10,403 0 0 10,403

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Azerdemiryolbank Loan to expand the bank's lending activities. Transport Private 2008 4,855 2,427 0 0 2,427

    Azerbaijan Regional investment

    Aureos Central Asia Fund - Equity investment to support medium-sized enterprises in Azerbaijan, Central Asia and Georgia.

    Equity funds Private 2008 709 0 709 0 709

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azeri Financial Sector Framework

    Azerigazbank Support to local banks for various on-lending facilities.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 5,548 5,548 0 0 5,548

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    AccessBank - Syndicated loan for on-lending to micro and smallenterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 22,886 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Bank of Baku Finance for the completion of Atlant's new hotel innorthern Azerbaijan and the purchase of additional equipment.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2008 1,907 347 0 0 347

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Garadagh expansion - Financing for the expansion of cement and clinkerproduction facilities.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2009 360,000 120,000 0 0 120,000

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    Azerdemiryolbank IV Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 9,709 9,709 0 0 9,709

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azeri Financial Sector Framework

    Bank Respublika Mortgage Finance for on-lending to residential customers. Bank lending Private 2008 6,935 2,774 0 0 2,774

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    MuganBank III Short and long-term funding to small and mediumsized Azeri enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Bank of Baku Credit line for on-lending to medium-sized businesses.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2008 832 347 0 0 347

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Medium-sized Loan Co-financing Facility

    Azerigazbank On-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2008 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    ETC Non-bank Microfinance Institution Framework III

    Finance for Development Credit line for on-lending to micro and small enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 694 694 0 0 694

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azeri Financial Sector Framework

    Bank Respublika MSME V Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 4,161 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Unibank - Financing to create a foundation for the growth of one of Azerbaijans leading independent commercial banks.

    Bank lending Private 2009 35,370 12,830 0 0 12,830

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Financial Sector Framework

    Demir Bank Loan for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 9,016 4,161 0 0 4,161

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Financial Sector Framework

    AccessBank Loan for on-lending to micro and small enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 6,935 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Azerbaijan Direct investment

    Azerbaijan Multi-bank Framework

    MuganBank IV Short and long-term funding to small and mediumsized Azeri enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 1,387 1,387 0 0 1,387

    Belarus Direct investment

    Minsk wholesale market - Development of modern fruit and vegetable wholesale market complex.

    Agribusiness State 1993 7,362 4,237 0 0 4,237

    Belarus Direct investment

    Brest-Minsk-Russian border highway improvement

    - Repair and upgrade of highway linking Minsk to Moscow, Warsaw and Berlin.

    Transport State 1994 87,067 39,468 0 0 39,468

    Belarus Direct investment

    Orsha Power Plant modernisation

    - Construction of combined-cycle heat and power plant.

    Power and energy

    State 1993 28,903 28,903 0 0 28,903

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus Telecom - Development of international and national transit exchange, digital overlay network, optical fibre cable links and data and telex transmission.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    State 1992 26,899 26,899 0 0 26,899

    Belarus Direct investment

    SME credit line - Credit line to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 1994 26,007 20,806 0 0 20,806

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Belarus Direct investment

    Priorbank - Equity investment in commercial bank. Bank equity Private 1998 2,608 0 2,608 0 2,608

    Belarus Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Milavitsa Equity investment in ladies underwear manufacturer.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2000 2,329 0 1,010 0 1,010

    Belarus Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Priorbank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2000 1,023 512 0 512 1,023

    Belarus Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Belgazprombank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2004 6,018 3,009 0 3,009 6,018

    Belarus Direct investment

    Priorbank syndication - Extension of short and medium-term loans to private sector clients.

    Bank lending Private 2003 24,967 8,322 0 0 8,322

    Belarus Direct investment

    Priorbank syndicated mortgageline

    - Mortgage credit line. Bank lending Private 2005 17,338 10,403 0 0 10,403

    Belarus Direct investment

    Olivaria - Modernisation and expansion of brewery. Agribusiness Private 2005 17,148 9,351 4,676 0 14,027

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Framework Belgazprombank Credit line to Belgazprombank for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2004 4,161 4,161 0 0 4,161

    Belarus Direct investment

    SME credit line Priorbank Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Bank lending Private 2004 6,935 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility MinskTransit Bank Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,774 2,774 0 0 2,774

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarusian Bank for Small Business

