international food gallery

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Pictures of Food from around the would


I love cooking and enjoying really good food! I also thought I can only have good food in my country. I used to think no country will have the delicious and appetizing food that my home turf has. If you think like I did, well be prepared to drool.

There are delicious and beautiful food everywhere, you will not go hungry when you travel. Assuming you are loaded with cash of course.

Enjoy the pictures of these really beautiful and mouthwatering dishes along side planning of your visit to these countries

You will never go hungry when you Travel

Italian Dish

Italian Dish

Italian Fresh Pizza

Italian Sauce with Scallops

Italian cheese with thin sliced beef

Caribbean Dish

Caribbean Dish

Caribbean Dish

Caribbean Dish

Indonesian Dish

Indonesian Dish

Indonesian Dish

Indonesian Sauce

Indonesian Dish

Ghanaian Dish: Jollof Rice with Plantains and salad

Ghanaian Dish: Beans and Plantains

Ghanaian Dish: Green Plantains with Spinach

stew and sliced Avocado

Ghanaian Salad: Fried large shrimps with greens

Ghanaian Dish: Fried Fish with tomatoes and Kenkey

Author’s final notes……

Enjoy cooking, love cooking, and travel!

I hope you enjoyed my enthusiasm

My inspiration:

I recently traveled to Barbados and I couldn't believe the variety of food they have, mouthwatering…

Especially since I traveled to the US, I have grown strong appreciation for home cooked food. Home cooked food to me does not mean you have to make the cheese from the scratch, but to me it means you boil your own rice, make your own tomato sauce, and you cook your own pasta.

Bon appétit!

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