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SWUFE NEWS Issue No. 03 (May 2014)




Chengdu, April 2, 2014. SWUFE held its Annual Internationalization Conference in the conference room 137 in Tengxiang Building. The Leaders of SWUFE, Zhang Zongyi, Ou Bing, Zeng Daorong, Ma Xiao, Zhuo Zhi, Ding Renzhong, Bian Huimin, Yang Dan, Yi Qingshuang, the member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party, Shi Daimin, the directors and deans of every faculty and department as well as the foreign affairs department participated the conference. VP Yang Dan presided over the conference.

Challenges and Countermeasures of Internationalization

President Zhang Zongyi delivered a special report on the “Challenges and Countermeasures of internationalization”. He indicated that, nowadays, an open education is the mainstream and that internationalization is the only way to go.

Leapfrog Development

Through many years of efforts SWUFE has made achievements and breakthroughs in a variety of areas, but the university members should always remain aware of the arduous tasks that still lie ahead of us. In the future work, SWUFE should promote a leapfrog development of internationali-zation.

Ten Suggestions to Support the Process of Internationalization

At the conference, VP Yang Dan proposed ten special suggestions about the reform and asked for whole school’s opinions to revise them. He additionally indicated that every unit or department shall actively participate in and push forward the course of internationalization of SWUFE. Later, the Director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation (OIEC), Liang Ting, made a report about the work progress, the plans, and its policies and systems.

Concerted Efforts and Cooperation of all Faculties

Being the first conference at SWUFE solely focusing on the university’s internationalization strategy, the participants of the conference had discussed and formulated their future work and objectives. With concerted efforts and cooperation of all faculties and departments a new stage and progress of internationalization work will be developed and made comprehensive.

Read more about the internationalization strategy of SWUFE in the exclusive interview with VP Yang Dan on page 5.

Interview with VP Yang Dan about the Internationalization of SWUFE

Internationalization is one of the major pillars in building a high-level research-based university. In this interview VP Yang Dan lines out the new international strategy of SWUFE, emphasizing the importance of an open education, research cooperation, talent recruitment, and an international campus culture.

Interview on Page 5


SWUFE NEWS is a monthly edition issued by the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation (OIEC) at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE).

The SWUFE NEWS editorial department warmly welcomes teachers and students to submit own contributions in English language: research reports, faculty work, student work, photographs, etc.



Conference at SWUFE

SWUFE NEWS | Issue No. 03 (May 2014) 2

Harvard, January to March 2014. Four junior stu-dents of SWUFE made great achievements at Har-vard. Xie Zuowei and Zhang Lishuang, two Finan-cial Planning students at our School of Finance, and Yang Zhen, a Bilingual Finance student at our School of Finance, and Zhang Lingshuang, a stu-dent at our School of Accounting, successfully participated in the Harvard Social Entrepreneur-ship Conference (HSEC).

SWUFE Students Successfully Joined the Plan of Global Entrepreneurs

In the first round, the SWUFE team ranked among the top twenty; in the second round, the four were invited to Harvard and got the opportunity to talk to professors of HBS and elite entrepreneurs from all walks of life. As a result, they successfully joined the short-listed teams; in the final round, because of their excellent and outstanding social entrepre-neurship plan, the four students successfully joined the incubate plan of global entrepreneurs and will get a long-term and continuous support.

HSEC is an international renown social entrepre-neurship conference, that is supported by HBS institutions like the Harvard Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies. It is hosted by HAUSCR.

HAUSCR is a directly affiliated institution of Harvard. It is listed among the high-level federal non-profit organizations in the US. HAUSCR aims

at enhancing US-Sino cultural exchange and it is run under the guidance of an excellent advisory group of politics, economics and culture. Here Students from all over the world contemplate about the social issues and propose effective and persistent solutions for the economy and resources by the means of social entrepreneurship.

The American Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM / ICM) 2014 recently announced that our university team performed well in the competition, winning nine prizes (Meritorious Winners) and 26 second prizes (Honorable Mentions).

Best Score of SWUFE Students at this Contest Ever

This is the best score ever in the history of our university since the School of Economic and Mathematics of SWUFE participated in this con-test.

MCM and ICM are the abbreviations for Mathema-tical Contest in Modeling (founded in 1985) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (founded in 2000) respectively. COMAP hosts the contest and SIAM, NSA, INFORMS and other organizations are the main sponsors of it.

