internet of things using raspberry pi

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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Workshop on

Internet of Things using


The Internet of Things is a global network of computers, sensors, and actuators connected through Internet protocols

Introduction to IoT

Communication Options

20 metes 100 meters 3-10km 15km 10km 35km max for GSM

Projected Growth of IoT

• Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses are 32 bits long

• IPv4 offers an address space of 2^32, roughly 4 billion IP addresses.

• This is a problem because there are more than 4 billion Internet-connected computers in the

world. And also Present World Population is 7.6 Billions.

• This has led to a shortage of IPv4 addresses.

• IPv6 is a new addressing protocol. It is the successor of IPv4.

• IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long

• IPv6 offer an address space of 2^128, which is almost equal to 340 trillion trillion trillion


• we could assign an IPV6 address to EVERY ATOM ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, and

still have enough addresses left to do another 100+ earths.

Importance of IPv6 in IoT

Applications of IoT

Best IoT Hardware Platforms

Two examples:


Raspberry Pi

• We shall use RPi in this workshop

It has lot more features!

Lets see how RPi is different than Arduino


Speed 16 MHz 1.2 GHz

Architecture 8 bit 64 bit



Internet connection Not Easy Very Easy

Analog to Digital Yes No

Programming Language Arduino / C or C++ No Limit

Multi tasking One Program at a time Possible


• The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer thatplugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standardkeyboard and mouse.

• It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages toexplore computing, and to learn how to program in languageslike Scratch and Python.

What is raspberry pi?

Raspberry Pi – Hardware






Broadcom BCM2837

CPU core is an ARMv8

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C)

• I²C is an interface on which you can connect multiple

I²C slave devices.

• The Raspberry Pi acts as the master on the bus

Board pin BCM GPIO number

Function Description



Universal Asynchronous Receiver/transmitter (UART)

• The UART is a serial bus connection.

Board pin BCM GPIO number Function Description

8 14 TX Transmit

10 15 RX Receive

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

• SPI is an interface on which you can connect multiple SPI slave devices.

• The Raspberry Pi can only act as the master on the bus.

There are five pins available to connect devices to the Raspberry Pi using SPI:

Board pin BCM GPIO number

Function Description

19 10 MOSI Master Out, Slave In

21 9 MISO Master In, Slave Out

23 11 SCLK Serial Clock

24 8 CE0 Channel Enable 0. Also known as Slave Select (SS)

26 7 CE1 Channel Enable 1. Also known as Slave Select (SS)

What we can do with Raspberry Pi:

COMPUTER Arcade gaming machines using RPi

RPI Robot Landline using RPi and Google Voice RPi based decoration lights control


Basics of Python:

• Python is a simple and high-level language

• Easy to Learn

As you will see, Python is extremely easy to get started with. Python has an extraordinarily simple


• Portable

All your Python programs will work on any of these platforms without requiring any changes at all

• Interpreted

When you use an interpreted language like Python, there is no separate compilation and execution

steps. You just run the program from the source code.

• Extensive Libraries

• Free and Open Source

• High-level Language

Programmers use Python to create things like:

Web applications

Desktop applications and utilities

Special GUIs

Small databases

2D games

To access Python from the command prompt, type “python” or “python3”, then it opens up the Python

interactive shell , from which you can enter Python commands just like you use the command line.

What you will need

Installing OS on Raspberry Pi

To install a Raspberry Pi operating system image on an SD card. You will need another computer with an SD

card reader to install the image.

Official images for recommended operating systems are available to download from the Raspberry Pi website

Downloads page.

After downloading the .zip file, unzip it to get the image file (.img) for writing to your SD card.

you need to use an image writing tool to install it on your SD card.

Ex: win32diskimager

You need to use SD Formatting Tool to format SD card

Ex: SD Card Formatter

Insert the SD card into your SD card reader.

Note the drive letter assigned to the SD card. You can see the drive letter in the left hand column of Windows

Explorer, for example F:

Download the Win32DiskImager utility and run it to install the software

Run the Win32DiskImager utility from your desktop or menu.

Select the image file you extracted earlier.

Select the drive letter of the SD card in the device box

Click 'Write' and wait for the write to complete.

Exit the imager and eject the SD card.

Insert SD Card and Power ON Raspberry Pi.

S.No Command Description

1 pwd The pwd command displays the name of the present working directory

2 ls The ls command lists the content of the current directory

3 mkdir You can use mkdir to create a new directory, e.g. mkdir tharun would create the directory tharun in the present working directory.

4 rmdir To remove empty directories, use rmdir. So, for example, rmdir tharun will remove the directory tharun only if it is empty

5 nano nano example.txt: Opens the file example.txt in the Linux text editor Nano

6 rm The command rm removes the specified file

7 touch Creates a new, empty file in the current directory.