    - Support for private micro and small enterprises in Belarus, particularly in the regions outside of the capital.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 9,981 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Framework Belgazprombank Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2005 2,774 2,774 0 0 2,774

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility Belrosbank Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,774 2,774 0 0 2,774

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarusian Bank for Small Business

    - Equity investment in Belarusian Bank for Small Business

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 7,613 0 1,837 0 1,837

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility Reconversion and Development Bank

    Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 2,081 2,081 0 0 2,081

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility Belgazprombank Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 3,468 3,468 0 0 3,468

    Belarus Direct investment

    Priorbank Funding Facility - Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 13,871 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Belarus Direct investment

    Reconversion and Development Bank

    - Investment to enhance private banking and enterprise sectors, to support small and medium enterprises and micro and small enterprises lending by Belarusian private banks.

    Bank equity Private 2008 6,071 1,193 3,578 0 4,771

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility Minsk Transit Bank II Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 6,935 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Belarus Direct investment

    Pinskdrev - Financing the modernisation of a wood product plant.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2009 10,403 5,201 5,201 0 10,403

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Belarus Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    ZAO Minsk Transit Bank Support for foreign trade Bank lending Private 2007 1,846 923 0 923 1,846

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility Belgazprombank Five-year funding to on-lend to entrepreneurs. Small business finance

    Private 2008 27,741 27,741 0 0 27,741

    Belarus Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    Belrosbank Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2008 347 0 0 347 347

    Belarus Direct investment

    Belarus MSE Financing Facility Minsk Transit Bank III Loan for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 6,935 6,935 0 0 6,935

    Belarus Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Buslik Investment in supermarket chain specialising in children's goods.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2009 2,081 0 2,081 0 2,081

    Belarus Regional investment

    Almaz Capital Russia Fund I - The Fund will make equity and equity-related venture capital investments in companies based in Russia and the CIS.

    Equity funds Private 2009 1,345 0 416 0 416

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Emergency telecommunications reconstruction

    - Reconstruction of telecommunications network, with provision for eventual privatisation.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    State 1998 66,110 17,464 0 0 17,464

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Emergency transport reconstruction

    - Upgrade of airports, air navigation systems, roads and bridges.

    Transport State 1996 83,466 22,685 0 0 22,685

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Emergency power reconstruction

    - Emergency reconstruction of war-damaged power generation, transmission and distribution facilities.

    Power and energy

    State 1997 98,059 14,065 0 0 14,065

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Zagrebacka Banka - Equity investment in Zagrebacka Banka. Bank equity Private 1997 1,011 0 1,011 0 1,011

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    US/EBRD SME Finance Facility

    ProCredit Bank Bosnia Equity investment to ProCredit Bank Bosnia. Small business finance

    Private 1997 7,021 0 510 0 510

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Horizonte Bosnia and Herzegovina Enterprise Fund

    - Equity investment in private enterprises or enterprises undergoing privatisation.

    Equity funds Private 1998 16,926 0 4,650 0 4,650

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Raiffeisen Bank - Extension of medium and long-term loans to private corporate clients.

    Bank equity Private 1997 2,392 2,392 0 0 2,392

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Sarajevska Pivara - Modernisation of brewery and expansion into soft drink production.

    Agribusiness Private 1997 10,737 3,093 0 0 3,093

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Pivara Tuzla - Modernisation of brewery and improvement of product quality.

    Agribusiness Private 2000 9,357 6,135 0 0 6,135

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    UniCredit Zagrebacka Banka

    Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 1999 4,250 2,805 0 0 2,805

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    US/EBRD SME Finance Facility

    ProCredit Bank Bosnia Equity investment to ProCredit Bank Bosnia. Small business finance

    Private 1999 5,768 0 256 0 256

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    UPI Banka Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 1999 4,034 1,650 0 0 1,650

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    Raiffeisen Bank Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 1999 2,500 1,650 0 0 1,650

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Regional Trade Facilitation Programme

    UPI Banka Support for foreign trade. Bank lending Private 2000 150 0 0 150 150

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Railways recovery - Improvements to section of Pan European Corridor V railway.

    Transport State 2001 64,928 20,928 0 0 20,928

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Electric power reconstruction - Installation of power monitoring, control and energy management systems.

