international conference embryonic and somatic stem … · spanholtz,jan,...

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NOVA ACTA LEOPOLDINAAbhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina

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International Conference

Embryonic and Somatic Stem Cells -

Regenerative Systems for Cell and Tissue


organized by the German Research Foundation

and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

International Congress Center Dresden, Germany

September 24-27, 2006

2nd Biennial Leopoldina Conference and Final Meeting of

the Stem Cell Priority Program 1109 of the German Research

Foundation (DFG)


Volker ter Meulen (Wtirzburg - Halle/Saale)President ofthe Academy

Anna M. Wobus (Gatersleben) J!^!"^Member ofthe Academy

' w

With 1 Figure

Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle (Saale) 2006

In Kommission bei Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart


Welcome 17

Organizing Committees 18

Scientific Program 19

Lecture Abstracts

Keynote Lecture:

Jaenisch, Rudolf: Nuclear Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cells and Cell Therapy: Promise,Problems, Reality 29

Introductory Guest Lecture:

McKay, Ronald: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 31


Stem Cells and Pluripotency

Wu, Guangming, Gentile, Luca, Do, Jeong Tae, Fuchikami, Takuya, Abe, Kuniya, and

SchOler, Hans R.: Consequences of Failure to Restrict Pluripotency in Mouse

Preimplantation Embryos 32

Lemischka, Ihor: Exploring Cell Fate Regulation in Stem Cells 34

Orkin, Stuart H., Wang, Jianlong, Rao, Sridhar, Chu, Jianlin, Shen, Xiaohua, and Theu-

nissen, Thorold W.: An Interactome for Pluripotency of Embryonic Stem Cells....


SPP Member Short Reports:

Quiroga-Neoreira, Angel, and Besser, Daniel: Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the

Maintenance of the Undifferentiated State in Human Embryonic Stem Cells 36

Greber, Boris, Babaie, Yasmin, Herwig, Ralf, Brink, Thore C, Wruck, Wasco, Groth,

Detlef, Lehrach, Hans, Burdon, Tom, and Adjaye, James: RNAi-mediated Sup¬

pression ofOCT4 Function in Human ES Cells Recapitulates Primary Differentia¬

tion in the Blastocyst 38


Stem Cell Biology

Potten, Chris: Stem Cells in the Intestine, Numbers, Location and Characteristics 39


Blau Helen: Epigenetic Reprogramming in Non-dividing Somatic Cell Heterokaryons40

Barde, Yves-Alain: Using Embryonic Stem Cells to Study Neural Development 41

SPP Member Short Reports:

Egger-Adam, Diane, Gryzik, Tanja, and Wodarz, Andreas: Functional Analysis of

Binding Partners of Bazooka/PAR-3 during Asymmetric Division of Neural Stem

Cells in Drosophila 43

Huttner, Wieland B.: The Cell Biology of Neurogenesis 44

Corbeil, Denis: The Stem Cell Marker Prominin-1 (CD133) - A New Tool for Tissue

Engineering 45

Spanholtz, Jan, Levetzow, Gregor von, Caddedu, Ron-Patrick, Beckmann, Julia, Scheit-

za, Sebastian, Wernet, Peter, Punzel, Michael, and Giebel, Bernd: NUMB, a Cell

Fate Determinant Known from Drosophila melcmogaster, Inhibits Maintenance of

Primitive Human Hematopoietic Cell Fates 47


Embryonic Stem Cells and Differentiation

Pedersen, Roger: Mechanisms of Pluripotency and Epigenesis in Human EmbryonicStem Cells 48

Boheler, Kenneth R.: Identification of a Novel Transcription Factor Implicated in the

Maintenance and Differentiation of Pluripotent Embryonic Stem Cells 49

SPP Member Short Reports:

Brostle, Oliver, Ladewig, Julia, Driehaus, Johanna, Opitz, Thoralf, Couillard-

Despres, Sebastien, Biegler, Andrea, Steinfarz, Barbara, Aigner, Ludwig, Itsko-

witz-Eldor, Josef, and Koch, Philipp: Derivation of Stable Neural Stem Cells from

HumanES Cells 50

Wobus, Anna M.: ES Cell Generation of Insulin-producing Cells and Characterization

of Potential Pancreatic Progenitors 51


Embryonic Stem Cells and Differentiation (continued)

