international tort · 2016-07-20 ·...

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The Government of The United States of America Rural Free Delivery Route 1

The office of Governor The United States of America

Box #3 Global Postal Code-NAC: 850H2 MR7C8 Office hours: 9:00 - 9:00 UTC-6 Monday - Friday

Phone: (775) 434-8853 Email:

INTERNATIONAL TORT CLAIM and action taken to resolve the conflict through peaceful settlement of disputes

Case No. HRTI-2EF4EE42-1E14-405E-AD10-78E92F9FDE54

INTRODUCTION Comes now, the Government of The United States of America introduced to the International Community by the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America and newspaper publication, to lodge this International tort claim and action into the office of Justice and Human Rights for the purpose of commencing prosecution for multiple human rights violations and violations against the rights of the child, and Subject Matter: City operating under arbitrary charter

CHARGING INSTURUMENT Government of The United States of America The United States of America: NAC: 70PHZ P5FJ2 The Government of The United States of America RR 1, General Post Office #1 NAC: 850H2 MR7C8 AGAINST 1) Gene Bowles 2) Billy Bowles 3) Jim Walts 4) James JR Smith 5) Randy Newman 6) Jack Nash

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7) Diane Lamb 8) Sue Taylor 9) Roger Odom 10) Ashley Hunt At: 94 South Virginia Avenue, P.O. Box 649, Center Hill, Florida, 33514 Phone: 352-793-4431 Fax: 352-568-2264 The Government of The United States of America, (hereinafter “Government”) organized under the Articles of Confederation in force 1781, as amended August 5th, 2015, shall state the following as accurately as possible without recourse under foreign sovereign immunity, and

Grounds for the International Tort Claim The grounds for this international complaint include but are not limited to the violation of the intangible property right to honest services of which, if any Articles within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)1 are violated, dishonest services are revealed to the International Community through those violations, to wit; The current people claiming to operate as elected officers for the City of Center Hill are operating under non-existent representative classification. History Incorporated 1905. Thomas W. Spicer, who became postmaster and gave the town its name, established Center Hill in 1883. He liked to think of the hill on which it is located as the center of things. Originally incorporated as the "Town" of Center Hill, it was re-incorporated as the "City" of Center Hill in 1925. Center Hill used to be the "green bean capitol of the world," but the market in South Florida took business away from Central Florida. Also, drainage of the canals caused the land to not be as suitable for farming. There was some citrus around Center Hill until the winter freezes in the 1980s destroyed the groves. Center Hill had a school (elementary to high school), but this facility was closed in the 1970s. The City of Center Hill went through a second transition in 1986 wherein the charter of the City of Center Hill was abolished and created the City of Center Hill under an arbitrary ordinance. It was done without a vote of the people that live in the City of Center Hill. 1 United Nations:

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It appears that someone attempted to reset the clock back to 1925 and used those votes to transition to a charter amended by an ordinance. The city council passed an ordinance (Ord. No. 86-3, § 2, 7-8-1986) that authorized the city council to elect its own officers: Further on its website, it declares its policy as follows: “It is the policy of the City of Center Hill , in keeping with the laws of the United States of America and the spirit of the Constitution of the State of Florida, to promote through fair, orderly and lawful procedure the opportunity for each person so desiring to obtain housing of such person's choice in this county, without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, familial status, handicap, or age, and, to that end, to prohibit discrimination in housing by any person.” Does the city council actually believe it can elect its own officers and still represent the people within the incorporated area? Article 21(1) of the UDHR reads, “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.” “Freely Chosen representatives” is accomplished through popular vote. Clearly, this is a violation of Article 21(1). The ordinance (Ord. No. 86-3, § 2, 7-8-1986) was passed by the same city council that abolished the existence of the people within the City of Center Hill (on paper). This led to the nickname, “Ghost Town”, that is commonly known in the City of Center Hill. The city council has been doing business of, by and amongst themselves for almost 30 years and the people are without representation of any kind. Also at issue, is a violation against Article 9 of the UDHR, wherein the people of the City of Center Hill have been under arbitrary arrest, detention and exile since 1986. Article 9 of the UDHR No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