8 date Prints the current date. To Change Date type sudo date MMDDHHmmYYYY

9 cd To Change the Directory

10 mv The mv command moves a file and places it at the specified location (so where cp performs a 'copy-paste', mv performs a 'cut-paste').

Basic Linux Commands

S.No Command Description

11 sudo The sudo command enables you to run a command as a superuser

12 unzip The unzip command extracts the files from a compressed zip file

13 wget Download a file from the web directly to the computer with wget. So wget will download this file to your computer as

14 ping The ping utility is usually used to check if communication can be made with another host

15 ifconfig To check the status of the wireless connection you are using (to see if wlan0 has acquired an IP address)

16 iwconfig To check which network the wireless adapter is using.

17 iwlist Prints a list of the currently available wireless networks.

18 hostname –I The hostname –I command displays the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

19 free Shows how much free memory is available.

20 df-h Shows information about the available disk space

S.No Command Description

21 lssub Lists USB hardware connected to your Raspberry Pi

22 apt-get update If software updates are available, you can get the updates with sudo apt-get update

23 apt-get upgrade install the updates with sudo apt-get upgrade, which will upgrade all of your packages.

24 apt-get install To upgrade a specific package, without upgrading all the other out-of-date packages at the same time, you can use sudo apt-get install some package

25 apt-get remove To uninstall a package.

26 apt-get purge To completely remove the package and its associated configuration files

27 poweroff To shutdown immediately.

28 reboot To reboot immediately

29 raspi-config Opens the configuration settings menu

30 shutdown -h 01:22 To shutdown at 1:22 AM

Establishing REmotE DEsktop ConnECtion with RaspbERRy pi:

To access the Raspbian GUI from another computer, we need to configure it to work with a

remote desktop application.

This will allow us to access our Raspberry Pi desktop (or the command line) from anywhere in

the world as long as we have a computer with an internet connection.

To do this, we need to install XRDP Server on RaspberryPi, execute the below commands in terminal.

1. sudo apt-get remove xrdp vnc4server tightvncserver

2. sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

3. sudo apt-get install xrdp

1. Now, go to your Windows computer.

2. Click the “Start” button or Windows button, and type “Remote Desktop Connection” to search for the

Remote Desktop Application.

3. Open up the Remote Desktop Application, and enter your local IP address for your Raspberry Pi connected

over WiFi

4. Click connect, and you will be connected to the xrdp login screen for the Raspberry Pi

5. Enter your username and password here,(username= pi and password= raspberry).

6. Click “Ok” and you will be logged into the Raspbian GUI

Blinking LED using Python:

• Connect Anode(long leg) of LED to pin no:11 via 180 ohm resistor• Connect Cathode(short leg) of LED to Ground

Interfacing PIR Sensor with RaspberryPi: piR RaspbERRy pi

1 Vin pin 02

2 out pin 11

3 gRounD pin 06 bmp180 RaspbERRy pi

1 Vin pin 01

2 gRounD pin 06

3 sDa pin 03

4 sCl pin 05

Connecting BMP180 to Raspberry Pi:

It is a digital pressure and temperature sensor.

It is using Piezo-electric technology.

The pressure range is 300-1000 hpa .

Operating Voltage Range: 1.8v to 3.6v Dht11 RaspbERRy pi

1 VCC pin 01

2 Data pin 07 (gpio 4)

3 nC ---

4 gnD pin 06

Connecting DHT11 to Raspberry Pi:

It can measure both Humidity and temperature .

It uses capacitive humidity sensor and thermistor to measure Humidity & Temperature.

Operating range : humidity 0-100%RH

temperature -40~80 Centigrade

Uploading Sensors Data to Thing Speak

Signup for thingspeak

Create a New Channel under my channels

Enter the name of Project and Field Names, then u will see Graphs on Private show.

Note down Write API Key to write the data to channel

Connect DHT11 and BMP 180 to Raspberry Pi

Execute the Program and check the graphs on Thing Speak.

Sending Basic Email using Python

Note: You have to allow “less secure apps” on your Gmail account

Sending SMS using Python

• Create Account in and get Authorization Key from it.

How to Launch Python Script on Startup

In order to run program when the Pi boots, you can add commands to the rc.local file.

This is especially useful if you want to be able to plug your Pi in to power headless, and have it run a

program without configuration or a manual start.

On your Pi, edit the file /etc/rc.local using the editor of your choice

Type the Following Command in Terminal

Add commands below the comment, but leave the line exit 0 at the end, then save the file and exit.

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

python /home/pi/ &





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