Soria, Bernat: Cell Therapy of Diabetes mellitus: Insulin Secreting Cells from Stem

Cells 53

Field, Loren J.: Cardiac Repair 54

SPP Member Short Reports:

Sciirickel, Jan Wilko, Roll, Wilhelm, Becher, Ulrich, Hashemi, Toktam, Breitbacii,Martin, Sasse, Philipp, Welz, Armin, Lewalter, Thorsten, and Fleischmann,Bernd: Cellular Cardiomyoplasty Alters Ventricular Vulnerability after MyocardialInfarction



David, Robert, and Franz, Wolfgang-Michael: Enrichment and Isolation of In vitro

Differentiated ES Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes and Cardiac Precursor Cells for

Transplantation into the Infarcted Myocardium 56

Saric, Tomo: Immunologic Properties of Undifferentiated and Differentiated Murine

ES Cells 58

Special Lecture

Dick, John E.: Cancer Stem Cells: Lessons from Leukemia 59


Adult Stem Cells and Functional Properties

Fuchs, Elaine: Stem Cells and their Lineages in Skin 60

SPP Member Short Reports:

MOller, Albrecht M., and Vallabhapurapu, Duttu: Transient HDAC-Inhibitor Treat¬

ment Increases Hematopoietic Progenitor/Stem Cell Activities 61

Cross, Michael, and Alt, Riidiger: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Metabolism 62

Zenke, Martin, Hieronymus, Thomas, Ensenat-Waser, Roberto, Jaenti, Piritta, Ju,

Xin-Sheng, Ober-Bloebaum, Julia, and Sere, Kristin: Stem Cell Commitment and

Differentiation in Hematopoiesis 63


Adult Stem Cells and Functional Properties (continued)

Alison, Malcolm R., Direkze, Natalie, Brittan, Mairi, and Wright, Nick: The Role of

the Bone Marrow in Fibrogenesis and Vasculogenesis 65

SPP Member Short Reports:

Braun, Thomas: Mechanisms of Myocardial Regeneration 67

Koyanagi, Masamichi, Bushoven, Philipp, Iwasaki, Masayoshi, Aicher, Alexandra, Zei-

her, Andreas M., Haendeler, Judith, and Dimmeler, Stefanie: Regulation of En¬

dothelial Progenitor Cells Differentiation by Wnt-dependent Signaling 68

Schroeder, Timm, Schwanbeck, Ralf, Meier-Stieoen, Franziska, Henning, Konstanze,

Erfurth, Marie-Luise, Herring, Johanna, Rieber, Nikolaus, Kohlhof, Hella,

Nishikawa, Satomi, Bornkamm, Georg W., Nishikawa, Shin-Ichi, and Just, Ursu¬

la: Molecular Mechanisms of Lineage Decisions Mediated by Notch Signaling in

Adult and Embryonic Hematopoietic Development 69


Neural Stem Cells

Frisen, Jonas: Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain 70

Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo: Regulation ofAdult Neural Stem Cells: Role of PDGF Re¬

ceptors 71


SPP Member Short Reports:

Buffo, Annalisa, Rite, Inmaculada, Mori, Tetsuji, Dimou, Leda, Lepier, Alexandra, and

Gotz, Magdalena: Glia Cells Generate Neurons: Molecular Mechanisms ofNeu¬

rogenesis 72

Kempermann, Gerd: Gene Networks in the Control of Adult Hippocampal Neuro¬

genesis 74


Neural Stem Cells and their Niches

SPP Member Short Reports:

Mazurov, Vladimir, Mchedlishvili, Levan, Echeverri, Karen, Schnapp, Esther, and

Tanaka, Elly M.: The Neural Progenitor Cells for Spinal Cord Regeneration 75

Taylor, Verdon, andBASAK, Onur: Jagged1 Provides a Niche Signal for the Maintenance

of Notch1-dependent Adult Neural Stem Cells in the Subventricular Zone 76

Binder, Ellen, Tsarovina, Nina, Stanke, Matthias, and Rohrer, Hermann: PeripheralNeural Stem Cells: Response to Fate Determining Transcription Factors and Ex¬

trinsic Signals 78

Plate, Karl H.: Common Regulatory Mechanisms of Angiogenesis and Neuro¬

genesis 80

Moritz, Soren, Lehmann, Stefanie, Faissner, Andreas, and Holst, Alexander von: Under¬

standing the Neural Stem Cell Niche: An Induction Gene Trap Approach 81

Ber, Suzan, Mansouri, Ahmed, Hao, Wenlin, Englert, Ulrike, and Neumann, Harald:

Characterization ofAdult Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells and CNS Therapy Ap¬proach 83

Special Lecture

Oakley, Erin, Liang, Ying, and Van Zant, Gary: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Changes in

Response to Aging 85


Germ Cells

Engel, Wolfgang: Spermatogonial Stem Cells from Adult Mouse Testis Are Pluri-

potent 86

Kanatsu-Shinohara, Mito, and Shinohara, Takashi: Culture and Genetic Modification

of Mouse Male Germline Stem Cells 87

SPP Member Short Reports:

Hiiragi, Takashi: Mechanism ofFirst Polarity Establishment in the Mouse Embryo 88

Jessberger, Rolf: Towards Understanding Meiosis: New Stem Cell-based Ap¬proaches 90



Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering and Biotechnology

Caplan, Arnold I.: New Tools and Logics for Cell-based Therapies Using Adult Mes¬

enchymal Stem Cells 91

Bang, Anne: From Human ES Cells to Islet: Differentiation of liESC Derived Pancre¬

atic Endocrine Cells Mimics In vivo Development 92

Peerani, Raheem, Purpura, Kelly, Kumacheva, Eugenia, and Zandstra, Peter: Engi¬neering the Embryonic Stem Cell Niche 93

Poster Abstracts (alphabetical order)

100 Anton, Roman, and Kuhl, Michael: Wnt/p-catenin Signaling Supports Sternness

in Murine Embryonic Stem Cells 97

101 Basak, Onur, and Taylor, Verdon: HES5 Mediated NOTCH1 Activity Marks

Neural Stem Cells and/or Radial Glia during Embryonic Development 98

102 Becher, Marc U., Sasse, Philipp, Breitbach, Martin, Garbe, Stefan, Furst, Dieter

0., and Fleischmann, Bernd K.: The Effect of Irradiation on the SubsequentGrowth of Satellite Cells In vitro 99

103 Blyszczuk, Przemyslaw, Kania, Gabriela, Valaperti, Alan, and Eriksson, Urs:

Liver Resident CD45+/CDllb+ Stem/Progenitor Cells Reveal Multilineageand Immunosuppressive Properties 100

104 Boltze, Johannes, Gille, Uwe, Wagner, Daniel, Schmidt, Uwe, Waldmin, Danie-

la, Forschler, Annette, Egger, Dietmar, Schwarz, Johannes, Schwarz, Sigrid,and Emmrich, Frank: Experimental Cell Therapy of Stroke in Small and LargeAnimals 101

105 Bonilla, Sonia, Hall, Anita, Attardo, Alessio, Huttner, Wieland B., and Arenas,

Ernest: Lineage Tracing of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Developing Ventral

Midbrain 103

106 Braun, Jan Matthias, Brulport, Marc, Bauer, Alexander, Hengstler, Jan,

Bussmann, Bianka, Ahnert, Peter, Heinrich, Michael, Faber, Sonya, and

Emmrich, Frank: Successful Induction of Immunological Tolerance of an

Allogeneic and Xenogeneic Cell Therapy Model in Fully ImmunocompetentC57BL6Mice 104