Originality, Cooperation, and Communication

MCM/ICM stresses the originality, the team coope-ration, and the communication of research pro-

blems and solutions, as well as the rationality of the results. In 2014, there were 6755 teams partici-pating in the contest coming from 18 countries and regions.


Are you an international student looking for a student placement or an undergraduate internship in China?

If the answer is “YES”, here you will have the opportunity to gain valuable practical work experience at an international renown Chinese university, the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE).

We offer student placements in our international team at SWUFE.


SWUFE Students

Appraised by HBS Harvard Social Entrepreneurship Conference 2014

SWUFE Students Win Math Awards American Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2014

The photos show the students of SWUFE who were participating in the American

Mathematical Contest 2014.

SWUFE NEWS | Issue No. 03 (May 2014) 3


Student signing up for the Survey

The Survey Research Center for China Household Survey that has invented the China Household Finance Survey has from its beginnings supported engaged students to participate in conducting the survey, who then in return, across the country, gain significant fundamental research experience.

Students Experience Research

The research project gathers Chinese households’ micro-level financial information, such as housing and financial assets, liabilities and credit constraints, income, expenses, social security and insurance, intergenerational transfer payments, demographic characteristics and employment, payment habits, and many other financial information.



90,000 90,000 individuals, 29 provinces, and 262 counties participated.


28,000 28,000 Households and 1,048 communities participated.


We warmly welcome any questions about the details of the China Household Finance Survey.


The Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) was established in 2010 as a non-profit academic research institu-tion. The main purpose of the Center’s establishment is to carry out the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS).

The Only Systematic Source of DATA on General Household Finance Available in China

The project aims to scientifically sample across the country using modern investigative techniques and advanced management tools to gather Chinese households’ micro-level financial information, such as:

housing and financial assets; liabilities and credit constraints; income; expenses; social security and insurance; intergenerational transfer payments; demographic characteristics and

employment; payment habits; etc.

So far, the CHFS is the only systematic source of data available for research on general household finance in China.

Second Wave of Interviews started in April 2013

Since April 2013, the Center has started the second wave of drafting and interviewing stage. By September 6th, CHFS had collected 28,000 household data. About 1,600 SWUFE students participated in this round of survey (see pictures).

CHFS has finished interviewing about 28,000 households and more than 90,000 individuals, covering 29 provinces, 262 counties and 1048 communities.

China Household Finance Survey

had Second Wave of Interviews More Than 90,000 Individuals Were Interviewed by more than 1,600 Students in this Second Round

SWUFE NEWS | Issue No. 03 (May 2014) 4

Jinma, Chengdu, March 25, 2014. In order to promote international students’ understanding of China as well as their knowledge of local community culture and customs, international students of SWUFE participated in the activity entitled “Small Hands Holding Big Hands, Civilized Family Row” sponsored by the township govern-ment of Jinma (see photo right).

Etiquette and African Drum, Fire Dance and Play

Peng Jiayu from Sri Lanka, on behalf of the international students, delivered a speech. He in-troduced the culture and etiquette of Sri Lanka in Chinese for over a thousand faculty members and students of Jinma School. Ma Yiming from Niger, Ouyang Kunpeng and Thomas from Tanzania, Peng Jiayu from Sri Lanka and Eggy from Indonesia gave an impressive performance inclu-ding African drum, fire dance, fire play etc. At the end, international students exchanged ideas with representatives of the school (see photo left).

Skopje, April 10, 2014. A Chinese Cultural Festival was held in the Macedonia Welcome Center (DMWC) at the Confucius Institute at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. More than 50 guests attended the celebration, including embassies of Serbia, Ukraine, Italy, the United States, the Republic of Montenegro, and Russia. Guests from international organizations, business representatives and locals also got an invitation.

The non-profit organization, Macedonia Welcome Center (DMWC), is always supportive of cultural exchange. Hence, the theme of the activity was changed from Coffee to Tea Morning, presenting itself with more Chinese character-ristics.

Chinese History and Culture of Tea

Firstly, Professor Deng Shizhong introduced the history of the development of the institute as well as the future plans for schooling and cultural activities. Then he elaborated on the history of tea in China. He gave a detailed introduction of black tea, green tea, white tea and dark tea, as well as their medicinal values.