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The City of Center Hill uses Sumter County to prosecute all City claims against a non-existent population (on paper) thereby using public tax money for private gain. This has occurred for almost thirty (30) years. The City of Center Hill does not represent anyone therefore it is a private membership association that advertises itself as having public access. It enforces arbitrary ordinances against the public that it does not represent nor does the public possess membership within the private membership association. Therefore the City of Center Hill qualifies as a slave plantation. No private membership association has the right to claim lack of jurisdiction nor does it have the right to claim political, civil or religious rights when nefarious acts are being committed against the public. Human rights violations are classified as nefarious acts against the public. Therefore, any and all obligations, orders, taxes, property taxes, bonds, securities or any other type of obligation coming from the City of Center Hill are notwithstanding. Autographed this 122nd day, in the year of Yahweh, 6018 (July 19, 2016) Moses Brian Moss Deputy Governor

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NOTICE International Notice of action taken by the Government of The United States of America for the purpose of restoring International Public Order on North American soil and within its metes and bounds. Arrest Warrant issued at the demand of the National assembly.


The Government of The United States of America hereby requests of the Secretary of the Human Rights Defenders International, to arrest all bonds of all private companies listed above, including but not limited to, obligations, orders and contracts for the purpose of restoring Public Order, and curing Human, Civil and Political Rights Violations thereby restoring the rights of the child. REQUESTED AND SIGNED this 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 (July 19, 2016). Moses Brian Moss Deputy Governor The Government of The United States of America

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The Government of The United States of America Rural Free Delivery Route 1

The office of the registrar Box #4

The United States of America Global Postal Code-NAC: 850H2 MR7C8

Office hours: 9:00 - 9:00 UTC-6 Monday - Friday

Phone: (602) 845-0473 Email:


I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief. The office of the registrar accepts and acknowledges the document: INTERNATIONAL TORT CLAIM – Case No. HRTI-2EF4EE42-1E14-405E-AD10-78E92F9FDE54 and is recorded on: 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 3:00 UTC-6 RH-20160719-1AWR-4CF8-8320-675577948JHF Document Date Time Record File Number File Name: 20160719-GOV-AWR-Fulks-JH

CERTIFIED COPY OF RECORDED DOCUMENT This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded

and placed on file in the office of the registrar for The United States of America.

Date Issued: 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Seal, and signature of the registrar for The United States of America.

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The United States, in Congress assembled

The Government of The United States of America, RR 1, Box #9

United States, in Congress assembled The United States of America,

Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8 Email:

Phone: (347) 601-4751


This NOTICE serves as an official communication from the United States, in Congress assembled, to the International communities in regards to the continuing abuses, criminal activity and other nefarious acts suffered by the Public at the hands of undisciplined private organizations. After reviewing the evidence provided it has been determined by the United States, in Congress assembled, with full authority to regulate foreign businesses within the metes and bounds of The United States of America as per the Articles of Confederation, as amended in convention on August 5th 2015 that;

1. All entities that are within the metes and bounds of The United States of America and are found NOT to be registered to do business in the state the entity is located, must comply with all applicable laws of The United States of America by following proper protocol to be lawfully registered to do business with the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America within 90 days or be subject to the dissolution process under the Involuntary Dissolution Act of 2015 to wit:

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Involuntary Dissolution Process- The United States, in Congress assembled is authorized by Involuntary Dissolution Act of 2015, to place any foreign entity doing business within the metes and bounds of The United States of America under dissolution that is in violation of any one of the thirty articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The process of dissolution by proclamation is with an added stipulation that a thirty day time limit to literally cure the violation(s) by the Human Rights Violators is in effect, otherwise the proclamation of dissolution is in full force and effect after the thirty days if the violations have not been corrected, and

THEREFORE, any entity operating under false and misleading statements does not lawfully exist and is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights under; Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms, and Article 15. 1. Everyone has the right to a nationality, and Article 20. 2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association, and BE IT RESOLVED by the United States, in Congress assembled, that all violations of international law will be arrested upon warrant issued by the Chief of the Human Rights Tribunal International and prosecuted by the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America. Further, any and all States, Counties townships and cities are required to register assets with the Treasury of the United States or the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America, and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the organization and individuals that are involved in the aforementioned entities are considered international fugitives from justice and hereby classified International Human Rights Violators, SO NOTICED by the United States, in Congress assembled on this 122nd day in the year of Yahweh six thousand and eighteen, translation 19th day of July, two thousand and sixteen, and Delegate Delegate Delegate Delegate

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The Government of The United States of America Rural Free Delivery Route 1

The office of the registrar Box #4

The United States of America Global Postal Code-NAC: 850H2 MR7C8

Office hours: 9:00 - 9:00 UTC-6 Monday - Friday

Phone: (602) 845-0473 Email:


I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief. The office of the registrar accepts and acknowledges the document: NOTICE – John Harold Fulks Case Number: HRTI-2EF4EE42-1E14-405E-AD10-78E92F9FDE54 and is recorded on: 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 3:22 UTC-6 RH-20160719-ICA3-4CF8-8ICA-675577948JHF Document Date Time Record File Number File Name: 20160719-ICA-NOTICE-Fulks-JH

CERTIFIED COPY OF RECORDED DOCUMENT This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded

and placed on file in the office of the registrar for The United States of America.