107 Breitbach, Martin, Hashemi, Toktam, Roell, Wilhelm, Xia, Ying, Dewald, Oli¬

ver, Nygren, Jens M., Fries, Jochen W. U., Bohlen, Heribert, Jacobsen, Sten

E. W., Hescheler, Juergen, Welz, Armin, Bloch, Wilhelm, and Fleischmann,

Bernd K.: MSCs Lack Tissue-restricted Differentiation after Transplantation

into the Infarcted Heart 105

108 Buhl, Sandra, Peitz, Michael, Edenhofer, Frank, and Schorle, Hubert: The Re¬

quirement of AP-2y for Trophoblast Stem Cell Determination, Maintenance

and Differentiation 106


109 Buhnemann, Claudia, Bernreuther, Christian, Diiine, Marcel, Braun, Holger,

Malik., Christoph Y, Scholz, Andreas, Schachner, Melitta, and Reymann,

Klaus G.: Survival and Differentiation into Neurons ofTransplanted ES Cell-

derived Precursors within Stroke Lesion 107

110 Cappello, Silvia, Schmid, Marie-Theres, and Gotz, Magdalena: The Role ofAd¬

herens Junctions and their Signaling Complexes in the Maintenance of Neural

Stem Cells 108

111 De Pietri Tonelli, Davide, Calegari, Federico, Fei, Ji-Feng, Nomura, Tadashi,

Osumi, Noriko, Heisenberg, Carl-Philipp, and Huttner, Wieland B.: Single-

cell Detection of microRNAs in Developing Vertebrate Embryos after Acute

Administration of a Dual Fluorescence Reporter/Sensor Plasmid 109

112 Dietrich, Jens-Erik, and Hiiragi, Takashi: Stochastic Patterning in the Early

Mouse Embryo 110

113 Dorr, Wolfgang, Gabriel, Peggy, Kuschel, Margret, Pickert, Andrea, and Siege-

mund, Amiett: Mobilization of Bone Marrow Stem Cells Modulates Oral Mu¬

cositis (Mouse) during Fractionated Irradiation Ill

114 Ensenat-Waser, Roberto, Ruau, David, Hacker, Christine, Sciimittwolf, Carolin,

Rolletschek, Alexandra, Hieronymus, Thomas, Wobus, Anna M., MOller,

Albrecht M., and Zenke, Martin: Epigenetic Modification of NeurosphereCells Induces Embryonic and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Genes 112

115 Erturk, Dilek, Pfeifer, Alexander, Mori, Tetsuji, and GOtz, Magdalena: Smad4

Is Required for Progression of Adult Neural Stem Cells towards Neuro¬

genesis 113

116 Falk, Anna, Frisen, Jonas, and Zupicich, Joel: Rapid Fligh-throughput Screen for

Genes Directing Embryonic Stem Cell Lineage Choice 114

117 Finkensieper, Andreas, Hannig, Madeleine, Grabner, Rolf, Habeniciit, Andreas,

Sauer, Heinrich, and Wartenberg, Maria: Potential Role ofthe 5-Lipoxygen-ase (5-LO) Pathway in Mouse Embiyonic Stem Cell (ESC)-derived Embryoid

Body (EB) Differentiation and Angiogenesis 115

118 Flick, Burkhard, Scholz, Patrick, and Klug, Stephan: Identification of Supple¬

ments to Replace Serum in the Culture Medium for the Differentiation of Em¬

bryonic Stem Cells (ESC) into Cardiomyocytes 116

119 Ganz, Julia, Kaslin, Jan, Grandel, Heiner, Kroehne, Volker, Wenzel, Isabell, and

Brand, Michael: Adult Neurogenesis in the Zebrafish Brain 117

120 Giselbrecht, Stefan, TruckenmOller, Roman, Weibezahn, Karl-Friedrich, Welle,

Alexander, and Gottwald, Eric: SMART-processed Scaffolds for Stem Cell-

based Tissue Engineering 118

121 Glauche, Ingmar, Lorenz, Ronny, Loeffler, Markus, and Roeder, Ingo: Quanti¬tative Lineage Specification: Mathematical Modeling and Biological Implica¬tions 120

122 Gocza, Elen, Catunda Lemos, Ana Paula, Hiripi, Laszlo, Bodrogi, Lilla, and Bosze,Zsuzsanna: Characterization ofRabbit Embiyonic Stem Cell Like Cells 121


123 Gottwald, Eric', Zimmer, Gerald, and Weibezahn, Karl-Friedrich: Perfused Multi-

well-type Bioreactors for the Organotypic Culture ofCells 122

124 Grandel, Heiner, Wenzel, Isabell, Lohs, Claudia, and Brand, Michael: Proliferat¬

ing Neural Stem Cells in the Vagal Lobe of Juvenile Zebrafish 124

125 Guan, Kaomei, Wagner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S., Nayernia, Karim, Engel, Wolf¬

gang, and Hasenfuss, Gerd P.: Spermatogonia! Stem Cells Differentiate into

Cardiovascular Lineages and Generate Functional Cardiomyocytes 125

126 Hannig, Madeleine, Ruhe, Carola, Vigants, Armands, Finkensieper, Andreas, and

Wartenberg, Maria: Leukocyte Differentiation in Murine Embryoid Bodies

as In vitro Model for Cellular Defence 126

127 Hareng, Lars, Stummann, Tina, Pelizzer, Cristian, Hartung, Thomas, and Bremer,Susanne: Integration ofEmbryonic Stem Cell Based Tests into a Testing Strat¬