Tea Art Performance

In addition, the role of tea in the daily life of the Chinese people and cultural exchange were clearly explained (see photo on the left). At the same time, the tea art performance was conducted by Zhang Ming, a teacher of the institute (see photo above). The performance was breath-taking, and all guests were fascinated by the dazzling show.

Media Coverage in Macedonia

After the tea art performance, guests discussed the issues about Chinese tea and enjoyed the feast of tea and Chinese dessert. The activity was a success. And journalist of and other media interviewed the teachers of the Confucius Institute, and they spoke highly of this activity for its active role in promoting the culture exchange between Macedonia and China.


The Confucius Institute in Skopje, Macedonia, was newly established by SWUFE and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in September 2013.

Chinese Cultural Festival

held at the Confucius

Institute in Macedonia

International Education for

Students in the Community

SWUFE NEWS | Issue No. 03 (May 2014) 5

Internationalization is one of the major pillars in building a high-level research-based university. In this interview VP Yang Dan lines out the new international strategy of SWUFE, emphasizing the importance of an open education, research cooperation, talent recruitment, and an international campus culture.

International Strategic Design

SWUFE NEWS: Internationalization is one of the four major strategies in building the high-level research-based university of finance and economics with outstanding achievements. And the conference on the internationalization of higher education and your ten suggestions on the comprehensive and in-depth promotion of the educational internationalize-tion put the campus internationalization on the fast track. Could you briefly line out the strategic design and your considerations on campus internationalize-tion?

Yang Dan: The core of the internationalization is about the people, including the people’s inter-national perspective, thinking, and skills. It also consists of three parts. Firstly, it is about the internationalization of minds, like whether or not our faculty members and students have an inter-national awareness. Secondly, the question is whe-ther the internationalization is to be found in each detail of our education programs or not. The third point is whether the internationalization has been linked to the praxis or not.

In our campus internationalization, we will strive to take the lead in developing the advanced version of internationalization, and the breakthroughs could be made as follows: We will strengthen the idea of internationalization in school operation; promote the international features in running schools; improve the international school-running system; expand the channels in developing campus internationalization and optimize the school-running mode. Recently, the focus should lay on the international accreditation of the business school of SWUFE, the size expansion and structure optimization of the foreign students, and Chinese-foreign cooperation in operating schools.

International Strategic Implementation

SWUFE NEWS: Action plays the decisive role in the reform. It requires all the faculty and students to cohesively implement all the international measures. Could you shed a light upon what concerns the international strategy in terms of the implementa-tion?

Yang Dan: It has four parts, namely the idea sharing, organizational guarantees, team building, and classified implementation. And its major work can be divided into three: leading, coordinating and aiding. The part of the leading includes the cooperation program in education and institution, the enrollment and education of the foreign students. The part of the coordination comprises the full-English disciplinary development, the administration of the exchange programs and the exchange students, the education and manage-ment of the degree-pursuing foreign students. The aiding consists of the international contingent of the faculty, international academic communica-tion and international campus culture.

Promotion of International Educational Cooperation

SWUFE NEWS: Could you talk about the specific measures in promoting the international educational cooperation?

Yang Dan: Generally, there are three aspects. Firstly, the implementation of the regional strate-gy. According to the strategic layout with focus on strengthening the cooperation with Europe and the US, expanding the cooperation with Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa, we will endeavor to build up an all-dimensional co-operation mode. The cooperation of higher edu-cation with Europe and Southeast Asia has been significantly improved by taking the advantages of the current foundations. Secondly, great efforts should be made in developing the strategic cooperative partnership. We will select 50 world-renown colleges and universities, research institu-tions and enterprises as major strategic partners, taking shape the cooperation network and streng-thening the substantial exchange and cooperation. We will enhance the cooperation with internatio-nal organizations and actively participate in bi-lateral and multilateral as well as the global and regional educational cooperation. Every school (center) is required to have at least 3 dynamic cooperative partnerships with foreign institutions. Thirdly, we will vigorously grope for a way of running schools abroad. We will actively press ahead with the development of the Confucius institutions with the clear-cut characteristics of finance and economics. We will energetically expand and output our educational advantages and establish the educational sites and institutions abroad, while attracting the high-quality foreign educational resources. We will vigorously work on the project application and other preparations for the construction of the Chengdu base for promo-ting the Chinese worldwide, tapping the advanta-ges of the western region and making full use of our features of finance and economics, which will provide experience, mode, and resource to the


VP Yang Dan speaks at the Annual Internationalization Conference

“The core of the internationalization is about the people, including the people’s interna-tional perspective, thinking, and skills.”

