internet safety & your digital footprint...internet safety & your digital footprint changes...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Changes in Junior High1. Is there a link between friendship changes and cyberbullying?

2. How does cyberbullying impact your friendships?

3. How does social media affect friendships?

4. What should you think about before you post anything about another person online, in snap chat, text, or any other kind of digital message?

How connected are you?


* What are the pros and cons of social media?

Relationships and trust

What information do you trust the following groups of people with?




Best Friends


Cyberbullying* How does cyberbullying affect the people involved?* How can upstanders help those who face cyberbullying?

How can they help defuse it before it escalates?

● De-escalate when possible. If you have good standing with the

offender and are comfortable, politely tell the offender to back off.

● Point out the offender’s motivation to the target. Comfort the

target by explaining that many offenders act this way in order to gain

control, power, or status.

● Tell the target you’re there for them. Just by offering a helping

hand, you let a target know he or she is not alone and that you’re not

okay with what’s happening.

● Help the target. Help the target find friends and school leaders

who can help de-escalate the situation.

● Step up, stand up and Speak UP!

online safety Video - “Perspectives on Chatting Safely Online”

1. What are some of the pros and cons of connecting with people online?2. What are some examples of positive/uncomfortable interactions between strangers online?3. In what online situations should you get a “gut feeling” that tells you that you may be at risk?4. Why might it be difficult for people to recognize when they are being manipulated online?5. What is your advice or what are rules for staying safe when talking/messaging online?6. How would you handle someone walking up to you on the street and making crude or sexual comments? How is it

the same/different if it happens online? How would you handle it if it happened online?

The number one thing for teens to remember is that they should avoid flirting with or regularly talking to online strangers or online acquaintances, especially – but not only – if the person they are chatting with is older than they are.Teens should also reflect on these questions if they communicate with someone they meet online: 1. Has this person asked to keep anything about our relationship a secret?

2. Has this person hinted at or asked about anything sexual?

3. Have I felt pressured or manipulated by this person?

4. Do I feel true to myself – sticking to my values – when I communicate with this person?

If teens feel uncomfortable during a conversation with an online stranger, you should:

* Change it up. If something feels like it might be getting risky, it probably is. But if teens are not sure, they should try changing the subject, making a joke, or saying they want to talk about something else. If they still feel pressured or uncomfortable, they need to take further action. * Log off or quit. Teens need to remember that at any time they can just stop typing and log off if a conversation gets uncomfortable online. They can also take action to block or report another user, or create a new account – whether for email, IM, or virtual world – to avoid contact with that person again. * Know that it’s okay to feel embarrassed or confused. It’s not always easy to make sense of situations that make teens uncomfortable online. Nor is it easy for them to ask for help if they feel embarrassed about what they’ve experienced. They should know these feelings are normal. * Talk to a friend or trusted adult. Teens should know that it’s okay to reach out. Even if they feel they can handle a tricky situation alone, it’s always a good idea for teens to turn to friends, parents, teachers, coaches, and counselors for support.

Sexting & student panel

Video - “Ally’s Story - Second Thoughts on Sexting”

1. How do people in relationships communicate differently online/by phone than they might face to face?

2. What if the tables were turned, and Ally had forwarded a sext that her ex-boyfriend had sent her. would people have reacted the same way at school? Would the boy have been called names, the same way that Ally was?

3. Why should someone think twice before asking someone to, or sending, a sext?

4. Is it ever okay to sext? Is it okay to pressure others to sext?


* What should boys know?* What should girls know?* How can sexting impact your future?* When asked, what can you do or say?* Pressure, expectations, consent and healthy relationships...

Paying it forward & Positive Decision-Making

Remember and Reflect* Your actions online affect future employment/scholarships

* How do the decisions you make right now affect you in 5 or 10 years?

* What helps or influences you in making good decisions (Ex: 24 hr. claus)

* How do your decisions impact others?

* How did the positive tweets impact students at Iowa

City West?

* What are some ways that you can have a positive

impact at Peet, at home, in your neighborhood?



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