egy for Developmental Toxicity Testing 127

128 Heine, Peer, Bumsted O'Brien, Keely, Engelkamp, Dieter, and Schulte, Dorothea:

A Role for the TALE-homeodomain Transcription Factor Meis2 in Embryonicand Adult Neurogenesis 128

129 Hirsch, Cordula, Campano, Louise M., Woi-irle, Simon, and Hecht, Andreas:

Canonical Wnt Signaling Enhances Neurogenesis from Neonatal Neural Pro¬

genitors by Stimulating Proliferation of Committed Precursor Cells 129

130 Horn, Matthias, Loeffler, Markus, and Roeder, Ingo: Mathematical Modeling of

Imatinib Treatment in Patients Suffering from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia....


131 Jawerka, Melanie, Zimmermann, Stephan, Gottlicher, Martin, Wurst, Wolfgang,and Gotz, Magdalena: The Role of Histone Deacetylase 2 in Neural Stem

Cells 131

132 Kania, Gabriela, Blyszczuk, Przemyslaw, Valaperti, Alan, Heberer, Michael, and

Eriksson, Urs: Signaling Dependent Differentiation of Heart-derived Immu¬

nosuppressive, Multilineage Stem/Progenitor Cells 132

133 Kaslin, Jan, Grandel, Heiner, Ganz, Julia, Kroehne, Volker, Wenzel, Isabell, and

Brand, Michael: Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis in the Adult Zebrafish

Brain: Origin, Proliferation Dynamics, Migration and Cell Fate 133

134 Keil, Marlen, Wulf, Annika, Eckert, Klaus, Uckert, Wolfgang, and Fichtner,

Iduna: Comparison of Gene Transfection Methods in Cord Blood Derived

CD34+ Stem Cells for: In vivo Imaging 134

135 Keller, Catharina, Koch, Philipp, Hack, Michael, GOtz, Magdalena, and Brust-

le, Oliver: Pax6-mediated Neuronal Specification in Embryonic Stem Cell

Cultures 135

136 Kesseler, Daniela, and Edenhofer, Frank: Conditional Loss ofBMPPJA Indicates

Essential Roles for BMP in ES Cell Self-renewal and Early Neural Commit¬

ment 136

137 Khattak, Shahryar, Richter, Tobias, Sobkow, Lidia, Herklotz, Stephan, and Ta-

naka, Elly M.: Transgenesis as a Tool to Study Cell Lineages during Axolotl

Regeneration 137


138 Kim, Soya, Moussian, Bernard, Luschnig, Stefan, and Wodarz, Andreas: Analysisof New Mutant Alleles of Atypical Protein Kinase C in Drosophila Neural

Stem Cells 138

139 Klempin, Friederike, Babu, Harish, and Kempermann, Gerd: Serotonin ReceptorStimulation Differentially Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis 139

140 Knapp, Dunja, Epperlein, Hans H., Habermann, Bianca, and Tanaka, Elly M.:

Molecular Analysis ofAmphibian Regeneration 140

141 Koch, Carmen, Egger-Adam, Diane, and Wodarz, Andreas: Analysis of a New

Interaction Partner ofthe Bazooka Protein in Drosophila Neurogenesis 141

142 Koch, Philipp, Ladewig, Julia, Biegler, Andrea, Opitz, Thoralf, Driehaus, Johan¬

na, Steinbeck, Julius, and Brustle, Oliver: Fate Restriction and Plasticity of

Human ES Cell-derived Neural Stem Cells 142

143 Koch, Sina, Ryser, Martin, Bornhauser, Martin, Ehninger, Gerhard, and Tihede,Christian: Differences in the Localization of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase FLT3 in

Human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells and Leukemic Blasts 143

144 Konig, Susanne, Boiirmann, Johannes, and Sippel, Albrecht E.: Regulation of

Myelopoesis in an In vitro System Based on Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells..