    Power and energy

    State 2000 52,269 52,269 0 0 52,269

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    US/EBRD SME Finance Facility

    ProCredit Bank Bosnia Credit line to ProCredit Bank Bosnia for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2000 19,094 2,684 0 0 2,684

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    TBIH Financial Services - Expansion of insurance and pension operations incentral and eastern Europe.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2000 2,135 428 857 0 1,285

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Raiffeisen Bank - Syndicated loan enabling bank to extend medium and long-term loans to private corporate clients

    Bank lending Private 2001 4,994 4,994 0 0 4,994

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    US/EBRD SME Finance Facility

    ProCredit Bank Bosnia Equity investment to ProCredit Bank Bosnia. Small business finance

    Private 2001 3,580 0 407 0 407

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    UniCredit Zagrebacka Banka

    Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2002 2,500 2,500 0 0 2,500

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    Raiffeisen Bank Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2001 2,500 2,500 0 0 2,500

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    UPI Banka Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2002 2,500 2,500 0 0 2,500

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    UPI Banka - Equity investment in UPI Banka. Bank equity Private 2002 7,883 5,255 2,628 0 7,883

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Telekom Srpske - Expansion of fixed and mobile networks and preparation for privatisation.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    State 2002 94,094 29,095 0 0 29,095

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    Volksbank Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2003 2,500 2,500 0 0 2,500

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Marbo - Regional expansion of snack food producer's operations.

    Agribusiness Private 2003 9,831 3,900 0 0 3,900

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Regional road development programme

    - Construction of Sarajevo by-pass and road connecting to Pan-European Corridor X.

    Transport State 2004 236,000 70,000 0 0 70,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Raiffeisen International - Equity investment supporting growth of RaiffeisenInternational's business in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Bank equity Private 2004 10,000 0 5,000 0 5,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Volksbank subordinated debt - Extension of credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises and local entrepreneurs.

    Bank lending Private 2003 7,500 7,500 0 0 7,500

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Grand - Cross-border expansion of coffee producer's operations and product development.

    Agribusiness Private 2003 9,500 2,750 0 0 2,750

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Direct Investment Facility Primus Purchase of machinery to boost production of wood, laminate and aluminium products.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2004 780 0 780 0 780

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    Raiffeisen Bank Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2003 45,000 15,000 0 0 15,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Southeast Europe Equity Fund II

    - Equity fund investing in private funds in south-eastern Europe.

    Equity funds Private 2005 3,624 0 3,624 0 3,624

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    US/EBRD SME Finance Facility

    ProCredit Bank Bosnia Credit line to ProCredit Bank Bosnia for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2004 6,000 5,900 0 0 5,900

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Traffic Management System

    - Supply of equipment and training services to improve safety.

    Transport State 2006 22,700 17,000 0 0 17,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    UniCredit Zagrebacka Banka

    Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2004 7,500 7,500 0 0 7,500

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Regional Railway Project - Financing of track infrastructure. Transport State 2005 189,800 70,000 0 0 70,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bosnia and Herzegovina SME framework

    UPI Banka Credit lines to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Bank lending Private 2004 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Tvornica Opeke Sarajevo - Renovation of a disused brick factory in Sarajevo. Manufacturing and services

    Private 2005 14,033 6,200 0 0 6,200

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Power Distribution Reconstruction

    - Improvement of efficiency and reliability of electricity supply by modernising three regional electricity

    Power and energy

    State 2006 55,000 55,000 0 0 55,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Argus Capital Partners II - Private equity fund supporting medium-sized enterprises. Successor to the Argus Capital Partners fund.

    Equity funds Private 2005 200 0 200 0 200

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Mittal Steel Zenica - Energy efficiency investments and working capital.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2005 20,357 20,357 0 0 20,357

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Natron Hayat - Renovation of facilities at paper and pulp mill, including restarting pulp production.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2006 111,695 11,000 0 0 11,000

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    European Fund for Southeast Europe

    - Privately managed public/private investment fund which will provide financing for micro, small and medium-sized businesses as well as housing andrural finance in south-eastern Europe.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 2,000 0 2,000 0 2,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    VF Komerc - Expansion of operations of local food retailer and upgrade of existing stores.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 53,000 4,000 0 0 4,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans SME FinanceFacility

    Raiffeisen Leasing BiH Credit line to Raiffeisen Leasing for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2006 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Bijeljina waste-water collection system

    - Construction of waste-water collection network to prevent pollution of the aquifer.