President Zhang Zongyi at the Internationalization Conference

The president of SWUFE, Zhang Zongyi, held a keynote speech at the Annual Internationali-zation Conference & Seminar about Internatio-nal Accreditation and School Administration.

Participants at the Conference

Five best practice examples about successful international cooperation work were presented by the heads of four of our schools and by one colleague from the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation (OIEC).

Promoting the International

Awareness of the University Feature | Exclusive Interview with VP Yang Dan on the Internationalization of SWUFE

SWUFE NEWS | Issue No. 03 (May 2014) 6

International promotion of Chinese, and help our university catch more attention on the interna-tional stage.

Expanding the Cooperation Channels and Creating an Exchange Mechanism

SWUFE NEWS: The innovation of the system and mechanism plays the key role in deeply promoting the international strategy. What considerations do we have in this regard?

Yang Dan: We should vigorously work on the application of cooperation projects and institutions in running schools, and prepare to build a needed platform for exchange and cooperation. We will launch brand projects and strive to increase the number and level of the projects. We will press forward all types of the projects sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Scholarship Council, and steadily expand the size of projects and the number of project-sponsored students. And efforts should be made in enriching the overseas experience of the students. We will spare no effort to prepare the EQUIS accreditation through which to promote the disciplinary development. We will make full use of the resources of the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange to energetically develop the preparatory education for studying abroad. We will capitalize on the disciplinary strength to cooperate with inter-national financial organizations, educational insti-tutions and transnational companies, endeavoring to be the incubator and training base for the international professional personnel of finance and economics in the western region.

Improving the Education System for International Talents

SWUFE NEWS: In adapting to meet the social and economic demands of opening up to the outside world, the concentration of the campus inter-nationalization should be educating a large batch of international talents who have an international perspective, master the international principles and be able to participate in the international affairs and competition. And what measures do we have in this regard?

Yang Dan: To improve the education system for international talents we need to ensure the following five aspects: The first is the full-English disciplinary development, the second is the establishment of the international curriculum system, the third is the promotion of the international reform in education mode, and the forth is the promotion of the exchange program that allows student exchange, credit recognition and joint degree conference. And the fifth is the international employment of the students.

International Strategy for the Faculties

SWUFE NEWS: Without the support of high-caliber talents, there is no chance to establish a first-class university. The international strategy for the faculty

is an integral part for university’s overall inter-national strategy. And what efforts will be done to achieve this?

Yang Dan: The international strategy for our faculty will play a magnetic role in attracting high-caliber talents all round the world, and our university will take the necessary measures as follows: Firstly, we will adopt the policy of “Going Global” by encouraging our teachers to go abroad for academic exchange and self-improvement. We will vigorously promote the “Training Program for Young Backbone Teachers”, “Training Program for Apprenticeships”, and overseas training programs for teachers teaching in English. We also improve the existing training programs to cultivate quali-fied teachers to meet the demands of our uni-versity. We will continue to carry out the overseas training program for middle-level officials and student counselors, which can enrich the inter-national experience for the management staff. Secondly, we will adopt the policy of “Attracting New Talents”. We shall take advantage of the excellent educational resources, attract extra-ordinary experts and scholars here for teaching, academic research and university management, and bring in overseas high-caliber talents and academic teams systematically. In addition, we are going to invite some world-class scholars to visit our university, such as world-famous scholars, Nobel Prize winners, and academicians from different countries. Great importance should be attached into the introduction of overseas management talents. We will prudently invite scholars at famous foreign universities and senior managers to serve in the daily management in our schools (centers) and various departments.

Internationalization Strategy for Academic Exchange

SWUFE NEWS: The implementation of the inter-national strategy has created a platform for the international academic exchange. What measures will be taken to consolidate this platform for both students and teachers?

Yang Dan: The high-level platform will be estab-lished for our teachers to encourage their coope-ration in academic research. And our university is active in hosting international conferences. In addition, efforts must be done to promote the international prestige of the periodicals, such as Financial Innovation, Economist and Science of Finance and Economics.

Promotion of Foreign Students’ Education

SWUFE NEWS: The overall quality and number of foreign students have long been considered as the dominant indicators for the internationalization of university education. What is your opinion about the promotion of the education for foreign students?

