intro to basics marxism

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Aim of the session is to:Introduce you to the Sociological Perspective of Marxism & consider the key principles & Concepts underpinning this theory.

Key concepts we will be considering:

Conflict Surplus Value

Capitalism Means of production

Proletariat Economic base

Bourgeoisie Super structure

Ideology Exploited

Ideological State Apparatus


By the end of the lesson you should all:

•Have a basic knowledge & understanding of Marx’s social theory•Be able to summarize the Marxist perspective of a capitalist society•Identify key terminology and start to be able to spell & define these key concepts.

Brief clip introducing social theory from Marx

MarxismLike the Functionalist perspective, Marxism is a

structural theoryMeaning that they both believe that we are born into a Society that has existing rules & patterns of behaviour that shape how we behave & live our lives.In essence, we have to learn how to join in properly throughThe process of socialisation.

However........Where Marxism differs from Functionalism is to do with what they say society’s rules are based on.Functionalist argue that society is built on a value consensus or agreementWhereas Marx argues that society is based on

conflict & exploitation

This is Karl Marx: The father of the Marxist Perspective & an important thinker of modern

times• Marx basically argues

that since industrialisation, society is in a state of conflict between the rich & the poor because these social groups have unequal power.

These 2 social groups are called

The Bourgeoisie&The Proletariat

Ruling Class & owners of the modes of production

Working class

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According to Marx, society has passed through several periods in which different economic systems or methods of production havebeen dominant.

Marx argues that the final stage of development which happened alongside the industrialisation process, led to the creation of a capitalist society .This was because the methods of productionmoved from being agricultural to factory & Industry based.

So – how have we ended up with CAPITALISM?

Marx proposed the idea that our society has gone through the following stages:





Industrialisation meant that power in Society fell into the hands of the wealthy, Because they were the ones who owned Most of the land, could afford machinery, Build factories & own big businesses & they also employed the people to work for them.

Capitalism explained in short:

We live in a Capitalist society, meaning that our economy is basedon business, trade & consumption with an aim at making big profits

Those who are poorer (Proletariat working class) & have limited accessto owning the modes of production (Factories, Mills, businesses) are forced into working for the owners of the means of production(The Bourgeoisie) who have wealth, money, are business men or a members of the government).Although the workers receive a wage for producing the goods that consumers need & want, the goods are sold at a profit, for more than itCost to make, and this surplus value goes straight back intoThe pockets of the ‘fat cats’

Starting to define Key concepts :

Conflict Surplus Value

Capitalism Means of production

Proletariat Economic base

Bourgeoisie Super structure

Ideology Exploited

Ideological State Apparatus


As we go through the next slides add definitions for these

Well firstly, industrialisation meant that families no longer worked on their own land or produced their own goodsAnd because they couldn’t compete With the means of mass production They didn’t have enough income Coming in and so they had to seek Employment elsewhere in towns for thebourgeoisie.

This meant that people had no choice but to work for the Capitalist Bourgeoisie & therefore had to accept their new place & role in life.

But how do the capitalists make sure that everyoneConforms to this new Status as subservient or unequal ?

From a Marxist perspective, the major Structures or social institutions in society (law, religion, Education, The family, media etc)Play a key role in shaping our beliefs & limiting our behaviours in order to benefit Capitalism & maintain the separation between the Bourgeoisie & the Proletariatthrough the process of.........................

Why can’t we reject these messages?

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This ideology is transmitted

through variousIdeological State


Ideological State Apparatus

A tool or part of society which is used to encourage people to accept the values of the ruling class in order to maintain capitalism

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Ideological State Apparatus: or the institutions of the super structure

• Education System

• Instilled in you that you need to have qualifications in order to get a good job.

• The hidden curriculum teaches you to manage your time, abide by rules, wear a uniform & comply.

• Church/religion

• There is a God & if you accept your fate now you will be rewarded richly in your after life.

• It is God’s will

Ideological state apparatus

•The Family•The Mass Media•Politics


Materialistic values

Need to have the latest gadgets

Designer labels

Pressure to be attractive

Obedience & Loyalty

In essence we are conditioned (through the various ideological stateApparatus) into believing that we needthe goods that Capitalism produces &can only prove our worth & status by working hard & being able to have material goods around us.We are in fact feeding capitalism & keeping the Rich even richer.

Marx believes that the only way to end this ideology is for the workers to revolt & to see a return to Communism: A system were everyone is equal & works Together for the benefit of society as a whole.

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We would then have a society where everything

would be owned and controlled by the people &

not just by the wealthy elite few

Introducing the smurfs

Finishing up our Key concepts:

Conflict Surplus Value

Capitalism Means of production

Proletariat Economic base

Bourgeoisie Super structure

Ideology Exploited

Ideological State Apparatus


It’s a Structuralism approach which does illustrate how the major institutions are linked.

Emphasises consumerism which is relevant in today’s postmodern society

Marxism helps to explain how the values & ideology of the Bourgeoisie are passed on.

Strengths of Marxism….

Functionalists criticise Marxism for over-emphasising conflict when there must be harmony and shared values for social order to be possible.

It is seen as economically deterministic; everything revolves around money.

Classic Marxism has ignored the role of women in society.

What revolution?? Russia and China have actually become capitalist & turned their backs on communism.

Society doesn’t always operate in the interests of the ruling class.

Plenary Tasks:Complete all of the taskson your worksheet by the end of the lesson & learn theNew definitions of Marxist keyConcepts for next lesson

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