Date Issued: 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Seal, and signature of the registrar for The United States of America.

Registered with the IP Rights Office Copyright Registration Service Number: 4056990103 RH-20160719-39D3-4CF8-8320- 675577948JHF Page 1 of 2

The Human Rights Tribunal - International The United States of America

Office hours: 9 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Monday – Friday Email:

ARREST WARRANT Case Number: HRTI-2EF4EE42-1E14-405E-AD10-78E92F9FDE54

The Human Rights Tribunal International hereby authorizes this Arrest Warrant upon showing cause in good faith without intent to deceive the International Public Community, ORDERED AND SIGNED this 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018.

The General Post Master Council For The United States of America Clerk for the Court

ARRESTING OFFICER I, Joseph Lewis George III, Chief for the Human Rights Defenders International of the Government of The United States of America, hereby arrest the aforesaid bonds, any obligations or orders issued, or any contracts seen and unseen of all the parties at the request of the Government of The United States of America. Signed this 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 (July 19, 2016)

Joseph Louis George, III Chief, Human Rights Defenders International

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The Government of The United States of America Rural Free Delivery Route 1

The office of the registrar Box #4

The United States of America Global Postal Code-NAC: 850H2 MR7C8

Office hours: 9:00 - 9:00 UTC-6 Monday - Friday

Phone: (602) 845-0473 Email:


I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief. The office of the registrar accepts and acknowledges the document: ARREST WARRANT – Regarding: Case No. HRTI-2EF4EE42-1E14-405E-AD10-78E92F9FDE54 and is recorded on: 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 3:40 UTC-6 RH-20160719-39D3-4CF8-8320- 675577948JHF Document Date Time Record File Number File Name: 20160719-HRTI-AW-Fulks-JH

CERTIFIED COPY OF RECORDED DOCUMENT This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded

and placed on file in the office of the registrar for The United States of America.

Date Issued: 122nd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Seal, and signature of the registrar for The United States of America.

1 Intellectual Property Copyright © 2014 20141219-TRSY-DECLARATION OF VALUE-HRTI

The Government of The United States of America, Rural Free Delivery Route 1,

office of the Treasury for The United States of America Box # 7

The United States of America, Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8

E-mail: Phone: 1-775-434-8853

Declaration of Value at the request of the Human Rights Tribunal

The declared value of Human Rights violations is 350 million continental dollars for violation of all (30) thirty Articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights pro-rated as follows, and 1: Each Article and paragraph of each article is counted as forty-nine (49) violations total listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and 2: Three-hundred and fifty million divided by 49 equals: 714, 285.71 continental dollars per violation, and 3: Pro-rated to 10% on a local or county level equals: 71, 428.58 continental dollars, and So declared by the office of the Treasury for The United States of America on the 19th day of December, 2014, The Office of the Treasury for The United States of America, Juan Antonio Ceniceros -Treasurer,

2 Intellectual Property Copyright © 2014 20141219-TRSY-DECLARATION OF VALUE-HRTI

The Government of The United States of America, Rural Free Delivery Route 1,

Office of the registrar Box # 4

The United States of America, Global Postal Code-NAC:850H2 MR7C8


Phone: (602) 845-0473

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief. The office of the registrar accepts and acknowledges the document: 20141219-TRSY-DECLARATION OF VALUE-HRTI and is recorded on: December 19, 2014 9:00 PM RH-20141219-543E-4DC9-8339-594655A855E6 Document Date Time Record File Number File Name: 20141219-TRSY-DECLARATION OF VALUE-HRTI

CERTIFIED COPY OF RECORDED DOCUMENT This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded and placed on file in

the office of the registrar for The United States of America. Date Issued: December 19, 2014 This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Unique Authentication File Number, Seal, and signature of the registrar for The United States of America. The United States of America Unique Authentication File Number

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