internet marketing guide for small businesses

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Internet Marketing Guide for Small Businesses


Tatiana WalkerLynnwood &02/07/2011

What You Will Get From Attending

1. Know EXACTLY what Internet Marketing is2. Know why it’s VITAL to your success.3. Leave with an Action Plan4. Have FUN!

Introduction What Is Internet Marketing Anatomy Of A Web Site How To Build A Website Outsource Your Web Site Design Email Marketing and List Building Driving Traffic SEO, SEM and PPC Local Directories Blogging Online Classifieds Video Outsourcing Traffic

75% of Americans use search engines on a regular basis 56% of Americans use Search Engines every day 40% of all search engine searches are for local

businesses and services

(WebVisible/Nielsen Study 2008)

Internet Marketing Defined Really Focus On The Marketing Part

◦ As drivers, we don’t need to know how to change our oil. We still get it done.

Don’t Feel You Have To Know How To Build A Computer To Market On The Internet

Branding – Traditional Marketing◦ McDonalds, Apple, Bank Of America. No Direct

response. Meant to make you a familiar face.◦ This is not what we are after.

Direct Marketing Infomercials, Calls To Action, Trackable, Direct

Response. Meant to generate an action by potential customers.

This is our goal. Transactions.

What do you want to be known for What is your expertise

Think In Terms Of Elevator Speech

Not I’m a _________

I help _________ by ___________

Who Are Your Competitors

How Do People Look For You

Where Are Your Customers

From what Product Or Service Do You Make The Most Money

What would you type in the search engines to find your product or service?

Probably not “city real estate”

Probably “city rental homes” or “sell my house fast city name” or “city first time home buyer assistance”.

You want quality visitors not necessarily quantity.

Survey question: What information do you expect to find when searching for local businesses online?

Traffic + Conversion =Customers

Miss One Of The Variables You Get Squat

Get a .COM! Keep It

Trick question There is no main purpose There is a SOLE purpose To generate a customer

Generic Templates◦◦ GoDaddy Website Tonight

Generally $5 - $20 per month

Easy to use (sometimes) – Graphic design Odesk – Virtual Assistants

H1 and H2 Tags Bold and Links Avoid Click Here Text Important key phrases sprinkled in content Do not stuff keywords Take advantage of footer text

Benefits are SPAM compliance, better deliverability, easy to segment your lists.

Driving Traffic SEO, SEM and PPC Local Directories Blogging Online Classifieds Outsourcing Traffic

Having a website alone accomplishes nothing

Like a Cell Phone without serviceHaving a website alone accomplishes nothing

Like a Cell Phonewithout service

Traffic + Conversion =Customers

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural” or "organic" search results.

Generally done in the coding of the website. One of the slowest and tedious ways to get ranked well in the search engines

Always a guessing game. Search Engines Won’t tell anyone how they rank sites.

SEO is sometimes contrary to good marketing principles.

Search Engine Marketing promotes websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion.

Can achieve front page visibility very fast.

Can drive targeted traffic very quickly.

Can be very expensive if done wrong (or right sometimes)

Pay Per Click advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market.

Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing are

Using the power of authority sites to drive traffic to your local business

Off page optimization for your keywords at little to no cost

Requires some maintenance but worth the results

Be findable in multiple places when local consumers look for your product or service

Using the power of authority sites to drive traffic to your local business

Off page optimization for your keywords at little to no cost

Requires some maintenance but worth the results

Be findable in multiple places when local consumers look for your product or service

What You DoNot Who You


Ad Titles Are KeyWhat You Do – Not Who You Are

Remember, social media sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are designed for SOCIAL interaction.

You don’t want to be the guy at the part trying to sell insurance. Let people know what you do but don’t make it the focus of your presence.

You will quickly lose followers if you are all business.

Basic blogs can be setup for free with Blogger or Wordpress.

Blogs are easy to setup and very search engine friendly.

Can be a mix of social and business.

Great way to share expertise and build credibility.

Web site hosting accounts have traffic stats You cannot rely on Website statistics

exclusively If you are marketing on the internet properly

a lot of consumers may never make it to your website before contacting you

Just like with Yellow Pages, Billboards, Mail, TV, Radio…

You must ask your customers how they found fort the most accurate results


Craigslist postingBlog EntriesLink Campaigns

Tatiana WalkerInternet Marketing Specialist

Advertising Solutions

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