145 Kramer, Jan, Steinhoff, Jiirgen, Fricke, Lutz, and Rohwedel, Jtirgen: Modulation

of ES Cell-derived Nephrogenesis 145

146 Kroehne, Volker, Kaslin, Jan, Ganz, Julia, Grandel, Heiner, and Brand,Michael: Proliferation and Cell Fates during Regeneration of the Adult Ze¬

brafish Brain 146

147 Kurth, Ina, Franke, Katja, Pompe, Tilo, Bornhauser, Martin, and Werner,

Carsten: Mimicking the Niche - Adhesion of Hematopoietic Stem Cells onto

Extracellular Matrix Coatings 147

148 Kuschel, Margret, Siegemund, Annett, Noack, Ruth, Gabriel, Peggy, and Dorr,Wolfgang: Transplantation of Bone Marrow Ameliorates Oral Mucositis

(Mouse) after Fractionated Radiotherapy 148

149 Ladhoff, Juliane, Bader, Michael, Doebis, Cornelia, Schmitt-Knosalla, Isabela,

Reiser, Jakob, Volk, Flans-Dieter, and Seifert, Martina: Immunogenicity of

Rat Stem Cells and their Endothelial Derivatives 149

150 Lepperdinger, Giinter, Fehrer, Christine, Laschober, Gehrhard T, and Brunauer,Regina: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Aging 151

151 Lie, Dieter Chichung, Colamarino, Sophia A., Song, Hongjun, Mira, Helena,

Consiglio, Antonella, Jessberger, Sebastian, and Gage, Fred H.: Wnt Signal¬ing in Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis 152

152 Manns, Martina, Bichler, Zoe, and Heumann, Rolf: Ras-mediated Downregula-tion ofAdult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Male synRas Mice Is Attenuated

in Females 153

153 Mazurov, Vladimir: Reconstirution of Fully Functional Spinal Cord of Axolotl

with Neural Stem Cells 154


154 Mohseni, Paria, Smukler, Simon, Schroeder, Insa, Rolletschek, Alexandra, van

der Kooy, Derek, Wobus, Anna M., and Nagy, Andras: Role of Nestin in Ear¬

ly Steps ofDifferentiation 155

155 Narkilahti, Susanna, Huttunen, Tuomas, Rajala, Kristiina, Piiilajamaki, HanL

Suuronen, Riitta, Hovat ta, Outi, and Skottman, Heli: Continuous Monitoring

System for Human Embryonic Stem Cells Derived Neuronal Cells 156

156 Nikam, Vandana, Ahlbrecht, Katrin, Wfjssmann, Norbert, Koenig, Peter, Loh-

meyer, Jurgen, Seeger, Werner, and Voswinckel, Robert: Characterization of

Circulating Fibrocytes from the Human and Murine Circulation 157

157 Nikolova, Teodora, Wu, Minyao, Brumbarov, Krassimir, Alt, Riidiger, Opitz,

Heike, Boheler, Kenneth R., Cross, Michael, and Wobus, Anna M.: WNT-

conditioned Media Differentially Affect the Proliferation and Differentiation

ofCord Blood-derived CD133+ Cells In vitro 158

158 Nolden, Lars, Edenhofer, Frank, Haupi, Simone, Kocn, Philipp, Wunderlich,

Thomas, Siemen, Flenrike, and Brustle, Oliver: Cre Protein Transduction: A

Tool for Site-specific Recombination in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and

their Neural Progeny 159

159 Overall, Rupert, Jessberger, Sebastian, and Kempermann, Gerd: Involvement of

Cdk5 in the Functional Maturation ofAdult Mouse Hippocampal Neural Stem

Cells 160

160 Peitz, Michael, MOnst, Bemhard, Winnemoller, Dirk, Bosnali, Manal, and Eden¬

hofer, Frank: Stem Cells under Remote Control - Modulating Cellular Func¬

tions by Protein Transduction 161

161 Peter, Roland, Behensky, Christian, Halbwirth, Florian, Landertinger, Elisa¬

beth, and Schurmann, Wolfgang: Stem Cells in Flatworms: Isolation, Charac¬

terization and Cultivation of Neoblasts from Planarians 162

162 Pruszak, Jan, Sonntag, Kai-Christian, van Arensbergen, Joris, Yoshizaki, Taka-

hito, Aung, Moe Hein, Sanchez-Pernaute, Rosario, and Isacson, Ole: Flow

Cytometric Analysis and Purification ofNeural and Neuronal Cell PopulationsDerived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells 163