Yang Dan: We should vigorously promote the foreign students education by actively developing educational programs, and improve the enrollment in size and the students’ overall quality. The government should offer more scholarships, es-pecially to students from the developing countries

so that the structure of foreign students can be optimized. As a result, the diversity of nationality and majors can be achieved. We can set up the overseas recruiting institutions in the source regions of foreign students. When the time is ripe, we can gradually establish representative offices in the suitable counties and regions, and the liaisons will be in charge of the advertisement and recruit-ment issue. Apart from that, we will conduct in-depth researches about improving our curriculum system, innovating educational programs, refor-ming student management and promoting non-degree education for foreign students.

Internationalization Strategy for the Campus Culture

SWUFE NEWS: The implementation of the global strategy will create a platform for the university’s international presence. Then, what specific mea-sures will be taken to publicize our unique campus culture as well as the traditional Chinese culture?

Yang Dan: Firstly, we will guide and regulate the students’ international activities. Secondly, we will strive to expand the overseas alumni association. Thirdly, we aim at establishing a harmonious cam-pus for domestic and foreign students and teachers. Fourthly, we are committed to create a world-class information platform.

Security Mechanism

SWUFE NEWS: The malfunction of the security mechanism will inevitably lead to the failure of the reform. In your point of view, how can we set up a scientific security mechanism to smooth the inter-national development of our university?

Yang Dan: Efforts must be done to strengthen the strategic outlook of the university’s international development, and accelerate the innovation in concept, organizational system and strategy for-mulation. A Committee for International Work of SWUFE will be set up to phase in a new running system and operational mode, which means that the university has the unified leadership, and the foreign affairs department coordinates the related work, and subordinate colleges (centers) are responsible for the implementation. And we shall strengthen the efforts in supporting the estab-lishment of international majors or the upgrade of the existing ones, thus the recruitment can be conducted globally. Funds will be delivered to the international academic projects according to the relevant policies of the university, and assessment and motivation system for recruiting and training of the foreign students will be built. In addition, a certain amount of preference should be given to foreign students and their hosting colleges and teachers in resource allocation and fund allocation, thus the virtuous cycle and development system can be gradually built. We also need to integrate the existing international financial resources to strive for the financial balance in international exchange projects. Hence, we formulate the “Internationalization Measurement System for Colleges (Secondary Institute) of SWUFE”, which helps to establish a system allowing a quantitative and feasible measurement on a democratic and objective basis.

SWUFE NEWS | Issue No. 03 (May 2014) 7

In the past month SWUFE hosted four university delegations from the USA and Australia. The representatives came from the University of Oklahoma State, the Deakin University, the University of Delaware and the Western Michigan University.

Oklahoma State University

Chengdu, March 27, 2014. VP of Oklahoma State University and her delegation visited SWUFE. VP Prof. Yang Dan met her along with representatives of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and the Student Affairs Office.

VP Yang Dan introduced the basic situation of the university, academic focus, international exchange and cooperation, and the economic development of Chengdu in recent years. Since 2009, when SWUFE signed a MOU with Oklahoma State University, the two universities have maintained a sound cooperative relation. Lee Bird was im-pressed by SWUFE’s achievements on internatio-nalization. The two universities plan to further deepen their cooperation.

The Oklahoma State University was founded in December 25, 1890. It is located in Stillwater, north of Oklahoma. It is rated as one of the best universities in the US by U.S. News & World Report. The university offers 350 undergraduate, master, and PhD degree programs.

Western Michigan University

Chengdu, April 2, 2014. The dean of Haworth College of Business of the Western Michigan

University, Dr. Kay Palan, director of International Admissions and Services, Mr. Juan Tavares, and chair of Business Information Systems, Dr. Michael Tarn visited SWUFE. Deputy dean, Jing Guang, the Staff of Program Management Office and the Admissions and Services Office participated in the meeting. During the meeting, both sides carried out an in-depth communication in terms of the cooperation of the undergraduate students ex-change programs, concerning the curriculum docking, credit transfer, student admission proce-dures and standards, as well as student services, etc. Jing Guang also proposed a new cooperative model of the “Successive Bachelor-Master Degree Program — 3+1+1”.

The Western Michigan University has signed a MOU with SWUFE in 2012 and two students have been sent to study at the University. Leaders of SWUFE have signed a student exchange docking agreement and the Western Michigan University will sign it in the near future.

