interview questions

Post on 05-Mar-2016






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Customer Question It was 15:00 and I was allocated 6 jobs to install 6 Data and voice circuits for a new shop. customer informed me it was vital these lines needed to be working today as the shop was opening tomorrow. I only had 2.30 hrs left in my day. I informed my manager and was advised no one was available to assist and I could work on past my time to finish.

Approach I surveyed the task in hand and looked for the most time efficient way I could complete it in. I would need to run three cables from the front to the back of the shop. I attached 3x cable drums to 3x cable reels and fixed the cables to a telescopic rode and pushed the cables through the ceiling false tiles. I wasnt getting dial tone on some of the line so i remained carm and went to the exchange to investigate.

Result I managed to complete the jobs running 2 hrs past my finish time The customer was very happy that the lines were up and running

Reflection refleting back which I always to after each job to look for ways to improve effeiancy, I could saved time checking for dial tone first because then I could have called the exchange and got the exchange engineer to do the work while I carried on with the install.

Team QuestionA situation where you have had to help out a colleague to avoid an issue occurring.Situation I received a call from my colleague who I had been coaching asking if I could help him as the office he was working in had lost all internet access whilst he had been working onsite. I said ok and set off.

Approach I remember I arrived onsite to be faced with an angry Manager complaining that her staff couldnt work and that she was going to make a high leve complaint about the incident. I was initially taken back by her behavior towards me however I remained calm and listened. I explained my colleague was new and I would do my upmost to get her back into service ASAP. She seemed to relax as she saw I was and that I wasnt attacking her. I believe in energy, you cant put out fire with fire. You need something cool to turn the neat down. From what the eu had explained I assumed this was a layer 1 issue and asked my college to to take me to the comms room where he also had been working. I studied the network and I could see the cisco routers cd light was off. I looked at the pots and noticed the RJ11 cable had come out and the clip was broken. I replaced the cable and re connected it The cdp light came up and I wasnt the manger to try and connect.

Result As a result the end users could connect to the WAN. The manager apologized for blowing-up and thanked me for my help. A couple of days later my manager called me and said I had a bouquet for from her.

Closing Questions

Is there a training program? What area do we cover (traveling)? Car included How long is the NWB contact for? Rosta pattern? How many positions are available and how many have applied?

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