163 Rieger, Michael A., Hermann, Andrea C, and Schroeder, Timm: Long-term.

Time-lapse Imaging: Tracking ofAdult Hematopoietic Stem Cells at the Sin¬

gle Cell Level 164

164 Rodriguez, Gerardo Ramirez, and Kempermann, Gerd: The Small Heat Shock

Protein b8 (Hspb8) Participates in the Neural Progenitor Cell Division 165

165 Rolletschek, Alexandra, Wiese, Cornelia, Kania, Gabriela, Navarrete-Santos,

Anne, Anisimov, Sergey V, Steinfarz, Barbara, Tarasov, Kirill V, Brugh,

Sheryl A., Zahanich, Ihor, Ruschenschmidt, Christiane, Blyszczuk, Prze-

myslaw, Heubacu, Jurgen F., Ravens, Ursula, St-Onge, Luc, Braun, Thomas,

BrOstle, Oliver, Boheler, Kenneth R., and Wobus, Anna M.: Signals from

Embryonic Fibroblasts Induce Adult Intestinal Epithelial Cells to form Nestin-

positive Cells with Proliferation and Multilineage Differentiation Capacity In

vitro 166


166 Rosowski, Mark, Tschirschmann, Miriam, Falb, Melanie, and Lauster, Roland:

Mesenchymal Condensation in Alginate Hollow Spheres 168

167 Salchert, Katrin, Grimmer, Mila, Kurth, Ina, Drichel, Juliane, Pompe, Tilo,

Bornhauser, Martin, and Werner, Carsten: Fibrillar Collagen Matrices to

Maintain Haematopoietic Progenitor Cells in Culture 170

168 Sauerzweig, Steven,Gunther-Kern, Anja,Reymann,KlausG., andBRAUN,Holger:

Generation ofNeurospheres from Adult Rat Bone Marrow Stem Cells 171

169 Schmelter, Maike, Wartenberg, Maria, and Sauer, Heinrich: Stimulation of Car¬

diovascular Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells by Mechanical Strain....


170 Schmidt, Anke, Sciieibe, Johanna, Stoll, Anja, and POtzer, Brigitte M.: Adult

Neural Stem Cell Specific Peptides Allow Targeted Adenovirus Vector-medi¬

ated Gene Transfer: New Prospects for Direct In Brain-Cell Therapy 174

171 Schneider, Marlon R., Adler, Heiko, Braun, Joachim, Kienzle, Beate, Wolf,

Eckhard, and Kolb, Hans-Jochem: Canine Blastocyst-derived Stem Cells Can

be Induced to Differentiate towards the Hematopoietic Lineage 175

172 Sciireglmann, Nina, Kleber, Susanne, Letellier, Elisabeth, Klussmann, Stefan,

Wiestler, Benedikt, Krammer, Peter H., and Martin-Villalba, Ana: Resist¬

ance ofNeural Stem/Progenitor Cells to CD95L-induced Apoptosis 177

173 Schroeder, Insa S., Rolletschek, Alexandra, Schulz, Herbert, Huebner, Norbert,

and Wobus, Anna M.: Analysis of Pancreatic Differentiation of EmbryonicStem Cells by Transcriptional Profiling, Real Time RT-PCR, and Immunocy-

tochemistry 178

174 Schroter, Aileen, and Thallmair, Michaela: Influence of Inflammation on the

Behavior ofAdult Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells after Spinal Cord Injury 179