The Western Michigan University will further im-prove the student admission procedures to better serve the students of SWUFE. Both sides plan to have a broader and successful cooperation in the future through concerted efforts.

Deakin University

Chengdu, April 8, 2014. Dr. Gary Smith, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Deakin University and his delegation visited SWUFE. VP Yang Dan met him along with representatives of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and the School of Public Finance and Taxation. Yang Dan believes that there is a huge potential for the cooperation between the two universities and expects it to be extended to the areas of student exchange, MBA training, etc. Gary Smith appreciated the warm reception at SWUFE and was impressed by SWUFE’s efforts and achieve-ments in international exchange and cooperation. He also agreed that bilateral cooperation should be strengthened.

The Deakin University is a public university founded in 1974. All four campuses are located in Victoria, of which two are in Geelong, one is in Melbourne, another is in Warrnambool and in Burwood. The University was named after Australia’s second Prime Minister, Alfred Deakin.

University of Delaware (UD)

Chengdu, April 9, 2014. Prof. Rick Andrews, deputy dean of Lerner College of Business & Economics, Amy Foley, senior associate director of Admissions Office, Andrea Tippet, director of the Office of Communications and Marketing, visited SWUFE.

Chen Bintong, dean of the School of Business Administration, Fu Xiaorong, deputy dean of the School of Business Administration and Tang Mingfeng, director of the Office of International Affairs & French-Chinese Innovative Research Center introduced Rick Andrews the developments of the school and Office of International Affairs and French-Chinese Innovative Research Center. They spoke highly of the ongoing 2+2 double degree program. Rick Andrews also introduced the basic situation of Lerner College of Business and Economics. Meanwhile, the two sides exchanged ideas on further pushing forward the program.

Director Yang Wensong and deputy director Zhang Jie of the Alumni Association of SWUFE, Feng Li, the Secretary of the School of Business Administration, director Gui Bo as well as Fang Xieping, Yu Xin, Luo Jie of the Alumni Center met Amy Foley and Andrea Tippet. After the meeting, VP Yang Dan, Liang Ting, director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, met the delegation of the University of Delaware and attended the welcome lunch banquet. Later in the afternoon, Andrea Tippet, introduced by Chen Bintong, gave a presentation on the SWUFE-UD 2+2 program for students of SWUFE who will be studying at UD this autumn.

International University Delegations at SWUFE

SWUFE NEWS Issue No. 03 (May 2014)





Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

555 Liu Tai Avenue Wenjiang, Chengdu City

Sichuan Province PRC, 611130

We also have a


Visit us here:


Welcome message from the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation

The Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) invites you to come and to experience life in Sichuan

Province, China, as an international student guest. This is your chance to become an ambassador for your university and to

experience life at one of the top universities in China. In return we offer you an authentic “taste” of modern day life in

China. This is a diverse two-week program combining study, travel, and visiting local businesses; giving you a short but wonderful experience of SWUFE, Sichuan, and China in general.

The “Discover SWUFE” Program

The Discover SWUFE program is designed to give you a memorable and powerful two-week encounter at SWUFE and in China.

You will attend lectures, delivered in English, by leading professors of SWUFE, and you will also get the chance to meet with

senior professionals from local business. The program is about much more than academic/professional learning; our focus is on providing an unforgettable experience that will also take you on a journey into other aspects of life in modern China.

If you enjoy exotic cuisine, the unique foods of Chengdu and Sichuan can be savored in the famous Jinli Street. If you enjoy

theatre, the breath-taking traditional Chinese mask changing performances are unbelievable. If you like history and culture,

we will show you the local World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites, such as the Sichuan Panda Sanctuaries, the famous Wuhou Shrine, Mount Qingcheng, the Giant Buddha at Leshan, and much more!

You will also get the chance to learn Chinese calligraphy, martial arts, cooking and traditional music! These experiences combined will give you a unique and first-hand understanding of Chinese culture, language and business.

Program Cost

This exciting experience is our invitation for you to have a wonderful time at our university and in our country. We will pay for

all other costs of this two-week program (course fees, accommodation, transportation around Chengdu, and meals). The only

costs that you need to pay are for visa application, insurance and the flight ticket to Chengdu! But most probably you might want to bring with you some of your own spending money for unique gifts to take back to your friends and family at home.

For more information, please click the link below.

Program Brochure:


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