internet of things(iot) & applications

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Gunjan Panara, Vijay Khupse


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer the data automatically over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

To understand the IoT, imagine each of the object(Light, Fan, Air-conditioned, Projector, Door, etc.) here in this room, all wirelessly connected to communicate with each other…

IoT is a “network connecting to physical world objects” same as computers connect with the Internet now.

What does “Thing” mean to IoT

A person with a heart monitor implant.

A farm animal with a biochip transponder.

An automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low.

So the thing, in the Internet of Things, can be any natural or man-made object that can be assigned an IP address and provided with the ability to transfer data over a network.

Internet Connection:

Internet Compatible Devices You Own ?

More connected devices than people - 2008

9 billion objects connected with the Internet - 2013

14.8 billion internet-connected objects – February 2015


2020: 50 Billion Connected Things

6.6 objects will be connected with the Internet for each person.

IPv6’s huge increase in address space is an important factor in the development of the Internet of Things.

Survey: Future of IoT



Fast and easy communication of information

Live and analyzed data collection

Smart Cities:

Smart Parking: Monitoring of parking spaces availability in the city.

Structural health: Monitoring of vibrations and material conditions in buildings, bridges and historical monuments.

Noise Urban Maps: Sound monitoring in bar areas and centric zones in real time.

Traffic Congestion: Monitoring of vehicles and pedestrian levels to optimize driving and walking routes.

Smart Lighting: Intelligent and weather adaptive lighting in street lights.

Waste Management: Detection of rubbish levels in containers to optimize the trash collection routes.

Smart Roads: Intelligent Highways with warning messages and diversions according to climate conditions and unexpected events like accidents or traffic jams.

Smart Environment:

Forest Fire Detection: Monitoring of combustion gases and preemptive fire conditions to define alert zones.

Air Pollution: Control of CO2 emissions of factories, pollution emitted by cars and toxic gases generated in farms.

Snow Level Monitoring: Snow level measurement to know in real time the quality of ski tracks and allow security corps avalanche prevention.

Landslide and Avalanche Prevention: Monitoring of soil moisture, vibrations and earth density to detect dangerous patterns in land conditions.

Earthquake Early Detection: Distributed control in specific places of tremors.

Smart Water:

Potable water monitoring: Monitor the quality of tap water in cities.

Chemical leakage detection in rivers: Detect leakages and wastes of factories in rivers.

Swimming pool remote measurement: Control remotely the swimming pool conditions.

Pollution levels in the sea: Control real-time leakages and wastes in the sea.

River Floods: Monitoring of water level variations in rivers, dams and reservoirs.


Monitoring: product tracking for traceability purposes.

Intelligent Shopping Applications: Getting advices in the point of sale according to customer habits, preferences, presence of allergic components for them or expiring dates.

Marketing: Collect very huge amount of precise information about buyers and their needs.


M2M Applications: Remotely machine control and auto-diagnosis for early detection of problems.

Indoor Air Quality: Monitoring of oxygen, ozone presence and toxic gas levels inside chemical plants to ensure workers and goods safety.

Temperature Monitoring: Control of temperature inside industrial and medical fridges with sensitive merchandise.


Monitoring: keep latest information for soil moisture and fertility.

Irrigation: Selective irrigation in dry zones to reduce the water resources required in the green.

Water Management: Study of weather conditions in fields to forecast ice formation, rain, drought, snow or wind changes.

Accuracy: Control the exact conditions of plant’s growth to get the highest efficiency.

Animal Tracking: Location and identification of animals grazing in open pastures or location in big stables.

Security & Emergencies:

Perimeter Access Control: Access control to restricted areas and detection of

people in non-authorized areas.

Radiation Levels: Distributed measurement of radiation levels in nuclear

power stations surroundings to generate leakage alerts.

Daily Life:

Remote Control Appliances: Switching on and off remotely appliances to avoid accidents and save energy.

Sensor-Based Furniture: It will warn you for your health cure. e.g. While you seat for long time on computer desk, it will warn you to stand-up and walk around for some distance.

Energy and Water Use: Energy and water supply consumption monitoring to obtain advice on how to save cost and resources.

Care: Assistance for elderly or disabled people living independent.

Future Home with IoT:


Security in terms of Communication

Data Privacy

Out of Law boundaries and Government Surveillance


The concept named to “Internet of Things” in 1999 by Kevin Ashton.

The first Internet appliance, was a Coke machine at Carnegie Melon University in the early 1980s. The programmers could connect to the machine over the Internet, check the status of the machine and determine whether or not there would be a cold drink for them, should they decide to make the trip down to the machine.

First international conference of internet of things: The IOT 2008 was held at Zurich.

Four important technologies(Nano-tech , Wireless sensor, RFID and Smart tech) of the IoT was proposed in WSIS(World Summit on the Information Society) conference.

IoT: Demonstration

Visualize The Concept of IoT, watch this video

Life Simplified with Connected Devices


TED Talks - The-Internet-of-Things-Dr-John

YouTube: Life Simplified with Connected Devices - IoT Sensor Applications

Thanks for your attention

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