    Municipal and environmental infrastructure

    State 2007 7,000 7,000 0 0 7,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Mikrofin Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 8,000 8,000 0 0 8,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Mikrokreditna Organizacija EKI

    Credit line for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2006 6,000 6,000 0 0 6,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Balkan Accession Fund - Finance provided to a private equity fund investing in medium-sized businesses.

    Equity funds Private 2006 5,245 0 1,120 0 1,120

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Europolis III - Equity investment allowing the creation of a regional portfolio of property assets in Bosnia andHerzegovina, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2006 7,425 630 945 0 1,575

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Raiffeisen Bank - Loan to allow medium and long-term loans to corporate clients.

    Bank lending Private 2006 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    GS Hotels and Resort (Loan) - Loan to leading local hospitality group, based in Dubrovnik.

    Property and tourism

    Private 2007 10,756 3,236 0 0 3,236

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    VF Komerc - Expansion of operations of local food retailer and upgrade of existing stores.

    Agribusiness Private 2006 6,000 0 6,000 0 6,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Partner Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 8,000 8,000 0 0 8,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Sunrise Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 4,000 4,000 0 0 4,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Primary road network upgrade Bosnia and Herzegovina Road Rehabilitation Project

    Upgrade and reconstruction of sections of the primary road network.

    Transport State 2007 230,500 75,000 0 0 75,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    ISO and TRANSCO - Supply and installation of electricity transmission system that will facilitate power trade in the region.

    Power and energy

    State 2007 15,931 15,931 0 0 15,931

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    VF Komerc Long-term loan to finance real estate operations. Agribusiness Private 2007 4,000 4,000 0 0 4,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Uniqa Osiguranje - Acquisition of a 20 per cent equity stake in Uniqa Osiguranje Bosnia.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2007 1,600 0 1,600 0 1,600

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Suica Terni Construction of a greenfield plant for the production of wood pellets.

    Manufacturing and services

    Private 2007 1,250 1,125 0 0 1,125

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    GS Hotels and Resorts (Equity)

    - Equity investment in local hospitality group. Property and tourism

    Private 2007 10,030 0 2,510 0 2,510

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Microcredit organisation MI-Bospo

    Credit line for on-lending to micro and small businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Prizma microcredit organisation

    Credit line for on-lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

    Small business finance

    Private 2007 4,000 4,000 0 0 4,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    ViaOne - Equity investment to support the commercial launch and development of ViaOne Europa Holding's software platforms.

    Telecoms, informatics and media

    Private 2008 1,694 0 1,000 0 1,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Corridor Vc - Loan to finance construction of key sections of trans-European motorway.

    Transport State 2008 605,000 180,000 0 0 180,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    Sunrise II Facilitates access to finance for smaller business clients.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans MSME Framework

    EKI Loan to the third largest microfinance organisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve access to finance.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 6,000 6,000 0 0 6,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Raiffeisen Leasing - Support to increase the availability of lease financing at longer maturities for the purchase of fixed assets by small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Insurance and financial services

    Private 2008 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    CEE Special Situations Fund CRG Capital Investment in an equity fund managed by CRG Partners targeting distressed and under-performing companies.

    Equity funds Private 2009 600 0 600 0 600

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Bimal Support for an oil producing company. Agribusiness Private 2008 10,000 8,375 0 0 8,375

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Raiffeisen Bank - To increase the availability of small and medium-sized enterprises financing with longer maturities.

    Bank lending Private 2008 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans and Croatia Financing Framework

    MI-BOSPO Long-term loan to existing client to improve access to finance for entrepreneurs.

    Small business finance

    Private 2008 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000

    All investments 1991- 2009

  • All investments 1991- 2009EBRD Investments 1991-2009

    Country Type of investment

    Project name Sub project Description Sector Portfolio Class

    Year of signing

    Total project value

    ( 000)

    EBRD loan (


    EBRD equity ( 000)

    EBRD guarantee

    ( 000)

    Total EBRD finance ( 000)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    Western Balkans Local Enterprise Facility

    Lydian International Exploration and development of zinc, lead, silver and gold deposits in the Western Balkans.

    Natural Resources

    Private 2009 1,173 0 364 0 364

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Regional investment

    European Fund for SouthEast Europe II

    - Support to financial institutions for on-lending to MSMEs, as well as for housing and rural finance.

    Small business finance

    Private 2009 11,550 0 1,650 0 1,650

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Direct investment

    Western Balkans and Croatia Financing Framework


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