175 Schwarz, Florian, David, Robert, and Franz, Wolfgang-Michael: Promoter As¬

sisted Labeling and MACS-purification of Cardiac Progenitor Cells from Em¬

bryonic Stem Cells 180

176 Sel, Saadettin, Schilling, Martin, Friebel, Katrin, Eiiricii, Dirk, Simm, Andreas,

Nakfiai, Hassan, Kalinski, Thomas, Hoppe, Carsten, Duncker, Gemot I. W.,

and Paulsen, Friedrich: Application of CD34+ Stem Cells and Bone Marrow

Cells Promotes the Healing of Corneal Ulcers 182

177 Stary, Martina, and Weitzer, Georg: Paracrine Promotion of Early Cardiomyo-

genesis by Parietal Endoderm Secreted SPARC and S100A4 183

178 Straube, Werner L., Weissert, Philipp M., Drechsel, David N., and Tanaka, EllyM.: Purification of a Serum Factor that Triggers Cell Cycle Re-entry of Dif¬

ferentiated Multinucleated Newt Myotubes 184

179 Thum, Thomas, Fraccarollo, Daniela, Schultfieiss, Maximilian, Froese, Sabrina,Galuppo, Paolo, Frantz, Stefan, Ertl, Georg, and Bauersachs, Johann: En¬

dothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Uncoupling Results in Impaired Endothelial

Progenitor Cell Mobilization and Function in Diabetes 185


180 Tiedemann, Juliane, Kasper, Grit, Tuischer, Jens, Matziolis, Georg, Perka,

Carsten and Duda, Georg N.: Mechanically Regulated MMPs Might Influence

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Behavior 186

181 To, Sarah, Keough, Rebecca A., and Rathjen, Peter D.: The Role of CRTR-1 in

Pluripotent Stem Cells 187

182 Tonack, Sarah, Rolli-tsctick, Alexandra, Wobus, Anna M., Fischer, Bernd, and

Navarrete-Santos, Anne: Expression of Facilitative Glucose Transporter Iso-

fonns in Mouse D3 ES and P19 EC Cells 188

183 Toth, Sara, Hegyesi, Hargita, and Falus, Andras: Up-regulation ofNanog in His-

tamine-deficient Murine Dennatofibrosarcoma Cells 189

184 Urbaniak, Thomas, Stachelscheid, Harald, Gerlach, Jorg, and Zeilinger, Katrin:

Proliferation of Hepatic Progenitors Isolated from Adult Human Liver in Co-

culture with Mouse Embiyonic Fibroblasts 190

185 Vafaizadeh, Vida, Bednorz, Nadja Lydia, Desrivieres, Sylvane, and Groner,

Bemd: The Contribution of Stat5 to the Regenerative Capacity of Mammary

Epithelial Stem Cells 192

186 Vassilieva, Svetlana, Bindloss, Colleen, Knowles, Katrina, Rathjen, Peter, and

Rathjen, Joy: Formation of Human Primitive Ectoderm-like (hEPL) Cells

from hES Cells 193

187 von Elsner, Sophie, Schmidt, Henning, and Schnabel, Ralf: Maintenance of Germ

Line in C. elegans Embryos 194

188 Wagner, Wolfgang, Wein, Frederik, Saffrich, Rainer, Faber, Anne, Krause, Ulf,

Seckinger, Anja, Benes, Vladimir, Eckstein, Volker, Maul, Holger, and Ho,

Anthony D.: Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Surrogate Model for the

Stem Cell Niche 195

189 Weitzer, Georg, and Stary, Martina: Morphogenesis in Embryoid Bodies? 197

190 Wulf, Annika, Eckert, Klaus, and Fichtner, Iduna: Differential Organ Engraft-ment of CD34+ Cord Blood Stem Cells in NOD/SCID Mice 198

191 WOnsch, Annegret, Habermann, Felix A., Klose, Regina, Zakhartchenko, Valeri,

Reichenbach, Horst-Dieter, Sinowatz, Fred, and Wolf, Eckhard: Analysis of

Epigenetic Reprogramming after Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Cattle Us¬

ing an Oct4-EGFP Reporter Gene Construct 199

192 Zeilinger, Katrin, Stachelscheid, Harald, Lubberstedt, Marc, Rossberg, Ingrid,

Urbaniak, Thomas, Knospel, Fanny, Neuhaus, Peter, and Gerlach, Jorg C:

3D Bioreactor Culture Technology for Expansion and Tissue-specific Differ¬

entiation of Stem Cells 201

193 Zietlow, Caroline, Ateghang, Bernadette, Sauer, Heinrich, and Wartenberg,

Maria: Cardiomyocyte Differentiation after Ascorbic Acid Treatment - Inves¬

tigation of Mechanisms ofAction 203

List of Participants


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